standbyric · 2 years
YOOO SHE CHOSE SEEEBBB OH MY GODD 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Seb, even my cat loves you 🥹🥹🥹🥹
not my thumb still black from printing ink
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respectthepetty · 5 months
Pit Babe Colors Ep. 10
I'm challenging myself with this show and seeing how good my color skills really are, so I'm doing my normal thing of watching it double-speed on mute, but now, the captions are off also. It's just colors and vibes here. Also, people stay spoiling this show for me in their reblog tags on my posts, so I know Charles and Jeffrey made a dumb plan but I have no idea what it includes beyond Jeffrey going to Big Red's.
Hand over heart, I think Sonic is really pretty, which is why I haven't fully thought he is a baddie, but I need a reason for him refusing to wear blue! North gets it together every now and then, but Sonic? Boy, quit relying on that face and follow the damn color assignment!
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I'm missing something but I thought Charles and Barbara were fine yet here they are fighting, but Charles spidey sense is tingling, so something bad is gonna happen or will he have sex with Barbara like they did last week? And now the glasses are off! They better not have sex on this track.
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Barbara is racing?! Dean was racing last week! Was Dean informed of this plot twist? Did Barbara get healed having sex with Charles last week?
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You can take the red off the boy but you can't take the red out of the boy. You are acting so sus, Jeffrey! You had a full conversation with Charles and now you are just lurking in the background. Someone spoiled that he and Charles made a plan, but if the plan is murder, he is already failing at not being suspicious.
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Another hand-over-heart moment, I have no effin' idea what happened on that race track because there was so many blues then a car went off the track, and I had no real idea who it was, but I do know JEFFREY HAS SOME EXPLAINING TO DO with his suspicious ass!
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Big Red lives in the same place he has his cult meetings to show off his superpowered kids? Isn't there a rule of not having cult meetings where you spray your EIGHTY MILLION BONSAI TREES! That seems dumb and contradictory, but I'm not a mega villain so what do I know?
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Red is usually an emergency room color, but the red yelling at me as Barbie feels all the bad things that happen in an emergency room is a lot. Charles isn't dead because color-coded boys in love get happy endings, but Barbie is probably feeling everything right now and it probably sucks.
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"Don't be suspicious. Don't be suspicious." Jeffrey, you need to make out with Alan quickly to prove you're gay, because you canNOT do crimes, and are about to be in Kentana territory again. Whatever you and Charles planned, it was dumb and Barbie is now crying.
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KENTANA! Are you in on this too?!
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*Record scratch* Jeffrey went back to Big Red's with the dumb plan he and Charles cooked up involving Charles dying, yes? Yes! Kentana, as Big Red's whatever-he-is, knows of the plan, SO WHY IS HE BEING BEAT UP?! Kentana, break Kimberly out and run away to the beach together. Big Red doesn't even wear red! HE SUCKS! Leave!
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Stuck between the blue and the red, I see. A choice has gotta be made, Kentucky Fried Chicken. Wings or Thighs? Legs are not an option. Legs are reserved for the elite squad of Peter, Alan, and Kimberly. You don't get legs! (WHERE IS KIMBERLY?!)
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Barbie woke up in black. He has no man, but he has his powers, so either he is about to enter his rich widow era or he is going to go Kill Bill on these bitches.
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Horrible take. Awful take. The WORST take, but . . . if Waymond didn't decide to be bad, he would have been the perfect person to comfort Babe and ease Barbie's pain, pero . . . he had to be a little bitch instead.
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Oh, NOW you wanna follow the color assignment, Sonic. NOW?!
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Well, Jeffrey picked up your mantle with his not-all-black outfit and bright ass white-wrapped flowers. This isn't a wedding, Jeffrey! IT'S A FUNERAL! Jeffrey, a note from The Sign's Dr. Chalothon - FAKE IT! Sir, that empty grave is supposed to be your roommate and partner-in-dumb-crime, yet I haven't seen one single tear from someone who just lost their buddy. You're more sus than the entire cast of Dead Friend Forever. How does Barbara not suspect your ass with his spidey senses?!
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Damn you, Saltburn!
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KIMBERLY! AND HE'S IN BLUE! *sliding down the wall and sobbing on the floor* MY BABY HAS RETURNED!
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Wait! Pause! *squints* Why did Jeffrey bring Kim? And why to Alan's house? What in the Chuck E. Cheese is happening?!
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Alan, Jeffrey's roommate is quote-unquote "dead" yet you are living your best life. Can you try to be sad too or are you in on this plan and this is why Kimberly is now looking beautiful on your couch?
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The blue is between y'all, but just like Charles and Barbara having sex on every surface when Kimberly was being held hostage, do y'all have no shame? Making heart eyes at each other immediately after burying an empty coffin that was supposed to be Charles. Shame! At least pretend that Charles is dead! Or fill Barbie in on this dumb plan.
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Vegas' Hedgehog, you pretty bitch. I hate you.
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Barbie is watching the crash, and Jeffrey and Alan are playing footsie over Charles' quote-unquote "grave." But I already know I'm more upset for Barbie than he will be for himself because he'll forgive everyone for this bullshit lie in less than two minutes.
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Does Barbara think Waymond killed Charles?! He might be shitty, but he is backed by the blue. He ain't guilty! Go speak to your boyfriend's roommate and his new boyfriend, Barbie!
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Oh shit! I wasn't expecting you to actually go talk to them! Hold up! Is that blue on Jeffrey?! Does he actually not have anything to do with Charlie's quote-unquote "death"?
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Like I know shit is going down right now because Decanus sabotaged ANOTHER car *Pikachu face* but I don't think he is in on the dumb plan to "kill" Charles so . . . Kimberly wore blue this episode and Sonic is wearing blue (even though I think there is a shimmer of red there), and I'm crying in the club because this is all I wanted, and sorry to all of y'all, but the show could end right here, and I'd be happy.
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Oh no. My man is crying. I am no longer happy. I am in pain. Why is he crying so hard? Was Dean his best friend? His brother? This feels personal. Jeffrey, come give our man a hug! Right now! RIGHT FUCKING NOW, JEFFREY!
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Seeing Alan cry hurt way worse than anything else that happened. Charles isn't dead, so I'm just upset that Barbie has to cry and more upset that Barbara is going to be cool with whatever dumb plan Charles made without telling him, but Alan's tears were unexpected.
However, Sonic is back on his bullshit next week, so I can't stay in my feels too long.
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And I get to see Peter while someone fully commits to the blue.
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Oh, and we get to see the dumb-plan-that-made-Barbie-cry in more detail. *Arthur fist* Be upset at Charles for just one episode, Barbara. Just one damn episode, please. He didn't try to assault you like Waymond, but Charles has played with your emotions several times, and I just need you to knock 👏🏾 his 👏🏾 ass 👏🏾 out 👏🏾 too 👏🏾.
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hugogetsrawed · 3 months
A collection of all the Canonverse Varigo that I've enjoyed over the past three years. It is likely that there are a few missing due to them being deleted or my memory being poor. Nonetheless, pls enjoy.
Mature: +++ Explicit: *** Not Rated: 0
Teen/Gen: Not Marked
hello to my old heart by izabellwit
“Why do you trust me so much?”
Or: the beginning of the end for the betrayer. In which Hugo asks a long-overdue question, and gets the answer he never wanted to hear.
Say You Won't Let Go (I Won't) by DragonTalyn
Hugo needs some reassurance that Varian isn't going to leave
The Simple Act of Scraps Unraveling by @hybrix-hidings
There is a moment, on the trail to the library, where Varian realizes that he will love this man.
Or: Hugo and Varian enjoy a show, barefaced.
(Prompt #2 - Fireworks)
Snippets in Time by @sonicgetsrawed
Snippets of Varian’s adventures through the seven kingdoms to save his mother.
Darling you look perfect tonight by @the-reverse-mermaid
Hugo, Varian and Yong are invited to a winter holiday event in Nuru's kingdom, but one of them is having significantly less fun than the others… Hugo is already feeling insecure when a snobby noble decides to turn her nose up at him and make everything worse. Good thing his friends are there for him.
Small Chocolate Confections by @glitter-lisp +++
Sending Varian in to distract their target isn’t ideal, but someone has to keep him occupied while Hugo searches his room, and the duke made his interest pretty clear at dinner last night.
Hugo’s fine with that. Hugo’s very good at what he does, and so focused on the task at hand, and completely unbothered by the thought of Varian hanging out with a handsome guy who's probably feeding him fancy little desserts and talking about how rich he is while Hugo crawls around upstairs looking for loose floorboards and secret drawers.
Save Your Convictions (They Never Will Do) by @littlemisslol-fic
Varian and Hugo return to Corona after the events of the Varian and the Seven Kingdoms AU, with mixed reception. Turns out Rapunzel won't hold a grudge against people who slight her, but if they hurt her friends? And then show up still dating said friend?
Let's just say Hugo's got a storm coming.
The Dating Game by @littlemisslol-fic
In which Rapunzel, bless her heart, didn't know Varian and Hugo are dating, and thus takes it upon herself to find her darling baby brother a man of proper pedigree if it kills her. However, bloodlines aren't everything, and her choices are... less than stellar.
Darling, so It Goes (Some Things Are Meant to Be) by @littlemisslol-fic
My submissions for Effin' Varigo week! Big thanks to battybatzgirl for setting it up!
Hugo and Varian have been dating for three years, and are finally ready to take their relationship to somewhere a lot more serious. However, the world has other plans. With Hugo's proposal in shambles, and Varian focused on saving their friends, they think things can't really get any worse.
They would be wrong.
Prompts are Family ‧ Firework ‧ Fever ‧ Flirt ‧ Fight/Forgive ‧ Future ‧ and Free Day!
as long as it leaves a mark by @aziraphalesbookkeeper
For a guy who never takes off his gloves, Varian sure does lose them a lot. It’s not really the gloves Hugo notices though—it’s the scars underneath them.
Or: 5 times Hugo tries to take off Varian's gloves + 1 time he doesn't have to.
Whumptober Day 27: Scars AILESS Whumptober Day 9: Scar Reveal
We Carry Through by @aziraphalesbookkeeper
Adjusting to living in the castle with Varian is hard. Going from having nothing to having everything makes Hugo feel...twitchy. Luckily, there's one person who knows exactly what he's going through. Unfortunately, it's Fitzherbert.
Prompt: Family
The Touch of Sunlight by TheArtistsMuse ***
Varian was used to being kidnapped- as sad as that sounds- but he can always trust his friends to save him. Only this time was different, and now something is deeply bothering Hugo. Will Varian be able to get his secretive boyfriend to open up? Will they be able to figure out why he was taken?
... Will Varian be able to hide his very inconveniently timed sexual awakening?
meteor shower by @oshunalchemy 0
varian has a nightmare.
Wither and Decay by @eggmuffinwaffles
The Moonstone and the Sundrop were gone, the trials were completed, the Eternal Library was opened. Everything in Corona had returned to as close to normal as it could possibly get- but Corona seems to have a habit of attracting trouble. When old enemies arise, bent on her downfall, it will take more than just quick wit and luck to ensure that they fail.
My Head's Above The Rain and Roses by @eggmuffinwaffles
Whumptober Day 5: Every Whumpee Needs
Varian, Hugo, Nuru and Yong decide to go camping for the first time in a while after the trials. What could go wrong?
The answer is everything. Everything can go wrong.
Aka Part 1/3 of Hugo learning to like the TTS gang
Maybe if You Fixed the Whole World by Yourself by @eggmuffinwaffles
Whumptober Day 7: The Way You Shake and Shiver
Hugo had a really unfortunate habit of ruining his own life. It wasn’t intentional- if you asked him, he’d swear up and down that he played absolutely no part in causing his entire life to go up in flames, and yet time after time he would keep doing it. Funny how consequences work.
Maybe he was being a little bit dramatic.
Hugo finds himself being blackmailed by a noble at a ball, and gets help from an unexpected source
Part 2/3 of Hugo learning to like the TTS gang
Keeping Me Up At Night by @eggmuffinwaffles
Whumptober Day 29: What Doesn't Kill Me
Even a year after moving to Corona, sometimes Hugo's guilt finds itself creeping into his dreams. In the middle of an episode, he realizes he has more in common with Rapunzel than he thought.
Part 3/3 of Hugo learning to like the TTS gang
Turning Saints Into A Sea by @eggmuffinwaffles
Whumptober Day 25/Day 30: Silence is Golden/Note to Self Don't Get Kidnapped
Varian has to confront his jealousy head on when Hugo's ex finds herself back in Corona. Unfortunately her return might not be as innocent as she wants them to believe.
I Won't Let You Pull Me Down by @eggmuffinwaffles
Whumptober 2022 Day 16: No Way Out
Hugo and Varian get into a fight. Instead of handling it like an emotionally healthy adult, Hugo manages to go and get himself possessed.
Possession 2 electric boogaloo baby
Lessons in Luxury by @varibean
All his life, Hugo wanted nothing more than to live a live of riches and luxury. He had always failed to imagine what a change like that would entail. Real life was becoming too much like a fantasy and it was always the same questioned that brought him hurdling back to reality.
"Have you eaten today?"
Amalgam by @varibean 0
After relying on Ulla’s notebook to help them through their journey, the gang find that the next kingdom has little to no notes on where the next trial takes place. Their only clue is a location that might have a lead on where to go next. However, after a royal mess up on Hugo’s part, they’re left up the creek without a paddle. Not only are tensions high, but emotions as well. One thing was certain though: Hugo and Varian did not mix well.
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karniss-bg3 · 8 months
Where do you think Kar’niss got his sword? It’s a very nice sword. Not just some off the rack gear. And named as well—-
*drags palms over face* This effin’ SWOOOORD! It has haunted my nightmares since Kar’niss’ corpse first dumped it into my Tav’s lap. I’ve dug and dug and dug and I’m left with more questions than answers. Knowing my luck there is some obscure text or throwaway dialogue somewhere I’ve missed that might lend me a better clue. Damn you Baldur’s Gate 3, you’re too bloody big.
So, I began to write out this big blob of text going into the history of drow weaponry, hues of metals, in-game model comparisons, the stats on the damn thing, and so forth. I was out here looking like this guy for two hours.
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Truth is, it’s really difficult to pinpoint the source of Kar’niss’ weapon. Not because there aren’t clues, but because Larian reuses longsword models so much that looking at the weapon alone isn’t solid enough. I almost came to the conclusion that it was an original drowcraft sword pre-1370’s DR until I discovered another sword model that was identical and not tied to drow at all. That and if it was truly a drowcraft weapon forged via faerzress methods then Larian would’ve changed the rules on how they worked. Which makes sense. It’s a fun bit of lore, but it would be a pain in the ass for a game mechanic. Who wants their badass weapons destroyed or losing all magical abilities when you leave the Underdark?
“ME ME ME,” said no one.
The only thing I can say for certain is that it is a drow forged weapon because it carries a buff that only activates if a drow elf is wielding it. It also seems to be perfect for a drider since it also has ensnaring strands, an attack that does 1d10 slashing damage and possibly enwebs the target. This works in conjunction with the added 1d4 poison damage to restrained targets. The swords description may hold the best clue of its origin:
“The trauma of becoming a drider is quickly set aside with a cold arachnid dispassion. This sword follows that disturbing trend - a replenishing poison gland is built within, deployed only against trapped opponents.”
This description and the name, Cruel Sting, lead me to believe the weapon...was a gift.
Imagine Kar’niss fresh from his transformation. He’s dazed, in pain, lost and alone. He’s been exiled from the only home he’s ever known and has lost favor with the Goddess he’s worshiped from birth. His future is uncertain and how long he has left to live is even less so. His mind is shattered, the incoherent thoughts his only remaining company. He hears frantic footsteps approaching from behind him and his already broken heart shrivels more. His kin have come to finish the job, to put him down, so enraged by the offense he caused Lolth. Weak and struggling to keep himself upright he turns to make a last stand, to show strength in his final moments, to die with some level of honor.
His resolve melts into confusion when he sees who is sprinting toward him. The individual would be unknown to us, but well known to him. A childhood friend? A lover? A confidant? Or perhaps someone he fought alongside faithfully for many years. Regardless of whom has arrived a strong bond is present between them. They approach and peer at what Kar’niss has become. Their face twists, a brief flash of sorrow betraying their features. Yet they cannot let it remain, nor are they able to stay with him for too long. Instead, they unsheathe a sword they brought with them, hurriedly holding it up to Kar’niss. Naturally he flinches at first, expecting the blade to pierce his flesh. The strike never comes, rather the new comer pushes it toward him with urgency, expecting him to take it.
Hesitantly Kar’niss complies, taking the hilt in hand and admiring the beautiful drow craftsmanship. He frowns, his eyes lingering on the one who brought it to him, too stunned to speak.
“It will protect you, Kar’niss,” they said in a hushed tone. “...Goodbye, and good luck.”
Kar’niss could do no more than stand there as their former companion darted off quick as a shot, not willing to run further risk of being seen with the newly transformed abomination. He clutched the sword close to him, the last connection he had to the life he lived before. It would forever act as a reminder of everything he has lost, the cruelest sting of them all.
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owmylasagna-blog · 5 months
Ed is Thicker Than Mud
Warning: Character development arc may take a couple years to take full effect.
Some random musings on post-BPS Eddy growing pains.
You can also read it over on AO3.
Each mechanical tick of the outdated relic of a wall clock reverberating through the office makes his skin crawl. Wriggling uncomfortably, the naugahyde of the chair releases a series of unnatural whines of protest beneath the restless teen. Don’t they know precious moments of his youth are slipping away with every infuriatingly useless second spent shedding dead skin cells in this room? It doesn’t help that his jeans are still damp. He’s pretty sure his new sneakers are wrecked too.
If being detained wasn't bad enough, they’re probably on the phone with his mom right now, and he isn’t exactly looking forward to his folks tearing him a new one over tonight's chicken francaise. Just as he imagines the yelling match his mom and pop are gonna inevitably start the loose doorknob rattles behind him.
“Here we go,” Eddy grumbles into the collar of his long sleeve polo. He slumps down into the armchair.
The door groans on its hinges, open and then shut. Footsteps click in time as the middle aged man slowly makes his way around the office furniture and sits. All the while Eddy keeps his eyes planted on the linoleum tiles between the desk and his feet. He feigns disinterest as a manila folder and a few slips of paper are shuffled.
“So. Edward McGee…”
Eddy squints, not exactly appreciative of the pause for dramatic effect, nor the emphasis put on his last name.
“Would you care to explain why you're in my office, young man?”
“No ‘you don’t care’? Or no ‘you can’t explain’?”
In response, Eddy crosses his arms and slouches even further into the depths of the worn leatherette, the heels of his sneakers squeaking as they skid forward. The principal sighs.
“The silent treatment won't get you very far-”
“You know what I did.”
Boy was this interrogation a bunch of bologna.
“Yes, I certainly do. I’m well aware of the damage to school property you’ve caused, not to mention the cost required to repair it. What I want to know is why.”
“Principal Howard, I didn’t-”
“We’ve already heard your excuses. This is your last chance to plead your case as to why you felt it necessary to tamper with-”
“I didn’t tamper nothin’!”
Eddy shoots to his feet, looking the principal in the face for the first time. His heart thrashes against his ribcage.
“I find that hard to believe.”
Yep. Totally pointless.
The teen and the man exchange steely glares before the elder shifts his gaze behind the younger.
“Please sit, Edward.”
Rolling his eyes, Eddy parks his keister back down, resuming his previous slouch. He watches as Principal Howard leafs through the papers on his desk. Most are a familiar shade of detention slip blue, some more faded than others. It’s a suspiciously sizable stack considering he’s only been in high school for three months. Sure, his track record hasn’t been… great. He’s never been the morning type. Missing homeroom three out of five days in a week will do that. As does skipping out on a detention here and there. Compared to junior high, though, Eddy considers himself a freakin’ angel so far. Barring today of course… just his luck.
But the slips have Eddy curious enough to raise a brow at, sitting up a bit straighter in an attempt to sneak a peek. He’s caught off guard when the name written on the top edge isn’t his own. Well, not entirely. Eddy’s muscles flex with immediate recognition, flashing a fierce look up to find the intent gaze of the older man peering down his sizable nose through his glasses.
No ‘effin way.
“You remind me of your brother.”
Eddy sputters, feeling the air rush out of his lungs. It makes it hard to speak. His brain fills with static. It makes it hard to think.
“Wha- you- you can’t-”
How’s he allowed to say that?
“Before I became principal I taught at this school for many years. Don’t think I could forget a kid like that so easily. Bright, creative, one might say underchallenged, but misguided, difficult, trouble prone. Unfortunate really. I didn’t have much control of the situation then nor the authority. But things have changed, except for the fact that I’m tasked with ensuring another McGee boy doesn’t slip through the cracks.”
“Cool headed” is an accolade foreign to Eddy. It takes every fiber of his being to bite his tongue, stopping himself from spewing expletives that will land him right back in the hot seat for the umpteenth time. More than anything he holds back to prove that he isn’t anything at all like…
“Which is why I’m requiring that you join an extracurricular student activity effective immediately.”
“WHAT!? WHY?!” Eddy finally blows his top. It’s a relief to scream.
“You need discipline, structure, responsibility, teamwork - whatever it takes to preoccupy your idle hours.”
“Believe me, Teach, the mathletes don’t need me screwin’ up their squared roots or whatever.”
“Then choose something else that interests you. D’you like sports?”
Eddy shrugs. Lately, nothing really interests him. Let alone anything school related. Not even marathons of The Ed Sullivan Show or wearing out the grooves in A-tom-ic Jones can seem to pull him out of this slump. And he sure wasn’t jumping at the opportunity to get towel-whipped by the meatheads, that's for sure. The thought of the foot smell that wafts from the locker room like a thick miasma alone makes him shudder.
Eighth grade graduation, the start of high school, and the abysmal summer between them had been a strange fog. Beyond his two best friends, Eddy avoided the other cul-de-sac kids like a plague. Oh yeah, this was cruel ironing as Double Dee put it. All that time vying to get their attention? Ever since they got front row seats to his bro’s assholery on full display, they’d been acting real nice. Too nice.
The remainder of seventh grade, after the groundings ended, was filled with an unprecedented number of invitations to movie nights, birthday parties, and sleepovers. Even though he’d sworn off the scams it somehow felt like he still needed to perform every time he made an appearance. Suddenly, everybody wanted to get to know him more. And that scared Eddy: what if there wasn’t more? He felt he hardly knew himself these days.
“You have until the end of the week to decide, so start asking around. And when you do find a team or club, I will personally speak to the coach or teacher running it to ensure that you are immediately enrolled and actively participating. Do you understand?”
The principal receives a noncommittal grunt as a response. He’s more stern the second time.
“Do you understand, Edward?”
Eddy finally gives a reluctant reply, hoping that this is the end of the conversation and he’ll be off the hook.
“Yeah. Capeech.”
“Good. Because this sort rebellious behavior will not be to-”
“And it’s Eddy.”
The balding man blinks a few times, brows twitching.
“Well, Eddy, another stunt like today and I bring your parents in. Capeech?”
Having his own phrasing thrown back at him makes Eddy feel even more patronized than he already is. Which is saying something, considering this whole freakin’ ordeal feels like it was designed by the universe or some malevolent god to humiliate him to no end.
Double doors fly open when the compact teen barrels through. He’s moving fast, on a mission, so focused on getting as much distance between himself and this stupid school that he hardly notices the two figures sitting side by side on the stone stairs anxiously awaiting his release. The leaner of the two jumps to his feet, calling out through the bothersome crack his voice has acquired thanks to puberty.
He whips around, jabbing a finger square between Double Dee’s eyes. The taller boy flinches back at the accusatory appendage.
“I aint talkin’ to you, snitch! Let’s go, Ed.”
The eldest of the bunch complies to the command, joining Eddy by his side. Edd huffs, shaking his fists, and with an indignant stomp of his sneakered foot is hot on the trail of his two friends. Seeing as there is a nasty storm cloud over Eddy’s head Ed opts to not ask too many questions. Instead he shares the exciting news:
“Double Dee and me saw two squirrels fighting over a nut while you were gone.”
“Sad story,” replies Eddy, inflection flat as a sheet of paper.
Meanwhile, the speed walking boy approaching from the rear isn’t so quick to change the subject.
“Come now! You can’t seriously think my intention was to smear your academic reputation!”
Eddy keeps stomping the pavement, hands shoved deep into his jacket pockets, and rolls his eyes in disbelief. The balls on this guy…
“Eddy, please,” Edd pleads, finally gaining, “The entire first floor was flooded. Given my proximity I responded in a manner that anyone in their right mind would. Honestly, are you suggesting I had a plethora of options?”
“Bull! Ya coulda kept your big. Mouth. Shut.” Eddy snarls through gritted teeth, shoulders tensing up to his ears.
“And be a complicit bystander? I think not,” replies Edd with a pout.
“Why do you make it out like I wanted that to happen!?” Eddy spits back, keeping his sights focused on the cracked cement.
“Who says I’m blaming you? It’s causality. You flushed an entire cafeteria tray and its contents down the toilet.”
“Ain’t my fault the lunch sucked mega balls! And why’s the school got plumbing from the Dark Ages? You saw that casserole.” He throws up two skeptical air quotes, “Would have been better off eatin’ rubber cement.”
“I think I saw it move,” Ed adds excitedly, grinning ear to ear.
Ed had eaten his serving of casserole with much relish, though, not before dunking it into his trusty thermos o’ gravy. It’s too bad that Eddy turned down the offer. The mental image of the subpar cafeteria slop alone makes both Edd and Eddy’s stomachs churn, let alone the gusto with which Ed manages to devour it.
“Yes. Well. I must say I was glad to have packed a garbanzo salad sandwich today based on the looks of things,” the teen in the beanie admits, punctuated with a nervous chuckle.
Eddy can’t help but look his friend in the face despite the stubborn front he’s working so hard to put up. Edd’s got a small smile but otherwise he looks ill at the recollection of the foul lunch offerings, his tongue peeking out through the gap as it presses against the back of his teeth. The husky boy cracks his own smile and stifles snort at his pal’s pathetic expression.
“Food so bad, even the crapper couldn’t stomach it,” Eddy throws in just for a kick.
It works - at least he and Ed chuckle over that and Edd shakes his head incredulously - burning off some of the uncomfortable tension that has been growing since the afternoon. The trio continue walking a few yards in the direction of home, lulling their arguing for just a moment to the sound of gravely footsteps, rustling leaves, and the jingle of Eddy’s wallet chain thumping against his thigh.
Sidewalks aren’t exactly wide enough to walk together in a line so it's unavoidable that every now and then, if they don’t split off into a triangle formation, that they bump shoulders. Eddy feels his shoulder nudge into Double Dee’s arm, then awkwardly clears his throat and sniffles against the chill fall air.
“I thought you weren’t talking to me,” heckles Double Dee with a pretentious sideways smirk.
Before he knows it, Eddy feels the back of his neck burning. For that alone he gives the wiry and historically uncoordinated teen a solid shove, causing him to stumble over his own two feet and step squarely into a soggy pile of street gutter leaves. The feeling of cold damp permeating through his shoe upper and soaking into his sock makes the boy yelp and shudder in disgust, a shiver running up his spine.
“Wet!” Edd wails. He shakes his sodden sneaker like a cat that's stepped in water and skips to catch up.
Of course Eddy laughs at Edd’s theatrics, very openly, which just sets Ed off to join him. Reveling in his buddy’s harmless misfortune, Ed throws an arm over Eddy’s shoulder which the shorter teen roughly shrugs off.
“Very good. I’ve received my comeuppance.” Edd sighs, wincing as his sock squelches with every other step.
A few tsks of disapproval are made by Ed seemingly out of the blue. Edd and Eddy are surprised to see their happy-go-lucky Lump looking uncharacteristically forlorn.
“How sad it must be to be a squirrel without a nut. What cruel, hostile world we must live in where there are not enough nuts to go around.” Ed punctuates the thought with a heavy sigh.
“I’m lookin’ at a nut right now.”
“Oh yeah?” Ed perks up, head whipping violently in search of it as though he can rectify the injustice he’d witnessed.
“Yeah, TWO of ‘em!“
Just as he says it, Eddy’s fist finds its way to the tall redhead’s vulnerable groin with an empty punch.
Edd puts a bit of space between himself and Eddy.
“Fear not, Ed. Every squirrel has their day.”
“Good for them,” Eddy growls, his earlier gloating soured by envying, of all things, a fuzzy rat.
Seeing as his vapid positivity hasn’t exactly resonated with Eddy, Edd decides to take a more direct approach.
“So, what punishment has befallen you? Another detention.”
Eddy’s brows drop down over his eyes with a snarl. He sees a pebble a few steps ahead and when he reaches it gives it a good solid kick. It skitters wildly into the street.
“Disintegration?” Ed chimes in.
“I wish.”
“You’d make a fine puddle, you would.”
“Thanks, Ed,” Eddy rolls his eyes, shoving his chin down into the collar of his jacket.
He nearly jumps at the shriek-like sound of Edd’s gasp. It looks as though he’s doing a decent impression of that weird painting of the screaming guy.
“Good lord, please don’t tell me you’ve been… expelled!?” Edd can hardly say the word.
“No! Worse! I gotta join some bogus extracaricature.”
Double Dee’s hand flies, grabbing Eddy’s bicep. The sudden physical contact makes Eddy reflexively flinch.
“What a relief! You had me worried for a second.” An offended look on Eddy’s face does worry Edd and he realizes it’s because of the grasp he has on his arm. He swiftly releases it, putting his hand in his jacket pocket.
“Ah- A generously lenient outcome considering the extent of property damage. Participation in a peer activity? Hmm… Why, you could always join me on the junior debate team. What you lack in research skills you certainly make up for with your argumentative temperament.”
“Kill me already.”
Eddy sags under the weight of such a nerdy proposition.
“Oh, it wouldn’t be so bad.”
Craning his neck, Ed peers down curiously.
“Join me! We could always use a uh-” Ed pauses, counting on his fingers, “a third member on the team. You could even go by Mr. AV-Eddy.”
With a rough tug, Ed’s head snaps down to match his short-statured friend’s eye level, Eddy’s fist full of the pilling and frayed green jacket collar.
“Call me that at school and I’ll shove an 8 millimeter where the sun don’t shine.”
“NO way. Don’t even try it.” Eddy threatens before letting go of Ed.
“You got it, Mr. Cool Guy I’d Never Ever Call AV-Eddy, uh, sir!”
To show his deference, Ed removes his monobrow and swears it over his heart.
They keep walking. It’s about a half hour trudge back to the cul-de-sac, but it sure beats the torment of the public school buses. Bottom of the food chain means getting the crappiest seats, or worse even, becoming completely separated. Much better to brave the biting wind for now: Eddy’s ears and nose are already ruddy. Come winter they might reassess.
It’s hard not to think he might be cursed: born with the dark mark. Maybe somewhere down his family line there was some cardinal sin committed that’s the root to all this. If he has to place bets it was probably those damn pilgrims that sold Peach Creek to the Kankers, the lot of inbred nitwits. Eddy sorta gets why his brother is the way he is. He knows deep down his parents treated him different from the jump. That he’s had it better, at least in some ways. Despite his bad luck he’s technically the lucky one. But there is still so much he doesn’t know. Stuff that when he brings it up mom just starts blubbering. He won’t even bring it up with dad. So teachers thought he was smart?
Over the last year, Double Dee has fretted over Eddy’s drawn out silences. Just like the one now. He can’t help but read far too deeply into whatever might preoccupy Eddy’s mind so much to leave him speechless. A more contemplative and reflective streak could be good for Eddy. Except Double Dee knows from personal experience how quickly things can go south inside the echo chamber of one’s own thoughts. He chews his lip as the worry gnaws away at him.
“Eddy? Was there… anything else you wanted to talk about?”
Eddy sniffs his running nose again, scowling. He shrugs.
“S’nothing. Everyone at this school’s got it out for me.”
The feeling of a gentle hand between his shoulder blades makes the back of his eyes burn. Dammit. He blinks hard, sniffing even harder.
“Not everyone.” Double Dee earnestly assures. Ed wraps another arm around him in a lax half hug and this time Eddy doesn’t shrug him off. Instead, he leans in.
“Okay, okay. Fine. Almost everyone.”
And that’s good enough for him.
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writer here
🔪 (using the knife as a way yk it’s me) So TADC ep two is good also poor gummigoo I already miss him like my home room teacher who’s final day was today… WHY IS TODAY LIKE THIS… IM ABOUT TO EFFIN CRY SOME ONE HALP MEH
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rallamajoop · 1 year
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The Mysterious Saga of Ethan Winters' Severed Leg
So, we all know Ethan has a hand stapled back on in RE7 ‒ and that by RE8, he's advanced to first-aid-fluid-ing his severed arms back on himself with hardly a second thought. It's long since become the stuff of memes by this point.
What I did not know was that there's a scene back in RE7 where Ethan reattaches his own severed leg the same way.
I mean, effin' hell, did the rest of you all know this? Why did you not tell me? I have played the shit out of both these games, and I had no idea! Goddamnit, I just got done posting fic which is basically one long, slightly-pornographic laundry-list of every memorably-horrific canonical injury that poor boy receives, and I missed something as big as this?
(Mine you, I do kind of love how screenshots make it look like "You can use this to fix your leg. You can do it!" is just the item text that pops up when you pick up your severed leg again ‒ it's not, it's dialogue, but my god the image.)
Okay, so. For the benefit of everyone as blindsided by this as me: details!
Ethan Loses His Leg is a scene most playing RE7 will miss, because it happens only if Jack catches Ethan while trying to sneak through the trap door in the pantry, whereupon he'll sever Ethan's lower leg with his spade (yikes). Having done this, Jack will step back, produce a bottle of first aid fluid, and helpfully inform Ethan he can use it to fix his leg ‒ which (if the player acts quickly enough to pick up both items) Ethan will do. I've got to say, Ethan's "What the fuck?" reaction at the end does not even begin to cover the WTFery on display here.
So this is how I found myself legitimately preparing to write meta on the narrative significance of how Ethan Winters can reattach his own leg in an optional scene in RE7, FML.
No, look, fuck it, let's do this. Okay.
A lot of the online discussion of this scene revolves around the question of why Jack would go out of his way to help Ethan reattach the same foot he (Jack) just sliced off. But I think this misses the point: Jack's ultimate goal here isn't to kill Ethan, it's to make him join the family (that he may inadvertently end up killing Ethan in the process is just the sort of tough love you can expect from Daddy Baker).
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After all, Jack's perfectly happy to slice Lucas' arm off at his own dining table for a little misbehaviour ‒ why wouldn't he extend the same courtesy to his new 'son'? He's just trying to show Ethan all the crazy benefits he can look forward to as a new member of the Baker family!
The fact he lets Ethan think it's the magic-herb-juice doing all the work is probably just a bit of misdirection. Or maybe what's really in those bottles is some sort of fungal fertiliser. Or maybe this is all just the game doing a bit of extra tutorialising to make sure the player is fully aware of how important all that first aid stuff is going to be ‒ whichever you prefer.
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But what really gets me is that there's a disturbingly-strong case to be made that this scene (optional as it may be) should be considered not just canon, but Important Canon. The apparently-burning question of how Ethan could just assume that a little first-aid-fluid will magically fix his severed arm in RE8 comes up most everywhere the game is discussed online ‒ well, here's your answer!
Why? Because he's done it before! How did he know to try it then? Well, Jack told him! And in a world which apparently experiences a major zombie virus outbreak every other week, and in a house where Ethan's already seen people survive some wild and crazy shit, why shouldn't he assume it's this magic-herb-juice that's doing all the work?
But wait, there's more! Because Jack can also slice Ethan's leg off during the boss fight in the slaughterhouse!
He isn't kind enough to hand Ethan some first aid fluid this time though ‒ playtime is officially over by Boss Battle #2.
But wait there's STILL more! Because, I shit you not, Ethan can also lose a leg to the blade-wielding moulded enemies in the game.
The moulded aren't so accommodating as to provide Ethan with first aid supplies either, though if you do bring your own though, they will stand politely back wait while you glue your foot back on, which is all you can really ask.
Don't stock up too much though: if your inventory is full, Ethan apparently won't have the space to pick up his own severed leg. Yep, the leg counts as a key item that will take up space in your inventory, because however insane you already thought this game was, it's even wilder than even that.
But this all stands to reason. Given that this may theoretically be the second (or even THIRD) time Ethan has now lost that leg, tutorial time is surely behind us. After all, Jack Baker can't be expected to go easy on you while you (ahem) find your feet indefinitely.
(Thank you, I'll be here all week.)
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starfishthestarfish · 2 years
Late Night Devil [Part 3]
Police Officer! Seonghwa x Gangster!Hongjoong (Part 1) (Part 2)
Chapter Summary: Hongjoong's eyes traveled to Seonghwa lips, a perfect soft peach color inviting him to kiss. For some reason, he lately wanted to cling to him despite hating skin ship, kiss him without it being for sex. He knew he could and the older would let him, but he was aware he was beginning to develop feelings and that would worsen everything. Still, he couldn't get himself to ask him to stop meeting. He would miss his touch, his voice, his presence, his kisses, him.
Word count: 3.4k?
Chapter Warnings: NSFW/Minors DNI, drug mentions (as a business), guns, mentions of murder, anal fucking, idk if I’m forgetting smth, ok bye.
1. TAKE YOUR STUFF @hiimnicki05 x3 AND FINALLY
2. I know I disappeared for a whole effin month. ._. 3. I was unable to write the smut scene because I was so so dry. :,D
Seonghwa deleted the location in his phone sent by Hongjoong right after arriving at the warehouse. It was big and the entrance was already open, so he parked inside. He had arrived just on time, turning off the car. As he stepped out, he looked around. The place was full of boxes, but it still had some light coming in through the huge windows.
How many pounds of drugs do they have in each box...?
He stared in awe, curiosity telling him to check one out but preferring to not touch anything despite his gloved hands. He was so enraptured at the moment that he didn't notice the red laser pointing right at the back of his head.
"Got you..." Yeosang whispered, pulling the trigger.
"No!" Hongjoong's shout was covered by the sound of the bullet hitting a box, just as he managed to push to sniper away from its target. That obviously caught Seonghwa's attention, who pulled his gun out and looked at the platforms around the edge, close to the ceiling, which functioned as a second floor. "Damnit, Yeosang, that's exactly who I told you to not shoot!" Hongjoong told his marksman who now lowered his weapon.
"You omitted the part where he would arrive in a police car. Armed. And about him being a police officer." Yeosang said in disbelief.
"I didn't want you all to freak out. Now leave." He told him, ready to head towards the stairs.
"I don't think it's a good idea for you to stay alone with a-"
"I said leave," Hongjoong repeated, looking back at him with a cold stare. Yeosang sighed before walking right behind him as they both went down the stairs, Yeosang heading straight out and Hongjoong towards Seonghwa. Seonghwa saved his gun after everything had calmed down.
"...you forgot to say some important details, apparently," Seonghwa murmured, having overheard their small conversation.
"He's just doing his job," Hongjoong answered, leaning against the car's front hood. Seonghwa joins him, choosing to sit over it instead.
"Where do you get all this?" He asked, looking around.
"Primary sector. Cheap and abundant." He answered proudly, nodding.
"How much is it?" Seonghwa looked at him.
"Enough to overdose half the city." He joked.
"Do you consume it?"
"Hell no, haven't you seen Tony Montana?" He looked back at Seonghwa with disgust, who chuckled at his words.
"How did you get involved in all this...?" He asked. Hongjoong was silent for an instant, and that made Seonghwa think that he should just evade the theme.
"Family business." Hongjoong finally answered.
"Family...? I don't recall any relative of yours with an arrest warrant."
"They managed things differently. I was the first to step out." Hongjoong said.
They stayed silent for a while after that, both stuck in their own thoughts. After all, Hongjoong wasn't one to talk that much, and Seonghwa didn't have anything else to say more than questions.
Hongjoong then climbed on top of the car's hood, sitting down beside the older boy. He stared at him while the other kept looking around, taking in the beautiful features. His eyes looked lost, and that's when he noticed just how much was Seonghwa risking in doing this. He was compromising his job and his freedom, because they would surely arrest him for not arresting the criminal earlier. Hongjoong didn't want to ask why exactly was he doing it, afraid of an answer he didn't want to hear. Eventually, their meetings would come to an end and Seonghwa would go back to his job as well as Hongjoong back to his own.
His eyes traveled to his lips, a perfect soft peach color inviting him to kiss. For some reason, he lately wanted to cling to him despite hating skin ship, kiss him without it being for sex. He knew he could and the older would let him, but he was aware he was beginning to develop feelings and that would worsen everything. Still, he couldn't get himself to ask him to stop meeting. He would miss his touch, his voice, his presence, his kisses, him.
It was useless to go back now, he just had to wait for their meetings to come to an end and he wasn't going to be the one to end them even though his subconscious told him Seonghwa wouldn't end them either.
"What are you thinking of?" Seonghwa interrupted his thoughts when he noticed his lost stare at him. Hongjoong shook his head slightly, erasing the remaining ideas in his head before smiling at him.
"Nothing... are we gonna fuck or not?" He asked, tilting his head to a side. Seonghwa let out a small laugh before getting up, positioning himself in between the youngers' legs. He held his cheeks and pulled him into the kiss they were both desiring.
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Yunho never broke his stare from his chief as he sat down on the chair in front of his desk, hoping his nervousness wasn't noticeable to the older man.
He had discovered that in fact, Seonghwa was missing some shifts. It was unbelievable at first, Seonghwa was organized, impeccable, and an example to others. But during the whole week, Yunho would go take the stops Seonghwa was supposed to take, he would just not be there, especially around the end of the afternoon or late at night. However, even if it was his job, he didn't want to uncover his best friend and partner to their boss. So, he would just say he needed more time and that way, he could talk with Seonghwa and make everything go to normal before their boss kept suspecting.
"So?" The chief asked, breaking the silence and watching the blonde's leg jump erratically every millisecond. A clear sign of tension he probably had ignored. "What did you find out about Officer Park?" He asked, eyes boring back into the boy's brown eyes.
"I... I need some more time. Just two or three days." Yunho answered, hoping he could get through this one.
"Mmm..." The chief nodded, looking down at the papers on his desk. He sighed, shaking his head. "You are one of my best officers, officer Jeong. But you're way too close to officer Park, so I couldn't help but send someone else along with you to investigate without you knowing about it. I decided to let you into my office first in hopes of you speaking the truth. Will you talk or should I hear what the other officer has to say?"
Yunho gulped. If the other officer had seen the same stuff as him, Yunho could be arrested for conspiracy for not speaking before him.
"...He is missing... I just wanted to make sure, that's why I asked for more time." Yunho blurted, guilt arising in his chest for exposing his friend.
"A single day is enough to miss your shift. A whole week is insane." The chief answered. "Very well. I'm having the other officer come in. Looks like he has some other type of information. Stay right here." Yunho nodded before his head turned around, facing the door and expecting the next officer to come in after his chief gave the hand motion to his assistant to open the door. "Officer Choi." The chief greeted him with a smile.
Yunho visibly tensed when Jongho entered the office. It was not because of the younger's presence, but because of the folder he was carrying. That obviously had evidence against Seonghwa, and there was no way of warning him after that folder was in hands of his boss. Jongho bowed his head at both before sitting beside Yunho, giving the folder to their chief.
"Now let's see what this bastard has been doing." Their chief said before opening the folder. The smug smile he had been wearing disappeared as he saw the first photos. "That's..."
"Kim Hongjoong, yes." Jongho replied, and Yunho sighed before pinching the bridge of his nose.
How the hell did Seonghwa manage to get so close to a criminal of that extent?
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Hongjoong gasped when Seonghwa bottomed out in a single, harsh thrust while cursing in his ear. The stretch was burning him, yet he still rolled his hips to make the older one move. His fingers tangled with Seonghwa's long, black hair, tugging strongly with the first snap of Seonghwa's hips. He hadn't tied his hair in a ponytail this time, making it easier to pull at the strands. Seonghwa groaned at this action.
His pace began slow and steady, increasing every few seconds. Hongjoong sealed his lips, whimpering slightly to avoid his voice echoing through the whole place.
And then, Seonghwa could hear the faint sound of his radio inside the car under their elaborate breaths. He felt too high right now, but not high enough to risk it all by not answering his calls. Yunho had already called him out for it. His hips slowly came to a halt to Hongjoong's dismay, who whimpered.
"N-no..." Hongjoong whined when Seonghwa pulled out.
"I'm sorry..." Seonghwa mumbled, kissing his temple before rushing to the driver's seat and taking the radio in his hands. "5S12, 10-9."
"10-19, over and out."
Seonghwa stared at his radio confused at the sudden order. He had to go back to the station, but officers were rarely called back to the station during the daytime.
"What is it?" Hongjoong asked annoyed, looking back at him.
"...I'm sorry, I gotta return to the station," Seonghwa said while fixing his clothes. Hongjoong groaned, laying down on the car's hood.
"Are you kidding me? Can't you be 5 minutes late?" Hongjoong asked and Seonghwa chuckled, nodding his head while fixing his weapon and radio back in his belts.
"No... but I'll make it up to you once I'm back, ok?" He walked to the side of the hood and bent over him, joining their lips one last time.
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Seonghwa parked outside of the police station, now aware of why was he called to report himself so abruptly. He called Yunho while driving down the highway, scared that something about his escapes was known. What Yunho told him through the phone calmed him down; they had asked all officers to report themselves as the commissioner had arrived to check on the station.
A lie, he figured out when, once he stepped foot inside the station, three officers aimed their guns at him. He lifted his hands, knowing better than to fight against them.
"Park Seonghwa, you're under arrest for conspiracy, aiding and abetting a crime." A fourth officer said behind him while pulling his hands behind his back to handcuff him.
"But I didn't aid-" Seonghwa groaned as he began reciting the Miranda rights, cutting him.
"Bring him to my office first, I'd like to talk with him." The chief said. Another officer took the gun away from his holster before they guided him to the office. He walked past Yunho, who mouthed 'cooperate'. Seonghwa stared at him a bit longer than intended before entering the office. He didn't blame him. They were trained for that after all.
"Well, I really didn't expect this." His chief spat at him once they were alone, turning around the folder for him to see the pictures. It was the night before he went to the warehouse, back at the hotel. Hongjoong was clearly beside him. His arrest didn't really worry him, but had they followed him to the warehouse? After staring at the pictures, Seonghwa lifted his gaze at the chief, showing no expression.
"We both don't want your arrest, so I have an offer." He then said, sitting down on his chair. Seonghwa raised an eyebrow, knowing he wouldn't like the deal at all. "The officer I sent couldn't follow you next morning, nor before that. And I know you set a next appointment with that criminal. So you're guiding us to him, you'll be our bait." No, Seonghwa didn't like the deal at all.
"And if I don't?" Seonghwa asked.
"You're charged for aiding and abetting a crime, you know that I can easily escalate that to second-degree murder. That means the death penalty for you. You don't want that, do you?" The chief smiled at him.
"You're in no position to swear at me." He interrupted him.
Seonghwa felt trapped in a cage with no way out. He wished he could run away, go back to Hongjoong. He wished he never came back and obeyed his instinct instead of calling Yunho.
A few minutes had passed when Seonghwa decided to speak again, the chief patiently waiting.
"I don't care what charges will be pressed against me nor if I can't get my status back or not. Once you arrest Kim Hongjoong, you're evading the death penalty." He firmly spoke.
"Evade his death penalty? It's easier to resurrect people from the dead." The chief snorted.
"If you can press murder charges against me, you can remove his," Seonghwa said, maintaining his posture.
"And what should I do with the people dead in his hands?"
"They're a gang. Choose a member you dislike who's not him, and press those charges against that person." Seonghwa scoffed. "I'll help you if that's the deal."
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Hongjoong was leaning against the stairs' handrail when he saw Seonghwa's familiar police patrol park inside the warehouse. He smiled, and as Seonghwa opened the door, Hongjoong got close to the car.
He looked stunning like always, hair pulled up in his familiar ponytail and impeccably dressed in his black uniform. In fact, he didn't take off his radio this time when he went out of the car. Instead, he left his weapon inside. Still, he sensed something weird. He looked... Tense.
"Hey." Seonghwa greeted him with a smile and closed the car's door.
"Hi. Is everything alright? What happened yesterday after the radio call?" Hongjoong asked.
"Yeah... It was just the commissioner arriving at the police station. That's very important, so." Seonghwa replied, and Hongjoong hummed.
Seonghwa approached him slowly before placing his hands on his hips, an action that seemed natural to Hongjoong so he surrounded his neck with his arms.
Hongjoong didn't hesitate when Seonghwa slowly pushed him to the closest wall without kissing him. He didn't doubt when Seonghwa lifted his hands above his own head and handcuffed him. He closed his eyes when Seonghwa began unfastening the harness holding his gun from his leg.
Right now, Seonghwa wished Hongjoong wouldn't trust him. He wished he would hesitate and fight back and leave at the moment he was trying to handcuff him. But ever since the first night, Hongjoong trusted him blindly, just like Seonghwa trusted Hongjoong. It hurt him, and it scared him too. It scared him about what would happen with Hongjoong once he was arrested, scared of losing his trust. Scared of having to face his cold, icy, and empty semblance if he did what he was about to do.
With a trembling hand, Seonghwa removed Hongjoong's gun from its holster, lifting it to Hongjoong's head just as multiple car doors banged close. Hongjoong opened his eyes when he heard the noise, feeling the cold iron muzzle digging into his temple and pressing against his orange bangs right after. His wrists were held by Seonghwa's hand against the wall, and his body was pinned by his. No matter how intelligent or skilled was he, Seonghwa's strength overpowered his. He struggled in vain to release himself when he saw the red and blue lights outside the warehouse, both police and drug enforcement coming inside.
"You'll be alright..." Seonghwa whispered in his ear, knowing those would be one of the last few things he would be able to tell Hongjoong. Hongjoong looked back at him with that piercing glare, warm smile faded, and cold gaze.
The expression he had only seen in pictures, just a cold-blooded criminal. The only difference would be the glistening in his eyes, tempting to cry but not daring to.
"Kill him, we can't risk letting him go a single second, or else he could escape." Hongjoong and Seonghwa both whipped their heads towards the commissioner. Seonghwa looked at his chief, expecting him to speak back from their deal. He just smirked.
"What are you waiting for, officer?" The chief asked. Seonghwa alternated his view between his chief and the commissioner.
"Officer Park, pull the trigger or I'll order it." The commissioner threatened. Seonghwa looked around. They were surrounded by loaded guns and rifles, all pointing at Hongjoong. It looked like there wasn't any way out.
Seonghwa finally looked back at Hongjoong, who looked back at him too. He shook his head to try to bring back the Seonghwa he felt safe with, the boy who whispered sweet nothings to him every night and cuddled him to sleep. It was useless when Seonghwa didn't react. A criminal didn't go over the commissioner's orders toward an officer. And it was stupid to trust him, stupid to trust a police officer. He should've killed him when he still had the chance back at the hotel months ago.
Hongjoong tensed when he felt the grip around the trigger tighten, not quite pulling yet. He was trembling, and a single tear rolled down his cheek when he squeezed his eyes shut. He probably didn't notice it in his fear, but Seonghwa did, and it hurt him.
He had fallen madly in love with the trembling boy in front of him, fearless to all but vulnerable only to him.
Seonghwa knew they wouldn't shoot unless they had the commissioner's order, no matter what. There was only left to pray for Hongjoong's snipers to be around when Seonghwa let go of the orange hair boy's fisted hands, removing the muzzle away from his temple. In a second, he pointed the end to the commissioner and pulled the trigger, the gunshot being much louder than it should be as well as the thud of his body against the stone floor. Seconds later, bullets flew above their heads, Hongjoong's snipers in fact being around.
Seonghwa was clearly obsessed, and deeply in love. Just a marionette to follow Hongjoong's orders, his lover's orders. Because Hongjoong was above everybody else. Nobody could hurt him, not even him.
Hongjoong will always be first.
(Part 1) (Part 2)
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How about a Clint/Peggy Carter story? Clint goes for an interview and ends up getting seduced by his surprisingly young and sexy future boss/wife?
He took a deep breath and knocked at the door. When he heard a “Enter!” he opened it and looked in. 
A young man in a suit sat behind a desk and looked up expectantly.
“Hi,” he said. “My Name is Clint Barton. I have an appointment with Mrs. Carter.” 
“Miss Carter,” the young man corrected him and Clint felt the heat crawling into his ears. “You can go right in,” he added then and gestured at a door in the opposite wall. Clint passed the office and wanted to knock when the man shook his head. 
“Just go in,” he said and Clint reached for the handle and opened the door. 
The first thing he noticed was one of the most spectacular views over New York he’d ever seen. And then his eyes fell on the huge desk and the young woman sitting behind it. She couldn’t be much older than him, maybe four or five years. And she was effin’ hot, too. 
“Ah, Mr, Barton,” she looked up, smiled, rose and came around her desk. She held her hand out and Clint took it to shake it. She had a strong grip and her hand was warm and dry. Did she… did she just caress his hand with her thumb? 
“Take a seat,” Ms. Carter said and gestured at one of the two chairs in front of her desk. Clint nodded and sat down and she went back to her chair, too. “I’ve read your résumé,” she said and gestured at the folder on the desk. She licked her lips before she continued. “It’s quite impressive. And I think you would be a good assistant.” 
“Thank you,” Clint said. “But… you already have an assistant I’ve seen. What…” 
“Carson is leaving my company,” Ms. Carter said. “He’s moving to Boston to his boyfriend.” 
“Oh,” Clint said and swallowed when a small smile crept on her face. “That’s… good for him.” 
“Yes, it is,” Ms. Carter smiled. “Do you have a girlfriend?” 
“Excuse me?” Clint blurted. 
“I often work very long and I need my assistant to be able to work late, too,” she said and cocked her head. Clint blushed under her intense gaze.
“No… uh,” he said then. “No girlfriend. Or boyfriend, if that…” 
“It’s not,” she said, the smile still on her lips. She leaned forward, her hands folded on her desk and Clint had a good view into her decollete. He swallowed and licked his lips nervously. 
“I… uh… I don't have a problem with working longer,” he said. Ms. Carter’s smile turned… predatory? Yes, it seemed predatory. 
“Good,” she said. “What do you say? Do you want the job?” 
“I… yes, of course,” he said. 
“Good,” she said again, her smile broadening. She opened the folder in front of her, took out a few papers, rose and walked around the desk. She placed them on the desk in front of Clint and held a pen out for him. He could smell her perfume and it smelled really good. 
“Here,” she pointed at a line at the end of the contract and accidentally brushed his arm. Clint shivered slightly. “You have to sign here.” 
“Uh… thank you,” Clint said and took the pen. He licked his lips before he wrote his signature. He really, really wanted this job and he smiled when Ms. Carter took her pen back. The moment she turned away she brushed his arm with her breast and Clint shivered some more. 
“Welcome to Carter Enterprises,” she smiled when she sat down again. And Clint smiled, too. This was going to be a very, very interesting job. 
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kaizsche · 1 year
hi, everyone!! this is my ao3 wrapped! (i for real almost forgot to post this... sorry i haven't been writing/posting lately, i've been busy with events here and i'm working as a cleaner/typesetter for a scanlation team! we are quite understaffed and have multiple projects to work on so...🥺🥺)
How many words have you written this year?
92,601k!!!  (excluding my wips) wtf i wrote A LOT??
How many works did you publish this year?
31 aiuhdiagdadad
What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
easy. skuld’s net - that one shot came to me so suddenly and i wrote it for 3 days straight w/o no breaks whatsoever!!!
What work of yours has the most hits?
my star wars one shot fic - the july writing challenge i believe is at 6,544 hits
What work of yours got more feedback than you expected?
my first ever tvd fic, the one inspired by arctic monkey’s 505. 
Favorite title you used
in the art of flaw, the bridgerton au fic (shoutout to my friend who helped me make it cause im not exactly great at titles lmao
If you use song lyrics, which artist’s songs did you pull from the most?
young the giant!!! their songs are just *chef's kiss*
Pairing you wrote the most for this year?
this is such an obvious question if you frequently visit my blog. Elejah and klena!!!!!1
Favorite pairing you wrote for this year?
elejah is a ship i’d die for but i think i love writing finnlena the most cause they’re sooo in tune with one another. at least i think they would’ve been if esther did not manipulate him. (i just love finn okay. cause he's so underappreciated?)
What work was the quickest to write?
skuld’s net (a klena fic) i wrote that thing for 3 effin days straight, looped lany’s 13 over and over and over again. (i wasnt aware of his allegations that time so…)
What work took you the longest to write?
in terms of published fics, i think it’s take my breath. it was created on oct 19 then i picked it up a maybe 2-3 weeks ago? then posted it on dec 4 so yeah
How many WIP’s do you have in your docs for next year?
i lost count. there is just too many of them.
What’s your longest work of the year?
the one shot fic writing challenge.
What’s your shortest work of the year?
It’s a lil fic which idea i got from a prompt generator in tumblr - i was quite new back then so i thought that maybe participating in it won’t hurt me. It’s called 709 which is inspired by one of my wips wherein elena returned to the past after death and tried to change her life.
What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
Oh boy, OH BOY this is a long list. I’ll be taking them all with me but the most noteworthy wips would have to be my princess diaries au and the miracle baby au fic for elejah + the elena & katherine time travel fic
What’s your most common “Additional Tags” tag?
Probably unedited as hell and kol is a little shit
Your favorite character to write this year?
I think finn. his character in canon is just so unexplored (i haven’t watched the originals so…) and it’s so, so fun to explore his character and adding more to his background.
The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
I feel... elijah? Cause i am most certainly not as eloquent as he is with words, so i usually find it hard to write his dialogues and stuff in my fics. (but honestly, i have a hard time with all mikaelsons lmfao)
What’s one pairing you want to explore next year?
I want to explore more of wyler!! (wednesday x tyler) since i’ve just recently joined the fandom and have four wips in my drafts already.
Which work of yours have you reread the most?
I think i have an almost unhealthy obsession with re-reading my work. But it definitely has to be heaven help the fool who falls in love like… i love re-exploring my old ideas (and also wondering where that ‘writer me’ in that era went (cause i literally had to write every single day and not miss a single one whilst delivering good pieces was beyond me.)
How many kudos in total did you get this year?
I’ve got 1,812!
Which work has the most comments?
with 100 comment threads, it’s not at all surprising that its my may writing challenge tvd fic
Did you do any collaborative works this year?
I don’t think i did?
Did you write any gifts this year?
i did for the wyler secret santa event and one for @qvnthesia
Did you receive any gifts this year?
@qvnthesia and i are exchanging fics later this month, so yep! I’m quite excited for that!
What’s your most common category?
easy. f/m
What do you listen to while writing?
I made spotify playlists for each of my pairings, actually. so when i write for a specific ship like klena - i usually turn the volume up for some good ol 505.
Favorite work you wrote this year?
the love of a doppelganger. there’s just something about this fic that i can’t put into words. (it’s my finnlena one) i think it’s about the prospect of giving finn’s character a second chance whilst shedding light as to why his decisions, and his siblings had came to the point of, well, daggering him.
Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
Oh my gosh, as a person whohas short term memory this question is quite hard to answer. Lol. but this line just IDK IT MAKES ME FEEL A CERTAIN WAY, OKAY?!
“You will learn to love me just as you have loved Anakin Skywalker.” He breathes, a promise dressed in the trappings of a threat.
30. Biggest surprise while writing this year?
What honestly surprised me the most is what the tvd fandom did to me, tbh. i’ve been writing fics since 2017, but i’ve never been much hyperfixated like i was with tvd – i think that it also helped me that the fandom has an active community, AND tight-knitted as well we even have a discord server and follow each other on tumblr. So, yeah. I basically not only owe it to the wonderful TVD character (sans the salvatores, thank you.) but also to the people that inspired me, supported me and cheered me on with my fics! (i’m looking at you, @sunless-garden, @qvnthesia,  @wazman, @katherineholmes, @amandamonroe, @finnismyoriginalsin, @sevensistersofsussex, and everyone else!!
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RNM Season 4 Episode 9
I haven't even bothered to read the complaints about the setup for Roswell New Mexico s04e09 because I already know them all from similar plots in other shows. But as you all know, Salmon is The Defender of the Tropes.  So, no, I don't care if people are whining that it's “cheesy” or “dumb” or “overused” - I effin love dreamscape/mindscape scenarios in shows where the cast get to dress up as alternate variations of themselves and the character(/s) have to navigate some world created by someone's dreams/mind.  So, Liz’s Wild West mindscape where she's fighting her dark self?  Yes, yes, yes to infinity.  I love it, I am here for it - it was awesome.
Family and Found family feels were particularly strong this episode. Both outside and inside the mindscape. I am always happy to see Arturo, who remains the absolute best person in all of existence. Dreamscape Rosa being the snarky sidekick to Dreamscape Liz was great. Non-Dreamscape Rosa being equally as awesome, talking both Heath and Michael down from the ledge. Michael having Kyle on speed dial - help me Kyle you are my only hope - was fantastic. Plus, we had some of the best Evans Twins moments we've had kind of all season.
We even have Heath returning to help save Liz, confessing to being worried sick to leave Dallas, and how now that Dallas is missing he’s a mess and needs to be there to help save him? The feels! Honestly, I started season 3 as very Anti-Heath. I literally went around calling him Knock-Off Kyle for half the season. But Heath, like my darling Cam, managed to escape the horror that is being assigned as a Love Foil and came out the other side a great character.  I am so happy to see him back.
What did take me by surprise, however, was the sheer level of Science Bros feels I came away with from the episode. Let us take a moment to remember this is Liz’s mindscape, and everything that is happening reflects on her feelings towards the members of her circle of family and found family.  And Michael is positioned front and center in it. Michael wins a poker game against Clyde for her. Michael comes to her with the clue she needs to find Dark Liz and Max. Michael gives her a whole speech that he is there for her if she needs help - making her remember she can rely on those around her. Michael is who guns down the first Clyde. I mean… damn.
I know I always go off about the friendship Liz and Michael have built being essentially the best friendship on the show, about the parallels in their story and how alike they are to one another.  But I honestly was not expecting a major Echo storyline to come with such a huge side of “Liz thinks the world of her alien science bro.” But it did, and I kinda want to cry over it - in a good way.
Meanwhile, Kyle, while not even in the episode, continues to prove to have the only brain cell in the entire cast. As, apparently, he keeps telling the group over and over again that Michael is their best hope for a solution. Kyle's absolute faith in Michael's genius to help save the day is such a huge thing - it really shows how far Michael and Kyle have also come.  I'm honestly looking very much forward to them teaming up to save Alex next episode.
My main complaint centers around the very confusing line from Max, “I need a real scientist, no offense.”
Um… full offense? Like, if Max had said he needed a real doctor, I'd understand. Michael is not a doctor - which is part of what has him spiraling and uncertain all episode. It also doesn't do anything for his state of mind when Heath flat refuses his assistance - something neither Liz or Kyle would ever have done.
Heath’s refusal probably stemmed at least partly from him seeming to semi-blame Isobel and Michael for Dallas being missing.  He also isn't as familiar with how much Liz and Kyle have relied on Michael's aid for three straight seasons.  So, Heath’s refusal makes sense.
But Max’s lack of trust in Michael?  Saying he isn't a “real scientist”?  What literally was that?
It's particularly jarring following an episode with one of the best Max/Michael scenes in all four seasons, and when combined with everyone else basically saying to Michael over and over, “But Kyle says you're the one we need.”  And to top it all off, it is Michael who once again comes up with exactly the solution needed.
So… um… Max, apparently both the love of your life and your ex-rival/future brother-in-law (who once disliked Michael a lot) have 100% faith in Michael's abilities as a scientist and see him as the person to turn to for solutions to alien problems. So, what exactly is the excuse here for you once again dismissing the abilities of the guy who's supposed to be like a brother to you? I thought we were finally past this!
While I absolutely adored Max holding Michael and swearing to be there for him last episode, I really am gonna need a little more than that. I need Max to show some honest respect for Michael’s abilities.  The kind young Max had no problem giving to Michael. I want to have all the Max and Michael alien siblings feels, but Max’s continued lack of faith in Michael is honestly very frustrating.
I am looking forward to some Dark Liz. Here's hoping it lasts longer than the 5 minutes we got Dark Max.
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momoipetals · 1 year
I thought that these moments only happen in books and movies. Nico and I took a break, on the 26th of December 2023. That's our monthsary, marking our 2 years and a month of the relationship. The reason? We don't understand each other. Thought everything was fine, that finally, I can be who I am without someone's eyes. The break-up was mutual, and things aren't working out like they used to. I just needed to breathe. I needed freedom, to walk alone in my shoes, to explore, learn lessons, find my purpose, t answer the questions why, and do stuff on my own. Until one day, he told me that he was dating. In a span of a week, he's already meeting someone. (believe me or not, I'm not a jealous type. And I don't even know but I totally understand where he is coming from, he used to do that during our relationship. He'll find someone he can talk to in our on-and-off relationship. Any woman that he can use to not dwell on our fight. I read some of the conversations, but that never hurt me, I even fucking made it a joke to his face without disgust. Because I know deep down that it was all words and a fling. I have never felt this insane connection before to someone else.) That stung and made me lose my mind. Reason? For I haven't seen him. I haven't touched him, and I haven't seen his eyes when he said that's he dating, even though he let me know that he's not in a serious relationship. He just wanted a companion, a man has needs that I can't provide, and he needs someone who can support him financially. And I can't blame him on that, that is the least he can do to support his family and a brother who is still studying. January 15th, 2023. A week before, I texted him that I wanted clarification. I wanted answers that I can't let go of and have been bugging me for weeks and depriving me to sleep. I'm trying my best to pass out and work myself out just to make myself tired and have a comma. He effin replied but did not receive it not until he sent me a screenshot of the text message, damn. I blocked him (totally forgot about that), Fast forward, we met here at our park around 8-9pm. The reason for a meet-up is to sort things out between us, ask each other what happened in the last few months of our relationship, what went wrong, and asked him to stay because I wanted to get a good night’s sleep, just for one last time. (I miss holding his hands in my sleep, that makes me calm and sleep for more than 24 hours. I just miss everything about him, his hugs.) So, I asked him to pretend that we're still together, although he has already by label, a girlfriend and he does not love. We spend the night together, talking until 2am, Crying, making promises, giving our thoughts, saying why we're still here, why we are holding on instead of moving forward, and why we long for each other. I asked him, after all, that you've been through, all the adjustment, all the cry-alone moments, all the heartache you never mention, all the understanding you've done, why are you still keeping and holding on? "You were there when no one was around. You accepted everything about me. My job. You saw through me, you saw something in me that most people will not accept once they know the truth. Remember the time when I hugged you, I told you that I feel safe and at home around you. You made me feel like hugging my mom for the first time. You broke my shield. The dark aura, the barrier that has been with me throughout these years. You infiltrated the zone that no one has entered. I can only give 20 percent of myself for some, but for you, I gave 101 percent. You know every bit of me and yet you stayed. You are different. You made me see things and taught me lessons I can never imagine that will be useful now that we're not physically around each other. I love you the most." Then we cried. I told him, I tried forgetting everything. I tried not to be bothered by what happened, but I can't. I will love him, hanggang leeg. I tried looking for someone I can talk to, but everything is nonsense. They are not him. People will not understand how my mind works, they'll just tell me that I settle for less and that I deserve so much better. It's me, if I love someone I'll understand every bit of their decision. In the end, he'll just wait for me. For my arrival; to fully accept him as my partner. We may be separate physically, but we both know our promises and our deep connection will never fade.  I'm happy that we both agreed on the lessons we encounter during our journey, and that we can use them once we meet again, once everything's calm. Until the next time, love. I love you so much, Brenzond. 
PS: That was the most memorable night I spent with you, aside from the first time we met. It was something. Our souls are connected, we can’t deny that. We have something that no one can take. It was always with you. 
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breadclubrising · 5 years
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Wrestling Hi no Kuni | April 29th, 2019
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artsy-hobbitses · 3 years
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See them march like lambs to the slaughter Toy soldiers line up on the altar I'll rise, hell or high water And you'll remember me, when I'm underground
Heavy is the crown Never falter, never let them bleed you out I'll be still standing when they try to bring my castle down I'll never bow down Heavy is the crown
I’d been a bit inspirationless to finish up Meirion/Mirage’s character sheet which was on the backburners and---strap yourselves in for this----what brought me back to him a few days back was Princess Tutu. Like, specifically that one highly popular AMV for Princess Tutu with the Swedish rock ballad because my BFF Crow was introducing it as something Ben/Bumblebee would love as a ballet aficionado.
And it actually got me thinking hard about him and Hound’s story, what makes for meaningful writing and how much I honestly love his relationship in TTB with Haille/Hound, and how fucking sad the original incarnation of that relationship ended, and---strap yourselves in again----Mirage is going to live till the end (with help from Ironhide, Ratchet and Drift). 
And be happy with Hound, in all their absolutely busted up glory, and Hound will keep his promise to bring Mirage to see his home. 
Because of effin’ Princess Tutu which I’m about to rabbit hole into, but for now, please enjoy this formerly lonely aristocrat spy and his Wulver boyfriend. 
More information on this gentleman below!
Those with sharp eyes meeting genteel, well-spoken Meirion Rodric for the first time would immediately come to the conclusion that this is a man for whom wearing masks is second nature, and given his background, they would be astute in that observation.
The product of adultery between Welsh earl Owain Rodric and an escort, he was abandoned by his birth mother, who was paid handsomely to keep the affair a secret while his father took him back to the estate to ensure that the ‘secret’ would be kept in isolation. 
The rest of the family didn’t make secret their disdain for him however, and most of his childhood was spent being raised by the maids and servants while doing his best to keep out of reach of his half-brother who was poisoned by their vindictive mother to torment him as the unwanted mongrel, the living embodiment of their father’s vice. 
It was during a particularly heated chase between the boy and himself that his Outlier ability manifested in a moment of panic over the fact that he was going to be found out at his hiding spot; When they looked right at him, saw nothing and moved on however, he discovered he had the gift of invisibility, though one at that point triggered by emotion. 
He confided this only in Angharad, the family’s seamstress who took on the role of mother for him in absence of one who loved him and she began to help him find ways to control it in secret.
For a while, he saw it as a blessing as it began to confuse the family how often he would go ‘missing’  when they were looking for him, but after a while he decided that he wanted to be seen rather than merely invisible in a family that already wished he was invisible, and he decide to fight back by excelling in everything he could---archery, arts, literature, political studies---to prove that he didn’t need birthright to be their equal.
This sat well with his father, who wanted a worthy successor and saw the rivalry between his sons as a good thing for a dog eat dog world, but didn’t sit well with said son who started stepping up the harassment. 
During one of these harassment however, he finally fought back physically. 
This led his stepmother to issue an ultimatum to his father----side with the true son and cast him out of the family manor or side with the bastard and have them leave and reveal the affair. 
His father chose a third option----have him live apart from them with the family seamstress in town; It was an option everyone agreed with unanimously---Meirion was glad to to live alongside Angharad, who herself was happy to house a child she was beginning to see as her adoptive son, while the rest of the family were simply glad that their ‘shame’ was no longer allowed to cavort the grounds with them. 
Under Angharad’s care and with no support from the family, he led a simpler, calmer life and helped her with her tailoring business, and after graduating from a community college, decided to put his talent for craft to use and opened up a bespoke tailoring shop where he served the middle and lower class who loved the work he provided with at reasonable rates. 
His old life however found a way to catch up with him once more; When Angharad grew ill and was no longer able to run her business, he had trouble keeping up with the mounting medical bills and it was then that his father decided to meet him to talk ‘business’.
As it turned out, his half-brother had died recently, leaving the man with no full-blood heirs, and he was the spare that had to be called up to fit the role as the next earl. He balked at the idea initially, but decided to take it up so Angharad could get the care she needed, and walked through the doors of the manor he’d been banished from years ago. 
He was taught how to act, talk and carry himself as the aristocratic heir his father needed and he wore it like a finely-crafted mask in front of other members of higher society who were told that he was a prodigal son who had returned from overseas to carry the mantle forward. The parties, the hunts, the balls, he went to them all; Part of him was glad that he was finally being accepted as one of them, yet part of him was also repulsed at the things he heard them say, things they did, things he had to pretend to agree with in the masquerade.
When news of rebellion and the Clampdown began, the disdain his society had for those beneath them only compounded and he started struggling with the mask he was told to wear; He heard about the discreet ways they were supporting Sentinel Prime’s efforts to quash the revolt so the status quo could be retained and decided he’d had enough.
He met with rebellion leaders Omar Parvez (Orion Pax) and Morgan Trayton (Megatron) and offered his services to them as a mole and an ‘in’ to the cloistered and shadowy aristocratic class (among which they have many enemies), revealing to them his Outlier ability which immediately made him a perfect spy for their efforts. 
And so he spied for them, joining every secret meeting held and learning of all their plans, and slowly, methodically winning over his father’s trust to be officially named the new earl. 
With the power and money now under his control, he channeled both to the rebellion to help level the playing board against Sentinel, and became an invaluable if not somewhat aloof and distant member of the team that some had reservations about, but agreed was an important asset.  
When Morgan split the rebellion and spearheaded the Decepticons after Omar’s purported death however, he was one of those who were captured by them and held hostage. Morgan didn’t trust him due to his designation as a spy and his aristocratic upbringing, as did many on the group who had suffered under the higher class, and he was not among those persuaded to be a part of the Decepticons---rather he was designated to join a prison camp, until he was freed by Hound, who was among those who escaped the initial arrests and had joined Omar’s newly-minted Autobots who broke out the rest of the prisoners.
His one condition when Omar asked him to once more take up the role of spy was that they had to deliver Angharad out of enemy territory, which they did and he has since kept his side of the bargain with no complaint. 
He still has a deeply sour taste in his mouth concerning the betrayal from Morgan’s side and the mistrust he still faces from some members on Omar’s side, but Hound of all people trusts him and that's as good a reason as any to stay. 
These days when not on duty, he can be found visiting Angharad at the French village a few miles away from Alpha Trion’s estate, exploring and hunting on the grounds with Hound and enjoying art sessions with Ben/Bumblebee, Serafino/Sunstreaker and Sylas/Swoop.
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iii. Luthor
read on ao3
She got hit by a bus. She definitely got hit by a bus.
No, no, wait.
"You're awake. Oh, thank God."
When her eyes blink open, it's to the extremely bright florescent lights of the DEO med bay. Senses come back to her slowly; the sharp smell of alcohol, the dry cool sheets against her skin, and Alex.
Alex's voice, then her heartbeat.
She tries to sit up but Alex puts a hand on her shoulder, gently pushes her back down.
"Ugh," she groans as dizziness overtakes her. "How long was I out?"
"30 hours, give or take. You need to take it easy, Kara,” her sister sighs. “You’re lucky we got to you when we did. Lillian got away though, I’m sorry.”
“T-they had Kryptonite, Alex.”
“I know.”
She breathes in deep, lets it out through parted lips, hand coming up to massage her temple.
“Lena? Where’s Lena?”
“Nia said she found her passed out on your bed,” Alex says, adjusting the sunlamps so it isn’t glaring into Kara’s face. “She’s been staying vigil by your side since yesterday. That woman needs to learn how to rest. I swear to God, the both of you—”
“What?” she asks.
“I wanna go home,” she tells her. Alex makes a sound of protest, so Kara argues, “You know you hit two stones with one bird if you keep us together.”
She hears Alex halt in her movements.
She squints against the remaining brightness of the unadjusted sunlamp. Her sister arms frozen mid-way.
Alex is giving her a strange look.
Alex’s eyes narrow at her.
“What did you say?” Alex demands. “Just now, what did you say? Did you say two stones with one bird?”
Kara shakes her head, trying to clear her thoughts enough to rewind back the last few seconds. She finds she can’t remember. She was saying something about Lena, about-
Going home?????
Her head feels fuzzy. Heavy.
“Mm’sorry must still be a bit out of it.”
“I’m doing another scan,” her sister says, words final and Kara groans loudly.
“Ughh, Alex. Please. I want to go home. There’s probably nothing wrong.”
Alex wheels her out nonetheless.
Something is wrong.
Something is very wrong.
She doesn’t understand, why is- why does Alex look like that? Alex’s eyes are bloodshot. What- Why is her head fuzzy? Why is she-
She pulls a hand to her temple. She can’t. A metallic clang echoes.
She’s cuffed; strapped and held-down. There are restraints around her ankles, her waist even.
And then it occurs to her, the whole room is bathed in red.
Red sun emulators.
There is a familiar buzzing in her ears, too. Tinny. Painful.
“Alex,” she croaks.
Her sister is standing stiffly at the far end of the bed (if you can even call this piece of metal a bed.). Her lips set in a thin line. There are dark bags under her eyes. Kara feels like shit. But Alex, Alex looks like shit.
“W-what’s happening? Wha- why am I—”
Rao, even her mouth feels disgusting.
“Wha-what happened?”
Game night comes early. It’s only the middle of the week, but everyone had decided to camp out at Kara’s living room floor after her kidnapping and mini-coma adventure just last night. So, Wednesday game night it is.
Everything is warm and good, Kara thinks, as she hums contently under her breath.
She’s filled with potstickers and wine. Her head on Alex’s lap, her sock-clad feet and calf being massaged by Lena on the opposite end. Nia is laughing loudly at something Kelly said, and Kara lets herself melt against the couch cushions.
“Darling,” Lena says, tapping a hand on her thigh. Kara looks at her, sees her gesturing at her empty glass, and promptly removes her legs off of her lap.
Alex’s fingers stop running through her scalp, as she reaches across to hand Lena her wine glass, too.
“Hey, Luthor, can you also-”
Everything goes black.
It happens so fast.
Alex was just deciding whether or not to switch from wine to brandy, when Kara lunges straight for Lena.
J’onn instantly transforms into Martian form at the commotion, and Alex is still sitting there; stunned, wine glass still clutched by the stem, as she watches Kara pin Lena to the floor, as she hears Lena shriek, as the room bursts into action.
Alex sees the glow of Kara’s eyelids, and it sparks her into action. She jumps from the couch and latches onto Kara’s back.
Her hands press into her sister’s eyes and immediately she can feel the heat filter through her skin. “J’onn!!” she shouts, Alex manages to pull Kara off of Lena, as J’onn grabs the brunette to safety.
Kara growls, stands up with Alex clinging. Kara grabs her, flips her over. She crashes on the floor with a sickening thud. Kelly gasps out her name. From here, she can see how Nia has wrapped her girlfriend and Lena into a bubble of forcefield.
Just as Kara is about to turn around and head for Lena, J’onn flies straight at her, grabs her sister by the arm, and crashes into Kara’s TV. J’onn manages to wrestle her into his grip, and he flies them out through Kara’s window.
Brainy picks her up from the floor. Her heart is beating so fast in her chest. How did she miss this? What has gotten into Kara?
Alex is panicking, all of them are panicking really.
What the fuck just happened?
“Brainy,” Alex says, voice firm, the cloudiness from the alcohol finally clearing. “Get the Legion ship, we need to track down Kara and J’onn. Disperse Kryptonite on sight. We have to detain her.”
Alex looks around the room, Nia retracts her forcefield, Kelly goes straight for her.
“Go,” Kelly says, “I’ll take care of the neighbors, I’ll take care of the mess here. Go. Find Kara.”
“I’ll stay with her,” Nia pipes up and Alex gives her a stiff nod.
She looks at Lena, red marks already blossoming on her neck.
“Are you o-”
“Do not ask me that.” Lena warns. “Now, let’s go. I’m coming with you.”
“You’re in the Legion ship,” Alex tells her sister, “what’s the last thing you remember?”
The base of her skull throbs with pain. “I-I don’t- I can’t remember. Ugh. Alex, can you- can you turn down the Kryptonite? Please, please?”
“I can’t, Kara. I’m sorry, please. I can’t-”
“Why?” Kara rasps out, her eyes closing shut.
“I need you to listen to me, Kara,” her sister says, she hears her stepping closer. “I need you to keep calm when I tell you.”
Kara’s heart beats faster, skin crawling at every awful thought curling from the depths of her mind.
“I-I’m calm. I’ll keep calm,” she promises, “please, Alex. Please, tell me.”
“CADMUS did something to you, Kara.”
Kara’s going to be sick.
She hurt Lena. Oh, Rao, she hurt Lena.
“Kara, Kara, listen to me.” Alex’s voice is distant, far-away. “Lena is fine. She’s fine. It wasn’t your fault.”
But it was her fault. She hurt her, her hands wrapped around Lena’s fragile human neck, and she almost lasered two holes into her pretty skull.
Oh, Rao. She almost killed her.
“Don’t let her near me,” she instructs, voice firm but eyes flashing with unshed tears.
“Kara, no. I don’t think she—”
“No. No, Alex, listen to me,” she urges her sister.
“Keep her away from me.”
There are wires connected to her temple and her spine.
Brainy is sitting next to her bed, typing away on a little screen in front of him.
Her hippocampus and most of her somatic nervous system were experimented on, it seems. It was Kelly who cracked it, they tell her.
Kara’s brain was reconditioned in the short amount of time she spent in that CADMUS facility. A code word implanted to trigger her.
What a cruel joke.
The next time Kara wakes, she is warm.
So warm, and-
Not alone.
She gasps loud. Lena is here. Lena is tucked to her side. Her breaths tickling Kara’s collarbone.
Lena is not supposed to be here.
Kara’s squirming seems to rouse her.
“Mmmm, stop thinking so loud, 'm trying to sleep.”
“Lena—” Her voice is bordering on hysterical.
“Shhhhh.” Lena shifts, ignoring Kara’s racing heart, ignoring Kara’s protests, just presses closer to her, lips kissing her collarbone.
“Nothing could ever keep me away from you, y'know," she slurs sleepily, "not even you, Kara Zor-El.”
Lena’s eyes are still closed, and Rao, Kara doesn’t even remember the last time she saw her like this. So pretty, so peaceful, so relaxed.
“Lena, you’re not supposed to be here. It’s not safe. Please, listen to me.”
Tears fall down from Kara’s cheek onto Lena’s skin. The contact seems to finally wake Lena.
“Oh, oh, darling,” she coos, hands coming up to cup Kara’s face. The blonde leans into the touch, presses her lips to Lena's palm, uses the touch to stifle her sobs.
“You’re not going to hurt me, Kara. You’re not,” Lena tells her, resolute and so full of trust.
Kara can still see the marks on Lena’s neck where her fingers have dug into her skin, and this time a sob breaks free from her throat.
“Lena, I could hurt you, please. Please, leave now.”
“Oh, Kara,” Lena murmurs, “you know I could never do that.”
Why is she so effin stubborn?
“I’m not scared of you, you know?” Lena whispers. She hooks a finger under Kara’s chin, “Look at me, look at me, Kara. I am not afraid of you. I am not going to leave you. I will never leave you.”
“You don’t understand. Lena, I hurt you.”
“No,” Lena answers her, “no, you did not hurt me. They made you hurt me. That wasn’t you, Kara. You will never hurt me.”
“No,” Kara echoes, voice breaking, eyes shining, “no, I would never hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“I know, baby, I know.” Lena wipes the tears flowing on her cheeks, kisses them away. “We’ll figure it out together, okay?”
“Nothing can keep me away from you, you hear me?” Lena tells her, and all Kara can do is nod silently, sniffling. Lena presses a soft kiss to her lips and lets Kara break apart in her arms.
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pikkish · 3 years
Love how during the siege on Immora, doomguy, for the second time in the game, launches himself out of a high powered energy cannon for the sake of transportation. Particularly, (aside from just the general premise of him doing it again,) I love that one of the Sentinels there gives him a thumbs up before they launch him. Not only is it a great contrast to Hayden's direct opposition to the plan ("THAT is a WEAPON, NOT a TELEPORTER") but it also comes with the implication that this is something doomguy has done many times in the past, enough so that no communication is needed for them to know what he wants and they're totally down with it.
Like imagine you're the operator of one of these huge energy catapults, and it's the start of the Unholy Wars, and some soldier marches up to you while you're reloading the catapult, and before you can do anything he's climbed right up into the firing mechanism, sits right in the launcher, and gives you a big ol' thumbs up. Maybe you protest and maybe you don't, but the man seems set on this, and he's an arena-born soldier, so it's not like anyone's gonna miss him, and besides, hasn't everyone dreamed at some point of being launched out of a catapult? Good for him for trying to live out his dreams. So you shrug and fire and figure that's the end of it, he's probably dead.
Then, a while later, it's another battle and you're doing your thing, manning the catapult, when a Night Sentinel runs up, and you try to ask him what he needs, what he wants you to do, but he's already climbing up the catapult and oh, it's the same soldier, isn't it? He's giving you the same thumbs up, it is totally the same guy, just a Night Sentinel now, so you go sure, why not, worked for him the first time, and you launch him out of the catapult again with a confused laugh.
Over the years, you hear similar stories from your fellow catapult operators, of a crazy Night Sentinel having them launch him out of a catapult. You all just laugh, maybe start a betting pool for how long it is before he gets himself killed with the stunt.
And then, then comes the Great Slayer, leading the armies of Argent D'nur ever deeper into Hell, and you, still operating the catapult, among them. And one day, one day while you're mounting an assault on some demon stronghold, the Great Slayer approaches you, just a catapult operator, and you salute him, ask for orders. He doesn't respond- you've heard he hasn't spoken a word since becoming the Great Slayer- but to climb up the side of the catapult and you can't believe it because it's the same guy, the same damn guy who keeps sitting in your catapult, and he's the effin Doom Slayer. So what can you do but respond to his thumbs up with a nod, and launch the Great Slayer out of the catapult, straight for the stronghold walls, and he goes on to kill every demon in there.
Years pass, and you're the lucky one to send the Argent D'nur's greatest warrior hurtling through the air at Mach speeds several more times. But then the news of the Betrayal comes, and Argent D’nur has fallen. You flee to the northern tribes with what few scraps of the Night Sentinels remain, no longer thinking of war and glory and victory, only survival.
And there you stay, for years more, in the shadow of the World Spear.
Then, one day, one day, the King's Torch is lit, and you, and every other true Sentinel, can see the beacon, burning miles high, calling you to action. And when you arrive, you find an army assembling, and you find none other than the infamous Betrayer, Commander Valen himself is there, and he says he's there on behalf of the Great Slayer, he says the time has come, he says this is the final battle.
He says the Great Slayer will need you.
So you go and you ready the catapult, and you follow Commander Valen back into Hell, and there he is. The same damn guy, standing alone, between you and the biggest demonic fortress in Hell, and you know what you need to do. You pay no mind to the war raging around you, just try to find a high vantage point, and from there, you can see a cracked spot in the fortress's wall. So there you set up, there you charge the catapult. A few other see what you're doing, and soon you have enough guards to keep the demons off your back while you prepare.
And then he's there, and with only a quick glance in your direction, he's effortlessly scaling the catapult. Does he recognize you? Does he know you're here just for this? Probably not, but you can't help but feel that it's more than coincidence.
The moment the Great Slayer is settled into the catapult, before he can lift his hand, you're giving him a thumbs up.
And then he's gone, shot through the air almost too fast for your eye to track, breaking through the fortress wall and fighting his way deeper inside. Your job done, you just nod in satisfaction. Go get 'em, you crazy Sentinel cannonball, the whole of the world is counting on you.
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