#Sexmas tidings
atangledesire · 1 year
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" Merry Sexmas! to all, and to all some wonderful Booba "
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mantra4ia · 6 years
It's my many-th time rewatching Deadpool
And I just now caught (warning - Rated R):
"Figue's famous" Pizza, slow clap for Kevin Figue
"Tim the magnificent" in the skeet ball arcade, kudos Tim Miller, I think that was a nifty homage
Wade's stolen sunglasses from the original pizza shakedown
The Valentine's poster in Wade's apartment, presumably from Vanessa, that says "Wade I have a hard on (pun off 💓 on) for you" with a katana wielding, knee high boot wearing pinup Barbie. And Wade's presumably response Valentine's heart that says, as best I can reaf "Thank you for touching my penis (as opposed to 💓). Love Wade"
Their Christmas wreath decoration says "Merry Sexmas with a woman with her legs in the air" and Santas that may or may not have penis noses. The set dresser did a phenomenal job making Wade's apartment look like an R-rated i-Spy picture book of mostly cocks
They abstained from sex for Lent. I frickin' love it.
God, how many guns are wall decorations in that flat?
The fact that Wade goes through 3 tide pens trying to scrub blood out of the white costume before Blind Al even says anything. I would pay good money for an extended laundry mat scene.
The two ladies boxing in the shady Russian fight ring have mutant suppression collars? Ajax most be desperate for business selling mutant slaves, or it was a vague reference to how we meet wolverine in a cage fight. IDK.
OMG, Francis' crown on the merc crime board is made of penis crowns.
That dummie in his apartment looks a lot like flat top Collosus. Intentionally?
Vanessa's profile pic on Wade's phone, in langerie reading "The Canadian Mounted" porn novel in reference to Planes, Trains, and Automobiles.
I love how it's Blind Al's gun that takes out Francis
I just realized the Wade stapled, not taped, Hugh Jackman to his face. And Vanessa takes the staple out of his chin
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