#She however WAS inspired by Sara Chidouin from your turn to die...so she can be a partial introject or a just plain introject of Sara -Lind
Hi hi! Is our first time doing smth like this uejdudj, can we request an alter? Woman or fem-aligned is you can, ill leave the rest up to you 🍧
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♡ Name (s) : Sarah, Sophia, Hanna, Olive
♡ Gender (s) : Novellian, bookstorearomic, springfem, springadored, gxrl, dollgxrl, rotgirl
♡ Pronouns : She/her, doll/dolls, frai/frail, heart/hearts, shy/hyr, shy/hym, gri/grim
♡ Orientation (s) : Sapphic, bi lesbian, graysexual, hyperromantic
♡ Transid (s) : transpeaceful, transharmless, transhelpful, permaroleplay, transabled, transwheelchairuser, transpermabruised, transbigsister, transsubsystem
♡ Cisid (s) : cisinsomnia, cisPOTS, cisautistic, cisADHD, ciskidnapped
♡ Paraphilia (s) : Cherophilia, Endymasiaphilia, Erythrophilia, Eremophilia
♡ Age (s) : 17
♡ Source (s) : N/A
♡ Roles (s) : Communicator, welcomer, protector
♡ Appearance , if you have an idea :
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kindabizarretbh · 2 years
Please gush us about your most fav OC and most well-written OC ^ ^
But warning this'll be a very long post(btw I'm not gonna gush about Katherine in this post 'cause I already made a post where I gushed about just her lol)
Most fav OC: Other than Katherine? Honestly Valerie
-The protagonist in part 1 of my story
-She has a twin sister named Joanne, who Valerie doesn't really have the best relationship with, it's not that they hate each other, it's just that for some reason they never got too close with each other
-Severe PTSD after Act I of part 1 in my story, very important to know
-Very much inspired by a character named Sara Chidouin from your turn to die(a game I really recommend playing 👍)
-Does not like Katherine AT ALL, doesn't matter if Katherine helps her a few times, she will forever want to cause Katherine incomprehensible pain
-Though she absolutely despises Katherine, Valerie can definitely tolerate Xelia and Estelle, she's not sure about Erine though
-Minor spoilers: Valerie is actually able to shoot Katherine in the forehead during this one scene
Huh, you know though I've been working on Valerie's character for a long time, this is really all I got to say about her so far lol
Most well-written OC: My other OCs really aren't as well-written as Valerie and Katherine yet lmao, but I guess I'd have to say Kista is probably the most developed so far
-Theatre kid absolutely and it's very obvious
-Seems like a player but in reality, he gets very attached to people, pretty easily too
-Golden child syndrome, this is extremely important to his character
-Has a wide variety of formal wear, varying from suits to gowns, however, all have the color scheme made of purple, gold, black, and white
-I'm actually contemplating on naming him Laurence, but idk, maybe I'll stick to Kista
-Has a girlfriend named Ruta(who I'll definitely show a visual for later on), their dynamic can pretty much be explained with this image:
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-Also plays piano as a hobby, he wanted to try playing the violin, but unfortunately his parents 'didn't have the time' to find him a violin class
-Likes to read, but enjoys reading mystery books/novels the most
-Gonna be honest, a few of my other OCs actually finds Kista annoying, but they never actually state it in front him
That's...also all I have for Kista lol, I feel there should be a lot more info for both these characters I'm able to share yet this is all I got for both of them, but of course, if you have any questions on them, feel free to ask me :D
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peridee · 1 year
Mae plays Your Turn to Die
So, this one has been sitting on my computer for awhile, but I thought I'd finally get around to posting it. In fact, this was written long enough ago that the future release date has come and gone and you can now get YTTD on Steam.
Nevertheless I've decided to publish all the old posts that never made it to the blog proper. Mostly, so I stop thinking about em, and also so I break the hiatus and maybe get around to more posting.
Your Turn To Die(YTTD) is a visual novel/ point n click game made in Rpgmaker MV & developed by Nankidai.
YTTD is a game about people who are kidnapped and forced to play a death-game. The protagonist of the game is Sara Chidouin, a 17 yr old highschool girl. Together with her friend Joe and ten other people, she attempts to escape the game and solve the mystery of why they were all kidnapped.
Most of the gameplay consists of clicking on objects in rooms and using them to solve puzzles.. These puzzles are pretty fun and interesting but they’re not the only gameplay type. The game also includes a variety of minigame sections with unique mechanics and gameplay. Some of these are one-off events and some of them are part of the core gameplay.
One of the core gameplay mechanics is the discussion system used during the main game. Sara can click each character to hear a statement from them about the discussion subject. She can also “extract” more information from their statements. Their statements are now amended with this information. Sarah can use this information to expose contradictions or flaws in the current discussion. This is done by pairing two contradicting statements and “conflicting” them with each other. Revealing a contradiction advances the discussion. 
 Each incorrect attempt uses “Mind” points which function similarly to HP. If Mind drops to Zero, the game is over. Thankfully the game is pretty forgiving and I didn't find it an issue. This is also helped by the ability to save at any point during the discussion. This means that it's always possible to progress the story and not have to replay any sections, as long as you remember to save frequently. I think this system is great, and an improvement over similar systems in Ace Attorney or in Danganronpa, which this game is clearly inspired by.
Speaking of being inspired by Danganronpa, this game clearly takes a lot of its visual design inspiration from that series. But also has a clear deliberate style of its own. Visually this game looks great. The environments are lavishly rendered pixel art and the character portraits and designs are great, everyone has a unique design and flair.
 The narrative of the game is pretty solid, each chapter has a chapter story and each chapter also furthers the ongoing narrative and reveals more of the mystery. The pacing isn't too bad and the revelations and character development are solid. It’s always difficult playing a game where we expect most of the characters will die. It makes it hard to make the audience care about them. Danganronpa also has this problem. Although, I think the writing here is better. Each character gets more development and depth, whereas in Danganronpa the characters are broad strokes and archetypes. Which is true here to a degree, but becomes less true as time goes on. Unlike in Danganronpa however, there is a degree of fluidity or branching narrative. Your actions throughout the game, and the results of the votes can cause different characters to survive. I’ve only played through the one variation I ended up on, but it's still neat that this can happen. Usually I’d talk about the game’s story overall and what I thought, but unfortunately, the game is currently in-complete. YTTD is released episodically and currently you can play up to Chapter 3: part one A.. Therefore I cannot discuss the story overall until the next chapter comes out. The game is slated for a steam release at some point this year, and chapter 3 will be released there first sometime after(I hope it's soon)
I’d recommend this game very strongly, if you like this genre, or any of the other games I mentioned. I think it handles the mix of gameplay styles well and the story and the characters are engaging enough that the visual novel sections are good too. The game is visually striking and I like it a lot.  
Get the game on Steam here or download the original fan-translated version from vgperson here
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