#Shikamaru match up
galaxychaos78 · 1 year
i'm back at the theaters yet again to view Barbie and I'm wondering which of my faves would come with me all 5 times to see this movie
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kakashixhatakesxwhore · 4 months
How they sleep...headcanons
Includes my beloved Iruka, darling Kakashi, and dear Itachi (with bonus additions of lovely Shikamaru and sweet Sasuke) GN!Reader
Warnings: tad bit of language, and some raunchy bits (nothing crazy, reader discretion advised), tell me if this sucks
He loves, loves, LOVES to cuddle
Even on the hottest nights of the year, Iruka still has his arm thrown over you, unable to get valuable sleep unless his bare skin was touching yours
Dies over being little spoon, adores it, and is internally screaming when you pull him close in your sleep
Sleeps in a pair of boxers, with the occasional t-shirt if he expects it to be especially cold in the night - the skin-to-skin contact with you usually keeps him plenty warm
Grinds his teeth in his sleep, and it makes his jaw pop in a painful way - but he refuses to get a nightguard because he heard it would make him drool
His hair gets messy in the night with how much he moves, but they're easy knots
Mumbles in his sleep, nothing coherent unless you prompt him, but he will always reply 'I love you more' even in the deepest slumber
Sleeps like the dead
If he's truly comfortable, Kakashi could sleep through a tornado without so much as a stir
That said, you will be locked into whatever position you fall asleep with him in, and he insists upon falling asleep with his limbs entangled with yours
Kakashi goes through violent hot and cold swings in the night, because his internal thermostat is broken - he doesn't move a muscle, used to the sweats/chills, but it prompts you to move around him according to the temperature swings
Gets multiple erections during the night
Has about fifty pairs of pyjama pants, some even have matching shirts, but will almost always fall asleep in his boxers
Sometimes, even if he does fall asleep with pyjama pants, he'll take them off in a half asleep daze at some point in the night
Goodnight kisses are a must every single night and good morning kisses are necessary every single morning, Kakashi's favourite part of getting to sleep next to you was the fact that your face was the first and last he saw in a day
Groans in his sleep, occasionally sighs your name, but is very silent and still, except for his face, scrunching up every ten minutes it seemed
Goddamn somebody get this emmaciated man a warm bed and a long cuddle
He doesn't sleep much, and when he does, it's not continuous
Clenches his jaw while he sleeps, making it pop and lock throughout the night
Needs everything to be pitch dark and quiet as church service for him to hit even Stage 3 sleep, Itachi sleeps like a cat and will rouse with any noise
Frequent nightmares, and if he's having a peaceful sleep, it's dreamless
Sleeps best after a few orgasms
Loves feeling your body curled against him, so much so that even while sleeping, he'll stroke your back and whisper his adorations
Itachi always wakes up first and then stares at you until you wake up, he might play with your hair a little, but otherwise will just watch you sleep soundly
When you wake up, if there's time, he'll roll around with you, cuddling and kissing for an hour or two before he starts getting antsy to get up
Falls asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow, but that never stops you from cuddling up close
About twice a week, he falls asleep fully clothed, and you have to peel the clothes off his uncooperative ass or else he'll get all whiny in the morning, waking up in yesterday's clothes without a hangover
Truly a sweetie, Shikamaru's always pulling at you while he sleeps - never hard enough to pull you right to him, but enough for your unconscious mind to get the hint
Favourite thing is spending entire mornings with you in bed, talking, cuddling, smoking
Ticklish as hell so you cannot just be wandering your hands over him while he's sleeping; he'll smack you away harshly and turn away (but not remember anything in the morning)
Will fully open his eyes and sit up at various points in the night, say something strange, then just go back down
You keep a small notebook to write down the ones you catch because you love how embarrassed Shikamaru gets to hear what he was saying in his sleep (he lowk finds it interesting as hell though)
Goes through phases where he cannot sleep, but hates it when you insist on staying up with him
Nah jk he loves the fact that you're willing to disrupt your own schedule for him but would never ever ask you to do so himself
Has a very long getting ready process; including a 40-minute long bathroom routine, the selecting of pyjamas, then he might like to read a book to fall asleep in lieu to cuddling with you
Spending so many formative nights without so much as a goodnight from someone he cared about forced him to start this process as a way for him to say goodnight to himself
Likes it when you join him, but if he's had a long day, prefers to do his routine alone
While he reads, or stares out the window wistfully, he's not opposed to you lying on his chest and will kiss your forehead as you drift off to his heartbeat
Sasuke's always cold, so you guys have quite the thick duvet and he's always wrapped to the chin when you wake up
He prefers to wake up first, preparing tea for two before he wakes you up as gently as he knows how to
Gets out of bed immediately after opening his eyes, always ready to start the day (though much to his chagrin)
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just-rock-lee · 3 months
If requests are still open may I request how lee would act with a very affections S/O? Like always trying to hold hands, pda is 100% something they like, and they’re always looking for a way to touch/hold him? Sorry if requests are closed! Thank you for taking the time to look at this and I hope you have a wonderful day/night!
AN: Hi, I know I haven't posted in Ages, don't worry nothing bad happened I just didn't have the energy to write, but I'm back now and I'm gonna try and get all the requests in my inbox done as soon as possible Xx.
Gender Neutral reader.
Warnings: None.
To be honest, Lee LOVES how affectionate you are.
You will NEVER feel like you're clingy or annoying him because this boy will accept your affection without hesitation.
you put you're hand on his face? He's grabbed your wrist and nuzzling his face in your palm.
You've opened your arms for a hug? He's dive booming at you.
You two are cuddling in bed and you're massaging his scalp? The boys acting like a cat who's getting a GOOD scratch.
It doesn't matter where or when you want to hold him because he will fully embrace it.
This boy will combine you and his training together, for example...
When he's doing pull-ups, you're hugging his front like a Kuala Bear.
Lee's doing push-ups, you're either underneath him giving him a kiss every time he comes down OR on his back cloud gazing and telling him what you see.
At some point in the relationship, he starts to put you on his back when he goes for his morning run, like Lee loves his morning cuddles but he HAS to go for his run so he figured why not just sling you on his back and take you with him while you sleep.
Shikamaru stood on his balcony having his first cigarette of the day, as he watched Lee run past with a sleeping Y/N on his back for the fifth day in a row: Mother fuckers doing it again.
I’m just gonna tell you now, that everyone is disgusted by how affectionate you two are, like everyone in The Hidden Leaf is somewhat jaded so when they see you two being all loving and cuddly towards each other it makes them physically sick.
(But don't take it to heart because this is the same village that collectively hated on a child.)
Don't worry tho because there's a small fan club that supports you and Lee, that being Guy, Tenten and Sakura.
Both of yous LOVE bedtime because it means you two can cuddle for 8 uninterrupted hours.
If there's ever a time that you're late to bed, Lee will hunt you down and drag you to bed, it doesn't matter what you were doing before, put it down, it's bedtime.
Rock Lee: Walking to the bedroom with Y/N over his shoulder, like a sack of potatoes.
Y/N: Put me down I have to finish my work!
Rock Lee: No 😇
It's okay tho because you do the same to Lee when he tries to do late-night training.
All in all, you and Rock Lee are a match made in heaven.
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venerawrites · 4 months
Can I request an Imagine where a fem character is captured by the enemy and she’s under a genjutsu where she’s being tortured by Shikamaru (who she loves) but is pulled out of it just in time by Shika who actually gets there in time with a team? Comfort fluff, reassuring, and he admits he loves her?
author's note: I have been writing this literally for ages, but now that all my assignments are officially done, I finally had a chance to catch up! Thank you so much for your patience and this beautiful idea! I absolutely loved writing this one! I hope you like it! <3
warnings: mentions of torture; swearing
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There is something comforting in darkness. Once it welcomes you in its embrace, all your fears, worries, and thoughts just... disappear. Your body and your mind relax and for once, it is all quiet.
And silence is beautiful.
Two strong hands wrapped around your neck, pulling you harshly out of the water and bringing all your senses back to reality. The sudden rush of air filling your lungs made you choke and you struggled to take another breath. The comforting silence, in which you were blissfully floating just a second ago, was interrupted by the rapid beating of your heart and the muffled sound of someone's voice next to you.
"-absolutely pathetic", your brain registered only the last words of what the person said. You coughed once again and another hefty amount of dirty water made its way out of your body, letting you breathe more freely. Your chest felt heavy and all your muscles screamed in pain, making this moment of awareness feel more like a punishment than a relief.
With a few slow blinks, the darkness started to lift and your surroundings started to become clearer. At first, all you could see was the sky - so grey and sad, a sure sign it was about to rain soon. Then your focus shifted to the trees and the strange way their leaves stood still, despite the wind around you. Finally, your eyes shifted to the silhouette sitting next to you. Blinking a few more times, their face started to become more focused and you let out a breath of relief, once you realised it was your best friend who saved you from what seemed like sure death.
"Shika...", you said weakly, not having the energy to even pronounce his full name. Instinctively reaching your hand toward him, you tried to get a hold of his hand, his warmth being the only thing your body craved right now. The said man let out a scoff, moving out of the way just when you were about to reach him. When you hand hit nothing but air, you slowly opened your eyes, brows furrowed in confusion.
"Shika?", you repeated, lifting your head just a bit, so you could see the man better. Sitting on a small stone next to you, he stared at you with a bored expression, a half-burn cigarette hanging from his lips. There was something in weird in his eyes, something which you have seen only a handful of times in all the years you have known him.
Was it anger? Annoyance? Hate?
You couldn't exactly tell, your brain still struggling to make sense of where you are and how did you got there. The last thing you remember was fighting a group of rogue ninjas near Amegakure, before something was wrapped around both your arms and legs, forcing you to the ground. You must have passed out because now you were on the river bank near Konoha, a place where you and Shikamaru played from dawn to dusk when you were children.
"He probably brought me here to clean my wounds", was the first thought that came to your your head, while you tried to lift yourself on your elbows.
"Shika, what-"
The words got stuck in your throat, once your friend's hands found their way around it once again. His nails dug into the skin and you winced in pain, your own fingers wrapping around his wrists in an attempt to pull him away. His power, however, was no match for you and all you could do was stare at him with wide eyes, a silent plead for him to let go.
"Just shut the hell up, troublesome woman! You always ramble on and on, and on...", the fingers on your neck tightened their grip and you opened your mouth, desperately trying to inhale some air and combat the dizziness that started to consume you due to the lack of oxygen. However, Shikamaru did not seem impressed by your struggle or the way you kept tapping his arm. Instead of freeing you, he leaned forward, pressing his full body weight on you.
"I've never hated any sound more than my name coming out of your lips! I fucking hate it! I fucking hate YOU!"
Hissing the last words through gritted teeth, he finally let go of your throat, only to smack his palm against your cheek. Your head whipped to the side, a few droplets of blood flying from your mouth. The burning feeling on your cheek, however, felt almost insignificant compared to the overwhelming feelings of shock and confusion that paralyzed your body. The echo of his words kept sounding in your mind, each repetition making your heart beat faster and faster in panic.
"What...", you chocked out, eyes searching his, "What's going on?"
A dry, almost sinister chuckle left his lips and the sound sent shivers down your spine. He lowered his head right above yours before grabbing your cheeks in one hand, squishing your face. A small whine sounded from you and the man narrowed his eyes, observing you with a mixture of annoyance and amusement.
"Look at yourself... calling yourself a ninja, yet you can't handle even a single mission by yourself!", he muttered with disdain, his gaze not leaving yours. You tried to pull your head away, but his grip was so tight, you were unable to move even a muscle.
Tears of frustration started to form in your eyes, a few sliding down your cheeks. Normally, in moments like these, Shikamaru would be the one holding you, muttering sweet words of comfort in your ears. His hands would stroke your hair, while he rocks your body back and forth till you calm down and fall asleep on top of him.
Now he offered nothing but a look of disgust.
"Wh-What are you doing?", your voice betrayed you, sounding smaller than you intended to, "Shikamaru, why are you holding me like this?"
The first rule of the shinobi was to never give up. It was a life full of pain and sacrifice, but the end goal was the protection of the people - and for that, you had to fight, even if you had no energy left in you.
But as you laid beneath Shikamaru, staring at his dark eyes, full of contempt, you couldn't do anything but let the tears fall freely from your eyes. A good ninja would probably seize the moment and use it as a distraction to draw their weapon and stab their attacker, but how could you do that, when the person on top of you was the person you loved and cherished the most in this world? The person that has been your best friend for more than 10 years? The person who was your rock during the hardest periods of your life? The love of your life?
Before you could realise what was happening, his hands lifted you by the neck, pushing your head below the water again. This time, however, there was no comfort in it - it was cold and unwelcoming, sending waves of shock through your entire body. It stung your eyes and it filled your nose and mouth, making you panic. Your mind screamed at you to fight back, to somehow wrench yourself out of his grasp. Throwing both your arms and legs around, you tried to throw him off you, but his fingers only dug deeper into your skin, his knees landing on top of your thighs to keep you still.
Just as your vision started to fade, he brought you back to the surface and you gasped for air, choking in the water still stuck in your lungs.
"I fucking hate you... Do you understand that? I hate the way you whine all the fucking time, clinging to me like a leech! You always cry, never taking any responsibility for anything!", his tone was low, but filled with hatred, "I hate you so fucking much, I've been fantasizing about how to shut your mouth once and for all for so long!"
Barely giving you a chance to even register his words, he pressed your head down once again. Unlike last time, you were under only for a few seconds, before he pulled you out.
"You are nothing but a burden! To me, to your family, to everyone in that damned village!"
Each word felt like a dagger piercing through your chest, crushing whatever hope remained that all this was just a bad dream and that you would wake up any moment in Shikamaru's bed, his hands rubbing soothing circles on your back.
What the hell happened during your mission? When did he even appear? Did he save you? Why was he so angry with you?
Your head was filled with questions and soon there was nothing but a messy tangle of thoughts. A small voice at the back of your mind kept repeating his words.
"Nothing but a burden..."
The words hit deeper than you liked to admit. Back when you were younger you were the weakest kid in class, much to the dismay of your parents, both of which were great and strong shinobi. The other children rarely wanted to play with you - most of the time they viewed you as someone who couldn't keep up with their speed and energy. Naruto and Shikamaru were the only ones who reached out to you back then, the only ones who stood by you when no one else would.
While the blonde was a dear friend to you, nothing could compare to the bond you shared with the young Nara. He has always been a constant in your life, a safe haven to which you could run once the reality was too much to bear. Countless nights he held you in his embrace when you couldn't sleep because your family was fighting once again. He always left his window slightly open, an unspoken invitation for you to come anytime you wanted. Thinking back, sneaking into your best friend's bed at night was maybe not the wisest decision, as it was during one of these times you realised you were utterly and madly in love with him.
You remembered that night clearly. The two of you were laying side by side on his bed, the only light coming from the bright moon up in the sky. It was the night after Asuma's funeral and despite his initial warning for you not to come, you still made your way to his house at 2:00 o'clock at night. He didn't utter even a word when he saw you entering through his window, instead, he only lifted his blanket, making a space for you to join him. You laid down and he immediately pulled you under him, burying his head in the space between your neck and shoulder, his hot tears falling on your bare skin.
As he clung to you, your fingers gently rubbed his scalp, offering your silent support. What wouldn't you give to take his pain away, to bring back his beloved sensei, and to make him forget the horrors he witnessed that day.
"I don't know what I would do without you...", he whispered against your hair, his breath tickling your scalp.
"You don't have to think about that", you whispered back, your fingers still combing through his black locks, "I am here. I always will be."
Shikamaru didn't answer. Instead, he lifted his head and looked at you with his bloodshot eyes, before pressing his lips against yours. It was a quick and gentle peck, a promise of a friend, rather than a lover's confession. When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours, muttering a quiet 'I am sorry.', before rolling on his side and falling asleep.
Neither of you said anything about it afterward. The next morning you woke up and continued your usual routine, as if nothing had happened. There were moments when you wondered if it was all a dream - maybe you were so in love with him that your brain started to play tricks with you. Yet, there was a weird comfort in not knowing if it was all just an illusion. Sometimes you liked to think that it was, indeed, real.
Slowly losing consciousness due to the lack of air, everything started to fade, except the memory of that night. It kept replaying over and over in your mind, feeling so real, you could almost feel his chapped lips against yours.
How ironic and unfair was that? Your last moments are spent thinking about the man who is currently the source of your suffering.
Suddenly the grip on your neck disappeared and you felt something sliding under your head and knees, lifting you back to the surface. Too tired to fight or even open your eyes, you let yourself be carried out of the river. A frantic voice was shouting something right in your face, but you could not recognize it, nor could understand what it was saying. Your limbs, chest, and eyelids felt so heavy, all you wanted was just to relax and let your body rest.
The second you were laid down on a flat surface, someone's mouth was pressed against yours, blowing air into your lungs. The sudden rush of oxygen made your body jolt and you would've probably hurt yourself, if the person who was bringing you back to life did not have their hands on your chest, rhythmically pumping.
Finally, you took your first breath on your own and you coughed violently, turning your body to the side so you could spit the excess water from your mouth. The hands that saved you made their way to your back, gently patting it to help you stop choking.
"Shit, are you okay?", the sound of the familiar voice made your body freeze.
"No! It cannot end like this!", you thought to yourself, the feeling of panic already bubbling inside of you. What game was Shikamaru playing? He almost ended your life, just to bring you back... What type of cruel torture was that?
"Hey... can you hear me? Please, answer me. Please, I can't-"
Before he could finish, you turned toward him and punched him as hard as you could. The man stumbled back from his kneeling position, cupping his nose in an attempt to stop the flowing blood. You used the opportunity to drag your weak body away from him, ignoring the sharp pain that pulsated through each one of your muscles.
"Stay away!", you yelled, glancing back at him, "Why are you doing this? Why are you trying to kill me?"
The young Nara looked at you with a confused expression, taking a step toward you, but immediately stopping once he saw the fear on your face.
"Kill you? What are you-", the sudden realisation of what was going on downed on him and he lifted both his hands from his face in a defensive motion, "Wait! No! It's not what you think!"
Ignoring his words, you continued to drag yourself away, gritting your teeth at the feeling of your skin scraping against the ground. Looking in his direction again, you found he was already on his feet but he had not moved from his original position.
"Please... I'm not going to hurt you!", he begged, his voice filled with desperation, "Just stop for a second! Listen to me!"
Letting out a sigh, you dropped to the ground, too exhausted to continue your escape attempt. Deep down you knew there was no point - you were surrounded by nothing but a field and while you managed to create a significant distance between you, he was on his feet, while you were crawling on your elbows. It was clear that no matter what you did, you won't be able to run away from him. The only option you had was to just wait and hope he was going to finish this quickly.
"Why?", the question came out as a broken whisper and you were not even sure he heard it, "Why are you doing this?"
Shikamaru's gaze softened and he made a small step toward you, testing your reaction. When he saw you made no movement, he made another step before stopping again. Only the gods knew he wanted nothing more than to run toward you and hold you in his arms, making sure you were okay. The spark of fear in your eyes, however, made him control his urges and he used all his willpower to remain calm and rational.
Seeing you like this... it was like his world was falling apart. He was not a violent person, far from it, but somewhere back in his mind, he kept imagining bringing the rogue ninja that put you through this back to life, just so he could kill him again. And then again. And then again. As many times as it took for him to feel like he did you justice.
The image of your face twisted in a silent scream, your whole body covered in blood, was one that he was never going to forget. And oh, how he wished he could! Ino and Choji have never seen their teammate lose control like this, not even when their sensei died. The piercing shriek that left his lips the moment he saw you, the way he ran toward your body, the bloodthirst in his gaze, while he slashed the enemy's throat open... it was almost like something dark and demonic had possessed him.
"You were under a genjutsu... everything that you felt and saw... it was not real. It was NOT me", with each word he closed the distance more and more, till he found himself right in front of you. Crouching next to your form, he extended his hand to touch yours, brows furrowing when he saw you flinch back.
"Please! Whatever you saw, whatever that bastard made you believe... it was NOT ME!", his voice remained low, yet it was getting more distressed, "I would never, ever hurt you! Never!"
He reached out again, this time slower so he could give you a chance to comprehend his words and move back if you wanted to. Shifting your look between his eyes and his hand, you took a deep breath, before letting him touch you. The warmth of his fingers brightly contrasted with your cold skin, sending shivers down your spine.
"It's me...", his hand slowly moved up toward your face, cradling your cheek in his palm and gently stroking it with his thumb. Your muscles remained frozen, still unsure if this was a trick or not, "I'm here. I'm here..."
He kept repeating the same words over and over, while cautiously moving his body closer, so he could wrap his arms around you. Your eyes danced around your surroundings, finally appreciating that you were in fact NOT next to the river in Konoha. Instead, you were at the exact same spot where you lost consciousness during your fight. The pieces of the mystery of what happened finally started to come together in your mind and the reality hit you like a wave, washing over the lingering doubts in your mind.
You opened your mouth to say something, but all that came out was a loud sob. And then another... Soon, the tears started freely flowing down your cheeks while your body shook with the intensity of the shock of what actually happened. Shikamaru kept you pressed tightly against his chest, his own tears falling on top of your hair, while he rocked both of you back and forth.
"I am so sorry!", he muttered, pressing his nose into your head, "I am so, so sorry! It's all my fault!"
"If I didn't waste so much time planning and strategizing, I would've been here on time! I would've been able to save you, I would've been able to kill that bastard before he had the chance to hurt you!", he rambled on, more to himself than to you.
The sound of his name, together with the feeling of your fingers on his face finally caught his attention and he gazed down at you, his dark eyes still glossy and red.
"You saved me...", you said tracing his jaw, "You actually came for me."
He let out a quiet scoff, squeezing you tighter. His lips found their way to your forehead, placing a small kiss on it and lingering for a few seconds after that.
"Of course, I came for you, you troublesome woman", he sighed, closing his eyes. Holding the person you were in love with for years and who you thought you'd lost forever had to be the most surreal feeling.
At least for him.
There were a few seconds of silence between you, during which you just held each other. No words were spoken, but none were needed - the way you clung to one another, ignoring everyone and everything else, spoke of all of the feelings and affections you kept hidden in your hearts. Somewhere in the distance, you could hear Ino's voice talking, but your mind could not focus on anything but Shikamaru's heartbeat next to your ear.
"I've thought I lost you...", the sudden admission was quiet, almost as if he didn't really want you to hear it. He gulped, moving his head back so he can look into your eyes.
"That night when I said I don't know what I would do without you... I meant it. I still do! I would choose death any day if it means I wouldn't have to face the risk of losing you."
His words made your eyes widen and you stared back at him, trying to read his emotions. The Nara was not a man who liked to talk about his feelings, so any insight into his mind and heart was always surprising. A slight blush covered his cheeks, a sign that despite his moment of courage, he was still feeling nervous about your response.
"I love you."
"I love you."
Both of you blurted it out at the same time, your expressions slowly changing from scared to shocked. You blinked a few times, your brain taking some extra seconds to process his words. Finally, a small smile broke on your lips. Shikamaru, on the other hand, tried to remain serious, but the corners of his mouth kept tugging upwards.
"I want to kiss you."
"Is that your way of asking me for permission or you are just telling me?", you raised a brow and he let out a small laugh at your words.
"I am telling you."
With that one of his palms found your chin, gently cupping it and lifting your head toward him. You could feel his minty breath mixing with your own as he leaned in, not moving his eyes from yours.
The kiss was light, at first you barely felt his mouth against yours. It was delicate and somewhat unsure, just like the kiss you shared that fateful night. The more your lips moved together, the more confident you both became and he grabbed the back of your neck, holding you into place while his tongue met yours. It was all so new, yet it felt so familiar - almost like you've done that a thousand times before.
Finally pulling back, he rested his forehead against yours, trying to catch his breath.
"You have no idea how many years I have been dreaming" about this", he landed one more peck, before scooping you in his arms and lifting you, "Let's go home."
cc artwork: Xiaodi Jin
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httpino · 4 months
hiii, here is my list of random team 7 headcanons!! :D these are not canon compliant at all (i choose happiness) n are more like a college au!!
Team 7 Headcanons
- sasuke unironically drinks fireball shots and near nothing else
- he also can drink a million of those before he even gets slightly tipsy
- sometimes sasuke will lend a hand in helping keeping the boys from acting like idiots at the bar but he usually leaves it up to god, he can’t be bothered
- naruto and sakura got matching tattoos after sasuke said no but sasuke was jealous so he ended up going with
- sakura gets fomo real bad
- she’ll say she needs to stay in to study then she’ll speed run it and then go out
- she’ll ace any and all tests but she’s hungover as shit because she tried to out drink ino
- naruto will listen to every single impulsive thought he’s ever had
- he bet shikamaru that he can actually land a flip off the roof while shit face drunk (for the record, he cannot!)
- sakura had to intervene but just know, he would’ve done it
- naruto has shit handwriting and he’s the only one who can read what he’s writing
- and sakura. for some reason his handwriting makes complete sense to her
- must be the doctor in her
- sakura is slightly deranged
- and so is sasuke. together they’re even worse than naruto
- people truly shiver when they’re in their presence
- half because they’re really hot n half because these two really know how to strike fear into one’s heart
- it’s naruto n his vape against the world
- sakura tries to get him to actively quit
- she sends him infographics about fucked up lungs to scare him
- but she truly decided to get him off when he started dreaming about ramen flavored vape
- naruto can’t really cook or bake but one thing he can do is whip up a good batch of gummy edibles
- sakura nearly burnt down the kitchen because she forgot about the bread in the toaster so she’s banned from the kitchen
- for this reason, sasuke is team 7’s main cook
that’s all i got for them🙏🏾 i have team 8, 10, n team guy headcanons too
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ayyyez · 2 years
For whichever Naruto characters you'll get inspiration for: how do they think they would do babysitting vs how they actually do. Who'd be overconfident and fail miserably? Who would avoid it at all cost but turn out amazing? Who is bad with kids and knows it? Who'd be a supernanny?
A/N: oh yeah, sure thing my friend! These were fun to do. Thanks for sending in a request!
TAGS: babysitting headcanons, fluff, soft headcanons, hehes, gremlin Madara
CHARACTERS: Neji Hyuga, Shisui Uchiha, Shikamaru Nara, Madara Uchiha, Tobirama Senju
NEJI HYUGA: Okay so genin Neji would not be thrilled at the prospect of babysitting. He'd also be a little cocky thinking he'd have no problem wrangling a bunch of kids. He underestimates these trouble makers however and has a woeful time dealing with their "backtalking" and "incessant questioning of authority." That's him— he's the authority. Neji sweetie they're kids. Won't lose them though with his Byakugan and kind of scares them into behaving with his demeanour.
Teen/Adult (Jonin) Neji now is a lot more mellow and less harsh. He's going to be a lot softer and understanding. Is actually less confident with the task but does a lot better. Bends down to the kids level to talk to them. Treats them the same way he does adults in the way he talks to them but his tone his gentler. Is patient with their questions. Reads to them. Teaches them life lessons.
Don't tell anyone but he gives them piggybacks.
SHISUI UCHIHA: The best damn babysitter you could ask for and he knows it too. If you tell him though he'll get all bashful about it. He's so good with kids! Talks and plays with them like he is one. Being around kids helps him reset and forget his troubles. He can't help but want to protect them and their childhoods. Because of this just wants to show them the best time.
Kind of sneaky about the games he teaches. The games teach them strategy and how to think on their feet. Real world shinobi skills to help them learn how to hide and escape if they ever need it. Shisui also picks the littler kids up and zooms them around. Piggyback rides and races. Rolling down hills. Lots of laughter and fun.
Always letting the kids win and encouraging them when he can.
SHIKAMARU NARA: Doesn't matter when this is Shikamaru's always going to think it's going to be a drag babysitting. He's going to look for the easiest way to mind these kids. Think smarter not harder is his motto. Doesn't think he'll do a terrible job nor exceed expectations. He's there to tick a box. What he doesn't expect is to be kept amused by the kids. Having back and forth banter. The kids telling him "jokes" and stories.
Ha. So maybe babysitting isn't so bad. The kind of babysitter who is like 'Alright, I'll give you some treats if you don't tell your parents.' Totally has a secret pact with the kids. Teaches them all sorts of cool things. As long as they don't have to go anywhere or do anything too annoying.
The kind of babysitter the kids think are cool.
MADARA UCHIHA: Do not let this man babysit your kids. He's a terrible influence (affectionate). I don't mean big bad Madara either I just mean regular gremlin Madara. He's going to have your kids running wild and promoting their chaos. He has a complex where he both thinks he's the best babysitter in the world and thinks he's also going to fail big time.
Okay in all seriousness though he's good for kids who have a lot of energy and need to run around. He'll match their energy and do what they need to do to get all of that out. Won't bring any negativity to the table either. Just encourages them to go go go. And is behind them the entire time. Doesn't care about the mess either. Those kids want to roll around in mud? Alright mud fight it is. It's war baby. Takes those wargames very seriously. The kids call him sir and everything lol.
He encourages chaos in order to keep that watchful eye on them. He actually does an alright job.
TOBIRAMA SENJU: Great teacher. Terrible babysitter. Terrible with teensy children. Good with school level children in a teaching environment. But he just can't babysit. He's so bad with children that aren't his own or his students. He's just so awkward. You know how people hold toddlers like they're wild creatures with their arms completely stretched out in front of them? That's him holding them.
Everything becomes lectures when he talks to them and he's so theoretical and awkward at connecting and knows it. He honestly chooses to just not babysit.
I want to point out though he is really good at teaching children when they're his students. When they're old enough to somewhat take care of themselves and he just has to teach them the rest and theres time to make a connection—he can't explain it—it's just different. Like tweens he's good with tweens. Genuinely enjoys seeing the next generations flourish he just doesn't have those babysitting skills.
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margueritedaisies · 1 year
@sneakystorms @frozenladybug
Saw your old JTTW content and I am currently hooked with this fanbase. So here's a lil gift I did for fun during vacant period in class.
Recently drew dynamic combat poses with Wukong trying to fight fair and square (but he still has higher ground) so he wouldnt get disqualified in some brawling tournament. So he's in human form, no weapons or magic.
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Personal fave drawing, just love to think if Wukong really put the finesse in his combat skills to full potential .We barely get a chance to see him really do a fair hand to hand combat, usually just him abruptly throwing punches and kicks, and those poorly executed flying harness scenes. And always relying on his supernatural abilities and cudgel. Like I get he's so self assured and usually takes things easy for himself. But would really love to see his mastery in martial arts . I guess he'd only do it when he wants to really show off against those who he has bad blood with. If he's on a risky fight where he finds his match. The more things at stake, more thrill and hes definitely having fun . He'd want to pull off flashy moves to overwhelm his opponent.
Smear lines are a powerful thing for dynamic fighting poses. Been looking at One punch man manga fight scenes.
"He is dignified and beautiful, and I love him. "
*While Wukong shreds his way through the carnage*
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Feral bb, I imagine demon monkey roars sound like cheetahs/leopards
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Hoo boi 😭🥹🔥 Wukong's ponytail is just Shikamaru and Musashi(Vagabond) hair combined
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Oh yeah,just can't pass up to draw more SunTang
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tamelee · 11 days
lol if sns was real, which one do u think would get more jealous? Also, do you think Sasuke would blend in well with Naruto's group of friends. I think he would do well with Neji and Lee, but I think Gaara and Shikamaru would be a different story. I headcannon he would probably be jealous of how close Gaara and Naruto are with each and Shikamaru would be the one friend who would hate the relationship because of how affectionate they are with each other (but still be happy for his best bud)
Hi @bratzs12345 ! They are real ergijergkjaek! >< 
'Jealousy' doesn't really seem right for either of them, I don't know. They both know one other well enough to recognize the depth of their relationship and how important they are to one another. And because of that, it's practically impossible to feel genuine jealousy? Not jealousy, for instance, when Sakura told Sasuke she felt that Naruto got in between them, or he prevented her from the happiness she'd think she'd get with Sasuke, lol. 
People call Naruto jealous when he displays 'possessiveness' over Sasuke, but that didn't stem from jealousy; it was protective. The sacrifices they made for each other were for each other. Unlike Hinata, who attempted to sacrifice herself and everyone along with it if she must, simply so Naruto would look at her and she'd have her five minutes of fame. It's the intention behind it that matters. 
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Throughout the narrative, Kishimoto consistently demonstrated to us that they are each other's most special person.
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Honestly, I don't think jealousy applies, but if it did—perhaps in an alternate universe or something—Naruto would undoubtedly be the loudest about it. Sasuke would glare them to death and get petty about it later: "Oh, I don't know, Naruto. Why don't you just go to [x] and ask? I will take my bath now, thanks." 
I find the idea of "Naruto's group of friends"… interesting. It's always been so damn conditional. Naruto accepts it, but I don't think Sasuke ever would. So there's already a distance here. Their wounds from the past are different, so are their ext. desires.
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But anyway, I think Sasuke would get along with Neji somewhat. They'd at least have some things to talk about regarding clans had the latter not been killed for a brief display of playing last-minute match-making. Lee… possibly, but I don't think they really vibe; he'd exhaust Sasuke, lol. I was thinking Tenten maybe, but she was particularly viscous about him, so I don't see it actually.
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Shino had potential.
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Shikamaru and Sasuke are purely business. Shikamaru respects Naruto's decisions, and if that includes Sasuke, then he'd stay out of it, but it's nothing personal. Neither was the decision to save him even if it cost his life, or killing him if he thought it'd be for Konoha's sake.
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Ah, you know what? Wouldn't it be interesting if Shikamaru had a conversation with Sasuke later to explain that he understood some things better after experiencing the need for revenge himself?! Like, why wasn't that ever brought up later? ;-; 
I think Sasuke would get along with Gaara though? In fanon, it's often Gaara who's the jealous one. Like, he holds Naruto in such high regard that he would refrain from interfering if Naruto were happy. But all three of them know what it feels like to think you need to prove your existence in some way. Gaara and Sasuke definitely have some understanding between them in that regard, maybe less in others.
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Sidenote: Am I the only one who'd loved to see Naruto and Juugo get along? 
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The final match of the chunin exams
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In ch. 98, Neji was warming up for his match with Naruto. And in the nxt page it shows, Naruto who didn't sleep well due to the nervousness of thinking about his fight with Neji.
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In the final day of the Chunin Exam Naruto had gone to the training ground. Why did he go there in the first place? Was it because he was confident that Sasuke would be the one he was going to fight? Or did he walk into that place unknowingly??. Whatever the reason, he didn't expect anyone to be in that place anyway. So, when Hinata asked him why he was there, he said that this was were he became a Genin. But when she asked the 'why' question again, he tried to avoid it.
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H: 「どうして?」 = dōshite? = Why? (It is used for asking the reason)
N: 「ベ... べつに! そんなのどーだっていいじゃ ん!」 = be... betsu ni ! sonna no doudatte ii jan! = N-Nothing....! That doesn't matter/ I don't care about that!
べつに which imparts dismissive undertones when you use it with いいじゃん. He's adding 「いいじゃん」 it usually uses to make your point, express your frustration, complain or to talk back to someone. そんなの can be used in a conversation when you have no interest in what the other say.
Still nervous about his match but at the same time he was worried about Sasuke vs Gaara match so he went to 'that ' training ground. If he is not going there for training, what is his reason for visiting this place? Even if he says there is no particular reason, we all know the right reason, right?
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This was where he becomes a genin. This was the place where Sasuke had offered his bento to Naruto. Sasuke has a goal and has been working hard since his young age to kill his brother, but at the time, all he cared about was feeding a hungry little fox his lunch, and ignoring all warnings that giving Naruto something to eat would disqualify him.
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The same place brought Naruto (as well as Sakura) memories of Sasuke.
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This is so funny lol...Kishi didn't let this slide in gaiden either... When Hinata made a bento for Naruto-Kun and all Naruto could think about is Sasuke when he gave his bento during his Bell Test.
While the others, including Neji, were at the training grounds for training, and Naruto was there to recalls about his 'The Bento' moments with Sasuke.
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Shikamaru was looking for his opponent Dosu among them and Naruto wondering when Sasuke would show up.
When it was time to think about his fight with Neji, Naruto's immediate concern was about Gaara and his brute strength (seen in the hospital when Gaara tried to kill Lee)... and He was ofcourse worried about Sasuke.
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His was excited hearing next match was Sasukes. He literally cannot control his emotional response when he heard about him.
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He encourages him not to lose to Gaara and declares that he wants to fight him. [lol susuke's face when naruto suddenly called his name] Just like after the second exam, it was Sasuke who gave him his acknowledgement....which gave him anticipation to fight him in the chunin exams. Now it's his chance to say it out loud to him in this final round.
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Naruto and Shikamaru were completely stunned by Gaara's power. Because he killed those two guys just like that....and it's terrifying to watch him walking through a pool of their blood.
But as soon as Naruto realized that Sasuke would die if the fight went on any longer...The thought of it terrifies him and he shivers all over...but he puts it aside and runs to Kakashi to stop the fight.
So Naruto was nervous about his match in the chunin finals, but he was more worried about Sasuke, which shows how much he cares about him. He's the one who yelled at the others not to give up... but when it comes to Sasuke, he can't stand it and goes to great lengths to stop the fight for Sasuke's safety.
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kakashixhatakesxwhore · 4 months
hc/short story/blurb?? for shino with a girl that specializes on plant jutsu? I like thinking of them as sort of like in nature. (I had to look it up lol) mutualism! 🌱🪲
Also whenever shino (attempts) to talk, she takes all of it in. When shino’s not around, she notices and remembers him. Shino and her go back and forth about all sorts of stuff; she asks about Shino’s bugs and his favorites and she actually listens. Shino finally reciprocates and asks about her plants and all that.
She vibes well with most of the teams though so she’s got friend groups up the wazoo. Shino’s petty as fuck so I’m getting some jealous vibes from him too. But he shouldn’t feel that way over someone he’s not even in a relationship with, he thinks…. Not with the first person that’s actually remembered him, no……
(Also, shino’s canonically packing so do with that as you will, my friend. I just need something for our beloved bug boy.)
this request had me in a chokehold for two whole days - i really ran with this, it's pretty long, but sets up well for the last part of your request - i hope this hits your marks, thank you for the request!!
The Art of Mutual Growth
Pairing: Shino x f!Reader
Summary: Shino meets his perfect match while on a mission, and he quickly finds out that his solitude was dust, compared to the castle of your company.
W/c: 4.3k
Warnings: Swearing, talk of suicide (Shino's terribly dramatic about you), self-loathing
Notes: i was imagining Shino a few years post Blank Period in this, but this could work for Boruto era Shino too if y'all are in to that top knot - if you want a smuttier part 2, i got that shit lined right up, just lmk
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He was used to being overlooked, discounted, alone. It never bothered him - even in love, his parents were solitary people, raising him to be unbothered by a sullen lack of attention. Being left to his own devices, Shino turned to his bugs for solace, and they provided as much as they could. To his knowledge, he was perfectly happy, alone with his insects.
But then you danced into his life, a trail of flowers in your wake.
You were his perfect match; a woman who could use Plant Release technique. Your kekkei tota was a gift of your Kiso blood, but too powerful for you to ever have full control over. Still, your control was wildly impressive, and your technical fighting skills were more precise than any Shino had seen before. Unlike him, you hailed from the Land of Flowers, but you couldn't reveal any further personal details at the time. It was a shame that the mission that brought you to Shino didn't allow him the time he so desperately needed to talk to you.
Side by side, you and he had fought together. Your snaking vines fed Shino's bugs chakra, and allowed them to infiltrate places on your vines with a much greater speed and accuracy than they ever could when Shino was alone. His bugs found your chakra delicious, almost as distracted as he was by you and your power. The recon mission went without hitch, mainly thanks to your immense amount of pure chakra and will to prove your capabilities. It was a shame.
Upon the mission's completion, Shino merely listened to your cracking conversation with Kiba and Shikamaru, resigned to the fact that he had missed his chance, already moving on in his mind.
When the team returned to the Hidden Leaf, Shino was ready to be the first to leave, already peeling away from the group until...
"I'm sorry," your sweet voice said timidly, behind Shino.
He stopped in his tracks, and you did as well, staying right behind him. The bugs' chakra told him you seemed nervous, which arguably relaxed him. Clipped, he asked, "What for?"
"We never got the chance to get to know each other," you grinned, coming around Shino to face him with a placid smile. Extending your hand, you gave him your name, and with a charm to your tone, asked for his.
Clearing his throat, Shino couldn't find his voice for a second. He had never seen such a pretty smile, let alone been the receiver of one. Your bubbly attitude caught him off guard. He couldn't fathom what you were doing, why you would be wasting your time, talking to him. You could've stayed with the team, striking up any number of conversations with one of them... but you didn't. You chose to talk to him.
"Shino Aburame," he said finally, taking your warm hand in his.
"You're wonderfully strong, Shino," you hummed, shaking his hand slightly. "The chakra control you possess is to be envied. I'd love to know more about your insects, if you have the time."
Staring the gift horse right in the mouth, he scoffed, "You must be joking."
"No." The expression you wore quickly became confused, but your tone genuinely despondent. With a twitch, you let go of his hand and Shino could feel his heart plummet. "No, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"
From behind, Kiba's strong voice cut you off. "Hey, Y/n! Wanna take a tour of Konoha?" He came bounding up to the pair of you, Akamaru by his side, stealing your attention from Shino. "I'm free to be your guide, unless...you two..."
Looking back at Shino for a moment, you seemed to mull something over thoroughly in your mind. Your eyes were full of expectation, and Shino could feel his palms dampen.
"Go with him," Shino said, as casually as he could, though his words came out rather harshly.
He wished he could take it back as soon as he said it. The feeling that came when he saw a sharp sparkle in your eye, followed by an overbearing dullness, made Shino feel empty and so very stupid. Your lips drew straight, and your air became serious - everything about you became stony, frigid. The exact opposite of your demeanour before Shino had opened his stupid mouth.
Maintaining eye contact with Shino as you took Kiba up on his offer, he could feel his heart leap from his chest and into your palm. You squeezed it then, and when he watched you walk away with Kiba and his ninken, you crushed it.
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In the aftermath of the successful recon mission, you were invited by the Fifth Hokage to stay in Konoha and train under her. You took her up, of course, and became an active member of the society within the Hidden Leaf. Everywhere Shino went, there you would be, talking to swarms of people at a time.
It was Promethean punishment, that he didn't deserve.
You would never speak to him again, because he was born with his foot in his mouth. He would be cursed to see you everywhere he turned, but you would never speak to him again.
A week had passed since you came to Konoha to stay. Shino had been tantalized, shown exactly what he wanted but couldn't have, for seven days, and he was sick to death. His solitude had never felt so solitary, watching you bop around the village with an onslaught of people.
It was made even worse by the fact that he had consistently been catching you, staring at him. The bugs would be abuzz, begging Shino to ask you to sprout one of your vines, telling him that you looked ready to approach him, yourself. He ignored then dually, thinking they were exaggerating your apparent willingness to speak to him. Why would you ever leave a full entourage, just to speak to him?
With the sun sinking lowly over Hokage Mountain, Shino decided to wrap up his meditation and just go home. His body was alight with energy, but his soul begged for rest and reprieve, something that Shino could not provide. As such, he left the sanctity of his neck of the woods to make a medial dinner and have a long sleep. Maybe that would fix him, though it hadn't seemed to work for the last week. Shino felt restless, completely unable to settle in a way that even resembled himself before you came along.
He would just have to get over you. The chance you served up on a silver platter had been spit on, and you would surely never serve it again. Shino had to move onward and upward, he couldn't stagnate.
But then-
There you were. In his hallway. In front of a door. Fiddling with your keys and hissing curses under your breath.
And all Shino could think was, I am going to make her my wife. I need to marry this woman.
You looked up, startled, but quickly smiled and looked back at your keys, still pulling and shoving. Slowly, you said, "Hey...Shino, right?"
He had never heard his name like that before. It dripped with silver and gold as it left your pretty lips, and Shino never wanted anyone else to say his name again. Only you. Only you, forever.
Looking up at his lack of response, you seemed nervous but tried to smile. "You're my bug boy, aren't you?"
"Yes," he said a little too quickly. The nervousness vanished from your expression as embarrassment became his. He cleared his throat, trying again, "Yeah. That's me. Shino."
She remembered. Her bug boy. Her's. She knows. I need to make her mine. Someway, somehow.
"I didn't think I knew anyone in the building," you said, finally procuring the key you wanted from the tangle. You slipped it into your door, the smiled at Shino, the nervousness coming back to you. In a light voice, you asked, "Would you...would you like to come in? Have a tea? With me?"
Shino thought he had died and gone to Heaven. There was no other plausible reason for him to have been getting another opportunity with you, this one infinitely more golden than the last.
The lock clicked and you opened the door, still awaiting his answer. A rush of cool air came over Shino, standing near your door. Leaning back, Shino tried to bite back his forming grin, before saying,
"I would like that very much."
You mumbled something under your breath and stepped into the apartment. Shino followed in after you, welcomed by the scent of lavender and rosemary. As you let him look around the living room, you went to the kitchen to prepare the tea.
Shino had never seen such a beautiful little place, especially not one that reflected it's inhabitant so well. Plants sprawled across every wall, their pots interconnected through a series of braided vines that wrapped and weaved around the others. All of the wooden things in the apartment were birch, the coffee table, the bookshelves, the chairs. To boot, all of the pillows and cushions were a pale, dusty green colour. Books and journals laid all over, accompanied by a myriad weapons and solo-practice materials. The feeling of peace was abundant in the small apartment, Shino found himself actually start to relax.
So, he would be letting you decorate the house when you eventually became his wife. This was useful information to Shino.
"Sencha or matcha?" You asked him, poking your head out of the kitchen.
You cared. "Sencha."
"Okay, give me another minute." You ducked back into the kitchen, your hair flowing so nicely behind you.
Feeling his bugs growing anticipatory, he began to try and suppress them. The last thing Shino wanted right now was for his bugs to take advantage of your hospitality. But his refusal only made them angrier. With your vines so near, it was like holding a lollipop in front of a child and saying no.
Coming back into the living room with a tea tray, you smiled at Shino, making him neglect his control over the bugs. Almost immediately, a swarm of insects came from Shino's body and flocked to the nearest vine before Shino could do anything about it. He swore and started trying to wrangle them, only stopping when he heard your melodic laugh.
He never wanted to hear anything else again. Not even the way you said his name could compare to your laughter - no sweeter sound had ever been produced.
"I don't mind, Shino, let them be," you hummed, setting the tray onto the table almost silently. Shino turned to you slowly, unsure if you were just letting your hospitality speak for you. You laughed, "It's fine. I promise."
"Whatever you say," Shino replied faintly, still not convinced but not willing to argue with you for even a second.
He came around to the couch as you picked up the jade teapot and poured both cups. He thanked you, taking up his teacup while you sat down on the couch. Sipping the steaming beverage, Shino hummed,
"This might be the best tea I've ever had."
"I'm glad," you grinned, sipping your tea before patting the cushion beside you. "Sit with me. Please."
Without hesitation, Shino sat on the furthest edge of the couch, giving you the space you deserved. You just giggled softly, collecting your legs onto the couch and shifting your entire body to face Shino. He smiled absentmindedly, heart thumping inside of his chest.
"So, I have to ask," you started. Shino turned more toward you, giving you his full attention. "Why did you get all aggro when I asked you about your bugs, the other day?"
Oh. No. No, this wasn't what he wanted. No.
"It...erm, it was... I don't..." Stars above, wasn't he pathetic? Couldn't even speak to the only person he wanted to speak to. He sighed deeply, "It wasn't the bugs, I just... I thought you were making fun of me when... when you... you know...?"
Furrowing your eyebrows as he blathered, you looked at Shino like he was crazy. He had never had so much trouble stringing together a sentence, and he didn't even finish the thought. The silence that followed was thick and heavy, just making Shino feel worse about his inability to talk to you.
"When I complimented your chakra and your control?" You asked finally. Shino nodded, just thankful that you spoke and he didn't have to. To his surprise, you smiled that sweet smile of yours and asked, "Why?"
"Who are you? The police?"
"Oh, n-no... I'm sorry."
Fuck, he could've killed himself. Only Shino Aburame could make a joke that wipes the smile off of your face. It was his voice, it wasn't jovial enough. No, it was his face, he looked too mean. No, no, it was his brain.
"No, I'm sorry," Shino sighed, setting his cup on the coffee table before rubbing his eyes under his sunglasses.  "It's the fact that you're as powerful as you are... and I'm not..."
"We don't have to talk about that."
Letting a short chuckle fall from his lips, Shino looked at you from the side of his glasses, getting a fully coloured vision of you in his peripheral. He took a breath, then felt a small bubble of laughter as he asked, 
"Then what do you want to talk about?" He sipped his tea, letting it warm his hands. "I'm a much better listener than talker, if you haven't caught on."
"I could've guessed." Narrowing his eyes, though you couldn't see them, Shino turned his head to you slowly. You laughed freely, "I talk too much as it is. I've got some innate need to chew the air. Aren't we a lovely pair?"
The church bells ringing, everyone's chatter falling to a hush as the organ begins-
"Hm, you've got such a nice voice, Shino - it's a pity you want to deprive me of it."
And here you are, coming down the aisle, right into his arms.
"W-what do you want me to say?" He asked quickly, chomping at the bit to make you happy. He didn't even have the mind to question your sentiment, just elated that it existed.
You sipped your tea, saying, "Tell me about your bugs."
"You're not making this easy for someone born to be a mute," he joked, watching your reaction intensely. Shino prayed his tone was humorous, that the small smile on his lips would support him.
And, to his joy, you laughed. Warm and rich, each soundwave landed on Shino's ear like a butterfly's kiss. You hummed, "I'm sorry-"
"And, please, stop apologizing to me - you haven't had a thing to be sorry for," he added.
"Okay," you said softly, looking at Shino with a matching expression. "Who's your favourite, then?"
That was a hard question for Shino to answer, especially given the bugs were in the room. But they were distracted, and so was he - both parties too under your influence to care.
Shino was still stumbling over his words and forgetting the most important ones, but you remained patient and attentive. It seemed you either were enchanted by his voice, or you were genuinely interested in what he had to say. Either way, Shino felt confidence bloom within him, and he started launching into great detail about his insects.
With rapt attention, you listened to every word that came from his mouth. Here and there, you would interject valid questions into the lulls of his speech, and he would answer them fully. As the two of you gradually finished the entire teapot, Shino found himself talking, and talking, and talking. He suddenly couldn't shut up.
"Fuckin' pot's empty," you grumbled, letting the final drop drip into Shino's half-full cup. "Want me to put on another, or do you fancy something else?"
"It's getting late, and I've already taken up enough of your time," he declined politely, finishing off the swig in his cup.
You sighed, "You say that like I've not been enjoying myself over the last-" Glancing at your watch, you gasped, "-three hours. Jumping Jehovah, I'm so sorry, I totally sucked up your night under the guise of tea."
"I would've just been sitting around, wanting to talk to you anyway," Shino chuckled lowly, feeling rather bold after having spent so much time with you.
Both of you stood from the couch with bashful smiles, each too shy to look at the other. Shino walked to your door and you followed after him.
"Do you want me to walk you to your door?"
He laughed lightly, "I don't expect that of you, but I'd have to be insane to turn down your company."
Opening the door wide, Shino motioned for you to go through. You thanked him kindly, then walked beside him in the hallway, five whole paces, to his door.
"Thank you for the tea, Y/n," he murmured, getting out his keys.
Your hand found purchase between his shoulder blades, making Shino freeze in his motion. His eyes darted to your face, finding the beautiful crescent of your smile in full bloom. "Anytime. We should make it a thing."
"We should."
"Goodnight, Shino."
"Goodnight, Y/n."
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The breeze floated down the street with Shino. Today was the day, and it seemed even nature knew it. Nothing could slow him down, nothing could stand in his way.
Today was the day.
He had decided last night, today was going to be the day. It was an easy decision to make, but the gathering of courage tested Shino's resolve. But he was ardent, he was determined. Even if he did stutter, you would find it endearing, just like you had for the last six months. Even if he did say something wrong, you would understand, just like you always did.
Today, he was going to make you his. And he would finally be yours.
The plan was simple; show up at your door with something you would enjoy and deliver a great, long monologue that perfectly encapsulated every emotion he felt for you, then you would jump into Shino's arms and promise yourself to him.
The issues immediately became obvious; you could've hated the gift, he could've (and probably would've) screwed the monologue up to high Heaven, and, scariest of all, you might not have been so quick to jump into his arms. 
Shino could have potentially been planning on destroying the only relationship that ever particularly flowed naturally for him. He didn't want to think about that, not at all.
Not when today was the day.
The act of getting you a gift turned out to be more of a tribulation than Shino had imagined it to be. Nothing was grand enough, nothing meaningful enough. He needed something that would blow your socks off, something that would reduce you to the babbling fool that he became around you.
After spending an hour scouring the market squares, Shino moved to the trading post. Even longer was spent there, looking through stalls and trying to picture your reaction to each thing that struck him. But nothing was good enough. Nothing would ever be good enough for you.
Settling on a pricey collection of teas before the trading post closed, Shino haggled with the old man selling the tea. Just trying to get the price down to the amount he had in his wallet, Shino eventually left the trading post, coatless and penniless.
It didn't matter. Today was the day.
Stars, he wondered how nerve-wracking the ring shopping would be in a few years if this little trifle was causing so much strife.
Rounding the corner of the main street, Shino mulled over what to say to you. He just wanted to say I love you and kiss you, but that left you no agency. Even though it was becoming abundantly clear that you were interested in him, Shino still wanted to give you the chance to say no.
One thing that Shino hadn't taken in to account, though, were your other relationships.
And, as you came out of a restaurant with Kiba and Akamaru, Shino realized how grave of a mistake he had made.
Your face shone with a smile, ear to ear as you laughed at some witty quip Kiba delivered. He smiled back proudly, looking at you hungrily. The three of you began to walk toward Shino and he wanted the ground to open up and swallow him whole.
"Oh! Shino!" You exclaimed brightly the second you saw him. Tearing away from Kiba and his ninken, you quickened your pace to Shino. He took a step back as you approached, otherwise frozen. Your happiness faded to worry as you asked, "Are you okay? What's wrong?"
The fact that anyone else could be graced by your laugh was wrong. The fact that you just finished what looked a lot like a date with Shino's former teammate was wrong. The fact that you didn't know what was wrong, was wrong.
"Shino, sweetheart, talk to me," you commanded gently. Kiba and Akamaru loomed a few paces behind you, trying to look like they weren't intensely listening. It aggravated Shino monumentally.
Everything about how today was becoming was aggravating him. Shino couldn't even enjoy his name on your tongue, let alone the pet name you had given him. It all felt like lip service.
"I got this for you," he said weakly, offering up the wooden box in his grasp. You looked down and cocked your eyebrow, before looking back at Shino. "I wanted to... to... nevermind." His heart was shattering. "Just take it."
Even if the gift wouldn't have the same effect, Shino wanted to see your reaction. He truly thought you would like the tea, potentially more so now that his unrequited feelings weren't attached. Cautiously, you took the box from Shino but didn't open it.
"You just wanted to what?" You asked, still so concerned over the man before you. "Where's your jacket? Shino, please, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, it's not important."
"Something is clearly bothering you, and it is important," you rebutted, acquiring a slight edge. "What's bothering you? If you don't tell me, I can't help."
"I love you!" He shouted, putting every single emotion he felt into his words.
Feeling like he was going to cry, Shino turned on his heel and walked. He didn't want your reaction now, he just wanted to save face, if that was even at all possible, at this point.
"Shino," your sweet voice said timidly, right behind him.
Stopping dead in his tracks, Shino hung his head lowly. The bugs were no help, just saying your eyes were as glossy as his.
Slowly, you came around to face Shino and bent lowly enough to be in his view. You smiled up at him and he couldn't help but smile back, taking in the odd posture you assumed as you let the wooden box rest beside your feet. Everything felt so silly. So trivial.
You straightened out, making Shino's head follow you as his eyes stayed glued to your face. Your beautiful face.
"Before I make myself look stupid-" Your sentiment made Shino scoff a laugh, because no one could look more stupid than him. Sweetly, you just smiled, continuing, "Do you love me platonically, or romantically?"
He took a deep breath, blinking slowly, before answering, "Every single way under the sun."
"Good," you beamed, taking a step forward and taking the lapels of Shino's flak jacket into your hands, pulling him forward. On your toes, your face came closer to his than it ever had been before, your petal soft lips brushing against his so gently as you said, "I love you too."
Not wasting a moment, not getting in his head, Shino knew that this was it.
He leaned down, closing the small gap, and met your lips fantastically. Not even Shino's wildest, wettest dream could've prepared him for the utter decadence of your kiss. His hands found your hips, pulling you as closely as he had needed you to be for months. But it wasn't enough, for either of you.
Leaning even lower, Shino's left hand cascaded down your lower back and you got the message. Immediately, you jumped up and he caught the bottom of your thigh, squeezing your tender flesh with his left hand while his right explored your back, sitting you atop his hip bones. Your legs locked behind Shino, squishing his waist in a way he didn't know he craved so badly. Warmth exuded from your being, a warmth that Shino longed to be blanketed under and hidden within.
"Come back to my place," you said between kisses. Shino just smiled and started to walk, but then you stopped kissing him, making him stop on a dime. Running your fingers up his lapels and allowing his neck the sweet contact, you laughed, "What's in the box, if you can just leave it in the middle of the street?"
With a chuckle, Shino turned around. He noticed Kiba had left, and he felt a wave of satisfaction wash over him. Not putting you down, Shino knelt and picked up the heavy box with his right hand, holding it behind you.
You groaned, scratching his neck lightly, "My stars, you're strong."
"You never noticed?" Shino joked, though a feeling of pride surged through him.
"I've noticed you're impressive in a few different respects," you replied with a teasing lilt. Moving your hips, Shino felt a friction that was positively dream-like and you purred, "Don't you want to impress me?"
"More than anything." And he meant every syllable.
"Good," you hummed, placing a lingering kiss to Shino's lips. You looked at him, eyes more obviously filled with desire than Shino had ever thought visibly possible. "Take me home."
By his lucky stars, Shino would gladly do so for the rest of his life.
Part 2 - The Art of Mutual Pleasure
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slut-4sasuke · 1 year
Brains & Beauty
Pairing: Shikamaru Nara x Reader
Summary: You win a Shogi match and Shikamaru is amused by your intelligence and beauty.
Warning: SMUT!! oral, f reader, bit fluff (ig🤷🏽‍♀️)
Word Count: 2.5K
A//N: Shikamaru is someone I don’t see much about, so I wanted to try. I am interested in trying to write more characters I dont see too much of (e.g. Shikamaru, Kiba, Sai, Iruka [anyone for Iruka?!?]) if anyone is interested in specifics lmk!💗
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We sat outside enjoying a little sake as we played Shogi. Shikamaru sat with a cigarette hanging loosely between his lips. His eyebrows furrowed and his hands were folded. He watched me make my move and set my piece down. His eyebrow raises, “hm.” He raises his hands to his face. I look at him and raise my eyebrow, “what?” I giggle and his face relaxes. “It’s only a game Shikamaru.” I place my hand on top of his and smirk. He smiles and makes his move on the Shogi board.
I shot the last of my sake and set the cup down, “I win!” His eyebrows scrunch, “huh?” He grabs a hold of his cigarette as he examines the Shogi board, “you did?” He didn't want to admit his defeat so he always second guessed me. I smile and roll my eyes, “Shikamaru, there is no denying it. No matter what move you or I make, in 2 moves, your king is mine.” I giggle and shake my head. “Well I am in love with a smart woman.” He takes a drag from his cigarette, keeping his eyes locked with mine. I blush. “What?” Shikamaru was taken aback. His eyes looked hazy from the alcohol, but his smile was playful. He grabs a hold of his cigarette and shrugs, “I'm not lying.” Thick smoke leaves his lips.
He chuckles as he stands up and puts his cigarette out. He reaches his hand out to grab mine. I place my hand in his larger one and get up to my feet. “And a beautiful one too.” He bites his lip and his hand smacks my ass. I bite my lip and turn to face him. I grab his vest and pull him close, wasting no time.
Our lips intertwined as moans slipped through our mouths. The faint smell of alcohol was shared with each kiss. His teeth lightly sank into my bottom lip, pulling it back. He steps forward, moving my body to lean against a post. I run my hands over his chest and behind his neck. His one hand sat at my waist while the other cupped my face, my chin in his hand.
I grind my hips into Shikamaru’s pelvis and a deep moan leaves his lips causing a light hum against mine. I smile widely and quickly bite his bottom lip. I pull his lip down and let go, moving my lips to his sharp jaw. I suck lightly on his jaw, earning grunts and moans. He tilts his head back and his hand leaves my jaw to run over his growing bulge. I feel his bulge grow against my leg. Shikamaru’s hand moves to the hem of his pants, “Y/N” he moans out with his eyes closed. One leg wraps around his torso, pulling him closer between my legs. I roll my hips up as I continue kissing his neck. Shikamaru’s hands move over my breasts and down my body.
Shikamaru pulls back from me, letting my leg drop and my body leans back against the post. “We can continue this. Inside.” His voice was raspy, filled with desire and want. I smirk while biting my lip and I walk inside to our bedroom.
I stood next to the bed and pointed to it. Shikamaru was confused and his head tilted with his hand under his chin. ���You. Get on the bed.” I keep my eyes locked with his and watch as he walks over to the bed. I point my finger out telling him to sit. He sat on the bed and looked up at me. I smile and swing my leg over his lap, to straddle him. I lean back before I start to unzip his vest and slide it off his body. Leaving him in his black long sleeve, I run my hands over his chiseled chest and hard feeling abdomen. I pull at his shirt, wanting him to take it off. He groaned and before he was able to I pulled his shirt off of him and pushed him back onto the bed. Shikamaru smiles and uses his elbows to prop himself up. I roll my hips feeling his bulge brush over my heat. He looks at my hips, watching them grind against him. He bites his lip and moans. I placed my hands on his fishnets that covered his chest. Leaning my body forward, I pull my pants off and kiss Shikamaru’s exposed neck.
Pulling back quickly, I slide my hips up to his abs. My wet pussy barely touched his abs, nearly dripping wetness onto him. I flipped my body, so my face was inches away from his bulging cock and my ass was parallel with Shikamaru’s face. My fingers slide his pants down enough for his cock to spring out. I use my hand to stroke his full length. His rock hard cock twitched in my hand and his hips lifted.
Shikamaru’s hands smack on my ass making me yelp. He uses two fingers to pull my wet panties aside. His face comes closer as his cool breath hits my pussy causing goosebumps. “All mine.” He mutters. With his other hand he uses his fingers to spread my folds open, exposing my glistening cunt. The tip of his tongue swirls around my clit causing me to jerk. Precum leaks out the tip of his cock and my thumb wipes over it. I suck on my thumb, letting extra spit coat it. His one hand digs into my hips, keeping me still. I moan and try pushing my hips closer to him, his other hand digs deeper keeping my hips still. My thumb brushes over his tip again and my saliva covers it. I drop my hand down his shaft and bring my face to his cock. My lips wrap around the tip and my tongue swirls around it. He moans as he uses his mouth to suck on my folds. He pulls back lightly, letting a loud pop escape his mouth as my clit leaves it.
Shikamaru moans and smacks my ass, “fuck Y/N, I want your mouth to swallow this big cock.” His words encourage me to drop my head on his cock, taking only half his shaft. I use my hand to jerk the rest of his length. He then dives into my pussy and his tongue laps at my core. I moan with his cock in my throat creating a hum. Shikamaru moans into my pussy as his mouth moves to reach every spot of wetness he could. I move my hand down his cock as I drop my head lower, taking his whole shaft down my throat. I gag lightly and shut my eyes. I bobbed my head as my hand was laying on his pelvis, holding his hips down. His grip loosens around my hips and one hand reaches under to rub my clit while he continues to use his tongue. I roll my hips feeling Shikamaru’s tongue swirl around. I hold my head at the base of his cock as I move my hips causing my ass to bounce on his face. He moans loudly and chuckles. I gag with his tip hitting the back of my throat. My eyes start to water, so I start to lift my head off his cock. I feel two strong arms wrap around my waist, pulling my body onto his. My head drops down his cock as my body smacks on his. A pleasing moan leaves his lips and he shakes his head vigorously, still buried in my pussy. My toes curl together with his tongue brushing over my clit and folds. I hum purposefully, vibrating his cock. He shifts his feet, feeling tense and getting close to cum. I tighten my walls feeling the knot in my stomach build. I lift my head to the tip and suck lightly. Shikamaru moans and his hips jerk up. I smirk and his cock leaves my mouth with a pop. I stroke it before wrapping my lips around his cock and drop my head to the base again. His hips rise off the bed and warm cum shoots down my throat. No warning he begins pumping his middle two fingers in my pussy. I couldn’t moan as my throat was being filled. He chuckles, keeping his cock down my throat as he curls his fingers, hitting my g spot. I moan and move my hips as I get closer. He pulls his head back, “cum for me baby.” I dig my nails into his thigh as he speaks. My eyes roll back, letting go. I feel my walls tighten and release as I cum. My body shakes and Shikamaru moans watching me release my juices. His lips attach to my clit and he sucks, cleaning the mess he created. I slide my hands down to his knees and I lift my head to catch my breath. Shikamaru lets his grip go and collapses on the bed.
I roll off the top of him and lay flat on my back, looking up at the ceiling. I pant heavily and wipe little beads of sweat off my face. I close my eyes trying to process what happened in such a short time. I hear Shikamaru shuffling around on the bed and in seconds I feel my ankles being pulled. “I’m not done yet, baby.” My hands grab the edge of the bed, my body stops and my legs are propped up. I see him on his knees with his face in front of my pussy. I could only see his eyes, they looked at me and squinted as Shikamaru smirks. His tongue presses against my folds and he licks a strip up to my clit. He sucks harshly earning a gasp followed by a moan. He kisses my clit before he trails up to my abdomen raising my shirt. He slides my shirt over my body and lets it drop off the bed. “Oh baby, I love your body.” He moans. Shikamaru leans closer to my body and lets his lips connect to my breast. He leaves light kisses heading to my nipple. His teeth gently grab my nipple and pull back till it releases. I moan and whimper at the slight pain. My nipple stays hard and shines from his saliva. He runs his index finger over my nipple, playing with it.
His body hovers over me and the tip of his cock brushes over my entrance. Shikamaru bends my legs back and wraps them around his waist. He leans to kiss my collarbone, his cock head swipes up and down over my clit. I moan and arch my back, pressing my chest to his. My hands slide behind his neck and down his back, “Shikamaru…” I moan out, “please…” He chuckles and sucks on my neck. I squirm under him as he sucks my sweet spot. His hand sits at the base of my neck, his lips trail up to my earlobe. He whispers in my ear, “I love your body Y/N. The way your skin feels. The way you smell. The way you look when you’re desperate.” His hand slowly slides up my neck. My head lays back feeling his fingers cover the length of my neck.
Shikamaru’s arm extends as his body backs from mine, he sits on his knees in between my legs. I roll my hips wanting to feel his cock inside of me. He grabs a hold of his cock, the tip at my clit, slides down my folds and right at my entrance. I whimper, “baby, please. I wanna feel that cock.” Causing a groan from Shikamaru. I look out the corner of my eye and see him looking at my body hungrily, licking his lips, his eyes moving slowly as he examines me closely. His cock stays positioned in front of my entrance, collecting juices that spill out from my pussy. Shikamaru bites his lip and slowly my walls stretch around his shaft. I gasp feeling his length enter me “fuck!” My back arches and I cross my feet.
With half his length inside, he begins to thrust. “Yes Y/N. Your pussy is so tight.” His hand leaves his cock and grabs my thigh. His nails dig into my skin as he moans. My walls tighten around his cock, feeling him start to go deeper. His pelvis touched my body, fitting his shaft completely inside of me. My hands grab the end of the bed. His speed thrusts up. The bed hits the wall with a thud.
Shikamaru throws his head back moaning. His hand leaves my throat and slides down to my breast. He massages my left breast, squeezing after each moan. I tilt my head forward and moan watching him. I was so close to cumming. My eyes trail over his slim muscular build. I watch his hips push forward and retract with each thrust. Shikamaru’s hand on my thigh slides down and to my clit. He rubs small circles gently against it. I close my eyes and let the bed go. I grab fistfuls of the sheet, pulling it up. “I can’t! I’m gonna cum!” I gasp as I cum on his cock. My eyes tear up and pleasure completely washes over my body, followed with a slight chill. I open my eyes to see small spots in my blurred vision. My chest lowers as I finish my climax. A small tear rolls down my cheek as I smile.
Shikamaru couldn’t keep up much longer either. His thrusts become sloppy as I feel his cock twitch inside of me. Shikamaru pulls his hips back, his cock slides out coated in my cum and juices. Shikamaru strokes his cock, hovering over my abdomen. His eyes look at me and he bites his lip. A vine starts to bulge out of his neck, “I’m gonna cum Y/N.” He closes his eyes and his hand stops at the tip of his cock. Cum shoots out and on to my body. I arch my back and tilt my head back, to hang off the bed.
Shikamaru’s hand rests on my knee as he breathes heavily. “Holy shit.” He pants out. I let my body collapse in the bed and sigh, “that was great. I’m gonna have to beat you in Shogi more.” I tease him and smile. “Your intelligence is what I find so hot. That’s what caused this.” He lets a faint chuckle out and looks over my body again. He bites his lip and rolls his eyes before laying next to me and letting out a large heavy sigh.
He lets his head hang off the bed next to mine. I turned my head to face him, his eyes were soft and delicate. I use one hand to hold his face. I smile and kiss him, deeply. It was soft and filled with love. I pull back and smile, “I love you Shikamaru.” “I love you more Y/N.”
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animeomegas · 7 months
I had an incredible dream last night where (older than canon) Shikamaru was bitten and sealed by Orochimaru in the Forest of Death along with Sasuke.
He ended up passing out, and then I was with him in the hospital. He was so worried that the seal would make him hurt his Obsession (me lol.)
He forfeited the next match straight away. He was kind of happy to have a legitimate reason not to compete and get promoted, so silver linings I guess.
He fell asleep on my shoulder while we watched the other matches, and the rest of his team sat around him to keep him protected.
It was such a cute dream, ngl.
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13as07 · 2 months
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Friends #3
(Rock Lee & Shikamaru Nara)
[Artwork is not mine! Credit to Maxiuchiha22]
Requested by: Anonymous
Word Count: 3,699
Warnings and/or Pre-Notes:
Love Triangle
Name Calling: Pretty Girl, Good Girl
Sprinkle of Toxic Power Play
Sexual Tension
Unspecified Praying
Mentions of Scratch Marks
Asuma and Neji aren't dead cause I said so :)
Also, forever a believer that the Nara men call their women "Pretty Girl"
Shikamaru's eyebrows are pushed together, annoyance coating his expression. He's kneeled down, hands busy messing with the bands of my safety vest, making sure they're done right. As always, Choji is oblivious to his best friend's recent fascination with me but it doesn't slide past Ino, who's side eyeing the hell out of us.
Sensei is outside of the room, on the other side of the door having a hushed discussion with whatever Sensei is responsible for the squad we'll be working with on this mission. The mission isn't a difficult one, just high profile, but that comes with any mission dealing with the family of another village's Kage.
"Why don't you tighten any of your straps? It's a drag having to fix them for you. Do you know how unsafe that is?" Shika lectures, a grumbly sigh being huffed out after my lesson on safety.
     "Says the man who smokes a pack a day," I poke back, using the bad habit he's picked up from his father and Sensei alike. "That's not any safer."
     "I don't smoke a pack a day. Three or four max."
     "Per hour, maybe." Shikamaru's sharp eyes jump up to glare at me, slit and stressed and such a temptation to keep pushing his buttons.
     The no-sex rule we agreed on last week during our heavy conversation about us was a dumb idea, and one I'm currently regretting. Why I agreed to that term during the walk home from the drugstore is beyond me. Whatever my thoughts were conjuring up then is no match for how sexy Shika looks on his knees, hands on my hip, mixed with the rooted glare on his face.
He's his sexiest while strategizing. Calm face, determination in his features, and not a single detail escaping the watchfulness of the melted bronze that make up his irises. But, stressed Shika is a close second. A very close second.
Slowly, he climbs back to his full height, keeping the close quarters between us as he stands. A tad of humor burns the edges of his expression, an expression I get a close look at as he inches his face closer to mine.
"Pretty Girl." The nickname comes out chilled despite the heavy humidity between us. "You are being both a bad shinobi and a bad clan member. Good girls don't mock their squad leader or their future chief." The slight squeeze of my thighs doesn’t go unnoticed, noted by a tip of Shika's lips as he pulls away from me.
The harsh whispers between the two of us caught more of Ino's attention, her nose scrunched and eyes swimming in confusion as they flicker between the two of us. "What was that about?"
     "Somebody doesn't understand respect," he answers, sending me another pointed look. Shika settles against the wall, his body relaxed and counteracting the sharpness still present in his slit eyes. Even with our little heated moment, he's still focused on the mission. Definitely his father's son.
     "With a squad leader like you, you can't really expect us to know what respect is, can you?" Choji teases with a slight chuckle in his voice, his focus on us now that his rice ball has been finished off.
     "Shut up, Choji," Shika grumbles, his head rolling back, finally dragging his loaded stare off of me. I'm both glad not to be the center of his attention anymore and a bit unhappy with the torn-away heat of his stare, but I guess I shouldn't complain about the calm before the storm our mission is sure to bring.
     The storm that's here a lot sooner than I expected. Just as everything is evening out, the door comes crashing open, slamming against the wall as it swings. "Hello, Team Ten! Team Gai is here to assist!" Might Gai yells, his excitement about everything including life itself shattering the relaxed vibe of the room.
All the chill from Shikamaru's position is gone, his muscles tight, especially his shoulders and his eyes heated again, but not in the way they warm up when looking at me. No, in the way that makes me fear he's going to burn Gai into a pile of ash. "You have to be kidding."
"I am just as unpleased with the situation as you are," Neji's monotoned voice filters into the room, a one-eighty to the sunshine and rainbows his Sensei oozes.
"Speak for yourself, Neji. I'm thrilled to be working with Team Ten."
If Shika's eyes could burn Gai to ash, they're now unleashing a thousand paper bombs on Lee, his temper hot enough I half expect actual flames to fill the sockets of his eyes.
Lee is unfazed by the glare my... I don't know what Shikamaru is to me anymore.
Lee is unfazed by the glare my future Chief is sending him, a full smile on his face and full attention on me. "I look forward to spending time with you again, Lotus-Chan, even if it is work-related."
"She told you to stop calling her that," Shikamaru butts in before I can reply, his tone not giving away any of the anger burning through his veins.
Dear Lord, help us on this trip. Or, at the very least, don't let Shika come up with any crazy ways to 'accidentally' get Lee killed.
"Oh, right," Rock giggles, his nervous playing between the two words. "My apologies. Still, I look forward to working with you again, Nara-San."
"I'm glad," I utter, trying my best to plaster a smile on my face.
For the most part, I've gotten over my little fling with Lee, chalking it up to miscommunication of my feelings caused by my enjoyment of his attention and the lack of Shika's attention because of his recent time spent with Tamari.
     Now, with both the guys in the room, the only thing I can think about is running my fingers through Shikamaru's hair until he calms down. Lee isn't even a wisp in my thoughts.
     "Great," Sensei drags out, looking at Shika with a mix of 'What the hell?' and 'What’s going on?' written on his face. "Great, I'm so glad we're all so excited to work together," he softly cheers, a bit of a hiss poking out and aiming at our squad leader.
     "Me too!" Gai cheers, hooking an arm around Asuma's neck and yanking him down a bit. "This is going to be so fun!"
Dear Lord, please let me survive this mission, both physically and mentally.
Good note: Shika hasn't killed Lee yet. Bad note: the atmosphere is packed so full of his loathing that even Choji notices.
As I suspected, the mission isn't too difficult. The Tsuchikage's daughter seems to be at ease, too wrapped up in her one-sided flirting with Sensei to care much about her safety. Neji and Shika are on each other a bit, the two big brains pulling teeth to agree on anything. Aside from that, it's been a breeze. No attacks, no signs of enemies, and plenty of empty space to fill.
Gai is busy hounding Choji with failing attempts to get him to join his work-out regiment. Tenten and Ino are talking about her upcoming wedding with Sai. Shika and Neji are fighting again, debating where the next stop should be. That leaves Lee and me silent, the boy standing two people away from me without a lick of an attempt to hide his staring.
I keep my eyes forward, trying to focus on scanning the dark forest for any possible threats. It's better than stressing about Shika's constant fighting or Lee's constant attention on me. I can't ignore it for long though, the latter of the boys slowly weaving his way over to me.
"Hello, Lotus - er - Nara-San," he greets, his usual huge smile on his face. "How's this side of the carriage."
"About as eventful as your side," I answer, sparing him a tight worn smile.
Rock doesn't pick up on my silent command to leave me alone. Instead, he keeps up his loose posture and grinning expression. "I'm not too sure about that. It seems Neji and Shikamaru are about ready to brawl."
My eyes flicker forward, taking a peek at the two squad leaders. For once, Neji is actually expressing emotion. Anger, most definitely, but still an emotion. Shika on the other hand seems relatively calm, nothing but the spark of a new challenge in his eyes. I swear those two mix like water and oil.
"That would be a wonderful sight to see."
"Not as wonderful as seeing you," Lee answers, instantly making my nose turn up. There was a time I would have been thrilled to have him flirt back, but now all I can think about is how cheesy the line is and how Shikamaru would never waste his breath on something so overused.
Shika isn't much of a romantic, even less so when it comes to words, but he picked up his father's gift of speaking in ways that make poets jealous. There are reasons Shikaku is happily married and why his specific lineage is in charge of the Naras. Brains, bronze, and words able to affect others are those reasons. All reasons why his son is suitable to take over. All reasons why his son makes my heart and core burn in equal but different ways.
"But anyway," Rock starts up again, his attention tearing away from our squad leaders to focus on me again. "I really am happy to be working with you again. I know we haven't been..." his words cut off, a soft exhale and a shrink of his smile filling the gap. "I know a lot has happened between us recently and I respect your decision to take some space, but I do miss you. I miss talking to you and seeing you and getting to hang out."
     My mouth clicks open, the words for a response stuck in my throat. Just as I finally muster the different syllables onto my tongue, I'm cut off. "Ya? Would you miss my foot up your ass too? Or maybe you just miss the makeout sessions. Is that what it is? Do you miss having a Pretty Girl fill the void of Sakura's rejection?"
     All of a sudden, everything seems eerily quiet, like everything on and off the dirt path is watching the interaction unfolding.
"Hey, Shika," Lee greets, his voice weary and his eyes slowly peeling off of me.
"You don't get to call me that. She," Shikamaru motions towards me, eyes softening for a beat before they're back on his newest sworn enemy. "Gets to call me that. Hell, Ino and Cho could call me that if they wish. You don't." Before the older boy can answer, Shika's hand is around the arm loop of my vest, using it to tug me away for Lee.
After a step or two he freezes, slowly turning to look over his shoulder. "And another thing, for someone who says they 'respect her decision to take some space', you're not giving her any space. Learn to read body language and when the time is to back off," he hisses, pairing the lecture with another glare before continuing to yank me toward the front of the carriage.
Shikamaru finally lets me go once I'm situated in the front of the group, sandwiched between Neji and himself. The other squad leader flickers his eyes between the three of us, trying to read the situation before he comments on it. "Our teams may not get along, but I don't believe threatening those here to assist your mission is the smartest strategy you've had."
"I don't think poking at my anger is the smartest strategy you've had either so I guess we're even," Shika hisses, his glare now cemented on Neji instead of Lee.
Dear Lord, when I asked you not to let Shikamaru kill Lee, I didn't mean to let him kill Neji instead.
My eyes roll over Shikamaru, watching his reaction as he reads over the letter delivered to him a few minutes ago. His eyes are glued to the sheet, hands pressed into a triangle, and face scrunched in concentration. Slowly, I crawl across the length of my tent, settling on my knees behind him.
He's rooming with Choji and Ino was supposed to room with me, but she ended up switching and rooming with Tenten. I partly believe it's because she's catching wind of what's going on - which wasn't aided by the heated arguments earlier - but I also partly think it's because Tenten is more interested in the wedding details than I am.
With the change, Shikamaru had no shame sliding out of his tent and into mine to spend some time with me. Well, time that got interrupted by the letter from his father.
"If you keep thinking so hard you might blow a fuse," I lightly tease, sliding my hands up to start massaging his shoulders. They're littered with tension, giving me plenty of knots to rub out for him. "Why are you so stressed?"
     "You don't need to worry about it. I have it all under control," he mutters, his shoulders relaxing under my touch. "You don't need to carry my stress around too, Pretty Girl. You have enough on your plate because of Lee and me."
"Your dad is still my Chief, Shik. It's my job to serve him," I whisper, tipping my head forward to paint lazy kisses up his neck. "Even if I don't serve him in the ways I serve you."
The double meaning of the word doesn't get lost in translation, evident in the hissy breath Shikamaru lets out. "We have an agreement for a reason," he utters, his body loosening even more despite the fact the head on his shoulders is keeping control. "I don't want your emotions and thoughts getting confused even more. Especially with Lee's constant attention and attempts at buttering you up."
"Lee isn't the man in my tent though," I coo, slowly trailing my hands off his shoulders and across his back, adding pressure to the scratches that have started to heal.
"I am now!" A chirpy voice rings out, shattering the heavy atmosphere that was starting to form. Slowly, Shikamaru and I both turn to look at the opening of my tent, being met with a toothy Lee. "What are you two up to?"
Shika tenses under my touch, sucking in a deep breath before slowly exhaling it. "Clan matters," he answers for us, wanting to keep whatever we are between the two of us until the whole love triangle thing is squared away for good.
"Oh, is everything okay back home?"
"Ya, it's fine. Just a small issue," Shika grumbles, tipping his head backward to gently knock it into mine. "I'm going to go relieve Sensei. Call if you need me."
"I will," I murmur, resting my head against his until he pulls away. Shikamaru takes longer than needed to get up and leave the tent, but I'm not surprised. Lee seems to be the biggest and easiest thing to get him worked up recently.
"Hello," I greet once I'm sure Shika has walked away and that we're alone.
     "Hello," Rock echoes, taking slow and steady steps forward. Once he's no more than a step away, he sinks to the ground, sitting next to me on the floor of the tent. "So... Shikamaru is a little... protective of you."
     "He always has been," I murmur, snatching up the letter left behind. It's technically not a lie. Shika and I have always been close, attached at the hip most of our lives. He knows every inch of me inside and out. The thought mixed with memories of our less-than-appropriate times together makes my skin heat up with the reappearing craving for the Nara Prince.
     "Ya, that's true," Lee whispers, his voice seeming far away even though he's close enough that our knees touch. "Anyway," he chirps, head tipping toward me. "I want to apologize for earlier." I slowly blink as I stare at him, not sure what he thinks he needs to apologize for. "The fight and all," he explains before I can ask, a loose smile hanging on his face.
     "I should have known you were going to tell Shikamaru and that he was going to be all jump-ity about me until things smooth out between the two of us. Especially after the whole scene at the store and all." Lee's shoulders jump up before falling back down again, a soft shrug to pair with his soft grin. "I'm sorry we got in another fight and that you had to be around for it again. I know how important he is to you."
     "It's not that big of a deal, Lee. Shika will chill out after he's certain I'm over it all."
"Are you over it all?" He asks, the happiness falling from his face and being replaced with the rare seriousness Lee possesses. "I hope you're not over everything."
"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask, turning my attention away from the letter I've been roughly scanning, focusing my full attention on Lee. Like Shikamaru said, it's just a minor issue with the clan. Some way, shape, or form, someone misplaced a hundred pounds of venison and the Chief wanted to know if -
Before I know it, Lee's lips are pressed against mine, his hand gently cupping the side of my face. My body freezes, not a hundred percent sure what's going on, much less what to do about it. After a few beats, he inches away from me, still close enough that I can feel his soft breaths. The thumb pressed to my cheek rubs soft circles into my skin as his eyes roll over my face, waiting and watching for my reaction.
Dear Lord, it's me again. Are you actively trying to get Shik to murder Team Gai? If so, you're doing an amazing job.
     "He what?!" Shikamaru yells, pulling the attention of our whole mini campsite to us.
     "It's not that big of a deal," I whisper, eyes flickering around to see if everyone really is staring or if it just feels like that. Eight sets of eyes are on us; it's not the latter.
     I knew Shika wasn't going to take the events of last night well, but I didn't think he'd get this worked up either. He's oozing more hatred than he has the whole trip, everything from his eyebrows down to his chest are pulled tight with tension, dark eyes slit more than usual and seeping into my soul as he looks at me. “I’m going to kill him.”
“No!” I yelp, trying to spring forward fast enough to grab him. I’m not fast enough. Shikamaru’s breakfast is disregarded on the ground, the man standing up and already two steps closer to Lee before I manage to scramble onto my feet. “It really isn’t that big of a deal!” I repeat, racing after him.
My arms wrap around him when I come into contact with him, my feet dragging and digging into the ground to try and stop him or at least slow him down. Neither happens. Shikamaru keeps trudging forward, skin burning and mind twirling with different ways to hurt Lee.
“It is a big deal,” he hisses, eyes locked on the man of the hour. “You asked for space and what does he do? Try to make out with you. I’m giving you space, do you know why? Because it’s not that goddamn hard.”
Neji stands up from his spot next to his best friend, chest puffed out but his usual calmness still in place. “It is too early in the morning for your attitude problem, Shikamaru. Honestly, for the laziest man in our generation, you sure have enough energy for your anger.”
Shika stops for a second, a sharp grin carving onto his lips. “Sit down, Neji, this doesn’t concern you.”
Before the other squad leader can respond, Shik has already thrown up a hand sign, one of his shadows wrapping around Neji’s legs and yanking on him until he falls back into a sitting position. The shadow stays wrapped around the man as I’m dragged forward again, the angry cloud back to his main mission.
“Hello,” his voice comes out dangerously cool, like a sharp end of an icicle. Shikamaru grabs a hold of Lee, balling up his body suit to drag him into a stand.
“Shika, please,” I whisper, tightening my arms around his waist. “This whole jealousy thing isn’t cute. It’s fine, really. Can’t you just leave it be?”
“I’m not jealous,” he utters, his main focus still on Lee who’s trying to fight free from his grasp. It’s a task he’s failing, courtesy of more shadows helping Shikamaru hold him in place. “If you want to be with Lee, fine. As your friend and your future chief, I want you happy first and foremost. I would prefer it to be with me but if it’s not, fine. I won’t force you into my arms or walk away from our friendship if you don’t choose me.”
“What I won’t do is let Lee repeatedly ignore your boundaries. Constantly shoving himself into your life like a goddamn thorn does that. Forcing you into a kiss does that too. That’s not giving you space. That’s forcing you into a situation you don’t want to be in. So, no, I won’t leave it alone.” Shika’s jaw is tight enough that I’m worried it’s going to lock and his knuckles are so white from his grasp that I’m surprised they haven’t popped yet.
“Walk away, Pretty Girl. It’s my job to take care of you, remember? I’m always focused on you.”
I let out a slow and deep exhale, reluctantly unlatching from Shikamaru. Once he’s free, he wastes no time walking away, dragging Lee along with him. Our Senseis fill in my gap, both of the older men racing after him and yelling at him to stop.
Dear Lord, I’m here to ask you again, don’t let Shikamaru kill Lee. Though, I’m pretty sure he’s going too.
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gfguren · 1 year
fae!shikamaru x (fem) reader | you know the drill (entirely self indulgent, entirely too long), fantasy!au, shameless smut | cw: cursing, mentions of blood & minor injury, degradation, manipulation?, shikamaru is an ass but are we surprised
-fae!shikamaru takes a liking to you-
part 1 | part 2
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The flowers are in full bloom, both inside and out of the forest. Though the forest flowers are livelier, more lovely, under the perpetual watch and care of the forest nymphs.
April has colored the ground in yellow and pink flowers, the little buds accompanying the violets in their ever vigilant guard. Among them is a wildflower, twisted and brambled, and seemingly out of place, but pretty nonetheless. It reminds you of him and you almost take it with you, but Gaara would know, and he would know exactly who it was for.
The very faerie he warned you never to meet again, of all things.
You had gotten an earful from both him and you mother. The two of them trying their very bests to make sure you never passed the edges of the forest, never passed Gaara's spring. Honestly, if your mother had it her way, you'd never again leave your room. You can hardly blame her after disappearing for half a year with nary an excuse on your tongue.
What were you to tell her? That, despite all her warnings, you wandered into the woods that had claimed so many lives, that you took the hand offered by a faerie, made love to a faerie? You really would never see anything but the walls of your room again.
So maybe you lied, spun a little tale, that's what you're best at, after all. And even with the little freedom you wrangled from her, Gaara was always there at the edge of the woods, goading you back towards home; you couldn't hide anything from him as much as you'd have liked to.
So you tried to forget him, you really did, busying yourself with this and that, and evermore. But Shikamaru plagued your mind, your dreams and your nightmares, beckoning you back to his nook in the woods. And maybe, maybe, you could have forgotten him, wrote him off as a bad dream, and forgotten him in the day. If only every little thing didn't go wrong since he left that day with his thinly veiled threat.
It was only ever minor inconveniences of course, but it made you think of him, everytime.
You'd lose this and that, bits and bobbles would break and fall apart, and god forbid you could ever find a matching pair of socks. It makes you think of the stories your mother told you when you were just a child, of mischievous fae and their passive aggressive nature. It feels petty more than anything, childish even. As if Shikamaru is pouting, counting the days that you've been gone and retaliating for each and every one.
And it makes you laugh, makes you miss him, you suppose, though you'd offer yourself to the clutches of a wrathful god before admitting that to him.
So you sneak away, past your mother's vigilant watch, past Gaara's meadow and bubbling spring, past the the violets and familiar trees, until you're surprised Gaara's yet to show. You expected a fight, the kind with stern words and disappointed stares, at least. Perhaps he was too busy to play keep away today, or perhaps he'd finally given up.
Night settles over the forest and worry gnaws at your chest, but not for the reasons it once did - not for the specters and shadows, or the fear that the tall, looming trees would devour you - rather the thought that, perhaps he's forgotten you in your time apart, or perhaps you were just a pastime, a plaything, a new shiny bobble for him to toy with after all; Gaara's words must be getting to you. And it worsens with every hour that passes, and with each hue that lightens the sky you wonder if the sun will greet you in his stead.
And that hurts you more than you ever thought it would. You've had too much time to think, to ruminate over your feelings for him in your time apart. All of those strange, convoluted feelings coming to a head and revealing things about yourself and the fluttering feelings in your chest that are still hard to accept, sometimes.
That's why when the moonlight dwindles, strokes of pink coloring the horizon, it hurts your pride; the anger drowns the sadness filling your chest like poison, and you give the tree stump you'd been perched on until a moment ago a hefty kick. It retaliates, the bark making a sickly crackling noise before splintering upwards and piercing your shin.
You'd forgotten how alive the deep forests are.
You yelp, doubling over to clasp a hand over the offended area. Tears prick your eyes and you grumble out an angry, "Stupid tree." Blood seeps through your fingers and you choke on a whimper. "Stupid forest, stupid faeries, stupid Shikamaru."
"Still have quite the mouth on you, I see."
You nearly get whiplash from how fast your head whips up. Shikamaru's within arm's reach, leaning lazily against a tree, dark eyes steadied on your wound. Your surprise turns to relief, and then to anger. "You were watching the whole time, weren't you?"
"I'm not omniscient, you know." He crosses his arms, seemingly disinterested in your current state. "And sorry to disappoint you, pretty. But I wasn't endlessly waiting for you to wander through either."
You try not to glare, mood long soured. The cut pulses, a limp in your step when you turn away.
"And where exactly do you think you're going?"
He's in front of you in an instant, surprise shifting to apprehension as he draws close, though he only crouches before you, examining the gash with one gentle hand. "Careful, this isn't that nymph's tenderhearted meadow, the forest already wants to swallow you whole, don't give it a reason to."
"You think you know everything, don't you?" You're looking to pick a fight, if you're honest - frustration like a splinter in your chest.
"More than a little human like you, at least. Now hold still."
You whimper when he winds a stray cloth around it. "Don't you have - I don't know - some fancy fae magic that can make it go away?"
He cocks an eyebrow, shoots you a look before returning his attention to your wound. "What do you take me for, one of your benevolent nymphs?"
"Dunno, you're all high and mighty about being a faerie, you'd think you'd have some powers to show for it."
"Oh?" His mood shifts and you're not entirely sure how to read it, you'd think him annoyed if not for the smarmy grin curling his lips. "Are you curious, pretty?"
He tightens the knot and you wince, watching as he stands, seeming all the more intimidating, bigger even, like a towering shadow. You shake your head, taking one step back, then two when he follows. "No, I was just-"
You miss the circle of mushrooms at your heel, taking one step, then two until it's too late. The world shifts beneath your feet, swirling and turning and mixing together like watercolors until the sky is a starry, twilit pink. It makes you nauseous, and you're keeling over, swaying almost precariously. Shikamaru's hand finds your shoulder, and the nausea vanishes, replaced by the familiar haze seeping into your being, stealing your conscious bit by bit.
Your eyes meet his, the colors dance in his irises and you fall further into the trance, keening up at him, into him. "You like it here, with me, don't you?" You don't want to nod thoughtlessly, obediently like a puppet on a string, but that's exactly what you find yourself doing. He leans forward, lips molding against your own, breath hot against your mouth when he speaks again. "You'll stay here with me then - by my side - forever?"
Your brain tries to shake the thought, the haze, but it's no use, it only lulls you deeper, drags you into the abyss. "Please."
"That's my pretty girl." He noses against your jawline, suckling at your pulse. "All mine." You whimper when his teeth prick you skin, voice deepening in a way that sounds almost frustrated. "Mine, mine."
His demeanor shifts, anger starting to bubble, and you realize this, frustration palpable even in your stupor, hairs on the back of your neck rising. "Shikamaru..."
He huffs against your skin, fingers digging your sides. "So why did you disappear like that?"
He's pulling away, haze lifting until you can finally see him clearly, lips set in a straight line, deadly serious. "I-" You hesitate, scramble for any excuse to appease him. "I've been busy."
"Not too busy for that forest nymph." His words are snappy, pointed, sharp like a well kempt knife. "Just too busy for me?"
"It's not like that, I just-"
"Maybe I should get rid of him, set his meadow alight."
"Shikamaru that's enough-"
"Will you come back to me then? When he's not around to coddle you anymore?"
"Shut up!" Your temper reaches its limit, ignoring the way Shikamaru's jaw clenches, eyes narrowing at your sudden approach. "You're being an ass!" You dig a pointed finger into his chest, tears stinging your eyes. "You think you know everything about us? Because you watched us from a far a few times? Or is it because you think you're just so smart? Tell me, does being a faerie mean you get to be a presumptuous ass?"
"Watch it." He warns, hand engulfing your own, bringing it to his lips and nipping at your wrist. "Even my patience has limits."
You laugh, a dry, spiteful sound as you try - and fail, miserably so - to wrench out of his hold.
Shikamaru sighs, tugging you forward until you're stumbling into his chest. "I'm so good to you, even though you're a disrespectful little thing." You're able to pull just far enough away shoot a pointed glare his direction. "I treat you so well, look at you in ways he would never dream of."
"That's because he doesn't feel that way for me." You settle into his embrace, as if you have a choice. "I've known him since I was a child, he saved my life. He's like an older brother to me, that's all."
Shikamaru laughs; it feels almost condescending. "A forest nymph? The older brother of a human? Isn't that absurd to you?"
"Not anymore absurd than a human having feelings for a faerie."
He grows quiet and so do you; you're not sure what you expect, but the disappointment consumes you. "Nevermind, I didn't mean anything by it."
"Tell me." You ignore his softly muttered request, turning to pull away, to leave, as if you could, as if you weren't already trapped in the confines of his twilit world. He pulls you back, holds you perfectly still. "What are those feelings, exactly?"
You try to avoid his gaze but it's unwavering, burns a hole right through you, makes you feel helplessly exposed. "I don't know."
"Figure it out."
He really is a jerk sometimes, you surmise. But there's something sincere about the way he looks at you, strange irises filled with you, you, you and nothing else. And it makes your heart stutter in your chest, makes you afraid of admitting exactly what that feeling is because you're not sure he feels the same, even less sure he even can. And if he doesn't, if he doesn't -
"You think too much pretty," he sighs, lips slanting over yours. "Tell me what's on your mind, yeah?"
His breath is hot against your lips and you nearly melt in his embrace; he's warm, so warm and you're burying your face in his shoulder, settling into him like your favorite arm chair tucked in the living room corner. "I'm in love with you, I think."
The grin that spreads across his face is satisfied, yet taunting. "And what does a little creature like you know of love?"
"I-" You're at a loss; he's right and you hate that he's right, just like he always is. But you know better to feed his ego, Challenging him with an unconvincing, "Well what does a faerie of know of love?"
He doesn't skip a beat, pulling you in by the hand still encased between his fingers, smoothing the other around your back to settle on your waist. "I've loved many things in my lifetime, more than a pretty, finite thing like you could ever comprehend."
You wait, wait for him to say you're one of those many things, but he only stares, caresses your cheek with gentle fingers - and it feels condescending almost, or perhaps it's just the disappointment getting to you.
"Is it fun for you, playing with my feelings?"
"No, it's not." His playful demeanor, the deflection that you've grown so used to falls, plummets, shatters in an instant, and suddenly he's serious to a fault. "It's not fun to want you, to miss you, to be so enamored with you that I'd burn the entire forest to the ground to keep you by my side."
It startles you, leaves your mind reeling, grasping for any inconsistency in his proclamation. But you can feel it - his sincerity, and it chills you, heartbeat thrumming in the silence. "What?"
"Is it fun for you?" His cantor rumbles with frustration. "To make me wait, and wait, and wait, and watch as you give your time to that forest nymph, and leave without even thinking of me, every single time?" You open your mouth, prepare to protest, to tell him just how wrong he is. You thought of him, more than you ever thought you would, more than you would have liked; but he continues, doesn't give you the chance, "Do you think I want to be this enamored by an insignificant little thing like you, wrapped around the finger of a human, of all things?"
Was that how he thought of you this entire time? A pathetic human, undeserving of his love? Your sympathy dwindles, flickers out like the last licks of a dying flame. "Then don't be."
You push against his chest but he wraps his arms around you, suffocates you in his embrace. "I already am."
You hate how quickly you lose your fight, give in to his strong arms and settle against his chest like he'd said nothing at all.
He's gentle about the way he turns you, cups your jaw with such tenderness that he feels like a stranger; in some ways he still is, you suppose. "I waited so so patiently for you, so stop being troublesome. Let me enjoy you now that I finally have you."
He doesn't give you a chance to be indignant, pressing his lips to yours until you sigh against them, submit to his attentions. Gentle fingers draw a line down your spine and you shudder, realizing just how much you've missed him, been starved for his affections. His fingertips caress the thick of your thighs before moving to play with the hem of your dress, and you keen up at him, into him, wincing against his lips when your injury protests.
You feel his sigh, hot against your mouth. "Let's take care of that first, yeah?"
He hooks an arm beneath your legs and lifts you from the ground, chest rumbling with quiet laughter when you tangle your arms around his shoulders in a panic. He takes you to the old well, tucked behind his house in a flowery little corner. It was your favorite place to escape to when you needed your own space, especially when you first arrived, tiptoeing around the faerie whose intentions were still a mystery.
He's gentle about the way he sets you atop the cobbled rock, mumbling a stern "stay right here," before disappearing inside the cabin.
You sigh, releasing a breath you didn't know you were holding. The well sloshes faintly and you wonder just how it's sustained, given that you've never seen it rain in this strange world of his. The faint pinkish clouds suspended above your head seem real enough, but you can't help but wonder if they really are.
Everything about this world still feels like a dream, even Shikamaru - especially Shikamaru - and you wonder if it's all some elaborate trap to catch gullible humans like you; a small part of you even flirts with the idea of letting yourself fall into it.
Shikamaru comes into focus, sharp features contrasting against the rose dusted sky. He really does feel like a dream sometimes. "This is going to sting, probably." He lays a hand on your knee, just above the wound. "Just try not to kick me, alright?" - and sometimes not so much.
Your amusement shifts, turns sharply to a grimace when he removes the bloodied bandage, replacing it with the sting of a damp rag. He's careful about the way he dabs the wound, tempering his strokes each time you flinch beneath his hold. It's odd, but sweet and you chew the inside of your cheek, wonder if you could take it as an opportunity.
"I thought you'd be mad."
He wraps a clean bandage around your leg, securing it much more tenderly than the first time. "Who says I'm not?"
"Well, considering I've yet to become breakfast-"
He grins, wild and taunting and you'd think it wicked if you knew him less. "Is that an invitation?"
You blink once and suddenly he's standing, ignoring your indignant squeal when he sweeps you up and carries you inside. The sheets are plush and sunny, like the plume of a canary; it reminds you of home. "These are new?"
"Mhm," he mumbles, sprawling you across them, lips immediately finding the corner of your jaw, kissing a trail down to your chest. "Figured you'd like them, besides," he nips the swell of your breast, hands creeping beneath the hem of your dress. "Mm, forget it."
"What is it?" He ignores you, nosing further into your chest but you prop yourself up, move to squeeze his cheeks between your palms. He narrows his eyes, seemingly confused more than anything; and it's cute, almost. "What is it, Shikamaru?" He doesn't answer but also doesn't move to stop you when you lean forward and press a kiss to the bridge of his nose, the swell of his cheeks, the corner of his lips, sighs even when you lean forward to gently nudge your nose against his. You bat your eyelashes once twice, three times. "Please?"
"By the gods, fine." You watch him expectantly, wait one beat, then two until finally, he sighs. "The old ones smelled like you."
You're offended by the implication, at first. But it hits you, makes more sense than you'd like it to. He missed you. And you know it all too well; the smell of honey and flora - home - was always your favorite, but you found yourself missing it, him, the musk of deep forest trees and smoke that curls around you like an ever present shadow. And you yearned for it, yearned to drop everything and run to Shikamaru.
And you left that feeling, that yearning, with him, in perpetuity - left a piece of yourself behind whereas he only lingered in your memory.
"Now, if your done with your little interrogation," he trails off, hooks an arm beneath your knee and pulls you forward until he's hovering above you, hips flush against your center. "I do believe I was making good on a threat."
He doesn't give you a moment to dwell, already pushing your panties down, head dipping between your thighs to devour you like a feast laid before him, just for him. And it has your eyes rolling back, has your thighs shaking and fingers grasping desperately at the covers, like your clawing your way back up the precipice of a cliff. But it's futile, of course.
It's lude, his tongue circling your clit, the squelching when he sucks - and you hate just how much it turns you on, has you arching against him like you're begging him for more, more, more; like you just can't get enough. But he doesn't seems to mind, not when you're moaning his name all pretty and pathetic like.
He looks up at you, briefly, studies you with those dark, swirling eyes. It would be unsettling if you weren't on the verge of coming against his tongue.
You manage a broken, "What?" and he grins, prodding at your lips with two of his fingers. You're confused but part them, hesitant as you are, let him press against your tongue. "I was just wondering," he starts, patting your cheek dotingly with his other hand when you instinctively lave your tongue around his digits. "If your face would look prettier when I touch like that, or like this."
He pulls his fingers from your mouth, spreads you open with them instead. You choke on a moan and he laughs. "Is this funny to you?"
"A bit."
"Big talk for someone who hasn't even made me cum yet."
"Keep talking." His breath is hot against your sex. "It'll be all the more satisfying when I shut you up."
You roll your eyes, half a taunt catching on your tongue the moment his fingers curl inside you. He fixes his mouth on your clit, all tongue and teeth and pure desire, and it's embarrassing just how quickly the heat takes you over; how quickly his words become true and you just shut up - reduced to moans and the pathetic whimpers of his name while he works you through your high.
You're struggling to catch your breath and it's bewitching, the way he kisses a trail up your hip, over your breast and up to your lips. You catch the way his own lips glisten with your slick when he pulls away, just long enough to dip his head beside your ear and utter a simmering, "Can I have you?" that has you keening for him, into him, all too easily.
Far too easily, and a part of you wonders if this is a trick, a play on words to catch you, bind you to him with the deceitful, wicked powers of the fae. But he's looking at you with those dark eyes, touching you so sweetly with the warmth of his palms, and he wouldn't, surely he wouldn't -
Besides, what are you going to tell him - no?
Your nod is hesitant, and he's on you in an instant, wrapping you up in his strong arms, sucking hickies against your throat. "Mine." He spreads you over his hips, pushes his pants down with one hand and presses his fingers into the meat of your thigh with the other, until he's sure the shape of his fingertips will linger in sickly violet hues. "Mine, mine, mine."
It burns, the way he stretches you, stretches you until you cater to the breadth of his cock. It burns, almost as much as the first time and even worse is the pace he sets. You'd think him gentle, merciful even, but his arrogance is palpable; he knows he's driving you mad with his slow, aching thrusts, tilting his head this way and that as if he's studying your desperate eyes and agape, pleading mouth.
"Who would have thought," he muses, pressing into you until your hips lay flush against his, cock nestling deeper, deeper until you're pushing against his shoulders, arching your back in a pathetic attempt alleviate the burn. But he pulls you back, holds you down until your eyes screw shut and your crying his name, begging him for sweet reprieve. "That you look the prettiest like this."
There are tears in your eyes when you mumble a pathetic. "You're so mean."
He finds it amusing, if his taunting chuckle is any indicator. "If only you knew just how nice I am to you, pretty."
He certainly doesn't seem nice, not with the way he slides his cock out just to thrust back in, setting a brutal pace to contrast the first, ignoring your babbling lips and weak hands pawing at his chest. "Isn't this what you wanted?" His words are soft, doting but you catch the mocking lilt to his voice, clear as day even as he's wiping the tears from your cheeks with the pads of his thumbs. "Should I make it better?"
It's suffocating, the haze that closes in on you like smoke filling the room, stealing your mind from your pretty fingertips. And you hate how easy it is to fall for it, into it and just how good it feels. But you're shaking your head, clinging to what's left of your mind before it's gone.
"What? Are you going to take it like a big girl?"
The haze dissipates, like a weight off your chest and you breathe, sighing an indignant. "I did last time, just fine thank you."
His lips curl up in a wicked half grin. "I'm going to continue to let you believe that."
He sits you carefully over his lap, pulls your dress over your head with a tenderness that surprises you. He doesn't miss the way your eyes follow him, infatuation in your gaze, reciprocates with a kiss, sweet, deep, divine - and entirely too short-lived. His palms are warm, so warm when they lift your hips, almost distracting you from the burn when he slides out, turns you around until you're kneeling, precariously swaying on your forearms.
Shikamaru sighs, snatching a pillow from the head of the bed to tuck beneath your middle. He places a palm between your shoulder blades, goading you down until you're laying comfortably over them. Soft fingertips wander your spine, chills tingling your nerves when he presses his lips one, two, three vertebrae down.
You almost relax, almost until he leans over you, makes you feel all kinds of small and docile when he rests a big hand beside your head. His voice is raspy, more so than usual when he whispers a suggestive, "Last chance, pretty. I can make you taste heaven, if you want."
You roll your eyes, crane your neck to shoot him a look, but there's gravity in his gaze. Smoldering orange flames color half his face, the other lingers in shadow, and he looks all the more sinister, foreign, ethereal, from his high cheekbones to his pointed nose, the shadow of two wings painted across the ceiling, reminding you that not a part of him is human, mortal. Every word, stoked by his ego as they are, hold weight you'll never fully comprehend.
He can give you euphoria, or he can make you hurt, and he's bending his knee, bowing his head and giving you - an insignificant creature like you - a choice in the matter. It makes you burn, makes you ache for him.
"I want you." You place your hand over his, intertwine your fingers. "Wanna feel you, every bit of you, even if it hurts."
You don't miss the sigh he breathes, shaky and wanting, his urges hanging on the precipice of a breath, denying himself the chance to devour you whole. A part of you hopes he will, and you certainly think he won't; at least until the the haze lifts completely, and you're left with sudden clarity you didn't realize was missing.
And suddenly you're not so sure.
You have second thoughts, almost when he digs rough fingers into the meat of your thigh, spreads you open for him, forces you down on his cock with a cruel and startling lack of mercy. And you realize how nice he's been to you all along, just how much generosity he's shown you without you even knowing. Still, you don't regret it, even when he sets a pace that has you reeling, has you gripping his fingers until your knuckles pale and a scream catches in your throat.
He doesn't seem to care, too lost on the way you clench around him, suffocate his cock as if you're begging for more, more, more of him, as if he doesn't see that you're barely hanging by the last threads of some god given will. Or perhaps he does and is simply too enamored by the way your lips cry out in pain, the way your brow draws together, eyes clouded not with magic, but in pleasure. And he thinks you look beautiful, exquisite, absolutely mouth watering.
So much so that he loses his cool, his composure, breath labored and rough like gravel when he holds you down against the pillows - and cums.
A moment passes - then two, and it's not until he shuffles atop you, separates his body from yours, do you realize you'd forgotten to breath. He presses a soft kiss against your shoulder and you inhale deep; lungs, chest, being suddenly so full, so warm, and you're not sure you can let this feeling go again.
"Thank you." It almost sounds sincere, but when you turn to face him, a shadow of smirk hangs from his lips.
You're almost afraid to ask.
"For what?"
He doesn't answer.
Strong, careful hands draw you to him, encases you between his chest and a myriad of pillows, lulls you ever closer to sleep, nearly convinces you to stay, eternally.
"I should leave soon, my mother will worry."
Something rumbles in his chest, verging on laughter. "Just sleep, pretty."
"I'm serious."
"You said I could have you," he hums. "Did you not?"
The panic sets in and you try to sit, but he holds you firm, "I didn't, I mean - I thought-" Your fear turns to indignance. "You can't keep me here."
He rolls atop you, caging you between his thighs, expression smug and lazy. "Oh I certainly could, if I wanted." He leans forward, lips pressed gently to your temple. "And gods do I ever want to." He moves to cup your cheek, seemingly unsurprised when you slap his hand away. "And that is exactly why I won't.
"A caged bird is never as pretty, don't you think?" He sighs, tries once more to cradle you, coddle you, thumb stroking the skin. You let him. "I want you to come to me, stay with me, sing of your own accord."
You search his face, study the space between the lines. "Would it kill you to be sincere for once?"
"I love you," his voice is like searing fire, engraving itself in your memory. "And I want you to love me." He holds your gaze for only a moment before he laughs, airy and awkward and for a moment he almost feels human. "Remember it, because I won't be saying it again."
You settle, fingers settling atop the ones still encasing your cheek. "Believe me," you sigh, pressing a kiss to the palm of his hand. "I will."
"Stay with me?" For the first time it sounds like a question. "Just for tonight."
It gives you pause, his sincerity, his desperation to have you, even for a night.
You nod.
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httpino · 3 months
hiii! no one asked but i wanted to post my team 10 related headcanons. again not canon compliant at all n its very college au :D
Team 10 Headcanons
- choji has to start using everyone else as his taste testers because ino n shikamaru are sick of his food
- like don’t get them wrong they love it normally but after choji cooks the same hidden cloud dish for the millionth time (he’s preparing a home cooked meal for karui), they’re tapped out
- one time there were rumors that shikamaru n ino were dating and ino almost tf passed out
- she was wondering where she went so wrong
- it was the most embarrassing week of her life and to this day, she can’t think about it without being annoyed
- they drunkenly got matching tattoos
- ino has instigated every single fight to happen in her 4 years at konoha academy
- and trust n believe she got those fight videos too
- ino taught choji and shikamaru all about flowers
- they didn’t gaf that much but they start to find it interesting how many different things can be conveyed with flowers
- especially when they started dating their respective girlfriend
- ino is dramatic and cannot go out with choji n shikamaru if they look messy (in her eyes)
- she’ll see a wrinkle in shikamaru’s shirt and she makes him take it off and shows him how to iron it
- ino damn near threw up when her dad made a joke about her marrying shikamaru or choji
- she called them her brothers n inoichi never bothered her again
- choji brought up his n karui’s 6 month anniversary and shikamaru n ino are like “??? who??”
- choji remembers that he actually forgot to tell them lolz!
- it wasn’t on purpose, after choji went on an extended trip to the hidden cloud n met karui, he just wanted to keep her to himself for a bit
- speaking of dating, shikamaru n choji tried the whole “if you hurt her we’ll kill you” spiel on sai but he was so unphased that they were embarrassed
- they realized their worry was unneeded after sai made a girl who was nasty to ino cry
- when shikamaru tells them that he’s officially dating temari, he watches choji begrudgingly slip ino a twenty dollar bill
- appalled they were betting on him but mainly that choji was betting against him
- they’re all very very comfy with one another
- i’m talking they had sleepovers up until the age of 17 and after they graduated, they moved in together
- no one can really guess what vibe these mfs be on, the only people who truly understand them is them
- their ideal days all consist of spending time with one another
- ino really doesnt play about these two
- they’re her blood (in her mind) and anyone who slights them have slighted her
- which is terrible for shikamaru n choji’s opps because you never want ino fucking yamanaka mad at you
- very unserious trio, we love you inoshikacho!
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delirious-donna · 2 years
Adorned By Lace And Shadows [Shikamaru Nara]
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Oct. 17 - Shikamaru Nara x female reader
It's been some time since your man indulged you in anything more than a quickie. What better way to tempt the lazy genius than with some new - and highly revealing - lingerie. Will he bite?
warnings: lingerie, pussy fingering, pussy eating, unprotected sex, implied multiple orgasms, Shikamaru not being lazy for once
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“You'll look amazing in this.”
A lingerie set, that if you were honest, looked like a bunch of flimsy strings in bubblegum pink, was thrust into your rapidly blinking face.
You eyed it with a grimace, trying to conceal your displeasure at the option that Ino had presented. She was trying her best, it was sweet of her and at that thought, your expression brightened. Although you still shook off the suggestion of the sickly pink corset with strings and hooks - it was too much of a fuss.
“I think something a bit more simple,” you mused whilst perusing the displays around the brightly lit lingerie store.
A sheer black babydoll that split down the front caught your eye. It was trimmed in deep steel grey and looked soft and buttery to the touch. Your fingers were almost touching it when a chin fell to your shoulder with a coo of appreciation hitting your ear.
“I think we have a winner,” the blonde chirped happily, scampering around to find matching thigh highs and a garter belt for good measure.
You took a steadying breath, hope filling your heart but there was still that undercurrent of worry, it was never far away.
How long had it been since you’d spent longer than ten minutes in passionate throes with Shikamaru? A few weeks? A month?
Had the shine of years together meant that he no longer desired you as he used to?
You well remembered how ravenous the Nara had been back in those early days, the man famed for being lazy as fuck had been anything but in pursuit of getting in your panties.
The swell of lust swam in your stomach, a knotting sensation taking root and you pursed your lips to apply the slick of some clear lip balm.
Smoothing a hand down the sheer panels of your newly acquired black babydoll, a slight tremble fluttered in your palm. Determination filled your veins, a flicker of fire that shot your hand out to wrap around the glass of hard liquor.
You drained it in one swallow, a grimace and shudder flying free but it did the job of igniting that small flicker of fire into a raging inferno. Swelling your confidence as you fixed your heels and ran a finger around the seam of your stockings.
“I’m gonna make you crawl for it, Shika… just you wait.”
With that heatedly whispered promise still ringing in your head, you went in search of your man, already knowing he’d be in the study.
The quick click of your heels caught on the floorboards, stopping at the door that was slightly ajar and rapping your knuckles promptly on the wood.
“Why you knocking, sweetheart?” The signature lazy drawl sounded from the depths of the room, and you knew it was suspicious of you to knock when you’d normally barrel in without thought.
Right enough, you found him with his cheek resting on his fist, observing you as you walked in. His eyes widened, barely visible but you caught it. Along with the path those dark irises slowly inched down your body and back up again.
The quirk of his brow made your stomach flutter, the furious swallowing in his tight throat as your palms braced atop the cluttered desk to bend and gift him a wonderful eyeful of your cleavage.
Your hips swayed, slow and steady. Feline and more graceful than you usually were. A quick swipe of Shikamaru’s tongue against the front of his teeth made you smile wickedly.
“What did I do to deserve this?” He asked, arching back into his chair and patting his lap in invitation and one you were not going to refuse. A finger trailed the bevelled edge of the desk as you rounded it.
A featherlight breeze parted the sheer sides of your babydoll and exposed your skin as you straddled his awaiting lap. There was already an eager erection poking against your barely concealed cunt and your hips gyrated once against the ridge of his cockhead.
“Hmm… perhaps it’s more what you haven't done,” you scolded, letting your knees sink into the leather of his executive chair, legs hugging the outsides of his thighs.
You knew that he wanted to touch you, to stroke at the fabric that encased your tits and the edge of your lacy panties. There was the faintest tremor to his hands as they rested so delicately on your waist, thumbs stroking at your bare flesh in leisurely circles. His eyes kept travelling to your stockings and the garter belt holding them up. Did he want to run his finger beneath the clip, to circle your upper thighs and press between them?
“Have I been neglecting you, baby? Well… we can’t have that, can we?”
How it was possible for his voice to sound any sexier than it already did, you had no idea, but that yawning pit of want was stretching wide at his husky voice. His tone would sound unaffected to the untrained ear, but to you, you were aware that he was close to breaking already.
With hands on his strong shoulders you lifted yourself to sit on the edge of his desk and stretched a leg out. Shikamaru caught it before it could reach where it was going, pressing a chaste kiss to your ankle before rubbing his rough cheek against the silk of your stockings.
He hummed, deep in his chest as the kisses climbed higher and higher until he reached the lacy detail of your stocking top. Blazing brown eyes snapped to your face, his tongue flicking out to run over the beautiful fabric pattern.
Your chest rose in uneven breaths, head slightly woozy from the earlier alcohol and from the way your man was making you feel with so little effort. So little it almost hurt to admit, that you were so besotted and twisted around his finger that you forgot your earlier promise to make him crawl, swept into how fucking good he was making you feel.
“I like this,” he rasped, both palms kneading your hips and fingering the clips of your garter belt. He pushed you further onto his desk, placing each of your feet on the arms of his chair and leaning in until his breath caressed your inner thighs.
“Thought you might wanna go for longer than a quickie if I made the effort,” you shrugged, eyes sinking away from the serious expression that crossed his face.
You sensed it before you saw or felt it, those familiar tendrils of power that poured from Shikamaru and twisted like poison ivy along your arms. There was no movement in your limbs, his shadows held you immobile and your spine raised off the desk.
“Shika, I—”
He stood abruptly, cutting your words off with the heat and intensity of his mouth. Swallowing your doubts, your fears and everything else. Shika took and took as he roamed your trembling form, deft fingers grazing, touching, manipulating.
Yet he fed you in return; passion and ardent desire from his frenetic movements that were so unlike him. Rough palms cupped your mounds, thumbs hooking into the soft cups and drawing them lower until your nipples were free and available for his hot mouth.
You wanted to arch into him, impossible with his shadows keeping you fixed and it released moans and desperate mewls from your lips each time his lips suctioned around your aching buds.
“All of this,” he gestured to your perfectly selected lingerie, “is staying on and I’m gonna chase those doubts away until you’re screaming my name for the entire village to hear.”
Thighs trembling, sweat slid from your heated skin and you wantonly rutted your pussy against Shika’s face. A shadow squeezed around the slender column of your throat, the pressure just enough to keep you flat against the desk. No longer were you arms restrained, now they gripped and tugged within the forest of his raven hair.
You were so very close once more, spit and arousal covered Shikamaru’s mouth down to his chin and his knuckles were drenched from the steady pump into your gripping pussy.
“This enough attention, sweetheart? Are my fingers enough or you want something else?” he teased whilst fisting his cock and stroking it far more roughly than he usually would.
“More. Gimme more.”
The walls of your cunt squeezed down around nothing as he pulled himself free with a start. A cry of anguish at feeling so empty but it was silenced with a strangled grunt as Shika’s hips snapped forward in haste.
Lace panties shoved to the side, your tits free of the soft cups and there was a tear in your stocking from thigh to knee. To Shikamaru, you looked like the most tempting fallen angel he had ever seen and he groused at the thought that you felt neglected by him.
He drove into you with fervour, biting his lip at the bounce of your tits as he thrust until his heavy balls slapped against your peachy ass. You felt like heaven, so wet that he could reach your depths easily and he rolled his hips to grind himself against that special gummy spot.
“Never. Doubt. My. Love. For. You.”
Your orgasm crashed over you, a tidal wave of physical pleasure and emotions that stole the air from your lungs. Tears burned your eyes as you lost control of your limbs, tensing to the point of pain then slipping into a boneless state.
“That’s it baby, love seeing you cum on my cock. Got another for me?”
You scoffed, eyes rolling to the back of your skull and you could die happily right now. Honestly, you didn’t know how much more you could take but Shikamaru was showing no signs of stopping.
He smirked, a wink of mischief thrown at your sweaty, fucked out face.
“Aww pretty baby, did you think I was done with you? Don’t think I’ve heard you scream yet…”
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