#Set to japanese and I couldn't change it back so I lied and told my family it was because I was learning Kanji
muchos-michis-chikis · 7 months
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luludreamscape · 8 months
꧁༺ 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝒾𝓃 𝑜𝒻 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓈 ༻꧂
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..and a butterfly effect takes place
-> Prominent Tags: Gojo Satoru x (Psychic?)reader, Other pairings might follow(depends on how this idea evolves); Reader is not a Sorcerer; Language Barrier; Weak to Strong; Canon Divergence; Slow Build/Burn; Author has no idea what they are doing; Unreliable Narrator; No Beta-Reader; Reader identifies as female; Reader has a vague backstory as you'll see; Hints of past bullying; Little bit of angst in the beginning?;
->Short summary points: Brief mentions of Synesthesia(I apologize for any inaccurate depictions); Reader and Satoru's first meeting as children; Kid with no social clues vs. kid with no social clues; Maybe more than a OneShot Story if People like it; Follows in line with my headcanon. The Reader can't speak Japanese well. Leading to various misunderstandings and bickering lol.
A sky painted in hues of orange and purple greeted you when you sat down in your designated seat. The window fogged up under your breath as you admired the soothing sentiment the sight brought with it. With the passing of clouds, your mind found its resemblance to cotton candy.
"So pretty," your mumble seemed out of place as it broke the silence of your surroundings.
Slowly but surely the faint smell of lavender crept up your nose, and a soft taste of orange left a faint smile on your face. Accompanying the scenery in a symphony of a new memory.
It set a harsh contrast to the blue air next to you, it connected to the larger hand that practically engulfed yours. It reeked of a cold summer night's rain and tasted like shaved ice without the syrup.
Shadows clouded your sight at the suffocating feeling of the emotion. Your mother's face was blank, but you knew better than to trust her expression. Her grip was tight almost crushing your hand as you glanced up at her. Like she always told you, many people lied to save their face. Maybe she was no different from them.
"You can never trust a man's smile. Never let yourself rely on it."
That was, what she told you. After you two had set off on an adventure, as she worded it. Somewhere new, somewhere different. A fresh start for both of you. Even as confusion set in, your mother remained firm on her decision.
As if a faded red string had been snapped, breaking her in the process. In another life, the two of you may have remained in your home. Unchanging and never lasting, making no change to the events of your life. It was on this day, when the both of you set off on the plane. When the realization hit out of nowhere like an upcoming train. It had you wondering if you would ever see your father again.
The seat under you creaked as you swung your small legs back and forth. A soft thud emerged from your hands as you let three keychains dangle from your hands.
It didn't leave any damage, because of the soft cotton they were stitched out of. Three small gifts of consolement are what you had gotten from your father on your departure. Small monsters with large hearts. The moment you first saw them on screen, had them embedded deep into your soul. They were different, but they had a big heart. Just like you.
You couldn't control your emotions. They overcame you like the tides at sea. Your mother always told you that you had to work extra hard with a heart as big as yours. Since your heart collected more dust than others as it moved. Even as bruises littered your skin and tears welled into your eyes. She gently held you and told you, that it also picked up more treasures along the way. The idea in itself brought you comfort.
Change in itself was scary to humans. Humans were scary to humans, is what you had learned early on.
The first time you told someone that you could smell and taste colors, was the first time someone had called you crazy. Circled out and ignored, you thought you had done something wrong.
The second time you build up the courage to tell someone that you could see the color around people change with their emotions, was when they had you shoved to the school counselor.
The expression smeared on your parent's faces wasn't something you could read at first.
"Your daughter might have Synesthesia"
But the colors around them changed from a sorrowful blue, bright orange, pure red, and then lastly to a mellow green.
"I would recommend checking out a professional to make sure that her needs are being met"
Maybe your parents were just arguing because they had different opinions. But maybe, it was just you, who had ripped them apart without recognition.
And for the first time in your life, you thought about ripping that big heart of yours out for good
Your first impression of your new living situation was hindered by your anxiety to fit in. Japan was a sophisticated country with bright cities, a rich culture, and a lengthy list of wonders to experience. But you didn't know any of their customs. And you barely even knew how to say anything. Your mother encouraged you with kind words, but you failed even at the most basic Hiragana.
You were more than frustrated, to say the least. Despite everything not all hope was lost though. There was an anchor you could latch onto. Something that you could detect since your early start of life. Something that would stay and not leave.
Colors and emotions.
More often than not, you could see the emotions fluctuate around the people there. Sticking together in a cloud. It was almost as if some of them had gained sentience on their own. It made you dizzy, and you couldn't concentrate on them for too long. It gave you a rather bad headache when you attempted to at least.
Which led you to your current predicament in its own twisted way.
Your mother decided it was a great idea to take a trip to the rural areas since most people paid more attention to the bigger cities. Now if you hadn't gotten bored while she toured about, you might have still been on the right trail. But the moment your paths crossed with a Butterfly that reeked of melancholy, in faint traces of mint- you were already mentally checked out, far away in a place of pure novelty and wonder. Following your nose blindly like a bloodhound.
The track that supposedly should take you to the beautiful Buddhist Temple that your mother had read about, slowly turned into an over grown forest path. That left you spiraling in confusion. Where did you take a wrong turn?
This could turn into a bad horror movie with the right motion. And you definitely wouldn't have any of that. So it was a rather visceral reaction when you saw a white-haired figure across the clearing, sitting on a fallen trunk of a tree.
A shriek flung itself out of your throat.
The ghost in front of you- no. The boy in front of you. Pinned you under a fierce glare. With such an intensity that you almost felt like he could see right through you. You didn't dare move a muscle as the surroundings suddenly felt like a batch of bricks weighing you down.
He had piercing eyes, you noticed. Which color mirrored the sky in a brilliant azure blue. Framed by long white lashes. His presence felt as heavy as if you were in the company of a star. It was as if someone had pulled one from the sky to form it into the shape of a human. The air around him felt larger than life. You would have let out an audible "wow" if it wasn't for the fact that his energy was giving you a massive pain on the sides of your head. Overwhelming in a hazy kind of way.
He was rather pale, and if you hadn't looked twice you might have mistaken him for a porcelain doll. Your trance was cut short as you caught yourself looking at him for too long. But you didn't feel like backing down either. You were great at staring competitions after all.
A look of indifference crossed over his face before he turned his head as if you didn't exist in the first place. The color around him matched in a dull gray. And it left your competitive side deflated. With a slump to your shoulders, you admitted your own Defeat.
However, that didn't stop you from approaching him as you spun your heel in his direction. Curiosity still boiled in your gut after all, and you were far too close now to not give in to its call. He mumbled something under his breath that sounded awfully a lot like the funny words that your mom let out when she stubbed her toe. Or when she looked at the mail that arrived in the mailbox. Maybe such phrases were universal in meaning?
He had his back turned on you, and yet it felt like his gaze was still on you. It should have been unnerving, with the way it made the hairs on the back of your neck stand. However, nothing threatening came to mind through the colors around him. So you didn't feel the need to retreat just yet. He hadn't thrown a stone at you yet, so it had to be a good sign. He hadn't even yelled at you yet too! That was a new record for sure.
On closer inspection, when most of the distance between the two of you had been crossed. The air around him flared up like a flame, in the muted gray you spotted something strange.
Six blue dots...you had never seen something like that before. They reminded you of the eyes of a spider. And with your broken Japanese, you made your attempt to communicate with him. What word meant spider again?
"What are you? Bug with eye?" you tilted your head, making your point fingers resemble fangs as you held them on each side of your mouth.
For the first time, you saw his expression twist today. Had your words moved him so much, that he had actually turned to look at you? With a scrunched-up nose, he repeated your words in scrutiny as if he couldn't believe what you had just said to him.
"Not like you can talk, you look like you just came out of a car crash. Now quit burning a hole into my back. Scram"
His reply seemed to have a bite to it, but it didn't bother you too much. Maybe he just didn't like spiders that much. Without any hurry or worry, you decided to sit down next to him. At a safe distance that is. Since his hand seemed to twitch, at the action.
"Weaklings like you shouldn't sit next to me." the boy scoffed and by his tone alone you knew that you already hated his attitude. Even though you didn't understand anything he had just said.
With some hesitance, you patched together words. Letting them out slowly as you keep your eyes on him.
The hand on his expensive yukata made the fabric crease "Are you seriously asking that-Wait, can you even speak Japanese in the first place?"
You hoped with all your might that the expression that you had right now couldn't be translated over. Because you actually heard a sentence from him that you could understand. Even if you didn't want to.
An inkling of amusement flashed in his features, and you suddenly felt like you just had made a mistake by giving him leverage.
"Even if you don't speak my language. I can still understand that face anywhere"
The tips of your lips quirked down as you thought hard about his words, half of your brain power went over to translating and the other to question his meaning.
"Because you act like an open book. Idiot."
"Idiot" orbited through your head several times before you threw up your hands in the air. That word would describe him much better than you. You let out a huff before you crossed your arms. Feeling the keychains in your sleeves move with the motion. In the corner of your eye, you caught his stare shift to your arms.
"If dumb, why you too here" Even if the words didn't make sense, at least you could still sound offended.
He clicked his tongue as he set his gaze straight to the sky.
"I'll ignore your loose trap. But I guess it's still better than hanging out with these old geezers. They celebrate my birthday more than I do..."
The scathing tone lingers at the edges of his mouth as you notice the fuzzy gray around him tint into a faint red and blue.
For a moment your eyebrows furrowed as you dropped the hold on your arms.
"Geezers? As in old man?" You questioned, visualizing it as you brought a hand up to your back. Hunching over in an old man-like posture. So he could confirm it for you.
"Now you only need a hideous frown and you got it down yes" There was a slight shift to his voice, almost as if he was holding back a laugh.
You were glad that he found fun in your impression, it seemed like his shoulders had so much to bear from how heavy his emotions weighed against the edges of your mind. He should be able to laugh with no worries. And celebrate his birthday just like everyone else.
A sudden light bulb went off in your head as you brought out one of your keychains from your sleeve, holding it up to his face. As you averted your eyes from his. It was something that made you happy, so maybe it could make him happy too.
"Digimon?" he exclaimed in surprise, his eyes widening with a child-like glee. And you thought to yourself that it suited him much better than the blank, lifeless expression from before.
You pushed the soft keychain into his hands, muttering out a bunch of nonsense that you didn't even know if it made any sense at all.
"Gabumon, is spiky like you. But also soft. You will find people who appreciate you for you"
But you hoped that he could at least understand these words you were about to say.
"Happy Birthday"
Slowly but surely, the corners of his lips tugged up into a smile.
It revealed faint fanged teeth. A set of dimples appeared on his otherworldly face. It matched the spark in his eyes almost too well. And that's where you started running off at the sound of fireworks in the distance.
Was he laughing at your cowardly retreat? Or at the ridiculousness of your actions? You didn't know. Nonetheless, you pushed through the foliage of the trees. Feeling your face burn with shame.
You heard your heartbeat rush through the ringing in your ears.
In the end, maybe your mother was right all along.
A smile like that was dangerous.
A/N: (I had so much fun when I found out that Gojo likes Digimon, it woke up memories). If you liked this short story bit then pls let me know. Might be more than a one-shot then(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) Have a lovely rest of your day thank you for reading!
My Ko-fi if you want to buy tea for this bizarre author💜Your support means a lot ✨
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konpithepuppy · 4 years
Scans not mine
Neither an English nor a Japanese native speaker
Feel free to correct me, thanks
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For the purpose of checking out the acting ability of the 6 members, different patterns of "smile" were shown. At the end of a heated discussion in the round table discussion, a member who is good at telling lies was revealed!? (The interview was taken in the middle of February.)
Reia-kun is a professional in acting to deceive people
Yabana: This time's theme is "acting ability".
Sasaki: (in loud voice) WHAT!
Nakamura: No, he didn't mean "act here now" LOL. You run into the conversation too fast. Recently, for a project for YouTube, we did a prank on Bana-san (Yabana), right?
Motodaka: We did a cosplay where we shouldn't be recognized. During that time, I desperately covered everyone with my body so that everyone's disguise will not be caught by Bana-san's sight LOL. It was an acting where I used my whole body.
Konno: And us, who are being covered, were disguising ourselves with all our might. It was fun!
Sugeta: Rinne even changed his pants on the spot LOL.
Nakamura: Yabana, how suspicious were you at that time?
Yabana: I think [I got suspicious] when I saw Taiko's face laughing happily LOL. It's obviously that that is his face when he trick people. With that, Taiko's acting level is quite low.
Sasaki: That's what I also think LOL.
Nakamura: Speaking of YouTube, we always have a birthday surprise plans for the members, but for some reason, we didn't pull anything for Katsuki's and Konpi's (Konno) birthdays.
Konno: Yeah. Honestly, I thought, "Have they forgotten about my birthday?" and I got sad LOL.
Motodaka: I am not saying to prepare us 2 different surprises, but why did you not prepare anything?
Yabana: No, you don't know? Perhaps the reason why we are talking about this now might probably because we've got something for you too, you know?
Sugeta: Yeah, this might be a foreshadowing, you know?
Motodaka: There's definitely none LOL. Our birthdays passed a long time ago already. If you insist, Reia's birthday is coming soon, right? LOL
Yabana: When you make it look like there's a surprise but there's none at all is the saddest pattern of prank LOL.
Sasaki: Who might be in the 1st place in acting in private among us?
Yabana: It is probably Reia-kun. He often deceives people, he is an expert in acting!
Nakamura: I myself think so too LOL.
Sasaki: Didn't you fool HiHi Jets and Bi Shounen all along?
Nakamura: I did, but I can't remember what it is about. They are pure so they believed for around 2 years in the proper lie I said to them LOL.
Motodaka: Reia is good with acting in times like that. Me too in the past, he told me, "the staff are very mad" with a facial expression that looked real and I completely believed him.
Nakamura: Fufufu...if you look closely, I am doing the face saying, "I am lying." On the contrary, Taiko is usually bad when telling lies. His feelings are shown on his face immediately. It is easy to understand his face like "Is that an emoji!?"
Yabana: A speech bubble saying, "I am telling a lie now" is faintly coming out from him LOL. That's why when he talked at the beginning of my prank video, I noticed about it immediately.
Motodaka: Rinne is also easy to know if he is telling a lie, right?
Konno: His feelings totally show in his behavior.
Nakamura: Yeah, yeah. He is bad at acting lively especially when he is feeling down LOL. He obviously couldn't talk.
Yabana: It is like he is saying, "I am having a problem."
Sugeta: ...I agree with you LOL.
Sasaki: Konpi is also easy to understand, right? When he fools others, he will certainly look at my eyes and will grin.
Konno: I want to make the 2 of us the suspects LOL.
Nakamura: When Katsuki tricks people, his ears immediately turns very red LOL.
Yabana: His ears are a lie detector, right? It turns very red like it is going to explode.
Nakamura: If there is someone he likes, he will be exposed immediately. She will be like, "This person probably likes me. Since his ears are super red." LOL
Motodaka: What~ I don't like that. Somehow or other, I think it is something you can't falsify LOL.
Sasaki: On the contrary, Yabana is good with lies . He said he was interviewed in the street by chance for 「Getsuyou kara Yofukashi」recently, but that one is also an acting, right?
Nakamura: The truth is that he can't play intruments too, right?
Yabana: Hey, stop it! To the readers, what they just said are both lies, okay?! LOL Or rather, I have not deceived people or lied to anyone!
Everyone except Yabana: That's a lie~!
Nakamura: 7 MEN ��'s best actor is not me but Yabana-kun~.
Yabana: Stop~that~! LOL
Influenced by the acting coaching of Koichi-kun for the DREAM BOYS
Nakamura: I really like the performance of Taiko when he is on stage.
Yabana: I know. Well, he is in character, but suddenly his aura of being a stupid brat was gone and becomes a human being LOL.
Motodaka: Yeah, right. When he was on stage, he became able to speak good Japanese.
Sasaki: ...I hate you all! LOL
Yabana: I also like Rinne-kun's acting in「DREAM BOYS」. There's a scene that (Domoto) Koichi-kun enthusiastically coaches, and as the result of Rinne steadily absorbing the advices, Rinne is turning into Koichi-kun day by day LOL.
Sugeta: I think since he presented a really good example, so I was influenced naturally. I was thankful. Rinne likes Katsuki's acting in 「Nounai Poison Berry」.
Konno: Ah yes, that was a good one.
Everyone except Konno: You haven't seen that, right? LOL
Sugeta: Konpi has not seen any of the members' stage plays until now, right?
Konno: That's just a coincidence LOL. Because during the showing of 「Oretachi Oenya!!~」where Taiko and Rinne appeared, wasn't it exactly during our preparation for 「~The Happy Prince」?
Nakamura: If you say so LOL. Katsuki's acting and Konpi's acting in 「The Happy Prince」were also good.
Yabana: Yeah, right. Serious acting suited them. Also, Konpi's appearance when he sat on the chair and turned round and round LOL.
Konno: Thank you! I had put all of my acting into that scene LOL.
Sugeta: Bana-san tried different acting patterns in daily special corner of「DREAM BOYS」. I think that was really good!
Yabana: I change my hairstyle depending on the day. And then, I match my acting with my hairstyle like, "Today I will go for a mood that looks slightly weak," or "Today, I am in all back hairstyle so I will go for a character that seems strong," and I am changing my acting a little by little. I also changed my costume a little by little, for some reason, all the cast laughed at me on the day where I appeared in tank top...LOL.
Sugeta: Coz you are skin and bones LOL.
Konno: Yeah, right. You are so thin that you look pitiful LOL.
Sasaki: Reia. For me, Reia's acting on stage is also good of course, but I think his acting on television is overwhelmingly good. You do understand me, right?
Konno: Yup. That's exactly about the drama「Gekikaradou」(TV Tokyo) he is appearing in currently, right?
Motodaka: In a sense that he can do whatever he wants is very Reia. I think it is a great thing that he was able to properly reflect himself to his character.
Yabana: The "yey🎶" in that drama is also like Reia's humor, right?
Sasaki: Well, but the usual Reia that we see is close to his character in Dream Boys.
Yabana: We think, "When will we be get beaten?" so we are constantly scared of him.
Nakamura: You are kidding LOL.
Sasaki: Let me ask just in case, since you are moving towards dramas, it doesn't mean that you are throwing away stage plays, right? Please make this clear.
Nakamura: Of course! LOL. Don't say weird things, I want to challenge acting in stage plays from now on too!
Motodaka: Which reminds me, the stage play where Rinne is starring (「Hidamari no Ki」) is starting soon, right? It starts in March, right?
Sugeta: Yup, you're right. By the time this magazine issue comes out, the Tokyo performance have started already.
Nakamura: Doesn't that look super interesting? I also wanna watch it soon.
Motodaka: More than anything else, I am sincerely hoping that the play will start safely. This is what everyone who got an experience with stage play thinks.
Konno: Rinne is lucky so he will definitely be okay! I believe in that!
Sugeta: Even though you said that, you surely won't come and watch, right? LOL
Konno: No, I will go. I will watch you!
Sasaki: This one is an acting, absolutely LOL.
Konno: I am coming~ LOL.
Sugeta Rinne:
I see off my younger sister, who is taking the national examination, at 6 this morning.I want her to do her best that she can use all the effort she exerted up to this day. Not only my sister, but Rinne and my younger brother also got a charm from our papa. Rinne's charm is a prayer for the success of the stage play.
Konno Taiki:
The selfie project in ISLAND TV is difficult. Every time the day I'm in charged gets closer, I become desperate. I already ran out of idea during the 2nd time we did it LOL. I want to take applications of the poses that the fans want us to do!
Yabana Rei:
When I met Tatsumi (Yudai)-kun by chance last January, he gave me a New Year's money. I was moved at how kind senpai he is. Someday, I also want to give New Year's money to my juniors and be respected LOL.
Sasaki Taiko:
I finally purchased a drum set. Since I do not know which one to buy, so the drummer who I am acquainted with and I admire came with me to the store. I am really thankful that he recommended me the items that match with my style of beating the drums!
Nakamura Reia:
I watched at home the movie「The Letters」where Yamada Takayuki-san is starring. I am glad that the story is very deep, and more than anything else, Yamada-san being immersed in his acting is so great that I was drawn into [the movie] the whole time!
Motodaka Katsuki:
I went fishing for the first time with my brother who is 4 years younger than me. My brother caught a large number of fishes that I can't imagine that it was his first time. The total amount of catch we had that day was 77 horse mackerels! It was so delicious when I made it into namerou (finely chopped fish with miso paste) that it disappeared in no time.
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