#Sebastien Harbert
daggerfall · 4 months
Ohhh thinking about how Darien's Words of the Fallen note tells the player "Don't trust her. Don't trust any of the Daedric Princes. Not ever." and how that completely solidifies Isla's distrust and hatred of daedric princes and anything daedric related, after one made her lose her husband Twice.
And how almost a decade later, she's confronted with a daedric prince telling her that she has to work with him to save Nirn and sign into a contract with him to do so. It's triggering old traumas from the Planemeld, the Daedric Triad, Deadlands, of having to work with daedra to save the world - because she alone has to do it - only to be betrayed and still lose something or someone. How scared she is to be forced into giving away another piece of herself to the Hero title...
But instead, her best friend, her most trusted confidant, the person she's spent the last year and a half healing with and learning to love, steps in to sign the contract on her behalf, knowing the pain it would cause her to do so. Instead of making her sacrifice her vow to her husband, Sebastien steps into the Hero's shoes to learn about her experiences and protect her like she's always protected Tamriel.
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rels-tenim · 1 year
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🛡️ A Day Out in High Rock 🏰
Sébastien Harbert returns home...
See Talinwe Here
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daggerfall · 24 days
Isla taking Sebastien down to Blackreach during New Life after their first year together so she can introduce him to Verandis. She *says* it's because she wants to see all her old friends again and didn't do that last year, but deep down she wants that approval from the man she views as a father to her, wants to make sure he likes Seb and that Seb likes Verandis.
Except 1) she forgot to say that Verandis looks a bit... Ghastly now. And scares the ever loving shit out of Seb when Verandis comes out from behind them, nearly making him thrice killed.
2) Seb actually already knew Verandis as a teenager because he was Emeric's godson and of course all of the noble families knew each other. But...
3) he didn't know Count Verandis Ravenwatch was a vampire until now. He wasn't exactly the smartest kid back then.
It's a very chaotic introduction
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daggerfall · 3 months
Isla and Seb do the Necrom main quest as a pair, where he does anything that requires going to Apocrypha, and she does side quests in the Telvanni Peninsula while he's busy and tags along for the main quest events in the Peninsula. The one exception is when he's about to enter the Mythos to fight Blightcrown and Vaermina, and she demands entry to go assist him. As much trauma as she has with daedric realms and bargains with Princes, her one weakness is knowing Seb is placing himself in danger on her behalf and she refuses to let him do this alone.
This whole story has played out very interestingly for Mora as a character in Isla's story - he knows he needs the help of the Hero but whether or not she would agree is difficult to ascertain. She's opinionated and loud and knows better than to trust a daedra after years of experience, but she's also exhausted and very close to reluctantly accepting her fate because she knows she can't stop it. She doesn't form attachments to people like she used to, in a way that would give her a cause to fight for. But the one way she would Willingly choose to fight on Mora's behalf and genuinely care about the way things end? Involving the one person she has opened her heart to in the last several years into his plot.
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daggerfall · 5 months
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Commission by my good pal @/somberlockhart on Twitter, @/viridianlockhart on discord I got back during the LotB era of my main Isla and her (???? what are we) teenage best friend Sebastien (aka the Breton hero)
Once they reunited for good after Deadlands and started working together for the High Isle peace talks, Emeric "persuaded" them to get a portrait commissioned together. You know, for peace talks reasons (he thinks they'd be cute together) and you try telling the High King no.
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daggerfall · 4 months
👋 hiya! My name is M (just the letter), they/them pronouns, 27 years old, ace, from the PNW. About me below ⬇️
I've played Skyrim and Oblivion in the past and am actively playing Elder Scrolls Online (NA/PC) and it is the focus of this blog. I've never played Arena or Daggerfall (despite the url) and only barely "played" Morrowind and never will. I've done a good amount of endgame stuff as a tank main (sometimes dps main), but my heart will always belong to my characters and their stories.
My favorite trials are Cloudrest and Sunspire, my favorite dungeons are Scalecaller Peak, Stone Garden, Unhallowed Grave, and Coral Aerie, and my friends will say I have an unhealthy relationship with Blackrose Prison. I have all trial tris up to Kyne's Aegis and three Unchained clears. I'm that Breton Hero guy and also that Relequen guy and am rapidly becoming that Leramil guy.
In the past and on my old url I was more active and social but after roughly 6 years in tesblr, I'm tired and have very little tolerance for people being annoying for one reason or another. I'm not here to argue about whether or not ESO is canon (it is, how are people still arguing this 10 years later) and I'd mute if it existed - if you get caught up in a block then ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I'm just here to post my little guys and my dungeon tri achievements.
I'm more social on our ESO discord, Scalecaller's Minions (invite link embedded). Our mods are @scalecallerpeak @yffresbeard and @tonal-modulator and it is 18+ (we're just all adults now and prefer no minors there)
Banner and avatar by @/hyeleth on twitter
Commonly used tags:
m speaks: personal posts by me
m plays eso: posts by me about eso
m flexes: posts with my eso achievements
vestige isla kingston: my eso main, breton magsorc
breton hero / sebastien harbert : eso cinematic trailer character and the oc i've based off him, nightblade/necromancer, best friend and partner to my main
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daggerfall · 2 years
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Ran into a fellow breton hero clone while waiting for battleground queue to pop, I see we all saw the same reddit post on how to remake his costume to not be so ugly lol
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daggerfall · 2 years
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Behold! Two whole men
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daggerfall · 3 years
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soooooo... deadlands firewalker personality huh...
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daggerfall · 2 years
Managed to get through the prologue last night in spite of it all so I could start working more on my High Isle rewrite with my oc Sebastien (aka the breton hero) as a major character.
The short of the premise being that after deadlands, Seb finally comes back from hiding after faking his death during the three banners war and gets a position within Emeric's intelligence network (with some stipulations). Being friends with Isla and her being eager to help her old friend from before her Vestige days, they spend the next few months in High Rock working with the Society of the Steadfast to begin peace talks. Seb worked with Lady Arabelle during the Three Banners War around a decade ago, so he was assigned to work with her once again. Meanwhile Isla handled more of the ambassadorial side of things directly for the Covenant.
Seb grew close with Lady Arabelle during this time, them both having a loyalty to the Covenant but ultimately more wanting the war to end peacefully. She also acted as a motherly figure to him in a way his own mother failed to live up to, and allowed him to be himself around her (within reason). He was super excited for Isla and Arabelle to meet, being two exceptional women in his life and he wanted them to get along. So the prologue being a chance to finally recruit her into Society of the Steadfast stuff was a great chance. He fulfills the role Jakarn does but with less "hey good looking"s and generally less arrogance.
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daggerfall · 3 years
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sebastien just stands around during a lot of the elsweyr questline waiting patiently for sasha to do hero stuff and being oblivious to how edgy (and kinda hot) he looks
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daggerfall · 3 years
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Forgot to share my Breton Hero cosplay Sebastien got spirit slayer as well! I still dont know magcro dont ask me to play it in serious content lol
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daggerfall · 3 years
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You can class change the breton hero all you want but you'll never take away his knife
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daggerfall · 3 years
i was rewatching the 'three fates' eso cinematic trailers and realised that at the end when the breton hero is dying and the high elf hero comes up to him, he briefly hallucinates a woman in a blue dress that matches the blue cloth he carries. had to come straight to you and ask if you have any thoughts on who the woman is/represents since you are tesblr's official breton hero stan lol
My take on the breton hero is that he was the kinda guy to have a lot of mostly meaningless flings whenever he'd be on leave or in base, since he's fairly well known and very charismatic. But one of those flings ended up being a regular occurence and they ended up getting a lot closer than they intended. I imagine based on the kind of dress, it was some noble lady from High Rock from when he'd be on leave or visiting Emeric. However mister breton hero isnt very good at realizing he has like, emotions and stuff so it takes him until he's dying to realize he loved her and that she was a genuine source of happiness and safety in a time of war.
Ofc this idea is definitely influenced by my own canon where he and my Vestige Sasha were partners and FWB during the three banners war and he doesnt realize until he's dying that he did actually love her. The blue cloth in his uniform is also a gift from Sasha, but my general HC is just that the woman he sees is the one who gifted it to him
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daggerfall · 4 years
Why EXACTLY do the Xivkyn in the cinematic trailer necromance the Breton Hero? Like they just crowd controlled him and then stabbed him through the back, necromanced him, made him lead a small army of undead and daedra (I think) into the imperial city, and then fight the nord hero to the death. Why
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daggerfall · 4 years
Thinkin about how Sasha and Sebastien are in their mid to late 30s by the time they reunite in Elsweyr and how sometimes they'll jokingly complain about their aching old people joints acting up. Except Sasha comes to realize she doesn't really feel any worse than she did when she was 28 before she was killed by Mannimarco. How, while Seb of course looked aged and worse after being killed and brought back from the dead twice, he does continue to visibly age over the years she knows him. She doesn't. She's tired mentally, but can always get up and get going.
She takes her concerns to Verandis one day and he confirms he's noticed it as well. Her vestige that now houses her real and original soul has remained the same since creation. Physically she won't age. She could still easily die now that her soul is back, since only a daedric animus can return to the Darkness and reform, but as long as she doesn't entirely die? She's immortal from old age and disease, essentially anything that wouldn't affect a daedra doesn't affect her
Sasha gets to watch all of her friends grow old and die while she remains young, locked in time from the moment of her death. The only reprieve from this is Verandis and the rest of the Ravenwatch being vampires and also not aging. They become her closest friends after Sasha watches most of her original mortal friends come and go.
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