#Shaundi SRTT
Where Did His Jacket Go in Saints Row: The Third?
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Axel gives it to Shaundi before he goes to Steelport, four years before the events of SR:TT. And they say chivalry is dead.
Axel and Shaundi are as thick as thieves in SR2, doing everything together. Their friendship never quite goes back to normal after SR:TT, even if they try to get things back to the way they were. There's too much tension between them, both romantic and the other kind.
Though, no matter who they're dating or how things turned out between them, there's nobody they love more than each other. Sometimes, the right people just don't end up together.
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stilwaterangel · 2 months
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some shaundi/angel thoughts... they like to go out a lot clubbing and what have u but she always has to persuade him to wear real clothes
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whoredmode · 7 months
the city of steelport
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crimescrimson · 9 months
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The Saints Lieutenant Shaundi in Every Saints Row Title: Saints Row 2 (2008) | Saints Row: The Third (2011) | Saints Row IV (2013) | Saints Row: Gat Out Of Hell (2015) | Saints Row: The Third (2020)
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mynonsenseistingling · 3 months
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Saints Row: The Third
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bossmamacita · 4 months
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Saints row collab with @merctingting !!!
I did Pierce and he did Shaundi and the different styles is giving SRIV clones from different universes in the best way possible LOL please go follow him for more guud fanarts >:)
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lelelego · 2 years
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here's a visual timeline of my playa/boss sr1->srtt :^) with some notes on how he is during each game
also this ignores the timeline from the wiki because honestly it makes no sense - carlos apparently dies in 2007 but sr1 is supposed to start in 2006?? lin dies AFTER carlos?? so i just did whatever felt right. :o)
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[B] How do you feel about public office? [P] Horrible idea. I'm in.
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kikkieabby · 2 months
The Saints: As We Rise from the Ashes, Part 1
Summary- Basically, the Sents entered into a new dimension where the OG saints of that world is gone. So, what is a girl to do but pick up where the OG had left! Rated M for cursing (in this chapter)
“What in the fuck is happening, Kinzie!?”
A red-haired woman shouted on the top of her lungs as she stared out at her friends and colleagues. Wearing nothing more but black shorts, a black mid-cut tank-top and white sneakers. She paces around a table inside of an abandon warehouse. Kinzie, who was no longer a red head, but rather a brunette without glasses, looks up at her friend to say:
“So, I think I’ve might have made a mistake when we jumped through the portal, boss.” Kinzie says as she types away at her laptop. The only thing she was able to bring with her when they jumped.
 “Mistake?” The boss asked. “I am fucking bus driver, WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU MAKE A MISTAKE!!”
“To be fair, we were kind of in a rush when we jumped.” Kinzie tells her boss as she begins to remember the events that happened, well, three days ago.
(Three days ago, original universe timeline)
“Uh, how long until the portal is ready?” The boss asked the red haired woman that was typing away on her computer as a blue haired young man was screwing in a couple more bolts into a large circle shape machine that had a bunch of weird writing on it. In another room, the rest of the gang were preparing to leave.
“Of course the Zin would try and over thrown us. We should have known better than to trust the aliens that blew up our planet.” The blue haired male growled as he screwed in the last bolt. Dropping the wrench, he reaches deep in the machine and began to unties some wires to connect them to different wires.
“Less complaining, more fixing Matt!” Kinzie growled. A second later the rest of the remaining crew ran into the room, covered in blood and alien guts. Looking tired with torn closed and damaged weapons. The Zin had decided to turn on the saints after being ruled underneath them for a couple of months. Much to the Saints dismay, especially since they blew up the remaining pods where the rest of humanity was sleeping in. Now that 90% of what was left of humanity was gone, the Boss and Kinzie decided it be best to leave this dimension and go to another one where the Zin didn’t exist. Which surprisingly, there were a couple of dimensions.
Keith, having just fought a mini army of killer robots, threw down his weapon before letting out a sigh of tiredness before taking a seat near Kinzie to look at the computer that she and Cid were working on.
“How long do we have before they break into this area?” The boss asked the tall male wearing sunglasses.
“I’d say 10 minutes.” He responded.
“Tops.” The woman with a long breaded hair responded. “They are surrounding us. How long until the portal is up and running.”
“A few minutes.” Kinzie says. “Cid is almost done with the hack. He’s found a dimension that is 85% similar to ours.”
“Wait a minute!” A brunette woman shouted. “What if we already exist in that world? Will we like meet our…double-gangers?”
“Its called doppelganger, Shaundi.” A black male with a white hate responded.
“Fuck you Pierce.” Shaundi growled before looking back the two geniuses fixing the portal. “And I know what I fucking said.”
“The machine will just place us into their place.” Kinzie said.
“That sounds risky.” Matt muttered.
“You can stay here and die.” The Boss responded to the blue haired male. Causing him to nod his head in agreement before pressing two wires together and twisting them. The circle sphere begins to emit a purple color before opening a purple portal for all the saints to see. Just then, Cid fell to the ground, the light in his eye turning black as his life was removed from the metal machine.
“Well!” The Boss started. “It was great! Lets hope its great on the other side!”
The boss shouted before running into the portal. Soon an explosion could be hear nearby. Without hesitation, Johnny follows behind the boss, and soon the rest of the remaining saints entered into the portal. Leaving behind a now empty husk of a machine that was Cid. Soon the purple portal light faded away just as the Zin broke into the room that the last bit of humanity in.
“Their gone?” A zin asked with a smile on his face, not noticing the detonator on Cid’s back counting down a number. Before the aliens could let out a gleeful cheer, the room was engulfed by fire. A sending off gift, courtesy of the Saints.
(1 day, in the new dimension)
Eyes popping open, The boss lets out a gasp of air before sitting up from what appeared to be a bed. Looking around, she notices that the area she was in wasn’t that of luxury, or even common living space. It was a dirty room, the wall paper was barely hanging on, there was a rug with multiple stains, near her was a night shelf with multiple beer bottle. Looking confused, she crawls out of bed to examine her surroundings a bit more. Walking barefoot on the rug that might have had mold on it, she begins to walk towards what appeared to be a window with blinds covering the outside light. Walking over, she opens them to see that she was currently on the north island side of the Steel Port.
“Steel-Port?” She asked herself before hearing a groan coming from behind her. Looking over her shoulder, she saw a large black man laying in the bed she had just crawled out of. Looking around the room, her eyes stopped at a certain picture that was hanging from the wall, it was picture of her in her younger years in a wedding dress…with the large man.
“I’m married!? FUCK!” The boss shouted loud enough to wake up the man in bed.
“Ngh!” He groaned as he begins to open his eyes to see The Boss stripping off her sleeping wear to grab clothes.
“Grace, what are you doing?” He asked as she looks to the clock on his side of the nightstand. “Its 4am in the morning, comeback to bed.”
“Grace!?” The Boss shouted. “My name is fucking Grace!?”
She shouted just as she opens her close to pull out some clothes. As she does this, the man behind her, or rather her husband stares in shock as she gets dressed.
“What’s wrong with you?” He asked his wife, but the Boss did not respond. Once she had put on some shoes, she immediately runs out the bedroom and into a messy house and smelly house. Something that made her gag at, especially the sight of an overly full trash bag full of bugs. But what got to her the most was a picture of her near the front door. She was smiling ear to ear, wearing a white nurse dress uniform, much to her shock.
“Imma nurse?” She muttered to herself before looking around the house. “Why the fuck do I live in a pig-stye?”
“Baby?” The man asked again as she walked out of the house. The Boss didn’t even bother to acknowledge him, she grabbed some keys from a bowl near the door and walked out the house. However, the man follows behind in haste as she unlocks what appears to be her truck. Climbing into the driver's seat, the man quickly climbs into the passenger seat.
“Grace, what the fuck are you doing, you cant drive!!” The man shouted, causing the Boss to let out a low chuckle.
“How pathetic of me.” The boss tells the man before backing out of her driveway, into traffic. Stopping the cars on the road, and causing a bunch of people to honk and scream at her as she drives down the road. The man, her husband, stares in shock on how well she is driving.
“I thought you couldn’t drive.” He said, causing the boss to roll her eyes.
“I learned.” She growled. “So, who the fuck are you?”
“Grace…its me, Lenard.” The man said in confusion. “Your husband, we’ve been together for ten years.”
“Gross.” The Boss growled, and its not because she found Lenard disgusting or anything. It’s the idea of her being married is what made her sick to her stomach. She didn’t like the idea of being held down by a man. That’s why in her world, she had her ovaries removed so she wouldn’t have to worry about having a baby or a period. However, in this world, everything was rest.
“Who you calling gross?” Lenard growled, The boss was about to respond until she looked at the man she was married too. And frankly, he didn’t look that great to her. A large guttered man with beard whiskers, wearing a stained wife beater shirt and stripped sweat pants. The boss was somewhat disappointed at her previous self for what she married.
“You, Nigga!” (My boss is black woman!) She growled. “Why is our house so fucking dirty?”
“Cause you don’t clean.” Lenard growled back to her. Just then, The boss rammed her foot down on the break petal, stopping in front of a certain building, the HQ of the syndicate, much to the boss’s annoyance. Until she had realized something.
“MATT!!” She shouted. Stopping the car in front of the tall building, she hops out of the car and approaches the entrance where two men were standing guard. Just as she was about to enter the building, one of the men stopped her. He appeared to be a morning star goon.
“I’m sorry ma’am, visiting hours are at 9 am.” He said, causing The boss to chuckle.
“Funny, I am looking for Matt Miller. Call him down, we need to talk.” The boss spoke, but the two men stared at her in confusion.
“Matt…who?” One asked, before The boss could say anything, it had clicked into her mind that maybe Matt’s name was not the same as her in this new world.
“Oh…uh…” She begins to think. “The guy in charge of the Deckers. Tall, British, blue hair, shy, wears purple lipstick.”
The two men trade even more confused glances at one another, causing The boss to realize that maybe Matt wasn’t here. For once, the boss began to feel doubt and confusion.
“Alright lady, jokes over. Time to go home.” The Morning Star goon tells her before placing a hand on her shoulder. Without hesitation, The boss grabbed his wrist and twisted it before side kicking the other goon in the stomach. Surprisingly she still had her strength and mobility, because she swiftly threw the goon she was restraining into the wall, before heel kicking the other man chin onto the ground. Lenard, who was still in the car, saw this and gasp before The boss went back into the car. But not without grabbing a gun from one of the goons pocket.
“What the hell…” Lenard muttered before the Boss packed away and drives all the way back to her house. Once there, she begins to search the house for a computer. One that Lenard points out to her in shock, once she finds it, she begins to type in a lot of stuff in google. Much to her husband horror.
“Babe?” He asked, but the boss ignored him as she tries to research what exactly is happening. The first thing she searched was her home, Steel-Water. And to her surprise, the place didn’t exist anymore! Apparently, from an article she found, there was a zombie break that caused the military to blow the island. Killing 23 million people and/or zombies. It was also where the resting place of the saints as the Boss would read about the death of her old friends. However, her main homies were not on the list of pictures she saw located under saints. That did not stop her fear panic over the situation she was currently in.
“Oh fuck.” She muttered as she stared down to the ground. Realizing that not only was she in a new world, but she couldn’t even find her friends because they all had different names.
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vinkumakkara · 5 months
i know i said you shouldn't humor this game's writing at all but srtt Pierce of all people going like "girl's not as crazy as you" when him and Boss discuss Shaundi ever so shockingly being upset over Johnny's death... like yea sure, when it comes to sheer wanton violence i guess that's true, but still gimme a break. Shaundi's plans were so off-the-wall and reckless in sr2 it even left Boss speechless. when in the third or so srtt mission you take over the armory and Shaundi acts all shocked over Boss even suggesting such a thing, it creates such a bizarre contrast with Assault on Precinct 31 in sr2 because conceptually it's the exact same thing. the role of the straight man and the wacky funny guy was just reversed between the two of them
like i thought Assault on Precinct 31 was like a significant moment in establishing just what sr2 Shaundi is capable of and how badly she wants to carry her weight in the gang. how quick-thinking and crafty she can be as she maneuvers her way around the reservations Boss feels towards her while still remaining kinda flakey and not thinking things completely through. she clearly started out as a fish out of water type character who'd kinda thoughtlessly jumped into a world she didn't know and wasn't really prepared for but after a bad start her character was actually going somewhere, like she wasn't quite there yet but she was well on the way there if nothing else. i don't care that the srtt Saints have supposedly been resting on their laurels for a while and that's meant to explain this shift, she's acting as if she never stopped being that fish out of water at all. like she had an actual character arc going for her but srtt just went "fuck that" so they could essentially treat her as the Saints' yappy spoiled pet poodle. it's really insulting
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bigboyplaya · 1 year
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Yo first post on my new account. Drew a silly little comic of my Saints boss, Vicky, role playing her way towards defeating Matt Miller in some online video game.
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The Third Street Saints Official Server's average vc.
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whoredmode · 1 year
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to sleep, perchance to dream.
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crimescrimson · 11 days
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The Saints Lieutenant Shaundi in Saints Row: The Third (2011)
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mynonsenseistingling · 2 months
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Saints Row: The Third
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fannish-jam · 1 year
I present to you- a compilation of Bojana(my Saints Row Boss) and Shaundi moments:
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