#Senior Ranger Pilot!Ron Slider Kerner
redfurrycat · 1 year
🦎🦾🛫🦿Incorrect Quotes/Drabbles Top Gun & Pacific Rim AU - Series🦿🛫🦾🦎
Tom Iceman Kazansky as (the youngest) Marshal of the Miramar Shatterdome, after Viper’s retirement, is currently reviewing some booooooooooring paperwork. He wishes something exciting would happen to give him an excuse to avoid, to strategically postpone the booooooooooring meeting reports about whether or not the Shatterdome should need *insert stupid things*. Just a tiny excitement, that’s all Ice is asking!
Mav: Ice! Ice! Ice! Iceeeeeeeeeeeeee!
[Ice should have known better. Summon the devil, and he will appear!]
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Ice: Yes, Maverick. I can hear you perfectly fine. What is it? What’s wrong?
Mav: Nothing’s wrong, Ice. Why do you always assume the worst of things when I come visit you?
Ice: …
Ice: Because there is USUALLY something wrong when you come visit me.
Mav: Aw, Ice. I’m your wingman. Your wing-man! Y.O.U.R.S.!  
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Ice, sigh:  So, why have you come bothering me?
Mav: Slider and Herc are in the Kwoon Combat Room. They’re about to fight. Well, Slider is about to have his ass kicked by the Kwoon Master, if you ask me….
Mav, mumbling: Not that he’d mind that much.
Ice: …
Ice: What are the stakes?
Mav, grinning: tons of chocolate-coated peanuts, your favourite!
Ice, ever the snacky-man is already salivating: Coming!
[The current Marshal follows his wingman, booooooooooring reports already forgotten with the promise of an easy win of peanuts. As much as Ice loves his brother Sli, there’s no WAY he can beat the Kwoon Master himself. If you’d ask Ice, Slider must have a bit of a crush on Herc and he's trying to impress the man… Who could blame him?]
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