#Shamura and Kallamar’s first meeting was . not great
justarandomlambblog · 5 months
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Most of this is messy and rushed but I had fun with that single panel with a detailed pumpkin
(Part One Here)
Anyway what a sheltered world where some person starts following you around town so you just lead them home and invite them to dinner (and make them carry the heavy item your sister added to the list when your back was turned) I'm sure this kindness and trust Narinder has in the world around him won't come back to bite his entire family in the ass
Lamb: I think the Bishops might be back The Bishops: Lamb: shocked pikachu face Crown: Why are we gasping? We already knew this.
Leshy without his bandages is cursed yet also adorable. Look at that bush worm. He has eyes! He's still blind but he has eyeballs!
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spiderin-space · 4 months
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Lots of scene redraw sketches 👀
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of-mutton-and-wool · 4 months
Fellow Kallamar enjoyer I love that squid so much so you have hcs about him 👁️👁️
First of all AHEM
- before becoming the god of pestilence, kallamar lived a fairly unremarkable life, eventually becoming a field medic in the middle of a war between gods
- he doesn’t remember his family well (it’s been thousands of years) He remembers having a sister, with his mother and father both being priests to the great Fowler and (insert former blue crown bearer)
- unfortunately then the war catches up to them. The temple in which these gods and his family resides are massacred. Kallamar survived because he hid.
- seeing the blue crown unguarded, kallamar decides to take the opportunity. In the moment he seeks it required for survival, but in the present, he realizes how that the lust for power is just too great to ignore.
- he meets shamura about a few weeks later! It started out as like a resource alliance (shamura needed crystals and kallamar needed, everything not underwater really)
- but then it kinda evolved into a sibling like bond due to some shit that happened to both of them
- his cowardice isn’t without reason. Being cocky gets you killed in the deep
- he used to be WAY more sassy and talkative before narinder’s banishment.
- oh and the scar on his face was shamura doing (it was accidental)
- the viel narinder wears is made by him!
- kallamar is a poly king and we love him for that (kinda cannon? Not sure how cannon the Valentine’s Day things are. But it’s cannon in my heart)
- oh and I hc as bi well.
- for some reason I’d imagine his followers call him the lord or just lord kallmar
- he runs his cult via fear mongering!
- AND! He recruits followers by sending out doctors into nearby oceans to urge people to come towards old faith settlements for treatment
- if I had to be fr kallamar would be the worst person to be tortured by because man’s a doctor, he knows how the body works, and he knows how to keep you ALIVE during it as well.
- as a follower, kallamar is hard of hearing (it isn’t total silence, but everything sounds like it’s underwater and thus, impossible to understand. Basically he’s aware of sound but can’t understand anything if that makes sense?)
- he also ends essentially living in the med tent because 1) he’s the token doctor 2) he’s very sickly
- he expresses affection by gift giving!
- kallamar is VERY passionate about weapons and decor. Hes VERY particular about where things go and that’s why he’s banned from decorating the cult because he’ll be there for hours. He can also tell you a lot about weapons and what kind of damage they do!
- Before coming into contact with the crown, kallamar could breathe water only. Durring and after his time with the crown, he can breathe both water and air (what crown juice does to you. Being a bishop leaves a lot of effects)
- Kallamar’s people are blessed to have a similar situation. It’s sorta a national holiday that takes place on the first day of summer in the bishops land. It’s basically where anyone that’s willing can get mass blessed and go live in the ‘holy lands’ of anchordeep
(You don’t have to. Kallamar has many beach front settlements and temples. Though your neighbors would be the folks in silk’s cradle).
- he’s a jewelry kinda guy. LOVES earrings
Anyways that’s enough rambling from me
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totally-lyrical · 5 months
What is different in Crown of conquest compared to the regular COTL universe? (Does Kallamar play any role in that AU?)
btw go here for stuff on lamb gift culture in my au it was inspired heavily by op's wedding bells au which yall should totally take a look
ok so first i added a sixth grown, being the crown of amnesia. it's not actually in the land of the old faith, Woolbur's gonna have to go find it elsewhere but its an orange eye :3 (im also gonna write its own fic about it, bc i thought of it awhile ago) but i added another crown so i could justify the last crown having a seven pointed star lol
second, i gave all the other crowns animal forms as well. none of these are set-in-stone, but shamura's crown is a scorpion, kallamar's is either a jellyfish or a locust, heket's is probably a gecko or a salamander, and leshy's is probably a mouse or rat. leaning towards rat. the crown of amnesia is probably gonna be like a really small elephant or smth idk imma need help with that one, but the final crown, the crown of conquest, is gonna be a butterfly.
third, I want woolbur to interract with other lambs. that doesn't mean their people survived, oh no, he gets to meet lambs from outside the old faith. he joins a council of lambs, gathered to protect their kind, and quickly the rest of the council realizes that they placed a very powerful person on the council.
fourth, all of the bishops eventually join him. Narinder is last. in each one he overcomes their domain and gains their trust: for Shamura, they win a war they had no chance in. for Kallamar, they find a cure for a terrible plauge and administers it to all afflicted people in the cult. for Heket, they pull the cult through a great famine, and they even begin to thrive. for leshy, they whack him really hard on the head and runs away. in narinder's case, though, he just proposes to them and they get married lmao
theres a lot more that im going to talk about but these are the main things about it!! im really excited for this au
(also, OF COURSE Kallamar plays a role, hes my favorite guy!!!! hes important!!!!! this may be a narilamb au but i simply could not write anything without including kallamar even if its just subjecting him to minor suffering, also im still looking for more members of Kallamar's polycule so send me an ask if you want your follower oc to date him lol i'll also make a separate post abt it)
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soulslayer2020 · 1 year
The Old Gods of CoTL: A Theory/Headcannon
When I first played through Cult of the Lamb, one line from Haro - the enigmatic owl - intrigued me: “Eons agone, these lands were rife with gods and their adherents...Those few who remained spread roots, spun webs, molded this world to meet them and theirs. 'Twere a land of many Gods once. Hundreds.” I was very curious about this as it meant there were once gods aside from the Bishops we know. But something happened that left only Shamura, Kallamar, Narinder, Heket, and Leshy. I wondered for a while who these old gods could’ve been and what were their roles/powers.
Well, I think Relics of the Old Faith may have given us a glimpse of who they might have been.
The main addition of Relics of the Old Faith is, well, the relics! Some of them reference characters we’ve met during the game (Clauneck, Kudaii, the Bishops, etc), but there are some names in there we’ve never seen before. I believe these might be the names of at least some of the old gods from eons ago. Now from what I can tell, relics can be made from either gods (e.g. the Bishops) or simply those blessed with power (Kudaii and Clauneck), so some of these names might not be gods but let’s go through them anyway!
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So for each relic, we’ll be focusing on two things: what animal the god was, and what their role/power was. Starting off with Galvar, if we’re to believe the relic is reflecting their appearance, Galvar was a ram from the Ovis family due to their curves horns, with my person guess being an Argali due to the fact the horns twisting more than once as well as the overall thickness.
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Now one might assume Galvar’s power was size manipulation due to their relic’s power, right? Well not exactly. After all, Heket’s relic doesn’t invoke anything to do with famine, nor does Kallamar’s have anything to do with plague. Instead, look at the description. ‘Famed Friend’. If I had to wager a guess, I would imagine Galvar may have been the classic gentle giant sort of character; looking big and menacing but is actually a big softy and uses their size to protect those weaker. So my guess would be Galvar may have been a god of protection or friendship.
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Laplace is a tough one to figure out from their relics. All that’s visible in their original relic is an eye and their blessed/cursed relic doesn’t help. But I can say for certain that they were a god of luck or chance. Not only are their relics dice, but I decided to look up the name Laplace and found a person born in the mid-1700s named Pierre-Simon Laplace who was a mathematician who focused heavily on probabilities. If I had to guess what animal Laplace could be, I would say a rabbit since they are heavily associated with luck.
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Fowler is one of the easiest ones to guess in terms of species: a bird! But what kind of bird. Well, let’s look at the details. A fowler refers to someone who hunts birds. Also, take note that the only way to get this relic is to fish for it. With this, my guess is that Fowler may have been a great black-backed gull. These gulls not only eat fish, but also other, smaller birds. As for their role, my personal guess is that Fowler was a god of curses. They may have been the one to discover the uses for fervour and would go as far as cannibalising their own cultists to gain more. In other words, ‘drinking deep of their praise’.
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Probably one of the easiest ones, Icegore seems to be a yeti whose powers seem to revolve around ice. It’s possible that Icegore was a god of winter or just ice in general.
5. ALA
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Going off the relic’s design, we can tell Ala was a predatory creature who seemed to value strength, pain, and survival. They also seem to have no qualms using it against others. But there are so many animals out there with sharp teeth so there’s no way to tell what animal Ala is, right? Well, what if I told you we may not only know what animal Ala is...but we may have even seen them in game. Think about it. A predator...no issue showing off their strength...associated with pain...and sharp teeth...possibly teeth in the darkness...
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Ok here me out. I’ve theorised the Fox could’ve been an old Bishop in hiding for a long time. Not only are their eyes similar to the Bishops (black with red pupils) but whenever they show up, it’s through a black and red portal that looks identical to the ones the Bishops enter and exit through. So my current theory is Ala was the god of predators/hunting/murder who went into hiding due to their power deteriorating due to most of their followers being forced to join the Old Faith when they rose to power and was forced to hunt from the shadows to sustain themself, only making themself known to Lambert upon hearing of their crusades against the Bishops.
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Another easy one, Slythor is a snake - specifically a rattlesnake due to their tail. According to their description, I think Slythor was a god of corrosion or decay.
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Just like how small is opposite to big, I imagine Shunrue was the opposite to Galvar in every way. While Galvar is a friendly gentle giant, Shunrue may have been a small, selfish and cowardly creature. While one is a god of friendship and protection, the other is a god of betrayal and selfishness. But as for what animal Shunrue was...well unless he was a blob of goop, we can’t really say for certain. I would guess he would be either a rat (usually associated with selfish behaviours) or a bearded vulture (a predator of the Argali).
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So I did some research to see what animal’s have venomous tongue, and the most likely candidate for Stihi is a Gila Monster.
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As for their domain, I decided to look up their name. Turns out a stihi is a fire-breathing storm demon from Albanian mythology. So I would like to guess Stihi is a god of storms or just destruction in general.
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...yeah, I have no idea what animal Warracka could be. I even looked up their name and came up with nothing. But due to the closed fist imagery in this and in Stihi’s description, I figured they could be a lizard like them. Specifically a cannibal lizard due to the method of gaining this relic. Therefor, I believe Warracka is an Aegean Wall Lizard - which was recently discovered to eat their own species - and the god of cannibalism.
 10. TURUA
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Turua seems to be an octopus based on their relic, but their description doesn’t give much of a hint as to what they were the god of. So I looked up their name and it turns out Turua is Maori for ‘twice seen’, as the New Zealand town of the same name was built on a river, and the name came from the reflections seen in the water. So my guesses are Turua is either a god of reflections or illusions, or a god of the depths (maybe they knew Kallamar? Who knows!)
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This one has me stumped. There are no clues as to what animal Aetherile could be and looking up their name only shows CotL results. As for their domain, I originally thought they were the original crafter of the relics. But then I had a thought. What if they weren’t exactly a god? What if they were more of a benefactor of gods; someone who would aid them in certain ways? ...and what if ‘Aethrile’ was only one of their many names?
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This is a complete theory with little basis, but my guess is ‘Aetherile’ was the first name the Mystic Seller was ever given and they made the powder box as a way to aid gods when they needed it. Just my own little theory though.
I won’t go into the unattainable relics hidden in the game files as I don’t know how cannon those are, so that’s it for my god guesses! But what happened to these gods? How did the relics come to be? Why does Chemach have them? Well join me in the next post where I’ll share my theory on how Chemach’s desire for power indirectly led to Narinder’s imprisonment.
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aughtpunk · 2 months
Who are some of your ocs, and what are their relations to one another? (I’m especially interested in Pokemon and COTL right now, so I’d love to meet them)
The only pokemon OC I have is Bulby, my Bulbasaur back from the red/blue days. She's middle aged, divorced with three kids, and it's a retired cop (she now lives on a farm in Stardew Valley with said kids)
But if you're new here then meet my COTL OCs from my fics!
First, there's Shaun. Shaun is The Lamb's twin (who is named Jacob in my AU). Despite being a twin Shaun thinks and acts like a protective older brother to Jacob. He'd get into a ton of fights protecting Jacob when they were kids and it's still willing to throw down with anyone that messes with his twin. He's also rather intelligent with a great memory, which helps with his work as a doctor. He is also married lovingly to Kallamar because this is what happens when you ship something as a joke and then it becomes very real
Then there's Clementine. Clementine is the lamb wife of Shamura and is known by the Bishops' followers as the 'Uncrowned Bishop'. She is intelligent, crafty, and loyal to a fault. While she started as Shamura's assistant the two quickly fell in love, only for her to be the first lamb to die at the hands of the Bishops. Luckily she (and Shaun) got better.
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