#Secretary Anwsers
Any tips on making a Hetalia scenario blog? Rlly need some good advice for writing, handling asks, etc.
This is a very good question! From what I've seen from other blogs, and such I can give you a nice list of the basics! I'd also LOVE to see your Blog so feel free to send me your username! Biggest rule SAVE EARLY. SAVE OFTEN! the amount of times I lost a whole hours worth of work! ALSO DON'T CLICK ON OTHER TUMBLR NOTIFS BECAUSE IT CAN KICK YOU OFF FROM YOUR DRAFT AND THAT SUCKS!
Know your Boundaries- While it's nice to want to anwser everything that comes through, it's helpful to pin a Do/Won't Do rules list. Both you and your future followers need to know Boundaries. It makes things easier on both sides! Make sure to stay with those Boundaries to avoid problems in the future.
Hetalia Fandom- as with all fandoms we have the good, bad and the ugly. Keep in mind you don't have to, and shouldn't, interact with anything negative. Only respond to 'hate mail' and trolls if you can handle it. Once they see you take their bait they most certainly will send more, and it can easily spiral your blog into a negative space! (It's also way more fun not answering them, and just KNOWING they're probably frustrated you're not giving them attention) A good rule to follow is to step away from that ask before deciding to respond. It might not be worth getting worked up over it.
Be inclusive- It can be fun to do research on ethnicities and other things like Genders. But if you ever feel like you can't answer an ask dealing with Trauma, Mental illnesses, or Races don't feel obligated to anwser then. Especially if you don't have the knowledge. Feel free to leave a brief message such as "I don't know enough about this, so I'm afraid I can't answer." Or "I'm unsure if I can represent 'X' properly so I can't do the ask."
Don't over do it- I find I get burned out if I answer more than 3 (I have no life) asks in a row. Get a tiny notepad and scribble ideas down when the urge or idea occurs! It can make it easy. But also, don't let it distract you from daily life! Tumblr users are relatively understanding of this rule.
Those are rules for what I personally feel that helps me keep motivated, and mentally well, all while keeping a rather clean and safe blog. This next set is more or so actually running a scenerio blog.
Have a pinned rule lost- Go take a peek at my rules list. Yeah. See that glorious mess I made- Don't expect everyone to have the ability to read a lengthy rule list. Keep it simple. We have people with ADHD (etc), reading disabilities, and people who don't speak full english roaming about in our lovely fish tank know as the Hetalia Fandom! So keep that in mind if someone asks something that goes against your rules, and be kind when telling them!
Have a back up- If there's any specific scenerios or asks you don't want to keep, Make a Google doc to copy and paste the scenerios from. I've noticed that Tumblr posts (mobile) don't let you copy anything more than what's between breaks and bullet points. So I'd recommend typing things out in Google docs (which can help with grammar and spelling as well) and paste it into a Draft.
Drafts- I personally like having several drafts to work on throughout the week. So I don't always do them in order, but I also let my blog followers know when I start hopping around.
Know your limit- I have over 50 asks (I'm also slightly out of my mind) and I will admit it can be overwhelming, so set a small limit of what you can get out at a comfortable pace, and close your ask box when you go over that limit if you plan on using it. Example: I can do 6-10 asks in a week (pain), So I should be closing my box when I see it get to 15-20, excluding the stuff like friendly compliments I can give a quick thanks to!
Writing- It's important to keep things organized. If you look at my past asks you can see I keep characters separate, and I make the names Bold of I'm not using bullet point. It's to help people reading my blog skim through and keep track of what's what. I see a lot of word counts, and Trigger warnings. For trigger warnings, act like you're rating a movie! Is it M for mature due to Violence, or mentions of nudity? It's nice to have a NSFW tag to help people filter your blog. Mine is #handsypandsy because Tumblr doesn't like the tag NSFW.
You can do a readmore- : readmore :
But without the space. Very helpful for NSFW, sensitive content, and long content. If the thing you made takes more than half a scroll, you should use it.
Prioritize your tags- this is a rule I don't follow, but I'm trying to remember it. It's probably smartest to go in the order of: NSFW tag (if any), Main Characters, Series Names, Funny tags or commentary. It makes it easier for both you and your readers to find what you're looking for! Also, organize any other AUs like human AU.
Last but not least- don't be afraid to make mistakes. I've forgotten characters, and some nice anons point it out. It can be a pain to find them, but like I've stated previously tags can be your best friend. It's also fun to use a text to speech and listen back to your writing (definitely want to Google doc so you don't struggle trying to copy everything).
With that being said remember to have fun! I know it seems like a lot, but it comes down to what feels best for you, and what goes on with your life. Feel free to DM me as well, I keep a very strict "What happens in DMs, Stays in DMs" rule! Remember internet safety, and if you have any specific questions feel free to send them in! And if anyone has anything to add, feel free to comment below!
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babysubinnie · 4 years
you work for me, not him pt.2 // lee changyoon (e-tion) - requested
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🔌 pairing:: changyoon x reader 🔌 genre:: fluff, angst, CEO!etion,, secretary!reader 🔌 summary:: changyoon is your boss, but he has a thing for you. he’s acting really weird on the first week of your new job as his secretary.
“see you later princess.” i knew it. changyoon’s eyes widened and i started blushing bright red. i know he was going to say something about it. i hung up quickly only to look down to avoid his eyes.
“my office. now.” he said while walking away and i know knew that i was in deep shit. he was definitely going to say something but what? when he sat back down at his desk, he motioned for me to sit down in front of him. how the hell was i supposed to respond to whatever he was about to say to me? we sat in peace for at least 10 minutes, while he was working, i was sitting there staring at him. 
“what’s your relationship with him?” why did he make a face that made him seem like he was jealous? but it wasn’t possible because i just started working with him. there was no way that he would be jealous.
“does it matter?” i scoffed rolling my eyes when he finally spoke up, then looked away from him to look out the window behind him. no matter what i did, i had to make sure that i never looked at him because if i did i would have to tell him the truth.
“of course it fuc- yes it does matter.” why was he reacting like this? it wasn’t like we were dating. it wasn’t like i’ve been working here for 10 or more years. i mean okay he was a good looking guy, but that didn’t help the situation at all. i was already starting to like him, regardless of just meeting him. 
“what the hell changyoon? first you set a whole bunch of rules, then you tell me who i am or not allowed to talk to.” i scoffed again standing up deciding whether if i was going to walk out of that door and completely quit, or just sit at my desk thinking about what i did wrong. before i knew it, i was walking towards the door, but my wrist got pulled back, and i was pushed up against the wall.
“of course i can tell you what to do. you work for me, not him. i need you to understand that, princess.” if my heart wasn’t beating for him before, it sure was now. i know he was mocking seungjoon but damn did it make my heart go insane when he called me that.
“y-yes sir.” i nodded and cleared my throat to distract myself from the fact that i was probably turning bright red by now. how was i supposed to know that i was the type to fall for someone just because of some nickname.
that night at dinner, changyoon did what he had to do with hyojin but he wouldn’t stop looking over at me. i tried not to look over at him, but the only way that i could tell that he was looking at me, was to look back at him. every single time, he would smirk before looking away. i didn’t know why he was doing that.
“prin- y/n?” i gulped when he slipped up about the nickname, which gained  looks from both hyojin and seungjoon. do i deny anything about us or do i be honest?
“yes sir?” i bit my lip as i replied back to him, my face completely red now. i didn’t know if i was supposed to respond to the part when he called me princess or if i was supposed to respond to my name. i figured this was the best anwser to both. 
“can you go pay the bill for us?” he smiled before hyojin told seungjoon to follow me. i laughed nodding before walking out of the door with seungjoon, turning around to look at him once more. 
“don’t even think about it. you just started working there. you’re not allowed to fall for him this easy y/n.” seungjoon scoffed when he put his arm around my shoulder reminding me that i had just started working there and it wouldn’t be a good idea if i did fall for him. 
so after a few months, i was head over heels for him. him calling me princess had become his habit that he accidently calls me that in front of his staff, which of course made me the most hated staff member by all the female staff. i would walk down the hallways and they would be there glaring at me. 
“princess can you come in here please?” he shouted from his office and i stood up from my desk trying to stop my heart from fluttering when i walked in the room, but it didn’t work. i opened the door and i was swooning. 
“what’s up?” i giggled knowing he hated when i was all casual with him but he started it first no? i walked up to his desk to then he told me to over to his side, before he stood up. when i walked over to him, he was completely towering over me smirking. before i knew it, he had slid his arm around my waist pulling me insanely close to him. 
“let’s make a deal. if i can continue to keep my hands off you by the end of this week, then i’ll let you have that position that just opened up. if i can’t, i’m going to make you mine but you won’t get that position.” when i heard these things coming out of his mouth, i didn’t believe a word. he told me not to fall for him and here he is talking about this stuff as if it was this easy. i sure as hell wasn’t going to make it this easy. 
“nice try changyoon. you told me not to fall for you so i haven’t. i’m not going to participate in this deal just because of that position. i’m happy where i am.” i was being honest because i liked working with changyoon. wait, that’s wrong. i liked being the only one working close with him. 
“and if i’ve fallen for you?” he smirked whispering into my ear then pulled away to look me in the eyes. he put his hand under my chin making me look up at him. how the hell do you anwser something like this? his eyes made it’s way down to my lips as i licked them. i rolled my eyes starting my reply to him.
“i wouldn’t believ-” i couldn’t even finish my sentence before he pressed his lips against mine then moved his free arm to wrap around my waist. i smiled into the kiss when he pulled me even closer to him. 
he wasn’t known as a playboy, but he had his fair share of women and he knew exactly how to get him to fall for him. i had to save him once or twice because of a scandal, but it worked out fine because now i’m here, walking down the aisle to marry the one and only lee changyoon. my prince. 
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juliecarstairs6 · 4 years
The intern
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Pairing: L x reader
Summary: Y/N has been an intern for six months now at the Japanse Police station. But she decides to stay after a mysterious killer appears with the nickname kira. And it could also have something to do with that strange man she met in a coffee shop.
words: 1434
Warnings: mention of diet, serial killer 
I've been working for the Japanse Police for over six months and it has been exhausting. Not only is it hard work I don’t get respected being a woman. They think that I am weak and refuse to send me on field work so I am stuck with boring papers and getting coffee. Thankfully some people do respect me it’s only a handful but that handful is keeping me here. My supervisor is one of them chief Yagami he is respectful man and I look up to him. I remember him calling out one of my colleagues for suggesting I simply become a secretary for crying out loud I did my training and graduated just like them and chief Yagami tought the exact same thing. He wasn’t the only one standing up for me, Matsuda my best friend always has my back and I have his. Our friendship evolved quite quickly we were both the outcasts of the police station and that meant eating lunch together and eventually having a drink after work. He makes my life so much lighter with his endless positism and enthousiam. The only downside to our friendship is the embarrassing moments he endures and drags me with him. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.
But the true reason I deciced to stay longer is Kira. He fascinates me and I wish to meet him and talk to him and possibly even take a brain scan and see what is going on with him. It’s obvious he is a serial killer he has a pattern like all serial killers and i doubt he feels any remorse. But why criminals? Perhaps it gives him a way to justify his killing he probably thinks he is doing the world a favor and even saving lifes. But then again why not turn in to the police if you can get close enough t give someone a heart attack you can surly hand them into the police? No he isn’t more than a horrendous killer.
“Y/N and Matsuda, can I talk to you in my office?”, I stop my train of toughts about Kira and look at chief Yagami. I hope I’m not in trouble and I try to make my voice sound strong. “Yes”. As i turn around I see that everyone is looking at us just perfect. Doubt washes over my body as I approach his office. That misstake I made with the Yuri case could it be about that? But why is Matsuda then also being called he had nothing to do with it? He gives me a reasurring smile right before we enter the office that warms my heart atleast I have him by my side. I nod to chief Yagami after I enter and see Matsuda saluting him. This is what I mean by embarrassing moments. “Both of you sit down please.” I can feel my heart beating out of my chest and fear for the worst it’s a terrible treat of mine. I swirl my h/c round my finger a of nervousity as he begins to speak. “This afternoon their will be a world convernce about the Kira case and I would want you two to come with me. It will a great learning experience for both of you.” My heart is once again beating out of my chest but this time for other reasons. Matsuda looks at me with a huge grin and I can’t help my face forming a smile as well. I anwser him not wanting Matsuda to say something to excited ,“It’s an honor to be invited to this sir and we will attend the convernce.”
I’m still in shock after I leave the office this is huge opportunity and I’m so thankful to chief Yagami for giving it to me and Matsuda. Now we can perhaps finally be taken serious. “Pinch me I need to know if I’m dreaming or not.” I turn to Matsuda and give him a little pinch we both giggle after that both in disbelief that out of all the cops beter and more experienced he chose us, ofcourse I am not complaining. “This is probably the best work day I’ve had in a long time.” Matsuda nods at me and laughs before saying, “Even better than when I introduced you to that coffee shop with those heavenly cheescakes?” Oh god I remember tasting that cake and being in love it’s the best in the entire world. I make a mocking thinking pose, “No I still think this day is better, oh speaking about it wanna get a drink their before we have to leave we are on our break anyways?”. His faces drops in a dissapointed scowl and he slugs his shoulders. He can’t come he probably still has work it’s typically him. Always doing things at last minute I really need to learn him to plan his work better that way he will have so much more time. But that task is more difficult than catching Kira himself. “Let me guess you don’t have time cause you still have work to do?” he nods and gives me a sheepish smile. “Well another time then goodluck and if you still haven’t finished work I’ll help you but you seriously need to learn how to plan.” He gives me one of his heartwarming smiles and I already know I will get a phonecall at night and will end up helping him. “Thank you Y/N. Without you i’d probably be fired.” I wave him good bye and head my way to the cafe. I mean it’s not my fault Matsuda still has work and a little treat won’t hurt my diet I hope. 
The cafe is only a 5 minute walk not that I mind it the weather is good and I feel the sunshine on my face leaving a pleasant warm feeling. The decorations outside of the cafe are questionable it’s all pink and white and definitly meant as a romantic cafe. On both sides of the door the walls are decorated with many many flowers and it gives a sweet and calm aura. The smell of coffee fils my nostrils and it’s one of my favorites things. How the hell do people survive without it. The smell enhances as I enter the cafe inside it has the same vibe as outside with pink and white everywhere. there are all kind of seating options from the clasic chairs to high chairs, sofa’s and beanbags all decorated with diffrent pillows.The two cats of the owners chairman meow and church are laying lazely on one of the sofa’s decorated with many cat themed pillows, that sofa is the cats spot. Normally I’d order a latte and cheescake but today I want something else so I walk to the menu when a guy bumps into me. Even after many years of police training I still managed to fall on my ass with the guy now on top of me. My face begins to redden as I see the enitre cafe looking at me and the guy. Who is back on his feet and sticks his hand out to help me and I can’t help but wonder if he is homeless. His hair is sticking in all directions and he has some of the biggest bags under his eyes that I have ever seen. Normally I don’t judge a book by it’ cover but this man is strange to say the least. But I was raised to have respect so I go ahead and apoligze. “I am really sorry sir I didn’t see you.” He sticks his thumb in his mouth and looks at me like I am some kind of riddle a puzzle to be solved it’s actually kind of cute. “No need to apolgize but there is a 50% change us falling is youre fault. I have been here many times and this event never occured to me so it might be a higher percentage.” This man is strange no doubt but yet I want to get to know him better he seems interessting and I was gonna drink and eat alone better see if I can get myself some company. “Well again I am sorry my head was in the coulds. I noticed you don’t have company wanna maby drink our coffees togther?” Now he is looking at me like I am an alien no he is analyzing me I reconigze his look. Now I really hope he says yes he fascinates me. “Altough there is a 70 % change I won’t enjoy this I suppose trying won’t hurt anyone.”
Disclaimer: None of the characters belong to me except Y/N all of them excpet the cats belong to the writers of Death Note the cats belong to Cassandra Clare. The plot is also highly based on the plot of the writers of Death note 
Be sure to give me advice and requests are also open for one shots with youre favorite or less favorite characters. I don’t write smut so please don’t request that cause I won’t write it.
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Me watching movies day 15:
Yesterday i toke a movie break.
Ghostbusters anwser the call 2016.
Melissa McCarthy as abby, Kristen Wiig as erin, Kate McKinnon as jellian and Leslie Jones as patty, chris hemsworth as kevin.
Also cameos from bill, ernie,annie, dan and sigourny.
Btw charles dance was also in the movie!
Please don't kill me but i liked watching this. I see why some don't like it but look it's a diffrent universe. Everything is diffrent from the ecto to their equipment. Nothing bad with that. They have new gadgets which was cool. Ok it's a comedy but it wasn't cringe. I thought this could have been worser. But i loved them as a team. Erin joins abby and jellian and go to a haunted mansion where they see a ghost but nobody seems to believe them. They all are fired and decide to do ghost research. Holtz makes the equipment. They hire kevin as the secretary. Beautiful guy but brainless lol. Patty works at the metro and also has seen a ghost so she asks help from the other girls and they all go to look for it. With a protorype equipment they trying to catch it but without succes. Patty decides to be a buster too although she isn't a scientist as winston was in the original. But patty likes to make jokes like winston so win win. Btw the character got more attention than winston what is a glow up. They go to a concert( btw ozzy cameo) and catch a dragon ghost. Even afther vids and people who saw catching them ghosts still no one believes them. Dr martin heiss (bill murray) says in a tv interview that the girls are lairs. He visits them, btw their building is a chinese restaurant lol. Erin releases the ghost to prove they are not a joke. Also there's this crazy dude rowan who has evil plans to take control over the city. A cameo in the hotel by annie pots, cabdriver dan aykroyd cameo, ernie huds cameo at the end and sigourny cameo during the end credits.
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7/10. I wouldn't be mad if they appear in aftherlife.
To end this for once and for all. It isn't as bad as people say. I love the girls and as you can see we can be ghostbusters too!
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Executive Action Assessment of Issue
1) For Law and Justice, Trump acknowledges that places with high crime are not coincidence. He is starting by creating understandable laws and trying to encourage respect to all officers. 
2) I agree with this because it is completely reasonable and at least steps are being made to help address this issue. I definitely do think that there are more ways to be effective though.
1) Laws and Legal Issues
2) Learn about reporting crimes or a criminal, find info about prisons
3) I cannot find any information on the secretary
4) Prisons and Prisoners: Find the anwsers to questions about prisons, jails, and inmates
5) Locate/Visit inmates, Send money to inmates, Prison records, Federal Prison records, complaints.
1) ubject:What Mass Incarceration looks like for juveniles
Author:Vincent Schiraldi
Context: November 10, 2015 (around the time of elections when fake news is posted)
Audience: Directed towards more liberally associated readers
Perspective: Biased towards Democrats
Significance: To bring awareness to the public about what our youth is enduring while being locked up
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💅🏼🌻: Keep an eye out for these icons in my asks! They will be the only hint to some secret one shots dealing with my Secretary OC and her interactions with the Hetalia cast!
These will be posted at the very bottom of the anwser as to not disrupt the original Ask!
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Ok, this is going to be a bit funny but how do you imagine the axis and the allies being old? Wrinkles, gray hair included.
I'm... I'm literally just going to... Oh no now I'm thinking about growing old with Ivan
ʕ º ᴥ ºʔ crud...
Human AU: Allies and Axis get old
Yeah, he's certainly going deaf in at least one ear, so he's so much louder than before.
Despite his age he can still probably hurl cars. Like he's one of the few good looking men when they got older.
His hair is more silver than white, but that adorable cowlick is now an embarrassing bald spot.
He's not wrinkly other than the deep smile lines, and crow's feet (those lines on the temple next to your eye for those who don't know what crow's feet are)
His hands have faint moles and light brown patches. They're also kind of dry.
He's been ironically dying for the day he can go full grampa mode, and wears nothing but Hawaii shirts from Walmart and a stupid baseball cap.
He might be tough, but he has a beer gut of sorts. And he smells like fancy cologne.
Oh my poor baby I'm sorry...
I can totally seeing him missing teeth and needing dentures
And no it's not because he's British, don't start with me.
He now has to comb over his hair to hide that receding hairline.
But honestly, his hair went dark gray, with hints of white highlights and honestly is a strong 7/10 on the sexy old man scale. And his eyebrows are still thick, but because of his hair grayish you won't notice until your up close.
And about the dentures, he takes them out to scare people sometimes because they annoy him.
He's not frail, but the arthritis his hands kills him, and it ticks him off. He misses his embroidery!
His face is slightly wrinkly under the eyes, and his face is sagging a little giving him a grouchy look.
But he's still a gentleman through and through.
This guy has hearing aids, but has a grandchild who took it upon themselves to add a unicorn sticker to it. He refuses to take it off...
He's probably the best looking man. Like think of Hugh grant and Peirce brosnan where he has the smile and chrisma of Hugh, but the look of a fashion model boss of Peirce. (I had to look up SO MANY OLD MEN YOUR WELCOME)
Will not let his age stop him from dressing up in tuxes, and wearing designer shades and glasses.
"He says it's the wine, I'm calling BS and it's just because he's a lucky jerk" England, probably.
Wanna know what's more sexy than old fashion model France? Those sexy tan lines that block out a tank top, and swim shorts.
He's in fairly good shape, and since America is older and a bit weaker the two of them are head to head with strength.
But if you touch this man his skin is kind of loose despite not seeming to be.
He is extremely annoyed at how quickly his back and chest hair seem to grow now.
Also his long hair is now dark gray and always combed back. He really just has the vibes of a millionaire, but he anonymously leaves checks to hospitals and food centers.
Basic, quiet, Old Chinese man.
Can and will kick both America and France's butts if given the chance.
He's super patient and always thinks before speaking.
Look wise he's pretty average, but one look in his eyes let's you know he's still a child deep down.
Has completely gotten over "I'm old and mature" phase of his 30's and likes to mess with everyone by being the personification of Master Splinter from Ninja turtles (Think old, wise, and never giving a direct anwser Because there's a lesson to be learned)
He has freckles on the back of his neck, and no one has told him so he doesn't even know.
Wrinkly hands that are callused from the hard work he does.
Has slight carpel tunnel, but still does martial arts and Tai chi.
His hair is dark gray with some silver strands, and he has a little bit of a goatee.
He has said screw it and shaved his head to everyone's surprise. But on a side note he has a nice short gray beard.
Just kidding the hair came back but it never goes further than a few inches.
He's somehow more intimidating as well, but now is the sweetest old man. So he hasn't changed other than finally figuring out how to communicate.
He's a little bit like china in the sense he thinks before speaking. You can still get things to go over his head.
Knitting skills will put literally anyone's grandmother to shame.
He has an almost angry look when he's deep in thought or confused, and has wrinkles through most of his face, his eyes have sunken In a bit, and his eyebrows are rivaling England's. He looks like the stereotype of an old biker.
But when he smiles he gives off the 'best grandfather who smothers their grandkids with ice cream' vibes.
He has switched his scarf out for one of those green beanie caps you see sailors wear.
Scratch that he wears all types of hats, and only wears scarfs when outside.
His clothing style is still just as elaborate as before, and he's thought it funny to wear old fashion Russian clothes.
Turtle necks and khakis are his best friends.
Has the case of flubby belly but his arms and cafes are muscular and puts everyone else to shame. Sorry American.
It's weird how he looks like Prussia now.
Wrinkles? Don't know then. Crow's eyes that's all he has and maybe one or two forhead wrinkles.
He's not as muscular since he's decided to do what he's been dying to do his whole life.
Dogs. He walks dogs, babysits dogs, has a breeding program, and works at a dog shelter. Also helps rescue dogs.
Ladies love him, dogs love him more.
He's mellowed out as well, and is missing the front left tooth on the top row after some guy at a bar said his old hands couldn't win a fight. They were wrong.
He's letting himself bald out to be honest. Not having to deal with his hair means less work and more RnR.
His fashion sense is still the same.
Can still out drink people's weight in beer, but gets hangovers now, so that sucks.
Mmm- Cracked and slightly yellow fingernails anyone? We got both hands and feet. He hates it.
Italy talked him into going to a salon and all the woman there adore him, so he's a regular. Has 100% let a little girl paint his nails while she waited on mom.
He's mad because he's ridiculously short and hunched over.
He regrets not getting his back checked out when he was younger.
He's achieved: Irration! He still can't get angry, but please don't push him.
Still knows way too much about technology, and is actually head of his own tech support company, so he's actually the richest out of them all but you'd never know.
He spends a lot of time with China now and they're inseparable (finally!!!).
Wrinkly old man. But still kind of cute.
Can't get his friendly womanly neighbor to stop flirting with him, and he slowly remembers why he was a shut in when he was a teen.
His skin is also littered with freckles, and he has no idea why or how.
He gets his hair dyed black so not even I, the hetalia secretary, know what his hair color is.
Ya boy is wearing guchi designer and is fine AF.
Actually works with France at the local pawn shop, but dresses like an Italian Mafia boss. A lot of watches. Like, that's all he wants.
Has a cologne for every day of the week.
He now also wears sunglasses quite often, and is a LOT more serious then when he was younger. Like, he's just the calmest sweetheart to exist, but it's not hard to get him going.
He enjoys telling stories and is up there with Russia on the narrator scale. He's very vivid when he spins tales, and only lacks Russia's voicing ability.
He has Hawaii shirts but wears them better than America. Sorry again America.
He has wrinkles but they're not deep ones, but his arms are kind of hairy.
His actual hair is silver-ish white, and he loves having it combed and slicked back. He jokes that it's an homage to Germany's younger hair days.
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*sweats nervously* SO! I still have like... 19 asks to anwser still x.x so if I reopen Requests it won't be until later tonight!
My apologies-
Hetalia's secretary.
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