#Sigurd fgo x reader
fandom-go-round · 2 years
Might I ask for headcanons on how a poly relationship with FGO's Brynhildr and Sigurd would be like? Especially with an initially shy master who winds up just as boldly loving as Sigurd is towards both of them?
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, Implied Murder, Implied Unhealthy Relationships (Curses Affecting Characters Beyond Control)
It can be really intimidating, watching Brynhildr and Sigurd being in love. You hadn’t even really acknowledged your feelings, always in awe of them and not realizing why. Sigurd is the one who realizes first, at least that something is going on. Brynhildr falls for you first, not at she knows, and Sigurd has to point it out.
It’s a very delicate situation and it takes some time before it’s fully addressed. Being Master to the two of them adds another layer of complexity and there are a lot of conversations before things can go forward. Brynhildr is torn between extreme jealousy and murder on the best of days; it’s different to feel that towards you and harder to control.
 You don’t mean to come off as strong as you do initially. Sigurd and Brynhildr’s love is very vocal and it’s intimidating to say the least. That doesn’t stop you from defending them when one of the other Servants implies that you’re being used or using them. Your love takes longer to become vocal but it’s just as strong. It just involves less murder.
The two of them are over the moon that you want to join them and pull no punches. Sigurd loves to spoil you, both with material things and trips. He enjoys one on one time that involves doing something and having an experience together. Brynhildr likes to have experiences but is more awkward about how to approach them. She enjoys learning what you like to do and then involving herself. She is much more physically affectionate than Sigurd, especially in private and will distract you in the best ways possible if you’re not careful. 
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An Anniversary like No Other (Sigurd/Master)
Request: Soft sfw Sigurd headcanons/ messing up the celebration for Sigurd's Summoning Anniversary Celebration/ Master has strong feelings for Sigurd + his reaction-- from an anonymous user
This is a long overdue gift for a special Sigurd appreciator who has been a great person to talk to. Thank you for waiting for so long. As this is the very first time writing Sigurd, I apologise for any inconsistencies in advance.
Note: No warnings, but this includes a master who has feelings for Sigurd.
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❃ The day you summoned Sigurd was an auspicious day. As Chaldea's leylines glimmered with a sparkling rainbow hue, you were taken aback by the solemn yet also quite friendly demeanor of this particular hero.
❃ "Are you my master? Please give me your orders. I promise you they will be carried out swiftly." His initial greeting towards you is rather formal and polite, indicating he could possibly make for a great ally both on and off the battlefield.
❃ Your eyes sparkle with wonder at this hero, wishing to grow closer to him; delighted by how easily conversation bounces between the two of you. 'I hope we can talk more in the future...'
❃ It is the hallmark of the development of a rather wonderful new bond...
Daily Life (Soft Headcanons)
❃ At first he may seem a bit cold, focusing moreso on fulfilling his duties to you as a servant instead of as a friend. However, as time gradually trickles on; he can't help but grow to like you. A master that values him and doesn't betray him? It's a complete win-win in his eyes!
❃ Sigurd makes for a wonderful accomplice. Need any help with battle strategy? Farming? Assistance with any other duties? Sigurd's your guy. Not only is he very intelligent, but he is very grateful for you placing his trust in him as a Servant, wishing for you to use him to his absolute limits (he may offer to lay his life down for you).
❃ Showing interest in both him as a person and his background fills Sigurd with great joy and pride. Though he may deem talking about personal details as mere 'idle chatter' at first, it isn't long before the two of you can speak freely about many things! Whenever you visit him to talk, he is extremely happy; willing to talk about his culture, his language and the things he enjoys. In addition to that, he is really interested to learn about you as well!
❃ However, he may go into extremely precise detail at times, as he gets very passionate when talking about what is dear to him (and packs a great memory to boost); talking about very significant moments and hyperfocusing onto his favorite parts. He also gets inwardly joyful whenever he remembers little factoids about you, his glasses sparkling.
❃ Sigurd is very protective of you in battle, shielding you from any threats. He just wants his master to feel as supported as he possibly can. He doesn't want to see you suffer alone, especially not when you are going through such difficult times.
❃ However, the way in which he tries to alleviate the pain may be a bit surprising at times, with him flashing an occasional MEGANE KIRAN! (just to cough lightly from slight embarrassment after) or making surreal movements and maneuvers with the intent of cheering you up a little bit. He may be a bit awkward at times, but he has got the right spirit and heart.
❃ He also possesses a great sense of faith in you as well, describing you as the 'light'. Therefore, he will do his utmost to support you and cheer you on with your own desires and dreams as well. However, he also understands that you may have limits as a human, and tries to check up on your wellbeing and ensure that you get a good rest as well!!
❃ Brynhildr is extremely dear to him, so he is grateful to you for supporting their love so much, and for assisting with their reunion in Chaldea. Despite this, he notices the little droop in your smile, and the twinge in your expression at times when you are around them both; and can't help but wonder if there is something deeper going on beneath the surface.
❃ But as he is a very polite guy, he doesn't want to make you uncomfortable, and is willing to wait as long as need be for you to finally voice the feelings that you have kept deeply buried within. Sigurd is a deeply loyal person, so he doesn't judge you for how you feel; instead wishing to lend an ear if you ever come to need him in the future.
THE ANNIVERSARY (dun dun dun!!!)
❃ A year has passed, and now the two of you have become rather close contemporaries; Sigurd is an incredibly special fellow in your heart (though the way it races slightly around him indicates that your love for him is not solely platonic, but mayhap romantic as well).
❃ Wanting to commemorate the event, you decide to make a surprise cake for him; enlisting one of the chefs that can actually keep a secret (probably Boudicca and/or Emiya) to help you a bit with the recipe. Your plan is to make the ultimate Sigurd memorabilia cake- with a replica of his weapon made with icing, as well as decorating it with a color scheme that suits him. You even scour ancient cookery manuals within the library to guess what flavors would be to his liking, settling for a Yule Cake!
❃ Pouring your entire heart into the confection, you are horrified to see the lopsided decorations and burnt raisins, as well as the very strange end result that the cake ends up in. Tears in your eyes, you are about to give up right there and then, until-
❃ Sigurd appears, worried that you had set the kitchen on fire! Taken aback by this, you begin to sniffle back tears, distraught that not only had your surprise fallen apart, but that your gift to Sigurd had come out as a messy slop!! As the words tumble out of your mouth about how much of a mess this is, of how much you wanted to show him your gratitude, and about how deeply you care for him, he patiently listens, making an occasional sound- to emphasise that he is readily hanging onto your every word.
❃ "Thank you, master. I am honored that you would make such a thoughtful gift in my name. Can I have a bite?" As you reluctantly agree, warning him of the burnt raisins and bitter taste of the cake, he cuts a slice anyway; smiling through the whole thing.
❃ To Sigurd, it doesn't matter that your gift turned out a bit lopsided. What truly matters to him is the sheer devotion you poured into his gift. Expressing said thoughts directly, your heart hammers in your chest, as a blush spreads across your face...and accidentally let slip how you feel about him.
❃ Stricken by terror, you try to flee the room at once after your confession; scared by how he would react. He had a wife. A partner. There was no way that he would take kindly to this, you thought- but that is not the case at all. Softly latching a hand onto your shoulder, Sigurd thanks you for your affections towards him.
❃ "I knew something was going on... however, I never anticipated that you possessed romantic inclinations towards me. Thank you ever so much for viewing me with such affection, master. I am forever your grateful servant."
❃ As for what this means for the future of your relationship, it is unclear. However, it is certain that you are dear to him as well- as for in what way.. well, that still remains a mystery.
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renwr · 4 years
Sigurd FGO x Reader Headcanons
AN: this is my first time writing a headcanon! I hope you guys like it!
He loves loves LOVES complimenting you
Always supports your decisions and opinions
surely you guys have different opinions at times, but he won't fight over it and respects it
but if you're uncomfortable with it, he won't push you more
cares a lot the little details about you
your fave color, fave food, your little habits, what you dislike and like, etc.
He would try to avoid conflict at all costs
cares abt you so much, he would put his life on the line for you
he loves suprising you and shower you with gifts
don't forget head pats and head rubs, he loves to do that to you
greeting you would be like, putting his palm on your head and just rub or ruffles your hair
morning and good night texts is his habit if you both don't live together
morning and good night kisses on your forehead if you both live together
he likes to show everything to you, and keep you updated on things he's doing
like, reading a good book? Updated to y/n. Cooking something? Sent to y/n.
if you have long hair, he would love to braid your hair (i could assure you he's really good at it)
if you have short hair, he would love to decorate your hair with cute hairpins or making new hairstyles for you
he loves being the big spoon 😳
gets angry if someone makes you uncomfortable and messes with you
he would finish his business with that person ON THE SPOT
TRADITIONAL PET NAMES!!! Like, love, darling, dear, etc.
"Be careful, I love you"
"You did well and I'm proud of you, I love you"
"You know how beautiful/handsome you are? I love you"
"Are you okay? I'm here for you. I love you"
most of the time, he ends his sentences with 'I love you'
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renmeo · 4 years
I love self ships <3 made these for my friends
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renmeo · 4 years
Lol he a model
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