#Sherryl Woods
inlovewithquotes · 2 years
Smart people don't wallow in self-pity. They find a new dream.
-Stealing Home
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the-book-queen · 9 months
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Hide your wallets, it's that time again! Your daily thread of romance deals is ready, FREE to $2.99!
FREE ✦ Dungeon Master by Golden Angel
Second chance (divorced). They've had some on-again-off-again ex-with-benefits at the kink club he owns, but she's ready to just move on. Only he wants to win her back instead.
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/48p0Wou
FREE ✦ Country Monsoon by Cheyenne McCray
Jilted rancher + traveling rep for the family's fencing company.
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3TURfd9
$0.99 ✦ A Good Demon Is Hard to Find by Kate Moseman
While drunkenly cursing her ex, she accidentally summons a demon. Oops.  But she does need a date for her ex's wedding...
Paranormal Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/47qPQOz
$1.99 ✦ My Fake Rake by Eva Leigh
Friends to lovers + fake dating + science nerds falling for each other. She agrees to help him with a makeover.
Historical Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3S9GuCs
$2.99 ✦ The Inn at Eagle Point by Sherryl Woods
Second chance. Divorced single mom leaves her Wall Street career to help her sister renovate the inn. He's now the loan officer at the bank.
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/47sR1gH
Putting these lists together takes time. If you appreciate this content, please consider buying me a Ko-Fi. http://ko-fi.com/danielletbq
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gmanem · 1 year
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deadlinecom · 1 year
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blogbibliophilia · 1 year
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Book Review: Home in Carolina by Sherryl Woods
Book Length: 384 pages
My Review: This is book 5 of 11 in the Sweet Magnolias series. I’m always happy to visit Serenity when I read this book from this series. This book highlights the relationship between two of the Sweet Magnolias’ children, Annie and Tyler, now young adults. I loved Annie and Ty as teens in the earlier books; however, I do not like them in this book as young adults. I found them to be annoying. Annie was understandably upset that their relationship was destroyed by Ty’s infidelity, which led to a child being born. I get it. I would be upset, too; however, she went on and on about it for about 50% of the story but kept torturing Ty with it on top of all Ty was dealing with. I felt like if she was that upset, she should have just left him alone and moved on. It was her back and forth that drove me up the wall. Besides being annoying with her relationship with Ty, Annie was a good friend to her two childhood friends dealing with some heavy adult situations. I was happy that even though the story centered on Annie and Ty, the Sweet Magnolias (Maddie, Helen, and Dana Sue) and their families were still part of it.
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seriesmagicx · 2 months
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Süße Magnolien Staffel 2: Eine tiefere Reise durch Freundschaft und Herausforderungen
Die zweite Staffel von "Süße Magnolien" auf Netflix nimmt uns erneut mit in die charmante Kleinstadt Serenity in South Carolina. Die Serie, die auf den Romanen von Sherryl Woods basiert, ist ein wundervoller Mix aus Drama, Romantik und alltäglichen Herausforderungen. In dieser Staffel tauchen wir noch tiefer in die Leben der drei Hauptcharaktere Maddie Townsend, Dana Sue Sullivan und Helen Decatur ein, während sie neue Höhen und Tiefen meistern.
Charakterentwicklung in Staffel 2
Die zweite Staffel bietet eine reiche Charakterentwicklung, die sowohl Herz als auch Verstand anspricht. Maddie, die immer noch mit den Nachwirkungen ihrer gescheiterten Ehe kämpft, findet neue Wege, um ihre Balance zwischen Familie und Beruf zu halten. Dana Sue steht vor neuen beruflichen Herausforderungen, die ihre Resilienz und Leidenschaft für ihr Restaurant auf die Probe stellen. Helen, die erfolgreiche Anwältin, findet sich inmitten persönlicher und beruflicher Entscheidungen wieder, die ihre Zukunft neu formen.
Neue Herausforderungen und Konflikte
Jede Episode bringt neue Konflikte und Herausforderungen, die die Dynamik zwischen den Charakteren beeinflussen. Von beruflichen Hürden über familiäre Dilemmas bis hin zu persönlichen Kämpfen – die Serie zeigt auf eindrucksvolle Weise, wie die Hauptfiguren durch diese Prüfungen wachsen und sich entwickeln.
Beziehungen und Romanzen
Liebe und Romantik sind zentrale Themen, die in dieser Staffel vertieft werden. Maddie, Dana Sue und Helen navigieren durch komplizierte Liebesgeschichten und Beziehungsdramen, die sowohl alte als auch neue Flammen betreffen. Die zweite Staffel untersucht, wie Liebe die Menschen verändern kann und welche Opfer sie bereit sind, für diejenigen zu bringen, die sie lieben.
Freundschaft und Zusammenhalt
Die unerschütterliche Freundschaft zwischen Maddie, Dana Sue und Helen bleibt das Herzstück der Serie. Ihre Unterstützung füreinander in schwierigen Zeiten und die Freude, die sie miteinander teilen, sind inspirierende Beispiele dafür, wie stark wahre Freundschaft sein kann.
Familie und Gemeinschaft
Die familiären Beziehungen und die Rolle der Gemeinschaft in Serenity werden in dieser Staffel weiter vertieft. Die Serie zeigt die Stärke und Unterstützung, die aus familiären Bindungen und einer eng verbundenen Gemeinschaft entstehen, und wie diese Beziehungen den Charakteren helfen, ihre größten Herausforderungen zu meistern.
Thematisierung von Traumata und Heilung
Ein wichtiges Thema der zweiten Staffel ist der Umgang mit persönlichen Traumata und der Prozess der Heilung. Die Serie behandelt diese Themen mit Sensibilität und Tiefe, indem sie zeigt, wie die Charaktere ihre inneren Kämpfe überwinden und zu einem Ort des Friedens und der Akzeptanz finden.
Einfluss der Südstaaten-Kultur
Die Südstaaten-Kultur durchdringt jede Szene von "Süße Magnolien". Von der Gastfreundschaft bis zu den Traditionen – die kulturellen Elemente verleihen der Serie ihre Authentizität und Charme.
Mode und Stil der Charaktere
Die Mode und der Stil der Hauptcharaktere sind nicht nur ästhetisch ansprechend, sondern auch Ausdruck ihrer Persönlichkeiten. Die Kleidung spiegelt ihre Entwicklungen und inneren Veränderungen wider, und jede Figur bringt ihren einzigartigen Stil auf den Bildschirm.
Wichtige Nebencharaktere und ihre Geschichten
Neben den Hauptcharakteren spielen auch die Nebencharaktere eine bedeutende Rolle. Ihre Geschichten und Entwicklungen bereichern die Haupthandlung und fügen zusätzliche Dimensionen hinzu, die die Serie noch fesselnder machen.
Vorbereitung auf Staffel 3
Mit dem Ende der zweiten Staffel bleiben einige Fragen offen und die Vorfreude auf die nächste Staffel steigt. Welche neuen Herausforderungen werden die Bewohner von Serenity erwarten? Welche Beziehungen werden sich weiterentwickeln? Die dritte Staffel verspricht, genauso spannend und emotional zu werden wie die bisherigen Episoden.
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"Süße Magnolien" bleibt eine herzerwärmende Serie, die leichte Unterhaltung mit tiefgründigen Themen verbindet. Sie ist ideal für alle, die eine Serie zum Abschalten suchen, aber auch für diejenigen, die mehr Substanz und emotionale Resonanz in ihren TV-Serien bevorzugen. Die zweite Staffel führt die Tradition der ersten Staffel fort und erweitert die Geschichten der geliebten Charaktere um neue Facetten und Herausforderungen. (Nur auf Netflix Streamen)
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pagebypagereviews · 2 months
Immerse yourself into the captivating world of "Harbor Lights," a poignant novel that illuminates the resilience of the human spirit against the backdrop of a small-town community. The essence of this narrative is not merely in the unfolding drama but in its ability to serve as a mirror to our own lives, reflecting the complexities of love, loss, and the courageous journey towards healing. This book review delves deep into the heart of the story, navigating the intricate characters and the emotional tides that bind them, all while situating it within the broader landscape of contemporary fiction. "Harbor Lights" emerges as a beacon for readers seeking solace in a tale that promises to deliver warmth amidst life's tempests, and our review aims to elucidate the ways in which it fulfills this promise. Through its nuanced portrayal of relationships and community bonds, "Harbor Lights" addresses the universal quest for belonging and purpose. The novel's significance lies in its exploration of the inner workings of a town brought to life by the secrets and shared histories of its inhabitants. This review not only examines the author's adept storytelling and character development but also considers the problems "Harbor Lights" solves for the avid reader: it offers solace through its relatable narrative and serves as a guiding light for navigating the choppy waters of personal adversity. Join us as we unravel the layers of this impactful novel and reveal why "Harbor Lights" is not just a story, but an experience that resonates with the very core of our human condition. Plot Harbor Lights is a poignant romance novel by Sherryl Woods that delves into the complexities of healing and second chances. The story revolves around Kevin O'Brien, a former Army medic who returns to Chesapeake Shores to rebuild his life and care for his young son after the tragic death of his wife. As Kevin begins to take over his family's inn, he encounters Shanna Carlyle, a newcomer to the town with a mysterious past. Shanna's arrival in Chesapeake Shores sets off a series of events that challenge both her and Kevin to face their deepest fears and vulnerabilities. The plot intricately weaves themes of love, community, and redemption, presenting readers with unexpected twists as the characters navigate through their various relationships and personal growth. Through the involvement of the O'Brien family, the story enhances the sense of belonging and showcases the underlying support networks that are inherent in close-knit communities. Characters The characters in Harbor Lights are richly developed and showcase a diverse array of personalities and backgrounds. Kevin O'Brien, the protagonist, is a widower and single father struggling with grief while attempting to provide a stable environment for his son. His character is marked by a sense of duty and a deep love for his family. Shanna Carlyle, the female protagonist, is an independent yet emotionally guarded woman who grapples with letting go of her past and opening up to new experiences in Chesapeake Shores. The O'Brien family, forming a central part of the cast, consists of various siblings, in-laws, and the family patriarch, Mick O'Brien, whose interactions with each other add layers of subplots and lend the narrative a multifaceted perspective. Each character in the novel plays a crucial role in propelling the plot forward and adds unique dimensions to the thematic fabric of the story. Writing Style Sherryl Woods' writing style in Harbor Lights is characterized by its engaging dialogues, vivid descriptions, and emotional depth. She employs a narrative technique that allows each character's internal monologue to be heard, providing insight into their thoughts and feelings. Woods’ unique ability to balance heartache with humor brings a lightness to the emotional roller coaster experienced by the characters. The pacing of the story is deliberate, allowing the tension to build naturally and the relationships to evolve organically.
Through her descriptive prose, Woods paints a picturesque setting of Chesapeake Shores, making the town almost a character in itself. Her writing style ensures that the reader becomes fully immersed in the world she has created, fostering a strong connection to both the characters and their stories. Setting The setting of Harbor Lights is Chesapeake Shores, a charming small town that acts as the backdrop for the unfolding drama and romance. This scenic locale on the coast of Maryland is described with abundant detail, from the tranquility of the harbor to the cozy establishments that dot the town. The O'Brien family inn, where much of the storyline takes place, serves as a sanctuary and a gathering place for the family and community members, symbolizing the warmth and refuge that Kevin seeks to offer his son and the guests. The town's picturesque landscapes and the sense of community that emanates from the residents are integral to the story, shaping the characters' experiences and influencing their decisions. The setting not just enhances the romantic and familial themes of the novel but also effectively represents a place of healing and new beginnings. Unique Aspects One of the unique aspects of Harbor Lights is its exploration of the dynamics within a large, extended family. The O'Brien clan, with their interwoven lives and personal tribulations, provides a canvas for examining familial bonds, loyalty, and the process of coping with loss. Additionally, Woods' representation of a military veteran grappling with civilian life and the responsibilities of single parenthood adds a layer of authenticity and relevance to the novel. Another distinctive feature is the novel's integration of a subtle mystery surrounding Shanna's past, which adds an element of intrigue and keeps the reader engaged. Lastly, the manner in which the community of Chesapeake Shores rallies around its members, demonstrating the healing power of support and understanding, solidifies Harbor Lights as a testament to the strength found within communities and the resilience of the human spirit. Similar to Harbor Lights Book Review Certainly! Below is an example of HTML content structured using table tags to display the pros and cons of the "Harbor Lights Book Review. For display purposes, we're assuming this is about a fictional review that we're analyzing: ```html Harbor Lights Book Review Analysis table width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; th, td border: 1px solid black; padding: 8px; text-align: left; .pros background-color: #e8f5e9; /* light green */ .cons background-color: #ffebee; /* light red */ Pros of Harbor Lights Book Review Aspect Impact on User Experience In-Depth Analysis The comprehensive analysis allows users to gain a deep understanding of the book's themes. Organization The structured layout makes it easy for users to follow the thought process and arguments presented. Relevant Quotes Including quotes from the book helps illustrate points and adds authenticity to the review. Balanced Opinion Presents a fair perspective which aids readers in forming their own unbiased opinions on the book. Cons of Harbor Lights Book Review Aspect Impact on User Experience Lengthiness The extensive detail may be overwhelming and deter users who prefer concise reviews. Potential Spoilers The in-depth nature of the review could inadvertently reveal key plot points, lessening the reading experience. Complex Vocabulary Advanced language may not be accessible for all readers, possibly alienating some users. Limited Visuals The lack of images or related media could make the review less engaging for visual learners. ``` This HTML example is structured to directly list the pros and cons related to the Harbor Lights Book Review without any form of an introductory or concluding text. The user experience is considered in each table entry, detailing how certain aspects either enhance or detract from the overall experience of the review reader.
The tables are styled to be visually distinct, with green highlighting pros and red highlighting cons. Understanding the Genre and Theme When delving into the world of literature, particularly when searching for a book like Harbor Lights, it's essential to understand the genre and underlying themes. Are you intrigued by romance, drama, or perhaps the complexities of life in a small town? Assessing these elements is critical in determining whether the book will align with your personal interests. Harbor Lights, as an example, usually falls within the romance or women's fiction categories, often set against a coastal backdrop with themes of love, healing, and community. Author's Reputation and Writing Style One's enjoyment of a book can be greatly influenced by the author's reputation and writing style. Researching the author of Harbor Lights can provide insights into what kind of narrative to expect. An author’s previous works, their accolades, and reader reviews can be indicative of the writing quality and the storytelling prowess. Is the author known for their ability to create compelling characters or for rich, descriptive settings? The answers to these questions could significantly sway your purchase decision. Reader Reviews and Ratings In the quest for a good book, never underestimate the power of reviews and ratings. They offer a window into the experiences of other readers, providing a collective viewpoint on the book's strengths and weaknesses. Look for patterns in feedback; if multiple readers mention they couldn't put the book down, that’s a promising sign. On the other hand, if there are recurring complaints about pacing or character development, you may want to take that into consideration. Both the quantity and quality of reviews should play a role in your decision-making process. Book Editions and Publication Quality Whether you prefer a hardcover, paperback, ebook, or audiobook, the available editions and publication quality of Harbor Lights can affect your reading experience. A hardcover might offer durability and a sense of tangibility, whereas an ebook could provide convenience and portability. Consider if the book contains extras like a reader’s guide or additional content from the author, which can be particularly useful for book club discussions. Additionally, for collectors, the design and aesthetic of the book might be just as significant as the content itself. Price and Value for Money Budget considerations often play a central role in the purchase of books. Compare the prices across various retailers and formats to find a version of Harbor Lights that offers the best value for money. Discounts, promotions, and used book options may provide cost-saving opportunities without compromising on quality. Remember to weigh the price against the breadth of the content and the anticipated reading enjoyment to ensure you're making a cost-effective choice. Book Awards and Acknowledgments A book that has received literary awards or notable acknowledgments can be an indicator of high-quality content and a rewarding read. While Harbor Lights may or may not have such accolades, checking for any awards attributed to the book or author can serve as a testament to the book's excellence and reputation in the literary community. This can reassure you of making a sound choice, especially when you're looking for a distinguished addition to your library. Availability and Accessibility Finally, consider the availability and accessibility of Harbor Lights. Is the book readily available at your local bookstore or library, or will you need to source it from an online retailer? For readers with specific needs, such as visual impairment, evaluate whether the book is available in large print or as an audiobook. Ensuring that the format of the book accommodates your reading preferences and accessibility requirements is paramount for a satisfactory reading experience. ```html FAQ - Harbor Lights Book Review What is Harbor Lights about?
Harbor Lights is a novel by bestselling author Sherryl Woods. It is a romance story that revolves around the character Kevin O'Brien, a widowed father who returns to his hometown of Chesapeake Shores. The book explores themes of love, family, and healing as Kevin tries to rebuild his life and finds a new chance at love. Is Harbor Lights part of a series? Yes, Harbor Lights is part of the Chesapeake Shores series by Sherryl Woods. It is the third book in the series, which focuses on the O'Brien family. While it's part of a series, the book can be read as a standalone novel. Do I need to read the first two books in the series to understand Harbor Lights? While Harbor Lights is part of the Chesapeake Shores series, Sherryl Woods writes each book so that it can be enjoyed independently. However, for a deeper understanding of the character backstories and the overall setting, it is recommended to read the series in order. Can Harbor Lights be recommended for book clubs? Absolutely! Harbor Lights is a great choice for book clubs as it offers various topics for discussion, such as dealing with loss, the dynamics of family relationships, and second chances at love. Book clubs can explore how the characters' stories intertwresent and discuss their personal growth throughout the novel. Is Harbor Lights suitable for all age groups? Harbor Lights is primarily targeted towards adult readers due to its romantic themes and some mature content. It is best suited for readers who enjoy contemporary romance and women's fiction. Where can I purchase a copy of Harbor Lights? Harbor Lights can be purchased at most book retailers, including local bookstores, online bookshops, and digital platforms offering e-books. It is available in various formats such as hardcover, paperback, and electronic versions for e-readers. Are there any discussion questions or a reading guide available for Harbor Lights? Many editions of Harorce Lights include discussion questions at the back of the book for readers and book clubs. Additionally, you can find reading guides and discussion questions on the publisher's website or on various online book community sites. Is there a movie or TV adaptation of Harbor Lights? As of the last knowledge update, there is no direct movie or TV adaptation of Harbor Lights. However, the Chesapeake Shores series has been adapted into a television show by Hallmark Channel, which may include storylines or characters from the book. ``` In conclusion, Harbor Lights Book Review has delved deep into the pages of this captivating narrative, illuminating the book's rich layers of complexity and granting readers a profound understanding of its worth. Our exploration has revealed the intricate storytelling and character development that makes this book an undeniably valuable choice for any literary enthusiast. We've uncovered the insights that lie within its binding, insights that not only entertain but also challenge and expand our perspectives. The benefits of choosing to immerse oneself in this book are plentiful. Readers will not only enjoy a well-crafted story but also gain empathy and understanding through the experiences of its memorable characters. With each chapter's turn, there is the opportunity to grow, to reflect, and to be inspired. As highlighted in our review, this book serves as an exceptional testament to the power of literature to both transcend and explore the depths of the human experience. Harbor Lights Book Review recommends this title as a worthwhile addition to any reader's collection, ensuring an enriching journey from the first page to the last. Trust in our evaluation and allow this book to cast a luminous beacon of storytelling, insight, and enrichment upon your reading landscape. Other Harbor Lights Book Review buying options
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emmebook · 1 year
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ORIGINAL: Ryan's Palace 2016 Harper Collins 252p ⭐⭐⭐⭐
SINOPSE: Ele vivia na solidão do passado... Mas não tardará para o presente invadir seus dias! Abandonado pelos pais e separado dos irmãos, Ryan Devaney jamais deixou que alguém se aproximasse demais. Afinal, as pessoas não ficavam por muito tempo... Mas sua sorte muda quando a porta de seu bar irlandês é escancarada por uma ruiva intensa e apaixonada pela vida. Maggie O'Obrien decide que chegou a hora de derrubar de uma vez por todas a muralha de gelo em torno do coração de Ryan. Ele insiste em afirmar que não acredita no amor, mas o sorriso radiante e toque carinhoso de Maggie fazem com que mude de ideia pouco a pouco... Um espírito solidário que encontra conforto... O despertar de sonhos há muito esquecidos... Ryan se dá conta de todo o tempo perdido e agora seu maior desejo é reencontrar os irmãos. Mas ele estaria pronto para aceitar o desafio de Maggie e reservar dentro dele um lugar destinado ao amor dela - para sempre?
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readbook49 · 1 year
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televinita · 1 year
The blessing/curse of the BiblioCommons library system is that yes, it's fun to be able to keep a record of your checkouts (even if you have to do so manually), but also makes it suuuuuuper easy to see at a glance what's been weeded, and that is never good for my heart.
Because I clearly have too much time on my hands today, as of August 2023, here is the list of what's disappeared from my checkouts of Feb. 2020-March 2022 (when I lost my card/switched to using husband's so I wouldn't have to memorize a new number for Libby, and didn't want to clutter his account with my records) (I do have my own card back now, fyi):
listed in no particular order; year given is the edition's publication year, which is often the same as copyright year but sometimes more recent
The Map of Lost Memories - Kim Fay (2012) -- was still on my TBR 👿
The Visitors - Simon Sylvester (2015)
The Swiss Affair - Emylia Hall (2014)
The Dragon Book - various (2009) -- collection of short stories; I'm pissed about this one because it includes a Tamora Pierce story about Daine/Numair/Kitten
The Rules - Nancy Holder & Debbie Viguié (2015)
Bitter End - Jennifer Brown (2011)
Lucky T - Kate Brian (2007) -- tbh it was a miracle that one lasted as long as it did and I know it (never did get around to reading it though)
The Traitor Game - B.R. Collins (2008)
Juvenile Books
The Meaning of Maggie - Megan Jean Sovern (2014)
The Forest Has Eyes - Bev Doolittle (1998) -- dammit, coolest picture book
Letters to Seabiscuit (2003)
Life at Home in the 21st Century: 32 Families Open Their Doors - Jeanne E. Arnold (2012) -- unsurprising because chunky coffee table book, but man it was cool and fun to look at
Cats in the Belfry - Doreen Tovey (2008)
Roses Round the Door - Doreen Tovey (1982 -- or so the record says but I think it was a bit more recent, maybe also a 2000s edition)
Audiobook on CD
Fish in a Tree - Lynda Mullaly Hunt (2015)
Home in Carolina - Sherryl Woods (2010)
Childhood's End
So it's actually not as bad as I thought it might be; this represents only 8% of what I checked out in that time period...but we'll see how it compares the longer I track this stuff.
That said, for all the final-weeds I have managed to get lucky with finding, including some books I really loved, I did not see a single one of these on a sale cart / in a library sale, which is annoying because there are only a few of these that I wouldn't have snapped up. Book fairies! I can't really complain because you do still tip a lot of treasure into my path, but also, COME ON.
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inlovewithquotes · 2 years
"Some people are just optimists," Helen told her. "Or maybe there's something about love that can make you forget all the odds and statistics and pain."
-Stealing Home
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lovebooksgroup · 2 years
Stealing Home by Sherryl Woods #Bookreview #Bookblogger #RomanceFiction #BookTwitter
Stealing Home by Sherryl Woods #Bookreview #Bookblogger #RomanceFiction #BookTwitter
Stealing Home by Sherryl Woods is a wonderful story about hope and family that captivates readers from beginning to end. The protagonist, Ellen, has suffered tremendous loss, and in her desperate attempt to regain something that she can call her own, embarks on a journey to her childhood home in Texas. Throughout her journey, Ellen confronts numerous obstacles, struggles with feelings of…
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latestmoviesblog · 2 years
'Sweet Magnolias' Season 3: Netflix Release Date Estimate & What We Know So Far
Sweet Magnolias – Picture: Netflix Sweet Magnolias season 3 is coming to Netflix globally in Spring 2023. Here’s our preview on everything we know about the next season of Netflix’s Sweet Magnolias, including what we can expect, how season 2 of the show performed, new cast members, and more. The series is based on the novel by Sherryl Woods, which first premiered on Netflix in May 2020, with its…
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bookrevise · 2 years
Was the movie chiefs based on a true story?
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Was the movie chiefs based on a true story?
What kind of books does Stuart Woods write?
What was the movie chiefs about?
Who wrote the book chiefs?
When did the movie chiefs come out?
In what order should you read Stuart Woods books?
What kind of books does Sherryl Woods write?
Who writes the Stone Barrington novels?
How many Stone Barrington books are there?
Where can I watch the TV mini series Chiefs?
Was Chiefs based on a true story?
Who wrote the novel Chiefs?
Where can I watch Chiefs the movie?
Where can I watch the mini series Chiefs?
What is Stuart Woods first book?
How many books are there in the Stone Barrington series?
What should I read after Stuart Woods?
What is the first Stone Barrington novel?
What type of books does Stuart Woods write?
Is Sherryl Woods still writing books?
Is Chesapeake Shores based on a book?
How many Stone Barrington novels are there?
What is the latest Stone Barrington novel by Stuart Woods?
Should Stone Barrington books be read in order?
Who narrates Stone Barrington books?
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maillong · 2 years
Let it snow sign
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The first story (Let it Snow by Debbie Macomber) was a pretty simple, enjoyable, quick holiday read. I made it about two chapters into the second This is my first time reading these authors:ĭebbie Macomber, Sherryl Woods & Robin CarrĪnd let me just say that cozy romance is not my forte. Cute characters, cute plot - exactly the type of warm and romantic holiday read I was looking for, but there was nothing life-shattering or laugh-out-loud about this one. This is my first time reading these authors: Debbie Macomber, Sherryl Woods & Robin Carr And let me just say that cozy romance is not my forte. It's essentially the same set up as Dashing Through the Snow by this author.Īlthough incredibly predictable, this novella was a cute story.and I can't help but chuckle at the very 1980s romance lead name of Slade Garner!. A mysterious and overly serious Slade Garner has the same idea, leading the unlikely pair to share the remaining rental car. She decides to rent a car and drive the remainder of the journey. Shelley Girffin is headed home to Seattle for Christmas when a snow storm reroutes her flight. Although incredibly predictable, this novella was a Let it Snow is a sweet Christmas story, as I've come to expect from Debbie Macomber. It's essentially the same set up as Dashing Through the Snow by this author. Let it Snow is a sweet Christmas story, as I've come to expect from Debbie Macomber. The man was still engaged to the other woman but that didn't stop their attraction, kissing and wanting more. I believe they spent three days at her father's house sometimes the dad was there, sometimes he wasn't. The weather continued to work against them. The two were fated to travel together in the last available rental car. There was a snowstorm and their plane was grounded. The man was still en I will try to sum up this story as quickly as possible I am clearly in the minority with Let it Snow.Ī man and a woman met on a plane. Nancy Thayer’s enchanting Nantucket setting provides the perfect backdrop for this holiday love story.I will try to sum up this story as quickly as possible I am clearly in the minority with Let it Snow. And with the help of Wink’s uncle, who happens to be a charming and very handsome bachelor, this may be the best Christmas any of them could have ever imagined. When she bonds with Wink, his sweet, young granddaughter who frequents the shop, it becomes clear that perhaps he isn’t so cold after all. But when her Scrooge of a landlord, Oscar Bittlesman, raises her rent, it seems nearly impossible for Christina to continue business on the wharf.Įven so, Christina hopes there is a warm heart underneath Oscar’s steely exterior. to warm the coldest of hearts-and maybe even find love.Ĭhristina Antonioni is preparing for the holidays at her Nantucket toy shop, unpacking last-minute shipments and decorating for her loyal Christmas shoppers. Order a Hardcover Signed Copy of Nancy Thayer's newest holiday novel - "Let it Snow."Ī Nantucket shopkeeper discovers that Christmas is the perfect occasion to make unexpected friendships.
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airplanes924 · 3 years
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Books I’ve Read in 2021
Number 46
The Inn at Eagle Point by Sherryl Woods
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