#Selling a Used Car in Hawaii
autozillahawaii · 9 months
Navigating the Pacific Breeze: Sell My Car Hawaii Unveils Seamless Vehicle Selling Experience
In the heart of the Pacific, where the sun kisses the waves and the breeze whispers through the palm trees, a revolutionary vehicle selling experience is making waves. Selling a used Car in Hawaii has emerged as a game-changer in the automotive industry, offering a seamless and hassle-free solution for those looking to sell their cars in paradise.
The process of selling a car can often be a daunting and time-consuming task, filled with paperwork, negotiations, and uncertainties. Recognizing this challenge, Sell My Car Hawaii has streamlined the entire process to provide a stress-free and efficient way for individuals to part ways with their vehicles.
One of the standout features of Sell My Car Hawaii is its user-friendly online platform. The company has invested in cutting-edge technology to create an intuitive and straightforward interface that allows users to navigate the entire selling process with ease. From submitting initial vehicle information to receiving a competitive offer, the platform ensures a smooth journey for sellers.
To kickstart the selling process, sellers can visit the Sell My Car Hawaii website and input essential details about their vehicles. The platform takes into account factors such as make, model, year, condition, and mileage to generate a fair and accurate offer. This eliminates the need for time-consuming negotiations and ensures that sellers receive a competitive price for their cars.
Sell My Car Hawaii stands out not only for its technological innovation but also for its commitment to transparency. The company provides sellers with a comprehensive breakdown of the offer, detailing how the valuation was determined. This transparency fosters trust between the seller and the company, setting the stage for a positive and collaborative selling experience.
Once a seller accepts the offer, Sell My Car Hawaii takes care of the logistics. The company arranges a convenient time and location for vehicle inspection and finalization of the sale. This personalized approach ensures that sellers can complete the transaction at their convenience, without the need to navigate complex logistics.
Sell My Car Hawaii's dedication to customer satisfaction extends beyond the online platform. The company has a team of knowledgeable and friendly experts ready to assist sellers throughout the process. Whether answering questions about the valuation or guiding sellers through the final paperwork, the team ensures that every seller feels supported and informed.
In addition to its seamless selling process, Sell My Car Hawaii is committed to environmental sustainability. The company recognizes the importance of responsible car disposal and recycling. By choosing Sell My Car Hawaii, sellers contribute to a greener future by ensuring that their vehicles are handled and recycled in an eco-friendly manner.
In conclusion, Sell My Car Hawaii has redefined the vehicle selling experience in the Pacific. Its user-friendly platform, transparent valuation process, and commitment to customer satisfaction make it a standout choice for individuals looking to sell their cars in paradise. As the Pacific breeze carries the spirit of innovation, Sell My Car Hawaii continues to pave the way for a new era in automotive transactions. Embracing the ease and efficiency of this platform, sellers can bid farewell to the traditional hassles of selling a car and embark on a smooth journey towards a brighter, breezier future. https://www.autozillahawaii.com/sell-used-cars.htm
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peachjagiya · 23 days
I am sorry but jkkers and so called neutrals who still somehow paint Tae as the thirdwheel should never be taken seriously. They watched that car conversation and still came out of it thinking jikook are the closest ever. Jk straight up said that they would not have met up if not for the show and I'm shocked that the editors actually kept that in as it made me truly side eye the way they promoted the show and the timing they chose for filming it.
Tae and Jk might not interact as much or be the main focus on cameras but no amount of weird editing, inconsistent narratives and cropping Tae out of the frame to exclude him and highlight jikook is going to change the fact that taekook have a relationship outside of work that they nurture and maintain even when their schedules are packed and jikook themselves admitted not making the effort hang out. This is the reality.
These people will continue to buy into whatever the company tries to sell because they think these men's lives and relationships become irrelevant when company cameras turn off. Seriously anyone who still believes Jikook are in a relationship or even the closest members played themselves and are stuck on a fantasy that BH sold them. They have no choice but to lie to themselves and make Tae the annoying third wheel because his relationship with Jk is always going to challenge that fantasy.
As Taekookers, we've known for a while that 2023 was a Jimkook desert. That conversation was, for us, confirmation of what we knew and we took it in the wider context that it's indicative of not only no ship but, in the most loving way, of no particular desperation to be around each other because both were out here making considerable effort staying close to other people.
So here's my devil's advocate though: I suppose you could read it, and I suspect this is why it stayed in, that they wanted badly to see each other and this trip was a long awaited relief for them.
That thought works... if you don't consider that JK made effort for Tae all year and Jimin for Yoongi. But I wonder if non-Tkkrs/Ymnrs actually engage with that information?
And remember this was filmed, and I'm going to suggest edited, before Tae dropped Hawaii. The narrative might have even felt different for us if we didn't know JK is the kind of guy to get on a plane for 9 hours for his person and managed to see his 97 Liners a good amount.
Does that make sense?
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mbta-unofficial · 22 days
A tough thing about capitalism is that it seems to be an emergent property of certain kinds of human behavior and technology. The same way that the T doing an oil hedge is “just good business sense,” every company doing an oil hedge is a recipe for vertical integration, what makes Zara, Ikea, and Rockefeller’s Standard Oil untouchable. By implementing strategies that control the supply of raw materials, a company can sieze the wheels of their own supply and demand curve, allowing them to reduce the supply for their competitors to zero. Every business wants this, because it enables them to set prices arbitrarily without fear of competition underselling them.
Now, that doesn’t necessarily mean that prices will be set as high as possible, or even as high as people could pay. Henry Ford’s vertical integration of the car manufacturing supply chain was essential to his business strategy. However, his goal was not to make infinite money in the short term, but rather to make the car so cheap that nobody would ever travel any other way. He was sued by his own investors for this, because a group of them argued that he was selling cars below market and therefore costing them as shareholders money, in order to pursue the strategy he pursued that tried to kill all public transit in America. Now, had Ford succeeded, his ability to sell cars to everyone forever would have resulted in greater long term profits, but it was a risk the investors didn’t want to take because they wanted their money then and now. It’s hard to say whether capitalism won or lost in this lawsuit: it established as law that companies cannot pursue any other goal besides investor interest, aka “fiduciary duty to shareholders.” However, in theory this limits the actions of companies only to those outcomes that are directly financial: a company could not, say, take over a sovereign nation just because they wanted to, they would have to prove to their shareholders that it was in the financial interest of the company (see united fruit in hawaii, mesoamerica). If it had gone the other way, though, we might live in a world where retirement savings functionally didn’t exist, because virtually all retirement savings are invested and fiduciary duty protects retirees from using that capital in corporate wars over market share.
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xenodile · 10 months
Bad news everyone, I might potentially be homeless!
Long story short, around the start of this year, my dad's mental state took a pretty bad turn. I don't know the exact cause, if he's suffering from mental illness, or he's just given up all pretense of being a decent person, but he's more or less made it impossible to live with him.
It started with him coming home early from work and throwing an actual screaming tantrum, saying he can't live with the tension in the house between me and him, because I confessed in October of last year that I delayed coming out as trans because I was afraid of how he would react and what he would do to me. When I explained the laundry list of reasons why I didn't trust or feel safe around him, this made him angrier, denying did anything wrong, blaming me for feeling the wrong way, and demanding I forgive him for the things he didn't do that made my childhood utterly miserable. He essentially gave me an ultimatum of just..."letting go" of all my childhood trauma and giving him no accountability, or being kicked out because he "doesn't deserve" to be held responsible for his actions.
The situation was eventually deescalated, but tension remained in the house, and before long, started to be redirected at my mom. Over the past year, my dad grew increasingly hostile and confrontational about the most trivial things. Berating my mom and calling her names when she didn't drop everything to do what he wanted, calling the police saying that he was in danger after he started a fight that escalated into him screaming, even being in a room with him was stressful because he would all but invent reasons to start shouting.
On top of that, he had begun to actively lie to me and my mom, or perhaps he always lied and we only now caught it. Agreements that only he was privy to, misrepresenting events to pain himself as a victim, claims of who said what that were completely baseless and easily proven wrong, secret stashes of booze after he promised not to drink all year, all in addition to willful emotional manipulation and intimidation tactics. It has reached the point where my mom and I can no longer tell if he's out of touch with reality and thinks what he's saying is true, or if he's willfully malicious and knowingly lying. He's broken all trust either of us ever had in him.
Through it all, my mom and I have tried to urge him whenever we can to seek counseling or psychiatric help because his behavior is unusual and frightening, but he has rebuffed us at every turn, growing increasingly paranoid and hurling accusations at anyone and everyone that doesn't immediately take "his side".
There was no end to it. Every other week was another incident. He'd take my car and my dog hostage because he "didn't feel safe at home" after provoking and yelling at my mom. Any disagreement was turned into a fight. At one point he even threatened suicide when my mom wouldn't get a plane with him to Hawaii.
Things came to a head last week, where after learning that my mom took his name off the title of her car to make sure he didn't sell it out from under her like he did to another family car earlier that year, he got black out drunk and started tearing apart their shared bedroom. He barricaded the door shut and threw heavy objects at the door when my mom knocked to see if he was alright before going unresponsive.
My mom called 911 because she worried he'd hurt himself, and they had to break the door down to reach him. They found him passed out on the floor and barely able to walk after how much he'd had to drink from his secret stash, got him into a gurney and wheeled him out. From here things are a bit more fuzzy, as my mom and I were told he was being taken to a local hospital for care, but learned the next day he'd been transferred to a mental care facility that was two hours drive away after he got physically combative with medical staff.
He was put on a psychiatric hold while he was looked over and made sure he was not an immediate threat to himself or others, and was away for about six days. Yesterday he came home, and talked up how much he wanted to change and wanted to be better, but before 12 hours had passed he was right back to harassing my mom non-stop.
So my mom and I have left the house. We're currently at a motel for a few days while we file the paperwork to get a restraining order and try to figure out where we go from here because it is impossible to live with him. He's paranoid and either delusion or plain old hateful, and we cannot stay under the same roof as him any more.
So that's where I am now. Unsure of how or where things will go. Ideally, my mom and I can get back into our house and my dad can get the help he needs, but it's hard to say at this point.
Safe to say, I won't be streaming in the near future, as my equipment is all back home and I don't wanna try going off my laptop using public wifi. For now, I would ask you keep me in your thoughts, and if there's any advice or recommendations for how to proceed in this situation, I would be happy to hear them.
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Pickleball. Generative AI. Lula takes office in Brazil, Amazon Rainforest throws a party. Prince Harry refusing to stop talking about his frozen penis no matter how many times society begged him to stop. UFOs are real. Viral cat dubbed ‘largest cat anyone has ever seen’ gets adopted. Pee-Wee’s big adventure ends. Musk & X. Turkey-Syria earthquake kills thousands. India surpasses China as ‘country squeezing in the most peeps’. Tucker Carlson ousted. Miss USA and her 30 lbs moon costume. Wildfires in Kelowna and Hawaii. Macron tinkers with retirement age of the French. Paltrow can’t ski. Big Red Boots. Bob Barker leaves us. Alabama mom delivers 2 babies from her 2 uteruses in 2 days. Charles III. Ukrainian counteroffensive against Russian forces as the war drags on. Taylor Swift is Time’s Person of the Year. African ‘coup belt’. Flo-Jo dies in her sleep. Chinese spy balloon shot down. Hollywood writers strike. Human ‘nice mugshot’ Shitstain and his 91 indictments. Highest interest rates in 2 decades. The Bear’s Christmas episode. War in Gaza. Shinzo Abe is assassinated. Alex Murdaugh. Ocean Cleanup removes 25 000 lbs of trash from the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Vase purchased for $3.99 sells for $100 000 at auction. Barbenheimer. A third of Pakistan is flooded. Lionel Messi is the GOAT. Travis Kelce. The Sphere opens in Las Vegas. Regulators seized Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank, resulting in two of the three largest bank failures in U.S. history. “The Woman In Me”. WHO declares COVID ain’t a thing no more. Titan sub sinks, rich people die. Matthew Perry drowns. Dumbledore Dies (again). Massive sales of ‘Fuck Trudeau’ flags for jacked-up micro-dick trucks. Everything Everywhere All At Once. June-August was the hottest three-month period in recorded history across the Earth. Tina Turner dies. And the Beatles release a new song?! Wow… You got big shoes to fill 2024.
Archives for context:
Kobe. Pandemic. Lockdown. Koalas on fire. Harry and Meg retire. Toilet paper hoarding. Alcoholism. Impeach the f*cker. Parasite. Bonnie Henry. Tiger King. Working from home. Sourdough bread. Harvey Weinstein guilty. Zoom overdose. Dip your body in sanitizer. 6 feet. Quarantine. OK Boomer. Home schooling (everyone passes). Murder hornets. Dolly Parton. Don’t hug, kiss or see anybody, especially your family. Chris Evans’ junk. TikTok. Glory holes. Face masks. CERB. West Coast wildfires. Stay home. Small Businesses lose, big box stores win. F*ck Bozos. ‘Dreams’ and cranberry juice. Close yoga studios, but thumbs up to your local gym. Speak moistly to me. George Floyd. BLM. F*ck Trump. Phase 2, 3 and Summer. RBG. Baby Yoda. Biden wins. Bond and Black Panther die. No more lockdown. Back to school and work. Just kidding... giddy up round 2. Giuliani leaks shit from his head. Resurgence of chess. UFOs are real. Restrictions. Dave Grohl admits defeat. Monolith. “F*ck... forgot my mask in the car”. No Christmas shenanigans allowed. Bubbles. Alex Trebek. Use the term ‘dumpster fire’ one too many times. Jupiter and Saturn form 'Christmas Star'. Happy New Year Bitches!!!! 2021... you better not sh*t the bed!!
“We love you, you’re very special”. Failed coup attempt at the Capital. Twitter, FB and IG ban Donny. Hammerin’ Hank goes to the Field of Dreams. Bozo no longer richest man but still a twat. Leachman, Tyson, and Holbrook pass. The economy is worse than expected. Kim and Kanye split. Brood X cicadas. Dre has an aneurysm and nearly has his home broken into. Bridgerton. MyPillow CEO is a douche. Covid restrictions extended indefinitely. Captain Von Trapp dies. Proud Boys officially a Terrorist Organization. Richard Ramirez. Cancer takes Screech. Travel bans. Impeachment trial (again?… oh and this was barely February? WTF??!!) Suez Canal blockage. Myanmar protest. Kong dukes it out with Godzilla, while Raya watches. Olympics. Friends compare elective surgeries. F9. Canada Women’s Soccer Gold. Free Britney. Multiverses. Residential Schools in Canada unearth children’s bodies. Kate is Mare of Easttown. Cuomo resigns. Disney and Dwayne cruise together. Wildfires. Delta variants. Musk passes Bezos. Candyman x 5. Capt. Kirk goes to space. F*ck Kyle Rittenhouse. Astros didn’t win. Squid Game. Goodbye Bond. Dune is redone. Angelina is Eternal. Astroworld deaths. Meta. Omicron. Three Spidermen. Tornados in December? World Juniors cancelled. Pills against Covid. School opening delayed. And Betty White dies. 2022… my expectations are ridiculously low…
Wow… eight billion people. Queen Elizabeth II passes away after ruling the Commonwealth before dirt was invented. The monkeypox. Russia plays the role of global a**hole. Wordle. Mother Nature rocks Afghanistan. Hover bike. Styles spits on Pine. Olivia Newton John, Kristie Alley, and Coolio leave us. Pele was traded to team Heaven. FTX implodes. Madonna and the 3-D model of her vagina. Pig gives his heart to a human. Beijing can brag that it is the first city ever to host both the Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics. Uvalde. $3 trillion Apple. Keith Raniere gets 120 years. The Whisky War ends with Canada and Denmark going halfsies. Mar-a-Lago. Nick Cannon brood hits a dozen. Shinzo Abe is assassinated. Inflation goes through the roof (if you can actually afford to put a roof over your head). Volodymyr Zelensky. European heat wave. Bennifer. Salman Rushdie is stabbed on stage, Dave Chappelle tackled, and Chris Rock is only slapped. Thích Nhất Hạnh. Heidi Klum goes full slug. Cuba knocked out by Ian. Liz Truss and 4.1 Scaramuccis. Taylor Swift breaks Ticketmaster. Human shitstain Elon Musk ignores helping mankind and buys Twitter instead. Riri becomes a mommy. NASA launches Artemis 1. Trump still a whiny little b*tch. Music lost Loretta Lynn, Christine McVie, and Meat Loaf. Democracy died at least three times. Pete Davidson continues to date hottest women on the planet (no one understands how?!) Microplastics in our blood. Alex Jones is a c*nt. So is DeSantis. Argentina wins the World Cup. Meghan and Harry. Eddie Munson rips Metallica in the Upside Down. tWitch. Roe vs Wade is overturned by the micro dick energy of the Supreme Court. CODA. James Corden shows he is a "tiny Cretin of a man". Amber (and the sh*t on the bed) Heard (round the world). Sebastian Bear-McClard proves he’s one of the f*cking dumbest men alive. Latin America's ‘pink tide’. Anti-Semitic rants by Ye. Bob Saget. A verified blue checkmark. Godmother of punk Vivienne dies. And, Tom Cruise feels the need for speed yet again. 2023… whatcha got for us?!? Nothing shocks me anymore.
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amethysts-angel214 · 5 months
Did you know that Oh! Jesus was going to have 3 more episodes? Well, that's because those episodes were scrapped, while the other 3 still exist. I will resurface them from the dead.
Episode 4: "A Sad Prayer"
The setting is Hawaii. There is a fisherman's family. One day, the boat capsizes in a storm and the father goes missing. The mother is in despair, but the young child believes that "his father is holding on to the planks of the boat and is safe." The mother embraces her son and prays to God. "Oh, well, we can't give up yet. God, please let him live." Nora, hearing his prayer, casts a spell. The mother and son prayed to the sea every day from the top of the cliff. The villagers sympathize with them, saying, "Poor thing." Boron is impressed, but asks Nora. "Wow. You can pray like that to someone who is no longer with you. By the way, Nora, did you save your father? Where is he?"
When Nora went in the direction she pointed, Boron was surprised at the devastation. Sure enough, his father was floating in the sea, clinging to the plank of the ship, just as his son had wished. However, there were many sharks circling around him. The sharks had been prevented from approaching by Nora's magic, but in the middle of the sea, the father was frightened and calling for help. Boron: "What?! Is this helping him???" Boron instinctively used his storm magic to blow a gust of wind. The storm blew the father, still clinging to the plank, out to sea and he reached the shore. A muscular giant came and listened to his father's heartbeat. The giant was shocked at his father's cardiac arrest and began artificial respiration. Boron: "Now he can go home. How about it, Nora? I helped him." Nora applauds with a smile.
A villager runs into the mother and son's house. Villager: "Your husband was rescued in the next village!" The mother and son drive to the next village, where they see the father leaning on the shoulder of a giant. The two of them are wearing matching outfits and are making love. Perhaps the artificial respiration was wrong, but the father who was rescued had become romantically involved with the giant who had rescued him.
Something inside the mother snaps. The accelerator is pressed hard. The tires spin. Son: "Mom?" The car continues to hurt the giant and his father, crashing into them. The two are thrown like a chain reaction and pushed off a cliff into the sea. Boron is surprised.
The mother is out of breath in the car, then suddenly comes to her senses and turns to her son, smiling as she speaks. Mother: "Now, let's pray for Dad again." Son: "What?... Ah... O-okay." Mother and son pray from the top of a cliff, facing the sea. Son: "Please come back to me, Dad, who won't make Mommy angry." On the sea, a giant and his father are floating, crying out, "Help us!" Sharks are circling around them. Boron: "Oh! Jesus."
Episode 5: "Capitalist Society"
The setting is Japan. There is a businessman whose sales figures are not increasing. The product he sells is "Get in Shape with the Bible." It is a set of a DVD of dancing to gospel music and a Bible. However, the businessman who is not selling well makes a wish. "Oh, God, I want to increase my sales figures." Hearing these words, Nora casts a spell. Then, the leather shoes he is wearing turn into bright red magic shoes. The next moment, regardless of the businessman's will, the shoes control his feet and he runs into various houses. "Wow, that's exactly what I wanted! Healthy products for the mind and body!" The products sold one after another at the places he visited.
His sales performance at the company is growing, and a cute girl he likes has even turned her attention to him. The businessman is happy about this, but he has no time to spend the huge bonus he received, and is forced to work from morning to night, at the mercy of his red shoes. He can't take off those shoes even if he tries. The idea of ​​getting in shape with the Bible is spreading throughout society, and Boron doesn't find it funny. He doesn't find the spread of the Bible interesting, and he's also physically repulsed by the creepy dance. If you get hit on the right cheek, you put on the left cheek. Boron: "Eeek. I get a weird aura and it's creepy..."
Boron wants to stop this trend, but Nora is dancing next to him with her Walkman on. Boron is disheartened. Meanwhile, the businessman is overworked and wants to quit. But he can't quit because his performance is improving. In the dilemma of wanting to quit but being unable to, the businessman pretends to be cheerful but is getting more and more tired. After laughing hysterically and insanely, Ding... The red shoes fall off his skinny feet, who died from overwork. Boron: "Humans are stupid. What's the point of working yourself to death?" Everyone in the company is crying because the businessman died from overwork. His cute daughter is also crying because she's lost her love. Boron: "Isn't that right? People always realize they've lost something before they realize it. Well, it's fine. That strange trend has died down." At this point, the president shouts. President: "Oh, because this guy is dead, our company's performance will plummet!" The employees start crying even louder at the president's words. Boron: "Eh?"
The funeral of the businessman is being held. When the DVD is put into the player, "Trance Sutra" is displayed on the TV screen. On live TV, the announcer shouts, "Using the Bible to shape yourself is outdated. From now on, you'll lose weight with trans-sutras!" At the same time, the company president and employees begin dancing in front of the businessman's coffin. In a capitalist society, even the death of a businessman is used to advertise a product. His performance report jumps up again after he dies. Boron says, "Oh! Jesus."
Episode 6: "Possessed by the Devil"
The setting is England. A girl is writing a letter. "Please come home soon, Daddy. My new mommy is acting strange." Then her stepmother arrives. The stepmother picks up the letter, reads it, tears it up, and slaps the girl. The girl is in tears. The stepmother prays to heaven. "Oh, God, please let that child be possessed by the devil." Nora hears her prayer and casts a spell. Then Boron's body starts to move uncontrollably and enters the girl's body. The girl's voice changes to that of Boron. Girl (Boron): "Hey, stepmother. Don't think you can get away with doing this to me. You too, Nora!" The stepmother is shocked and calls the priest. The exorcism ritual begins.
Boron is trapped in the girl's body and feels cramped, so he goes wild. To the priest, he sees a possessed girl raging on her bed. The priest desperately shouts at Boron to get out, pouring holy water over him. Priest: "Go away! Filthy beast! Free the child from her suffering!" Behind him, the stepmother smiles. Girl (Boron): "Hey, look closely! Damn priest! This girl's suffering is your stepmother's fault! People are always hurting people! Don't blame the devil!" Furious, Boron uses magic to summon thunderclouds and cause a thunderstorm. Lightning strikes the garden and there is a power outage. The priest says, "This is the Great Demon King!" and runs away, but he does hand the bill over to the stepmother. The stepmother, annoyed, takes out a knife and stabs the girl, saying, "I'll kill the demon!" The pain makes Boron move away from the girl. Boron: "Oh no! That was close. I was almost killed." The knife was stuck in the girl's right shoulder. The stepmother tries to finish off the girl, who is writhing in pain.
The father returns. He opens the door and sees the stepmother about to stab his daughter to death in the midst of a flash of lightning. Father: "What are you doing?" Stepmother: "Oh, you. No, it's not that, this is because the girl is possessed by the demon." Girl: "Dad, help me!"
The next day, after the rain. The stepmother is handcuffed and taken away by a police car. Boron: "Really. That was quite a disturbing incident." The girl suddenly looked up at the sky and began speaking into the empty space. Girl: "Thank you, Devil. I heard everything you said." Boron's face went red, and Nora smiled. Boron: "Oh! Jesus! Don't thank the Devil!"
Welp! That was a blast reading those! Bye! Have a great time!
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1solone · 12 days
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A 17-year-old boy who works part-time at Pizza Hut drives up to park in front of the house in a beautiful Porsche.
Naturally, his parents know that there’s no way he earned enough with his after-school job to buy such a car.
“Where did you get that car?” his mom and dad screamed in shock.
“I bought it today,” replied the teen calmly.
“With what money young man?” his mom demands. “We know how much a Porsche costs and you cannot afford it!”
“Well, it’s used and I got a good deal” says the boy, “This one cost me 20 dollars.”
“Who on earth would sell a car like that for 20 dollars?!”
“The woman up the street,” the boy replies. “I don’t know her name–she just moved in.
She ordered a pizza and when I delivered it to her, she asked me if I wanted to buy a Porsche for 20 dollars.”
The boy’s dad and mom hurry over to their new neighbor’s house, ready to demand an explanation. Curiously, their new neighbor is calmly planting flowers in her front yard.
“I’m the father of the kid you just sold a sports car to for $20,” the dad says. “I need an explanation from you!”
“Well,” the woman says, not looking up from her garden. “This morning I got a phone call from my husband. I thought he was on a business trip in Florida, but it seems he has run off to Hawaii with his secretary and doesn’t intend to come back.”
“What on earth does that have to do with selling our son a Porsche for $20?” The boy’s mom asks, utterly perplexed.
The new neighbor smiles very big, and pauses for a minute. “Well, my husband asked me to sell his new Porsche and send him the money.
So I did.😅🤣😂😎
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forensicated · 7 months
Information about The Bill for use in fan fictions or anything similar. (aka: how I found out there's a character limit on Tumblr) This will be edited, please feel free to comment anything you want adding or editing.
Part 2
Nicknames for the police/officers:
The Old Bill, Bizzies (busybodies or 'too busy to help'), Feds, Bluebottles, Coppers, Bobbies, Rozzers, Peelers, The Filth, The Fuzz, Dibble (Officer Dibble from Top Cat), Pigs, Plod, Plonk (Person Of Limited Or No Knowledge), The Thin Blue Line, Bacon ("Can you smell bacon?") "The Babylon" (Jamican slang), Boys In Blue, Hawaii 5-O, Woody/Woodentops, The Scum, PoPo, The Law, Gammon.
In the earlier series, CID would refer to Uniform as Woodentops and Woodentops would refer to CID as Superstars.
Community Support Officers: CHIMPS (Completely Hopeless In Most Policing Situations), Hobby Bobby, Plastic Policeman,
Police Lingo, acronyms and abbreviations
ABE: Achieving Best Evidence - recording a victim of serious sexual assault on video for their first statement so it can be played in court to show how they were/the state they were in and try and limit the victim having to be there in person/cross examined etc.
ABH: Actual Bodily Harm
AMIP: Area Major Incident Pool (now Specialist Crime And Operations)
ANPR: Automatic Numberplate Recognition
AP: Agrieved Person - Victim
ARV: Armed Response Vehicle
ASBO: Antisocial Behaviour Order.
ASNT: Area Searched No Trace.
ASP: Baton
Big Red Key: The enforcer
BIU: Borough Intelligence Unit - this is where they could check facial recognition, check through CCTV and use the computers to check for suspects and find out peoples backgrounds.
BLO: Borough Liaison Officer
Blues and twos: Lights/Sirens on police cars
CAD: Computer Aided Dispatch
CIB: Complaints Investigation Bureau, later DPS (Directorate Of Professional Standards)
CID: Criminal Investigation Department
CIM: Critical Incident Manager - Inspector usually who oversees all the big jobs and makes decisions to keep things rolling smoothly rather than lots of chiefs making conflicting decisions.
Civvies (normal civilian clothes - ie a PC changing for an obbo)
CO19 (Used to be SO19 - armed officers. Smithy and Max used to be CO19 officers.) Apparently now MO19!
Code 11: Off Duty
CPS: Crown Prosecution Service
CPT: Child Protection Team
Crimint: Criminal Intelligence
CRIS: Crime Report Information System
CS Spray: Sprayed at criminal resisting arrest. Temporarily makes them unable to see properly and irritates their respiratory system. to enable them to be arrested. Sometimes now called PAVA spray.
CSE: Crime Scene Examiner (was SOCO- Scenes Of Crime Officer)
CSU: Community Support/Safety Unit Now joined with DVU and called SODAIT - Sexual Offences And Domestic Abuse Investigation Team
CLO: Community Liaison Officer
D&D: Drunk And Disorderly.
DVU: Domestic Violence unit. See CSU.
ETA: Expected Time Of Arrival "ETA, 5 minutes."
FATAC: Fatal Accident
Fence: Someone who buys and sells stolen goods
FED REP: Federation Representatives. Officers trained to support officers who are accused of crimes or otherwise want to take the service/bosses on.
FIU: Financial Investigation Unit
FLO: Family Liaison Officer (supports the family members/person who is going through a horrendous time. IE: Jim when Eva's daughter when missing and Smithy to Leanne Samuels when her daughter Carly was murdered)
FME: Force/Forensic Medical Examiner (Police doctor who reviews and treats criminals (and occasionally injured staff) who have gotten hurt, have complex medical issues or who need medication)
FPN: Fixed Penalty Notice - an on the spot fine.
GBH: Grievous Bodily Harm
Grass: informing on someone who has done a crime. Handling: someone who has accepted/bought stolen items either knowingly or unknowingly dependant on circumstances.
IBO: Used in later years instead of the CAD room, the Integrated Borough Operations handled non emergency telephone calls, CCTV viewing, contacting officers and similar. The CAD room was not needed as emergency calls were answered at Scotland Yard or Hendon and then sent to the relevant IBO Operator for the borough (which would be at Bow Central Communications Command) who would then send it to Sun Hill's IBO so all information can be relayed to the officers attending. Much like CAD, the IBO has a Sgt and PC's who would monitor the CCTV and IBO computers and assign officers to calls.
IC1-6 This is how the officers described skintones when searching for suspects/victims/witnesses.IC1 is White skinned european. IC2 is Dark Skinned European. IC3 is Afro Caribbean appearance, IC4 is Asian appearance (Indian Pakistani or Bangladeshi), IC5 is Chinese or Japanese appearance and IC6 is Arabian/Egyptian appearance.
Index: Vehicle registration - spelt out phonetically
India 99: Police helicopter.
IRB: Incident Report Book (Notebook) apparently now it's a force/work phone!
IRV: Incident Response Vehicle
LIO: Local Intelligence Officer
LEO: Local Enforcement Officer
LOS: Lost or Stolen
Misper: Missing Person
MIT: Major Incident Team (Used to be Murder Investigation Team)
MP: Met Police Information Room (Scotland Yard)
NCPA: No Cause For Police Action
NCS: National Crime Squad
NFA: No Further Action
NOIP: Notice Of Intended Prosecution. You're not arrested but the police are coming to take you to court soon.
Nonce: Sexual Offender - most used for Paedophiles.
OBBO: Observation - Keeping watch on suspects
OP: Observation Point
PACE: Police And Criminal Evidence Act - The police are bound to act by all rules, objectives and codes of conduct of this act of parliament in every part of their work.
PANDA: Normal police car that's not used for pursuing other cars. That's generally left to the Area Car or an IRV.
Pimp - someone who takes money from a woman on the sex trade. Also known as living off immoral earnings.
PIT: Precision Immobilisation Technique Manoeuvre (usually they try using a stinger to burst the tiers of a car thats speeding away from the police but it's not always possible. Where the road is wide enough and no one will become endangered by it,advanced drivers who are TPAC trained can do a manoeuvre to the car they're chasing and put it into spin to stop it. It CANNOT be done to busses/trucks/motorcycles etc and it's advised to not do it to a car you fear may be carrying armed occupants but to be honest it's not a massively used thing in the UK.)
PNC: Police National Computer = Real time checks on criminal records, outstanding warrants, missing and wanted people, registration checks etc.
PolAc: Police Accident (Ie car crash or hitting a pedestrian etc when it's a police officer involved)
PR: Officers police radio.
Refs: Refreshments/break time
Ringer - A vehicle that has been made up of parts of other cars or identity changed. Sometimes called a Cut n Shut.
RJ: Restorative Justice - a criminal doing something instead of being cautioned/imprisoned - like painting over their graffiti with a new coat of paint.
RTA/C: Road Traffic Accident/Collision
Rule 43 (Now 45): Vulnerable Prisoners in a prison. Smithy endured bullying to avoid being put in this as it means segregation and would bring him more attention and also a lot of isolation. This is for prisoners who are sex offenders, mentally ill, have a target on their back for grassing or being a convicted police/prison officer etc.
RUI: Released Under Investigation - bailed but the case is still being investigated and can be rearrested at any moment. The police hate this but the government have got touchy over bailing people.
Section 59 - Anti Social Behaviour Vehicle Seizure - you've kept driving like a prat so they're taking your car.
Section 165 - Seizing a car for no insurance. Most likely to be crushed.
Shout: A call out/incident communicated over the radio.
Sierra Oscar: Sun Hill Station Call Sign
Snout: Registered informant who gets paid for giving info. NNo sometimes CHIS - Covert Human Intelligence Source or Informant.
SO10: Now Covert Operations - Undercover Policing - can be long term and go really deep undercover. Stevie used to be in this dept. Now includes Counter Terrorism.
SOCA: Serious And Organised Crime Agency
SOPO: Sex Offenders Prevention Order (useless essentially!)
SOR - Sex Offenders Register
Stretch: Prison sentence.
TIU: Telecoms Investigation/Intelligence Unit
TOA: Time Of Arrival "Show me TOA 13.23"
Tom: Prostitute
TPAC Tactical Pursuit And Containment - trained officers who bring vehicles to a stop - like boxing cars in etc.
Trojan Unit: Armed Police
TSG: Territorial Support Group
TWOC: Taking a car without owners consent
VIN: Vehicle Identification Number
VRN: Vehicle Registration Number
Phonetic Alphabet Alpha, Bravo, Charlie, Delta, Echo, Foxtrot, Golf, Hotel, India, Juliet, Kilo, Lima, Mike, November, Oscar, Papa, Quebeck, Romeo, Sierra, Tango, Uniform, Victor, Whiskey, Xray, Yankee, Zulu.
Areas Of Sun Hill/Canley Wharfs/Docks Jubilee Wharf, India Wharf, Limeharbour Dock, Sussex Wharf, Limeharbour Dock, Sussex Wharf, Old Jubilee Dock & Boatyard, Masters Wharf, Dockland Pier, Skippers Wharf
Council Estates Aldbourne, Bronte, Abelarde, Antrim Green, Canley, Farley, Parkmead, Jasmine Allen, Coal Lane, Cockcroft, Whitegate, Hardie, Larkmead, Tankeray, Copthorne, Netherlake,
[The earlier series had Riverdale Estate and one of the blocks was called Elizabeth Garret Anderson]
Other Stations Barton Street (Sierra Bravo) , Spicer Street, Putney Green, Stafford Row (Sierra Charlie), Tottenham (Echo Oscar) Diplomatic Protection (Delta Papa)
[Tower Wharf mentioned in series 2]
Industrial Estates
Cheetham Road Industrial Estate
Streets Trafford Way, Loftus Road, Leermont Road, Gatley Street, Purchase Road (Red light district), Brands Square, Jamaica Lane, Larkway Street, Godwick Street, Sun Hill Road, Shadwell Street, Harlow Street, Dunsford Street, Brown Square, Victoria Road, Dorral Road, Alforn Street, Mallan Street, Ashon Street, Brim Road, Rudcus Street, Cheetam Road, Cheetham Side, Jessop Street, Halpern Street, Tallow Street, Hoxton Road, Backhouse Street/Lane, Mournemouth Street/Avenue, Rudkin Road, Bagford Street, Brunell Avenue, Askill Road, Limefield Walk, Railton Street, Canley High Street, Ida Lane, Tubbs Lane, Claydon Street, Woodley Heath Road, Ballina Road, Starkwater Road, Calico Street, Tedder Street, Greenroad Way, Greaton Road, Mooreland Road, Ibbot Street, Rudleigh Road, Westway, Abbey Road, Broom Lane, Foundry Way, Humber Street, Muston Street, Valance Street
Prisons Longmarsh
Hospitals St Hughs
Cheetam Primary/Junior School, Shad Thames Infants School, Elcott Primary,
Canley Comprehensive, Harvey Wallace Comp, Deansgate Comprehensive, Cheetam Bank,
Canley Arms, Askill Arms, Rose And Crown, The Green Archer, The Bears Head, The Elcott Arms, The Seven Bells, The White Swan, The Scales, The Grape And Bottle, The Dog And Gun, The Pikes Head, The Thames Tavern, The Pikes Head, The Tully Arms, The Boat Inn, The Tug, The Emma Hamilton, The Cock And Crown, The Sultan. Lord Banbury
North Canley Sports Center, Canley Fields, City Farm, St Ann's Church, Cheetham Community Support Center,
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floridaboiler · 1 year
Tumblr media
A 17-year-old boy who works part-time at Pizza Hut drives up to park in front of the house in a beautiful Porsche. Naturally, his parents know that there’s no way he earned enough with his after-school job to buy such a car. “Where did you get that car?” his mom and dad screamed in shock. “I bought it today,” replied the teen calmly.
“With what money young man?” his mom demands. “We know how much a Porsche costs and you cannot afford it!” “Well, it’s used and I got a good deal” says the boy, “This one cost me 20 dollars.” “Who on earth would sell a car like that for 20 dollars?!” “The woman up the street,” the boy replies. “I don’t know her name–she just moved in. She ordered a pizza and when I delivered it to her, she asked me if I wanted to buy a Porsche for 20 dollars.”
The boy’s dad and mom hurry over to their new neighbor’s house, ready to demand an explanation. Curiously, their new neighbor is calmly planting flowers in her front yard. “I’m the father of the kid you just sold a sports car to for $20,” the dad says. “I need an explanation from you!”
“Well,” the woman says, not looking up from her garden. “This morning I got a phone call from my husband. I thought he was on a business trip in Florida, but it seems he has run off to Hawaii with his secretary and doesn’t intend to come back.”
“What on earth does that have to do with selling our son a Porsche for $20?” The boy’s mom asks, utterly perplexed.
The new neighbor smiles very big, and pauses for a minute. “Well, my husband asked me to sell his new Porsche and send him the money. So I did
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friendly-books · 10 months
Dresden Files Dead Beat live blog
Dead Beat live blog
This is going to be a two parter comment because I apparently have a lot to say. Part one
Thomas and Harry living together!
“Thomas looked like someone’s painting of a forgotten Greek god of body cologne” pg. 18 Bi Harry 20
On Harry’s bed?!? Thomas! That’s rude at least keep it to the couch 
Oh Kincaid and Murph are going to Hawaii together good for her as far as I’m concerned Kincaid is better than Rich 
Uh oh Mavra’s blackmailing Harry
Harry’s grave 
Aw Harry’s got pyrophobia :(
Oh Bob thinks someone is Evil
Kemmler started WW1 glad to see urban fantasy address it for once *cough* Harry Potter *cough* What about WW2? 
He died several times and it took the whole White Council wow he was powerful 
Oh Kemmler had Bob before 
Aw Bob :(
I’m glad Harry and Bob are friends and care about each other 
Oh cool science as to why wizards live long lives 
Poor Phil
A fedora really? :| 
No Butters it isn’t a cool hat
Zombies are scary in this universe 
Top 30 wizards is impressive stop selling yourself short Harry
Harry you not being popular among the White Council is an understatement 
Oh yay White Council bashing my favorite I have so many issues with the Council it could be its own comment 
“Roommate” sure Harry can’t wait for Butters to meet Thomas 
Why not let the Alphas help Harry?
Cool that Ebenezar wrote a book
“Touché, O dark master of evil bathrobes” pg. 139 Ha
“And again do I answer thee. Bite me” pg. 140 Ha
“At Biacana’s masquerade” “It’s been coming back to haunt me for years” “A great many things of significance happened that night” pg. 141 That’s what I’ve been saying. What kind of Checkhov’s party was that? So many checkhov’s guns and and people were there. It was only the third book in the series. How can one party be this important? Did Biacana know how important this party was going to be. Or how important she was as a minor character. She was only in two books but her party and death set off a chain reaction. 
Cool that Harry flipped a car
Lash’s influence 
“I think you need to talk to someone. I don’t think it’s important who it is. But you have a lot of pressure on you, and if you don’t find some way to let them out, you’re going to hurt  yourself” “People talk to their friends, man. No one can do everything alone. You work through it together” pg. 162 that’s what I’ve been saying Harry talk to your friends or a therapist please 
“Why didn’t I pick up the kid instead of Lasciel ‘s coin” pg. 165 That’s what I asked 
Mort’s back!
Mort I thought you and Harry were friends :(
Harry’s dad!
“I’m fresh out of vorpal swords, the closet I can get is a Snickers snack” pg. 185 Ha
“While she’s in Hawaii” “With Kincaid” “Thomas stopped running” pg. 192 Ha Thomas is a Harry/Murph shipper 
“Of all the ridiculous immature nonsense” I said. Then I hooked a foot behind Thomas’s calf, shoved him down to the sand and took off down the beach at a dead sprint” pg. 195 Ha 
“If there’s one thing I’m good at, it’s ruining people’s day.” “You can say that again” “If there’s one thing I’m good at-“ pg. 217 Ha and very true 
“Yes my Lord” pg. 228 Interesting the ghoul could be progressive but I doubt it 
“Bony Tony worked for John Marcone” pg. 232 Yay Marcone mention 
I’m half convinced that Marcone’s cursed with how many of his men have died at this point
“That stupid polka suit filled up most of the backseat of the SUV” pg. 236 Ha 
“Life is a journey. Time is a river. The door is a jar” pg. 237 Ha
Aw Harry isn’t allowed at the bookstore anymore :(
Mind battle so cool
Ninja Ghoul is cool 
Cool that Harry used his pain against Lord Corpsetaker 
Marcone! Yay Top five character has arrived 
“He looked handsome and wholesome” pg. 274 Bi Harry 21 
“You must admit Dresden that I have just saved your life. Again” pg. 274 Yep and you’ll do it again I’m sure
“What is the point of having free will if one cannot occasionally spit in the eye of destiny” pg. 275 Ha
“Hubris. Mortals never understand” “Tell me about it” I said “Everyone makes that mistake but me” pg. 275 Ha 
“His eyes wrinkled at the corners. It was nearly a smile” pg. 275 aw glad that Marcone thinks Harry is funny 
“I don’t have time for any more banter” pg. 275 I do keep the banter going 
“I suspected you would somehow become involved with the events at hand” pg. 275 When is Harry not involved in supernatural event in Chicago?
“Because I know you. I know that you would oppose them. Just as you know that I will not permit them to take one of mine from me without punishment” pg. 277 They really know each other 
“Stay off of it for a few days at least” pg. 286 like that’s going to happen 
“Since they arrested you there, they haven’t lost one” “You did something” pg. 288 It’s nice to see Harry’s good deeds come around 
Welcome to the world of gray magic Harry
Harry be nice to Mister
“He’s a coward” said Thomas” pg. 295 Thomas you should know better than to talk bad about Harry’s friends also that’s rude 
“You have a date” pg. 298 Ha that’s the part he picks up on
“Good God. You’re shy” pg. 299 Adorable 
Mab? Why is she here and not Lea?
I like that Harry is protective and sentimental of his friends and things. Lea might not have been “nice” to him but she’s his Godmother so he cares 
“Nothing that I could imagine would truly rattle Mab’s composure, but that sentence apparently came close” pg. 313 oh no that’s not good
“My offer of knighthood yet stands open to you” pg. 316 Yet another job offer from Mab. What is it with people and offering Harry to work for them? First Marcone, Mab twice, and Nic with Lash’s coin. What about him inspires such fanatic employment offers? 
“I’m never going to be your knight” pg. 319 ouch painful irony 
“There’s no way they’re going to get in here” pg. 32 Harry you should know better than to say that 
“Because Thomas is too pretty die. And because I’m too stubborn.” “And polka will never die” pg. 331 Ha and Bi Harry 22
“Oh no. A risk” I said “Well we wouldn’t want that, now, would we” pg. 341 Ha
“No one likes a wiseass Harry” pg. 341 No I like Harry being a wiseass 
“Well That you know you’re gay” pg. 364 Ha and Harry is Bi obviously 
Lasciel has arrived! This is going to be fun
“By any chance does all this knowledge and power and good advice come for only three easy installments of nineteen ninety-five plus shipping and handling?” pg. 372 Ha
“Or maybe it comes with bonus set of knives tough enough to saw through a nail, yet still cut tomatoes like this” pg. 372 Ha
“You aren’t nearly as funny as you think you are” pg. 372 Ha and I think Harry’s funny
“They’d use both of us against each other” pg. 383 aw :(
“You could just leave this whole thing. We could head for Aruba or something” pg. 384 Ha Thomas you tried it’s never going to work but at least you tried
“No one has remembered me birthday since Susan left” pg. 385 aw :(
“But you can be a really scary guy” pg. 401 aw Harry’s friends are scared of him :(
“Say please”
 “Please” I said 
Her smile widen “Pretty please”
“Don’t push me” pg. 413 Ha 
“You’re either incredibly stupid or one of the most courageous man I’ve ever known.” 
“Go with stupid” pg. 417 Ha and it’s both 
Oh a body switcher cool
Ugh Morgan why him? 
So this is how Harry became a warden Morgan must be so mad
Outsiders so He Who Walks Behind I see that capitalization 
“You don’t to be Merlin of the White Council by collecting bottle caps” pg. 454 Ha
I’m glad that Harry still cares about Ebenezar to ask about him 
Why would Harry want to become a warden? The white council has been out to get him since day one. They haven’t made an effort to ingratiate themselves to Harry. With people like Merlin, Morgan, and LaFouter why would Harry trust or like the white council? Luccio you need better arguments. 
“When the Council is in its hour of need, it will make our people look at you differently” pg. 467 till they kick Harry out 
I guess Harry got drafted :(
“Harry, do you feel any more judgmental and self righteous than you did this morning?” pg. 476 Ha
“He offered his hand and we traded grips” pg. 479 What no Harry and Thomas should hug each other 
It’s very cool and immersive that Harry was able to bind and push back against the Erkling 
Oh no they took Bob :( 
“How could I be so stupid” pg. 507 Harry stop being so critical of yourself 
“I whirled in a fury and slammed my fist into Murphys fridge so hard it dented the side and split my middle knuckle open” pg. 507 ouch
Ooohhh Shelia is Lasciel 
Look Lasciel I know you haven’t known Harry for long but surely you know by know that Harry’s really stubborn and when he says he’s not going to take up the coin he means it
Liver Spots is Cassius how did he aged so much?
How does Harry not have more brain damage from all the blows to the head he’s had? I know he doesn’t like hats but I feel like he should wear a helmet 
“You’re about the fifth-scariest person I’ve met today” pg. 548 Ha
Shiro :(
If Michael or Sayna could show up that’d be great 
Why does Cassius think the coin is on Harry? Why is him not having the coin so impossible?
“Surrender your coin” he purred” pg. 554 Creepy 
“No one is coming to save you Harry” pg. 555 :(
Mouse and Butters to the rescue 
“Butters skittered away from the knife, eyes wide with terror.
But he skittered directly between Cassius and me. 
And held his ground.” pg. 556 So cool Go Butters!
“DIE ALONE” pg. 560 A death curse so cool but kinda lame curse. I don’t if it’s because I know he’ll come back or if I’m just a lot more chill about death than I realize cause everyone dies alone 
Interesting that Lasciel and Id Harry talk 
“Both I and my alternate self said, at the same time and exactly same voice 
“Shut up” pg. 564 Ha 
“It’s the right thing to do” pg. 566 Yep
“I promised that I would live my life by my terms. That I would know the difference from right and wrong and that I wouldn’t cross that line. I wouldn’t allow myself to become like Justin DuMorne” pg. 567 I like this bit
Sue is so cool this fight is going to be so cool best part of the book
“I didn’t know this before, but as it turns out, Tyrannosaurus can really haul ass” pg. 581 Ha 
“Here’s something else I bet you didn’t know about Tyrannosaurus: they don’t corner well” pg. 582 Ha 
“You’re like a human wrecking ball!” pg. 584 Ha and an accurate description of Harry 
Nice that the wardens are protecting the kids trick or treating 
Luccio is cool
“Sue ate him. Snap. Gulp. No more ghoul” pg. 591 Ha 
“I told you he would turn on us. This latest violation of the laws only proves what I’ve said all along” pg. 595 Take a hike Morgan no one wants you here. What’s it going to take for you to realize that Harry is a good?  
Go Butters! Nice circle
Harry is being the voice of reason 
Morgan Harry isn’t fighting you 
Luccio to the rescue hooray! 
Morgan definitely loves Luccio not sure what kind. Cause coworkers don’t react like that when they’re coworkers die 
“Everyone else who lets me ride on their dinosaur calls me Carlos” pg. 618 Ha 
I’m glad the younger wizards look up to Harry 
I bet that Carlos has never dated nor had sex with a woman. No one who has talks like him. He’s a virgin guarantee 
Oh no poor Bob :(
“Bob wasn’t precisely a friend to me” pg. 634 No you two are friends 
Go Bob 
Even the Erkling thinks Sue is cool
“I’ve got a fallen angel tripping all over herself to give me more power. Queen Mab has asked me to take the mantle of Winter Knight twice now. I’ve read Kemmler’s book. I know how the Darkhallow works. And I know how to turn necromancy against the Black Court. So once again, let me be perfectly clear. If anything happens to Murphy and I even think you had a hand in it, fuck right and wrong. If you touch her, I’m declaring war on you. Personally. I’m picking up every weapon I can get. And I’m using them to kill you. Horribly.”
There was utter silence for a moment 
“Do you understand me?” I whispered 
She nodded 
“Say it” I snarled 
“I understand” she rasped” pg. 644 So cool 
“Son. Everyone dies alone. That’s what it is. It’s a door. One person wide. When you go through it, you do it alone” pg. 645 Nice, see it’s a lame death curse 0/10 Cussius you could have done better 
“He died doing the right thing” 
“God I hope so” pg. 646 I’m not sure if he will as he does commit suicide and then come back. Would that be the death curse? An outside force? Speaking of death curse with Harry dying does that fulfill the death curse? Does coming back negate it? Is it a one time use? This is another reason the curse is lame. 
Now Morgan thinks Harry isn’t doing anything out of malice finally 
“You know, Butters, for a mortician you’re a pretty good healer” pg. 651 aw :)
Final thoughts 
I liked this book. We had two Bi Harry moments up to 22. I always liked the Marcone moments.  Loved the White Council bashing. I loved Butters in this. I’m glad Bob is safe. Harry should punch Morgan as a treat. I hope to see more of Thomas and Harry interacting. I’m glad Dresden files kinda addressed the WW1 question. What I mean is that a lot of urban fantasy with magic and monsters don’t really address WW1 and by extension WW2. Like if you had magic where were you during WW2 and the Holocaust? With Kemmler he started WW1 which led to WW2 and his whole mass graves. The death curse was stupid and a waste from Cassius. I liked the Erkling. I loved Sue she was so cool. I hope I get more Lasciel. I like Carlos and I’m glad Harry got a friend. Harry’s threat to Mavra is very cool. Onto the next book.
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rpmemesbyarat · 1 year
RP Memes from a “Stupidest Thing You’ve Ever Heard” Reddit Thread
“Can you email me back the PDF I emailed you? It’s my only copy.”
“It says carbonated because they removed the carbs" “How can Hawaii and Alaska have such different temperatures when they are right next to each other on the map?”
"If earth is spinning then why my front door is always facing east?"
"Blueberry muffins you buy premade don't have any blueberries in them. Blueberries cost too much. They dye bees blue because they have the same texture and use them." "I don't know how you can stand to fly when there's a 50 percent chance the plane will crash. You know, because either it crashes or it doesn't. 50/50." "I don't have an e-mail, I have a gmail" “How do we know it wasn’t just ostriches on the radar that triggered Pearl Harbor?” "Fish aren't animals, they're mammals." “Once had someone try to sell me the theory that the moon is a hologram made by the government to trick people.” "Women have 6 ovaries" “Got into an argument with a guy that thought limes were unripe lemons.” "A guide dogs job is to drive the car for the blind person".
“Back during the mosque shooting in New Zealand and the government there were trying to ban guns, my coworker said that they can't do that since it violates the (American) second amendment.” “I thought Lewis and Clark lived in the 1970s.” “I once had a coworker who believed with all sincerity that twins could only be conceived through anal sex.” "Women can control their periods." "You have to understand, I'm not a vibrational match for car accidents, so we'll be safer if I drive."
“A professor in college refused to give back our tests because "you should know what you did wrong" “My best friends sister once spent an hour trying to convince me that marshmallows grew on trees.” “Women pee out of the same hole babies come out of.”
“Water has memory” “Old roommate said that when the weather app says 50% rain then that meant half of all the rain in the sky is going to fall. Same for all percentages. 80%, meant 80% of all the rain possible would fall, 100% rain? Yup, every single last drop of rain is coming down today.” “"Of course a pound of feathers is lighter than a pound of quarters, duh" “They wished they could go back to the 1800’s to see what it was like in black & white” “Root canals cause breast cancer.” "If we evolved from monkeys, why is it when we see a sonogram, we see a person and not a monkey?"
“Is there anything we can do to increase the speed of light?”
"I thought Greece was a myth like Hercules" “The real reason you can drown by falling asleep in a kiddie pool is because you soak up too much water.”
"I didn't know peanut butter was made from peanuts."
"Australia doesn't exist" "Has no one ever taught you? The woman's brain tells her body if it wants to have a baby or not." “If I don’t finish all my eggs within two weeks I throw them out. I don’t want the light in the fridge to make them hatch.”
“Ok, let’s all just get this straight: north does not equal up.” "I hate croutons. They taste like dried bread."
“If you as a guy wear gold ,you will turn gay.” “Some broad I know, fully and truly believed, that Mt Rushmore was a natural formation.” “I have street smarts because I’m good at remembering street names.”
“I have a friend that believed women didn't poop.” "See women don't poop because it helps them attract a mate. They are more attractive to men if they don't poop." "If you're having trouble learning Spanish, just hire a Chinese guy to teach you."
“My computer keeps telling me it can’t see the printer even after I put it in front of the monitor.” “Africa isn't a city, it's a country.” “Do Jewish people celebrate Thanksgiving?” “Migrating butterflies are a problem because they create hurricanes with the movement of their wings” “When the sun turns around it turns into the moon” ““Do women close their vaginas when they are in the ocean? Water is drawn into the body and you can explode.” “Touching your own period blood is just asking to get HIV.”
“Someone I knew once asked me if cats laid eggs.” "I just love pitbulls sooo much! My dream is to get a blue nose pit and a red nose pit to have babies! They'd have purple noses!!" “You can’t put two dryer sheets in the dryer at the same time because they’ll cancel each other out” "What the difference between a mocha and an iced mocha?" “Clockwise and counterclockwise change depending on where the clock is.” "You only get an STI if you don't wash your dick after sex"
"The moon isn't real." “Birth Control pills can be taken rectally too”
“Dictionary isn’t an accurate source for finding definitions.”
“Japan is the capital of Australia” "Science is just some supposed experts' opinions and like why do their opinions matter more than mine? That's why I refuse to accept Science as facts"
"Norweigan" is a word I made up to trick her, because there's no country called Norwegia.” “I started taking my birth control every other day to save money”
"what's beef? Oh what? Thats cow? That's not a different type of meat?"
“Panama? That’s in Europe right?”
“Panda Express is where they save Pandas”
“Lemonade is made from limes” “Are chapped lips contagious?” “Did your grandfather have any kids?” "I have 17 bottles of perfume, some people don't even have that many toes"
"Cooking destroys the gluten." "If the moon was really originally a part of the earth, then when it broke off, it would have decapitated all the dinosaurs."
"Don't keep the window open because you'll let the WiFi out"
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autozillahawaii · 9 months
Streamlining the Process: Sell My Car Now Guide
In the fast-paced world of car sales, the urgency to "sell my car now in Oahu" is a common sentiment. Whether you're upgrading to a new model, facing financial considerations, or simply ready for a change, expediting the selling process requires a strategic approach. This guide will walk you through the steps to efficiently sell your car while ensuring a fair deal.
Understanding the Market: Before diving into the process, it's crucial to understand the current market conditions for your specific make and model. Research online platforms, local dealerships, and private sellers to gauge the average selling price. This knowledge will empower you to set a realistic and competitive asking price.
Gather Documentation: Compile all necessary documentation related to your car. This includes the vehicle title, maintenance records, and any warranty information. Having a comprehensive history of your car enhances its appeal and instills confidence in potential buyers.
Prepping Your Car for Sale: Invest time in preparing your car for sale. Clean both the interior and exterior thoroughly, addressing any visible wear and tear. Consider minor repairs or touch-ups that can enhance the overall appearance. A well-maintained vehicle is more likely to attract interested buyers.
Set a Competitive Price: Pricing your car competitively is key to a quick sale. Use online tools and resources to determine the fair market value. Consider factors such as mileage, condition, and additional features when setting your asking price. Being reasonable and transparent will attract serious buyers.
Utilize Online Platforms: Tap into the power of online platforms to broaden your reach. Websites like Auto Zilla Hawaii, AutoTrader, and Craigslist are popular choices. Provide detailed and accurate information in your listings, accompanied by high-quality photos showcasing your car's features.
Consider Dealership Trade-Ins: If time is of the essence, explore trade-in options with local dealerships. While the offer might be slightly lower than selling privately, the convenience and speed of the transaction can be advantageous.
Promote on Social Media: Leverage your social media networks to amplify your car's visibility. Share your listing on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Personal recommendations often carry significant weight, and you may find a buyer within your own social circles.
Respond Promptly to Inquiries: Once your car is listed, be prepared to respond promptly to inquiries. Potential buyers appreciate quick and informative responses. Provide additional details, schedule test drives, and be open to negotiation to facilitate a smooth transaction.
Facilitate Test Drives: Arrange test drives for serious buyers. Ensure that your car is in optimal condition for these demonstrations. Accompany potential buyers during the test drive, answer any questions, and highlight the car's positive features.
Finalizing the Sale: Upon reaching an agreement with a buyer, complete the necessary paperwork for the sale. Transfer the title, provide a bill of sale, and handle any necessary release of liability forms. Be cautious with payment methods and ensure that funds are secure before finalizing the transaction.
Conclusion: "Sell my car Hawaii" is achievable with a strategic and efficient approach. By understanding the market, setting a competitive price, utilizing online platforms, and responding promptly to inquiries, you can streamline the selling process. Whether you choose private sale or dealership trade-in, a well-prepared and fairly priced vehicle increases your chances of a quick and successful sale. https://www.autozillahawaii.com/sell-used-cars.htm
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ysabelmystic · 10 months
Please tell me about the boat story. Oh and can you also tell me why your family made you get drunk when you were a kid I forgot to ask about that
Okay so basically my grandparents had a time share in at those old condo Hawaii thanks to my grandpa’s “service” in the navy. Every other year, all six of us would cram ourselves into this one-bedroom condo and spend a week or two fucking around on the beaches of Kauai. This particular year, we got to do something Extra, and go on a snorkeling tour out at the more remote islands. A tour complete with an 8 hour round trip boat ride, fancy sandwiches and fresh fruit, and unlimited mai tais.
So, for background, my grandpa is the most obnoxious, self-absorbed dumbass I’ve ever met. He wants to be Elon Musk, he’s a flat-earther, he’s an mlm hon who tries to sell his products to strangers in public, he tried to cure his skin cancer with essential oils, he’s ex military, he cooks hamburgers to rare, he’s Chevy Chase in national lampoons vacation franchise, he makes a 500+ photo long slideshow every holiday that includes his cousins open casket funeral and pictures of the car vs train accident that killed them, he flirts with waitresses, he gets mad if you out-pun him, he thinks the silent treatment is a punishment, he’s friends with a local self-taught artist who draws like the average 5th grader (it’s not a stylistic choice), he maims squirrels for fun, he tailgates cars on purpose, he hates animals… basically, his greatest contribution to the world will be dying since he’ll no longer be a waste of oxygen. And what does a waste of oxygen do on a boat ride with unlimited mai tai’s?
Get fucking CRUNK of course
Now, not only did the tour have fancy sandwiches, but they also had unlimited red Hawaiian Punch. That drink was a forbidden and thus very coveted thing in my house so my brother and I probably drank 8 cans apiece. We also ran into rough seas during the last leg of the trip. I guess my grandma took one for the team because she somehow ended up below deck with two sleepy, seasick children on her lap.
This, unfortunately for us all, now meant that my grandpa was left unsupervised.
I don’t know how long we were knocked out for, but I woke up to my mom standing over us, whispering to my grandma with a very concerned look on her face. (Fake names from this point).
“Bev? Bev. Bev. Your husband is-“
The loudspeakers turned on and she was interrupted by the captain.
“Sir! What you’re doing is just stupid. If you fall in the ocean, we will not be coming back to help you. I repeat; we will not stop this trip to save you. Get back in the boat and stop being stupid.”
“Don’t do that again”
Queue my mom and grandma looking absolutely fucking mortified.
Apparently that dumbass saw the waves and thought it’d be fun to walk the plank. Every time the boat went down off the back of a wave, he’d jump, and somehow, he did this several times without actually falling into the water.
My grandma does not believe in showing emotion. After getting off the boat she was the maddest I’ve ever seen her. She ripped the keys out of her husbands hand, pushed him into the back seat, and drove him to the condo while the rest of us went out for dinner.
Quite frankly I wish he had fallen off the boat, and the captain had followed through. Because the next time we went to Hawaii, he spent a 9 mile hiking trip harassing different people to buy his mlm granola bars and vitamins since his “business” had just gone international…
Anyways… to answer the other question.
My parents believed that wine knowledge was an important life skill. So when I was like 12 I was allowed to have tiny sips of wine, and at 15, once or twice a week, I’d get a half glass of wine with dinner (occasionally more if I agreed to help my mom grade papers).
At 17 I was allowed to have alcohol whenever the family was drinking (so like if my mom made margaritas on a Friday night I would be allowed a margarita or two) so I wouldn’t go overboard when I got ahold of it in college.
Unfortunately this did not stop me from going overboard I just knew that 1) I could be very productive after 2-4 shots of rum and 2) the optimal “good time” range was 5-8 shots and that’s how I lowkey became an alcoholic until I discovered weed!
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doubleddenden · 7 months
We need a new Columbo type show, but rather than a shameless reboot we honor the spirit of the original
- the audience sees who does the murder at the beginning, including the method and disposal of the body
- a real gremlin looking guy shows up to investigate. Real friendly, loves his increasingly interesting wife we never get to see, and loves his dogs he brings sometimes
- killer inserts himself into the investigation to throw off the chase
- investigator knew it was them the whole time and traps them with fact and logic
- not a show with explosions and shaky cameras and bad cgi, it's a methodical and careful mystery
- murderer is usually bourgeoisie af and thinks they're untouchable or some cops that thinks they got away. Clipped by a guy whose car is falling apart.
For a modern version I think it'd be a neat start to have him be a private investigator or nosy journalist that investigates corrupt cops. Like these assholes think they got away with murdering someone innocent because she gave them lip- then a strange little man shows up, real friendly, snoops around, and he sleuths them out.
And I mean a strange little goblin man. I don't mean hunky guy or handsome gent or silver fox, I mean something like Danny DeVito if he had a lazy eye. Also important, because times have changed, he should not be a cop- at least not anymore. In fact he should investigate corruption and rich people or politicians quite regularly and get them locked up.
The wife just needs to be Barbie- not in the sense of looks (although it could be a funny Jessica Rabbit situation), but experiences, and again we never see her. He references her a lot, calls her often. They love each other very much despite not being able to see each other much.
"Well it's funny you say that, you see, my wife was a nurse in the Philippines for a summer- beautiful place and friendly folks- she had never met a doctor that didn't wash their hands regularly."
"Ah see that's where you're wrong. My wife, beautiful woman, she went kayaking in Japan- can't remember where exactly, but that's not important- you see she tells me you should never go kayaking by yourself. Someone probably went boating with the victim."
"Yes, well, my wife- love her so much- she lived with Amazon natives for half a year in her youth. She told me of an untraceable poison made from a plant grown there... that looks an awful lot like the plant in your windowsill."
To add some excitement, he has a HUGE family. Brothers, sisters, cousins, nieces, nephews, he and his wife have like 8 kids that have left the nest and he's also a grandfather. Also uses them for references because they're ALSO just a bunch of Barbie types.
"Well you see, my grandson- he's 16 and in college for coding, brilliant young man I'm so proud of- he told me in a phone call that you can't go anywhere on campus without an ID- so how were you in the campus medical lab at 2:42 am on a Saturday if nobody else besides the victim was there, Officer?"
"You see, my niece- lovely girl, her and her wife own a nice deli in Alaska- she told me once that you have to be careful to not lock yourself in the freezer, and that most have an emergency release of some kind."
"My son works with my brother as an auto mechanic in Germany- he told me that this vehicle has one of the best transmissions he's ever seen. So how did this brand new vehicle suddenly need to be taken to an auto shop unless it was tampered with?"
"You see, my nephew, nice young man, lovely wife and kids, makes the best spam and rice- he collects Pokémon cards he sells out of his hobby shop in Hawaii- he told me once that a... holographic? H...hologram? A real shiny Charizard card- just like this one- can go for anywhere between $5 to much as $1 million, especially if there's a factory error. Funny how the victim has the receipt for a booster pack in his pocket and you have a 'Carizard' card in a display case, Senator."
And mind you this guy is still broke somehow. He's a good person, donates to charity, animals love him, his family is amazing, he and his wife send most of their money to grandkids, starts off each episode getting off the phone with a relative and learning a new piece of trivia- and yet his car he's had since the 80s makes noises that scare seasoned auto mechanics. Maybe has a limp from an injury. He's got like a chihuahua and a pitty that are best friends and ride shotgun. Collects model trains and has a deep fascination with them- Just a strange guy, showing up and buzzing around rich people, knowing they committed a murder- he just has to solve them.
Anyway that's my pitch for a show, I'll expect an offer in my inbox
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rewiredthethirdblog · 3 months
Comment by No_Picture_1212 on Reddit
lol unfortunately I was that kid. My dad grew up extremely poor (selling vegetables out of cart with his family of 7). He then went on and had very successful career until he retired. He never got rid of his frugal habits though so we never did “rich people shit” like vacationing in Hawaii or have any sports cars at home, and I thought we lived a relatively normal lifestyle (key word “thought”).
When I was fourteen I got into a boarding school that cost 56k usd a year. While I was there, I was really good friends with a kid from Boston who was there on financial aid. I remember I would tell him that my family was pretty middle class because out of my friend group at home we had the smallest house, only had one driver and helper instead of multiple, and we never went vacationing while my friends went skiing over Christmas. I remember my friend awkwardly smiling but never thought much of it. One time he invited me over for thanksgiving to his place at Cambridge square. I walked into a room and realized that his family of three all shared a studio, and no one had individual rooms. There was no helper, no car, no driver. That was the moment I realize that maybe my family wasn’t that “middle class” after all. When I went back for holidays, I was talking to my cousin (who was actually middle class) and she was telling me that she really didn’t like her public school in HK. My dumbass didn’t think and just asked her why she didn’t go to boarding school like me. She just laughed and asked who will pay for that shit?
Over the years I’ve come to realize how lucky I was and how much easier I had it than my peers. I was chauffeured to school until I went to the us for boarding school, had a monthly allowance that was more than most people’s salaries in my home country, and never had to worry about money growing up.
I’m grateful everyday to my parents, but wish I was a bit more aware in my youth because I probably accidentally insulted so many people with my ignorance of my own fortune. Growing up in such an affluent community really skews your view and it’s actually so ridiculous I thought we were just doing okay and “not that rich” when I was in grade school. I’d like to think that I’m much more self aware now, but I’m sure that I’m still out of touch.
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1solone · 1 year
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A 17-year-old boy who works part-time at Pizza Hut drives up to park in front of the house in a beautiful Porsche.
Naturally, his parents know that there’s no way he earned enough with his after-school job to buy such a car.
“Where did you get that car?” his mom and dad screamed in shock.
“I bought it today,” replied the teen calmly.
“With what money young man?” his mom demands. “We know how much a Porsche costs and you cannot afford it!”
“Well, it’s used and I got a good deal” says the boy, “This one cost me 20 dollars.”
“Who on earth would sell a car like that for 20 dollars?!”
“The woman up the street,” the boy replies. “I don’t know her name–she just moved in.
She ordered a pizza and when I delivered it to her, she asked me if I wanted to buy a Porsche for 20 dollars.”
The boy’s dad and mom hurry over to their new neighbor’s house, ready to demand an explanation. Curiously, their new neighbor is calmly planting flowers in her front yard.
“I’m the father of the kid you just sold a sports car to for $20,” the dad says. “I need an explanation from you!”
“Well,” the woman says, not looking up from her garden. “This morning I got a phone call from my husband. I thought he was on a business trip in Florida, but it seems he has run off to Hawaii with his secretary and doesn’t intend to come back.”
“What on earth does that have to do with selling our son a Porsche for $20?” The boy’s mom asks, utterly perplexed.
The new neighbor smiles very big, and pauses for a minute. “Well, my husband asked me to sell his new Porsche and send him the money.
So I did.😅🤣😂😎
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