#Security Camera near me
Time On Target Security | Security System Supplier | Home Automation Company in Port Richey FL
Time On Target Security has a well-earned reputation as the most trusted Home Automation Company in Port Richey FL. We offer advanced solutions to transform your home into a smart, secure, and efficient space. Our expertise in home automation systems enables us to integrate state-of-the-art technology seamlessly into your daily life, enhancing convenience and control. As a leading Security System Supplier in Port Richey FL, Time On Target Security provides comprehensive security solutions, including CCTV, video monitoring, and analytics. We are dedicated to ensuring your safety with robust systems designed to monitor and protect your property around the clock. Get in touch, and let us help secure your home.
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Comprehensive security solutions in Norwalk: Mammoth Security Inc. Norwalk
In the modern digital age where complex security challenges emerge daily, developing comprehensive safety precautions has become of paramount importance. One business at the forefront of ensuring heightened levels of tranquility and assurance is Mammoth Security Inc. Norwalk. This article explores the intricate world of advanced security services that Mammoth Security provides.
Enhanced surveillance with security cameras 
The installation of robust security cameras serves as a crucial deterrent against potential invasions, unlawful intrusions, or unwanted activity in a commercial zone. By offering a continuous and reliable monitoring service coupled with high-definition images and videos, these surveillance systems provide clients peace of mind that their businesses are under watchful and professional care.
Access Control 
Access control systems serve as the gatekeepers for your establishment, granting access only to authorized individuals while keeping unwelcome visitors at bay. Through innovative technology, Mammoth Security's solutions operate beyond traditional lock-and-key mechanisms; they provide a foolproof manner to regulate who can access specific areas within your business premises at given times. Striking an ideal balance between convenience and high-level security ensures seamless operations while instilling confidence in your staff's safety.
Burglar alarms – A critical component  
A swift response time can often be instrumental in averting potential threats or minimizing damage - this is where burglar alarms come to the fore. By alerting authorities immediately upon detection of suspicious behavior or unauthorized entry, these alarms act as an essential defensive measure in protecting commercial spaces from intrusion-related threats.
Low Voltage Voice and Data Wiring 
Beyond securing entry points and monitoring premises via surveillance cameras, voice communication within an establishment can heavily influence its overall efficiencies. At Mammoth Security Inc. Norwalk, businesses receive smartly designed low-voltage voice and data wiring services facilitating seamless internal communications and becoming a vital cog in organized business functionalities.
The Mammoth Security Edge
Businesses looking for a comprehensive, forward-thinking security solution can find solace in Mammoth Security. Not only does the company offer state-of-the-art tools and equipment to optimize business security, but it also provides an excellent team of trained professionals dedicated to implementing measures tailored to unique business requirements. 
Whether your focus lies on digital access control or analog surveillance cameras, having the right system installed can significantly enhance safety and operational efficiency within your commercial zones. With their well-rounded security services, Mammoth Security Inc. Norwalk stands as an exemplary model of end-to-end protection, offering modern businesses a reliable partner in their endeavor to stay safe in this dynamic world.
Mammoth Security Inc. Norwalk
Address: 75 Main St Suite #1197, Norwalk, CT, 06851
Phone: (203) 601-6779
Visit our profile: 
Mammoth Security Inc. Norwalk - Facebook
Mammoth Security Inc. Norwalk - YouTube
Mammoth Security Inc. Norwalk - Instagram
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advertisingmarketing · 3 months
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technoross-blog · 3 months
Enhancing Security: The Power of Professional CCTV and Ring Doorbell Installation in Charlotte
Closed-circuit television (CCTV) systems offer a vigilant eye on your property, acting as a robust deterrent against potential threats. Professional installation ensures strategic camera placement, optimal coverage, and seamless integration with your existing security infrastructure. Visit https://posts.gle/PkB3oi
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seccamsla · 5 months
Camera Installation Near Me
Digital Surveillance CCTV Installation, based in Los Angeles, is your go-to solution for professional camera installation near you. Our dedicated team specializes in providing top-notch security camera installation services to homes and businesses in the local area. With a commitment to excellence, we ensure that your property receives the highest level of security through our meticulous…
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zinitech · 7 months
Zini Technologies' Superior Cloud Backup Service: Safeguarding Your Data with Excellence
In the age of technology and data-driven operations, ensuring the security and availability of your digital assets is paramount. Zini Technologies, a recognized leader in the realm of IT services, is proud to introduce its state-of-the-art cloud backup service. With our robust and reliable solutions, we offer you the peace of mind that your data is protected and accessible whenever and wherever you need it.
Cloud Computing for Secure Backup
In today's fast-paced world, the utilization of cloud computing has revolutionized how data is stored, managed, and safeguarded. Zini Technologies' cloud backup service takes full advantage of this technology, providing you with a scalable, cost-effective, and secure means of backing up your critical data. No longer do you have to rely solely on on-site servers or local backups.
Backup Made Easy with Remote Backup Service
Our remote backup service is designed with your convenience in mind. No matter where you are or what device you use, our service ensures that your data is securely and automatically backed up. Whether you work with Windows servers, Linux-based systems, or the latest macOS computers, we've got you covered. You can even restore your data to a different computer, making recovery hassle-free.
Reliable and Secure Data Protection
Your data's security is our top priority. Zini Technologies employs stringent security measures to ensure that your data is encrypted and protected from unauthorized access. With our cloud backup service, you can trust that your data is stored securely in our high-availability data centers.
Server and Computer Backup
Our cloud backup solution is not limited to just one type of device or server. We understand that businesses use a variety of platforms. That's why we offer server and computer backup services, allowing you to back up your entire infrastructure seamlessly.
Affordability and Peace of Mind
Zini Technologies' cloud backup service is not only robust and reliable but also highly cost-effective. With us, you can enjoy the assurance of your data's safety without breaking the bank. Our competitive pricing ensures that businesses of all sizes can afford the benefits of a secure backup service.
A Solution You Can Trust
Our cloud backup service is the result of years of experience and expertise in the field of data management. We understand that the data you store is not just numbers and files; it's the backbone of your business. With Zini Technologies, you have a trusted partner committed to safeguarding your data's integrity and availability.
In conclusion, data protection and backup are integral parts of any modern business. Zini Technologies' cloud backup service offers a comprehensive, reliable, and secure solution to ensure your data is always within reach. With our service, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing your data is protected and ready for recovery when you need it. Don't leave your data's security to chance – trust Zini Technologies to provide the professional and dependable backup service your business deserves.
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do4uhomeservices · 9 months
DO4U Home Services | Handyman Services | Home Organization Services in Maineville OH
We are your dependable and trustworthy go-to for exceptional Handyman Services in Maineville OH. From minor repairs to major renovations, our skilled team tackles every task with precision. Using the latest tool, we ensure your property remains in top condition. With us, you can get your home maintenance to-do list done. Moreover, acquiring our top-notch Home Organization Services in Maineville OH, will help you rediscover the joy of an organized living space. Our professionals create tailored solutions that declutter and streamline your home. Whether it's a single room or your entire home, we bring a fresh perspective to enhance your daily life, transforming chaos into order. So, if you need our expert assistance, call us today.
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matthewyoppiniadt · 10 months
Matthew Yoppini - ADT | Security System Installation | Access Control System Installation Services in Port Angeles WA
We are your dependable and trustworthy go-to for seamless Security System Installation in Port Angeles WA. From CCTV cameras to smart alarms, we provide cutting-edge technology to protect your property round-the-clock. With us, you can monitor your premises against any unwanted intrusion. Moreover, acquiring our top-notch Access Control System Installation Services in Port Angeles WA, will enhance your property’s overall security. Whether you want biometric scanners at your office or a security key fob at your home, we have you covered. Prioritizing your security, our professionals implement comprehensive security solutions tailored to your specific needs. So, if you need our expert assistance, call us today.
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transxfiles · 2 years
lost phineas and ferb episode where perry is called to investigate what dr doofenshmirtz is up to because carl the intern got ahold of some intel that doof has been seen speaking to lawyers and looking up the endangered species act at internet cafes and as major monogram says, "something fishy is going on"
meanwhile phineas and ferb's subplot of "i know what we're gonna do today!" is that isabella needs her environmentalist fireside girls badge so they start researching which species are in urgent need of help in the tri-state area so that they can use new cloning and gene therapy technologies to bring at-risk animals back from extinction
(yes there is a c-plot where buford and baljeet argue the ethics of this idea, i don't have time to explain it all for you rn)
we cut back to🎵doofenshmirtz evil incorporated🎵where we see perry carefully maneuvering around doofenshmirtz's lab scared he might fall into a trap but he hasn't set off a single booby trap and it's clear something is off
he runs into doofenshmirtz and goes to kick him in the gut action movie style but doof steps back one overly confident and says, "nuh uh uh, you see perry the platypus, you are TRAPPED! by the danville section of the endangered species act of 1973!"
doof goes on to explain his tragic backstory: "you see, perry the platypus, when i was a child my parents did not show up for my own birth! but you know that already, yadda yadda yadda they did not love me and then they loved roger more, ANYways i was raised by ocelots! i had a lovely foster mother who took me in and made me one of the pride, and so you see, perry the platypus, i am still legally considered an ocelot. did you know that there are only 50 recorded ocelots still alive in the continental united states? very sad for me as a member of a near-extinct species. it would be immoral for you to hurt someone critically endangered... in fact, you have made many attempts on my life this summer"
[montage of doof's security camera footage of their battles]
"which is why i have decided to bring you... TO COURT!" we cut back to phineas and ferb's back yard where they've decided to start cloning ocelots in their kiddie pool
candace storms outside enraged and says, "phineas and ferb are you cloning ocelots in my duckie momo kiddie pool!?"
ferb's one line of the episode is "well, i guess it's more of a kitty pool, now"
candace storms away saying, "i'm going to tell mom!" and isabella turns to phineas and says, "oh, does your mom have experience in wildlife conservation?"
we cut back to the doof and perry plotline where the two are now in the danville hall of justice and we learn that doof has spent his monthly alimony check on a defense lawyer and perry turns and sees the lawyer and then vanessa helping her organize her briefcase and perry chitters at her and vanessa shrugs and says, "i'm thinking about going into legal defense. sorry perry."
the rest of the doof and perry b-plot is spent in court and perry is about to ask for a public defense lawyer when carl runs into the room and explains that he's owca's official legal defense and perry looks at him like, "uhhh is that even allowed?"
it doesn't matter because apparently the judge is out sick today but because it's danville roger's the judge now because he's the mayor and everyone loves him.
the court case continues.
meanwhile phineas and ferb have successfully cloned multiple ocelots from the original ocelot dna they had on hand and isabella asks phineas if these clones will experience health problems like premature aging, phineas casually explains that ferb figured out the problem while they were experimenting with stem cell harvesting.
back in the courtroom, doof's ocelot foster mother has been brought to the stand along with an ocelot to english translator. doof gets emotional seeing her after so long. she says that he was one of her favorite child and he was as strong a hunter as anyone else in the family. it's incredibly sweet. the jury's in tears.
meanwhile, isabella has established connections with a group in texas who are going to release the ocelots back into their natural habitat and, using the cloned ocelots to prevent inbreeding, help establish an ocelot breeding program. the group explains that they are going to send a helicopter to retrieve the cloned ocelots from danville and bring them to texas soon.
isabella gets her fireside girls badge.
candace manages to get mom to see the backyard only after the ocelots have been helicoptered off to coastal texas, their primary habitat.
mom makes it into the backyard as phineas stares wistfully over the fence and says, "if you love something, you have to let it go." candace goes, "look mom look look look!" and points at the ducky momo kiddie pool, devoid of cloned ocelots, where baljeet and buford are now chilling out, having settled their philosophical debate about the ethics of animal cloning.
back in the courtroom drama, doof looks like he's about to win when an attendant walks into the courtroom and whispers something in roger's ear.
roger looks up, grinning, and says, "good news, everyone! my attendant here has just enlightened me that ocelots are no longer considered critically endangered!"
this settles the case, with perry being decreed not guilty and the entire affair being called off. the courtroom cheers, roger walks over to doof and personally congratulates him on his species' return from the brink of extinction.
doof shouts, "curse you endangered species classification system!" at the ceiling of the danville hall of justice.
perry arrives back home just in time for mom to say, "who wants pie?"
the end.
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adaptivesolutions · 1 year
Adaptive Solutions | Telecommunications Contractor | Network Cabling in Bellevue WA
We have a well-earned reputation as the most trusted Telecommunications Contractor in Bellevue WA. Our experienced technicians specialize in the installation, repair, and maintenance of phone systems, security systems, and other telecommunications equipment. We pride ourselves on delivering exceptional customer service to ensure that your business has access to reliable and efficient communication solutions. Moreover, we are also renowned for Network Cabling in Bellevue WA. Whether you're establishing a new office or upgrading an existing system, we are here to help. From us, you can have ongoing support and maintenance to ensure that your cabling continues to perform optimally. So, if you need our expert assistance, call us today.
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secureace · 1 year
Choose Right Location for CCTV Cameras in Ghaziabad Noida
Best CCTV Camera Consultant and Dealer Selecting the appropriate locations for CCTV cameras in Ghaziabad and Noida is essential for efficient surveillance and comprehensive coverage of your property. Here are key considerations to keep in mind: Identify Vulnerable Areas: Assess your property to identify high-risk zones that require monitoring, such as entry points, parking lots, and valuable…
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electriciandarwin · 1 year
Security Camera Installation
SparkyRaj Security Camera Installation
24 Hour Surveillance Systems As the proprietor of a home, business or artificial property, you have a responsibility to cover what matters most to you. The safety of your loved bones , workers and means isn’t commodity to be taken smoothly, which is why at SparkyRaj Darwin Electrical Contractors, we offer prompt security camera installation throughout Darwin and girding areas.
Our educated electricians will install, maintain and repair all security camera brands; still, we largely recommend Swann security systems for their emotional range of features and advanced capabilities.
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American Shah Industries LLC | Security system installer | Home Appliances Repair in Decatur GA
We have a well-earned reputation as the most notable Security System Installer in Atlanta GA, dedicated to providing top-notch security solutions for residential and commercial properties. Our team of expert technicians is trained to install and maintain cutting-edge security cameras that protect your home or business around the clock. With us on hire, you can detect and deter any unwanted intrusion into your premises. Moreover, we are also renowned for offering timely and effective Home Appliances Repair in Atlanta GA. From refrigerators to ovens, we have the expertise to diagnose and fix any issue. You can trust us to get your appliances back up and running smoothly in no time. So, if you need our expert assistance, give us a call today.
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techalice · 1 year
CCTV Camera Shop Near me
They may have a part to play in the overall security strategy of your property but seven factors should be considered before installing one or more dummy CCTV cameras. Because there are a large number of different models on the market, it can be hard to find just the right CCTV camera system for your needs, and you can choose between different camera systems, mounting options and even memory storage options
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xxblairexxss · 10 months
A fresh start
Pairing : Charles Leclerc x singlemom!reader
Theme : Angst, fluff
Word count : 4.2k
Part 2
In which Charles had a crush on the new member of the team without knowing he was already a good friend of her toddler.
It gets a little heavy near the end so heads up! Not proofread!
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"There seems to be a problem with the downforce. It kind of eats the tyre quite a lot."
Charles felt a touch on his hip while he was too busy listening to the engineers. Looking down, he saw a small kid patting on his leg, while the other hand seemed to be offering him something. "Hey, are you giving this to me?" He asked, pulling the headset from his ear as he crouched down.
"Yeah! My mom always gives me candy whenever I am stressed with my homework. You can—oh." The little kid fumbled with the wrapping paper that was securely wrapped around the lollipop. "I can’t take the plastic off for you. Sorry…"
"Oh, it’s okay. Let me help you." Charles twiddled with the wrapper as it went loose before he pulled it off. "There! Oh, for me? Are you sure?"
"No stress! Bye bye!" The toddler waved and sprinted off, leaving Charles with the strawberry lollipop in his hand.
"Any idea who she is?" Charles nudged Joris and tipped his chin towards the girl who was across the room.
"She’s part of the communication executive." Joris took a quick glance and went back to his phone.
"I have never seen her before." His eyes were latched on the girl, seeing the way she talked with her hands, nodding and smiling at whatever the other girl was talking about.
"She just joined the team."
"What’s her name?" Charles nudged Joris again, causing him to heave a sigh and stand up.
"Y/N!" Joris called out.
"Joris! What the fuck?" Charles slapped his friend’s leg and looked away. The phone in his hand seemed to be looking much more interesting, though it wasn’t even turned on. While his fingers were dancing and tapping on any random buttons on his phone, his ears were listening to the conversation—well, more like listening to her voice. It was weird how he had never seen her before, but Joris seemed to be getting along with her very well.
"That was Y/N." Joris gave a smile, stealing a peep from Charles’s phone, and laughed when he saw it was on camera, capturing Charles’s face from an angle below. "Nice picture, by the way. Is that why you couldn’t stop looking at it when she was here?"
"Very unnecessary, Joris. You could have just told me her name." He threw his cap on and stood up to leave the room.
"I thought you wanted to get to know her." Joris exclaimed, seeing his best friend walking away.
"I can figure that one myself!"
"Hey, Adam! Give me a five!" He bent down as the little one hopped and touched their hands together. This has been his fourth time seeing him, and every single time, his visit would get longer and longer. The first time he met the kid, he just dropped by to give him candy and walked away. This time, he came by with candy and shared a few little jokes and games.
"Do you always wander around the paddock alone? Your dad never gets mad." He ripped the top off the candy and handed it to the kid.
"No, mommy won’t be mad if I just stay around the red garage. Oh! Sour!" His face scrunched up, making the driver cackle.
"Oh? You’re with your mom? Dang, this is sour." He made a face and shivered as the sourness hit.
"Yeah, I’m with mommy! Daddy is…" He looked down, his bottom lips jutting out. Charles knew right away it wasn’t something light if this was the reaction coming from a 4-year-old kid, so he cut the topic short.
"You don’t have anything sweet in there? I’m not a fan of sour candy."
Adam patted his pockets and shook his head. "No more candy! I stole that from mommy. Shh, she didn’t know." He put his pointy finger on his lips and giggled.
"Your secret is safe with me, buddy. I have to go. See you around, Adam!" Charles stood up and gave the little one a pat on the head before he went to get Andrea for his short meeting before the press conference.
"This will be your..." 
Charles was slapped with what felt like a brick when it was just a file of papers, but the sting was unexpected, causing him to lean back as he covered one side of his face with his hand.
"Oh! I’m so sorry! Are you okay? Did I just slap you?"
Chuckling, he shook his head and pressed his palm on his eyes—the ones that just got slapped on. "No, no. Well, yes, I’m okay. Are you–"  Her beauty from up close astounded him, erasing all vocabularies in his head as he went blank. "You are beautiful," he muttered.
"Oh? Oh, nothing. Y/N, right?" He offered a handshake with the widest grin. "I’m Charles."
"Everyone knows who you are, Charles." You laughed, accepting the handshake. "How do you know my name? I never properly introduced myself."
"Oh, Joris told me." He answered, his eyes still on her, making him look like a fool without realising it.
"Do you have anything else to say? Because I need to." She pointed the other way. "I need to head there."
He pulled himself back to his senses and stepped aside. "Oh, sorry about that. I’m not going to hold you any longer."
"Sorry about that. Good luck in the qualifying round!"
"Oh, wait! Is this yours?" He crouched down and took the sour candies on his feet. The same one he got from the kid
"Oh, yeah! Must have slipped off my hand. Thank you!"
"Mommy, look!"
You took the paper that he handed to you and cackled at the drawing. "What is this, sweetheart?"
"Guess, mommy! Look, I drew the moustache too." He pointed at the little lines, wearing the proudest smile.
"A moustache? Is that a cat?"
"Yes! Like the one we used to have!" He started collecting all of his marker pens and coloured pencils, placing them in his small pencil case as he saw you start packing your stuff. "Are we going back already?"
"Yeah, mommy’s all done with my work, so we can head back early. Should we go on a little date and get ice cream?" Shutting down your laptop, you placed them in the case when Adam seemed to be rushing to go somewhere with his little backpack. "Where are you going?"
"Mommy, wait! I haven’t met Charlie!"
"What even is Charlie?" You muttered, picking up the missing marker pens he had missed for rushing.
"Hey, munchkin! I was waiting for you." Charles grinned and offered his hand for a high five. "Where have you been?"
"Oh! I’m going back already. Wait!" He sneaked his little hand into his pocket and frowned when he couldn’t find the thing he was looking for. Charles then saw him pull his arms off his small backpack and sneak his little hand inside the small compartment. "This is for you!"
"You are going home? Why?" Taking the small Mars bar from the little one, he kept it in his hand as he helped him put on his backpack again.
"Mommy’s done with her work early today, so I’m going out on a date!"
Charles grabbed his little arm before he could sprint away. "You? You are going out on a date? Wait, with who?"
The driver’s facial expression went blank as he heard the voice. The little arm in his hand slipped off as he saw the little one run and hug the legs of the woman he has been dying to talk to over the past couple of months.
You ruffled his hair as he crashed into you. "Have you met your Charlie?" Bending down, you squeezed his chubby cheeks as you took his hand in yours.
"Yes! That’s Charlie!" He exclaimed, pointing at someone.
You saw Charles still crouching down with a Mars bar in his hand. He was already looking at you as you laid your eyes on him. He looked surprised and stunned, as he didn’t seem to catch the smile you gave.
"He's—he’s yours? Adam, is your kid?" He queried, taking steps closer.
"Yeah, he’s my son. Wait–" Looking down, you cupped his little cheek. "Adam, Charlie, is Charles? Is this the friend you have been giving your candy away to?"
"Yes!" he squealed.
You thought he had been making friends with a cat or any other person, but not with an actual driver, because who would have thought he would have the most time in the world to be friends with a 4-year-old kid? "I’m so sorry if he had been bothering you. I truly had no idea about that.”
"It’s okay, Y/N. I got free candies." He showed the Mars bar he had in his hand, making you chuckle.
"I am going out on a date with mommy. Do you want to come?"
His words became a mumble as you quickly covered his mouth. "Charlie is busy, Adam." Tilting your head back and facing the driver, you asked the little one to wave before walking away. "I’ll get going now. Say bye, Adam."
"Bye, Charlie!"
"What’s with that smile?" Joris peeked his head to look at the little kid, who kept looking back every now and then to wave his little hand at the driver.
"Nothing." Charles ripped off the Mars bar in his hand and took a bite of it, cocking his brow at Joris, who seemed to have more questions. "What?"
"Nothing." He mimicked Charles’s expression and moved away before he could get hit in the head.
"You didn’t tell me she had a kid." Charles blurted.
"I thought you wanted to figure it out yourself. Why? Does it change anything?"
"What do you mean?" He queried, taking another bite from the chocolate bar.
"Does it change your little crush on her now that you know she has a kid?"
"No, not at all. I like her even more now." He chuckled and did a double take on his friend. "Wait, how do you know I have a crush on her?"
"Because you aren’t being too discreet about it. I bet Adam knew it too. Give me that." Joris snatched the chocolate bar from the driver’s hand and took the last bite. "You shouldn’t eat too much sweet for your diet, you know."
"Adam, I need your help." The sound of music in the room was cut off when the driver finally spoke what had been in his head for weeks. Charles was lying down on the couch in his driver room with his little friend, while the little one was too busy colouring the dinosaur from his book.
"More candy?" He asked, switching to a different colour pencil from his case.
"No, not candy. I wanted to ask your mom on a date." He put his phone away and sat up, looking at the little one full of anticipation.
"Wait, what? Why?" Charles stood up and took a seat by Adam’s side. He casually started participating in the colouring activity as he took a blue pencil and started filling in the tail section of the dinosaur. "I thought we were friends?"
"Mommy only goes on a date with me."
"She might want to go on a date with me." He assured him, helping him change to a different coloured pencil.
"I don’t want mommy to cry again, so, no. I need to go now!" He stood up and packed his colourful stuff inside his little backpack with the help of the driver.
"I won’t make her cry, Adam." Charles handed him his colouring book as the toddler stood up to leave.
"That’s what Daddy used to say too. Bye bye, Charlie!"
"Charlie hurt?" 
"Yes, sweetheart. He crashed today, so you shouldn’t bug him, okay? Just stay here." You pinched his little cheek before handing him his iPad. "Not too long. Turn it off when mommy says so, alright?"
Adam did listen to you and stayed in the break room while you sorted out a few things before race day tomorrow. There wasn’t any meeting until the next hour, so you got to do your work while listening to your kid watch Coco ten times this weekend.
Until you heard a knock on the door,
"Hi. Uhm, I’m looking for Adam." Your eyes widened as the driver peeked his head inside the room.
"Charlie!" He put his iPad to the side and hopped off the couch to run straight into Charles’s arms.
"Why didn’t you come to see me?"
"Mommy said I shouldn’t bug you. Are you okay?" You chuckled when he cupped the driver’s cheeks with his small hands.
"Yeah, I’m okay. Wait, actually, not really."
To that, Adam gasped and covered his mouth with his hands. "Oh, no! You need candy?"
"Come here." Charles pulled your son to the end of the room, so you were no longer able to eavesdrop on the conversation.
You saw those two start whispering something, giggling, and laughing while you were left out. "Bye Charlie!" He waved as the driver trod, leaving the break room.
"Bye, munchkin. See you, Y/N. You look beautiful in a ponytail, by the way."
You were taken back by the sudden compliment, and your hand went to stroke your hair now that he mentioned it. "But I always have my hair tied?"
"Yeah, that’s what I meant." He gave a wink before walking away, leaving you and your toddler, who seemed to find the whole situation funny.
"What did he tell you?" You tried to pry into their business, acting casual by going back to your work.
"It’s a secret!" He winked, which looked more like a face scrunch as he went back on his iPad, making you frown in confusion.
"Go! Open the door!"
"I can’t. Give me a second."
"I’m nervous, buddy."
"I’ll open it for you!"
"No, no!"
You were staying in the break room, playing with your phone while your little one stayed outside, watching an army of people in the paddock celebrate the drivers on the podium. He had promised to stay just outside the room so you wouldn’t have to worry about him being in the crowd, but minutes later, you kept hearing whispers right outside the door. You weren’t sure who the owner of the other one was, but you were so sure one of them belonged to your son.
"The door is not locked, love. Just come in." You replied and went back to your phone, expecting him to walk in, but he didn’t.
"Go, Charlie!”
"Is there anything wrong?" Placing the phone away, you pushed the door open and saw that your toddler kept on pushing the driver towards your door. "Charles? Do you need anything?"
"Y/N. Actually–"
"Charlie wants to ask you out on a date!" Adam cut in.
The words made you flabbergasted. That was impossible. Why would he ask you out on a date when every woman he met on a daily basis dressed up way better and had better body shape than you?
And they were single. While you were a divorcee, you even had a kid.
"Stop joking around, Adam. Leave Charlie alone, okay?" Adam hid behind the driver as you tried to grab his arm, giggling while hugging Charles’s legs.
"Would you go out on a date with me?"
You gave a dry smile and shook your head right away. "Sorry, Charles. I have a kid, remember? Who’s going to take care of him if I—“
"Joris will play with me! Right, Charlie?" He pulled on the Ferrari’s shirt, chuckling as he felt Charles’s hand on his neck.
"Joris agreed to take care of Adam for one night. They are best friends." Charles assured.
"I can’t, Charles. I’m so sorry."
He followed you inside while Adam stayed outside to find Joris. "But why?" You ignored him. "Y/N, why?"
"I should be asking you that. Why me? I don’t get it. I have a kid, Charles." You took your phone and started taking your laptop bag.
"And what’s wrong with that?"
"Nothing’s wrong, but you have all those hot girls ready for you to ask them out. I am way out of your league, Charles." 
He held your arm to stop you from walking out of the room. "I got Adam’s permission, and I promised him that I was going to take you out. Please give me a chance."
"How did you get his permission?"
You saw him awkwardly smile as he scratched the back of his neck. "He promised me his permission if I ended up in the top 5 this weekend."
Laughing, you rolled your eyes at how ridiculous the deal was.
"Is that a yes?" He tilted his head, having a little faith in how the tension in the room seemed to die down.
"Fine. Just one date."
To that, he bit his lips and threw up a fist. "Yes! You’ll be in Maranello next weekend, yeah? I’ll pick up."
"Sure, I’ll send you the address."
"Be nice to Joris, alright?"
"Mommy looks very pretty!" He placed both of his palms on your cheeks and gave you a kiss before hugging you by the neck. "Have fun with Charlie! Let me know if he makes you cry, and I’ll." He showed you his little fist. "I’ll hit him!"
Giggling, you kiss him back on his cheek. "I thought you said he was nice."
"Yeah, Charlie is very nice. That’s why I let him take mommy out on a date." He ran towards the main door as Joris helped put his sneakers on. "Bye mommy!"
Back then, when he was born, you always worried if you were able to raise him all on your own. If you could take on both responsibilities as his mother and father figure at a young age, You were grateful enough, as he had grown up to be a very gentle and cheerful kid, despite what he had witnessed occasionally whenever your ex-husband paid a visit. He was never a good dad. He never wanted to be one. Adam barely called him dad. He never knew what it felt like to have a dad, but he would always reassure you that he was glad enough to have the perfect mom. Though you tried to keep your marriage problems between you and your ex-husband, Adam was smart enough to figure out what his dad was like. Whenever your ex-husband came by, you would always get bruises on your body. Maybe that was why your little one grew up to be very protective of you, despite his age.
Charles had told you he was a few minutes away, so you weren’t expecting to see your former spouse when you opened the door.
"Where are you going?" He pushed the door and walked inside as if he had any right to do so.
"It’s none of your business. Please leave."
"It’s my house. Where’s Adam? And why are you all dressed up?" He scanned you up and down, smirking as if you looked humorous.
"Leave, please."
"Come on, baby. I haven’t seen you for months. I have missed you."
You pressed your lips into a thin line, feeling the tears well up in your eyes. Whenever you were home, he would always come by to ask for sex. He would beat you up if you ever resisted any of his attempts, but you would rather get beaten than be in the same bed with him again. You were just glad Adam wasn’t here to witness it all again. "Leave me alone!" You yelled, pushing him off from pinning your body against the wall.
"You fucking bitc—who’s that?" His hand, which was about to hit you in the face, came to an abrupt stop when the doorbell rang.
"It’s no one." The doorbell rang again.
"Go and open the door. It’s fucking annoying." He pushed you on your head, making you jerk forward towards the door.
You wiped on your tears that rolled down your cheeks before twisting the lock as you were greeted by Charles, with his dimples that went shallow as soon as he saw you.
"Y/N? Are you crying?"
You let out a sob and tilted your face away from the tears that rolled down your cheeks again. "I’m sorry, I can’t make it today."
"What’s wrong? Did something happen?" He gently tilted your face and felt his stomach drop when he saw your broken expression. "What happened, Y/N?"
"I–" You sobbed again.
"She wants you to leave, kid."
Charles pushed the door wider as he walked in and stood in front of you. "Who are you?"
"I’m her husband."
You felt his hand on your arm as he pulled you closer; his gaze was still locked on the older guy.
Charles let out a chuckle, seeing how absurd this whole situation was. "So, you are the ex-husband. Well, I don’t think it was me who wasn’t supposed to be in here."
"Kid, this is my house, and that bitch that you are touching is mine." He snarled.
"Don’t call me that. And she’s not yours." Charles furrowed at the man, feeling your hand gripping his arm.
"Ah, so she’s yours now? Did you claim her yet?"
"She’s not mine. She’s no one's possession because she’s not a fucking item. You should leave." His teeth were clenched as his gaze pierced the man. "Leave before I call the cops on you."
"I’ll get going first, baby. See you when this motherfucker is gone, yeah?" You flinched when you felt his cold skin on your cheek.
"Don’t fucking touch her." Charles yanked his hand away and locked the door after the older man was gone, leaving you and him alone.
"Did he hurt you?" Charles cupped on your face, heaving a sigh of relief when there wasn’t anything serious as you shook your head at his question.
Charles wanted to ask a lot of questions, but you were still shaken up by the whole thing, so he grabbed you by your hand as both of you settled down on the couch.
"You can leave, Charles. I’m sorry for ruining your night."
"It wasn’t your fault, Y/N. And who said the date was ruined? Adam told me you love pizza, so are you up for a pizza night?" He found himself grinning when he saw that little smile on your beautiful face.
It was supposed to be a romantic dinner date; instead, you were sitting on the couch with a box of pizza while watching a Disney movie. Charles had to pick out the pineapple on every slice of pizza and vocally judged you on your preference because there was no way he could eat a pizza with a pineapple together.
But it was a very fun night. It was enough to make you completely forget what had happened earlier, but enough to not make the day all about that.
"Y/N, can I ask something?" He picked out another pineapple, trying so hard not to make a disgusted face, which made you laugh.
"Is this about what happened?" You confirmed.
"Yeah, but if you don’t feel comfortable answering, then it’s fine." Charles took a bite of his now pineapple-free pizza.
"No, it’s okay. You can ask." You collected the pineapple he picked off and ate it on its own.
"How long?"
"How long has it been since he did that? It was on and off. If he got a new girlfriend, he would stop coming by for a couple of months." You saw the look he had on you, and it made you feel sad at how bad your life has turned out to be.
"You didn’t report to the police?"
"I did, but I never got any further updates. I even tried to move away, but he always managed to find me back. Which is why I’m always happy whenever I have to travel for work. That way, he won’t be able to ruin my life, and Adam could live his life as a child without having to worry about me." You looked away as you started to clean up the empty box as an excuse so you wouldn’t have to look at his face any longer or you would be crying again.
"I’ll see what I can do. It’s about time for the authority to take action about this. I promise I’ll help you."
"Thank you, Charles. I owe you a lot. I really don’t know how to pay you back." You beamed and dipped your hand in the small box.
"You still owe me a proper date?"
"Fine, make it the second date. Do you want candy?" You handed him one as you popped one in your mouth.
"Ah!" Charles blurted it out, making you jump. "How could I miss this?" He took the sour candy and burst out laughing. It was the same candy that he had been getting from Adam way before he found out he was related to you. "Adam had been stealing your sour candies all this time to share them with me."
"Really?" You laughed along, connecting the dots as to why your candy seemed to be way less than it should have been.
"Guess I love sour candies now." He threw one into his mouth and shivered at the sourness.
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