#Sebastian Aho oneshot
athenaswrath · 7 months
Hello, I hope you are well ✨
I was wondering if you could write something with Sebastian Aho please, whatever you want.
thank u 🤍
@yangofyang I'm sorry it took a while to post I hope you like it🫶🏻
Fishy being engaged is so heartwarming, so here's a little something about that (kinda) and also Jarvy being his clueless self
Word count: 1,355
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You knew before you started working in a coffee shop near the PNC arena that it was going to be packed at times. What you didn't know, was that the hockey team was going to be there daily, too. You never considered yourself a hockey fan, but you knew about them—city legends, after all. Even if you hadn't known them, they were hard to miss, most of them passing 6'0.
The first time I saw them, there were only three of them: Brady, Bunting and Sebastian, are the names they gave you for their orders. "You're new here, never seen you before" said Bunting while the other two turned to look at me. It was a very calm day so they were the only ones in the coffee shop. "Yeah, I'm new pretty much everywhere around here actually, I just moved in" I said softly. It was hard not to get intimidated by them. I wasn't exactly short, but they could make you feel like you were 3'5
"So you don't know who we are?" said Bunting faking a hurt tone "I mean, it would be hard not to know when your faces are all over the city." - "It's a pretty face though, isn't it?" he said in a flirty way. "You're so full of yourself, I swear" Brady told him while giving him a playful shove before adding "I hope you're liking it here so far, we're gonna be around here a lot so anything you need, let us know, right Fishy?" he smirked and gave Sebastian a side hug, Bunting laughed, Sebastian's face heated, and I felt like I missed something.
What started off as a simple thing became a daily occurrence, Sebastian now would go for a morning walk and stop by the coffee shop before making his way to the arena. He enjoyed his new routine, getting a coffee, talking to y/n, and having a smile plastered on his face as he walks back to his morning training session.
After a couple of weeks, Sebastian finally asked you out. He could tell there was a bit of hesitation on your part but after watching those cute eyes of his, you couldn't really say no to him.
"So who's got you smiling like that all the time now, Fishy?" Necas asked him one day when they were changing into their gear “Don’t start" is the only thing he said, “Oh c’mon, there has to be someone. Serious, sometimes grumpy Fishy, grinning like a fool every day?”
“There is no one” Sebastian said, but he could feel his face heating up, remembering last night's event with you, “Are you going to watch the game tomorrow?” he asked “wouldn't miss it” - “well, in that case, I'll need my good luck kiss, can't risk making a fool of myself” he teased. Closing the distance, you placed your lips over his, and when you went to pull away, his arm snaked around your waist, his hand finding its way into your hair.
Jarvy snapped him out of his thoughts when he said "You think Mr. Aho has time for someone? He's probably been coming up with new ideas on how to be the best in the team". Necas just raised his hands in defeat, but he was not the least bit convinced, at the back of the room Brady and Bunting looked at each other while trying to hold back their smirks.
You two have been dating for 3 months now. Sebastian was away for the last week, so the day he arrived, he asked to see you, to which you immediately agreed. What you weren't expecting was for him to formally ask you to be his girlfriend. He was the sweetest guy you've ever met, so your response was an immediate yes
Sebastian was sure you'd met everyone by now, and even when they didn't know you were officially together, they could see how much you meant for each other, especially because of the special treatment you receive from him. They knew Sebastian was a kind man, but he didn’t treat anyone else like this. So they would abstain from teasing him because you were just so good for Fishy, and they wanted him to be happy.
To say you were nervous the first time you went out with the team and their girls was an understatement, you weren't sure you were going to fit with them. The first to notice you was Jarvy, whom you could tell had already had a couple of drinks. "Oh, hey y/n, I'm glad they all invited you over." Slavin who was nearby, shook his head but immediately introduced you to his wife. After a couple of minutes of being introduced to everyone, you felt yourself starting to relax. All the girls were just as nice as the guys.
A couple of weeks later, you attended your first game with the wags, and everyone was delighted just by watching Sebastian being that happy. Some of the girls were there already, so he knew what you were going to be wearing, but the minute you entered the room with his number on your jacket, he felt himself fighting for air. He could see the blush on your face, along with that cute smile of yours, and he promised himself that he would do anything in his power to keep it there for the rest of his life.
Jarvy, entered the room at that moment and stopped for one second after he noticed you, "huh, I thought only their girls got to wear that, but you look great" he gave you a thumbs up and left the room with a bunch of snacks in his hand.
After what probably was their best game of the season, you rushed to meet Sebastian after he was ready to go home. "Hei rakkaani (hello my love), let's go home, yeah?" Sebastian said, giving a peck to your lips. You were almost outside the room when you heard a confused Jarvy say, "Wait, are they dating?"
5 years have passed since you started dating Sebastian, and you remember every single minute you've spent together, from the moment you saw him for the first time; when he asked you out, and you hesitated, worried that he wouldn't take you seriously or that you wouldn't be enough for him, even though he's spent this entire time showing you how much you really mean to him.
There were rough periods where those thoughts came back, like a couple of days ago you two were laying in bed, and he could feel the tension pouring down your every pore, so he said, "I don't get how you are the only person who does not see how amazing, how kind, smart and beautiful you are. I see it, the team sees it, everyone who's been lucky to meet you sees it, and still I find you doubting yourself over and over again."
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to come out as ungrateful..."
"No, rakkaani. I didn't say it to make you feel bad; I'm saying it because you are my world. But I promise I'm always going to be here to reassure you, and to give you all the love you deserve"
You couldn't stop the tears running down your cheeks, or the smile breaking through your face. You swore this man couldn't make you any happier, but then he looked at you in the eye and said "Marry me, please"
When everyone on the team saw your ring, they couldn't help but be the happiest for you. They knew the moment they met you, that you and Fishy were perfect for each other; they've never seen him as happy as he was when you were close to him.
"What are we celebrating?" asked Jarvy. When you showed him your ring, he took your hand and said, "Oh, it is a nice ring indeed; I didn't know y'all guys were into jewelry", the group broke into a fit of laughter, and you just hoped Jarvy realized what was really going on before he got the wedding invitation
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Dating Sebastian Aho Would Include:
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Soft, precious, adorable.
But don’t mistake his softness for submission though. This boy is not submissive. He’s all sweet and cute in public but not in the bedroom, that’s a promise.
He’s such a jealous guy, my god. He looks so cute and adorable, but if a guy so much as looks at you, jealous Sepe has been activated.
Constantly has to be touching you, like your back or your thigh.
Turbo is an annoying little shit who likes to drive Sepe crazy, so he’ll hug you a little longer than he normally would hug someone and always make sure to compliment you just to see Sepe’s frown.
Sepe does not approve.
Going to literally all of his home games and wearing his jersey.
He loves it when you wear his jersey. He finds it so fucking hot.
Just wearing his clothes, like stealing his sweaters. He has so much official Canes gear, he probably has a whole closet of Canes shirts and sweaters and you totally take advantage of that, and he absolutely loves seeing you in his clothes.
Constant phone calls/FaceTime/texts when he’s away.
The fucker is probably into phone sex.
The quiet, cute ones are always the ones that aren’t vanilla.
He loves to cuddle, but he doesn’t not like being the little spoon, so you best be ready for actual teddy bear Sebastian Aho because once you’re cuddling, he’s not letting you up any time soon.
He doesn’t post much about you on Instagram because he doesn’t use Instagram that much, but his teammates post so many cute videos of the two of you that you guys totally becoming the fans’ OTP.
He can’t cook, but he tries sometimes, and he always remembers what you order at your favourite restaurants.
He calls you cute pet names, his favourites being in Finnish.
The first time he told you that he loved you, he said it in Finnish so you never knew that he told you until months later when he actually told you in English.
(He talks dirty in Finnish too).
When Sepe gets frustrated or angry or when he’s really tried, he reverts back to Finnish, which is really cute; but, you can’t understand a word he says.
You totally try to learn Finnish for him, but you absolutely butcher the language. Sepe finds it cute though.
There’s only one thing that you can say in Finnish and not fuck it up: I love you.
You guys say “I love you” to each other in Finnish and Turbo rolls his eyes and fake gags because you guys are too cute and extra.
Amazing relationship 10/10 you won’t find a better boyfriend than Sebastian Aho.
Tagging: @aw-hawkeye @caswinchester2000 @ssebastianahoo
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Crash - Sebastian Aho
Request: Can you do a Sebastian Aho Imagine
The crunch of metal was a sound that was never good to hear, so when I felt my car jerk forward with that sound I was ready for the worst. Then since the road were icy my car started to slide, right into a tree. My head bounced off the steering wheel, leaving me confused. I was startled a minute later when someone knocked on my window. Rolling it down the blast of cold air brought me a bit more back to reality as did the concerned face staring at me. “Are you okay? I already called for help.”
“What happened?” I hated driving in snowy weather so all of my focus had been on the car in front of me and I didn't even realize there was anyone behind me on the ice road.
“The car in front of me was driving too fast and hit the back of your car, once your car hit the tree they sped out of here.” I tried to undo my seat belt so I could get out of the car to see what damage had been done when the stranger's hand reached in and landed on top of mine to stop me. “Just stay here, your head is bleeding. The ambulance should be here soon.” I nodded but that was a bad idea because it made everything spin, causing me to groan.
“Did your car have any damage?”
“No, I wasn't involved in the crash but I stopped when I saw what happened. I wasn't sure if you were injured so I called for help.”
“Thank you.” He nodded just as we started to hear the sirens approach. “I'm Jessica.”
“Sebastian.” Just then the paramedics and police arrived, Sebastian had to talk to the police while the paramedics got me out of my damaged car and into the ambulance. I gave the incredibly handsome stranger a wave before they closed the ambulance and drove me to a hospital.
Once I was there it was a whirlwind of test and scans before determining I had a concussion and a break in my left arm I didn't even know about because of the adrenaline in my system. When it was determined that surgery was the best way to fix the break I accepted that my next few days would be spent in the hospital.
The police came to ask me questions about the crash and then I was left on my own in the tiny hospital room. I had no friends or family in the area and my sister wouldn't be able to get here until around the time I was having surgery tomorrow so I was trying to find something on the hospital television to pass the time. After flipping through the channels for a fifth time without finding anything to watch someone knocked on my door before cracking it open.
Sebastian was standing there, looking nervous while holding a vase with flowers. “Hi Jessica, is it alright if I come in?”
“Yes, come on in and save me from boredom. How did you find my room?”
“I might have bribed the nurses with coffee and chocolate. I just wanted to check in on you, how are you doing?”
“Alright, the doctor says I have a concussion and I need surgery on arm. So that will happen tomorrow. The police said that your description of the car is going to be a lot of help in finding the driver, so thank you.”
“Yeah, of course. Do you mind if I stay for a bit? The nurses said you didn’t have anyone with you.”
“My sister is flying up in the morning, she should get here before I go in for surgery but until she gets here I am by myself.”
“No friends available to hang out with you?”
“No, I just moved here two weeks ago for my job so I barely have my place unpacked. And this was also my first time driving in the snow, so that didn’t go as planned.”
“Where are you from?”
“Orlando area, I’m used to driving in the rain not the snow.”
“You were driving fine, the person who hit you was speeding and trying to get around you.” Sebastian was still standing next to the bed when I asked him if he wanted to sit. “I got you these flowers, I hope that’s alright.”
“Thank you, they are beautiful. I love daisies.” He placed the vase on the small stand next to my bed before pulling up a chair next to the hospital bed. “You really don’t have to stay here with me, I’m sure you have better things to do today. I’m just grateful that you called for help, I was too shocked to do anything.”
“The rest of my day is free, and no one deserves to be alone in the hospital for an entire day.” We chatted for a while, until the one question I had in my head finally came out.
“So I know why I had off on a Wednesday but what do you do that allowed you to hang out with someone you met after a crash for an afternoon when most people are at work?”
“I’m a hockey player, we had practice this morning.”
“There is a hockey team in Raleigh?” He chuckled before nodding.
“Yeah, have you ever been to a hockey game before?”
“I would love if you would come to a game as my guest, once your concussion is gone.”
“I don’t know a thing about hockey, I would never be able to follow the game.” I was not a sports girl, I would best be described as a math geek. I enjoyed spending my time curled up with a cup of tea and a sudoku book more than at any kind of sporting event.
“I can teach you, if you want.” He gave me a shy smile at his excitement of teaching someone about his job, his sport.
“That sounds great.” I watched as Sebastian pulled out his phone and somehow got the picture up onto the tv in the room. He spent the entire game explain everything to me. By the end I had a decent understanding of the game because Sebastian was so patient with explaining everything. A knock on the door interrupted us and a nurse came in, smiling at us.
“Visiting hours ended an hour ago, unless you are next of kin I’m going to need you to leave.” He nods, and stands as she leaves.
“Thank you for spending some time with me, it made my day much better.”
“I had a great time too, can I put my number in your phone? So we can talk about getting you out to a game?” Nodding I hand over my phone and thank him again before he leaves. The rest of the night goes by quickly, I was nervous for the surgery tomorrow.
My sister wasn’t able to get there before I went back but when I woke up in my room I wasn’t surprise to see her sitting next to the bed. “Jessica, sorry I didn’t get here before you went back, my flight got delayed.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
“How are you doing?”
“Alright, the pain hasn’t kicked in yet.”
“Good, now that I know you are okay. Who is the guy waiting out for you in the surgery waiting area?” She pulled out her phone and showed me a picture of Sebastian that she definitely took without him noticing.
“His name is Sebastian, he witnessed the car accident and called for help. Then he came to the hospital to check on me and hung out for a couple of hours. He is really nice.”
“He’s cute.” I could feel my cheeks flush and my sister laughed. “That’s what I thought. But I approve, he was already here when I got here. I’m gonna run to your apartment and drop off my stuff and grab some things for you but I’ll send him back so you have some company.” She wiggled her eyebrows while laughing as she left the room. Sebastian stuck his head in a minute later, looking embarrassed.
“Your sister said you were awake. She asked if I would keep you company while she was gone. She is interesting.”
“I’m sorry for Ally, she doesn’t do personal boundaries. And she loves to embarrass me.”
“She was fine, my teammates can be a lot worse.” I nod and smile as he told me about the practice he had this morning. A nurse came in at one point to check on me and Sebastian stood off to the side, once she left he was sitting right next to my bed. “I was wondering if you would go out to dinner with me? On a date.”
“Yeah, I would really like that.” Smiling we found something on tv to watch as we chatted, not even realizing that my sister had returned. While I would have preferred to not be in a car accident I was glad to have met Sebastian, I couldn’t wait until our first date.
Request are open!!!!
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Quick pecks and secret meetings Part 1 - Sebastian Aho
Word count: 646
Warning: shy Sepe, cute Sepe
Mentions: Jeff Skinner as your brother and Teuvo Teräväinen
Pairing: reader x Sebastian Aho
A/N:  I hope you will like the imagine, please check out my NHL masterlist for more imagines! Request are always open and I also have a prompts list!  Please tell me if you want a part 2!
Your name: submit What is this?
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Ever since Sebastian got drafted by the Canes, you had this major crush on him. But your older brother was his team mate, his name was Jeff Skinner. He had this rule that you weren’t allowed to have crushes on his team mates and you were definitely not allowed to date them. You were his little sister in his eyes you had to stay innocent even though you were in college. You went to North Carolina State University so you could stay close to Jeff, you had a close relationship with him.
They had practice and you sat in the bleachers with your face in one of the many books. You felt someone looking at you. When you looked up you saw that Sebastian was looking at you. You smiled at him, making him blush because you caught him staring. You were friends with all the team mates because you were allowed to go watch them practice or you would hang out when Jeff would invite them over to his place. You had a dorm at NCSU but you were at Jeff’s apartment most of the time.
There was something going on between you and Sebastian – you kept your distance at first because he was new here but he just kept flirting with you. You would think that he is shy but he felt so comfortable with you that he kept hitting on you. You noticed Teuvo saw the encounter and skated over to Sebastian. Teuvo said something to him, pointing in your direction and Sebastian nodded his head, blushing – making Teuvo laugh. You wondered what that was about – Turbo was the only one on the team that knows, and you made him promise you that he would keep it quiet. You can be very threatening even though you’re just 5’7”.
Practice was over and you waited by the locker room so Jeff could bring you home. You started leaning against the wall when you saw Sebastian coming out of the door and he saw you waiting. ‘You’re waiting for Jeff?’, he asked you, looking around so he could hold your hand for a second. You stood up straight and put your hands in your sweater pockets because you saw someone getting out – it was Teuvo. ‘Hello, little love birds.’, he said quietly teasing the both of you – making the both of you blush. ‘Your brother is almost done changing so he will be out soon.’, he said quickly, winking at you. ‘Sepe, we have to go now. I would love to go home and get a nap.’, Turbo said turning to Sepe. He nodded and looked around again – he gave you a quick peck on the lips while Turbo was looking at him phone. You smiled at him – he also didn’t want your brother to know about the two of you. He was scared about what your brother will do even though Jeff isn’t a guy that looks threatening.
They both walked off when your brother came outside. ‘That’s about damn time!’, you shouted a little bit too loud – just to warn Sepe. ‘What’s with the shouting Y/N, it isn’t necessary I’m not deaf you know.’, Jeff said a little annoyed.
It has been a couple of months of sneaking around at Sepe’s place and your dorm and you were kind of sick of it because Sebastian hasn’t been hinting that he wanted to be official with you – even though you wanted it so badly. You knew it meant that you had to tell you brother but you didn’t care anymore – you were in love with Sebastian Aho. You called him. ‘Ei, beibi. You want me to come over?’, he asked picking up after the second ring. ‘Yeah, can we talk?’, you asked stressing out for a bit. It was quiet on his side for a while. ‘Sure, I’ll come right over.’, he said eventually.
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sydnikov · 3 years
got any refs for canes (specifically sebastian or teuvo) fics on here? i can never seem to find any
I assume you mean fic recommendations (if not I apologize LMAO) so if that's true, then indeed I do 😌 You've come to the right place!! There are so many good fics I've found on tumblr LOL
series - ✔︎
oneshot - ♥︎
I won't be tagging the authors but I will be putting the links to their pages. Some of these fics that were asks also don't have titles so I just put down what prompt/a summary of what it was about in replacement.
Sebastian Aho:
✔︎ Serendipitous - lulucanwrite
A personal favorite. I've read it three times now and it is SO. GOOD. I added the embed link to part one so you can start it off that way.
♥︎ What Are We? - two-minute-minor
I think this is one of the first ones I read when joining tumblr, but I love how sweet and fluffy it is. 10/10 recommend. This specific author also has other Sepe fics in their masterlist so be sure to check those out too!
♥︎ just say yes. - denis-scorianov
I LOVE THIS ONE SM. JUST READ IT. YOU'LL UNDERSTAND. This author also has other Sepe fics on their masterlist so check those out too.
♥︎ Crushes - idontgiveaflyinggrayson69
Everyone loves a jealous Sepe. So good. The author, once again, also has other Sepe works in their masterlist.
♥︎ More Pulla, Less Fighting - puckyou-forpuckssake
I won't spoil much, but I love how short and sweet it is with still just the right amount of drama. Def check this one out for sure.
♥︎ PDA - running-on-fanfiction
The reader and Sebastian in an established relationship. Need I say more?
♥︎ Red Hoodies - tessisawriter
I'm a sucker for the whole 'sharing hoodies' trope, so of course I love this one.
♥︎ Halloween - hookingminor
I just love how simple and funny it is, never fails to make me giggle.
♥︎ I told you not to read that! - gabelandescrocs
Short and sweet, once again; the reader has an internal dilemma that just makes me love this story more.
♥︎ Albums - nhl-imagines-post
Nothin' but fluff. I absolutely adore this fic. 100/10 recommend.
Teuvo Teravainen:
✔︎ On My Mind - lulucanwrite
I love this one b/c of the internal battle with the reader and how it relates so much to me personally LOL I would definitely check this one out just because of how real it is. (and, y'know, the author's amazing) also adding the embed link for part 1. Lulu also has other Teuvo fics on their masterlist so be sure to check those out.
✔︎ It Starts with a T: One, Two, Three, Four - puckyou-forpuckssake
AHH this one is so goooooodd!! Definitely another one of my favorite series. 4 parts and you never miss a bit of action. I couldn't find this author's masterlist so I had to scroll through their blog to get all of the parts which is why I added the embed links for all of them.
♥︎ Jersey Numbers - idontgiveaflyinggrayson69
Jealous Turbo. I will say no more.
♥︎ Rough Day - love-nhl
Okay but imagine being bffs with Teuvo/Sepe. Just imagine. Then read this fic. You won't regret it.
♥︎ Take a Breath - radstronaut
A friends to lovers fic that never fails to put a smile on my face. 10/10 need to read if you haven't already.
♥︎ Where Did You Go? - hockeyplayerstories
This one is oh-so-very-sweet with just the perfect amount of angst to get you crying. A great read.
♥︎ Never Let You Fall - tessisawriter
Turbo comforting the reader never fails to make my heart melt. This one is so worth it.
♥︎ You've Forgotten Something - two-minute-minor
Fluff. So much fluff it'll rot your teeth out. I love this fic so much words can't even describe it.
♥︎ Selfcare Day - c-hartwriteshockey
Hockey players participating in selfcare days for the reader in fics is something I never thought I needed. You need it too. Trust me.
♥︎ Festivities - nazkadris
Sort of enemies to lovers?? Kinda?? Either way, 10/10 should read this one.
♥︎ Baking + Stress = breakdown - running-on-fanfiction
More Turbo comforting the reader. You won't regret reading this.
And of course, there are so many other good fics of these two out there!! These are just my personal favorites. I normally just browse through common tags with their names in them to find them <3
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hockeyfun · 8 years
Sebastian Aho #2
Requested by @brooke5bb: Hey! Could you write about Sebastian aho where you meet his teammates and wags maybe at a team skate or something? And make it super cute? Thank you!!
Warnings: Mention of wags who can be a bit mean
Word count: 1729
Author’s Note: So I tried my hardest to make this filled with cuteness. I enjoyed writing it a lot! I hope you like it! Also finding out who wags are on the Carolina Hurricanes was difficult because everyone is is private on their team lol. And lastly I google translated a little Finnish into here so my apologize if it is wrong lol! Enjoy thank you so much for your patience and please request a again :D
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In all honesty you should probably have been freezing. You were on ice for God's sake but you couldn't feel anything but warmth. Being with Sebastian Aho was the cause of the warmth throughout your body. The Carolina Hurricanes, Sebastian’s team, was having an open skate for the players’ friends and families at the PNC Arena. Sebastian asked you to come. You and Sepe had been going casual for a while, but this was the first time he really asked you to hang out with him involving his hockey life. It was also the first time you'd met all his teammates and their families. Sure you were nervous but you were more than anything excited. This was the next step in your relationship with Sepe. It wasn't just hanging around one of your apartments anymore. It was more. It means he saw more with you. You were enough to bring around. That was why you weren't as nervous as you were excited.
Sebastian was holding your hand as he led you around the rink. The smile on your face never leaving. You and Sepe were pretty much the first ones on the ice. As more time passed more players and families appeared. You didn't really notice them because you were so preoccupied with Sepe and skating. "You're getting better," Sebastian said to you as he slowly let go of your hands to show you didn't need his help. You tried to take one more step towards him when all balance was lost. If it wasn't for Sepe standing right in front of you to catch you, then you probably would have been face first flat on the ice. You looked up at him and smiled, "don't let go again," you commanded him. His face filled with love. "I won't," he promised. You stood their gazing into his eyes. The warmth that flooded through the both of you could have melted the ice. So many unsaid words were being passed between you two in those few seconds of intimacy.
 “Aho,” you heard Sepe's name being called. You two instantly broke apart but not without him slipping his hand in yours and helping you keep your balance. You looked up to see Justin Faulk was the one who hollered at Sepe. “The team is getting a picture," he smiled while informing the Finnish player. Sebastian nodded his head. After an awkward moment of silence of you waiting to be introduced to Justin, you couldn't hold it in any longer. You put on your biggest smile and stuck out your hand. You introduced yourself to Justin. Justin gave you an amused smile. "Hi, I'm Justin. It's nice to finally meet you," he mentioned. You rose your eyebrows in surprise and looked over at Sebastian.  "'To finally meet you?'?" You questioned. His cheeks began to heat up as he looked down at you. Justin just laughed at your little exchange.  “Most of the girlfriends and wives are by the benches. I’ll introduce you to Chloe,” Justin told you. Sebastian offered his arm to you and helped you skate over to the bench.
 Justin quickly introduced you to Chloe. You were also super excited to meet her. The rest of the team started calling for Sebastian and Justin. Sebastian gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and skated over with towards his teammates. When you moved your attention to Chloe she was smiling at you. She linked her arm through yours and began to walk towards a group of other girls. “I’m going to warn you some of the woman can be a little… what’s the word… mean?” she said warned you. Your face must have said everything because Chloe was quick to put your mind at ease, “No, no, they aren’t like mean-mean. Some women just take a longer time to warm up to new girls. And it isn’t your fault. It is just because they see woman come and go a lot and they don’t want to get attached,” she tried to clarify. Honestly it didn’t help though. It made you scared that you might be one of those girls. You and Sebastian were in a great place but maybe your relationship was in the “honeymoon” phase. Chloe grabbed on to you realizing what she had just said and what doubts it brought to your mind, “No, no, that doesn’t mean you are one of those girls. I just meant that some of the woman here think like that. You and Aho are going be together for a long time. I can tell. He is so happy and in love. I know we just met but I’ve known Sebastian for a while. The beginning of the year was hard for him to transition but when he started seeing you, his happiness grew. It was wonderful,” she commented. You didn’t realize how big you were smiling until your cheeks started to hurt. “Thank you,” you replied to Chloe. She laughed as if she didn’t do anything to deserve the thank you.
You were introduced to more of the families, wives and girlfriends. You took a real liking to Chloe and Joanna Bozek (Eddie Lack’s girlfriend). All the women were nice but some woman were like Chloe explained earlier. It didn’t upset you as much as you thought it would because Chloe told you every time that you’d be around long enough for them to get to know you. Although nothing is promised in life, you couldn’t help but feel she was right. You and Sebastian had a wonderful relationship. Don’t get yourself wrong, the two of you had some problems, you weren’t perfect. Though your relationship was pretty darn close. He treated you amazing. He made sure every moment was filled with emotions. There was rarely a moment not filled with laughter and love. Sebastian had a great sense of humor and lucky for you it was kind of a quirky/silly sense of humor. You two fit like two pieces of a puzzle.  
Sepe skated over to you. You didn’t see him at first but he saw you. You were laughing at something someone had said. You looked beautiful as he saw your face filled with happiness. He was smiling when he reached you on the bench. “Hey,” you heard the Finnish boy call out to you. He was wearing the soft smile you’ve grown accustomed too. He was leaning over the railing of the bench. He looked peaceful and content. Something that made your heart leap. "Hey," you softly responded. He quickly perked up as if he just got an idea and jumped over into the bench area with ease. Now he was standing right in front of you. "I want to show you something," he announced. You nodded your head, "okay." He grabbed your hand and led you down the hallway leading away from the ice. "Where are you taking me?" You laughed. He stopped in front of a red door that clearly was labeled with locker room. "I want to show you my locker stall," he sheepishly told you. He opened the door and pulled you in. The room was empty. He walked you over to where his locker was. Aho 20 you smiled at it. "But to be truthful, I really just wanted to get you alone," he said as he pulled you close to him. You smiled up at him, "oh really?" He was smiling as he leaned down to kiss you. The kiss was a happy one. It was filled with giggles and smiles. You quickly broke apart from Sepe when you both heard the door opening. In came some of the players and their families. "Hope we didn't interrupt anything," one of them said. "No, no you didn't," you responded way too quickly. One of the woman laughed as if she knew what was going on. Usually you would have been extremely embarrassed but you looked at Sebastian to see his cheeks were starting to get red. You tried to hide your laugh. Teuvo Teravainen said something to him in Finnish. Sebastian gave a quick retort which caused Teuvo to laugh. "Hey, Teuvo," you said. Since the two young Finnish boys roomed together you would consider yourself friends with Teuvo. "Hei," he responded with the Finnish word for hello. You rolled your eyes in response. Teuvo was determined to teach you Finnish. The language honestly made no sense. Every time you complained to Teuvo about how you'll never understand their native language, he responded that if you had to meet Sepe's family then you'd have to know some of the language. Because of that it didn't make you frustrated or mad. "Will you take a picture of me and Sepe?" You asked Teuvo. You handed your phone to him. You had Sebastian sit in his locker stall and sat down next to him. You placed your legs over his lap and then cuddled into his side. You looked over at the camera and smiled. A couple pictures were taken, then all the sudden Sepe gently grabbed your face and turned it towards his. He then leaned in for a kiss. It was a sweet and short one but one that took your breath away.
"You guys are annoying," Teuvo said as he handed you your phone. You smiled in response. Sebastian and you looked at the photos. All of them were adorable, but the one where you and Sepe were kissing was the cutest. "That's my favorite," he commented. You looked up at his big brown eyes, "me too, should I post it on Instagram?" You asked. He nodded his head. You looked down at your phone again and pulled up the Instagram app. "What should the caption be?" You absentmindedly asked Sepe. "I don't know. Something about the team and then something about having a good day with your boyfriend?" He nonchalantly said. You let out a small gasp. "Boyfriend?" You asked for clarification. He sheepishly looked down at you with his warm brown eyes. "Yeah, if you want?" He responded. "Oh my gosh! Of course I want that," you squealed. You excitingly wrapped your arms around Sebastian. You tightly squeezed him causing him to laugh. You felt his lips on your ear, "hyvä," he whispered to you which meant good in Finnish. And you responded with the same word. "Hyvä."
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pinkmanitewrites · 6 years
2018 Fic Writing Reflection
Hockey RPF
make me wanna hold on (make me wanna be all yours)
wear the crown just like no one
(take a piece of my heart and) make it all your own
all my love’s wrapped in red
sold my soul to a three piece
dry the stain like me
a hundred dollar bottle of champagne like me
pancake batter
look me in the face (hold my gaze)
for every dreamer a dream (we’re unstoppable)
"she is always a novelty; for she is never the chicago you saw when you passed through the last time" -mark twain
throw me in the deep end (watch me drown)
you're the reason I'm still up at dawn (just to see your face)
a good daddy
a dream of a ship that was sailed in the night
so don't break (break)
(his lips like tangerine in his) color coded speak
Propositional Logic
the geneva contract
heart of glass // mind of stone
"what's meant to be will always find a way" —trisha yearwood
been waitin too long (i've been waitin)
(saying that I want more) this is what I live for
the toronto purchase
six point nine six nine
Kyle Dubas / William Nylander (5 works)
Patrick Kane / Jonathan Toews (3 works)
Nicklas Backstrom / Andre Burakovsky (3 works)
Alex DeBrincat / Dylan Strome (3 works)
Auston Matthews / William Nylander (2 works)
Ryan Hartman / Vinnie Hinostroza (2 works)
Mitch Marner / Auston Matthews (1 work)
Kasperi Kapanen / William Nylander (1 work)
Ryan Strome / Dylan Strome (1 work)
Nazem Kadri / William Nylander (1 work)
Nazem Kadri / Mitch Marner (1 work)
John Tavares / Mitch Marner (1 work)
Andre Burakovsky / Washington Capitals (1 work)
Nicklas Backstrom / William Nylander (1 work)
Frederik Andersen / Auston Matthews (1 work)
Sebastian Aho / Cam Ward (1 work)
Kyle Dubas / Kasperi Kapanen (1 work)
Brent Seabrook / Adam Boqvist (1 work)
Total number of fics = 29 (+1 anon)
Total number of words = 165,689
Fandoms = 1
Average fic length = ~5,523
Most written fandom = Hockey RPF
Most written characters = William Nylander (12 works)
Most written pairings = Kyle Dubas / William Nylander (5 works)
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you'd predicted?
I wrote literally so much this year; I think it came out to be like half as much as I’ve written of all time prior, which is so crazy to me. These past two years I’ve written more than I’ve ever imagined and I hope I can keep it up!
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January?
Oh my god there are so many, but I think the most obvious and like also impactful is Kyle Dubas / William Nylander. Honorable mentions go out to John Tavares / Mitch Marner, Sebastian Aho / Cam Ward, and especially to Brent Seabrook / Adam Boqvist. Look, we had a really interesting summer here.
What's your own favorite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest?
I’m going to go with all my love’s wrapped in red, better known as the Auston/Willy ABO fic with the coca-cola thing. I think it’s my favorite because it’s the fic I’ve literally always wanted to write, like even loooong before I was in hockey fandom, I’ve had this AU concept in the back of my head for literally ever. It was the first long oneshot I ever I wrote and it wasn’t even on purpose, it just happened. I loved every single second of building that AU. And I think it’s the AU that truly truly truly made me fall in love with writing William Nylander. I also put so much of myself in the little things in the fic, and there’s definitely the obvious like easter egg choices, but I maaaay have projected a lot of feelings via Will’s emotions and interpersonal relationships. It’s the kind of thing you wouldn’t notice unless you know me well but like, it makes it that much more personal to me, I guess? Anyway, I am so incredibly proud of that fic. But, honorable mention to a fic (series) that I love for similar reasons, in love and war, the combination of the geneva contract and the toronto purchase which is my canon-compliant Kyle/Willy monster fic.
Did you take any writing risks this year? What did you learn from them?
I participated in a lot of exchanges and challenges this year! Which is a risk for me because I’m kind of unpredictable about when I actually make writing happen so the fact that I put out a lot of works that I’m genuinely proud of all on a deadline was an accomplishment for me!
Do you have any fanfic goals for the New Year?
I want to chatfic more and write more fics for my friends. Like, hear me out. I think 2018 was a year of me truly writing fic for myself and not really caring if it was what people wanted to read. I really wrote whatever made me happy and whatever stuff I would genuinely want to go back and read for fun, purely for myself. I think a lot of my time in fandom has been writing fic tailored to appease the whole fandom at large, so having that change in 2018 was extremely important. And I think the effect of that really shows. But now that I’m comfortable in that regard, I want to use fic as something special where I can give back to the people I care about, you know?
My best story
all my love’s wrapped in red
My most popular story
(take a piece of my heart and) make it all your own
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion
It’s hands down for every dreamer a dream (we’re unstoppable)!!!! My super sickening sweet Naz/Willy fic!! It’s literally just 7k of them madly in love and it’s super grossly romantic and heart warming and idk I lowkey think it deserves more love and is just cursed with being a rarepair lmao.
Most fun story
It’s really hard to decide but probably one that had a lot of world building. I think I’m going to go with take a piece of my heart because it was fun writing the plot twists and building up Mitch’s backstory.
Sexiest story
Look, all I’m gonna say is that I wrote a lot of indulgent PWP this year.
Story with the single sweetest moment
I don’t know if this is actually the sweetest moment because I have some very cute scenes in the in love and war universe, but I think it’d be something out of for every dreamer a dream and right now, the sushi date where Naz tries to cheer up Willy is really sticking out for me.
Most "Holy crap, that's wrong, even for you" story
I really cannot decide if it’s my super unhealthy relationship Kyle/Willy/(Kappy) series or the one where I wrote what’s essentially a pwp daddy kink of a barely 18yo.
Hardest story to write
The hardest was probably for every dreamer because I was so out of my depth in trying to write and characterize Naz and the request was a time period where I hadn’t been following the Leafs very closely just yet. I had to do a lot of background research that you don’t even really see (I just needed it as foundation) and I had to figure out a voice for Naz, all with a deadline while I was living abroad.
Most unintentionally telling story
This sounds so strange but all my love has so much of myself intertwined into the fine details and projection of Willy!!! There’s a lot of my own anxieties and personal conflicts and stressors that are metaphored into Willy’s story. I think you really have to know me to catch them but they’re there and it really is a very vulnerable story for me.
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athenaswrath · 7 months
Do you have any prompts or are you open to any requests?
Right at this moment I'm open to general requests. I'll post a list of prompts, probably after I finish my current ongoing series
I'm open to write for
Jeremy Swayman
Mathew Barzal
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tessisawriter · 5 years
Recess (Sebastian Aho)
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Request (anonymous): #1 on the prompt list with Sebastian Aho?
A/N: This imagine is set during the 2018-19 season (that’s why Justin Williams appears). 
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1.5k
You smiled as the kids were working on their art projects, knowing that they were about to receive an amazing surprise within the next ten minutes.
You were one of the new assistant teachers at a school in Raleigh for kids with learning disabilities, and it was incredibly rewarding. The school was one of the first of its kind in the state, and you wanted to give back. Your older brother was severely dyslexic, so when he was eight years old, unable to read and the schools in Raleigh unequipped to help him, your family moved to New York City, where there were plenty of special-ed schools. You watched your brother go on to finally learn how to read, gain back his self-confidence, graduate high school, attend UNC Chapel Hill, and graduate magna cum laude with a degree in computer science. You couldn’t be prouder of him, and you knew that he wouldn’t have been able to reach his full potential without attending a special-ed school.
During your last semester at UNC Chapel Hill this past spring (of course you went to the same college as your brother—you were Irish twins), you received word that a special-ed school serving grades K-8 had opened in Raleigh. Since you were about to receive a degree in education, you reached out and expressed interest in getting a job there. They were initially wary of hiring a 22-year-old fresh out of college to teach at their fledgling school, but after your interview, they gave you the job. You taught a class of second-graders, and you loved them all. You understood the challenges they were facing, and you were patient whenever one of them acted out due to frustration.
There was a soft knock on the door, and the head teacher nodded her head at the door, signaling for you to go outside. You quietly walked away from the kids, opened the door just enough to slip outside, and closed it gently. When you turned around, you saw three players from the Carolina Hurricanes wearing their red jerseys: Justin Williams, Teuvo Teravainen, and Sebastian Aho.
“Hi, my name is Y/N L/N, thank you so much for coming today!” you said.
Almost all of the kids in your class were die-hard Canes fans, and a photo of them in their jerseys during Spirit Week went viral on the Internet, catching the attention of the Canes brass. They reached out to the school last week asking if some of their players could visit your class, and you knew the kids were going to be so excited.
“Of course! So, what are we doing today?” Justin asked.
“Well, the kids actually don’t know you’re here; we decided to make it a surprise. When my co-teacher opens the door, we’ll go inside. Recess is in ten minutes, so the kids will probably want to play a game.”
“Sounds good,” Teuvo said, Sebastian nodding along.
You couldn’t help but notice Sebastian’s eyes on you ever since you came out of the classroom. He hadn’t talked yet, so you decided to break the ice.
“Which one of you first saw the photo? I forget,” you lied.
“Sebastian.” Teuvo patted his friend on the shoulder and gave him a not-so-subtle look.
“Yes, it was me,” Sebastian confirmed. “I thought the kids were really cute and when I realized that they went to this school, I asked management if a few of us could come visit.”
“You came here because of the school?” You hoped that he didn’t come here just because the kids had learning disabilities. That happened a lot, and it got on your nerves. The kids were just like everyone else except for the way they learned best.
“A friend of mine from back home in Finland is dyslexic,” Sebastian explained, “so I have an idea of what these kids deal with every day.”
You were shocked; he came because he was actually interested in what the school did. “My brother is dyslexic, too,” you said. “That’s actually why I took this job after graduating in May. It’s rewarding to help the kids reach their full potential, even if I only impact their lives a little bit.”
“I’m sure you impact them more than just a little,” Sebastian replied, and you blushed.
An awkward silence ensued, which was thankfully broken by the door to the classroom opening.
“Please welcome Justin Williams, Teuvo Teravainen, and Sebastian Aho from the Carolina Hurricanes!” your co-teacher said, and the kids started cheering as you walked through the door with the players.
“Oh my God, it’s Sebastian Aho!” One of the kids, Sarah, said to Noah, her best friend. They had both been in the photo that Sebastian had seen on the Internet; they’d be thrilled that it was him who wanted to visit them.
The kids started to get a bit out of control with their excitement, so you stepped in: “I know you’re all excited that they’re here, and you should be, but do you remember what we talked about last week?”
They nodded, immediately settling down.
“Do you want to tell them why you’re here?” You turned your head to Sebastian and Teuvo, who were standing on your left.
After a moment of silence, Teuvo sighed and started talking. “We saw—”
“It’s okay,” Sebastian muttered, and Teuvo nodded in his direction. “We saw a photo of you in our jerseys at Spirit Week and admired how dedicated you all are to our team, so we wanted to come spend time with you.”
Sarah raised her hand next. “Which one of you saw us first?” You smiled, already knowing she would be the one who was going to ask that question. Sarah was incredibly precocious, and while you tried not to prefer some students over others, she was your favorite.
Sebastian stayed quiet, so Justin jumped in. “Seabass did,” he said, using what you assumed was his nickname in the locker room.
The kids started giggling. At this age, they thought everything was funny, especially nicknames.
The bell rang, indicating that it was time for recess.
“Before you arrived, we talked about what we were going to do for recess,” your co-teacher addressed the players, “And they want to play duck, duck, goose. You don’t have to play if you don’t want to, of course—”
“Yes! I wanna play!” Sebastian cut her off. You were shocked; he seemed like the shy type, but there was clearly more to him than what met the eye.
“What Sebastian means is, of course we’ll play,” Justin said. You knew that he had two kids, so he was probably used to this.
The kids cheered as they ran over to the rug that they all sat on for morning meetings, and you followed after them. You felt a pair of eyes on you, so you turned around and found Sebastian staring at you while he and Teuvo were whispering to each other. He blushed and quickly broke eye contact.
The kids sat in a circle and made room for the players. While Teuvo and Justin mulled over where to sit, Sebastian immediately sat down next to Sarah.
You and your co-teacher watched as the three hockey players started up the game, and they were all naturals with the kids.
Before you knew it, recess was over, and the kids thanked Justin, Teuvo, and Sebastian for coming. Sebastian smiled at you before walking away, and you smiled back.
“You’re free to go on your lunch break now, Y/N,” your co-teacher said.
“Are you sure? The kids might be a little hyper after the visit,” you said.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got it. You need to have lunch,” she said kindly, and you went over to your desk to grab your bag before leaving the classroom.
You shut the door quietly, and as you walked down the hallway, you saw someone in red running toward you. It was Sebastian.
“Oh, there you are,” Sebastian said when he reached you, out of breath.
“Did you forget something in the classroom?” you asked.
“Yeah. Do you want to maybe have dinner sometime? I mean, only if you want to,” Sebastian said, blushing furiously.
“I’d like that,” you replied, smiling at him.
“Really?” He looked genuinely surprised.
“Really,” you said, holding out your phone. He just looked at it, a puzzled look on his face.
“Oh, of course, we should exchange numbers,” Sebastian said while taking your phone out of your hand. “There. Text me and I’ll have your number.”
“Okay,” you said, typing out a quick text that read, “Hi, it’s Y/N 😊”
His phone pinged, and he looked at his phone, smiling. You loved his smile.
“I’m leaving tonight for a road trip, but I’ll be back on Friday morning. Do you want to have dinner on Friday?” Sebastian asked.
“Sounds good,” you said.
“Sebastian! We have to go to practice!” Teuvo shouted from down the hall.
Sebastian blushed again. “I’ll see you on Friday, then? Where should I pick you up?”
“My house. I’ll text you the address.”
“Great, see you then!” he said brightly, kissing you on the cheek before jogging back down the hall.
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hockeyfun · 8 years
Sebastian Aho #1
Requested by Anon: Hello! Could you write something about Sebastian Aho being v v shy and he has a major crush on the reader so he seeks help from some teammates and he tries to flirt and he kinda stumbles over his words and stutters and gets v embarrassed except the reader finds it adorable
Warnings: none
Word Count: 1819
Author’s Notes: Sorry this took so long to get up! I really enjoyed it and I enjoyed writing it so I hope you do too! <3
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The end of the season party was just kicking off. You were lucky that throughout the year you became close friends with all the families and girlfriends of the Carolina Hurricanes team. That’s why you were invited to this celebration. One of your close friends Chloe (who just happened to be dating Justin Faulk) was standing next to you making conversation. You weren’t really paying attention because a certain young Finnish player wearing a suit and tie walked in. “So what do you think?” Chloe asked. You turned to her and gave her a quizzical look, “Umm sorry what?” you tried to cover yourself. She just looked at you and laughed, “You heard nothing I just said, did you.” You sheepishly shook your head no. “I’m sorry, I just got distracted,” you lamely defended yourself. Once again Chloe rolled her eyes at you, “You got distracted because you’ve been staring at the door for the past ten minutes waiting for Sebe to walk in,” she said as she looked over at the door and saw him, “ahhh and so he has arrived. When are you going to make a move?” She questioned you. 
You squinted your eyes at her, “You know I can’t do that. I’ve made many hints to him and he hasn’t done anything with it. I just don’t think he likes me like that,” you honestly responded. Chloe looked at you like you had no head, “you are so blind sometimes. How can he not like you? You’re drop dead gorgeous. You are so intelligent and kind hearted. You love hockey. You are the perfect girl,” she confessed. You were blushing profusely. You always prided yourself in being able to give a bomb compliment, but receiving one, that was a different story. It made you feel vulnerable, but it also made you feel good. “Thanks, Chloe,” you responded. Justin joined you two and instantly wrapped his arms around Chloe and leaned down to kiss her. Your heart fluttered in jealousy. It wasn’t a jealousy that was bad, it was more of that jealousy that made you yearn for what they had. Justin began to speak to Chloe about something that didn’t have to do with you so you let your mind and eyes wonder over to were Sebastian was. He was in a conversation with Teuvo Teravainen, Jeff Skinner, Ryan Murphy, and Elias Lindholm. They all were laughing at something someone said. The five of them were around the food and drinks, so you decided you were a little thirsty. “I’m going to get something to drink,” You told Chloe and Justin. You didn’t really wait for their response. You smiled and strutted over to where Sebastian was. They saw you walking over before you actually reached them. Sebastian gave you a small smile. The rest of the boys noticed and started giving Sebastian a hard time. “Oh look your girlfriend is coming, Sebe.” Ryan teased. Sebastian’s face grew red. “She’s not my girlfriend,” he sheepishly replied. Although he wished you were his girlfriend. Your smile was radiating and everything about you made him weak with happiness. “Well you better get it going because she’s not going to be free forever,” Skinner commented. As he said this, some random PR employee stopped you to say hello. Actually, he wasn't that random, you had met him a few times by chance. He was nice and just wanted to say hello but Sebastian got the message his friends were saying. Sebe looked over at his boys, "I can't. She makes me too nervous and I just freeze up whenever she's around," he confessed, "I need help." He ran his fingers through his hair in frustration. You finished your conversation with this guy and made your way over to the boys. "Hello Boys. Congratulations on such a great season. I have a feeling next year this celebration will be for you guys going to the playoffs," you said. "Yeah I hope so," Jeff responded with his signature smile. "Hey Ryan, I see coach. Don't you have that thing you wanted to tell him," Jeff obviously said to try and get you alone with Sebe. "Oh yeah, let's go," Ryan responded. You rolled your eyes at their obvious attempt. Sebe looked at the rest of his friends in bewilderment. Teuvo looked at him and shrugged. Elias was trying not to laugh at Sebastian's face. You smiled at the now very nervous looking Sebe. You stood there for a couple moments in awkward silence. You wanted to roll your eyes. Once again you'd have to take the first step, "you know Chloe said the patio is covered in lights. Any of you want to check it out with me?" You generously offered to all of them. You really didn't want Elias or Teuvo to come but you were afraid that by asking only Sebastian would make him too uncomfortable. "Yeah sure," Sebastian answered quickly. You gave out a soft laugh of relief, "okay, boys?" You looked at Elias and Teuvo. "No I think we are good in here," Elias answered. You smiled gratefully at them. Before you and Sebe left Teuvo said something to him in their native language, Finnish. Sebastian looked at him and responded. The conversation lost to you and Elias. "I hate when you guys do that," you lightly told them. Sebastian looked down at you and tentatively smiled, "sorry."
The patio was covered in twinkling lights. It was beautiful. The warm North Carolina spring breeze felt great against your skin. You and Sebastian sat down on a small outdoor love seat. Everything was perfect except for the fact Sebastian was beyond nervous. What Teuvo told him was ‘this was his moment”, and letting his nerves get in the way would ruin it. Of course Sebe knew that but he couldn't help it. You were so perfect. He wanted to be with you so badly that he didn't want to mess it all up. He took a deep shaky breath, "I'm glad Elias, and Teuvo didn't come," he announced to you. You turned towards him and smiled. "Why is that?" You questioned. Hoping this would finally be the moment he made a move. "Well... ummm... because they would have ruined the moment?" He made the statement sound more like a question. You smiled and let out a little laugh, "yes, I agree," you responded. He let out a small sigh of relief. He looked off into the distance and ran his hand through his hair out of nervous habit, "sinä olet kaunis" he said in his native tongue. "What did you just say?" You curiously asked. He looked back at you and gave you a small smile, “nothing.” You gave him a joking glare. He still felt uneasy, but saying to you what he can’t in English, in Finnish, gave him some calmness. You noticed that he was fiddling a lot with his fingers as you two sat there in silence. You couldn’t help but smile at his antics. “So,” you began and at the same time Sebastian said “Um,” You both kind of looked at each other and then you started laughing. Sebe let out a nervous laugh. “you wanted to say something,” you encouraged him. “and… you were,” he stumbled over his words, “I mean, you were, going to say something as well,” he clarified. "Yes, I was. Here's what we will do. I'll say what I have to say first. And you can go second," you offered. "Okay," he agreed. "I was going to ask you to tell me what Teuvo said to you earlier?" You questioned. ‘It's now or never’ Sebastian thought to himself. "He, well, he told me not to let my nerves get in the way," he waited for your response. You looked at him a little surprised. "Sebastian, do I make you nerves?" You asked for clarification. Was it possible that the reason Sebastian didn't take your hints was because he actually liked you. You knew he was always a little nervous just through obvious observations, but maybe he was extra nervous with you. Your heart pounded with anticipation for his answer. He looked off into the distance again, avoiding your gaze. He let out a sigh, "Yes, you make me very nervous," he admitted. His face turned red at the open admission. You heart bounced, "a good nervous, right?" You guessed. He nodded his head, "a good nervous," he agreed. You gently grabbed his hand, "good, you make me nervous too," you softly spoke causing him to look at you. He didn't say anything and quite frankly he didn't have to. His eyes said everything. They shined with happiness and pride. He was so elated that he was finally getting somewhere with you. You two sat there for a while just holding hands and being in each other's presence. It wasn't awkward at all. It was filled with triumphant and passion. You were so thankful for Teuvo and the boys for pushing him. You couldn't wait to tell Chloe all about this. She was right. He did like you. You knew that from the way he had just looked at you.
"You're so beautiful," Sebastian said interrupting your thoughts. "Huh?" You asked in a bit of a daze. "That's what I said earlier, in Finnish. And that was what I was going to tell you," He said. He looked down at you again. Your smile growing big. He slowly moved his head down towards yours. He rested his forehead on yours and fluttered his eyes closed, "you are so beautiful" he whispered to you right before he kissed you.
You two sat outside for a bit longer. You two kept kissing and kissing. It was like you both couldn't get enough of each other. But in due time you agreed you should both go inside. This whole event was after all supposed to be a celebration for the team and you wanted Sebastian to enjoy it.
You walked in with your hands intertwined. Once all the boys saw, they pounced. They literally swarmed Sebastian in celebration. "YOU DID IT, BRO," you heard one of them yell. "You grew some balls, finally" you heard another holler. This swarm of Sebe's teammates caused you two to separate but you didn't mind it was actually quite amusing. You laughed to yourself at the sight. Sebastian must have had feelings for you longer than you had originally thought. "What's that all about?" You heard Chloe ask as she came up next to you. "They're just proud that Sebastian finally made a move," you admitted. "Wait, what?!" Chloe squealed. You smiled at her and nodded, confirming all of her questions. You gave a quick glance over to Sebastian where he was currently getting interrogated just as much as you. He saw your stare and gave you that shy smile you'd always loved deeply.
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