#Seb 🤝 May
standbyric · 2 years
YOOO SHE CHOSE SEEEBBB OH MY GODD 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Seb, even my cat loves you 🥹🥹🥹🥹
not my thumb still black from printing ink
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vetteldixon · 8 months
omfg dude im barely awake & just now realising it was a DREAM when i was watching new seb footage:
a bts video of him shooting an underwear ad?? he was turned to the side, other underwear model ppl either side of him, all just talking to their director ig. he’s in soft grey briefs looking… perky. and as i’m ogling, tryna get a good look at his ass thru the other ppl, he just starts rubbing at himself thru the fabric 😳😳 and getting even more. perky. like definitely half-mast.
furry seb hands, little gentle back & forth, filling out as he’s talking like it’s completely normal……… why was this a dream why can’t i go watch it again im devastated had to share with someone sorry/thank you jay 🙏🏻
the dbb blog may be lacking rn but apparently the depths of my subconscious are still thriving
ohhhhh yes thank you for sharing your vision 🙏 i can see it perfectly. stupid sexy exhibitionist seb who never leaves anything to the imagination 🤝 weirdo seb who simply Does Things while he's talking that are very abnormal but he just. carries on.
to add on to that i've had a Thought for ages about seb timidly hiring vlad to shoot some shirtless portraits of him just before he retires because he figures he'll never be quite that fit ever again and well...seb does enjoy showing off more than he likes to admit...so it's not exactly hard to talk him into taking it a step further and a step further to *waves hand*
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bapydemonprincess · 1 year
imagine them living apart too so sebas needs to relieve stress he calls or textx grelle and she comes running w hair stuff and maybe other things like food and movies and bath bombs!!! she has anxiety she knows whats UP!
Related to this
Yassss I headcanon Grelle is more on the ADHD spectrum than Autism like Seb, but STILL both beget anxiety aplenty and so they both hook up together, and in general Sebagrelle no matter the verse works so well together 🤝❤️🖤 soo it's bound that they may be disasters but they are disasters TOGETHER in this and will help each other no matter the situation. 😌 And thank you anon for the additional sweet headcanons about them!!! 🥰🥰🥰
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racingliners · 8 months
F1 Re-Watch 2013: Round 13 - Singapore
So I've been taking my sweet time in carrying on with my 2013 watch through bc a) following the 2023 season is eventful and b) I wanted to ensure I would have the proper time to watching Singapore in full because, for anyone who's new here, it is one of my absolute favourite races and on top of that it's a Seb win at Singapore so this race needed my undivided attention.
(also the race replay is two and a half hours)
I did watch this race at the time, and apart from Seb being iconic we also have the now-famous Webber-Alonso taxi ride, and my only other memory is Jev crashing out which 😭
fair warning I may go off about how pretty the track is, like, a lot:
Getting slightly triggered about Crofty talking about humidity after watching Qatar 2023, but we move on
*deep inhale* Singapore preeeeeeeeeetty 😍
So, starting grid overview!: Seb pole (🥰), Rosberg P2, Grosjean P3, Lewis P5, Fernando P7, Jenson P8, Dan P9, and Jev 12
Man, seeing Perez down in 14th knowing he won the race last year is quite the F1 whiplash.
Super Soft and Mediums are the tyre compounds for this race, and all but one driver (Sutil) are starting on the super softs.
oh. my. god. Seb's v sparkly helmet. I ADORE it.
[Formation Lap]: Aaaaaand cue the mad dash of mechanics and engineers running back to the garages.
"Let's go lesbians let's go!"
(am I talking about the mechanics, or the drivers on the formation lap, who's to say?)
(plot twist it's both)
oooh infrared camera on the tyres, love that
Seb's championship lead was over 50 points at this point in the season, please inject it into my veins at the earliest opportunity
[Start/Lap 1]: Rosberg leads into turn 1!!!
but he goes wide and Seb retakes P1
Also Fernando's up into P3, man's had speedy af starts since the dawn of time
[Lap 2]: whew the gap between Seb and Nico is already 1.9 seconds
argh Lewis has to give a place back to Massa for going wide, he's now P7
"Sebastian Vettel half a second quicker on this lap" THAT'S THE LION OF SINGAPORE BABY!!!
Lewis is running a non-yellow helmet but the camera isn't focusing on him for long enough for me to be able to tell what colour it is. It looks kinda pretty though.
(Stay tuned for more thrilling Helmet Watch updates)
[Lap 3]: oof Dan's down to P14 after starting P9
Current top 5 is: Seb, Rosberg, Alonso, Webber and Grosjean
With Seb having a 4.6 second gap over P2. 🏃‍♂️💨
Remember when they briefly called sprint race winners Speed Kings? That's Seb rn.
Gosh I will never ever tyre of watching the cars drive round Singapore, I really do love the track layout.
Every street circuit apart from Monaco wishes they were the Marina Bay Street Circuit.
Anyway, start replay! You can see Dan get bogged down, hence the drop in track position. Also Nico's start was pretty aggressive, had he not ran out of track he'd probably still be leading
oh, Lewis did the same thing to Massa as he did at Singapore this year 😭 (still love you mate don't worry)
[Lap 5]: "Remember there are safety cars out there, save your tyres" You can hear the mild passive aggressive 'Seb slow tf down' in Rocky's voice dvbjdfbj
He's 6.4 seconds ahead of Rosberg
[Lap 6]: Not much overtaking going on rn has to be said
[Lap 7]: Gosh I miss it when the cars had glossy liveries, they look so shiny under the floodlights
This is mainly why I have beef with matte liveries ngl
[Lap 8]: "Alonso P3 is holding the pack up" Singapore 2013 🤝 Monaco 2022: Bono calling out Fernando for on-track nonsense
I assume this is all to do with track gaps and pit windows and all those things I don't currently have the brain to do maths for
Oh I'd forgotten all about Seb and Mark's gearbox issues from Monza, they both have the same gearboxes in their cars rn
(I don't think we had any gearbox issues this race, but my memory of 10 years ago is obviously patchy)
[Lap 9]: Anyway, no change in grid order. The track is still pretty.
And a David Beckham sighing in the Merc garage!
[Lap 10]: Gap between Seb and Nico now just over 7 seconds
[Lap 11]: And Raikkonen is the fist car to pit, he takes another set of super softs
Comms and Ted speculating that with the tyre wear the drivers are reporting it's looking like a 3-stop race
[Lap 12]: An Alonso fastest lap, while Gutierrez and Jev pit
oof, replay of Lewis having a lock-up while chasing Massa
[Lap 13]: Rosberg with a 3.4 second gap over Alonso
[Lap 14]: Webber pits for mediums, Massa did the same a lap earlier
Jenson also pitted.
[Lap 15]: And in comes Alonso, also for mediums.
And Nico being called in to cover him almost immediately
Suddenly, Tom Jones
Anyway, traffic wise Alonso came out behind Di Resta, who's doing a great job at holding him up
[Lap 16]: and in pits Rosberg for mediums.
Merc with the double stack, Lewis has also pitted.
Top 5 currently: Seb*, Rosberg, Di Resta*, Fernando and Webber. Interestingly with Alonso being unable to pass Di Resta his gap to Mark is now only 1.2 seconds. (* = still to stop)
and cut to Maldonado v Perez v Hulkenberg for 11th
✨midfield spice✨
[Lap 17]: Seb with a 30 plus second gap over Rosberg, so he should retain the lead when he pits at the end of the lap
and he also takes on a set of mediums, and keeps the lead of the race
[Lap 18]: Di Resta remains the only car on track left to pit, Alonso still can't get past him
[Lap 19]: Seb is still doing Seb things, 8 second gap ahead of Rosberg
[Lap 20]: Make that 8.5
And Alonso is *still* behind Di Resta,
"These tyres feel terrible" "Message understood" The predecessor to "Bono my tyres are gone?" or are they genuinely shit? Lewis this is why I have trust issues
Helmet watch: finally a slow mo shot of Lewis, his helmet looks like it's all over silver which I love!!
(I absolutely will try and find pictures for my post-re-watch blogging later)
also also hi Merc pit wall!
[Lap 21]: After 84 years, Di Resta pits for his first stop
The top 10 is now: Seb, Rosberg, Alonso, Webber, Grosjean, Lewis, Di Resta, Massa, Jenson and Raikkonen
[Lap 22]: I don't know about you, but I'm feeling twenty-two...
(sorry, I had to)
[Lap 23]: Still not much racing going on
But Grosjean just set a purple first sector 👀
"We've seen a lot less driver errors this year" I fear an incoming commentator's curse now
[Lap 24]: And cut to Tom Jones sat with the Lotus mechanics
and in racing news, there's just over 4 seconds covering 3rd-6th place
And a Toto sighting in the Merc garage!
[Lap 25]: There's Dan in the wall at turn 13 😭
He's absolutely fine, the front end is ever so slightly dented as he was braking for the corner.
But there's are Safety Car
(also silly me for getting my Toro Rosso's confused)
[Lap 26]: and in come a whole bunch of cars to pit under the SC, though Seb, Rosberg and Webber have stayed out.
[Lap 27]: Can't say I have a lot of thoughts, I did manage to find pics of Lewis' helmet though! It's an early version of his white and red helmet design he ran for a good while, one of my favourites of his
[Lap 28]: Rocky giving Seb some restart coaching, bless
Alright I've restrained myself for long enough, the Singapore skyline at night is bloody gorgeous
[Lap 29]: "If Ted's been doing maths I want to hear this in full" I will give Crofty that one right
Ted's back! He thinks it's going to be a 57-58 laps race (ie hitting the two hour race limit before the full race distance of 61 laps)
[Lap 30]: SC in this lap!
"The radio failed when I talk" That's definitely something you want to hear mid-race 😬 (This was Rosberg hopefully talking to his engineer)
Anyway, looks like Seb's restarted!
[Lap 31]: Post SC pit-stops, the top 5 is: Seb, Rosberg, Webber, Lewis and Alonso
If we get a Lewis v Fernando battle I fear my heart may not take it
[Lap 32]: oof that's a lot of marbles on the main straight
Meanwhile, Seb is back to doing Seb things, 4.1 gap to Rosberg
Not Lewis thinking he'd ran over debris and asking to the to check his tyre pressures. stress.
I think he's fine
[Lap 33]: Seb fastest lap 🥰
"More collective groans from the sofas of the world" Respectfully Crofty, shut up.
Niki vibing at the back of the garage with David Beckham
oof Romain being told to pit because his engine is having a problem with air consumption??????
"What is wrong with this car" Great question mate
This is the most bizzare thing I have ever seen.
He's just sat there while a Renault engineer puts some air into the car.
Sheesh. He comes out in 21st.
[Lap 35]: Right, hopefully we don't have to do that again.
Also no I'm still not used to hearing GP on Di Resta's team radio.
Fun fact, super soft is the same in Italian as it is in English. This was brough to you by Andrea Stella's radio to Fernando
[Lap 37]: Seb has a 12 second gap over Rosberg. 🏃‍♂️💨💨
ooooooof replay of Gutierrez juuuust missing the barriers as he went off the track, well saved has to be said.
[Lap 38]: and just to add to Rosberg's woes he has a chunk of rubber stuck in his front wing, which is losing him a little bit of aero performance
[Lap 39]: ✨another Seb fastest lap✨
and a Lewis PB!!
Ahhh, RBR want Seb to build another pit stop gap in case he needs it. clever.
oh no Romain DNF :(
[Lap 40]: we're at 40mins left of race time.
Thankfully the TV graphics still have a lap count
[Lap 41]: Webber pits for another set of mediums
sounds like we might get another pit stop shuffle
[Lap 42]: and lo and behold in comes Rosberg, also pitting for another set of mediums
and he's jumped by Webber!
They're down in 11th and 12th but that will likely change with the cars ahead pitting.
Though there's a change Alonso (now P3) can go to the end
[Lap 44]: STOP THE RACE!!! JENSON IS P4!!!!!
also in comes Lewis , who also stops for mediums. He comes out in 10th
Okay now we can stop the race JENSON'S P3!!!!!
Seb also called into pit.
[Lap 45]: He takes on a set of super softs, and is clear ahead of Alonso in P2.
livery watch: god the glossy red Ferrari under the lights really does hit different, I miss it 😭
meanwhile Rosberg is arguing with his engineer about the strategy and whether or not he should be pushing or saving his tyres
this is all under the assumption that Fernando has to stop again when he technically doesn't have to.
[Lap 46]: Anyway I'm jus to going to stare at Jenson being P3 on the timing screen because I have MISSED IT SO
Perez is also running P5, McLaren have potentially pulled a blinder.
[Lap 47]: The slow mo shot of Seb in his sparkly helmet >>>>>>
[Lap 48]: The Merc pit wall realising they're going to have to overtake some cars since those ahead on track are trying to run to the end
since those guys (Alonso, the McLarens and Raikkonen) all pitted under the SC, it's not surprising that they're trying to stretch their second stint out for as long as they can
[Lap 49]: First Webber, then Rosberg get past Gutierrez who's on older tyres
aaaand as does Lewis. (Webber now P7, Rosberg P8, and Lewis P9)
[Lap 50]: It's quite fun watching this strategy stuff play out because at a regular track, it would absolutely favour the 3 stoppers, but with Singapore being a street track it's slightly more difficult to make it work
[Lap 51]: I find it hilarious that Seb going so fast is going to be the decider as to whether or not the race goes to full distance or the 2hr time limit. King shit.
(I love him your honour)
[Lap 52]: He has a 13.5 second gap over Alonso in P2.
"Lewis Hamilton is starting to gain on his team mate" *2014-2016 flashbacks*
[Lap 53]: Damn I wish I had snacks, watching Webber and the Mercs charge through the field is so fun
[Lap 54]: Jenson is still in P3 but I know he doesn't finish there :(
and Webber gets past Hulkenberg for P6!
and Raikkonen gets past Jenson 😭
it was fun while it lasted
Top 3 now: Seb, Alonso and Raikkonen
[Lap 55]: And both Mercs take Hulkenberg
Di Resta in the barriers, though not by much.
While that happened Webber got past Perez
[Lap 56]: ...and now Jenson
I am equal parts thriving and in the trenches
[Lap 57]: 🚨5 laps remaining klaxon🚨
and Rosberg takes Perez
oh Massa's here
and Webber's shortshifting issues have returned.
[sirens, gunshots, the distant sound of sobbing strategists]
Rosberg gets past Jenson, and Lewis gets past Perez.
[Lap 58]: And Lewis overtakes Jenson into turn 1
I have no idea where any of these guys are position wise. Damn the scrolling positions graphic.
[Lap 59]: and as I say that it scrolls back: Seb P1, Alonso P2, Raikkonen P3, Webber P4, Rosberg P5, Lewis P6
But Webber's just been told he has to nurse his car to the end
[Lap 60]: We've also got a 4 car battle for P8. Jenson, Perez, Hulkenberg and Sutil are all running nose to tail
And both Mercs take Webber in the span of a couple of corners.
[Lap 61]: Final lap!!
something about the duality of Red Bull drivers, the onboard with Webber does not sound healthy.
While Seb has 34 seconds over Alonso.
[Finish]: and SEB WINS IN SINGAPORE!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉
King. Shit.
Alonso P2, Raikkonen P3, Rosberg P4, Lewis P5, Massa P6, Jenson P7, Perez P8, Hulkenberg P9 and Sutil round out the top 10.
WHEW. That's probably one of Seb's most dominant wins ever. Which is like iconic as hell. And he drove so fast that we did make it to full race distance. I only really enjoyed the latter stages of watching the 3 stopper cars carve their way through the field. The nature of the circuit meant they had to work for it, and they were all really great overtakes.
So that was very, very fun. Next race - South Korea!
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ctrlemis · 2 years
asta the hades of the grp 😳 need a hades sei cael mai asta seb collab
asta 🤝 hades having all of their members and fans whipped😁🥰 vevila unnie line and eternia older members plus mai when🤨🤨🤨
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cangrellesteponme · 3 years
AAAA FRIEND YOU 🤝 ME MORE SEBAMEY SCENARIO FLUFF ALSO SEB'S SON CIEL ACTUALLY LIKES MEY RIN CAUSE SHES ALSO 1. A GAMER LIKE HIM???!! WHOA NO ONE ELSE DAD DATED WAS LIKE THAT 2. SHE MAY LIKE KITTIES LIKE SEB BUT SHE ALSO APPRECIATES PUPPIES LIKE CIEL UWU also her nature in general is just sweet and adaptable and she is comforting especially to such a stressed out boi like ciel 💖💙🖤 so they are a family now I am so sorry for spamming you an essay but seeing your tags on my post woke something up 😳
you 🤝 me
galaxy brain
Just imagine Seb dreading the day Ciel and Mey Rin meet, then he just sees them being nerds together and getting along just fine???? Joy.
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