datamoshh · 1 year
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first time posting art here, yay - these are all the starting cats from my current clangen game, Sharpclan! all of them were customized through file editing and were each inspired by different horror movie characters. i did that to help myself be actually invested in the clan/cats since i’ve always had a hard time keeping interest in past clangen saves :’]
if there’s any of these guys you recognize and/or wanna know more about lmk
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eminndrawz · 2 years
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Squirrelbrook and Bramblescratch having a fight which ruined their relationship.
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Rivereye (Riverstar) and Moonjaw falling in love.
Been playing clangen and these are some cats from my latest clan, Sharpclan! Who are currently on their second leader after about 30 moons of gameplay.
I was really rooting for Squirrel and Bramble but then suddenly they just had a huge fight and broke up a couple moons later. Man. It’s just like canon Squirrel and Bramble. Also Moonjaw is dead and left her wife with two one-moon-old kittens who she was soooo happy about having :(.
For some reason both Squirrel and Bramble found one abandoned kit after their fight which Bramblescratch probably said was a sign from starclan and Squirrelbrook was like: “no starclan is stupid, Moonjaw told me” and left Bramble even more upset because his best friend in the beginning of the clan was Blackpaw who was only one of three starclan cats at that time.
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dammithecatsareback · 2 years
Welcome To Sharp'clan
_ > Ever so lovingly named after the clan I would roleplay as at recess in the 5th grade, this account surrounds my third ever Clan generator (development ver.) clan and their little adventures, because I'm finding myself engrossed in these kitties and their stories. Writing their histories and getting extremally attached, so as I do when I get a new hyper fixation, I'm making a tumblr blog. I'll post frequent updates on the well - being of the clan, different characters and notes on them as I go along, and of course little dramatic stories about life in the clan. This is just a little "pin-post" going over wtf this account is, and with a few links so I can stay organized.
Anyway, you can call me, the uh, " Sharpclan OP " , Moth or Dispar. I use it/its pronouns.
Click here for the family tree I've set up. If its empty / broken, that's because its in development. Play CLANGEN for yourself with THIS link.
I'm not doing any challenge and I'm doing no rules, also I'm very gay so I will let gay couples have kits-I'm not challenging myself, I'm telling a story. Feel free to interact or make fanart or whatever, not that I'm expecting it, self indulgent account-yk?
Thats all for now, tata!
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kombatclan · 4 years
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winter is always the cruelest season but the fall comes first
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sytheofabloodmoon · 2 years
SickleClan Moon 2
Curlypaw has started her apprenticeship and is now responsible. Her mentor is Scargorse
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Sandpaw has earned his warrior name of Sandcry and has become an excellent speaker
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Checking in: Oatkit is feeling excited(probably due to the clan ceremonies that happened today), Daisyfur chased kits out of their den(For check ups they were trying to avoid I imagine), Curlypaw is gathering moss, Scargorse is having a good day, Cinderspeckle is napping, Cinderstar is eating some freshkill, Sandcry is acting suspicious(How, I wonder), Deadkit is spending a lot of time with Brownkit(cute) and Brownkit is feeling nervous.
Patrols: Sandcry goes out on his solo patrol and comes across a thunder path. He manages to cross and can hunt on the other side. Scargorse and Curlypaw go out on patrol and notice new flowers and leaves growing. Unfortunately with newleaf comes allergies, they still manage to hunt though. Cinderstar and Cinderspeckle go out on patrol and meet a SharpClan patrol at the border(Another clan in the area, noted) but nobody is hostile. Despite the lack of outright hostilities things turn awkward fast and the pair do hunting elsewhere.
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kombatclan · 4 years
9 Lives So Far
As Warriors fans know, all fit leaders are presented with nine lives, and that is no exception to the Kombat Clans. However, no leader is denied a life giving ceremony, thus even the most heartless of cats will gain all nine. Below is a list of all known rulers from each Clan and the lives they were granted.
Thunderstar (EarthClan): Justice, Protection, Strength, Perseverance, Nobility, Courage, Wisdom, Loyalty, Compassion
Arcstar (EdenClan): Family, Truth, Wisdom, Fate, Honor, Bravery, Loyalty, Strength, Power
Jumpstar (EdenClan): Compassion, Reality, Family, Justice, Pride, Destiny, Love, Swiftness, Logic
Sharkstar (ClayClan): Strength, Power, Rage, Pride, Control, Exploration, Endurance, Unity, Intelligence
Shrikestar (ClayClan/EdenClan): Revival, Peace, Fearlessness, Hope, Compassion, Energy, Loyalty, Certainty, Faith
Jaguarstar (ClayClan): Intelligence, Wisdom, Vision, Revival, Pride, Nobility, Strength, Defense, Judgement 
Azurestar (ClayClan/As of MK11, subject to change): Wisdom, Honesty, Family, Love, Resistance, Hope, Rage, Peace, Undefined Past
Scorpionstar (SharpClan): Passion, Loyalty, Decisiveness, Family, Inner Fire, Control, Pride, Perseverance, Love
The Elder Icestar/Darkbreeze (ChillClan): Judgement, Power, Freedom, Mentoring, Instincts, Faith, Decisiveness, Comfort in Darkness, Pride
Icestar (ChillClan): Faith, Hope, Mercy, Strength, Judgement, Trust, Loyalty, Nobility, Honor, Swiftness
The Elder Gods are placed as the Clan Founders in this AU, and thus may not line up the same as the game’s canon. They’re subject to change. Tigerstar was not granted his 9, however, as SharpClan was not recognized as a real Clan until after his death, proving them worthy.
Cicadastar (ClayClan): Malice, Rage, Intelligence, Power, Sorrow, Comfort in Darkness, Manipulation, Mimicry, Loyalty
Crowstar (EarthClan): Purity, Listening, Growth, Light, Peace, Harmony, Energy, Revival, Loyalty
Chillstar (ChillClan): Ruthlessness, Power, Strength, Survival, Mentoring, Passion, Thriving, Inner Fire, Persuasiveness
Edenstar (EdenClan): Nurturing, Protection, Resistance, Growth, Quickness, Faith, Intelligence, Trust, Fate
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kombatclan · 5 years
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I be the silhouette of a sunset, smoke a cigarette while I compress my depression
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kombatclan · 5 years
Life in the Clans: Where do they live? What’re they like?
EarthClan’s camp is lush. Their territory consists of dense woodland and even grounds. They are trained more extensively as ClayClan threatens to move in on them to snag the territory at what feels like any moment. Their main diet consists of squirrels, chipmunks, and mice. EarthClan often has to defend themselves from the other Clans, so there’s more patrols sent out through the day. EarthClan are the most relaxed with taking in outsiders. Their founder is Crowstar, who banished Cicadastar from StarClan and later Falls to the Dark Forest.
ClayClan’s camp was everywhere. Living mainly in rocky terrain, their territory is the largest as it forced EdenClan away and into near extinction. ClayClan is the largest Clan. They didn’t have one set camp, but Sharkstar stayed in his large, hollowed rock den while his Clan lived to serve him. During Jaguarstar’s rule, he moved them back to the rocky caves and kept EdenClan’s territory as hunting as well as burial grounds. These cats are more like denmates than true Clanmates and it’s a hard bond to ensure after Sharkstar. Their diet is lizards, snakes, and rats. Their founder is Cicadastar, who Fell to the Dark Forest.
SharpClan’s camp is not what is expected. Scorpionstar takes pride in his beautiful camp, surrounded by bright flowers and thin trees. The outskirts of SharpClan territory is burned and lifeless, deterring the other Clans from invasion. It is the smallest Clan. They’re cautious of outside cats, but willingly take them in in order to be great warriors. It was originally founded by Tigerstar, a former ChillClan warrior, until many seasons later when The Great Extinction happened. SharpClan lives on birds, lizards, and even bugs. These cats are good allies with EarthClan.
ChillClan’s camp is.. what you’d think. These cats dwell in higher, rocky hills in more open areas where cool wind blows more often than not. They thrive in the cold Leaf Bare season due to their thick coats and are taught to use cold to their advantage. They eat rabbits, birds, and occasionally fish. ChillClan cats are reclusive and keep to themselves, but will ally with other Clans only if their leader requests so. Their founder is a molly named Chillstar.
The Dark Forest is a stronger force than they make themselves out to be. Cats such as Ratface and Shadesong ally themselves with this Hellish place and they are not above dragging the souls innocent cats there, such as Swiftfire and Azurewing, to aid their growing army. Cicadastar leads these cats behind the scenes. This leads to Thunderstar begging for help from StarClan multiple times.
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kombatclan · 5 years
Im not sure if youve answered this before or something, but what clan are the kombat kids in, and what are their names/what do they look like?
Cassie (Canaryclaw), Kung Jin (Brackentwig), and Jacqui (Cherryleg) all live in EarthClan while Takeda (Tigerthorn) lives in SharpClan. Brackentwig used to live as a rogue (under his in-game name) until he joined EarthClan. Cherryleg and Tigerthorn are mates.
Canaryclaw - Cream molly with tabby legs/tail and blue eyes.
Brackentwig - Golden brown and white tabby tom with green eyes.
Cherryleg - Dark brown molly with lighter front legs and pale green eyes.
Tigerthorn - Black tabby tom with gold eyes.
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kombatclan · 6 years
Scorpionstar's Bloom - Quickfic
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