#Sawan of Second Week
baewriites · 1 year
Season of love [Nanami x reader]
just a little drabble i am not too glad about.
rimjhim gire sawan was the inspo. i headcanon nanami is a kishore kumar enthusiast.
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He loved the monsoon, perhaps added the soothing he craved, from nature herself. The sound of the raindrops filled the empty office as he worked overtime. The light from the screen highlighting his eyebags, the rainfall making it a tiny bit bearable.
He slowly walked towards the bus stop, he had about 15 mins left until his bus arrived. The blue umbrella covering him as he almost fainted from the tiredness. He looked straight at the bus stop to see it empty, probably because it was late. As he entered and sat, he heard footsteps from his right. When he looked there, he felt something different. A girl running towards the stop, totally drenched with a bag over her head which is like contributing nothing to protect her from the rain. Just this small thing made him genuinely smile in weeks, just for a second though.
He saw the unknown woman sit on the bench, totally not trying to look at her. Okay fine, but only a side eye. If anyone saw the scenery, they would think Nanami is quite a judgmental guy.
But in his eyes, he was star struck by the beauty of yours. How could someone look so beautiful just existing? It wasn't love at first sight but there was just something different about her.
He boarded the bus alone, feeling somewhat happy to go back to his home. And as the bus departs, his eyes met hers for the first time.
The overtimes became regular, he was pissed but didn't say anything as that might add to his wallet. One thing that this stress made sure was seeing you every time at that bus stop. At this point, even tho you two haven't interacted at all but not seeing each other at the bus stop, sitting at the two opposite ends of the bench felt weird, sometimes others accompanied you, somedays it was just you two. He always left before you and couldn’t help but feel a weird sense of euphoria everytime you flash him a small smile when the bus leaves.
You sat there, a little worried as your phone died. And you needed to call your mom. Sitting on the bench, your legs tapping the floor anxiously. Suddenly you hear a deep voice from your left. The blonde man you had a little crush on talked to you for the first time. Your heart was beating so damn hard.
"Hey... If you want you could use my phone, you know." he said, sounding a bit tired. Your eyes widened and you thanked him taking his phone.
Just after a few minutes later, his bus came and he boarded it. But he turned around and looked at you. He gulped and said, "You know maybe we could exchange our numbers? If you want?" You almost choked on your saliva, no way such a handsome guy asked for your number. You two exchanged your numbers. Maybe this was the reason poets and artists romanticised monsoon so much.
~Mehfil Mein Kaise Keh De Kisi Se Dil Bandh Raha Hai Kisi Ajnabi Se Haye Kare Ab Kya Jatan Sulag Sulag Jaye Mann Bheege Aaj Is Mausam Mein Lagi Kaisi Ye Agan~
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bestcareerprection · 2 years
These two signs will get Lord Shiva's blessings in the second week of SawanAriesPositive placement planets are going to bless you with a lot of good results
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bellasharifuddin · 3 years
The Day I Became a Mother
It’s been a while since I last post anything here, typing feels awkward as well. But this has always been a thing that I wanted to do since the day I’ve given birth, to document and blog about my pregnancy and my birth journey, so in 4-5 years to come when my memories fade, I can always come back to reminisce every detail that I keep here, like a memory capsule. 
The Day I Found Out I Was Pregnant. 
You know, when people say that when you have a strong intuition about something, trust your gut feeling, because it’s often true. Mirin and I have always talked about having kids, me wanting a baby so much within months after we got married, however, Mirin having second thoughts about it. We were both married for less than a year, sleeping on a toto without a mattress or a bed, living in the deep slum of Wangsa Maju area where the rats are larger than the cats. Hahaha. Naturally, given our circumstances, he’d want to take things slow. 
Fast forward to a couple of months, we went out for some steaks and karaoke on a weekend night. I told mirin to stop by Watsons, for me to buy a pregnancy test kit. Mirin didn’t question much, because occasionally I would randomly buy one, just for fun. But this time, I didnt just get one. I ended up buying three. Why? Because somehow, I had a strong feeling this time. I just felt... weird. It was a feeling that I can’t put it into words. 
We came home at midnight, I went to the bathroom too “pee on the stick”. Then I saw the first line... a few seconds later comes the second one. Oh my god. Okay. I knew Mirin was standing outside the toilet door, waiting. Eventually, I had to break the news to him. When I showed to Mirin, we both ended up hugging and crying. Was I happy? Was I in shock? Was I sad? Yes, a little bit of everything. Its funny that all you’ve wanted was a baby, then when it actually happens, suddenly you’re freaked out. Happy that its a blessing. Sad that it hits you without a warning. 
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When the morning sickness finally kicked in, I knew we couldn’t live in the current house. Its not the best place to raise a child. And the next-door neighbor was having major renovation that was super loud and noisy. After sleepless nights and searching for a new place, we eventually moved out. Bought our first bed, bought our first dining table, bought our first gas stove. A many of firsts. Soon we finally bought a baby cot from Ikea. We bought it too early. Although it was too early to put it up, but Mirin assembled it anyways. I could tell that he was excited. It was such a fun and exciting moment, for the both of us.
But those were the fun part. Like most pregnancies, the not so fun part about being pregnant was me being diagnosed with Pregnancy Hypertension during my 36th week of pregnancy. My blood pressure spiked up to 140/100 on two consecutive readings, and the next thing I know, that I’m sitting in an ambulance, on my way to Hospital Kuala Lumpur’s emergency building. 
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                     At Hospital Kuala Lumpur. Waiting for an available bed
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                  Mirin bought me the entire family mart food available xD
I spent 3 nights in their maternity wards, finally discharged after the doctor told me that I was clear to go. While I was in the hospital, it pains me to see new mothers struggling during the COVID19 pandemic. Throughout your stay, no visitations were allowed from anyone including your husband. If your baby cries or if you’re in pain, you’d have figure it out yourself. I remember praying to god while crying that I do not want to be induced there. The ward was stuffy and hot. There were too many people crammed in a room. It was hell. 
The Day That I Give Birth
One week after my discharge, we both went for my monthly checkup with my OBGYN at Pantai. Again, my doctor advised me to be induced tomorrow, since my blood pressure spiked again, and I was almost full term (38 weeks) so it was okay to go. She told me that “It’s best to get the baby out or else you boleh kena sawan” OMG Okay okay. So we packed our bags, ate sushi for dinner, slept soundly for the very last time, and headed to the hospital again at 9 am the next morning. 
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                         Induction day. We definitely overpacked haha
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       Arrived at the hospital lobby, did a mandatory swab test before entering
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Appointment card. Booked and paid for the accommodations prior to checking in
I was told to change into my labor robe (I’m not too sure what it’s called), and waited. When my doctor finally arrived, she then began to insert some sort of a plastic strip deeeeeep into my cervix. Ouch, that hurts. Okay, so that’s how induction works eh? Then I was given antibiotics into my IV drip too, since I was GBS (Group-B Strep) Positive as well. 
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                                Toilet selfie! Calm before the storm
After an hour, I felt the contraction. Initially it was uncomfortable, then it hurts like hell. The contractions felt like period pain but like a million times worse. Occasionally, Doctor Haslinda would come and check on my “bukaan”. Hours passed. 1cm... 2cm... 3cm.... when I finally said:
“Omg sakit sangat dah tak tahan, I want an epidural!“
Ok no, that was a lie. I initially didn’t want to take an epidural. I wanted to try and bear with the pain, but Mirin convinced me to take it, so after tossing and turning like a dying fish I finally said okay. 
The anesthesiologist came after what felt like an eternity, and asked me to sign a consent form. I’m not really sure what was written in that. Siapa je ada masa nak baca terms and conditions panjang panjang bila tengah contractions??? 
He told me to sit on the edge of the bed, while hugging a pillow. I remembered him injecting some numbing spray, then I felt the BIG NEEDLE poking through my spine. Then.. that was it. It was so fast. The entire process took only 5 mins. Was it painful as I thought it would be? No. Was it still scary tho? Yep hahaha.
Soon after, Dr Haslinda pecahkan air ketuban when I was 4cm dilated. It didnt hurt because I was on epidural, but I felt so much warm liquid flowing out non-stop. So bizarre. 
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Once you’re on epidural, you’re basically bed-ridden. No bathroom trips anymore, my legs feel like jelly. Sometimes the nurse will come to empty my bladder with a catheter. When the epidural kicked in, I could finally sleep. I slept like a baby. I slept for hours. Painless. No more feeling like a dying fish. And so I thought.............
3am. I woke up with INTENSE CONTRACTION PAIN. Why is it so painful? I thought I’m on epidural? I called the nurse straight away. Turned out the epidural drug ran out. It was sooo stressful because the nurse that was on duty that night didn’t know how to topap balik the epidural drug into the machine. She called her colleague, then the colleague also tak tahu. Then both of them spent like forever to troubleshoot how to use the machine, sampai lastly kena call doctor tanya. YA ALLAH, rasa macam nak maki je. 
7am the next day. Bukaan baru 7-8cm. Doctor decided to use another form of induction to speed up the process. It’s called pitocin, and injected through my IV drip. Within MINUTES, I could feel very intense and painful contractions, that the epidural can’t even help. So throughout the remaining 7cm to 10cm, I felt every inch of real labor pain. I clenched Mirin’s hand. So tightly that I think it got bruised. A minute felt like an hour, and an hour felt like years. It was soo bad that my memory was so fuzzy. 
Finally, it was 10cm. Time to go. They put both of my legs up, macam gambar bawah ni haha: 
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                                      Picture courtesy from Google
There were two nurses, one small cute Malay nurse, one pregnant Indian nurse, and my OBGYN, Dr Haslinda. I love them all, they were so supportive and nice to me throughout my labor process. My doctor taught me how to push correctly:
“Take a deeeeeeep breath then tahan, clench your fists, chin down and teran macam nak berak sekuat-kuat hati“
I was so determined to get the baby out. I just wanted the contraction pain to end. I did everything they told me to do. I hold on to Mirin’s hand, and PUSHHHHHHHEDDDDDD! I could hear Mirin saying “You’re doing great sayang!” After several pushes, and some sips of water breaks, the baby’s head is almost out. The head was the hardest to push. Besar! I literally felt like my down there was stretching to its limit. Once the head is out, I did another small push, and the rest of the baby’s body macam keluar instantly macam super slimy like that haha. 
Finally the baby is out! 8.26AM! The contractions stopped immediately. I instantly feel like I wasn’t pregnant anymore. The doctor then injected something on my thigh, then my uri just popped right out haha. My body felt so tired, but so so light. Lega, yay no longer pregnant haha. I ended up having second degree perineal tear without an episiotomy, and was stitched. I felt the benang, ngilu. I felt the needle pierced through my muscles too. But it didnt hurt so it wasn’t too bad. 
The baby gets cleaned up. Then soon all of the nurses left the labor room, it was just me, Mirin and our baby. Mirin picked her up, and azankan. Mirin started crying, I cried too. It was magical :’)
We did skin to skin and tried breastfeeding for the first time. As I look at her, hair was so thick. Her cute little fingers. Her beautiful face. She’s perfect. 
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                            I slept for 5 hours straight after the labor
Thinking back, I have no idea how I managed to muster such courage to go through all these. Mirin even told me that during the active labor stage, when I was pushing, at one point I pushed so hard that my entire face turned blue. Talk about adrenaline.
Do I want to have another baby? Well, lets keep a rain check on that question for another few more years to come xD
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tracingdreams · 5 years
Daiya no Ace: The Dramas - Special “They’re Doing an Interview!” Part III
An explanation��� To keep my brain from rusting I started a project to translate the drama tracks that came with the character song CDs and other stuff relating to Daiya no Ace (because I love them and they’re all hilarious). My disclaimer - I am not a native speaker of Japanese, but I will do my best!
Daiya no Ace Season II: Drama CD, Track 01: “They’re Doing An Interview!”(Part III of III)
This is a longer drama from a proper Drama CD, and so I have split it into three parts accordingly. The whole drama also has quite a wide cast <3.
Part III - Featuring Nori, Miyuki, Furuya, Sawamura, Kanemaru, Toujou, Haruichi, Zono, Kuramochi.
The story so far… Miyuki has brought some news to various members of the team that they’re going to be interviewed for a magazine. He’s already freaked out Zono, and has since panicked the first years as well. In order to prevent their nerves from taking over, Kanemaru, Tōjō, Furuya, Eijun and Haruichi have decided to run some practice interviews between them, to get a feel for what it will be like. Kanemaru has thus offered to play interviewer…
Kanemaru: Ok, here goes. (he clears his throat). Sawamura-senshu, I’ll ask you this question. (Translator note: senshu is a player or competitor, it’s often used as a polite suffix for sports people in Japan). About the practice game the other day…
Eijun: Practice game? A recent one?
Kanemaru: Yes. You were the starting pitcher, were you not?
(There is a long pause, then)
Kanemaru: eh?
Haruichi: eh? Eijun-kun?
Eijun: The other day, because I was so inexperienced and poor, I allowed a four ball walk for the first batter, and then I got the whole team into a pinch and I’m so terribly terribly sorry for creating such a negative trajectory! Right here I will apologise very VERY sincerely!
Kanemaru: Hang on a minute, Sawamura!
Haruichi: That’s not an interview, that’s an apology at a press conference!
Eijun: Huh? Ah. Sorry. I got carried away…
Tōjō: Well, you know, things like that are quite common lately.
Kanemaru: Just answer more normally, okay? Normally.
Eijun: I see.
(there are footsteps, and Nori joins the group)
Nori: Hey, you guys.
Furuya: Kawakami-senpai?
Eijun: Nori-senpai? What’s up? You look kinda down.
Nori: Well…I just heard from Kuramochi that tomorrow we’re being interviewed for a magazine…
Kanemaru: Ah, you’re being interviewed as well, huh, Nori-senpai?
Nori: Yeah. But I have no idea what to talk about.
Tōjō: You feel that way too, Nori-senpai?
Kanemaru: We were just discussing that subject ourselves.
Nori: Well, you know, it’s the first time, after all. Obviously, I’m kinda nervous.
Haruichi: Yeah, of course.
Nori: When I was in the first year, and I saw Miyuki being interviewed, I have to admit that I was a bit envious. I’d have been lying if I’d said that I didn’t want to experience the anxiety of having an article about me written and printed in a magazine. (Translator’s note – this is complemented by weird, alien-spaceish noises, and I am pretty sure these are Nori’s thoughts, rather than his spoken words, judging by the reaction).
Kanemaru: Nori-senpai sometimes goes off in his own world, doesn’t he.
Tōjō: Yeah, no kidding.
Eijun: It’s all gonna be fine, Nori-senpai!
Nori: Sawamura?
Eijun: If I think about Nori-senpai’s key skills, it’s the way that, whenever you take the mound, you do your own style of pitching and you are always so calm and level-headed!
Nori: Mm…
Eijun: And! The control you have pitching the ball from the side is absolutely unrivalled! If we’re in a pinch, we can always rely on Kawakami – that’s what the club Buchou (Ōta) always says and you have his complete trust! That’s the kind of guy you are! If you can make the most of that in your interview tomorrow, it will be no problem at all!
Nori: I suppose so.
Eijun: And also! If you’re asked about your personal profile, you can share your wide-ranging knowledge of J-Pop music, and your favourite foods are rolled up sushi and karaage! If you go with those things, you can’t fail!
Nori: That really helps!
Kanemaru: Sawamura really has a ton of stuff to say about other people…
Haruichi: He does. It’s really a kind of a talent.
Eijun: So! Shall we do a light interview rehearsal, then?
Nori: Rehearsal?
Eijun: In these cases the best thing is to trample down any stupid fears! I’ll be the interviewer, so Nori-senpai, please answer my questions!
Nori: Okay.
Eijun: (interviewer voice): In which case, first of all…regarding the recent practice game…
Nori: Practice game?
Eijun: Yes. In the ninth innings, when Seidou were level on points with the opposition, you were switched in as relief pitcher, Kawakami…but…
(there is a long pause).
Nori: Mm…I AM SO TERRIBLY SORRY! (Translator’s note – with all these loud apologies, I’m starting to feel like the pitchers all spent the weekend before watching Fruits Basket…)
First years: eh?!
Nori: In spite of the fact the team had got the points back to level pegging, with my weak pitching I brought the team into a pinch situation, and I broke the rhythm of the fight back! In that regard I wish to apologise very, VERY sincerely!
Kanemaru: Ah, this guy too…?
(The scene shifts to the next day. Everyone is together now. Well. With one exception).
Eijun’s voice as narration: And so, the next day!
Kuramochi: Hyahaa! Huh? Hey, come on you lot, hurry up! The reporters are already here!
Kanemaru: H…Hang on a minute! Am I okay, dressed like this? (he is in dirty uniform).
Tōjō: We’ve just come from practice, and we haven’t even washed our faces.
Miyuki: It’s fine, so hurry up and come! It’s fine to be wearing uniform, and we’ve just finished practice, so it’s only natural that they’ll be a bit dirty.
Nori: But there’s going to be a photo, right?
Eijun Hey, Furuya? When did you manage to change your uniform?
Furuya: I thought that it would be better without mud on it.
Eijun: That’s not fair! Miyuki-senpai! Can I go get changed as well please?
Miyuki: It’s too late! Come like that!
Eijun: BUT!
Haruichi: Is this everyone? Huh? Where’s Zono-senpai?
Kuramochi: Huh? Now you mention it, he’s not here.
Miyuki: That idiot, he’s a second year and yet…what is he doing, anyway?
Kanemaru: He’s coming.
Miyuki: (raises his voice): Oi, hurry up, and…(he stops dead. He’s seen Zono). Eeeh?
Zono (appears, breathing heavily like he’s run to join them): Sorry I’m late.
Kuramochi: Zono! What the hell are you wearing?!
Zono: This suit? This suit was handed down to me from my Dad. He told me to use it whenever any special occasion happened, and made me bring it to school with me. In order to be ready for today’s interview, I spent ages last night ironing it! What do you think? It makes an impression, right?
Kuramochi: An impression…well…
Miyuki: You know, no matter how you look at it, that’s not how a high school student dresses.
Zono: Really?
Miyuki: Zono, seriously, it’s an old dude’s suit, for heaven’s sake. It’s not something a high school student would wear! (Translator’s note: If Miyuki, aka the king of hoodies, is lecturing Zono on his fashion sense, it must look pretty bad…)
Kanemaru: It’s the kind of suit you often see professional players wearing in the off-season, in magazines and stuff, isn’t it?
Tōjō: More importantly, Shinji, why do you know something like that?
Kanemaru: *stiffens*, uh, well, you know, at home, we get magazines and stuff…I thought they were pretty cool, so I looked at them a few times.
Zono: Is it no good then? I thought it suited me…
Miyuki: Whatever, just go hurry up and get changed!
Miyuki’s voice – narration: And after that, the interview was safely completed. A few weeks later, a copy of the magazine in which our article was to be printed, Baseball Kingdom, arrived.
Zono: Hey, hurry up and show us!
Miyuki: Calm down! There’s plenty about you written in here too, Zono. Let’s see…’Maezono Kenta-kun, a young man who has a rough aura that belies his years, occasionally shows us glimpses of a very charming smile.’ It says.
Kuramochi: (hysterical laughter)
Zono: (insulted): Hey! What’s so funny? Isn’t it the fruit of all my practice?
Miyuki: Ah, a lot has been written about the first years as well.
Kanemaru: Wow, cool!
Tōjō: There’s several pages, too!
Haruichi: If Mum and Dad saw this, they’d be really happy, I think.
Furuya: I wonder if you can buy it in Hokkaidou as well.
Kuramochi: You should be able to?
Eijun: And me? What does it say about me?
Miyuki: Let’s see…huh? It’s just a little bit.
Eijun: Huh?!
Miyuki: Let’s see. ‘And also, in relief, a left-handed pitcher with a form that makes it hard to see the oncoming ball [at the plate], a first year who pitches moving balls – we’d also like to highlight the existence of Sawamura Eijun-kun. His bright and positive character, nicknamed ‘Idiot Southpaw’ (Baka-sawan) by the rest of his teammates, is his charm.’ (He’s sniggering as he reads it).
Eijun: (incensed): IDIOT SOUTHPAW??!!
Kanemaru: Huh? Now who was it who leaked that to the reporter? (Translator’s note: I bet it was Tōjō…)
Miyuki: Why not? IDIOTS are IDIOTS, right?
Kuramochi: Hyahaha! Because you’re BAKAMURA!
(The End).
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goodqueenaly · 6 years
House Words Wednesdays: House Botley
Welcome to House Words Wednesdays! Each week, I take a House without known canon or semi-canon words and present what I think could make sense as that House’s motto. You’re free to suggest more as well, if your favored House has not yet been suggested; take a look at this link to see what has already been suggested, and shoot me an ask through Tumblr if you have another House you’d like to see done.
House Botley is a noble House on the Iron Islands, with its seat of Lordsport being on the Greyjoys’ Pyke. It's unclear how long the Botleys have been around - they're not mentioned at all before the Greyjoy Rebellion - but by the time of the main series House Botley is certainly one of the more important lordly Houses of the Islands (indeed, House Botley is specified as one of House Greyjoy's main vassal Houses in AGOT's Appendix). The Botleys control the town of Lordsport, the largest and perforce most important town on the Iron Islands (though it tells you about everything you need to know of Old Way culture that, even as the largest town, Lordsport is half the size of Lord Hewett's Town, hardly the largest settlement in the Reach). Being a prominent settlement on Pyke meant that Lordsport was targeted by King Robert in the final stage of the Greyjoy Rebellion: Robert's forces sacked and razed Lordsport upon landing on Pyke, destroying the timber and wattle castle of Lord Sawane Botley. However, in the intervening years the Botleys have rebuilt, with a “small square keep” made of stone the first sight of Pyke to greet Theon in ACOK.
The Botley family, though, has seen its own share of divisions and troubles, far less easy to fix than a burned castle and broken buildings. Upon the death of Balon Greyjoy, Lord Sawane Botley proclaimed that Theon was the rightful heir to Pyke - for which Euron had him drowned in a cask of seawater (a move which twisted Aeron into condoning the actions of his most “ungodly” enemy). Sawane's brother Germund has proved far more willing to support the Crow's Eye, and got the Botley lordly title in return for swearing allegiance to Euron (although half the Botley lands were given to House Wynch, another pro-Euron family). As you might expect, Sawane's six trueborn sons were none too pleased by this development: while oldest son Harren died with Victarion's force at Moat Cailin (poisoned by a crannogman dart), second son Tristifer shouted Asha’s name at the kingsmoot, and later went into exile with her. Wex Pyke, bastard son of Sawane’s half-brother Sargon, may be doing the best of all his Botley kin, having escaped the Bolton massacre at Winterfell (unlike the two Botleys with Theon) and been taken in by Wyman Manderly for his knowledge of Rickon's whereabouts; we’re certain to see more of him in TWOW with Davos, among the Skagosi. 
For the Botley words, I chose Strengthened When Gathered. The Botley sigil being a shoal of silver fish on green, I thought it fitting that the Botley words should match. Alone, a fish can be small and vulnerable; in a shoal, a fish can be protected from predators, and can have a better chance of finding food and mates. The Botleys too are strengthened when many gather in Lordsport, boosting the town's economy and increasing the Botleys’ importance as masters of their port. Yet as the family has become divided and fallen apart, so the family’s strength has dissipated. Uncle Germund quite literally lessened the family's strength by divorcing himself from his nephews, with Euron taking half the Botley lands for a more eager supporter. The scattered Botleys - the two with Theon at Winterfell, Tris at Deepwood, Harren at Moat Cailin, Sawane’s other sons - have found themselves dispossessed, killed by poison and treachery or captured in a strange land far from their ancestral strength.
Let me know what you think of these words for House Botley. Next week continues ironborn Houses but jumps from Pyke to Harlaw and one of Lord Rodrik’s vassals.
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hudsonespie · 4 years
Lebanon's Prime Minister Charged in Connection With Beirut Blast
The judge leading the inquiry into the deadly explosion at the port of Beirut has charged four high profile Lebanese politicians with negligence in connection with the blast, including the acting prime minister. They join a growing list of more than two dozen Lebanese officials accused of failing in their duties in the months and years leading up to the disaster.
The devastating explosion on August 4 was caused by a cache of 2,750 tonnes of explosives-grade ammonium nitrate, which had arrived in Beirut in 2013 aboard the freighter Rhosus. When the owner abandoned the crew and the ship over unpaid port fees, Lebanese officials offloaded the cargo and left it in a minimally-guarded warehouse, adjacent to a cargo of fireworks. Six years later, it detonated, killing 204 people and destroying a large segment of Beirut's waterfront. The blast ranked among the largest non-nuclear explosions in history.
The newly accused include former Prime Minister and current Caretaker Prime Minister Hassan Diab; former finance minister Ali Hassan Khalil; former public works minister Ghazi Zeaiter; and a second former public works minister, Youssef Finianos. They have been charged of criminal neglect resulting in "the death and harm of hundreds of people," according to state-owned news outlet National News Agency. 
Diab's caretaker administration (largely comprised of the same individuals as the prior administration) has admitted that it was informed of the risks posed by a cache of explosive-grade ammonium nitrate at the port before the blast occurred. Reuters has reported that the prime minister knew of security lapses at the site and the need to conduct repairs at the storage warehouse holding the cargo - repairs that likely sparked the explosion. 
"The Prime Minister's conscience is clear. He is confident that his hands are clean and that he has handled the Beirut Port blast file in a responsible and transparent manner," Diab's office said in a statement Thursday. "Hassan Diab will not allow the premiership to be targeted by any party."
The lead prosecutor, Judge Fadi Sawan, plans to question Prime Minister Diab next week - the first time that this has occurred in a criminal investigation in Lebanon. Diab's office has not yet signaled whether it intends to cooperate, but the charges have the support of Lebanese president Michel Aoun, according to The Guardian. 
The three former prime ministers who were in office between the time of the cargo's arrival in 2013 and the start of Diab's administration in 2019 have not been charged.
from Storage Containers https://maritime-executive.com/article/lebanon-s-prime-minister-charged-in-connection-with-beirut-blast via http://www.rssmix.com/
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truehabtravel · 4 years
Top 10 Places to Visit in Bali
To enjoy your vacations with your family we have provided the list of the top 10 Tourist Attractions in Bali. From the majestic temples and historical monuments to adventure sports, there's everything in Bali Packages to offer to the travelers. Indonesia Travel packages help you discover the mustn't miss experience treasures of Bali. It has a wide range of tourist places that even a week-long vacation is less to discover the whole island. There are unlimited choices for sightseeing that especially covers the 10 best places to visit in Bali which are of traveler's interest & gives them beautiful stories to take back home. From scenic beauty to enthralling water sports activities, is what vacations in Bali all about. Explore the island country and give a halt to your curiosity as TrueHAB has penned down the top places to visit in Bali to make your Bali tour worth visiting. Have a look to know what will suit you the best on your tropical vacay for a memorable trip with the best Bali tourist attractions.
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 1- Sekumpul Waterfall
Sekumpul Waterfalls is the most beautiful and alluring waterfall in Bali. It is near Niagara Falls Lemukih, at a distance of 2 km. It’s a bit tedious task to reach this place because from the parking, you have to walk quite far away, down dirt road & hundreds of stairs, and cross the river. It is surrounded by 7 waterfalls and green trees that enhance its beauty more. The trek to the Sekumpul Waterfall offers an amazing view of the rainforest to its tourists which is filled with coffee and cocoa trees. It is the most scenic natural waterfall in Bali. It is situated quite close to the Lemukih Waterfall entrance. You can discover the surrounding areas and click photographs.
Things to do: Visit Lemukih Hills, Handara Gate, Bedugul Lake, Handara Gate, go for trekking, swimming.
Opening hours: 24 hours.
Entry fee: INR 142 per head
Location: Sawan, Lemukih, Sudaji, Sekumpul Sekumpul Village, Singaraja 81112 Indonesia
How to reach: Sekumpul is about 72 km from Denpasar International Airport. You can hire a cab to reach the waterfall. if you are going to the waterfall from Ubud, it will take around 2 hours by road.
 2-Nusa Penida
If you are looking for unspoiled nature in Bali, Nusa Penida may just be the perfect destination. An exquisitely beautiful island separated from Bali by Badung Strait, Nusa Penida is one of the best places to visit in Bali whether you are a photographer, explorer, or someone looking for a peaceful beach getaway. It has several Hindu temples and a score of lagoons and limestone formations with the tranquillity of nature. Besides, the high cliffs blanketed by green foliage and surrounded by turquoise waters are visually appealing. Away from the bustle of tourists, the island does not have many choices in terms of accommodations and eatables which is why it is ideal for an uninterrupted rendezvous with nature.
Things to do: Swim at Atuh Beach, Visit Diamond Beach, Teletubbies Hill, Kelingking, the T-Rex, Stay at Rumah Pohon Treehouse
Opening hours: 24 hours
Entry fee: Free Entry
Location: Nusa Penida, Nusa Islands, Klungkung
How to reach: The ferry ride takes about 30 minutes and should cost roughly Rs 808 to drop you to Nusa Penida
 3-Tanah Lot Temple
With a majestic setting of the unique shoreline and the sunset backdrops, this temple attracts a lot of tourists across the globe. With the waves crashing on the shore, this temple is located in the Beraban village of the Tabanan regency. Be it for witnessing the stunning sunset or admiring the temple with its astonishing architecture, Tanah Lot is the best place to visit. Another interesting feature is that one can visit the cultural park and enjoy traditional dance performances. As this temple was built as a part of the Balinese mythology it is said that the temple is guarded by venomous snakes from evil spirits.
Things to do: Stroll along the beach; sunbathe; watch the sunset; dine and experiment with the local cuisine, Surfing, and swimming.
Opening hours: 24 hours
Entry fee: Rs 292 for adults/ Rs 146 for children
Location: Jl. Tanah Lot, Beraban, Kec. Kediri, Kabupaten Tabanan, Bali
How to reach: Tanah Lot is about 45 minutes by car. Northwest of the main southern tourist areas of Kuta, Legian, and Seminyak is en-route for those heading to West Bali. From Ubud, it can be reached in about 30 to 40 minutes by car.
 4-Pura Luhur Uluwatu
Pura Luhur is built on a steep limestone cliff jutting over the sea. Famous for visits and known for its magnificent location and a stunning view of the sea, this temple has a breathtaking sunset background that is magical. You can marvel at the daily Kecak dance performances and the stunning Balinese architecture that make up the sea temple. It is situated 250 feet above the waves of the Indian Ocean making it an ideal spot for catching stunning sunset views. This temple is the worship place of a Balinese-Hindu deity and only a true Hindu follower can enter the second smaller temple inside.
Things to do: Explore the sunset delight from the cliff, daily Kecak dance performances, explore the traditionally-designed gateways, historic sculptures, and Balinese architecture, Seafood dinner at Jimbaran Beach while the sun melts down at a distance, the anniversary celebration that takes place every six months according to the Balinese 210-day Pawukon cycle.
Opening hours: 24 hours
Entry fee: INR 145 per head
Location: Pecatu, South Kuta, Badung Regency, Bali
How to reach: It is around 45 minutes distance from the Denpasar airport and Kuta area by road. You can hire a cab and visit the place.
 5-Nusa Lembongan
Nusa Lembongan island is where you will find no hawkers, no traffic, turquoise water, and a mushroom-shaped coral offshore that's how they introduce this small island located off the southeastern shores of Bali. It is part of a group of three islands that make up the Nusa Penida district, of which it is the most famous. Quickly becoming one of Bali's most popular attractions, this island paradise is a world away from the hassle and hectic pace of South Bali. Another island located close to Bali, Nusa Lembongan is an exotic location with unthinkable scenery laid out before you to witness. The island is famous for its rock formations, rich aquatic life, and virgin beaches. Whether you want to swim in pristine beaches under the warm sun, dive into the crystal clear waters, or capture the top-notch artistry of nature in numerous frames, Nusa Lembongan is a treasure box of vivid experiences. So if you are planning to take a day cruise on your trip, Nusa Lembongan is among the best tourist places in Bali.
Things to do: Surf at Mushroom Bay; go for diving, snorkeling, and/or cruise ride; visit seaweed farms; discover the hidden dream beach, Boat to Mangrove Park and explore the quietude
Opening hours:
Entry fee: Rs 3382 per head
Location: Jungutbatu, Nusa Penida, Klungkung Regency, Bali, Indonesia
How to reach:
A small town on the southwestern coast of Bali, Seminyak is known for its high-end boutiques and five-star restaurants among Bali tourist attractions. With a treacherous surf, it offers a perfect adventure with a panoramic background. Seminyak sits a little way along the coast from the famous Kuta Beach in Bali and provides a welcome alternative to its brasher and more crowded cousin. Seminyak has beautiful beaches where tourists can love spending their time. It has some good surf & you can rent a board here and ride the waves or just stick to swimming or sunbathing. One of the main reasons to come to Seminyak is to enjoy not only the beach but also the amazing bars and cafes. Here you will find a huge number of choices available which means that you will never go hungry or thirsty.
Things to do: Indulge in a cheap daily massage, watch the gorgeous sunset; shop; chill out at the pool parties; pose at Bali Trick Art Gallery; surf the seas; feel blessed at the Pura Petitenget temple.
Opening hours: 2 hours
Entry fee: Free Entry
Location: Kuta, Badung Regency, Bali, Indonesia
How to reach: Seminyak is about 30 minutes from the airport. You can hire a cab to Seminyak.
  7-Mount And Lake Batur
Also known as Kintamani volcano, Mount Batur is one of the most dramatic landscapes for sightseeing in Bali. With the glorious view of its 13 sq km caldera and a beautiful lake that fills the large part of the caldera, it gives a fantastic spectacle to the visitor. From the soft singing of the birds to the visual delight to the eyes with natural wonders, you can witness everything. While you hop up the trail you can push the limits as in the end the ascend gets rocky and is not for the faint-hearted. Also, this is one of the most adrenaline-pumping adventure sports in Bali that one must add in their travel plan.
Things to do: Visit Pura Ulun Danu Batur, and linger around the craters on the mountain, swim in the hot springs, ride a bike through the ancient villages, Trek to the peak before sunrise, soak yourself in the beautiful sunrise and have a breakfast of the eggs boiled in the volcano.
Opening hours: 24 hours
Entry fee: INR 2,300 per head
Location: South Batur, Kintamani, Bangli Regency, Bali, Indonesia
How to reach: The Ngurah Rai International Airport is located nearly 80 kilometers away from Lake Batur. From there you can hire a cab to the lake.
Lovina is the largest resort area on the north coast of Bali. The word is derived from the "Love" and "Ina" which is Balinese for "mother." It has Balinese-style villas with a private pool and beautiful ocean views. Its breathtakingly amazing Bedugul mountain range is what allows its tourists and compels them to admire their beauty. You can indulge in various activities like Dolphin watching, trekking to waterfalls, hot springs, and diving or snorkeling around Menjangan island, home to the best-preserved coral reef in Bali.
Things to do: Go snorkeling, scuba diving in the calm sea, take a spa, visit the hot water spring at Banjar.
Opening hours: 24 hours.
Entry fee: Free Entry
Location: Jl. Mas Lovina, Lovina Beach 81151 Indonesia
How to reach: By car, cab, bus. Cabs direct from the airport which cost Rs 2243 and takes about 3 hours. Ubud is a 2-hour car journey over the central highland range.
  9- Kuta Beach
Kuta Beach is one of the famous beaches in Bali and is much more than just sand and sea. It has become a commercial and social hub for the tourists. It is well known for its long sandy beach and great waves for surfing. It has a wild nightlife which is enjoyed by many tourists who never miss spending their time in its high concentration of bars, nightclubs, and hotels. It is also one of the best tourist destinations in Bali. You get enough time on the beach to indulge in various activities and to spend time with your family.
Things to do: Swimming, surfing, bathing, picnic, witness 3D trick art at Dream Museum Zone, visit Kuta Sea Turtle Conservation site, & watch Kuta Theater.
Opening hours: 24 hours
Entry fee: Free Entry
Location: Pantai Kuta, Kuta, Badung, Bali, Indonesia
How to reach: If you are coming from Ngurah Rai Airport, then it only takes 20 minutes to reach the Kuta beach. You can hire a taxi outside the airport & head towards the beach. You can reach the beach by bus, car, road, or ferry.
  10- Tukad Cepung Waterfall
Waterfalls may look bizarre, and you will understand it once you visit Tukad Cepung Waterfall on your Bali tour. The waterfall is surrounded by a high pass from 360 degrees, so the experience here feels like witnessing an indoor plunge. Certainly, the sunlight filters through the rocks, illuminating the waterfall and the pool below, making the place look more appealing. This place will sweep you off your feet with its unique features. To avoid crowds it is advised to visit this marvel of nature before 10 am.
Things to do: You can climb to its top and take some great shots, there is a temple to the right of the rock that you can visit.
Opening hours: 6 am - 5 pm
Entry fee: Rs 75 per head
Location: Jalan Tembuku, Kabupaten Bangli, Bali
How to reach: Cab or bike is the option that you can choose from to reach the place.
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bestcareerprection · 2 years
These two signs will get Lord Shiva's blessings in the second week of Sawan 
Positive placement planets are going to bless you with a lot of good results Singles are going to mingle Your previous investments are going to pay you good dividends
Will enjoy some quality time with your life partner You will get your stalled money Promotions and job appraisals are waiting for you
In terms of wealth and health, Negative results are waiting for you For a better career, try to opt for higher studies May face issues while selecting the best college for admission
To know more click on this link https://www.vinaybajrangi.com/horoscope/daily-horoscope.php
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annieboltonworld · 5 years
Juniper Publishers-Open Access Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources
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Statistical Method to Evaluate the Relationship between Climatic Factors during the Development Periods of Flowering and Boll Formation and Cotton Production
Authored by Zakaria M Sawan
This study investigated the relationship between climatic factors and production of flowers and bolls obtained during the development periods of the flowering and boll stage, and to determine the most representative period corresponding to the overall crop pattern. Evaporation, sunshine duration, relative humidity, surface soil temperature at 1800 h, and maximum air temperature, are the important climatic factors that significantly affect flower and boll production. There was a negative correlation between flower and boll production and either evaporation or sunshine duration, while that correlation with minimum relative humidity was positive. Higher minimum relative humidity, short period of sunshine duration, and low temperatures enhanced flower and boll formation. It could be concluded that the fourth quarter period of the production stage is the most appropriate and usable production time to collect data for determining efficient prediction equations for cotton flower and boll production, and making valuable recommendations.
Keywords: Cotton flower and boll production; Evaporation; Relative humidity; Sunshine duration; Temperature.
Cotton yield is a function of growth rates, flower production rates, and flower and boll retention during the fruiting period. Information on the relationship between climatic factors and the cotton plant’s ability to produce and sustain flower buds, flowers, and bolls will allow one to model plant responses to conditions that frequently occur in the field and to predict developmental rate or the formation of these organs. Understanding the impacts of climatic factors on cotton production may help physiologists to determine the control mechanisms of boll retention in cotton. However, weather affects crop growth interactively, sometimes resulting in unexpected responses to prevailing conditions [1].
Climate affects crop growth interactively, sometimes resulting in unexpected responses to prevailing conditions. Many factors, such as length of the growing season, climate (including solar radiation, temperature, light, wind, rainfall, and dew), cultivar, availability of nutrients and soil moisture, pests and cultural practices affect cotton growth [2]. The balance between vegetative and reproductive development can be influenced by soil fertility, soil moisture, cloudy weather, spacing and perhaps other factors such as temperature and relative humidity [3]. Weather, soil, cultivars, and cultural practices affect crop growth interactively, sometimes resulting in plants responding in unexpected ways to their conditions [4].
Water is a primary factor controlling plant growth. Xiao et al. (2000) [3] stated that, when water was applied at 0.85, 0.70, 0.55 or 0.40 ET (evapotranspiration) to cotton plants grown in pots, there was a close relationship between plant development and water supply. The fruit-bearing branches, square and boll numbers and boll size were increased with increased water supply. Barbour and Farquhar (2000) [5] reported on greenhouse pot trials where cotton cv. CS50 plants were grown at 43 or 76% relative humidity (RH) and sprayed daily with abscisic acid (ABA) or distilled water. Plants grown at lower RH had higher transpiration rates, lower leaf temperatures and lower stomatal conductance. Plant biomass was also reduced at the lower RH. Within each RH environment, increasing ABA concentration generally reduced stomatal conductance, evaporation rates, superficial leaf density and plant biomass, and increased leaf temperature and specific leaf area.
Temperature is also a primary factor controlling rates of plant growth and development. Burke et al. (1988) [6] has defined the optimum temperature range for biochemical and metabolic activities of plants as the thermal kinetic window (TKW). Plant temperatures above or below the TKW result in stress that limits growth and yield. The TKW for cotton growth is 23.5 to 32°C, with an optimum temperature of 28°C. Biomass production is directly related to the amount of time that foliage temperature is within the TKW. Gutiérrez and López (2003) [7] studied the effects of heat on the yield of cotton in Andalucia, Spain, during 1991-98, and found that high temperatures were implicated in the reduction of unit production. There was a significant negative relationship between average production and number of days with temperatures greater than 40°C and the number of days with minimum temperatures greater than 20°C. Schrader et al. (2004) [8] stated that high temperatures that plants are likely to experience inhibit photosynthesis. Wise et al. (2004) [9] indicated that restrictions to photosynthesis could limit plant growth at high temperature in a variety of ways. In addition to increasing photorespiration, high temperatures (35-42°C) can cause direct injury to the photosynthetic apparatus. Both carbon metabolism and thylakoid reactions have been suggested as the primary site of injury at these temperatures. Species/cultivars that retain fruits at high temperatures would be more productive both in the present-day cotton production environments and even more in future warmer world [10].
Zhou et al. (2000) [11] indicated that light duration is the key meteorological factor influencing the wheat-cotton cropping pattern and position of the bolls, while temperature had an important function on upper (node 7 to 9) and top (node 10) bolls, especially for double cropping patterns with early maturing varieties. In Egypt, field studies relating cotton flower and boll production to climatic factors are lacking. Cotton productions of field-grown plants are less sensitive to climatic fluctuations than production of greenhouse or growth chamber plants. For this reason, studies of simulated climatic factors conducted in the greenhouse or growth chamber cannot be reliably applied to field conditions [1]. The objectives of this investigation was to study the relationship between climatic factors and production of flowers and bolls obtained during the development periods of the flowering and boll stage, and to determine the most representative period corresponding to the overall crop pattern [12]. This could result in formulating advanced predictions as for the effect of certain climatic conditions on production of Egyptian cotton. Minimizing the deleterious effects of the factors through utilizing proper cultural practices will lead to improved cotton yield [10].
Data and Methods
Two uniform field trials were conducted at the experimental farm of the Agricultural Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Giza, Egypt (30oN, 31o: 28’E at an altitude of 19 m), using the cotton cultivar Giza 75 (Gossypium barbadense L.) in 2 successive seasons (I and II). The soil texture was a clay loam, with an alluvial substratum (pH = 8.07, 42.13% clay, 27.35% silt, 22.54% fine sand, 3.22% coarse sand, 2.94% calcium carbonate and 1.70% organic matter) [13].
In Egypt, there are no rain-fed areas for cultivating cotton. Water for the field trials was applied using surface irrigation. Total water consumed during each of two growing seasons supplied by surface irrigation was about 6,000-m³ h-1. The criteria used to determine amount of water applied to the crop depended on soil water status. Irrigation was applied when soil water content reached about 35% of field capacity (0-60 cm). In season I, the field was irrigated on 15 March (at planting), 8 April (first irrigation), 29 April, 17 May, 31 May, 14 June, 1 July, 16 July, and 12 August. In season II, the field was irrigated on 23 March (planting date), 20 April (first irrigation), 8 May, 22 May, 1 June, 18 June, 3 July, 20 July, 7 August and 28 August. Techniques normally used for growing cotton in Egypt were followed. Each experimental plot contained 13 to 15 ridges to facilitate proper surface irrigation. Ridge width was 60 cm and length was 4 m. Seeds were sown on 15 and 23 March in seasons I and II, respectively, in hills 20 cm apart on one side of the ridge. Seedlings were thinned to 2 plants per hill 6 weeks after planting, resulting in a plant density of about 166,000 plants ha-1. Phosphorus fertilizer was applied at a rate of 54 kg P2O5 ha-1 as calcium super phosphate during land preparation. Potassium fertilizer was applied at a rate of 57 kg K2O ha-1 as potassium sulfate before the first irrigation (as a concentrated band close to the seed ridge). Nitrogen fertilizer was applied at a rate of 144 kg N ha-1 as ammonium nitrate in two equal doses: the first was applied after thinning just before the second irrigation and the second was applied before the third irrigation. Rates of phosphorus, potassium, and nitrogen fertilizer were the same in both seasons. These amounts were determined based on the use of soil tests [13].
After thinning, 261 and 358 plants were randomly selected (precaution of border effect was taken into consideration by discarding the cotton plants in the first and last two hills of each ridge) from 9 and 11 inner ridges of the plot in seasons I, and II respectively. Pest control management was carried out on an-asneeded basis, according to the local practices performed at the experimental [13]. Flowers on all selected plants were tagged in order to count and record the number of open flowers, and set bolls on a daily basis. The flowering season commenced on the date of the first flower appearance and continued until the end of flowering season (31 August). The period of whole September (30 days) until the 20th of October (harvest date) allowed a minimum of 50 days to develop mature bolls. In season I, the flowering period extended from 17 June to 31 August, whereas in season II, the flowering period was from 21 June to 31 August. Flowers produced after 31 August were not expected to form sound harvestable bolls, and therefore were not taken into account [13].
For statistical analysis, the following data of the dependent variables were collected: number of tagged flowers separately counted each day on all selected plants (Y1), number of retained bolls obtained from the total daily tagged flowers on all selected plants at harvest (Y2), and (Y3) percentage of boll retention ([number of retained bolls obtained from the total number of daily tagged flowers in all selected plants at harvest]/[daily number of tagged flowers on each day in all selected plants] x 100). As a rule, observations were recorded when the number of flowers on a given day was at least 5 flowers found in a population of 100 plants and this continued for at least five consecutive days. This rule omitted eight observations in the first season and ten observations in the second season. The number of observations (n) was 68 (23 June through 29 August) and 62 (29 June through 29 August) for the two seasons, respectively. Variables of the soil moisture status considered were, the day prior to irrigation, the day of irrigation, and the first and second days after the day of irrigation [13].
The climatic factors (independent variables) considered were daily data of: maximum air temperature (°C, X1); minimum air temperature (°C, X2); maximum-minimum air temperature (diurnal temperature range) (°C, X3); evaporation (expressed as Piche evaporation) (mm day-1, X4); surface soil temperature, grass temperature or green cover temperature at 0600 h (°C, X5) and 1800 h (°C, X6); sunshine duration (h day-1, X7); maximum relative humidity (maxRH) (%, X8), minimum relative humidity (minRH) (%, X9) and wind speed (m s-1, X10) in season II only. The source of the climatic data was the Agricultural Meteorological Station of the Agricultural Research Station, Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt. No rainfall occurred during the two growing seasons [14].
Statistical analysis was conducted using the procedures outlined in the general linear models (GLM, SAS Institute, Inc. 1985). Daily data of the dependent variables (flowers produced and bolls retained) were regressed as linear functions of the independent variables. Simple correlation between the initial group of independent variables and corresponding dependent variables were calculated for each season and for combined data of the two seasons. The significance of the simple correlation at a probability level not exceeding of P < 0.15 was tested to determine the important factors affecting the dependent variables. The 0.15 level for significance was used according to Cady and Allen (1972) [15]. Multiple linear regression equations (using stepwise method) comprising selected predictive variables were computed for the determined interval and coefficients of multiple determinations (R²) were calculated to measure the efficiency of the regression models in explaining the variation in data. Correlation and regression analyses were computed according to [16].
Results and Discussion
Daily number of flowers and number of bolls per plant that survived to maturity (dependent variables) during the production stage of the two growing seasons are graphically illustrated in Figures 1 and 2 [12]. Observations used in the statistical analysis were obtained during the flowering and boll stage (60 days for each season), which represent the entire production stage. The entire production stage was divided into four equivalent quarter’s periods (15 days each) and used for correlation and regression analyses.
Independent variables, their range and mean values for the two seasons and during the periods of flower and boll production are listed in (Table 1) [12]. Both flower number and boll production show the higher value in the third and fourth quarters of production stage, accounting for about 70% of total production during the first season and about 80% of the total in the second season. Linear correlation between the climatic factors and the studied characteristics, i.e. flower, boll production and boll retention ratio, were calculated based on quarters of the production stage for each season. Significant relationships (< 0.15) are shown in Tables 2 and 3 [12]. Examining these tables, it is clear that the fourth quarter of production stage consistently exhibited the highest R² values regardless of the second quarter for boll retention ratio; however, less data pairs were used (n = 30 for combined data of the fourth quarter “n = 15 for each quarter of each season”) to calculate the relations.
Results obtained from the four quarters of the production period for each season separately and for the combined data of the two seasons, indicated that relationships varied markedly from one season to another. This may be due to the differences between the climatic factors in the two seasons; as illustrated by its ranges and means shown in Table 1 [12]. For example, maximum temperature and surface soil temperature at 1800 h did not show significant effects in the first season, while this trend differed in the second season.
Multiple linear regression equations obtained from data of the fourth quarter, for:
Flower production
Y = 160.0 + 11.28X1 - 4.45X3 - 2.93X4 - 5.05X5 - 11.3X6 - 0.962X8 + 2.36X9 And R²= 0.672**
Boll production
Y = 125.4 + 13.74X1 - 6.76X3 - 4.34X4 - 6.59X5 - 10.3X6 - 1.25X8 + 2.16X9 With an R² = 0.747**
Boll retention ratio
Y = 81.93 - 0.272X3 - 2.98X4 + 3.80X7 - 0.210X8 - 0.153X9 And its R² = 0.615**
The equation obtained from data of the second quarter of production stage for boll retention ratio
Y= 92.81 - 0.107X3 - 0.453X4 + o.298X7 - 0.194X8 + 0.239X9
And R² = 0.737**
R² values for these equations ranged from 0.615 to 0.747. It could be concluded that these equations may predict flower and boll production and boll retention ratio from the fourth quarter period within about 62 to 75% of its actual means. Therefore, these equations seem to have practical value. Comparing Tables 3 and 4 [12], it can be seen that differences in R² between the fourth quarter and the entire production period of the two seasons for each of flower, boll production, and boll retention ratio were large (0.266, 0.325, and 0.279 respectively). These differences are sufficiently large to make a wide gap under a typical field sampling situation. This could be due to the high percentage of flower and boll production for the fourth quarter.
Equations obtained from data of the fourth quarter explained more variations of flower, boll production and boll retention ratio. Evaporation, humidity and temperature are the principal climatic factors that govern cotton flower and boll production during the fourth quarter; since they were most strongly correlated with the dependent variables studied (Table 3) [12]. Evaporation, that seems to be the most important climatic factor, had negative significant relationship which means that high evaporation ratio reduces significantly flower and boll production. Maximum temperature, temperature-differentiates and maximum humidity also showed negative significant link with fruiting production, which indicates that these climatic variables have determinable effect upon Egyptian cotton fruiting production. Minimum humidity was positively high correlated in most quarter periods for flower, boll production and boll retention ratio. This means that an increase of this factor will increase both flower and boll production. Maximum temperature is sometime positively and sometime negatively linked to boll production (Table 3). These erratic correlations may be due to the variations in the values of this factor between the quarters of the production stages, as shown from its range and mean values (Table 1) [12].
Burke et al. (1990) [17] pointed out that the usefulness of the 27.5°C midpoint temperature of the TKW of cotton as a baseline temperature for a thermal stress index (TSI) was investigated in field trials on cotton cv. Paymaster 104. This biochemical baseline and measurements of foliage temperature were used to compare the TSI response with the cotton field performance. Foliage temperature was measured with hand-held 4°C field of view IR thermometer while plant biomass was measured by destructive harvesting. The biochemical based TSI and the physically based crop water stress index were highly correlated (r² = 0.92) for cotton across a range of environmental conditions. Reddy et al. (1995) [18] in controlled environmental chambers pima cotton cv. S-6 produced less total biomass at 35.5°C than at 26.9°C and no bolls were produced at the higher temperature 40°C. This confirms the results of this study as maximum temperature showed negative significant relationship with production variables in the fourth quarter period of the production stage. Zhen (1995) [19] found that the most important factors decreasing cotton yields in Huangchuan County, Henan, were low temperatures in spring, high temperatures and pressure during summer and the sudden fall in temperature at the beginning of autumn. Measures to increase yields included the use of the more suitable highoil cotton cultivars, which mature early, and choosing sowing dates and spacing so that the best use was made of the light and temperature resources available.
It may appear that the grower would have no control over boll shedding induced by high temperature, but this is not necessarily the case [20]. If he can irrigate, he can exert some control over temperature since transpiring plants have the ability to cool themselves by evaporation. The leaf and canopy temperatures of drought-stressed plants can exceed those of plants with adequate quantity of water by several degrees when air humidity is low [21]. The grower can partially overcome the adverse effects of high temperature on net photosynthesis by spacing plants to adequately expose the leaves. Irrigation may also increase photosynthesis by preventing stomata closure during the day. Adequate fertilization is necessary for maximum rates of photosynthesis. Finally, cultivars appear to differ in their heat tolerance [22]. Therefore, the grower can minimize boll abscission where high temperatures occur by selecting a heat-tolerant cultivar, planting date management, applying an adequate fertilizer, planting or thinning for optimal plant spacing, and irrigating as needed to prevent drought stress.
Evaporation, sunshine duration, relative humidity, surface soil temperature at 1800 h, and maximum temperature, were the most significant climatic factors affecting flower and boll production of Egyptian cotton. Also, it could be concluded that the fourth quarter period of the production stage (Sawan et al. 1999) [23] is the most appropriate and usable production time to collect data for determining efficient prediction equations for cotton flower and boll production in Egypt, and making valuable recommendations. The negative correlation between each of evaporation and sunshine duration with flower and boll formation along with the positive correlation between minimum relative humidity value and flower and boll production, indicate that low evaporation rate, short period of sunshine duration and high value of minimum humidity would enhance flower and boll formation. Temperature appeared to be less important in the reproduction growth stage of cotton in Egypt than evaporation (water stress), sunshine duration and minimum humidity. These findings concur with those of other researchers except for the importance of temperature [24]. A possible reason for that contradiction is that the effects of evaporation rate and relative humidity were not taken into consideration in the research studies conducted by other researchers in other countries. The matter of fact is that temperature and evaporation are closely related to each other to such an extent that the higher evaporation rate could possibly mask the effect of temperature. Water stress is in fact the main player and other authors have suggested means for overcoming its adverse effect which could be utilized in the Egyptian cotton. It must be kept in mind that although the reliable prediction of the effects of the aforementioned climatic factors could lead to higher yields of cotton, yet only 50% of the variation in yield could be statistically explained by these factors and hence consideration should also be given to the management practices presently in use.
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spicynbachili1 · 6 years
Miscarriages and malnourishment: The perils of pregnancy in Yemen | Maternal health
Abeir Mohammed* sits on the foot of her mom’s mud-brick home in Sawan, east of Yemen’s capital Sanaa.
She struggles as she searches for the phrases to explain the lack of her unborn baby on account of toxoplasmosis in July, this 12 months. 
Normally preventable, toxoplasmosis is an an infection brought on by a parasite typically present in cat faeces or undercooked meat, however that will also be transmitted by way of contaminated water.
Within the early months of her being pregnant, Abeir visited Omar Al-Mokhtar medical centre in Sawan, the place she was assured in regards to the wellbeing of her being pregnant.
Six months later, she could not really feel her child transfer. This was accompanied by persistent fatigue, ache and complications, which prompted her to return for a medical examination. 
When the centre mentioned she had miscarried, after an earlier misdiagnosis, her belief within the medical doctors waned. 
She travelled to totally different hospitals within the capital determined for an additional final result, however the response was the identical.
“I noticed the useless baby. One foot was incomplete,” she instructed Al Jazeera.
She underwent surgical procedure to take away the foetus from the womb at Al Sabaeen hospital. 
The lingering scars, she says, are a reminder of the trauma she endured, with out postnatal remedy. 
Unable to afford the price of the surgical procedure, 100,000 Yemeni rials ($200), she borrowed cash from family overseas.
Gynaecologists have warned Abeir towards getting pregnant for a minimum of six months.
“I might be have been useless if I went to hospital per week later as a result of my child’s physique was decaying and producing poison,” she mentioned.
It was her second miscarriage for the reason that begin of the Saudi-led coalition bombing marketing campaign in March 2015.
Physician scarcity
Deemed by the UN because the worst man-made humanitarian disaster, little is thought about Yemen’s moms and their newborns.
Aside from the bodily trauma, many endure from an unstated psychological anguish.
As a result of nation’s failing healthcare system, owing to the protracted warfare, expectant moms wouldn’t have correct medical assist. 
Specialised medical doctors have fled Taiz, Sanaa and medical centres as a result of they haven’t acquired salaries for greater than two years. 
With or with out monetary sources, girls search remedy in understaffed hospitals and are on the mercy of unqualified medics.
Widespread corruption, illness and relentless air raids, along with growing stress on current workers, have compelled hospitals to show to new graduates for assist.
However they’re technically unlicensed medical doctors.
“Some college students haven’t graduated from an authorised medical college,” mentioned Dr Youssef Al-Hadhri, spokesperson for the general public well being and inhabitants ministry inside the Salvation Authorities in Sanaa.
Unlicensed hospital workers work for paltry sums of cash. 
“The ministry doesn’t have numbers of [how many] unlicensed medical doctors working in Yemen’s hospitals, each public and privately,” mentioned Hadhri.
‘Docs did not know what they had been doing’
In the summertime of June 2017, Lamis Ali*, a 25-year-old from Taiz, was anticipating twins.
However one was exterior the uterus, often known as an ectopic being pregnant, and had a restricted likelihood of survival.
Lamis was overcome by lassitude for 5 months after the beginning of her son. 
She endured extreme belly ache, vaginal bleeding and poor blood circulation. 
“Docs didn’t determine the deceased baby exterior the womb, they did not know what they had been doing,” she mentioned.
It was solely after a go to to Dr Tawfik Mikhlafi’s clinic that she underwent surgical procedure at Al Sabaeen hospital in Sanaa to take away the stays of the useless foetus from her womb.
The worst case I’ve ever seen was of a mom bleeding profusely, however there was no blood on the blood financial institution. Her household was pressured to shuttle between hospitals to get blood for her.
Nasreen al-Haj, gynaecologist
At Al Thawra hospital in Sanaa, the odor of loss of life wafts in corridors full of mangled our bodies.
Nasreen al-Haj, a gynaecologist specialising in emergency Caesarean sections, says there’s a lack of apparatus, clear hospital robes, sterile surgical suture and mattresses.
“The worst case I’ve ever seen was of a mom bleeding profusely, however there was no blood on the blood financial institution. Her household was pressured to shuttle between hospitals to get blood for her,” she recalled. 
If girls cannot be cared for on the authorities hospital, they’re pressured to hunt personal care.
“Some households cannot pay for C-section emergencies. Some cannot even pay for normal checkups, beds and blood. They wait till they will afford monetary assist, and infrequently, it is too late.”
‘Sharp rise’ in maternal, toddler mortality
At the reproductive well being division within the Sanaa well being ministry, director basic Zainab al-Badawi says maternal and toddler mortality charges have risen for the reason that warfare started in 2015, after an earlier decline in 2013.
“Now, we see youngsters born with beginning defects, youngsters who’re low weight, and miscarriages are usually not unusual. Sadly, we do not have numbers on the maternal and toddler mortality charges. Although, I can affirm that in the course of the previous 4 years, there was a pointy rise.”
Naval and air blockades have restricted the movement of life-saving medicines, nutritional vitamins and meals provides. 
A couple of million pregnant or lactating girls are acutely malnourished. 
The United Nations warns that 13 million folks in Yemen are going through hunger, practically half the inhabitants.
“We won’t examine the large impression of Saudi-led aggression with the failure of the salvation authorities, the Sanaa-based Houthi authorities,” mentioned Hadhri, including the Saudi-led coalition has crippled greater than 430 well being services.
The unabated bombing has made it inconceivable for moms to journey to well being centres and hospitals in time.
Hadhri mentioned the relocation of the Central Financial institution of Yemen to Aden resulted within the discontinuation of the salaries of 48,000 well being staff.
Al-Badawi’s division in Sanaa well being ministry is chargeable for preserving information. She admits the aggression on Yemen has disrupted statistical work.
“Information cannot be despatched from most Yemeni cities, particularly these within the south after bridges have been bombed and the roads closed.”
Statistics was ready manually, however a scarcity of supervision, fund shortages and the ambiguous political and safety conditions in wartime have made it inconceivable to proceed.
*Title has been modified to guard the anonymity of speaker.
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from SpicyNBAChili.com http://spicymoviechili.spicynbachili.com/miscarriages-and-malnourishment-the-perils-of-pregnancy-in-yemen-maternal-health/
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qatarsoccernet · 4 years
Al Shahania: Facing a daunting task
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Clubs are continuing their preparations ahead of the resumption of 2019-20 QNB Stars League, with Week 18 matches starting on 24th July. The tournament, which had a long break due to the Covid-19 pandemic, will resume as per the general plan and protocol for the remaining five rounds. Teams are fighting to occupy the top positions, improve their rankings and avoid the ignominy of relegation.
The Qatar Stars League (QSL) website highlights each team and their preparations ahead of the resumption of competitions.
Al Shahania
Al Shahania, coached by Nabil Anwar who recently replaced Spaniard Jose Murcia, will play Al Ahli in Week 18 at the Al Sadd Stadium on 26th July, 2020. The kick-off is at 19:00.
Al Shahania are lying at the bottom of 12-team QNB Stars League table with 10 points. They have only one victory to show for their efforts, while they lost nine matches and drew seven. Their goal difference is -20, the worst by any team, having scored 17 goals and conceded 37.
Al Shahania had drawn 2-2 with Umm Salal in Week 17 on 6th March before the long break.
Following their first coronavirus test, held as per the protocol developed by the QSL in co-ordination with club authorities and approved by the Ministry of Public Health, Al Shahania squad members entered their team hotel and got engaged in training.
After their second coronavirus test, the players as well as technical and administrative staff signed a pledge to abide by the protocol for leaving team hotel for home quarantine.
Despite the departure of Tunisian Ahmed Akaichi and his strike partner Ali Ferydoun for Al Shamal after his loan spell, the core of the squad remains the same. Al Shahania’s four overseas professionals are Dutchman Nigel de Jong, Spaniard Alvaro Mejia, Iranian Ramin Rezaein and Ivorian Kesse Amanguoa.
Coach Nabil is also counting on Qatari players, such as Saad Al Sawan, Mustafa Jalal, Saleh Al Yahri and Abdullah Khaled Al Yazidi.
Al Shahania cannot afford to drop points in the remaining five games if they are to stay in the top flight, as nearest teams in the table, Al Khor and Umm Salal both have 14 points.
Al Shahania’s other remaining matches in the QNB Stars League are against Al Sailiya (Week 19), Qatar SC (Week 20), Al Rayyan (Week 21) and Al Khor (Week 22).
Source: qsl.qa
source: https://qatar-soccer.net/
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Our team are residing in opportunities where our company stay correct next to our neighbors and also our experts carry out not even understand their titles. Shravan Mahina, or even Sawan Month or Shravan Maas (July - August) is among the holiest months in a conventional Hindu schedule. I claimed that dealers on e-bay might only omit customers along with greater than pair sport-portal-2015.info of non-payment strikes in a month yet what I implied to mention was two in a year. Michelle Malkin created the Warm air System to bring psychical range-- because we all really love diversity - to the videoblogging world. Imbolc is famous February 1-2 (later on changed into Candlemas by the religion, as well as preferred now as Groundhog Day). Carpeting Hair shampoo is actually one including upholstery cleansers that are well-liked not merely for washing the actual upholstery from the seats when it come to vehicles, however additionally the carpet from the cars and truck. The one below is their video on Mount Takao, evidently shot in a various month.
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rudraabhishekpooja · 7 years
Rudra abhishek pooja -In Hinduism, each day of the week is dedicated to a particular deity or god – likewise, Monday is worshipped in honour of Lord Shiva. Shravan month is dedicated to Lord Shiva, and devotees who observe the Somvar Vrat during the Shravan (Sawan) maas known as Shravan Somwar or Sawan Somwar Vrats are said to have all their wishes fulfilled. Shravan 2017 began on July 10 will continue till August 7 for North Indian states who follow Purnimant calendar. While it starts from July 24 and lasts until August 21 for South Indian states, who follow Amavasyant calendar. Many Lord Shiva devotees also observe the holy Solah Somvar Vrat or fast on sixteen Mondays starting from first Somwar of Sawan month. It is said that Lord Shiva is easily pleased. Devotees especially unmarried women longing for perfect husband must follow Shravan Somwar Vrat Vidhi while observing the fast for Lord Shiva. Shravan 2017: Important Dates, Time & Significance of This Holy Month Dedicated to Lord Shiva.
Shravan Somwar Vrat or Monday fasting during Shravan is kept in honour of Lord Shiva – the God of Destruction and Transformation. One of the principal deities in Hinduism, he is known by several names and avatars. Devotees worship Lord Shiva as the Supreme Being to Mahadeva to Adiyogi Shiva to being within the Hindu trinity along with Brahma and Vishnu. It is widely believed that if Lord Shiva does not discriminate and quickly grants wishes to anyone seeking his blessings with a pure heart. Leading an ascetic life, Shiva or Mahadev is above materialism and easily gets pleased with simple offerings and puja vidhi. Here are simple fasting rules or Shravan Somwar Vrat Vidhi every Lord Shiva devotee must follow while observing the holy fast. Sawan Month 2017: Significance of Shravan Mondays And Interesting Facts on Why People Observe Fast.
We also do Udaka shanti pooja.
Shravan Somwar Vrat Vidhi for Lord Shiva
Shravan Somwar Vrat or Monday fast begins with the worshipper waking up early morning. After taking a holy bath and individuals observing fast should wear white colour. It is highly beneficial if the person can visit Lord Shiva temple in the morning and the evening while keeping Somvar Vrat. In case, visiting the temple is not possible, offer prayers to Mahadev at home.(Udaka shanti pooja)
Begin the puja with Abhishekam, meaning ‘to have bath’. It could be as simple as Jal Abhishek, which is pouring water on the Shiva lingam or Shivling. When Abhishekam is offered to Lord Shiva, it is called Rudra Abhishek. Doing Panchamrut or Panchamrit or Charnamrit Abhishek is also an excellent way to please Mahadeva. Panchamrut is prepared by mixing – Milk, Curd, Ghee (clarified butter), Honey and Sugar. The devotees can put a tilak of sandalwood paste on the Shivalingam and avoid using kumkum tilak (vermillion) for the shivling.
When pouring milk on the shivling as an offering, do make sure that it is not pasteurized or packet milk. Please make sure always to use ice cold milk. Also never offer coconut water to the Shiva Lingam. One may instead offer coconuts as Prasadam or prasad. White flowers are to be offered to Lord Shiva and on Shivaling but do not place champa (Plumeria) and kewda flower as they are said to be cursed by Lord Shiva. Tulsi patta (Basil leaves) must never be placed on Shiva Lingam. Bael leaves, or Bila Patra are believed to be Mahadeva’s favourite, hence always offer it.
In the evening a story related to Somavar Vrat is listened to or read by those observing the fast. There are many stories or Somvar Vrat Katha such as the story of a poor Brahmin gaining wealth due to Somvar Vrat. The second story is of a wealthy merchant begetting a son after long wait, and the subsequent death of the son and his rebirth due to the grace of Lord Shiva and Parvati due to Monday fasting. The third story and the most popular legend involves the game of dice played between Lord Shiva and Parvati.
Five is the sacred number of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva’s body consists of five mantras which are called ‘Panchabramans’. These are – Sadyojata, Vamadeva, Aghora, Tatpurusa and Isana. Devotees should chant Lord Shiva mantras such as – “Om Namah Shivaya”, “Om Tryambakam Yajamahe Sugandhim Pushti-Vardhanam, Urvarukamiva Bandhanan Mrityormukshiya Mamritat॥“, ”Om Tatpurushaya Vidmahe Mahadevaya Dhimahi, Tanno Rudrah Prachodayat॥“, “Om Namo Bhagwate Rudraay”.
Those observing Shravan Somwar Vrat can consume a single meal on the day after midday. Those observing partial Monday fast take fruits or Sabudana Khichadi. It is believed that the devotees should never consume what they have offered to the shivling as it brings bad omen, which may lead to loss of health and wealth.
Category : Udaka shanti pooja , Rudra abhishek pooja , Navchandi Yadnya pooja , Kalsarpa Shanti Pooja, Tripindi Shradha Pooja, tripindi shradha vidhi, Vastu Shanti Pooja
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Kalganna (Period computation) in India’s history Microscopic study of planetary motions in the tradition of India and Kalganna had been based on the speed of earth, moon, sun. The speed gap between the moon and the sun has been arranged by more month. In short, the different units of time and their reasons set forth as follows-
Day or Seven day: Earth moves 1600 km per hour speed on its axis, to complete of the cycle it takes 24 hours. 12 hours, which part of the Earth facing the sun is said day and who stays behind it said night. Thus, 12 hours earth’s early and 12 hours earth’s facing the sun. Thus 1 Ahoratr has 24 hora. It is like that English word Hour has taken from word Hora. Sawan day called as Earth day.
Solar Day: Earth orbiting around sun with the spedd of 1 million km per hour. 10 trends of the earth is called the solar day.
Lunar day or Date: Lunar day called as day. As Ekm, Chaturthi, Ekadashi, full moon, new moon and so on. While orbiting the earth moon 12 degree trend said to be 1 day.
Week: In the universe day of the week and order in accordance with the order which was discovered in India. India progressively depending on the distance from the Earth to determine the order of the planets, namely Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Sun, Venus, Mercury and Moon. In which the moon is closest to Earth and Saturn is the most distant of these. In this planets are Overlord for  one day or 24 hours or Hora. Therefore, the seven planets in order are Overlord for hour, the cycle lasts for 24 hours as it passed overlord of the planet will be the first hour of the next day and the day was named in his name. Universe were created from the sun, so the first day Sunday was named as a top over the other planets in the order.
We instinctively understand the sequence of the seven days by following table-
Paksh: 12 portions of the Moon to orbit the Earth to is called a date. New Moon, the Earth and the moon is between the sun. It said to be 0 (degrees). When moon going from 12 degrees to 180 degrees from the sun then it is called as full moon. Thus, the paksh from Ekam to full moon called as Shukl Paksh and and Ekam to new moon called as Krishna Paksha.
Month: For Kalgnna 27 constellation are considered (1) Ashwini (2) Bharani (3) Krittika (4) Rohini (5) Mrigshira (6) Ardra (7) Punarvasu (8) Pushya (9) Ashlesha (10) Magha (11) Purv falgun (12) Uttar falgun (13) Hast (14) Chitra (15) Swati (16) Vishakha (17) Anuradha (18) Jyeshtha (1 9) Mool (20) Purwashadh (21) Uttrashadh (22) Shravna (23) Dhanishta (24) Shatbhishak (25) Purv Bhadrapad (26) Uttar Bhadrapad (27) Revti.
The 27 constellation divided into four parts. Thus, a total of 108 parts. Nine of these parts shape have been named to the 12 zodiac signs, which are:
(1) Aries (2) Taurus (3) Gemini (4) Cancer (5) Leo (6) Virgo (7) Libra (8) Scorpio (9) Sagittarius (10) Capricorn (11) Aquarius (12) Pisces. The lines of this zodiac is fixed on earth, which is called Kranti. These Krantis are considered from equinoctial line 24 north and 24 south. Thus the sun in orbit comes in Zodiac cruises comes in the name of the Kranti is the solar mass. It usually is devoid of growth and decay.
Lunar Month: The constellation visible throughout evening and morning and moon appear up to perfection, the name of the lunar month depends on that constellation (1) Chitra 2) Vishakha (3) Jyeshtha (4) Ashadha (5) Shravan (6) Bhadrapad (7) Ashwini (8) Krittika (9) Mrigshira (10) Pushya (11) Magha (12) Falguni. So on that basis Chaitra, Vaishakh, Jyeshth, Aashaadh, Shravan, Bhadrapad, Ashwini, Krittika, Margashirsha, Paush, Magha and Phalguna are the name of Lunar month.
Uttarayan and Dakshinayan: Earth is tilted 23 degree in its orbit at the northwestern part. So from the equator 23 degrees north and south of  the sun’s rays fall perpendicularly. Sun rays fall perpendicularly called as Sankranti. In which 23 degrees north called as Tropic of Cancer and south is called as Tropic of Capricorn. Equator is called as 00 or equinoctial line. In which Kark Sankranti called as Uttarayan and Makar Sankranti is call as Dakshinayan.
Year measurement: Earth revolves 166000000 km long path around the Sun with a speed of nearly a million kilometers  per hour. It takes 365 days to complete this long path. This period was considered to be the year.
Era measurement: In 432000 years seven planets comes in one place. The combination of this period is stated as Kali Yuga. The two conjunction Dwapara, three combination Treta  and the four combination is said to be Satyuga. In Chaturyugi seven planets are in the same direction.
From Indian calculations the beginning of the Kali Yuga starts 3102 years before the birth of Christ on February 20 at 2 pm was 27 minutes and 30 seconds. At that time all the planets were in the same zodiac. In this context, Europe’s famous astronomer Bailey visible statement is- “According to Hindu astronomical calculation of the present world, the beginning of the Kali Yuga starts 3102 years before the birth of Christ on February 20 at 2 pm was 27 minutes and 30 seconds. Thus this Kalgnna done upto minutes and seconds. Further, Hindu says at Kali Yuga time, all the planets were in the same line or their Almanac tables shows the same. Calculations done by Brahmin fully confirms our astronomical tables. The reason no one else but this is due to the same outcome by direct observation of planets . (Theogony OF Hindus, B Bjornstjerna page number 32)
According to Vedic Rishis the current world is order of five system . Lunar System, Earth system, Solar system, Galaxy and Swaymbhu system. These are progressively orbiting system.
Manvantar measurement: When solar system complete one orbit of galaxy then that period is called as Manvantar measurement. Its measurement is 306 720 000 years. The distance between two Manvantar is equal to 1 Sandhyansh Satyug. Hence Sandhyansh including manvantra measurement is 30 Crore 84 Lakh 48 thousand years. According to modern values sun complete one orbit cycle of milky way in 250 to 270 million years.
Eon: Galaxy orbitting aroung Swaymbhu mandal or system. It means the galaxy orbitting over his galaxy. This period was called the Eon. This is a measurement 4 Billion 320 Million years. It was a day of Brahma. The big day, the big night, so the Ahoratra of Brahma is 8.64 Billion years. One year of Brahma is 3.1 Trillion 10 billion 400 Million years 100 years of Brahma or age of universe is  31 Neil 1 Trillion 40 billion years
By seeing the calculation of the known universe of Indian wisdom, Europe scientist Carl Sagan wrote in his book “Cosmos” that “Hinduism is the only religion in the world which is dedicated to the belief that the universe originated in a continuous and ongoing process of decay and that is a religion, which range from subtle to huge time measurement, from the normal day-night to  1 Bramha day of 8 billion 640 Million years is calculated, which incidentally is close to modern astronomical measurements. This calculation is greater than the age of Earth and Sun and they has longer measurement than that.” Carl Sagan called it a coincidence but it is based on solid planetary calculations. Thank you for reading this article. Please do not forget to follow me because next topic is Western and Indian Time Calculation difference that is Ancient Astrology.
Ancient Time Calculation Unseen Story (Part 2) Kalganna (Period computation) in India's history Microscopic study of planetary motions in the tradition of India and…
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