#Shower Maintenance
satans-knitwear · 1 year
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Breaking news! Basic acts of self care can make u feel good sometimes.
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mentally in a hotel, freshly showered, getting ready for dinner
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xchrryblssmx · 12 days
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pocketwish · 3 months
using shimmer fountain pen ink in my journal for the month of april and truly feeling like a sorcerer with a temperamental + willful wand
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colorisbyshe · 5 months
this is another reason why i hate the clealiness olympics on here because 90% of the "you're nasty if you do/don't this" posts are really just confessions... like people who are like 'i could never use a washing cloth because they get so nasty' like oh... so you don't wash them??? or like crying over cats in the kitchen as if you don't wipe down your counter before using it for meal prep (not that you should meal prep directly on your counter)
like... idk...
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butch-himbo-king · 5 months
staying at the in-laws’ house overnight bc our downstairs neighbors turned off their heat when they left for a trip and froze the pipes so now we have no water 🤪🤪🤪
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rubiesintherough · 4 months
#(( ooc. ))#venting tw#negativity tw#gonna try to do some writing today but motivation is real low.#i guess that's what happens when you get called stupid useless and lazy to your face by someone who then expects you#to bow and scrape and wait on them hand and foot#and also now im expected to pay the electric bill on top of doing all the housework. literally all of it. in a home of 3#fucking adults. and bow im also the one having to handle a lot of maintenance work around the place on top of keeping#it spotless bc no one else 'feels like doing it'#and the whole time i get to be insulted and told that im fat. stupid. lazy. while im cleajing up their messes. and fixing stuff for them.#and doing a bunch of cooking bc they get pissy if i dont also feed them on top of doing literally all the housework. and maintenance work.#and also now being expected to pay half the electric bill. again house of 3 people. and im not even allowed to take a hot shower when i need#to in order to get the pain spikes under control from yknow. flaring up my fibro from overworking myself CLEANING AND TAKING CARE OF THE#DAMN HOUSE FOR THEM#bc it takes too much electricity. the electricity i mostly paid for last month#sorry i needed to get that out#suicide tw#abuse tw#not me debating offing myself bc theres no end in sight and no way out and i cant keep going from one abusive situation to another#and just trying to survive. almost 30 yrs old and ive never once felt safe or at home anywhere ive ever lived. not once. in almost 30#years have i ever felt safe. or like im my own person. or that im valued. or wanted. or listened to. not once in almost 30 years#have i ever felt like im actually loved (wanted) beyond my usefullness.#shit sucks man. anyway sorry for the spam of negativity lately. im not trying to be a downer.#gonna go hang out in my inbox for a while and see if anything pops out that my muses wanna jump on 🤞
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moony-ghoul · 9 months
i have been slowing growing an obsession and it’s like actually a problem but like kinda not as well
it started with growing my hair out i started taking better care of it and loved my routine with it
then my friend found out i didn’t have a skin care routine and bullied me into one (which i’m very thankful for)
since then it’s grown into a ridiculously complicated self care routine i love buying new products when my others run out i love my shower routine i love how nice everything smells and how nice it makes me smell i love coming home from a long day and having a long relaxing shower and then climbing into bed in a lil clean bubble of nice smells
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straydogged · 28 days
sometimes ...cleaning is good
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emcant · 4 months
Wet beast Wednesday postponed until Thursday this week evidently
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ikkaku-of-heart · 3 months
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It never fails to make me blush when people say they love my Ikkaku. Like I've been writing her for nearly four years now and I occasionally wonder if people have gotten bored of her or me so when someone says they love her and what I've done to flesh her out, it's very heartwarming and helps keep the doubt goblins in my brain at bay. So, to those of you who have done this in the past few weeks, thank you. You make me blush and flustered and so very happy.
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rottengurlz · 11 months
Did the full moon make everyone crazy or something this week I feel like I need to stare at a wall for an hour or 2 to heal myself
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ungroomedcat · 10 months
Whenever people called me 'young lady' at work it used to always feel so demeaning. Say, for example, in my first job fresh out of college I was put in charge of a large project that I had to present at the end of the year to a bunch of white old men. I received plenty of compliments. But not without the blood boiling, "-for such a young lady" appended at the end.
"She did an amazing job for such a young lady."
"Great job young lady."
Young lady this. Young lady that. Hated that shit. It's died down some now after nearly a decade of it. And today, for the first time, I didn't take offense. Maybe it's because I've become more comfortable and confident in my own skin, not feeling like I have something to prove all the time.
It's interesting how much your perspective changes as you age. I was referred to as "that youngster" today ("what's that youngster saying over there?") and while I'm certain I would have seethed inside not even five years ago, today I found it humorous. Humbling even. Because this was said by a 60+ yo man, and in his eyes, I really am just a young little buck. And that's fine. I am just a young little buck. Even at 30. Especially at 22 when I thought being called a young lady was the most degrading thing in the world.
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crimeronan · 2 years
grocery shopped and then put the groceries away and then did the dishes and then cleaned up a giant mess i made on the stove this morning. i am as unto a god <-person currently doing the absolute bare minimum in literally Every Single Area of their life,
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dokyeomini · 4 months
our landlords are fucking useless we haven't had hot water since friday and they're basically doing nothing abt i
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doctormage · 1 year
I’m having a “wants to post ten billion things” day for some fucking reason
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