#Shai Burhan
many-voices · 7 years
1. don’t leave (Hannah)
“…without trying one of these sticky buns.  You’ll regret it.”  Hannah’s face felt over-stretched from too much smiling, but the coffee-shop still needed to find its footing, so that was that.  Smiles and standing and baking and brewing, from well before sun-up to well after sun-down.  
A sudden nostalgic longing swooped in, memories of that old coffee cart back when Burhan ruled the roost.  Good times.  Decent man in the end, though she hadn’t had time to shed all her prickles around him.  Still, she’d thought of him when she named the new place.  No more Storm Brewing, pity as that was. Instead she called it Storm’s End.
(edit: see comments for actual info on Storm Brewing!)
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fts12 · 4 years
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{ GIGI HADID . CIS FEMALE .  24 . SHE/HER }  did you see that { VERA BURHAN } just pulled up in hidden hills with { JAXSON KING } sitting next to them in the passengers seat - isn’t that cute ! you know, for a { ACTRESS/MODEL }, i’ve heard they’re really { CHOLERIC }, but that they make up for it by being so { GREGARIOUS }. i see them all the time on snapchat && yesterday in US WEEKLY i read that they { HAVE } a baby - can you believe that ?! ** also has a 5 year old daughter named malia with zayn malik, shay mitchell, any fc.
vera burhan has never had the perfect childhood, let alone a tight family. she had been  in and out of foster care since she was 10, her sister also. they ended up getting split up around age 13, so they didn’t have much of a relationship until they both ended up getting emanicpated.  there was a lot of couch surfing for the two of them for awhile but eventually they found stardom.
she ended up finding the right connections and found her way into modeling. it was her only source of work for two years before she began her road to being an actress. she started out with background roles on a few shows and movies, then started roles where she played second fiddle to the star, and then finally landed her breakout role as Zarah Esterman on The Big Bang Theory. current shows are Aisha Coers on Manifest, one of the flight 828 passengers, and grey’s anatomy as Amira Bouman, intern. (all roles of hers are pretend.)
when she was going through the couch surfing/struggle bus period of her life, vera found comfort in surfing. whenever she has free time/off time from filming, she’s spending time with her kids, surfing, or probably at some local bar scarffing down hot wings.
she has a 5 year old daughter named malia, which made things especially challenging when she was younger but it prepared her for Tennessee, big time. she shares malia with the first love of her life but they eventually broke up because they cheated on her with her best friend.
she has a 9 month old daughter named tenessee with jaxson king. they had a fling together for a little while, which vera ended up catching strong feelings for him. he ended knowing about her feelings but still kept going on with their fling, like kind of dismissing her feelings or acting like it was no big deal. she was thinking he was messing with her head because of that and now she’s been working on getting rid of her feelings for him/pretending they don’t exists while also kind of hating him too ?? drama and angst my friends.
she’s very honest and isn’t the kind of friend that’s going to tell someone what they want to hear. she doesn’t like to sugarcoat anything but also hates sharing her feelings. like she hates talking about foster care when people ask or the time of her life when things were rough, but sometimes she just ends up letting everything out.
she’s struggling with if she should look for her biological parents. she’s not 100% sure yet if it’s a good idea/if she even wants to at this point. It causes some arguments with her and her sister because her sister thinks they abandoned them/obviously didn’t care about them.
modeling isn’t a big thing for her anymore but she still does it.
does smoke weed sometimes/drinks.
looking for a best friend, fwb, enemies, her first love and parent to malia, weed smoking pal, bad influence friend, does couple like things and everyone thinks they’re dating but are just friends, a cat and mouse type plot, someone she gives surfing lessons too/spends large amouns of time with, hookups, exes, close friends, squad (0/2), mom friends, literally anything and everything you need/want too!
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hamishabbot · 9 years
Dear Captain Burhan,
I am called away for perhaps two weeks on a Priory-related matter.  Should our upcoming expedition require any decision-making during that time, my associates can surely make any choices required.  I will return from the frozen North with a diminished tan and tales of kodan and caves, I am sure.
With warm regards, H. Abbot
Dear Lady Versai,
I greatly enjoyed our afternoon of conversation, and as a token of my desire to enjoy such conversation again, please find enclosed a book that a colleague meant for her personal scrap-heap (without any merit save a philosophical difference with one of the editors).  Amelia Voubray was an Ascalonian scholar and traveler of some repute in the early 900s, and I thought her journeys - perilous, but fruitful - might resonate with your own adventurous spirit.
The volume itself is not valuable, merely an translation and edition of her journals.  I hope you enjoy it, with my compliments.
Best regards, H. Abbot
Dearest Magda,
I travel through your lovely waystation in perhaps three days’ time on my way north with a Priory expedition.  Perhaps you have lodgings available for five?  It has, of course, been far too long since we last enjoyed time together.  When I arrive at Hoelbrak, I expect the unbroken expanses of perfect snow to remind me of your glorious hair.  You would do me great honor by allowing me to admire it once again.
Warmly, Hamish
( bynofixedstar, aiaversai )
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thesilentdeep · 9 years
12. Who would they turn to if they were in serious trouble?
“Serious trouble?” Bianca asked while throwing a stick for Cinnamon to watch and ignore.  “What sort’s serious?”  It’s playful, though she waves that off and adds, “There’s a couple of people I suppose I could go to in a pinch.  Nys. Abbot, ha.  Burhan, even.  Maybe.  But mostly it’s me and the underwater world and Her.”
At the questioner’s blank look, she says, “…Melandru.  The living world.  The goddess of the living world.”  She tilts her head as more questions are spoken. “Temple.  No.  We never went to temples, even when I was a girl.  There’s no need, for Her.  Temple’s everywhere.”  
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bitterandstrong · 9 years
Dear Capt. Burhan,
So here’s the state of things after I sat down with Lady Versai in the Reach. Note that I need to run all this by Declan too, but you’re the boss, so you first.
I’m not opening something there.  She understood it after some hard words on both sides, and if she complains about a few things I said, well, she’s got right to. Won’t be a coward and say she doesn’t.  But the cafe’s for here, it’s for the Arch, for our people, and nothing changes that.
But...you hired me as much to sell Storm Brewing Coffee as you did to make the cafe.  And it’s not right for my pissy feelings about the Reach to get in the way of that.  So I proposed to her (and now you) that we do a couple of tastings in the Reach.  Just tastings.  Just coffee -- they’ve got their own pastry-makers, and good ones, I hear.  But to get folks over there looking to order Storm Brewing.  She said Windrider could sponsor, but that’s talk for you two, sounds like.
In the meantime, I’ve got some options put together for properties to lease in the Arch, now that the new districts are opened up.  You and me and Declan need to do some wandering from each to each. 
And that’s how things stand.  So you know.
H. Burke
( tmorrowstide, bynofixedstar, aiaversai )
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aiaversai · 9 years
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Hannah Burke c/o Storm Brewing Company c/o Kestrel Shipping c/o Captain Shai Burhan
Miss Burke,
I do hope this letter finds you well. I apologize for the roundabout way of reaching you -- I was unable to get a direct address, so I am afraid I had to go through intermediaries. But I rest assured that they were able to get the letter to you without significant delay.
You may find it strange that I am writing you, and I would not fault you for it. Therefore, I shall get straight to the point: I have been consumed with thoughts about your lovely coffee stand, as well as the conversation we had where you seemed completely uninterested in expanding your services to our fine city of Divinity’s Reach, despite your company having an office here. 
Well, the fact is, I have simply been unable to let go of the idea! I think you really should reconsider, and plead that you come visit me here, in Divinity’s Reach, at my offices in the Salma District. Then, I would be more able to explain to you, in greater detail, why I think this is a wonderful idea, and hope we can come to some sort of agreement.
At the very least, do visit -- it pains me to know you think so little of our city without even setting foot in it. I should at least like to try and change that, if you would allow it.
Warmest Regards,
Lady Aia Versai of Windrider Mercantile Company
NB - Oh, and do bring your partner Declan if you, or he, wish. It’s only because we personally had this discussion that the letter goes only to you; it is not my intention to circumvent.
[With this letter comes attached another, addressed to Captain Shai Burhan of Kestrel Shipping, Lion’s Arch. It is not on letterhead, and is considerably less formal]
Captain Burhan,
I regret having to send business through another one of my clients, but since we yet are lacking our middleman, I suppose we must endeavor on.
Please, if you can, at your earliest convenience, send on the attached letter to that Hannah Burke woman, the one who runs the coffee stand. I was unable to find an address for her -- does she not have a home?
All my gratitude,
NB - I am uncertain whether it was a worry of yours or not, but I have heard from Mister Etan, though only that; he still has not made his presence known. But, at the very least, he still lives, so hopefully soon I shall not need to bother you so needlessly, so often, on such matters.
(( bitterandstrong )) (( bynofixedstar )) (( tmorrowstide ))
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cvik · 9 years
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The following letter arrived at the Krytan Chronicle for @niyah-imara, the offices of Kestrel Shipping for @bynofixedstar and the home of @milanigw2
Ahai (Ms. Niyah Imara,) (Captain Burhan) (Ms. Milani of the Medjai),
The Consulate of Vabbian, Istani and Kournan Affairs (CVIK) cordially invites you to an evening of discussion at the Crow’s Nest Tavern in Lion’s Arch on the sixty-fourth day of Colossus.
The evening is an opportunity to network with fellow Elonians from across Tyria and discuss the culture and history of the Land of the Golden Sun.
We look forward to your company!
Sincerely, Lady Nela Aurum Junior Administrative Assistant
Consulate of Vabbian, Istani and Kournan Affairs Ossan Quarter, Divinity's Reach Kryta
OOC: December 3 @ 10pm EST/7pm PST in Crow’s Nest Tavern, Lion’s Arch.
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hamishabbot · 9 years
Dear Desmond
I am returned, old friend.  Though that’s an intriguing statement:  after all, is a person ever truly returned when nowhere is considered home?  Do not mistake me, the Priory is a home.  Ascalon Settlement and my family, of course, another home.  But perhaps there is no real home for me besides the road itself, and therefore “returning” is irrelevant.
Six Gods, I have the ability to dribble a thousand words when a few might do. Let me attempt the correspondence of a man of brevity:  I’m in Lion’s Arch again.  I have acquainted myself with an artist, a diver, and a captain, and uncovered a mystery that sets the hair on my arms to tingling.
I will not write of it here, but rest assured that when we see each other in the season of Scion, I will tell all.  But coincidence (providence?) has set a potential great work into my grasp, and I refuse to ignore it.  
At least I can describe my companions.  Miss Jul is an artist and restorer of some merit, a lovely woman with a scar that seems to discomfit her, a broad Lion’s Arch accent, and a hillside compound that seems almost piratical in its isolation.  She’s a deft restorer and an artist with a true eye, and I in no way regret seeking her out.  You will smirk at me when I say also that she smells particularly fine. 
Miss Soltero is a hoary sort of mystery, deliberately low in her manners, but possessing a rough sort of sensuality that I can note without at all desiring.  She seems more a creature of water and sand than the walking world.  I have no doubt that she dives and surveys well underwater, but I certainly doubt she and I will have much to say to each other on journeys to come.
Your lady wife is no doubt shaking her head at how I describe my physical impressions of my female colleagues, as if those attributes are somehow relevant to me.  In fairness, I will note that Capt. Burhan, a member of the Lower Council here in Lion’s Arch, has a pleasant affect and many fine tattoos that his wife no doubt admires.  There, now I have been fair.
Some days, Desmond, I wonder what would have happened had I followed your path.  Stayed at the Priory, accepted more committee postings and laboratory assignments and novices.  Found a wife as understanding as your Geneve, had children as talented and devoted as your three.  Perhaps I would be a more content man?  But I cannot conjure that image even in my mind’s eye:  me with a babe on my knee, and a lady bringing me coffee to help me with long studies.  I made my choice, and if loneliness is its occasional companion? Well, a wise man learns from all things, not that I am wise.
Listen to me ramble!  This is how I go on when I cannot tell you my journey’s true purpose.  There is so much I will have to tell you, and hopefully show you. Be patient, old friend.  This next journey may be my greatest.  Or my quickest. Only time and fate and competence will tell.
With fond regards, Hamish
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najat-aitani · 10 years
✿ Shai
A thought about them that they’d never share: 
For once in my life, I think I’m the one who cared more. And look where that got me, hm? There’s a reason I generally don’t bother; fool you once, fool you twice, and all that rubbish. Should have known better.
First impression of them: 
That’s my mark, then? I’d suppose I should be angry at being so obviously set up as if I’m some sort of prostitute, but I’m having trouble caring. I mean, he’s almost got as many tattoos as I have; clearly the mark of someone with good taste.
Favorite thing about them: 
He was like a blanket in human form; warm, and easy to have around your shoulders. Expected so little. And then there is his kindness, so wholly undeserved being directed at someone like me. More deserved when he directed it towards my family or my sister, though. Very darling; he always came bearing all manner of nice gifts when he came back from sea, cute little trinkets to add to the clutter in my flat he so hated. And always very eager then too, hm? After those weeks spent without someone to warm his bed. Not fun for him, surely, but worked out well for me.
Least favorite thing about them: 
Not thinking I was worth the bother anymore.
Hopes for their future relationship:
I’m not certain our sort of friendship really translates into anything anymore, the way his life is now. I suppose it would be nice if it did, and I would not object to such a thing — but I’m not really the sort of woman people like hanging around their husbands — probably for good reason — so I imagine it would only be trouble.
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thrievadas · 10 years
A letter arrives for one Captain Shai Burhan. It is written in a careful but unpracticed hand, in a clearly uncomfortable, for the writer, and overly — almost comically — formal and complicated style, on exceedingly nice paper.
To the Esteemed Mister Captain Shai Burhan of the Kestrel, Lion’s Arch,
Your Letter to our Lady Baroness Aia Versai of Versai Fine Acquisitions and Windrider Mercantile Trading has been received. Our Lady is Pleased that her Packages have been delivered in Haste and with Care, and wishes to extend her Thanks. She is, however, much alarmed about the Trouble you mentioned, and would wish to speak with you Right Away at her office in Divinity’s Reach, Kryta. Please come Any Day within Normal Business Hours and our Lady Baroness will most surely be amenable to your presence.
Thank You Kindly And Best Wishes And Good Sailing,
One Secretary of Many of Windrider Mercantile Company Athria Vadas, on Behalf of our Lady Baroness Aia Versai.
(( bynofixedstar ))
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bitterandstrong · 9 years
Opening Day
(( Lion’s Arch event tonight!  And if you ask for a venti or something with foam, into the water you go. ;) ))
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Scrubbing wasn’t something Hannah could do in part.  She started two days before, right after accepting delivery of the old tinker’s cart.  Burhan’s coin was as good as he’d said it would be, and she still had all those offers from carpenters for when it was time for the real cafe.  In the meantime, she scraped and scrubbed and shone brass fittings and picked at the grime at the edges of old hooks with a pick.  When done, the cart looked as new as something could look in the city without actually being so.
The flour from Maguuma wasn’t quite as fine as the local stock, but a baker did what she could.  Declan was a sodding prince just like always, going on market run after market run as more people dropped by to say they’d be heading up to the windmill for a cup and a bite.  Balthazar’s nose, she was nearly respectable. Working for a Lower Council member.  Jack would have laughed his ass clear off.
Everything in the cart had its place, like a ship’s galley on wheels.  The cheesecloth for filtering, little pots, trays, bare stoneware mugs, a stack of cloth toweling for when someone knocked something over.  The bags of coffee smelled so good it was all she could do to not dive into the dark brown beans like a pool.  
The pastries were ready:  heady, warm cinnamon cake, scones bursting with blueberries, cream tarts topped with wine-soaked apricots like tiny sunrises. Nothing like a fancy bakery would do, but local, for working locals, and pride suddenly thudded hard in her heart like a mallet.  The city hadn’t ever really gone away, not for good.  And now it was Phoenix, of course it was, and everything was rising again.
(( bynofixedstar, tmorrowstide ))
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delphinesaville · 10 years
✿ Shai
A thought about them that they’d never share: I am absolutely ashamed that you know what you know. I shouldn’t care, but I can’t help but feel that you must be judging me.
First impression of them: What an odd crew he keeps. How does this ship leave the port when it is manned by cats and former laundresses? That it does at all speaks of his ability, I suppose.
Favorite thing about them: It’s clear that he has a head for business, but I also think he has a head for people. Even I, on visiting, thought how nice it must be to work for him.
Hopes for their future relationship: I can only hope that offering him work through Priory connections will keep him far too busy to come into contact with me. Yet, still... Captain, take care of the wind. I don’t understand how it is that you come into possession of the things I seek to protect, but you seem to do a better job than I ever could.
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liamgw2 · 10 years
✿ Shai
A thought about them that they’d never share: "I was going to fucking blackmail him...."First impression of them: "Quiet.  Too nice.  Not normal for a pirate to be that nice."Favorite thing about them: "Those babies.  The way he takes care of them.  He's so fucking dedicated to those kids, and I can't help but love him for it.  I'd have given anything to have somebody like that growing up.  I hope he realizes what a good thing he's doing."Least favorite thing about them: "He's a fucking pushover.  He lets everybody run right over him.  Stickin' his hands in his pockets with his shoulders all hunched over.  You're a father, Shai.  You're a businessman, a councillor.  You're a fucking pirate.  You're one of the best sailors I've ever known.  Have some pride.  Stand up for yourself."Hopes for their future relationship: "I need to apologize.  I might.  Part of me hopes he doesn't forgive me, or at least not easy.  I want to be his friend.  I want to be worthy of being his friend.  He asked me to be the best man at his wedding.  I hope a day doesn't come when he regrets it."
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meruladelbosque · 10 years
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The Burhan
Retail Price: 1 gold 50 silver
Current Quantity: 5
Design done by Liam Gale ( captaindashing ), for bynofixedstar.
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watchtheledges-blog · 10 years
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Captain Burhan,
When it comes to business matters for Wheaton Shipping & Transport, myself or my father, Llewellyn Wheaton, are both equally accessible.  Please consider this an open invitation to our family's offices; I'll be in for afternoon and evening business hours for the next week, although if daytime hours are more to your convenience, my father will be grateful to assist you.
I'm eager to hear more of the work the CCLB has planned for the coming year, and for WS&T to provide what assistance we may to assure the continuing restorations and future good fortunes of our beloved Lion's Arch.
Regards, Lia Wheaton.
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