#Ser Lucia
airehoney · 2 years
Estinien and Lucia really should be commended for the amount of energy they expend trying to keep or get Aymeric out of trouble.
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No need to worry his pretty head about this.
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Ser, please sit down.
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Whoops, failed to keep him out of trouble. Better fix it.
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How do you keep a man who took a knife to the gut from moving around? (Spoiler: You don't. He rushes into more danger right after this.)
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At least he's appreciative?
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Never gets to join for the fun parts. Mad about it.
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loveofskulls · 2 years
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The Lord Commander of the Temple Knights with his second in command
43 notes · View notes
wkngsnds · 2 years
I can’t believe Aymeric pulled the “I can change her” trope with Lucia, and it worked
12 notes · View notes
samkerrworshipper · 8 months
two’s a company, three’s a crowd | alexia putellas x reader x lucy bronze
warnings: heavy smut, cunnilingus, fingering, sex toys, 18+ minors DNI
6000 words that y’all have been begging for and full disclaimer i have written this at 4am on a red bull high so sorry if it isn’t completely coherent xoxo
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“Remember what I promised you?”
I was kneeling on the floor beside our bed, a blindfold over my face.
“I’d get a reward if I was a good girl, ma’am.”
I kept my head bowed, facing what I assumed was our floor boards, but I couldn’t tell you for sure because I couldn’t see.
“Do you think you were a good girl?”
I gulped soundly, it could be a trick question, an attempt to catch me out, or prove me wrong. Or it could be a legitimate question, it was a 50/50 chance.
“I tried my hardest ma’am, I think I was good.”
My words held some uncertainty, but not enough for it to be detected, a perfect balance of confidence and self consciousness.
“I think so too, enough that I think you deserve your reward.”
I perked up a little bit at the words, my knees were starting to get sore from the floorboards so anything to get me up off them would be better than this.
“If you think so, ma’am.”
I felt a hand tugging at my scalp, a change from the complete nothingness I’d felt for a while now, it had me jolting in my position, slightly shocked by the contact.
My head was tugged backwards, no longer facing what I assumed was the floor. Tilting it back as far as I could go so I was now assumedly looking at the roof.
“I think so, I think you’ll need to see to properly have this reward though.”
My curiosity was growing by the minute, I was silently becoming more desperate by the second to discover what exactly she was referencing.
I blinked furiously as the silk blindfold was tugged down, so it was pooling around my neck. It took my eyes a few seconds to adjust to the sudden light, but once they did I could make out Alexia, who was standing directly above me, her eyes and eyebrows quirked just a little bit, in that cheeky way she did when she was up to something.
“Give our guest a proper welcome.”
My eyes snapped away from Alexia’s, searching around the room before spotting the intruder that Alexia had been referencing, sitting on the armchair in the corner of the room.
The lights in our room were dimmed but I was fairly certain that it was her, Alexia’s mind never ceased to amaze me. I suddenly felt very self conscious, my hands going to whatever parts of my naked body that they could cover. They weren’t there for long though, Alexia’s hands slapping at them very quickly.
“No being shy, if tonight goes how I planned Lucia will be seeing far more of you.”
My spine shuddered, so this really was what I had been thinking.
“Do you want that? Do you want to be a good girl for Lucia and I?”
I nodded frantically at Alexia, leaving absolutely zero room for doubt in my actions.
Alexia smirked down at me, she knew me so well, knew exactly how to turn me into putty in her hands. We’d talked about this, casually, her asking me over breakfast one morning if the situation arose I’d be comfortable with bringing someone else in. Initially I’d choked on my tea, and then I’d told her I was very open to the idea, that if it was what she wanted I would definitely be down for it, I just hadn’t expected so soon, or with Lucy. If I was being honest I’d assumed if anyone would ever join Alexia it would be Mapi, just because of the close relationship we had and the fact that I knew her and Ingrid weren’t opposed to sharing.
“I’ll be good for you.”
Alexia smiled at me and nodded.
“I know you will baby. Why don’t you show Lucy how good you can be for her? Show her just how perfect you are, Musetrale lo buena que puedes ser para mi?”
I nodded at Ale, I found it funny that of all the people she would bring she chose Lucy. The girl was lovely, an absolute golden retriever of a human being who was always putting smiles on our faces at training. The underlying feeling that I had though was that Ale had a reason, Lucy was obsessed with proving that she respected Ale and I was fairly sure she’d bend over backwards if Alexia asked. She in her own right though was a dominant person, she wasn’t a person to give up control and I couldn’t shake the feeling that she would give it up easily, even to Alexia.
“Lucia, get on the edge of the bed and take your trousers off, you are far too dressed for this occasion.”
Lucy nodded obediently, pulling her trousers off as she stumbled towards the edge of the bed. Fumbling her trousers off and slinging them onto the seat she had previously occupied, leaving her in a plain pair of black boxer shorts. She seated herself on the edge of the bed as Alexia had requested, waiting restlessly on the edge, clearly waiting for something to happen.
“Come on then, don’t leave our guest waiting.”
I nodded at Alexia, extending my hands out in front of me and crawling over towards Lucy, revelling in the way her eyes crawled up and down my body as I moved towards her. There was something so sensual about someone looking you up and down, something so perfect about having your body be appreciated and wanted, Lucy was looking at me like I was a fucking dessert for her to eat and I loved absolutely every single second of it. The way she watched my tits hanging down from my body frame as the moved back and forth as I crawled towards her, and the sight of her eyes travelling down to my ass was purely magical.
When I did make my way to Lucy I kneeled directly in front of her, letting her part her legs on either side of me, leaving my face directly in front of her sex.
“Can I eat her out please, ma’am?”
I could hear Alexia walking around behind us, but I knew better than to avert my attention from Lucy, keeping my hooded eyes focused on hers.
“Ask Lucia baby, she’s your treat for tonight.”
Alexia was the only person who got away with calling Lucy that, the only person Lucy respected enough to let it slide, she used it to her advantage as much as possible. I knew she was using it in this forum to get one message across, that even if she was hanging over the reigns to Lucy, she had a form of control, a form of power that Lucy didn’t and she was conveying that with her words.
“Can I eat you out please, Luce?”
Lucy smirked at my question, I could feel the nerves thrumming through her body. She was so confident but you could tell that she just wasn’t feeling that in this environment, her foot tapping ever so slightly against the floorboards.
“I would love nothing more, if La Reina is okay with it.”
Lucy’s eyes rose anxiously to Alexia, she was very clearly trying to figure out how this situation worked, I assumed Alexia would have given her a small debrief before this but I didn’t know for sure, as far as I knew Alexia could have texted Lucy half an hour ago and told her to come over. Lucy was cautious of Alexia, the use of her full first name putting her on her toes, just like I knew Alexia had intended to do.
The last few hours had been a complete blur to me, we’d played this afternoon, an earlier game at 1pm. After that I’d kind of dropped into my headspace, Alexia had sensed it. Once we’d gotten home she’d fed me and then with my consent she’d blindfolded me and kneeled me down on the floor for a while, letting me think properly for the first time in a few weeks. She knew my body better than I did, could sense when I needed her the most, today was one of those days and nothing felt better than her understanding that need.
“Go ahead cariño, show Lucia how good you can be.”
Her words were enough permission for me, I scooted myself further across the floorboards, so my face was practically pressed against Lucy’s boxers. I reached my hands up, so they were secured on the waist band, she lifted her ass up from the bed, giving me room to pull them down and off of her. The first thing I was faced with when I looked back up was Lucy’s fucking beautiful cunt, staring right at me. As Lucy’s thighs fell over my shoulders I was put millimetres away from Lucy’s glistening pussy. Lucy ever so respectfully inched her way down to my face, and as soon as I snapped myself out of my almost sex induced haze I was diving in.
The hunger that overcame me was immense. I kissed my way up and down Lucy’s slit, as much as I wanted to dive in I also wanted to not be greedy or rushed about it. I slowly slid my tongue up and down, parting her folds in the process and exploring her with so much care. I toyed around with Lucy’s entrance and sensitive nub, taking my time in carefully swirling my tongue around the ever so sensitive areas and relishing in the moans that were falling freely from her lips. Lucy slowly started to become more comfortable in the situation and started very gently to hump my face. When I decided she was being too gentle my hands came up to her thighs, digging into the skin and forcing her down further on my face, allowing me to apply more pressure to her.
I ate her out with passion, the way that Ale had taught me. I lapped at Lucy’s waiting cunt, she was practically throbbing against me and I revelled in the feeling of having her juices drip down my face and down onto my bare neck and the blindfold that was now a forgotten article, hanging loosely around my neck. She was fucking delicious and I took advantage off it, slurping up her juices and swallowing it all down. I continued my exploring, experimenting with different pressures and speeds, slowly discovering what forced the sinfully spectacular groans to fall from Lucy’s mouth. I very quickly discovered that her clit was extremely sensitive, any slight touch to it resulting in a set of specific expletives leaving her lips. I honed in on that, working tirelessly at swirling my tongue around her clit and when her thighs started to clench I started to nibble on it slightly, the small bursts of pressure doing wonders for her.
“Fuck, mm, fuck, such a good girl y/n, gonna make me cum.”
I smirked into Lucy’s clit when the grunts left her mouth, they were hardly words though, muffled by Lucy’s own moans and Alexia’s voice in the background, which I couldn’t fully understand in my sex driven haze.
I worked hard at Lucy’s clit, sucking on it and then dipping down to eat her out every once in a while. I pushed my tongue into her pussy and feeling her sex clench against my tongue as she got closer. I began to alternate, sucking hard on Lucy’s clit and then going down further, licking softly at her pussy. It was the perfect combination of soft and hard and it had Lucy’s thighs shaking on top of my shoulders.
“Fuck, so good y/n/n, so fucking good, I’m going to cum, going to cum.”
As soon as the words left her mouth I sucked down hard on her clit, digging my lips and teeth in.
“Cum, Lucia, cum all over our sluts face.”
Ale’s voice was strong, directly spoken in my ear and it was probably enough to make me cum there on the spot, but I didn’t, too focused on Lucy’s body to care about my own. I moaned against her pussy as I felt her clench and come undone. Her thighs shook like a tree in the wind as the orgasm wracked her body. I continued my licks, softening them and flattening my tongue against her slit, licking up every single drip that was released from her pussy as she came down from her high. It was euphoric, feeling Lucy’s salty and sweet liquid gold on my tongue was a different form of special that I couldn’t even explain.
Eventually, once Lucy’s legs had stopped shaking she lifted herself off of me, revealing my face to her, which was covered in her juices. It was then that I spotted Alexia standing over me, her lips kiss swollen and Lucy’s neck adorned with a few developing love bites that I could only assume were accredited to Alexia. She smirked down at me before leaning down to kiss me, licking at the taste of Lucy and getting as it off of my face as she could.
“Such a good girl for Lucia, I think it’s about time we give you some attention, hm?”
I nodded frantically at Alexia, getting Lucy off had a drug like effect on me and I was now in a drugged up sex haze.
Alexia smirked at my pleading and nodded at me.
“I think Lucia is a little bit overdressed for the occasion, how about you help her out?”
I nodded at Alexia, her word was gospel to me and if she wanted me to do something I would do it. She reached her hands out to me and I took them, my legs had gone practically numb from kneeling for so long so her support was well appreciated. My legs wobbled for a few seconds whilst I regained the sensation in my legs. Once the sensation was regained I turned to Lucy, who still seemed to be coming back from her mind shattering orgasm.
I closed the distance between us, seating myself down on the edge of the bed beside her and putting my hands to work immediately. I’d bared her bottom half so I busied myself with unbuttoning her blouse, taking my time with each individual button. The top buttons were already done, courtesy to Alexia who had left a litter of love bites along Lucy’s collar line that were going to be a pain to hide tomorrow for training. It made me smirk slightly.
Lucy, very clearly having regained her energy, got bored waiting for me to unbutton her blouse, and busied herself with leaving some matching marks along my own collarbone. I let her go, I wasn’t training tomorrow anyways, I’d been told to take the day off because of a minor head collision that I’d had during the game, it was pure precaution but I was grateful to have a lie in regardless, fairly happy to miss out on the morning recovery and gym session when I could be cuddled up in bed with Ale and I’s cat and dog.
Once I finally finished with her blouse I threw it across the floor of Ale and I’s room, leaving it with the pile of clothes that had collected on our armchair in the corner. I then moved onto Lucy’s bra, reaching behind her back and unclasping it, smirking as she bit down particularly hard as I pulled the bra from her body.
I let her leave her marks for a little while, sitting back on the bed, Alexia joining us both and joining Lucy at my neck, the both of them occupying themselves with marking me. I couldn’t help but feel the competitive energy between them, they were both dominant individuals in their own right. Alexia was possessive over me as my girlfriend, but so was Lucy on a friend level. Her, Keira and I made up the ‘Spanglish’ trio at Barca and we were practically inseparable, so Lucy was highly protective of me in that way, she had been since we were kids.
Lucy smirked into her spot onto my collarbone, I wasn’t a full on moaning mess yet but I was starting to get worked up but I wanted more.
Lucy picked her head up out of my neck and looked up at me.
“What do you want?”
Lucy looked at Alexia, checking it was all okay and when she got the confirmation there was nothing wrong with her actions she looked back at me.
Lucy nodded at me, but she didn’t progress any more.
“Use your words, bebita.” (baby)
I groaned as Alexia’s mouth found it’s way to my pulse point, sucking down deeply on the point and then withdrawing completely.
I whimpered at the lack of contact, my eyes snapping open to look at the two women. The back of Alexia’s palm came down onto the inside of my thigh, without warning, leaving me to yelp out of surprise.
“Lucia asked you to do something, puta (slut), listen to her or we’re going to find ourselves in a very different situation, comprendida?” (Understood?)
I nodded quickly at Alexia, desperate for more attention, desperate for both of their lips to return to my body.
“Si entiendo, lo siento. Please, my pussy.” (Yes, I understand, I’m sorry)
Lucy smirked at me, they were playing coy, toying with me until I broke, it was a game that Ale loved to play and she knew it drove me insane.
“Does your perfect little pussy want some attention? Does it feel all forgotten right now? Are we not giving you enough attention?”
Alexia’s lips returned to my neck, dipping a little bit lower and navigating their way down across my chest. I kept my eyes on Lucy, silently pleading with her to please, give my fucking throbbing pussy some attention, before it fucking imploded below me.
“Please, fuck, Please.”
Lucy licked her lips, it was clear she was gaining enjoyment from riling me up and I couldn’t find it in me to despise her for it, I was just so fucking desperate.
“Mm, Ale do you think she deserves it?”
Ale’s head rose from my chest once again, her lips were swollen and tinged slightly redder than normal.
“I’m not sure, we did promise her some attention if she treated you well, but she can wait longer if we want her to. It’s up to you, she did play so well considering though, and we have been riling her up.”
It was clear Ale was enjoying being the backseat driver for this scene, she always had to have control, always had to be in charge. She loved it but a part of me also knew that she probably didn’t mind taking the passenger seat for a lapse in time, letting Lucy take the reins whilst she took in the moment.
“Mm, what do you want bebita?”
I gulped, moaning at the feeling of Alexia wrapping her tongue around my nipple, the sensation sending shocks throughout my whole body.
“Anything, hands, mouth, please, just anything.”
I was laying the desperation on thick, letting my barriers down to express the pure yearning I had for something, anything to just fucking touch me.
“Alright, I think we can do something about that, hm?”
I nodded at Lucy and moaned as her hand snaked its way down my chest, travelling down the flat surface of my stomach and then the hips. Before I knew it her hand was dipping down below my knees and I was a mess, as soon as a single digit made its way through my folds.
“You're so wet, bebita, we’ve hardly touched you and you're dripping all over the sheets.”
Lucy’s words were just encouragement for me, just another factor in my pleasure. Ale was smirking from her spot against my breasts, fiddling with one of my nipples between her fingers and biting on the other one whilst Lucy explored my cunt with just her finger.
It didn’t take long for the digit to be pushed into my hole. It slid in with ease, my hole adjusting to Lucy’s lone finger fairly quickly.
She worked her way in, knuckle by knuckle, even though she didn’t have to. Moving her finger at a snail like pace, her thumb rubbing lazily against my clit. I needed more, more friction, more movement, more anything. I pushed my hips down against her hand, but almost as soon as I did her hands were off of me.
“If you can’t be patient then your pretty little pussy isn’t getting any attention, comprendida bebita?”
I nodded quickly back at Lucy, any contact was good, anything.
I moaned sinfully as her hands returned to my body, not objecting as Alexia pushed my body backwards against the sheets, so that I was lying down and the two older women were towering over me on the bed, the both of them busying themselves with their self assigned jobs.
I spread my legs for Lucy, allowing her proper access to my body as I focus on Ale’s lips and fingers against my skin, adorning my body with little touches and marks, my senses were heightened from her actions, guaranteeing any touch from Lucy to elicit a fairly filthy moan to leave my mouth.
She kept her movements fairly measured and vague, dipping her finger in every once in a while, otherwise toying with my clit very gently or just working her fingers through my wetness.
It was driving me positively insane and I didn’t know how much more of the little touches and gentleness I could handle, my brain's wiring starting to slowly come undone at the hands of my teammates.
“Please, please, more.”
The words were murmured out between moans, I was becoming a complete mess with the little touches and I hated it, I hated it because all I wanted was to be fucked hard and fast, unforgivingly and the softness of their actions was driving me fucking insane. I was fairly sure they knew it, Alexia could practically read my mind, she had to know that I wanted more, that I was craving more, craving the feeling of being fucked out of my fucking mind.
“Is this not enough for you?”
Lucy’s voice was so fucking condescending, it was driving me insane in all of the best ways.
“Just please more, mas por favor, mas por favor, Luce.” (more please, more please)
I watched contemplation make its way across Lucy’s face, she was clearly deep in thought, planning her next move very carefully.
“Okay bebita, I’ll give you more.”
I didn’t have time to think about her answer, the feeling of two more of her fingers stretching out my hole being enough to have me keeling over in pleasure. It was the perfect, stretch, faster. Everything that I wanted and the feeling of Lucy’s fingers curling perfectly against that spot, was so good that I almost saw stars as soon as she brushed over it.
She kept going at a fairly rigorous pace, slowly edging me towards the line of pure pleasure and it was good. The feeling of Alexia’s teeth grazing my upper body mixed with the combination of Lucy’s actions was euphoric to me, completely addictive.
“Fuck, Luce so good, so fucking good.”
The feeling of her fingertips, slightly coarse from the callouses developed over the years, brushing up against my g-spot was inexplicable, making every single inch of my body warm with pleasure.
“Mm, you going to cum bebita, show us how good you can be?”
Her words were enough to send another set of shocks out across my body, my thighs starting to tremble on either side of Lucy.
“Please, can I cum, please, fuck.”
Alexia lifted her head from my chest, looking at me inquisitively.
“She’s been a good girl, Reina.”
Alexia shook her head again, my body having an internal battle as the two women looked between each other and then back down at me.
“Please, Ale, fuck, please.”
Lucy’s hand was still pumping furiously inside of me as the two women stared at each other, both of them wearing similar expressions of stubbornness.
“She can wait, quieres correrte puta?” (do you want to come, slut?)
I nodded furiously at Ale, I was teetering right on the edge of orgasm and I didn’t think I could last much longer, my self control slowly slipping away as Lucy worked at my pussy tirelessly.
“Joder, por favor Ale, por favor.” (Fuck, please Ale, please)
Ale shook her head at me, but in contrast Lucy nodded at me, it was messing with my head, the two of them obviously disagreeing on the topic.
“Lucia, aquí no mandas tu, soy yo. Si quieres usar el juguete con ella más tarde te portarás bien.” (Lucia, you’re not in charge here, I am. If you want to use the toy on her later than you will behave)
Alexia’s Spanish was aggressive and spoken fast enough that I couldn’t understand it properly. Lucy’s Spanish was better than mine, Ale had tried her hardest to teach me in the few months that I’d been here and the years that we’d been dating but I was horrible at learning a new language, Lucy was less shocking then I was and I knew by her facial expression that she understood most, if not all of what Ale was saying to her.
All of a sudden Lucy’s hand was withdrawing itself from my heat, the two women arguing furiously in Spanish above me.
“Me prometiste.” (You promised.)
Ale glared at Lucy before starting a flurry of Spanish that I didn’t even try to translate.
“Estás discutiendo conmigo, Lucia? Quieres siquiera estar aquí? Tal vez deberías irte a casa.”
(Are you arguing with me Lucia? Do you want to be here? Continue and you can go home)
I was no longer being touched, no longer had the attention on me, the two women on top of me completely wrapped up in their fight for dominance to care about my pleasure that I’d been so close to reaching. It annoyed me, listening to the two of them go back and forth in a language that I couldn’t understand. I was fairly certain that Lucy didn’t even fully understand everything Alexia was saying to her, but based on her tone of voice and some of the words she must have been piecing it together.
I watched, slightly annoyed, as the two bit back at each other. It was malicious and boring for me, who had no idea what they were saying and I was honestly to horny to care.
I couldn’t help but let my hand slide down the inside of my thigh, now forgotten by Lucy. If they weren’t going to give me attention I’d give it to myself.
My hand only made it as far as my clit though before it was very quickly snatched by Alexia, her quick reflexes coming into play, one of her hands grabbing my hand that was between my thighs and the other hand coming down on my thigh in a resounding slap.
“Maldita zorra, realmente no puedes esperar, verdad? Entonces jodidamente impaciente. Te arrepentirás.” (Fucking slut, you really can’t wait can you? So fucking impatient, You’re going to regret that.)
I understood those words and they made my core shiver.
Alexia made quick work of finding my other hand, pulling the forgotten blindfold over my head. It was still slightly damp with Lucy’s juices, Alexia brought my two wrists together above my head and used the once blindfold to secure them together, so they were bound above my head, resting on the pillows behind me.
“I think it’s about time we give you what you want, hm, you're so impatient today, so needy to be filled. What do you want, tell me slut.”
Alexia’s hand was grasping my chin now and it was all becoming too much for me, my brain overstimulating itself from the sudden attention.
“Por favor, fóllame.” (Please, just fuck me.)
Alexia smirked at my pleading, she loved it when I spoke Spanish to her, I think she was a little bit proud of me when I did.
“Is that what you want, for me or Lucia to use the strap on you, stuff you full?”
I nodded furiously at Alexia, as much as I could with the grip she had on my chin.
“Si, please Luce, fill me up?”
Lucy’s jaw almost dropped to the floor at my words, I could tell she was trying her hardest to keep herself composed but my words had gotten to her.
“Second draw, of the dresser, Lucia.”
Lucy was up off the bed almost immediately, Ale busying herself with one of my nipples, rubbing the little nub in between her two fingers, toying with it in a painfully sensitive way whilst pressing gentle kisses along my jawline.
In what I was certain was record time Lucy had returned to the bed, this time with Alexia’s favourite strap fastened across her hips. I wished I could take a mental picture of Lucy kneeling in between my legs, Alexia and I’s favourite dildo hanging securely between her legs.
“I think you’ve prepped her enough with your fingers, she’s soaked so you shouldn’t need lube.”
Alexia nodded at Lucy reassuringly, any past argument and tension between the two now dismissed by the overall theme of giving me pleasure.
The feeling of the tip of the dildo pushing through my folds was enough to have my back arching against the bed. Alexia’s lips on my jaw long forgotten as Lucy oh so gently pushed into my entrance. It was pure ecstasy, illicit moans leaving my mouth as she pushed the length of the cock into my cunt, my pussy devouring every inch until Lucy’s hips were pressed against my own. She sat like that for a few seconds, letting me adjust to the intrusion before starting to rock back and forth. My hips met hers on every single thrust, my body pushing itself down against her to try and get as much off the dildo crammed into me as I could.
Lucy was leaning over me, Ale’s lips leaving my body to meet Lucy’s, the two of them meeting in a teeth clashing kiss, the both of them fighting for dominance in the kiss whilst Lucy continued to push into me at a unrelenting pace, it was so fucking good, the sex equivalent to drugs. I was practically incoherent, moans and half words leaving my mouth as Lucy pounded into me.
“Ale, please can I cum, por favor.”
Alexia removed her lips from Lucy’s for long enough to speak to me.
“Cum, cum cãrino, once you start though you aren’t stopping until Lucia and I are done, comprendida?”
I didn’t even need to listen to the second half of Ale’s words, my body already spasming as my orgasm washed over me. My vision went black and my eyes rolled into the back of my head as everything blurred and everything mellowed out for a few seconds as I bathed in the post orgasmic bliss. Then, suddenly, it all came crashing back down on me, the feeling of Lucy still pounding into my now very sensitive pussy was too much, too much feeling, too much pleasure, too much everything and I could feel the tears springing to my eyes.
“No más, No más.”
Ale looked down at me, smirking slightly as the tears leaked from my eyes. I was so over stimulated, I could feel absolutely everything, my senses heightened beyond anything I was used to all a sudden.
“One more bebita, give us one more, I know you can do it cãrino, let go for us.”
The mixture of Ale’s words and Lucy pressing a soft kiss to my breast was enough to send me over the edge for a second time, my body trembling uncontrollably with the aftershocks as I blacked out completely from the mixture of pleasure and dull pain. I went limp against our sheets, my body completely done and tired from the actions of the night.
I felt Lucy slowly ease out of me and Ale getting up from the mattress beside me, I mewled slightly at the abrupt complete loss of contact but relaxed when I felt Lucy’s toned body slide in beside me, pulling the covers of the bed over the two of us and bringing my head up to her chest. I kept my eyes closed, still shaking from my orgasm. Lucy unwrapped my hands from their bonds ever so gently, rubbing at the place that the silk had been before guiding them to her stomach, resting my hands against her stomach, letting me gently draw circles against the surface of her skin. Lucy moved onto gently running her hands through my hair, combing out any knots that had come from our activities, her hands ever so carefully working their way through my tresses, using the perfect amount of pressure to tug at the lengths but not tugging hard enough to hurt. She worked gently at my scalp, her hands massaging my skin.
It wasn’t long before Ale returned to us, sliding in on the other side of me, one of her hands making it’s way to my bicep, gently rubbing the skin with her hands, letting her hand press in just enough for me to find comfort in the action.
I opened my eyes slightly when she pressed down on my bicep hard enough to get my attention. She waved a water bottle in my direction and I understood the memo. I sat myself up a little bit against Lucy, my whole body practically leaning against her. Ale handed me a bottle and then moved on to pressing on into Lucy’s palm, ordering me to drink and me not having the energy to say no to her. The water felt good going in, cooling my now slightly sore throat.
“How’s the head, mi amor?”
There was worry laced between Alexia’s eyebrow as she looked my body up and down, looking for any signs that I was anything but okay. She was always worrying about me, especially when I got injured.
“Fine, a little bit sore but okay.”
Alexia nodded at me, leaning over to press a gentle kiss to my forehead before turning her head in Lucy’s direction.
“Lucia Roberta, drink some water.”
Lucy perked up at Alexia’s words, opening her drink bottle dutifully and taking a few sips before placing it on the bedside table next to her. Alexia rolled her eyes at Lucy but didn’t push it, wrapping an arm around my torso and relaxing against my body.
“How was it amar, everything you wanted?”
I nodded against Alexia, from my spot sandwiched in between her chest and Lucy’s.
“It was fucking perfect.”
Alexia smirked at my words.
“How about you Lucia?”
I felt Lucy inhale from her spot above me, the woman leaning down to press a kiss to both Alexia and I’s cheeks before replying.
“Words couldn’t describe.”
I snorted into Lucy’s chest, finding solace in the warmth of the two bodies I was in between, everything feeling so perfect and right in that moment.
“Get some sleep you two, you both deserve it after how perfect you were on the field.”
I smiled into Alexia’s chest, unable to suppress the eyeroll at her way of bringing her captaining into the fucking bedroom.
“Love you Ale, Love you Luce.”
I relaxed into the two bodies beside them. We would talk about how it had come about in the morning, talk about doing this again, I was sure of it. For now though, I was happy lying between the two women, willing to let my body loosen up and relax in the safety of the two women's arms.
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youaresimplylovely · 2 months
“Fast and Fabulous: A Driven Love” 
---- A love story between a Formula 1 Driver and a Supermodel
Chapter 1 (Next Chapter) Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
Pairing: Carlos Sainz!Formula 1 Driver x Famous Supermodel!Reader
Words: 562 words
Warnings: First time writing so if there are any errors, feel free to say so!! :>> nevertheless no warnings on this first chapter
Somehow proofread :')
Summary: Getting to know the Dela Cruz family
Lights flickered across the room, and a young man's voice was heard across the room. A loud groan escaped his voice. Sighing softly, the man approached the light switch, turning it off. "I thought Dad was supposed to fix this," he mumbled, going to another room with better lighting. He grabbed the scattered papers on the kitchen counter, fixing the order of the documents. He sat on the dining table chairs with the papers in his hand. 
"Ahem." he cleared his throat, sighing but not too loud. He stared at the first page of the papers in his hand as he started reading. “Y/N Claire Rose Althea Sophia Amélie Genevieve Katherine Dela Cruz.” He smiled softly. "Not including her mother's last name." He snickered, scratching his back with his hand. He continues reading the paper in his hand. "Where were we? Ah yes, Y/N Claire Rose Althea Sophia Amélie Genevieve Katherine Dela Cruz.” He reiterated the woman's name. "Such a long dang name." He rolled his eyes, baffled that the woman's name was long. 
"Y/N is a famous supermodel, considered one of the most beautiful women. She is part American, part French, part Spanish, and part Filipino." The young man ran his hands through his hair, scrunching his nose. "Who knew that combining Asian genes with American and European ones would make 'the most beautiful woman.'" He gestured with air quotes and sarcasm in his tone. "The woman came from the renowned 'Dela Cruz' family. A prominent family, the father being Jean Louis Dela Cruz, A man who is half American and half French; you could say he's part Spanish, too. Hence, the last name 'Dela Cruz.'"
The young man pouted, thinking how a half-American and half-French man could have his last name be 'Dela Cruz' on Earth. He shakes his head, shaking the thought off as he continues reading. "The man married a famous beauty queen from the Philippines, Maria Lucia Garcia, a woman who is half Filipino and half Spanish." The young man groaned, scrunching his whole face now. He thought to himself, how can this family be so confusing. "Esto no puede ser real (This can not be real)," he muttered in his weird but manageable Spanish accent.
"The two fell in love and had 5 beautiful children. The first child was Mark Cedric Dela Cruz, the second was James Diego Dela Cruz, Daniel Ezekiel Dela Cruz, and the fourth was Y/N Claire Rose Althea Sophia Amélie Genevieve Katherine Dela Cruz." He groans, rolling his eyes and causing him to laugh. "The woman's name is so long 'cause she's the only girl and definitely a daddy's girl." He chuckles, sighing as he lays back against the chair. “And the last child, Paolo Gabriel Dela Cruz a.k.a ‘Pao’.” 
Before the young man could continue, footsteps approaching the kitchen were heard. A woman snickered, sitting next to the young man. She gave him a weird look, scrunching her face. “¿Qué diablos estás haciendo pao? (What the hell are you doing, Pao?)" you laughed, nudging his shoulder as you sat beside him. Your beautiful Spanish accent causes your brother to smile softly. "Um, excuse me, Y/N. This is a school project; I had to do a family background." Pao rolled his eyes at you, giving you a playful, disgusted look. "I didn't know college students' homework was like that nowadays." You giggled.
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simscici · 1 month
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O casamento da Dahlia está se aproximando e ela já convidou sua amiga Lucia para ser sua Sim de honra.
Previous / Next Beginning (Gen 6)
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imoonblaze · 4 months
[Crossover MU x CRK OC] Lucia Brightcloud
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🌤Lucia Brightcloud and Sacha belong to @imoonblaze (KlfunsskXD) 🌤Template made with Canvas 🌤Johnny worthington III 🌤Capsaicin cookie, Cream Unicorn cookie and kouign amann cookie from Cookie run kingdom, Devsisters
Volvi despues de varios dias sin estar activa! He querido mostrar esto desde hace tiempo pero en ese entonces aun no le habia dado un nombre y una info a este nuevo OC 😅
Lucia Brightcloud, una monstruo recien ingresada a la universidad "Monsters university". Lucia se habria inscrito a la universidad un tiempo despues de que Mike y Sulley se fueran. Los monstruos veteranos que estuvieron en las hermandades ya estarian haciendo sus practicas o continuando con sus estudios en la universidad.
Sin embargo, Lucia no se habria inscrito para el programa de asustadores, sino mas bien…para el programa de artes plasticas y visuales, ademas de tambien unirse en el servicio del periodico escolar como encargada en la fotografia.
Sus comienzos en la universidad la llevarian a formar amistades con estudiantes ya avanzados o nuevos, siendo estos Sasha, una monstruo que se habia unido a las Eta hiss hiss (HSS), pero que a pesar de sus diferencias, ambas se llevaron bien. Mientras que a las semanas de sus primer mes de clases conoceria a Cream Unicorn cookie y a Kouign Amann cookie.
Tambien, en algun momento ella se habria encontrado desde antes con Johnny y Capsaicin. A pesar de que su interacion con Capsaicin cookie fue de la mas amistosa y agradable, en el caso de Johnny…pues…si hubo algunos roces y complicaciones, mas por como era Johnny de ser alguien orgulloso, mientras que Lucia una chica ordinaria que solo busca disfrutar de sus hobbys y del arte…obviamente polos opuestos! Pero con el tiempo esto iria mejorando y cambiando.
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quisierasernube · 1 month
Una carta de amor sólo para ti
Me da miedo sentir tanto y no saber expresarlo.
Siempre aborrecí la intensidad pero contigo nunca he sido capaz de sentir poquito, porqué cuando te miro mi corazón late a una velocidad inexplicable, mis manos tiemblan y me pongo tan nerviosa como si fuera la primera vez que nos tomamos de la mano. Hemos hablado infinidad de veces y cada que termina una llamada siempre me quedo con la triste sensación de tu ausencia, ¡cómo me gustaría poder abrazarte siempre!
A pesar de que hemos compartido días complejos, eres la primer y última persona con la cual repetiría esos momentos, porque sé que ambos aprendemos de ellos, y que, nuestra relación se fortalece día con día; aunque no me intriga saber cuál será nuestra próxima diferencia (porqué a pesar del eterno romanticismo al qué me entrego, sé que son normales y sucederán) estoy completamente segura de que podremos resolverla y amarnos todavía más.
Desde aquella vez en que dormimos juntos no he parado de buscarte al anochecer, no he dejado de pensarte al despertar, jamás podré olvidar como lucias mientras los primeros rayos del sol amenazaban con hacernos levantar de la cama, la cantidad de veces que he repetido esa escena en mi cabeza es arriesgada; la forma en que tus manos me buscaban y como sin pensarlo dos veces lo primero que hice al verte fue besarte, hay tantas memorias qué nos creamos día con día y todas me parecen excepcionales, bellisímas, y lo mejor es que sólo son nuestras.
Agradecerte por encontrarme y quedarte en mi vida se queda muy corto, porque gracias a ti he podido conocer, entender y vivir un amor verdadero, un amor sincero, precioso, incondicional, en el qué ambos vamos cambiando y creciendo, en dónde podemos ser nosotros sin miedo alguno. Todos los días me enamoró más de ti, mi corazón y mi alma entera sólo desean una cosa, y es que me permitas seguir amándote toda la vida.
Quiero seguir descubriendo canciones contigo, quiero ir siempre de la mano porque cuando nuestros dedos se entrelazan el destino poco importa; quiero llenarte siempre de besos, abrazarte mucho, escuchar todo lo que tú quieras contarme, quiero ver siempre como se iluminan tus ojos cuando te emocionas, quiero sentir toda mi vida la calidez con la que me besas la frente, te deseo a ti, siempre, en todas tus facetas.
No importa cuánto cambiemos, cuánto avanzemos, porque si lo hacemos juntos estaremos bien. Mi corazón ha sido tuyo desde hace tanto que me cuesta recordar algún momento donde no estuvieras, eres tú mi hogar, al que deseo siempre volver, sólo puedo anhelar ser el tuyo también.
Te amo, te amo, te amo, te amo y te quiero tanto, tantísimo Axel, por ahora únicamente puedo entregarte mis palabras, los muchos besos y caricias qué quiero darte tendrán que esperar a volvernos a ver, pero ten por seguro que todos esos gestos son para ti, gracias por ser tú.
No sé si llegarás a leer esto, o si lo harás pronto, o si te preguntarás ¿no era más fácil enviarlo por mensaje? Sí, quizás lo era, pero pensé que si te he escrito cartas a mano, también podría hacerlo virtualmente...
Hay una canción que me ha hecho pensar en ti, en nosotros, no sé si te gustará, ojalá que si, pero siempre que suena es inevitable no pensar en todo lo que hemos vivido, en todo el amor que siento por ti y en todas las cosas que nos falta experimentar<3
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eemamminy-art · 1 year
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Commission for @ser-estinien !! It was so lovely drawing your WoL and Lucia! Always super happy to draw wlw :3 Thank you for commissioning me!
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starrysnowdrop · 9 months
FFXIVWrite 2023 #8: Shed
(Make-up Day)
Verb (used with object): to emit and let fall, as tears.
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During 3.0, before the events of the Vault; Hali tries to stop Aymeric from going to confront the Archbishop, but fails in the attempt.
“A divided Ishgard will not survive.”
Ser Aymeric’s words echoed through the Fortemps Manor’s parlor, which left a deafening silence in his wake as he stepped through the doors and walked out to the hallway. The lord commander was soon out of sight and off to meet his fate, whatever it shall be.
“Tread carefully, Lord Commander…” First Commander Lucia said softly as everyone just stared at the closing doors.
Before she knew it, Hali’s hands began to shake, her heart was beating furiously in her chest, and she could feel the sting of tears in her eyes, though she tried with all her might to hold the tears back. A moment later, her feet seemingly moved on their own, carrying the astrologian through the doors and out into the hallway, following Aymeric in hopes of not being too late to stop him.
“Hali?” She heard Alphinaud call out to her from behind, but she didn’t answer as she only had this one chance.
In less than a minute, she found him as she rounded the corner before he could reach the front door of Fortemps Manor.
Hali cried out with anguish in her voice, “Aymeric, wait!”
The words made the raven-haired elezen man stop dead in his tracks, and he quickly turned around, his ice blue eyes landing on the pink-haired lalafellin woman.
“Mistress Aloke?” Aymeric asked with genuine concern clear on his face.
She shook her head back and forth before she reached deep in her soul and found the words that she needed to speak to him.
“Don’t do this! You are going to be branded as a heretic, and you are likely to be killed! Don’t throw your life away when there are so many people who love and care for you! You mean so much to the people, to your friends…”
The tears that she fought so hard to hold back were finally shed, falling onto her cheeks and rolling down her face. She began to openly weep as she let out the two hardest words of them all.
“…to me.”
Aymeric looked at Hali with astonishment, his eyes widened before he closed them as she wept.
Hali tried to wipe her wet cheeks with the sleeve of her astrologian robes, but it was futile, as the tears kept flowing. Her vision was blurred, so the feeling of flesh brushing against her skin startled her. When she could focus her eyes again, she saw Aymeric kneeling down to her so that his face was directly in front of hers, with his eyes locked onto hers. Hali gasped as Aymeric was brushing her tears from her eyes, then he cupped her cheek with his hand.
“Hali…” Aymeric sighed and looked down at the ground, collecting himself a moment before he looked back into her sea green eyes and continued, “…this is something that I must do. I am so sorry.”
Hali was so stunned that she had no response. Aymeric took that opportunity to stand up and turn back towards the front door, leaving Hali alone in the hallway to watch his figure disappear from her sight.
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pumpkinmagekupo · 8 months
A Place to call home
As they were guided into the Lotus Stand by a soldier of the twin adder, Mizuki looked up from under her hat to see Aymeric and a tired smile graced her lips. Just the sight of him filled her tired body with life. As he turned in her direction his eyes lit up and he started towards her from the side of other alliance leaders.
He wouldn’t…
“Ser Aymeric!” Lucia called in alarm, reaching to grab his arm but he was already out of her reach, moving towards Mizuki. He reached to cup her face, then dipped down to kiss her, knocking her hat off in his eagerness.
Ah- he would. She could hear Cid sniggering and Alphinaud’s shocked gasp.
“Aym- Ser Aymeric...” she mumbled, looking away from him, aware of how crimson her cheeks were. Normally she would enjoy and return his kisses but normally she wasn’t in attendance at a serious meeting.
“It fills me with joy to have you safely returned.” He smiled softly at her, then dipped to steal a softer kiss.
This man knows no shame...
“Aymeric...please...not in front of the alliance,” she whispered against his lips.
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This was the first FFXIV thing I ever wrote :3 slippery slope from there.
A Place to call home
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dragons-bones · 9 months
FFXIV Write Entry #30: Denouement
Prompt: amity || Master Post || On AO3
A/N: I'm a little sad I have to break my streak of "tear out my readers' hearts" with my last prompt fill of the challenge, but alas, the prompt just did not at all work with the idea seed I had on the backburner. Ah well, always next year! Instead, we come full circle. :)
Were he still a wet-behind-the-ears sixteen-year-old, Alphinaud imagined he would probably be crediting himself for the sight before him.
Synnove’s yard was crammed with tables and chairs dragged from her house or hurriedly purchased from the carpenters at Red Rooster Stead, arranged in such a way as to ensure the riot of color that was her garden remained relatively unscathed. The core of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn were all present—himself, Alisaie, Thancred, Y’shtola, Urianger, Estinien, Krile, Tataru, G’raha, and the four Warriors of Light—and not for the first time, he stifled a giggle at the sight of half their number all bearing white hair. Rereha had a point that they seemed to collect them, particularly after they practically bullied Estinien into joining.
(A pang throbbed in his heart; he missed the acerbic wit of Papalymo, and wondered how the thaumaturge would have gotten along with their newer members.)
There were Hoary Boulder and Coultenet, and Ochre Boulder and the Cockburne sisters, and Riol and F’lhaminn. There were former Scions, too—Lyse, of course, currently engaged in a three-way push-up competition with his sister and Dancing Heron, but also Arenvald and J’moldva and V’mah, cheering them on.
It was the ones who had never been Scions that were the most astounding guests.
Ser Aymeric was the least surprising, though at one point in time he might have been the most shocking one to see, considering Ishgard’s self-imposed isolation. He sat next to Synnove, the pair of them each with a carbunclet on their lap, the both of them deep in discussion with Thancred, Lucia (on a brief leave from the Ilsabard Contingent), Hilda, and Raubahn Aldynn. Nearby, Synnove’s aetherophysics advisor from her student days, Mhaslona, and Admiral Merlwyb presided over the large pit in which the food for the clam bake was cooking, the Admiral not hesitating to shove Ivar away with her foot whenever the ruby carbuncle came over to try to burrow into the coals.
At another table, Nanamo Ul Namo, Kan-E-Senna, and Rereha were introducing Lord Hien to Tonk; Alphinaud wasn’t sure who looked stranger to his eye in such casual dress, the Sultana or the Elder Seedseer. Perhaps the Seedseer; Kan-E wasn’t quite as focused on the cardgame, half her attention given over to a discussion with the Scion mages and Y’shtola keeping her wineglass topped off. And it looked like Nanamo and Rereha were using Kan-E’s distraction surreptitiously teaching Hien either how to count cards or how to quickly reshuffle the draw deck, with the Doman king’s shoulders shaking with laughter.
Alakhai, Estinien, and Yugiri in a knife-throwing competition was probably the least strange sight today.
From his place perched on the fence surrounding the yard, Alphinaud smiled and shook his head. Once, he had thought he had all the knowledge and answers to solve Eorzea’s problems; surely all the city-states needed was to be led in the right direction. His direction.
The arrogance of it.
“What’s got you so maudlin?”
He glanced over and smiled at his twin, who smiled back even as she easily hauled herself up onto the fence next to him.
“The arrogance of youth,” he drawled.
Alisaie snorted, and looked out over the yard. As always, he didn’t need to explain further for her to grasp what he meant; he dearly wished she would give herself more credit for her perceptiveness. “Well, it’s not like we played no part in the fate of the star,” she said.
“True,” Alphinaud said. Without thinking about it, he began tapping out a rhythm against the fence board with his heels. Alisaie joined in a moment later. “And it certainly it turned out far better than we ever dreamed.”
“I can’t believe the Sultana cheats at cards,” Alisaie muttered.
Alphinaud stifled a giggle. “I can,” he said. “She’s always had a bit of a devious streak.”
“And Rereha and the Admiral carefully cultivated it like an orchid in a hothouse.”
There was no stopping his laughter at that.
It wasn’t correct to say that everyone here was the dearest of friends, but the ease with which they all let down their barriers spoke of their mutual respect, that this time was an opportunity to rest and enjoy the fruits of all their labors. It had taken work to get here: Eorzea united, truly united, for the first time in their history, Ala Mhigo and Doma freed from the Garlean yoke, the Ascians gone with Zodiark and Hydaelyn and the Final Days.
And what better way to celebrate than with an old Scion tradition of gathering for food and drink and good company? The Final Days were averted and, most importantly, all four of the Warriors of Light were now declared fully hale and whole, no longer under the baleful eyes of the Sharlayan healer corps.
They were the true lynchpin to this wondrous gathering, the Warriors of Light. Everyone here had played some role in where they all were today, but without the four women around whom they orbited, would they have done it at all? Would they have defeated Gaius van Baelsar, or ended the Dragonsong War, or freed Doma and Ala Mhigo, saved the First, saved all of existence from the grief and loneliness of the Ancients echoing through time?
Alphinaud didn’t think so. It was their tenacity, their compassion, their utter ridiculousness, that truly brought all these people together and gave their star hope for a better future. Not that he’d be able to convince the four of them of that.
Well. Maybe one of them, though even she was more likely to merely play it up for humor rather than actually believe it.
“Oi, Alisaie! Bunny!”
Speak of the devil.
“Not that name,” Alphinaud groaned. It had been years since that accursed nickname had been leveled on him.
Rereha cackled as she bounded over to them. “Baby bunny,” she said, sing-song, “your hair is the same color as the loporrits’ fur. Your favorite color scheme for clothing is the same as theirs. You are ‘bunny’ forever!”
Alisaie threw back her head and laughed as he dropped his face into his hands. He took it all back, at least about Rereha Reha. She was a menace to society and it was a miracle she hadn’t incited an international incident by sleeping with the wrong person.
The pink-haired lalafell reached out with both hands, grinning. Alisaie took her right hand with a matching grin, and Alphinaud let out a put upon sigh—feigned, of course—but took Rereha’s left. Rereha tugged gently, and the twins hopped off the fence, letting her drag them across the yard as she skipped backwards.
“We’re putting a handicap on Heron for the push-up contest,” she said, “and we need both of you for it!”
“Why not just use Tyr?” Alphinaud said.
“Heron still has some limits right now, and Healingway will kill her if she exceeds them.”
Alisaie snorted a laugh, though Alphinaud was certain Rereha wasn’t exaggerating.
As they traversed the length of the yard to the corner where Heron and Lyse were, a flash of iridescent blue caught Alphinaud’s eye. He turned his head to follow it.
A small flock of bluebirds, each with a pair of long, graceful tailfeathers, were flitting above the yard, one with a sunflower bloom in its beak, and if he didn’t know better, he would have assumed they were playing a game of keep-away. The birds twirled and danced through the air before winging their way to perch on the lowest hanging branch of the oak tree in Synnove’s yard, from which hung a swing that currently played host to a napping Galette. The bluebird with the sunflower was in the middle of the flock, and even from here, Alphinaud could see her sharing the seeds with her sisters, as birdsong joined the chorus of chatter and laughter in the yard.
Alphinaud grinned as he followed his sister and their friend, and wondered what new adventures—and new friends—awaited them all on the morrow.
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xfilesinamajor · 8 months
Fictional characters I routinely fantasize about
Not a comprehensive list and in no particular order:
GLaDOS from Portal
Frederick Chilton from Hannibal
Abel Gideon from Hannibal
Rosa Diaz from B99
Rusty Venture from Venture Bros.
Cirrus from Ghost
Charlie Kelly from IASIP
Theo Dimas from OMITB
Kara Thrace from Battlestar Galactica
Jill Valentine from Resident Evil
Ser Jorah Mormont from Game of Thrones
Ana Lucia Cortez from LOST
Arnold Rimmer from Red Dwarf
Undyne from Undertale
Thomas Barrow from Downton Abbey
Death from The Sandman
Stan Pines from Gravity Falls
Johanna Mason from The Hunger Games
Jayne Cobb from Firefly
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fantasy-relax · 24 days
Alfa Dulce Omega Peligroso
Part 9.
“Madre necesito hablar urgentemente contigo”
Bela entro acompañada por una joven omega y Alcina frunció el ceño al notar el olor a culpa que rodeaba a ambas, así como el de la ira de su hija.
Bela respiro profundo pero su aroma seguía irradiando con intensidad, lo que sea que haya pasado estaba afectándole seriamente.
Señalando a la mujer detrás de ella Bela procede a hablar con un tono controlado. “Zina me ha informado de una serie de abusos hacia el alfa por parte de las demás sirvientas” El olor a culpa aumenta. “Desde el primer día que el alfa empezó a vivir aquí ha sido víctima de ataques verbales y físicos al punto de evitar en lo posible el contacto con el demás personal, el único grupo que parece tratarle con decencia es el personal de cocina, la jefa de sirvientas Greta, la maestra carpintera Relia y la chef Dorottea”
Alcina suspiro colocando un cigarro nuevo en el portador y procediendo a fumar.
Eras un imán de problemas.
“Pudo haber hablado con Greta o contigo en lugar de ocultarlo para salvar su orgullo”
“Umm Señora Dimitrescu”
La señora de la casa volteo a ver a la sirvienta.
“No creo que haya sido por orgullo, vera desde que tengo memoria esa mujer ha sido tratada así”
Imposible los alfas eran venerados, una mujer alfa mientras tratada de peor manera que un hombre seguiría siendo considerada mejor que los omegas o betas.
“Sus padres la habían echado de casa y nadie de su familia se acercó ayudarle, sobrevivía haciendo labores para los ancianos por una paga miserable, recuerdo a verla visto dormir en las calles de la plaza con solo su ropa vieja y rota como abrigo, dejo de hacerlo luego de un grupo de hombres la golpeara reclamándole por infectar el lugar con su olor” La joven sirvienta bajo la cabeza. “Supe que uno de los ancianos le había vendido una cabaña lejos del pueblo con un camino estrecho rodeado de árboles, pensé que los Lycan serían los que acabarian con su vida” Alzando la mirada Alcina noto la lastima en los ojos de la mujer. “Si no dijo nada no fue por orgullo fue por que para ella eso era lo normal”
La matriarca se froto las sienes.
“Así que Lucia le agredió y acabo con su paciencia”
Dirigiendo su mirada a la sirvienta noto como esta apretaba con fuerza sus manos, el miedo se mezclaba con su culpa.
Pero era opacado por el olor de furia que desprendía de si hija.
La humana se aclaró la garganta.
“El alfa se dirigía a la cocina cuando Carla le mando un comentario lascivo, el alfa la ignoro, pero se detuvo y ataco luego de escuchar lo que Lucia dijo”
Lady Dimitrescu miro fijamente a la sirvienta.
“¿Qué fue lo que dijo? “
La mujer estaba temblando.
“Le dijo a Carla que no bromeara de esa manera pues ser montada por un perro callejero era algo asqueroso”
Alcina alzo una ceja.
La humana trago saliva.
“Y que si lady Cassandra estaba tan desesperada por ser cogida bien podría haber dejar que los Lycan le dieran uso a su coño rígido”
El escritorio choco contra el estante, destrozando ambos con el impacto.
La sirvienta estaba casi llorando, tartamudeaba incapaz de seguir con el relato por el terror que le provocaba el aroma de furia de madre e hija.
“Vete de aquí”
No tuvo que repetirlo.
El silencio fue roto por Bela.
 “El alfa mantuvo su compostura todo el mes sin siquiera gruñir o devolver las palabras, solo ataco cuando el honor de la omega de su interés fue atacado” Si no fuera por sus guantes sus uñas ya hubiera atravesado la piel de su mano. “E inclusive mantuvo suficiente control para solo atacar al culpable, nadie mas fue herido no entro en frenesí a pesar de la inmensa furia que sentía” El peso de sus acciones y sus conclusiones precipitadas le pesaban. “Dejamos que nuestros prejuicios nos controlaran” Soltó una risa sin humor. “Que irónico”
Las heridas de tu cuerpo no fueron por padres tratando de controlar a un alfa rebelde que trataba de imponer su autoridad, fueron hechas por un hombre y una mujer que buscaban limpiar con tu sangre el estigma de tu existencia.
Bela asumió lo peor de ti a sabiendas de lo que habías hecho por su hermana, si hubieras intentando abusar de Cassandra esta te hubiera matado en segundos sin importar que estuviera en la cúspide de su celo sin embargo ella estaba contenta contigo y si Daniela no les hubiera interrumpido habría termino emparejadas, ¡Por el Dios Oscuro tu primera acción fue consolarla cuando volviste a verla! Estabas cubierta de suciedad y tenias vidrio incrustado en las plantas de tus pies y aun así tu prioridad era Cassandra.
¿C��mo era eso diferente a la manera en que los humanos trataban a su familia?
Cada vez que llegaba personal nuevo siempre susurraban los mismos rumores:
Las Dimitrescu secuestraban a las mujeres para esclavizarlas, experimentar con ellas y consumir su sangre.
Las Dimitrescu devoraban a todo hombre que tuviera el infortunio de entrar a su territorio.
La mayor tenía el corazón helado incapaz de sentir algo por nadie.
La de en medio era una bestia bruta cuyo único placer era causar dolor y miseria.
La menor tenia el cerebro dañado viviendo en fantasías que cuando eran rotas sangre manchaba el piso.
Eso era lo que la gente del pueblo decía.
No iba a negar que en los primeros años no tenían control alguno sobre la sed de sangre que tenían y entraban en frenesí al menor momento. Pero madre las mantuvo atrapadas en el castillo y les enseño a controlarse, no había servidumbre y el castillo estuvo años en descuido. El día en que entraron en razón y se dieron cuenta de lo que estaban comiendo se negaron a comer hasta que el hambre las envió de vuelta a un frenesí, para sobrevivir y mantener el control necesitaban como mínimo sangre humana no había otra opción.
Con los años se acostumbraron, la sangre y la violencia formaba parte de ellas, era su naturaleza negarlo sería negarse a sí mismas. Bela podía ser a veces apática, Cassandra disfrutaba castigando a las sirvientas y Daniela a veces perdía la noción de la realidad. Sin embargo, las cosas no eran como los rumores, algo que pocas sirvientas comprendían:
Casi nunca había secuestros, las mujeres eran las buscaban trabajar y lo hacían bajo un contrato con todo lo que debían hacer, así como las acomodaciones que necesitaran. Los castigos y muertes solo eran cuando incumplían con lo acordado, lo cual mientras era común no asesinaban sin pensar a todo el personal que ingresaba al castillo; algunas incluso preferían vivir en el castillo por el resto de sus vidas y al final ofrecían su carne como alimento.
Los hombres que entraban al territorio intentaban matarlas o aprovecharse de las sirvientas, actuando de manera grosera y asquerosa.
Bela era callada mas no cruel y cualquier problema era escuchado con atención y solucionado adecuadamente.
Cassandra se la pasaba peleando para proteger a los habitantes del castillo. Muchas sirvientas morían en sus manos, pero otras eran salvadas por las mismas de ser asesinadas por los animales salvajes o sometidas a perversiones por intrusos.
Daniela solía consolar a las sirvientas y trataba de amenizar su estadía, sus ataques no eran violentos y en realidad eran dolorosos de presenciar.
A pesar de eso la gran mayoría se negaba a ver a través de sus prejuicios pues el simple hecho de no ser humanas era suficiente para odiarles y romper con las reglas lo que las llevaba a conocer la afamada crueldad de las Dimitrescu.
Bela detestaba que crearan una falsa verdad basada en solo rumores y prejuicios sin siquiera tratar de ver el otro lado de la moneda.
Y eso fue lo que hizo contigo.
Al sentir el aroma de culpa aumentar Alcina se acercó a su hija y se arrodillo frente a ella limpiando con delicadeza las lágrimas que por la mirada sorprendida su niña ni siquiera sabía había derramado.
Bela respiro profundo inclinándose mas a la mano que le acariciaba, se mantuvo unos segundos antes de componerse y alejarse.
“¿Qué procede madre?”
Alcina suspiro, pero sabia que su hija no dejaría de sentirse culpable hasta solucionar este desastre.
“Sacare al alfa del calabozo y la llevare a su habitación; tu busca a Greta y dile que me traiga un botiquín, luego ve con Daniela a buscar a Lucia, diviértanse con ella”
“¿Y Cassandra?”
“Sigue castigada nada de ir al calabozo por al menos otros cuatro meses, pero puedes pedirle consejo sobre como proseguir con Lucia”
La rubia rodo los ojos sonriendo. “Hablara por horas”
Alcina sonrió. “Por supuesto que lo hará”
“Vamos estírate más ¿Qué no tienes hambre?”
Estaba demasiado lejos, lo único que conseguirías era abrir tus heridas. Tenías que aceptar que hoy no ibas a comer.
Pasos hacían eco por las paredes y un aroma a rosas llego hasta a ti sabias bien quien venia.
La sirvienta igual, por un momento pensaste que te acercaría la bandeja, pero en su lugar la tiro la suelo.
“¡Lady Dimitrescu que bueno que llego!” Lagrimas falsa rodaban por sus mejillas mientras te señalaba. “¡Esta bestia me ataco provocando que tirara la bandeja de comida que tan dadivosamente le traje, es un peligro!”  Suspiraste al oler la ira de la señora, no intentaste defenderte después de todo era tu palabra contra la suya y lady Dimitrescu no estaría de tu lado.
Un corte adornaba el rostro de la sirvienta quien trata de contener la sangre entre sollozos.
“Fuera de mi vista y agradece que no te corte la lengua rata mentirosa”
La mujer salió corriendo y la matriarca te miro, el olor a rosas era más fuerte y debajo de ello había una emoción que no podías identificar.
Sin decir nada abrió la puerta de tu celda.
Trataste de pararte, pero un mareo provoco que tambalearas y cayeras.
Escuchaste a la mujer suspirar “Eres un problema”
Manos te levantaron de las axilas para luego colocar tu cabeza sobre un hombro de blanco la señora coloco su brazo bajo tus piernas te asombraba la facilidad con la que podía cargarte como una niña pequeña.
El aroma era mas fuerte y aun no sabias que emoción era la que contenía.
Pero el cansancio que sentías era demasiado y el aroma de rosas era relajante.
Dormiste todo el camino con tu rostro oculto en el cuello de la matriarca y un ronroneo en tu pecho.
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aurorablackwei · 9 months
Mothxian grows his babies in flowers, mixing Witchji's magic and his own. It takes some time and care, but their get an A Yuan, later a Jingyi. His babies are moths at birth, like him, so Mothxian is overprotective and Witji is in charge of protecting the 3 of them. They grow quickly until they look like 5 years old human where they can transform into humans at will and slow down their growth to a normal human rate.
Wangxian creates a spell that allows Mothxian to take human form, he still has problems with language and beingo so big, but he overcomes them little by little. Of course they have their everyday, but Mothxian just keep their magic together an then grow another baby in a flower. The first time WitchJi don't understand, Mothxian looks tired and sleepy, but then he shows him the little blossom full of their magic and something new.
They spend time together like a human family, but the children love spending time like moths with Mothxian, sleeping in the flowers of their father's hat.
I love babies growing in flowers!
Mothxian cultiva sus bebes en flores, uniendo la magia de witchji y la suya. toma un tiempo y cuidado, pero obtiene A Yuan, despues Jingyi. sus bebes son polillas al nacer, como él, asi que Mothxian es sobreprotector y Witchji se encarga de protegerlos a los 3, crecen rápido hasta parecer 5 años humanos donde pueden transformarse en humanos a voluntad y relantizar su crecimiento a un ritmo humano normal.
Wangxian crea un hechizo que permite a Mothxian tomar forma humana, aún tiene problemas con el lenguaje y ser tan grande pero los supera de a poco. Obviamente tienen su "todo los dias" pero Mothxian solo mantiene su magia guardada hasta cultivarla en una flor. La primera vez con A Yuan, Witchji estaba preocupado porque Mothxian lucia cansado y adormilado, pero una vez que vio su boton de flor con la magia de los dos y algo nuevo entendió.
Pasan tiempo juntos como humanos, pero los niños aman pasar tiempo como polillas con Mothxian, durmiendo en las flores del sombrero de su padre.
Amo bebes creciendo en flores
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on our fates alight--holy treachery
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"Riven? Riven!" Sebastian shook the smaller Dominant as gently as he could. "Riven!"
"Riven, wake up." Sebastian let a thread of Darkness creep into his voice. The priest's poking and prodding for him to rest--and those foul potions--had done something at least, Sebastian could feel himself getting stronger--and by reflection, Odin. He watched as Riven's eyes flew open, Valefor jolting her to full awareness.
"Get up, get a robe." Sebastian ordered, pulling the covers off and moving as Riven scrambled to obey.
"Is she up?" Augustine demanded, sticking his head in the open doorway. Behind him was movement, House Fortemps guards hurrying back and forth.
"I'm up-what happened?!" Riven snatched up the nearby dressing gown, pulling it around her body.
"We'll explain when everyone's together." Hearing the unspoken question, Augustine shook his head. "We're not under attack, and it's not Eikon-hunters. It's Aymeric."
------ "He's not come back." Lucia finished. "Furthermore, as I was coming here I received word--the Temple Knights stationed at the Vault are mobilizing. I suspect that the Archbishop is about to make a move to arrest all of Ser Aymeric's allies--including all of you."
"Son of a bitch!" Mathye swore. "What was he thinking?! The old man's going to kill him!"
"He wanted answers." Augustine's voice was strained. "He...we can't keep doing this. Ishgard can't keep doing this." Lucia nodded in agreement.
"Thanks to your negotiations with Hilda and her people, we can field a distraction. During that time, I plan on entering the Vault to rescue the lord commander." She said. "However, I know that not all of the city's defenders will have left--and more than likely the Archbishop would have assigned the Ward to guard Ser Aymeric. Therefore--"
"You need a diversion." Riven interjected. The Garlean paladin looked at her, nodding.
"You want us to break into the Vault." Mathye had realized the full implications of Lucia's plan. His eyes widened. "If we do that--"
"The Ward and the remaining defenders will drop everything to throw themselves between us and the Archbishop." Sebastian finished. His lips curved into a dark smile. "It may even empty out the prison, leaving you and the rescue party unmolested."
"What's the other distraction Hilda and the others are providing?" Augustine asked.
"A heretic army massing directly at the Steps of Faith. But it won't last for long." Lucia paused, hesitation now appearing on her face. For the sake of everything, she felt she had to at least address one of the elephants in the room--
"Don't." Mathye and Augustine said at the exact same time. Lucia jolted in surprise, her gaze meeting first Augustine's own, then Mathye's. Something else was regarding her from behind their eyes, a predator uncoiling itself from waiting patiently in the shadows.
"This was going to happen." Augustine spoke--but his voice wasn't his own, it was a woman's. The tone was quiet, filled with a deadly purpose. "Do not feel guilty, daughter. You have given us an opening."
"Augustine--and Halone are right." Sebastian continued as the goddess fell silent. "Ishgard is long past it's breaking point, and the Church has had every chance to come clean. It is on Thordan's head that matters have come to this." He shrugged. "Though perhaps providing the populace with his corpse may fix a great deal of problems."
"We are not assassinating the Archbishop!" Riven snapped, fixing Odin's Dominant with a glare. Sebastian shrugged, while Augustine coughed. Mathye suddenly found the far wall quite interesting. Lucia sighed, shaking her head.
"How much time do you need?" Riven continued.
"As much as you can give." Lucia paused, thinking. "I know the Vault houses tools that can disable and bind Eikons--"
"Don't worry about that. If anything, the sight of Halone attacking her sacred space might scare a good deal of the defenders away." Mathye said. "Even better, I still remember how to get around once we're inside. You rescue Ser Aymeric, and we can charge right up to Thordan's bedroom door."
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