#Shuichi loves his gifts and chocolates!!! ♥
ahogedetective · 2 years
@rosanimemuses continued from - x !!!
"A...A-Ah. You think so...? Th... Thank you...." He blushed deeply at his eyes being called beautiful. It was almost funny how Kaito said something cheesy himself, it made Shuichi's heart flutter. At the mention of Kaito having gifts for him as well, he perked up. "You got some things for me, too...?" He honestly thought the date in itself was the gift, which Shuichi more than loved; so to hear Kaito still had gifts for him, made him feel all the more lucky right now, that he has such a wonderful boyfriend.
"O-Okay!! I'm sure you will do a wonderful job taking care of them, with how great you are with plants." Kaito even wanting to do that for the roses, to make sure they stay alive as long as possible... it made him so happy. Then his reaction to the mason jar made him giggle, clasping his hands together as he asks: "D-Do you like it? Ah, and as for the hot chocolate, it is sugar-free, no worries. I made sure of it." Specifically by handpicking each ingredient himself, making sure that it was sugar-free.
When Kaito handed him his gifts- "Ahhh... !" Shuichi's eyes widened, gasping in awe. "O-Oh, my... Kaito, these are wonderful!!" He carefully holds everything in one arm, using the other to closely examine each gift. "I have been needing some new books to write in, so this is perfect. I can't wait to use them! And this magnifying glass keychain... I adore the design of a galaxy in the middle; it's so beautiful... I'll put this on my bag right away!! And maybe switch it up from time to time and wear it on my pants loop, too!" In fact, he carefully placed the books and chocolates down, so that he could carefully place the keychain on his bag. "Perfect... what do you think?" He beams, thinking it pairs perfectly with his bag. "I promise to take absolute care of this, and the books. Thank you so much for such wonderful gifts, Kaito.."
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Humming into the kiss, he whispers into it: "You're the best boyfriend a guy could ever have...." Once he has to break away from the kiss, that's when he picks the box of chocolates back up, before opening them. "Ohh, coffee chocolates, I see... ! They smell so good: I'd like to try one right now if that's okay!" Giddily picking up a piece, he plops it into his mouth, humming at how delicious it was. "And taste just as good, too: thank you, Kaito! I'll happily enjoy them. Would you like to share them together? If they won't be too sweet for you, that is...!"
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fatexbound · 10 months
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@ahogedetective said:
"Takamaki-san! Over here... !" Shuichi waves Ann down to get her attention. He invited her to this cafe he's confident she will love, and grabbed a booth table by the window for them. Once she sat down, he gives her a bright smile. "Good morning, and Happy Birthday! I've been wanting to bring you here for a while, so I thought today would be the perfect chance. So, here is the menu..." He slides one of the menus on the table over to her. It had a variety of desserts, such as cakes, cookies, pastries... and their drink menu consisted of different coffee, tea, and hot chocolate flavors. "I know it's quite a lot of selections, so take all the time you need. Oh and of course, my treat! So please, get whatever you'd like. And also... " From his bag, he takes out a gift box, and holds it out to her. "For you as well." Inside was a pair of red knit gloves, embroidered with white hearts on the back of them. It also came with a pom pom winter hat of a similar design, too. "Since it's starting to get a lot colder lately, I thought I'd get you these. Plus I thought you might like the design, too, hehe... ah, and the gloves are made so that you can still use the touch screen on your phone, even with them on. I hope you like them... and whatever you'll decide to get on the menu... !" (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANN~! ☕🍰♥)
Ann's birthday | Accepting until Saturday
When Ann received several texts from Shuichi that morning, inviting her out to a café she's never heard of before, she rushed over there and waved back as soon as she spotted him, smiling sweetly and sitting down afterwards. "Mornin'! Aww, thanks, Saihara-kun! You're the best! You really didn't have to bring me out here, but I love this atmosphere already!" This wasn't the cute Maid Café Akira told her he visited occasionally, but it definitely clicked with her.
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Blue eyes hungrily scanned over the menu handed to her, her mouth was drooling from the amount of desserts this place had. Even more than the one she frequented, so she was pleasantly surprised. "Oooh, all for me?! And you're paying? Gosh, I'm-- I'm so sorry in advance for the high bill...!" She looked apologetic when she said that because she knew her gluttony could be a huge problem.
But then, right as she was about to decide what to get, the detective handed her a gift box and explained what was inside. She couldn't help herself and opened it with his silent permission, then gasped in joy. "Oh, these are so cute, and just the right size and color for me! You're so sweet!" She beamed at him happily, giggling. "Of course I love them, and I'm sure I'll love whatever they have here! Now, for starters, I'd like some hot chocolate with marshmallows on top..."
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ahogedetective · 3 years
"Heheheee~!!" *kaito isn't at all trying to hide his 'sneaking' as he scurries up from behind and pulls shuichi into an incredibly tight hug! he then proceeds to smother him with kisses on each cheek before spinning him around, proudly presenting the nearby table that is almost overflowing with homemade (and absurdly sweet) chocolate, a rilakkuma plushie that's holding a giant heart, and a gigantic bouquet of red roses!*
"Today's the perfect day to spoil you even more than usual! How lucky I am to have my sushikitty who brings me nothing but happiness each and every day~!"
Shuichi of course heard Kaito’s giggling while ‘sneaking’ up from behind. Just as he was about to turn around to ‘catch’ him, he let out a surprised, but happy noise when Kaito pulled him into a big hug. “Hahah, Kaito, ahhh!” He goes into a giggle fit when Kaito attacks his cheeks with lots of kisses, and tried to reach parts of Kaito’s face to kiss back in between giggles. “H-Hey there, you: Happy Valentines Day! I’m really happy to see you."
When Kaito spun him around like that, which made him saw everything that was on the table- “!!!” His eyes widened in surprise, a gasp of awe leaving his lips.“O...O-Oh!! All this... for me? It all looks so nice...!”
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Walking closer to the table to get a better look at everything, his heart fluttered at the adorable Rilakkuma plushie holding the giant heart, and the giant bouquet of beautiful red roses. “Hehe, so cute... and I love the roses. They’re so beautiful...” He hums, a warm smile and dark blush lighting up on his face as he hugged both close in his arms. Then as he looked at the chocolates, they did seem normal, but... this still was Kaito’s cooking. So he was a bit apprehensive on tasting one... “Th...The chocolates look good! Let’s see...” Carefully hugging the plushie and bouquet in one arm, he uses a free hand to pick up a piece of chocolate. Mentally bracing himself, he plops one into his mouth, and...“...M...Mngh...!” There wasn’t any disturbingly abnormal tastes in them, thankfully...and while thy didn’t taste bad... they tasted very... very sweet. Almost overwhelmingly so. But still, he tries not to visibly wince as he swallows it, turning towards Kaito with a sheepish smile. “I-It’s ah... quite sweet!! But I like it!!” He was just going to have to take a long time finishing these, or else he’d definitely get a sugar rush... or hopes that Kaito will want some, too.
But still, despite that... he was still very happy to receive the chocolates, too. Turning back towards Kaito, he carefully sets the plushie and roses back down on the table... so that he can walk back over to him and wrap both arms around his neck. “Kaito.... thank you. I loved everything. The roses, the Rilakkuma... and you ah, sweet chocolates!” He laughs, playfulness evident in his tone. “In all seriousness though, I promise to take great care of these wonderful gifts...” Kaito’s words make him blush deeply, gaze becoming more filled with love and adoration for his light. “H-Hehe... you really did spoil me so well... and I could say the same thing! I’m so lucky to have the cutest and greatest spacepuppy for my boyfriend. You always make me so happy, too; every single day... I love you so much...” He hums, before leaning up to press a slow, loving kiss to his lips. "Ahhh, I can’t wait to spend the rest of the day with you... and cuddle up right in your arms later. You already made today so wonderful for me... and I hope to be able to do the same for you.”
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