#Seekrushbushgure au
doorrobloxstuff · 1 year
Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to confuse the two aus. Also fuck that anon, they can piss and cry all they want for all I care.
!!! It’s fine!! Actually I should’ve named that au and put it on the roster of the moment of its conception tbh.
Tw//sui ment
As for the anon, yea. That was really awful. I mean couldn’t they have just asked about the discrepancy??
They literally said “Kys proshipper” (I am absolutely not a proshipper. I fucking hate them.) and left it at that.
The worst part is- I know who they probably (?) are because I saw my follower account go down.
I’m actually really reasonable..If something disturbs you about my writing??? Why don’t you just…ask if that was intentional?? Or maybe it was even a mistake on my part??? OR OR in the (albeit extremely unlikely) event that maybe..just maybe someone else was fronting while writing it??
There’s a lot of things that could’ve happened but they just went for the fucking nuclear option.
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doorrobloxstuff · 1 year
For your poly au, who was the one who was pregnant and birth the axolotl baby?
Disclaimer time-
Gonna change the name of this au because it’s not the poly au. The poly au is were the bedfic, and Ingens rapax takes place.
In that au, (the poly au!!) the A’s are unrelated to the main cast and are in the polycule. They aren’t siblings and are entirely different, unrelated characters from the ones in the main au. Shoutout to that one asker who put a nasty surprise in my inbox because they couldn’t fucking read or confront me about this. You caused me to dissociate + triggered me. And now I have to leave this stupid fucking note every time I talk about this au. <;/3
This au, the au were Axo child is born stems from the main au. Everything is the same but Seek, Rush, Ambush and Figure are dating and nobody else is in their polycule. The entire hotel isn’t dating each other like in Poly au. The A’s are siblings here.
For the sake of everyone’s sanity I’m calling this one the “Seekrushbushgure” au and changing their au tag to fit it instead of using the poly au tag-
Just..anytime you see something with Axolotl child in it. It belongs in this au and not the other one.
Tw//pregnancy ment and Warden is trying his darndest to scoot around anything graphic
Ambush. (Since anon mentioned that Axo child is a Figbush offspring-)
Poor Figure wouldn’t carry regardless, its body is pretty messed up post-Snare and the many attempts that came before it.
Snare is a miracle in itself. (Seek carried mystery entity + Screech and had no problems.) Though, it nearly killed Figure from bleeding..I’ll go into entity anatomy someday.
Usually, the most dominant OR most healthy OR most willing OR a combination of the two/three in the relationship hierarchy will carry offspring. (Dominant and Breedable.)
Ambush is (debatably) the best killer and most experienced (having carried the A’s and possibly..?? The twins??) so therefore.. ideal candidate.
Plus in the later months of being preggers it gives Ambush a nice little break from hunting and it can take all the naps and eat all the food it wants. <3
Pregnant entities very much still hunt btw. The danger does not go away and arguably increases when a baby is on the way because the parent wants to get as much food in storage as possible before they’re born.
Fun fact for the newer followers. Baby entities are almost parasitic to those who carry them. Slowly sapping their energy (this can actually kill the parent if they don’t have enough food + energy to sustain themselves.) so entities get super duper exhausted especially during later phases, so they will usually just take naps.
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doorrobloxstuff · 1 year
Business date at the dinner table-???? Don’t have a good name ‘fo this.
Rush, Ambush, Seek and Figure [Try] discussing the terms of their partnership..
Do you like boring business adult talk? No? TOO BAD!!!
Tw//Figure had ouchers when it had snare ouch ouch..Uhh..Rush childhood tramua :( death ment, Ambush makes a lightly suggestive joke but nothing explicit.
They aren’t in a partnership (scream at me to make partnership explanation post.) yet.
Seek and Ambush are more so..courting then dating while Rush and Figure are attempting not to loudly kiss at the table.
Smacks head on table repeatedly, also one more note- im still attempting to figure out a rhyme and rhythm to where I should put bold text I’m so sorry- have some ‘mo entity lore for now.
This isn’t the main au but it’s got its the same lore, just comes with the implications of what would happen if the two families merged.
The joyful sounds of noises of their children rang throughout the air.
Their parents occupied a table nearby. A well-prepared meal and their thoughts shared before them. All of them in suits and ties, an air of formality surrounding them.
Rush rested its head on the table, it’s plate empty and its chest rising and falling tiredly full of fish. Figure was right next to the rotund entity, its body curled up close to Rush’s.
Quietly brushing its fur with the tips its gnarled fingers in fascination. It collected the fluffy fog in between its fingers and felt it slip between their cracks with each passing caress, getting some content rumbles out of Rush. As the two continued their affectionate exchange. Their other two partners, Ambush and Seek spoke in hushed tones. They where on the other side of table sat watching their little ones like a hawk, their meals unfinished but their wineglasses partially emptied in their hands.
“So ehhh, Seek.” Ambush buzzed, its tail swaying in slow, sweeping, repeating, completive motions that doubled back in repetition. It reached into its brain for the first words that relayed into its mind. “Events. Occurrences.” It shook its wine awkwardly.
“We’ll have to act fast if we want to this.. plan of ours come into fruition..” Seek murmured, swishing its wine gently with its hand.
Ambush raised an eyebrow and took a sip of wine.
“Never took ‘yeh for one to rush things…”
“I just..I want to make this quick and efficient..the good things may not last..” It closed its eye and gripped the handle of its wine glass, regaining its composure unostentatiously. “I want to be prepared this time.”
Ambush sat there silently for a moment, placing down its wine glass and casting a glance towards Sally and Screech roughhousing on top of a nearby table. She managed to pin the round, goopy entity beneath her webbed talons, laughing maniacally as Screech snapped and thrashed excitedly beneath her.
She always did have her aunt’s laugh.
“Hey! Get off the table before you get hurt!”
The pair whined, but reluctantly complied. Rolling off the table and blissfully returning to wacking each other with their little tendrils and paws.
Ambush turned back towards Seek, who still had its eye closed in contemplation.
“Ehm...Seek..I uh..”
“...You’re a good winemaker.”
Seek rippled a tiny bit, opening its eye and lifting up its wine glass. Looking at the vermilion liquid behind the glass with a tiny bit of reverence. Its eye then drifted back to Ambush with a now slightly friendlier look in it.
“I like to think so..” It leaned forward, it propped its chin in its hand and its pupil focused curiously on Ambush.
“..You’re a splendid cook you know- Do you cook all the time for your family?”
Ambush gave Seek a bashful look before taking another sip of its wine.
“Eh, Sometimes.. but not always. Rush is definitely the better cook-“
The large, foggy entity unhinged its maw to speak and when it did, its voice sounded like a deflated balloon. Its eyes partially shut in blissful sleepiness as Figure groomed the top part of its fluffy head like a spa treatment.
“Nooo I’m noooot…”
“You are too! Remember the baked ziti?”
“Naaaaaah..” Rush purred a little as Figure affectionately licked its cheek. “Anyone can…follow a book..recipe..” Rush’s words faded away into soft rumbles.
Seek turned to look at Sally, who was now excitedly running Screech ragged around the courtyard.
“Your Sally is a lively one.”
“..Going to be ‘our’ Sally soon..” Figure cooed, licking Rush’s smiling cheek affectionately.
“Mm, what a wild, rambunctious daughter I’m going to have then.” Seek said with a noticeable ripple.
“Do you cook Figure?~” Rush murmured, still rumbling sleepily.
“With help from Seek or our eldest, yes.~” Figure laid its head on top of Rush’s furry head before a small rip was heard and a soft “Oh dear-“ was heard.
“Ah shit, here Figure lemme help you with that.” Carefully Ambush reached over and tucked the now ripped sleeve of its shirt before stepping back. Feeling Figure grow a warm and turning just a tiny hint of magenta itself.
Seek took another sip of wine, slightly amused but still formal-sounding as it spoke.
“..Speaking of our children..that’s eight of them combined in total, yes?”
“Unless we’re planning on having more of ‘em? Yeh, just eight.” Ambush took a casual sip of wine while its gooey partner nodded.
“..You know Fig..with all your pretty poems..and wine..If children where grapes..we’d have a vineyard..It’d be a nice title to a book..”
“Rush, dear. How much have you had to drink?”
“Pasta, not the wine that got me..” Rush yawned a wide yawn that smelt faintly of catfish and charcoal. “Got Figure too..”
Figure warbled a tiny bit before yawning itself. Its voice grew a tad lower and a bit more thoughtful.
“..Children..between us, Ambush?”
Figure shook its head and wrapped an arm across Rush’s body and pressed its face into Rush’s dark, comforting fog.
“Never mind, probably the wine-”
Ambush crossed its talons, a concerned look crossed its sockets.
“Talk to me hun. You said something about children between us?”
“..Like between you and Seek or..maybe me and Rush..or you and me..did you mean that?”
Ambush shrugged.
“Ehh, I was more so talking in general about em- but now that you did bring it up- were do you fish in that particular pond?”
Figure stayed painfully silent, but seemed it didn’t need to talk because Seek had already seized words like prey in talons.
“If Figure has to carry? Absolutely not. What happened last time was utterly atrocious and I do not wish for it to experience that EVER again.” Seek said with a curt hiss that caused Rush to flinch a little.
“It’s okay...”
Ambush had an uneasy look in its eyes, it fiddled its talons.
“Is..pitching the same as catching?”
Seek turned towards Figure and waited for a response. It didn’t lift its head as it spoke in a disconcerted warble.
“I don’t..mind..but like Seek said..I’ve always had..troubles..”
Rush placed a large, comforting hand on Figure’s chest. Pulling it close and softly whispering something into its ear that made it less tense and even a tad flustered.
“Don’t ever feel pressured to do either of those things my dearest.” Seek said, its eye softening a little. “Besides, there’s other ways to have them without hurting you..” Seek turned towards Ambush and “As for my feelings on that particular subject..-“ Seek took a smaller sip of wine, its eye flitting towards Rush for a long moment before its stern gaze met Ambush. Studying it for a moment before answering.
“..I’d rather focus on tending to the ones we have as of now.” It poured itself some more wine and offered some to the green entity. “Though, I am a tad curious Ambush, Rush, Tell me; what’s your current sentiment regarding them?”
“..Nn.. don’t mind..”
“..’Eh?’ That’s all? Well, come on..don’t be a stranger dear-”
Ambush blushed, it sheathed its talons and scratched the back of its neck. “..Well, its never really been on our minds..So..we haven’t been consciously trying ya know?”
“Fair enough.. Rush..?”
Rush didn’t respond, its eyes closed deep in either contemplation, tiredness or both. Finally, after a long moment, Rush opened its eyes again and spoke with a tinge of melancholy sleepiness.
“..Same thing as Ambush..As long as their safe, happy and not growin up in a sewer like their daddy..did..” Rush’s words faded into incomprehensible murmurs before at least managing to phonate one coherent sentence.
“..You’ll keep them safe, right..?”
Seek lowered its voice, it drank some more wine and then put down the glass and then set the glass down carefully. Talking about this sort of thing was never easy for the entity.
“That’s what we’re doing this for..if we’re lost..you’ll take care of mine and if you..were to be killed in some..way.” Seek flinched, but its eye remained determined and focused, leaning forward and lightly taking Rush's fluffy head in its hand and its voice softened. “We’ll take care of yours.." It gave it a small kiss with its gooey face that was lightly reciprocated as Rush wrapped its large hands around Seek's waist and pushed it into the little cuddle it had with Figure. "A- R-Rush- oh dear, you're squishing me-" Ambush gave a staticky laugh, reaching forward to snatch Seek from Rush's 'death-grip' with a few light tugs and pulled a now malformed and melty seek from Rush's claws. "I see you got a taste of what I gotta deal with every morning.~" Seek slowly reformed itself into humanoid shape with a huff, stretching its newly formed arms. "..What, being violently asphyxiated? Oh please, that's a typical bi-weekly event for me and Figure.~" It sat back down at the table and picked up the fork from the now cold plate of catfish pasta. "Now about inheritance and territorial divisions-"
“Don’t fuck with the pool.” Ambush growled, its eyes narrowing and the glitches around it decreased for just the briefest of moments before it stiffened up and choked feeling a migraine burn it’s way into its head. “Just don’t..” Its talons gripped the table like it was about to cave in under it. “..We can share the rest.”
“..I have no plans of ever even going in there..or altering a single thing..” Seek soothed, pouring Ambush a bit more wine and confidently leaning forward towards Ambush. “As for our children, I wish to see no bias given. Younger OR older, it is to be all equally split amongst them..”
“Done.” Ambush rubbed its forehead and took a sip. “Our family doesn’t do that shit anyways..”
Figure raised its head up slightly, it leaned forward and whispered something before pressing its face into Rush’s fog once more. “And what of your animals?”
“The Raccoons?” Ambush squinted its eyes in confusion before shaking its head. “Take care of ‘em or eat ‘em..I don’t care..I’ll be dead anyways.” It reached into its fur and pulled out some vitamins, taking them with a sip of wine.
Seek sighed with relief, thankful that at least this time, Ambush didn’t drive a hard bargain.
“Is that all?”
“Yea..we’re done here.”
An exhausted, sleazy smile drew itself across Ambush’s face. Feeling its migraines dull just a tiny bit, it decided to make a move. “How about’a little kiss eh?”
A light blush came over Seek’s face, it waved its hand bashfully and sipped some wine with an amused look in its eye.
“..Oh hush you anchovy, keep feelings out of business..~”
“A-ANCHOVY..??” Ambush wheezed. “Nah babe, I’m sturgeon aaaaall over.~” It ran its talons down its chest with a bit of theatrical flair. “Besides, we came to an agreement…so ehh..not really much more business to discuss..”
“Fair enough, also- I wouldn’t mind giving that kiss either..” Ambush smiled wider and brought its face close to Seek. Who pressed its face up against it in a small nuzzle.
After a minute, Ambush reluctantly broke the kiss and turned towards the now peacefully snoring Rush and Figure, quietly chuckling. “We should probably call it a night... It was fun talking to ya Seek..” The green entity tucked its medicine back into its fur and tucked in its chair. It floated towards Rush and reached over to shake it awake.
Seek paused for a moment, before closing its eye and politely raising its hand to stop Ambush.
“Do you think..you could perhaps..like to spend the night with me and Figure?” It said calmly, trying not to sound too forceful or strange.
Ambush paused for a moment, thinking about it.
���Alright.” —
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