#Saw a post made by a white creator talking about aave and I made the mistake of engaging in it
edwardallenpoe · 2 months
white people stop talking for Bipoc challenge (impossible)
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“tiktoks just as bad as tumblr!” no tiktoks so much worse i go on tumblr and say “scrimbob my plobmlewikle” and 5 blogs reblog it, i post that to tiktok and i get 3 comments explaining how cool and edgy the commenter is for having seen my video, for being on the “scrimbob side of tiktok” and the joke gets run into the ground within a week until i am told to yoink myself off a plane for having even started the joke.
an artist on tumblr posts something with anatomy issues, they don’t become the new laughing stock of the week.* one tiktoker put the eyes a bit higher on their drawing and they are still made fun of, and was run off the platform entirely for reasons that had little to no backing. people mimicking their style in this awful manner, drawing nsfw content to pin to their name [keep in mind, they were maybe 14?], and when the artist was redug up from the grave of content tiktok has run into the dirt people proclaimed that their art had improved, not of the artists own voilition; but because of the harassment they received. that this was an example of bullying working.*
content on tiktok has the live span of a fly. it’s born, discarded and left to rot within days. discourses start and die before anyone can even give a full breakdown of a situation because the app is designed for shortform content. it’s algorithm is addictive and designed to be addictive. it works, as much as i hate it. and with how fast trends begin and die, entire music genres are cast aside as “tiktok music” and as “embarrassing to listen to”, entire art styles, fashion styles, lingo misappropriated from aave by white teens who overuse it to the point they deem it cringe*, and along with their no longer trendy niche micro trend, they toss it away. deem it weird. record people in public who wear it, record people in public who say it.* it’s a self sustaining ecosystem that only works to harm the teens who use it. i don’t blame the teenagers and tweenagers who use tiktok, who quote the sounds, who recycle the barely-argumentative arguments, i blame the app.
tldr i don’t like tiktok
footnotes as something added
*1 :it’d be weird for me to not talk about situations in tumblr, like the infamous rose quarts artist, who were run off the platform and harrased a few years back. however, i didn’t mention it as i’m trying to directly compare the modern versions of both apps. tumblr has a lot of issues. a lot, but in regard to the way they treat “bad” artists [not that there is such a thing, art is subjective and the only real bad artist in my opinion is an immoral artist] tumblr is a lot more loving towards them. bare minimum. when beginner artists on tiktok are regularly made laughing stock of the week, it discourages people. mutuals i had on the app discussed legitimate fear their art would be the next “rendering process” [the artist i mentioned]. that’s a genuine fear no artist, especially young artist, should have.
*2: tiktok’s ideas surrounding bullying genuinely terrify me. bullying is not something that works with exclusively positives, infact bullying only “works” when it’s perceived through the eyes of the harassers. not something i thought i’d ever have to explain really
*3: the last trend like this in particular i saw was from a white creator who said something to the effect of “im finna be in the pit” in reference to a harry styles concert . i think. idk what else to add other than i’m biased against harry styles . idk . it’s self explanatory really idk . white on white crime . also that tiktoker admitted to zoinking off her bird so i have no idea wtfs going on over there
*4: rude . that’s it also self explanatory
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dystopiandilfs · 3 years
I am never been so close to anti-stan then I am right now. Dreams Twitter fanbase started the biggest hate train on him because they themselves:
1. Took his inital tweet with the drugs comment as a race issue, like it was obvious that was not the intent or even the focus.
2. Got mad at his completely rational reply to a toxic Stan that used both white and adhd as an isult - the toxic Stan was saying his fanbase will dogpile them, well if you didn’t phrase your concerns in a toxic way in a public place maybe you wouldn’t be concerned about it. Like he empasised he had no intent to relate it to rap - and they see him say rap and fucking ran with it.
3. Got mad at him for disagreeing with someone generalizing his 23 million fans as anti-black, like even his stance on stans is entirely anti-generalizing, he literally denounced any that are in the same comment.
4. Bullied him into unprivating his account because they can’t share screenshots apparently.
5. Got mad a him for tweeting a fucking heart.
Then they turn around and blame the entire thing on the antis, like no. You blew it out of proportion and reacted like shit to everything he did. You are the problem. All the responses to his last tweet are “educate yourself and reflect” and “come back with a better apology” like no. He apologized when he shouldn’t have and you cyber bullied him. They are bloody proud of theirselves for “holding him accountable“ for something they misconstrued.
He needs to delete that stan video because they aren’t worth it.
First thing i want to say is that this post is going to be joint answered as evangeline is white so this is going to be answered by her and me as im half african half american. Normally evanageline would be voicing her opinions and adding ours in if we had any but as its a racism issue she didnt feel comfortable to voice only her opinions. However shes the one writing the post apart from this bit to keep up the consistentcy of the blog page. -Trinity (Basically Trin gave her thoughts using a voice note and I slightly edited it so the sentences were a bit more coherent and added both mine and the other admins opinions as Trin doesn't really use twitter unless it's through my priv account - Evangeline)
I will say that a lot of the fan drama that you see are a smaller group that is known to attack and harass Dream and anyone who disagrees with anything. Eventhough they are a small group they mass reply to everything and make themselves look bigger than they are. Not only that but the only thing they end up doing is overshadowing the original issue at hand which is fans harassing and being racist to eachother. So a lot of what I'm about to say is mainly what this group is doing and isn't at all a reflection of a lot of fans but it is something that needs to be talked about especially since a bunch of this groups members are either white or white passing but get mad on black people's behalf and is basically setting them up.
I don't mean to be rude or dismissive but a lot of people used this as an opportunity to trauma dump. Like I know going into horrible details about what you have to deal with is the only way to get the point across sometimes however harassing Dream and spamming him with stuff like "I was harassed because I'm gay" "I was doxxed because I was Asian" is lowkey weird. Like why are you telling this random guy on the internet that you were doxxed? What is he going to be able to do about it? Also not to defend Dream but how are you going to sit there and break one of his few boundaries whilst trying to educate him.
On top of that the issue was originally how racist some of the fandom are to black people but then other minority groups started talking about how they were also being stereotyped and attacked but all this is doing is talking over other minorities. For example a large group of fans started off talking about how they were being attacked by other stans because of their skin colour but then immediately started to harass and threaten others. Like some were clearly not being serious but dming people and update accounts to retweet and spread awareness isn't the move you think it is. Obviously a lot of them were genuinely trying to spread awareness and were trying to get the respect and treatment they deserve but all of that was being overshadowed by the few that were attacking and harassing creators and fans. Then a lot of it turned into minorites fighting each other over who was more oppressed which just makes the whole thing seem like petty drama.
I will say a lot of them were lovely. I am pretty uneducated on race based issues and how certain things effect people and can be racist so I was asking a lot of questions and most of them were nice. However I also got a lot of snarky ones like "google it" to questions that weren't general like "Is it mocking to call white people crackers and token white boy if you are a white person" or "is ______ considered micro aggressions"
However as usual it went from trying to educate your creators to who is the most oppressed and who can bring up more past drama that has already been addressed multiple times. I'm not being funny but the fact that some well known Dream antis were defending Dream and shitting on stans should really tell you how non productive this is. It went from "Hey Dream this comment is a bit weird can you delete it please" to "Dream you should stop being friends with this person and you should follow this person otherwise your racist" Like that's not helping anyone. The only thing that it's doing is breaking Dreams boundaries, setting Dream up and making stans look bad.
Like people were @ing Sapnap and George telling them to "collect the racist friend" like how is that spreading awareness. The whole thing went from being a good chance to educate to a big fucking joke that just made a lot of people upset and anxious.
Honestly the whole thing was pretty fucking hypocritical like you can't talk about being harassed whilst harassing people into hearing you out. A lot of the issues seemed really gatekeepy to me as well. One that I saw constantly get brought up was that the only people allowed to say dy*e were black lesbians as they created the word. Like a big topic was a misuse of aave but not a single person actual explained what it was or gave examples all I saw was "mcyttwt needs to stop using aave language it's offensive" like you can't claim to be educating people if you don't explain. Not everyone can access websites and caards that get linked because of regions or web rescrictions so they're not helpful either.
HOWEVER I will agree that a lot of their points were completely valid like the whole thing of "Feral Feb" over shadowing BHM and whenever Dream listens to rap people complain and call it bad music are two really good examples. I listened to a few twitter spaces to learn a bit more and things that were said in there was all good info that would be genuinely helpful to know and it really did help edcuate me however not a single tweet said any of it and that's why people don't understand what they're doing is wrong because nobody explains it.
A lot of the issues that people had with Dream were so weird as well like a lot of them were self oppression and turning normal things into racism. A lot of the issues had the same energy as the 404twt fans who were genuinely mad at Dream for having a colour that George couldn't see and they were harassing him and claiming that he was purposely excluding diasbilities.
Usually we would add more but Trinity got a bit upset and stressed so she had to stop answering various asks and the other admins are all white or white passing and don't feel like it's our place to put our own opinions. We will try to answer other asks with similar thoughts later - Evangeline
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