#Miramar Shatterdome Marshal!Tom Iceman Kazansky
redfurrycat · 1 year
🦎🦾🛫🦿Incorrect Quotes/Drabbles Top Gun & Pacific Rim AU - Series🦿🛫🦾🦎
Tom Iceman Kazansky as (the youngest) Marshal of the Miramar Shatterdome, after Viper’s retirement, is currently reviewing some booooooooooring paperwork. He wishes something exciting would happen to give him an excuse to avoid, to strategically postpone the booooooooooring meeting reports about whether or not the Shatterdome should need *insert stupid things*. Just a tiny excitement, that’s all Ice is asking!
Mav: Ice! Ice! Ice! Iceeeeeeeeeeeeee!
[Ice should have known better. Summon the devil, and he will appear!]
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Ice: Yes, Maverick. I can hear you perfectly fine. What is it? What’s wrong?
Mav: Nothing’s wrong, Ice. Why do you always assume the worst of things when I come visit you?
Ice: …
Ice: Because there is USUALLY something wrong when you come visit me.
Mav: Aw, Ice. I’m your wingman. Your wing-man! Y.O.U.R.S.!  
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Ice, sigh:  So, why have you come bothering me?
Mav: Slider and Herc are in the Kwoon Combat Room. They’re about to fight. Well, Slider is about to have his ass kicked by the Kwoon Master, if you ask me….
Mav, mumbling: Not that he’d mind that much.
Ice: …
Ice: What are the stakes?
Mav, grinning: tons of chocolate-coated peanuts, your favourite!
Ice, ever the snacky-man is already salivating: Coming!
[The current Marshal follows his wingman, booooooooooring reports already forgotten with the promise of an easy win of peanuts. As much as Ice loves his brother Sli, there’s no WAY he can beat the Kwoon Master himself. If you’d ask Ice, Slider must have a bit of a crush on Herc and he's trying to impress the man… Who could blame him?]
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[Pinned post with other stuff, related and unrelated to this AU.]
[Follow this tag 🦎🦾PR/TG🛫🦿 for more!]
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redfurrycat · 1 year
🚀🤖Pacific Rim and Top Gun (AU)🤖🚀
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Tom Iceman Kazansky, Commander of the Pacific Fleet, the military branch of the Pan Pacific Defense Corps, brings back to the Miramar Shatterdome the former Jaeger pilot Pete Maverick Mitchell to teach the new Rangers how to become better Jaeger pilots as well as to combat the Kaiju.
He’s the last known Jaeger pilot alive to have defeated three kaiju, despite the fact he was piloting his Jaeger alone – his former co-pilot Nick Goose Bradshaw had died during a previous simulation exercise leaving Mav without a compatible match, though it didn’t deter Mav from piloting his Jaeger alone to save another Jaeger team – Ron Slider Kerner & Tom Iceman Kazansky...
However, the successful rescue (followed by Iceman’s declaration of undying love and admiration for him – ‘Shut up, Ron! It’s not true!’ had said an unnaturally flustered Ice after Mav and Ice’s wingmen hug moment) left Maverick with severe neurological injuries including phantom memories from Goose as he died while they were still connected to each other.
It’s like having a piece of someone within your body and soul, only that this person is no longer alive, and it could be quite traumatic for somebody new to attempt a drift connection with one-and-a-half person. (Partly why Maverick was shut out from the Jaeger program, that and his famously known chaotic nature, of course.)
Because to able to pilot a Jaeger, you have to share what is known as a drift compatibility with your co-pilot. Drifting requires the pilots to share their memories, instinct and emotions with each other, and it allows them to act as one consciousness and control the very movement of the Jaeger itself, each pilot controlling one hemisphere. While drifting, pilots need to keep their mind clear of all thoughts [psspss like the ‘no mind’ from The Last Samurai! 👼🏻] to avoid R.A.B.I.T – the following of a memory to the point of losing the focus you need to control the Jaeger. As such, drift compatibility is a potential that exists between two people, that is usually determined through sparring exercises in the Kwoon Combat Room, the point is not to beat your opponent but whether or not you’re able to work in sync with each other. {Source: the Pacific Rim Fandom Page about Drift}
Twelve new Rangers are called back to the Miramar Shatterdome, under the command of Marshal Beau Cyclone Simpson. Most of them are already paired up in a Jaeger.
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However, Maverick wants to try some out-of-the-box thinking by changing the designated pair of each Jaeger.  "Because –says Mav reading from a stack of disorganized papers, in front of Cyclone, Warlock, and Iceman– according to research, the Kaiju are sentient beings very much capable of in-depth reasoning, something they weren’t to do before, and, as such, I feel the need, the need to change some shit up to try throwing them off."
Thus begin the tests for new drift-compatible partners…
The Crimson Typhoon team – Bob, Phoenix, Rooster.
The Striker Eureka team – Coyote & Hangman.
The Gipsy Danger team – Fanboy & Payback.
The Cherno Alpha team – Fritz & Halo.
The Guardian Bravo team – Harvard, Omaha & Yale.
The Striker Eureka team – Rooster & Hangman.
The Bracer Phoenix team – Fritz & Phoenix.
The Gipsy Danger team – Halo, Payback & Yale.
The Crimson Typhoon team – Bob, Fanboy & Omaha.
The Coyote Tango team – Coyote & Harvard.
The Cherno Alpha team – Iceman & Mav. [Even though it's super risky for the two of them, they’ll pilot one last time, and for the first time together, to help assist and rescue the Jaegers teams sent to drop a bomb to close the Breach, cutting the passage between the Earth and the Kaiju homeworld, once and for all.]
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Let’s just say that the changes are not smooth for every pilot. Some get to stay in the Jaeger they’ve known all along, others don’t (let’s say some neural handshakes allowing the drifting function better in a particular Jaeger with a particular pair).
Rooster, for instance, used to be in a three-neural-handshake, and now must share with only one person, the –absolutely "despicable"– flawless Hangman. And Hangman is a bit frustrated ‘cause he used to be the best with his Coyote bro…and now feels like falling behind because of Rooster. So, he may or may not be overly provocative with his new co-pilot who thinks too much and follows the R.A.B.I.T every time he drifts with Hangman. [Nevertheless, before Rooster spirals out of control, there is a very strong neural handshake, the strongest ever registered. They just need to sort their shit out first.]
Bonus Hangster Conversation
(inspired by my beloved Chaleigh babes' stellar conversation in the movie)
Hangman: So you're the guy, eh Rooster? You're the guy who's going to be my new co-pilot?
Rooster: Yeah, Hangman. That's the plan.
Hangman: Good. Good. So, remind me again. When was the last time you jockeyed, Brad?
Rooster: You know very well it was three months ago with Tasha and Bobby…’Cause you were there!
Hangman: Colour me shocked with the way you weren’t able to stop following the R.A.B.I.T earlier…Looked like you were a Jaeger groupie just given the opportunity to pilot a Jaeger for the first time of his life. You’re a Ranger, act like one!
Rooster: Excuse-me for taking the time to feel the new Jaeger and my new co-pilot! It’s easy for you to say! Let me reorganize my feathers or something before jumping into it!
Hangman: Oh, wow, that's great. I mean, that's really useful. We get into a fight, you can build our way out of it with wings, as we won’t move a single hair of our Jaeger, eh, Brad?
Rooster: It's Bradley.
Hangman: Whatever. Look, I know you’re Commander Kazansky and Ranger Mitchell’s golden goose, but to me, so far, you're dead weight. You slow me down, I'm gonna drop you like a sack of Kaiju shit. *fingers guns and winking combo followed by dramatic exit*
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