mewmewchann · 2 years
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Halloween art part 2, featuring the DFTH cast!
Yes these are what I’ve been doing for the past week lol I put a lot of work into these so I hope you like them!
Either way, Happy Spooks!!!
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mewmewchann · 2 years
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oh fuck it’s almost 2023 what the hell-
Thought I should draw one last thing before the year ended, so here it is! I had a lot of fun drawing this and I’m really happy with it ^v^
Anyway, happy (almost) 2023! (I’ll srb this when it’s actually 2023 haha) and thanks as always for all your support! <3
anyway more rambling under the cut and if you want to skip it then that’s ok
...So this year was a lot, huh.
I can’t lie and say that a lot of difficult shit didn’t happen, because it did. I won’t go into detail, but this being my last year of uni has. Uh. Kind of been kicking me in the ass. I had to deal with a lot of shit because of it. And because of that, writing has been hard. Really hard. I only got one chapter-arc (it’s kinda hard to call them “chapters” given that they’re written I guess) each done for my Fangans again, which was pretty tough for me to deal with.
But quite a few good things did come out of this year.
The main big thing for me is I decided to actually become more active in the Fangan community in a way, which was a massive thing for me because socialisation is hard. And ngl doing that has made this year a lot better for me. (to those who know what I’m talking about, ty y’all are the best <3)
Also I got a brand new hyperfixation!!!!!! With new OCs too!!!!!! Srsly I haven’t had Project Sekai for long but it and some of the characters already mean THE WORLD to me Memento Rosa also already means a lot to me, (given how much I’m projecting onto some of the characters hAH) and I’m already looking forward to writing their story. Yeah. I’m not shutting up about Memento Rosa anytime soon. Sorry but you’re gonna have to get used to them being here :)
And while I am still sad that I didn’t get much done on them, I feel like the progress I made with Hope’s Chains and DFTH was really good stuff. Like, I’m genuinely really happy with the chapters I put out!! And DFTH chapter 5 was something I’ve been building up to for YEARS. While chapter 4 is still my personal favourite arc of the story, chapter 5 is still something I’m so happy I’ve written.
Also I finally have a drawing tablet now yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
So the question is, what now?
Well Memento Rosa is a thing that’s happening! I don’t really have a schedule plan for it right now (that’ll probably happen when DFTH ends maybe Idk), but it is a definite thing that I’m working on! Idk whether I’ll finish the main story and start the events this year, but I’m still looking forward to writing for it! As for Twisted Magic though, that’s still something being thought on. I’m not really at a stage where I can definitively start writing it yet, and I’m not sure when I will be. (completely original stories are hard okay) It will still happen. Just not right now.
Now for the thing I don’t doubt a lot of you are here for: Hope’s Chains and DFTH. Like I said a few posts ago, DFTH is on break until Hope’s Chains chapter 3 is done, because chapter 6 is a MASSIVE THING and will be the first time I’ve ever completed a written project. Which is. Uh. A whole thing. So chapter 6 won’t be until at least Hope’s Chains chapter 3 finishes. as for whether or not DFTH will conclude in 2023 I can’t say for certain, but that’s all I have planned for it. I know a lot of you will be sad to see it go, but the curtain on it must fall. Just not yet. It just needs a little more time before the final act. And what a final act it will be~ But Hope’s Chains chapter 3 is planned to be written next year! There is a LOT planned for chapter 3 that I really hope you guys will enjoy! Idk whether chapter 4 will happen next year or not, but chapter 3 will definitely happen next year.
But yeah. That’s really all I can say right now. I might have some other things planned but Idk if I’ll actually do them yet, so that’s really all I can say.
Oh, and one last thing.
Thank you all so much for all of your support this year. It really means the world to me. <3
Anyway, see you in 2023!!!
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mewmewchann · 2 years
So I know who Nisetaro is, but I have a couple questions about him.
1. Is the wolf association on purpose, and if it is, is it meant to be a play on “a wolf in sheep’s clothing”?
2. Why is Shionnise a thing? I’m not judging, I think it’s neat, but where did it come from?
(Aside: I know Tsuki’s only appeared in one post and had two lines of dialogue, but I freaking adore her. Best girl, Jasper must be so proud.)
Idk, I've just had the wolf association with him for a while. I don't know why. It's cool I guess.
Like most of my OC ships it happened by complete accident I just had the thought for it one day and. Idk I just fell in love with it. If they ever did meet before (or during) the killing game they would've been a fun couple.
And I adore Tsuki too so I'm glad you like her
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