#Seriously whenever I'm out with like my mom or something and we're referred to as 'ladies' I die a little
Not cis, not trans, but a secret third thing
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definitivelynotanalien · 11 months
rgrgrgrgrgrg ur turn! what are your infinight headcanons? also, this goes for both the interns AND og infinights if you've got any for 'em!!!!
Gum Gum:
- As mentioned in on my most recent post, Gum Gum has 4c hair and Bart braids it for him
- He doesn't actually like candy because it keeps getting stuck in his molars and it's hard to get it out with his tusks on the way
- He has trouble eating because of said tusks but he manages
- He lets Bart draw on his skin with ink
- He thinks being Afraid is a Bad Thing because kids mocked him for it at the Orchidnage
- He cries trying to do simple math, not because it's frustrating but because he knows it really shouldn't be This hard (I'm projecting so hard right now)
- Nobody admits it but he has the highest alcohol tolerance in the entire team
- He has an incredibly wide voice range but his voice is his most natural if a bit Exaggerated at times
- He thinks Mudd is kinda hot but in a "Wow my friend is so pretty frr" kinda way y'know?
- Only brushes back his hair when out and about, at the headquarters and while camping his hair a mess
- Sleeps in briefs and if you're lucky one of Gum Gum's old shirts when in his room
- Likes to throw people off by asking to be carried or letting himself be walked into just to reveal how dense (Heavy) he is
- He has a fish tattooed on his chest as a reference to Captain Marrge (He'll never admit that's why)
- Has to plead and fight Gum Gum every week or two to try and get him to bathe (He doesn't bathe Galindor btw, he just puts him in the bath and leaves)
- He knows how to style people's hairs and really likes doing if. If only Kyborg let him run his fingers through his hair more often
- Puts things high up in shelfs so the others can't reach them
- Has done "Elf on a shelf" to Kyborg exactly 1 time and hated the feeling of Ky's shirt on his hands but it was worth putting him up there
- He has some pretty strange sensory issues (As in they are waaay too specific).
- He doesn't like hugs or kisses or anything like that because the feeling of touch remains on his skin Foever and it drives him mad
- His cape acts like a weighted blanket
- Shares fruit with Gumbo on a regular basis
- His tent in the largest because obviously, and has had to get the whole team out of it multiple times because they keep using it as a hangout spot
- Gossips with Bart about people that look fruity to them (*Cough cough* Spectril and Slique)
- He's a S€x and Romance repulsed aroace and suffers whenever Bart flirts with anyone
- Once he gained the ability to, he started changing the shape of his ears to something smaller and less "cow-like" because he's insecure about it. He switches on and off between liking them and hating them
- He adores Gum Gum because the kid genuinely thinks he's cool
- Tries not to cry whenever he sees a kid with their parents
- He's afraid to ever have children because what if they loose him too?
- Uses his hatred against Quadron as his only motivation to stay alive
- His friends are his family even if he will never admit it, he lives for them
- He braids his hair like his mom used to braid hers, charms and rings and all.
- He likes it when Bart brushes his hair or braids it, but he's afraid to show that level of attachment.
- He has abandonment issues if we're honest
- Will fight Brink Tussler but also if anything happens to that guy seriously he'll Cry for ages
- Feeds Gumbo worms he finds on the woods while Mudd's not looking
- He forgets he's missing fingers and only realizes when he tries to count with them
- Has dropped his tuning sword and regretted it many times
- Gets attached way too easily to anyone who's "nice enough to him", probably because of his need for approval and attention
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linalilia · 2 years
[meet the prisoners!] prisoner 001: miyagawa akio
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oh god we're really doing this.
so yeah, remember when i said that i actually have milgram ocs? i'll start posting them now!
here's our first prisoner! his design looks a bit boring, i know, but i think it fits him well! sorry for making him look like mikoto's long lost brother i wanted him to have that "basic anime protag" vibe, if you know what i mean. though his personality is not like that at all, haha. also i'm sorry if the symbols on his prisoner uniform look weird, i'm still trying to figure out how to make them look good and i can't see them that well even though i use references 😔
also, some notes: this story happens before the events of canon milgram project + novel (yes, i know the plot of the novel but i'm not sure where to read it in english, i'm sorry!), so es isn't the guard yet. this time milgram prison has not one, but TWO guards and both of them are polar opposites of each other. one of them wants to vote everyone innocent and believes that they're actually good people, but the other one thinks all prisoners should be voted guilty and all of them deserve to die for their sins.
this time the prisoners are much less sympathetic than the canon ones because if the canon prisoners are kind of "morally gray".. well, maybe these guys' cute designs will be enough to make people vote them innocent :') i will write their mv descriptions, voice dramas and interrogations as well, though honestly, i feel like i actually could try writing songs for them because i like composing and writing lyrics.. but i'm too lazy for that right now djsjsksk.
also almost forgot to mention, don't take their mv descriptions too seriously (or do take them seriously. i'm not your mom), like, for example, if i mention a character being treated badly by someone in the mv, it doesn't necessarily mean that this thing actually happened. it doesn't mean that my characters are able to lie through their mvs, it's more about how they personally saw their crimes. and considering that a lot of my ocs are very dramatic and they believe that they've done nothing wrong.. yeah, trusting their every word is not a good idea.
and if you guys find my ocs interesting, maybe i'll actually do polls where you can vote them innocent or guilty! and if not, that's okay, i already have canon verdicts for them in mind, so :'D it would be fun to see people choosing something completely different from what i expected though
anyway, you can read this boy's profile under the cut!
General info:
Name: Miyagawa Akio (宮川 昭雄) (kanjis in his last name stand for "temple, shrine, palace" and "river" and kanjis in his first name mean "bright" and "hero")
Age: 16 y/o
Gender: Male
Status: Prisoner 001
Birthday: September 4 (Virgo)
Height: 166 cm
Blood type: A
Image Color: #D5C7E5
Occupation: High school student (first year)
Personality: Akio is a very prideful and arrogant boy who has an extremely high self-esteem. He believes he's innocent and refuses to admit that he really did something bad. Whenever his crime is mentioned, he claims that it wasn't his fault and his victim deserved it anyway. However, he's actually very smart and it's easy for him to fool people and make them believe that he really is a good guy. He claims that he was the best student in his class and he's been getting perfect grades since elementary school. He says that he never had any rivals because he was so perfect, however, it doesn't look like he had any friends either. He also doesn't believe that Milgram is an actual prison and thinks that it's all just for show and even if it's real, he's sure that he will never get executed or anything like that.
MV info:
Which canon Milgram song he would cover: It's Not My Fault
Which DECO*27 song he would cover: Reversible Campaign (i wish i could say that i have a deep reason for giving him this song, but.. i don't have one actually! i just like this song a lot and it's very special to me because if i'm not wrong, it's the first deco*27 song i ever listened to (or at least i have many good memories associated with it) so i thought that it would be a good idea to give it to the first prisoner!)
If he could cover a song by a different Vocaloid producer, which one would it be: Abnormality Dancin' Girl by Guchiry (i do have a reason this time, but i think you'll be able to figure it out yourself :))
His MV description: His MV would have this royal theme/aesthetic, similar to Muu's INMF MV with its whole queen bee thing, however, his video would still feel and look completely different. His MV would mostly have dark/dull colors.. until one specific scene.
His video starts with a crowd of people sitting in a room that looks like some kind of a concert hall and even though it looks beautiful and detailed, it's mostly gray and black. All people look like black silhouettes and don't have any defining features, however, judging from their poses, you can tell that they feel awkward or even anxious. And then, suddenly, Akio appears on the stage while dressed like a king. Even though he's supposed to look unique compared to the silhouettes, his colors are still just as dull as the room's. He smiles and starts singing and while he does so, he appears not just as a king, but as other important figures, for example, a movie star, a popular singer, a president and even a god. The lyrics mention Akio being the only person here who's actually interesting, unique, skilled and talented. The silhouettes follow him around all the time and you can actually see them having bright green eyes, but they show them only when Akio does something cool, for example, defeats an enemy, executes a criminal, etc. Everything goes well until Akio notices that the colors of the MV start becoming brighter and he sees that the silhouettes are not really interested in him anymore and they're following a very bright figure that looks like it's literally made out of light. He starts getting more and more nervous as he sees his loyal followers leaving him. There's a shot of him standing with a glass case full of all kinds of prizes and trophies in the background and the glass suddenly breaks right when he sees that figure again. The glass hurts Akio in the process and one of the silhouettes notices it and decides to check if he's okay. Akio sees that this silhouette's eyes are different and they're not green, but pink instead. He smiles and the MV ends with the "more popular student" being executed by Akio, who got his crown back and right when Akio looks at the pink-eyed silhouette and nods, the colors turn dark again and the lights go off.
His Trailer 1 Voicelines:
"My name is Miyagawa Akio. You two.. You two are not much older than me, right? So why the hell do you even have a right to judge us for our crimes? Honestly, I'm the one who deserves this right more than anyone else here."
"He really doesn't know his place, does he? So annoying.. Hey, can you help me out with something? Come on, I know you like me."
He sees himself as innocent and hopes to get a verdict like that as well.
He didn't commit any other crimes except murder and he claims that he had only one victim.
He's secretly embarrassed of his height and wants to grow taller.
He's very proud of being popular with both guys and girls from his school.
He's not really close with any prisoners except Prisoner 009, who's only one year older than him and was quite a popular student as well. Prisoner 002 wants to become friends with him too, but he keeps ignoring her and finds her annoying.
You can think of him as Haruka's "foil" or simply his opposite because of them both being the first prisoners, but having completely different personalities. Haruka constantly apologizes, believes that he brings misfortune to other people and he's not the smartest guy here, meanwhile Akio really was the best student in his class, he never apologizes and takes his words back and he believes that he's better than everyone else. They're also almost the same age, though Akio is one year younger than Haruka.
Even though Akio and Muu's videos (we're talking about the second one) have a similar theme, they feel very different. No matter how much Muu claims that everything is not her fault, she still appears as a monster in her MV and she constantly says how pitiable she is (i am NOT going with the official eng translation) and even if she's a "bad girl", she still asks to forgive her. Akio doesn't feel like that at all and he really does believe that he's innocent and he also doesn't see himself as a monster or any other scary creature, HE LITERALLY SEES HIMSELF AS A GOD. He never asks to forgive him because he thinks that people will do it even if he doesn't ask.
His crime is pretty easy to solve compared to the other prisoners. I wanted to make it more complicated at first, but then I thought that it makes sense for a first prisoner to have a crime that's not as mysterious or difficult to solve as other characters' murders.
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