#Fgo sigurd
careyfell59 · 2 months
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I love my wife!!!
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aitadraws · 1 year
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Girl he needs a leash.
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gaminggoth · 2 months
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if he doesn't love me like Sigurd loves Bryn, I don't want it.
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virgichuu · 2 years
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fav servant by class meme but only those i have (still cant believe that lil f2p ass summoned Douman)
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Round 1, Match 16: Masamune (CT) vs. Gram
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From: Chrono Trigger
Wielder: Frog
The Masamune was created by Melchior from the Ruby Knife, and was wielded by Frog’s close friend Cyrus, who attempted to use the sword to kill Magnus. His failure to do so resulted in his unfortunate death. Later, the party is able to repair it with the help of Melchior, the sword’s original creator. Frog then takes up the Masamune against Magnus, to do what Cyrus could not.
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From: Fate/Grand Order, Norse Mythology
Wielder: Sigurd
Gram is a powerful demonic sword intended to be the equal and opposite to Excalibur. The weapon shattered in a battle, but Sigurd had it reforged into the form shown above. Sigurd can divide it into smaller knives or use the full sword at once.
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shi-yin-drawings · 1 year
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FGO Sigurd. I once went full broke for him, but now he's home 😁
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fandom-go-round · 2 years
Might I ask for headcanons on how a poly relationship with FGO's Brynhildr and Sigurd would be like? Especially with an initially shy master who winds up just as boldly loving as Sigurd is towards both of them?
Warnings: Canon Typical Violence, Implied Murder, Implied Unhealthy Relationships (Curses Affecting Characters Beyond Control)
It can be really intimidating, watching Brynhildr and Sigurd being in love. You hadn’t even really acknowledged your feelings, always in awe of them and not realizing why. Sigurd is the one who realizes first, at least that something is going on. Brynhildr falls for you first, not at she knows, and Sigurd has to point it out.
It’s a very delicate situation and it takes some time before it’s fully addressed. Being Master to the two of them adds another layer of complexity and there are a lot of conversations before things can go forward. Brynhildr is torn between extreme jealousy and murder on the best of days; it’s different to feel that towards you and harder to control.
 You don’t mean to come off as strong as you do initially. Sigurd and Brynhildr’s love is very vocal and it’s intimidating to say the least. That doesn’t stop you from defending them when one of the other Servants implies that you’re being used or using them. Your love takes longer to become vocal but it’s just as strong. It just involves less murder.
The two of them are over the moon that you want to join them and pull no punches. Sigurd loves to spoil you, both with material things and trips. He enjoys one on one time that involves doing something and having an experience together. Brynhildr likes to have experiences but is more awkward about how to approach them. She enjoys learning what you like to do and then involving herself. She is much more physically affectionate than Sigurd, especially in private and will distract you in the best ways possible if you’re not careful. 
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np5enkidu · 2 years
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A rare Surtr from Miwa Shirou's newest fanbook Romancia03
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fernrisulfr · 2 years
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Fate Grand Order Servant Comparisons
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Left - FGO
Right - Hylestad stave church - 12-13th centuries
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s-b-party · 1 year
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I just wanted some of the craft essences for farming mats, but I’ll take them, unexpected but not unwanted :3
You can imagine my reaction to seeing gold 3 times in this multi 😂
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kiwikipedia · 2 years
Seven to Cut Down on Time
Rating: T
Fandom(s): Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Fate/Grand Order
On paper, Chaldea is a research facility. That's what they had said at least, however with negotiations opened and on the table, there's much more to them than realized. Chaldea takes to the Galactic battlefield for the first time alongside the rest of the Jedi and the GAR for a test run— and even more is revealed to still waiting in the dark.
AKA: Chaldea’s first run with the Jedi and Clones… Turns out Altera might’ve been overkill
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Chapter 2/2
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I have not written Sigurd or Yang ever and its been way too long since I've written Lancelot, boy howdy am I rusty as hell
Gudako Fujimaru was no different than Plo remembered her being, now that he had a name to put with her face.
She was confident, yet calm and the way she held herself was with the poise of someone who was in command but also someone who was willing to jump into the line of fire if need be. She had introduced each of the other members of the contingent with that same confident air.
Lancelot du Lac had a Force Signature that seemed to be crawling with restrained madness. With eyes and hair such a deep violet and donning armor from an era gone by, he was a quiet man and had only glanced at them briefly when he heard his name. Otherwise, he was looking around at everything else. Sigurd was the other man, his face unseen and unknown to them, but icy-blue eye-lights remained trained on Anakin the entire time strategy had been discussed.
Medusa was the woman who had the blindfold on, though she seemed no less alert of things going on around her. Instead of a blade, she held chained spikes in her hands, and her magenta hair was long and loose— but Plo could sense there was something far more dangerous under her skin. As if she was simply a snake waiting to strike when given the word.
Both she and the two men had given some input when it came to strategizing, but most of the talking had been deferred to Gudako when it came to planning things out. 
( Gudako's exact words had been ‘make sure you all stay out of the line of fire too’ if Plo recalled correctly. She seemed a bit elusive when it came to asking about what the seven of them could do.)
Altera, Yang Guifei, and Voyager were the last three, with Altera being just as quiet as the others, but Yang Guifei was seemingly happy to chat with Ahsoka and answer questions about herself.
(The stringed instrument was called a ‘pipa’ and she was not force sensitive, she enjoyed the colors blue and purple, she liked a fruit called lychee, and despite how young she was, she had a husband who had since passed away.)
Voyager, the young boy, had detached from Yang Guifei and moved to Guako to cling to her. He was quiet, but he was also very observant to the point that Wolffe had uttered something about it being eerie. Boost and Sinker had both agreed silently at that with matching nods.
Plo hadn’t voiced his discomfort at a child being on the front lines. Granted, he knew that, the Jedi couldn’t really say they were much better. Teenagers were still children and Padawans were in constant danger since the Clone Wars started.
There wasn’t anything that he could really do about it. His only solace was that Gudako stood with Yang Guifei and Voyager on the bridge of The Triumphant. Out of the direct line of fire, where he wished he could pull Ahsoka back to.
And again, Chaldea was either just as if not more powerful than he had been told, or far more reckless and insane. 
He had yet to decide as he watched Gudako crack her neck from the corner of his eye when The Triumphant, The Negotiator, and The Guardian exited Hyperspace. Alongside of them came Anakin and his Troops in smaller ships, along with Ahsoka and her own.
The dark-colored Knight of Owner that belonged to Lancelot could just barely be seen in the dark of space as he shot past Anakin and his men to take point. He, Medusa, and Sigurd had joined the starfighters instead of sticking to the Bridge of the Triumphant, with Altera acting as a copilot for Lancelot.
In contrast to Lancelot, however, Medusa’s Bellerophon could be seen clearly with its white coloration and silver painting of a winged horse on the side. She also flew past Anakin and Ahsoka to join Lancelot at point. Something that Plo Koon knew had ruffled Anakin— Skywalker was talented, Plo Koon knew, but he tended to get... unhappy when something he thought was rightfully his was undermined.
And since Lancelot and Medusa taking point hadn't been discussed beforehand, Plo was certain that Skywalker had been put off.
Even more so as Sigurd joined his companions in a ship that he had told them was called The Valkyrie. Much like Bellerophon, the ship was white in color, though his was decorated with a shield design and crossed lances over top of a set of wings. There was an air of fondness around the blunt man when he had been asked about it prior to joining the others in the vanguard.
The pride and care that the three had taken in the ships had been reassuring, though only Knight of Owner seemed to be able to hold more than one person— which brought up more than a few questions that had remained unvoiced.
With a near-silent sigh, Plo turned his attention back to the oncoming blockade before them. Gudako let out a hum, hand holding onto Voyager’s as the boy let out a soft gasp at the same time.
“That’s some blockade,” she noted, gazing at the starships of the Separatist Fleet before them. “What do you think, Voyager?”
“It’s big,” the boy agreed with a nod.
“You’re not scared, are you, kid?” Anakin’s voice came through the overhead Comm in the Bridge.
A bark of laughter that had more than a tinge of sarcasm came from Gudako. 
“More like irritated,” she said with a shake of her head before glancing over to Plo. “You guys said this’d be a large fight, I was expecting… Well, more flesh and blood, and less droids and ships.”
“Bold words for a small group,” Obi-Wan’s voice came over from the com-link connected to The Negotiator. 
“Arrogance will lead to downfall,” Plo commented in agreement but was surprised to see Gudako just shrug.
“We’ve fought worse,” She commented dryly. “The only difference is now we’re in space.“
“I would hate to see what you consider ‘worse’, Miss Fujimaru,” he murmured in response and again the young woman just laughed. A light hit to his arm startled him and he turned to her with a brow raised.
A rather vicious grin crossed her features as she gazed up at him.
“If this works out and the alliance between Chaldea and the Jedi Order strengthens, I’ll show you the records," She said before she looked back to the blockade with a darker look in her eyes. “Machines are usually easy to destroy. People, not so much. Divine constructs that are machines… that’s another issue altogether.”
The way that she spoke and held herself with those words alone… Plo couldn’t help but feel a spark of curiosity. The confidence and insanity blended together, it seemed. There were no lies in her words, even if he was unsure of what she meant when it came to 'divine constructs'.
So he studied her for a moment instead, taking note of the restlessness around her as they approached the blockade and how her eyes moved across the oncoming battlefield. There was tension in her stance, subtle enough to not be known at a glance, but Plo Koon was ancient and, some would say, wise.
The marks of someone who once had been on the battlefield.
“Heads up,” Sigurd spoke up suddenly, voice sharp. “They’ve spotted us.”
True to his word, the canons and hail of blaster bolts were already starting up from the ships that made up the blockade. Plo felt a sudden spark of anticipation in the Force before Skywalker broke formation as planned.
“Our time to shine then! Let’s go snips!” Anakin called before his com cut out and Plo Koon saw the Jedi take off with his troops, Ahsoka following with her own.
A rain of red blaster shots clashed with blue as both sides began the attack. From all three of the attack cruisers came the subtle rock and thrum of their own canons firing into the mix and he chanced a glance over to Gudako again.
Her eyes were focused ahead, it all unflinching even when some Vulture Droids got through the first line of defense.
“Lancelot, you let some get past you,” she said and a dark chuckle came over the other end. 
“Thought you’d like to see some action, Master,” the man responded easily. Gudako rolled her eyes as the droid was shot down by the Triumphant's canons.
“Very funny, leave the bad jokes to Tristan, next time,” she said back, though there was a touch of humor despite the restless feeling that was settling over her. “How close are you to the blockade?”
“Give me three minutes,” came the response after a moment. “I just need to find the main flagship, Master. Then I can release our Titian.”
Plo had heard from Yoda that the Chaldean warriors had an odd habit of calling Gudako "Master" and they had done so during conversations already, but it was still so strange to hear it. There wasn't that same feeling that she was being called as such because she was a master in her field, or a high-ranking individual within their organization like the Jedi Masters were, but it wasn't one of absolute servitude either.
A puzzle for sure.
Nonetheless, Gudako only nodded in response to Lancelot, watching for a moment longer before tilting her head in Yang Guifei’s direction.
“Yuuyuu, how do you and Voyager feel about going out there and causing some damage so we can get Altera in position?” she asked the other young woman.
The sudden burst of excitement in the Force from Yang Guifei just barely overpowered the startled spike that ran through Plo— something that he was certain anyone else who was listening in also felt.
“Okay!” She cried, her smile becoming something that was full of anticipation as well but also danger. “I’ll go and do my best! Voyvoy let's go!” 
Voyager perked up, nodding before, in a shower of blue sparks, the two both vanished. Plo barely had time to recover from the shock before the two of them appeared outside of the Triumphant. Voyager took off almost instantly, though Yang Guifei remained where she was, standing atop her pipa and seemingly unbothered by the lack of oxygen in space. 
The restless energy from Gudako only increased, and Plo had to steel his panic as he watched as Voyager twisted out of the way of a speeding droid.
“Blink, and you’ll miss the show, Master Koon,” Plo heard Gudako say.
“I don’t think that watching a battle can be considered a show, Miss Fujimaru,” he responded in return and Gudako laughed as Yang Guifei seemed to pull a flute out of nowhere.
“Maybe with just blaster shots and starships, but I like to think that Chaldea can do better than that” she told him before she pointed. He followed her gaze, watching as brightly colored lights exploded in the darkness of space. If he looked closer, he could see the outline of five-pointed stars.
“It’d be great if the boy left some stuff for us,” Medusa's voice muttered from across the coms. Murmurs from the Chaldean pilots echoed that statement as a vortex of golden light came from somewhere deeper in the fray.
Yang Guifei seemed to be laughing from where she was outside, spinning her flute between her fingers.
“I’m in agreement, but whatever he did was impressive,” mused Obi-Wan before Sigurd scoffed.
“A normal day for us, General Kenobi— watch your starboard side, Skywalker,” the masked man all but ordered. Anakin only managed a cut-off noise of what could’ve been offense before blue lights streaked across space and tore into a starship not far from where Anakin’s ship had circled back around.
Upon closer inspection, the lights appeared to be shaped like small, humanoid figures made of blue flame.
“Yuyu, be careful of the others” Gudako called casually, and Plo saw the young woman outside the window wave a hand in response, though lowered her flute from her lips. Another oddity, and another piece to the puzzle that was still unsolved in his mind.
Gudako shifted a bit, glancing up at him again.
“How long do you think this’ll take?” she asked, indicating to the battle outside the window of the bridge and for a moment, Plo was stunned at the casual tone she had. As if this was just an inconvenience to her.
With a shake of his head, he let out a soft hum.
“That certainly depends,” he said carefully, “The blockade must be cleared.”
She nodded at that before she looked at the rather mundane chrono on her wrist. 
“You want it, you got it, Master Koon,” she said before she looked up. “Lancelot, you hear that?”
“Loud and clear, Master,” came the response from the dark-haired man, “We found the flagship and I'm close enough. Releasing the Titan in five.”
“And what exactly are you planning?” Obi-Wan asked and Gudako just grinned, and this time Plo Koon could feel the anticipation and excitement to the point that he was certain he could also taste it. It rolled off of the young woman at his side in waves as she bounced.
“We might want to pull everyone back,” she instructed with a wave of her hand, “We’re about to get real destructive. Like one-shot-kill destructive.”
“You heard Master, let's get going,” Medusa sighed, and Plo could already see her ship pulling up in a retreat. “I don’t want to get caught in Altera’s blast.”
"Seconded," Sigurd grunted, though Plo couldn't see the man's position.
“What do you mean—“ Anakin started before a startled cry from Ahsoka echoed around the bridge. Plo tensed instinctively, eyes quickly scanning the battlefield before him as Anakin called for Ahsoka to respond.
His foundling and Anakin's padawan wasn’t harmed, luckily enough, as Plo found her ship— but that wasn’t the problem. 
He watched as Lancelot, who was suddenly clearly visible in the darkness of space, pulled up and over the blockade. His ship turned and the hatch to the second seat opened.
A blur of white was enough for Plo to realize what had happened.
Perhaps in retrospect, he shouldn’t have been as surprised— after all, he had just seen Voyager and Yang Guifei take to space as if it was a walk in the park— but he could only feel confusion and horror as Altera was shot out of Knight of Owner.
“What are you doing, du Lac!” Anakin yelled, already moving his ship into position to recover the young woman but Medusa cut him off with ease.
“I believe we were told that we could do as we pleased when it came to combat, Skywalker,” Medusa said dryly. “Return to your flagship with the rest, we know what we’re doing.”
Gudako let out a soft chuckle as Plo turned to her for confirmation. 
“Listen to Medusa, Skywalker,” the redhead said, giving Plo a nod of assurance— though it didn't do that much— and outside, Yang Guifei seemed to shout something. The young woman waved her arm before Voyager reappeared, floating next to her contently.
“You can’t be serious, one of your men just ejected another into spa—“ Anakin was cut off as a jet of red light fired diagonally from where the spot that was Altera was drifting.
It was bizarre, in one sense of the term. Mesmerizing in another as the light seemed to hit some sort of invisible wall, or perhaps just reached the apex of its range. As the whites of the Valkyrie and Bellerophon flanked the rest of the Republic ships back to the starcruisers, geometric sigils appeared and separated above the blockade in reds, greens, and blues. 
“Firing in two seconds,” Gudako said suddenly, though her tone made it seem like she was quoting something.
If Plo was mammalian, he was certain that even from such a far distance his hair would be standing on end. And even with that aside, the energy that was emitting from those sigils was immense— and not at all like the Force.
He knew about the other things at work within the Galaxy. The Force was only one part of what made up the so-called ‘mystics’ of their home. Whispers of outer galactic energy, spirits and gods that moved the opposite way of the Force— yes, Plo Koon knew about those.
This feeling was the same. And yet at the same time, the absolute awe and pressure from it was so very different.
From somewhere far above, far out of sight and in the upper depths of space emerged a light. And then like a blinding comet, it struck the sigils.
“Tear Drop, Photon Ray,“ Gudako hummed, and all at once blue energy and light exploded in space.
Plo shielded his eyes for a moment, but he couldn’t tear his gaze from it. 
Gudako hadn’t lied. 
Once the light cleared, Plo Koon could only stare again as nothing but debris and destruction remained from the blockade.
There was silence, and in truth, such a thing was deafening. It spoke much louder as the Jedi and the Clones allowed what had just happened to sink in.
Gudako clapped once, breaking the spell before pumping her fist into the air. “Alright! Battle finish! You all in one piece?” 
“All good here, Master,” Came Medusa with a noise of agreement from Sigurd.
Lancelot hummed, though it came through with static. “Collecting Altera now."
Gudako nodded again as Guifei and Voyager reappeared on the bridge and it seemed that neither the effects of being in space unprotected or the Seperatists had harmed them at all. In fact, Guifei looked even more energized than before as she rocked on her feet. Voyager moved from her to Gudako, still floating, and hugged onto the young woman's arm before he looked up at her.
“Are we heading home, Master?” the young boy asked and Gudako tilted her head as she thought.
After a moment, she turned back to Plo.
“Did your Senate say how the mission had to be reported? Can you do it remotely or do you have to head back to Coruscant?” she asked him, and he blinked before chuckling.
“We can do it from here, Miss Fujimaru,” he told her, shaking off the shock with a sigh that was one part relief and another part disbelief. “I must say, that was quite a show.”
Gudako waved her free hand, though she seemed rather pleased nonetheless. “Master Koon, if this alliance works out, there’ll be a lot more in the future.”
And somehow, Plo Koon didn’t doubt her words.
Initially, Yang was supposed to be Ishtar and there was a bit of conversation between Sigurd and Ishtar where she complained about being pulled out here for such a small battle and Sigurd told her to be quiet— but I scrapped it because I didn't like it lol
Anyway, From what I could find, no Servant needs oxygen to survive and thus all are space worthy. I’m assuming that in general, all foreigners would be able to withstand space, along with divine beings (ie the gods). As mentioned in the last installment, Chaldea just has its own small fleet of ships if they want to use them instead of Storm/Shadow bordering somewhere else in space.
All Ship names will have something to do with the Servant and not every Servant really has one, only if their riding skill is high enough ( A or above) or in special cases like Gilgamesh and Lancelot (whose riding skill might be high enough I really haven't checked tbh). Or maybe Tesla.
Like. I can believe that Tesla knows how to operate a ship. Others just might not want ships. Like, I can believe that Iskandar is fine with just his chariot and taking ground fights than dogfights in space, same with Ushiwakamaru.
Hmm, It’s been a hot sec since I’ve written Plo Koon and honestly this was a lot of exposition and telling rather than showing.
Ah well. I really just wanted an excuse for Altera to blast shit lol
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300iqprower · 2 years
Ok I need to know why you think sigurd is the best of those three bc imo siegfried and sigurd should be on about the same level (they’re almost like the same person slid over to the left)
But all they really have is the Nibelungelied and a few other versions inspired by it as their source as a hero, whereas St. George is one of the most well known saints ever? Even in areas where his activities as a saint are less well known tons of people are aware of the dragon slaying. There’s loads of art of him killing the dragon, far more than of sigurd/siegfried slaying theirs, and it’s incredibly likely it was based off older ‘hero va monster/light vs dark myths’ like Perseus and Cetus and the like, not to mention georgios’s tale is one of the prototypical ‘princess and the dragon tales’ so it has even more historical weight than sigurd and siegfried
He’s literally the patron saint of 4 different countries (as well as autonomous regions/provinces) and venerated in multiple religions I don’t see why sigurd would be stronger at all?
i dont think the poll was about stronger i think it was about best character and I think Sigurd is the best character of the three.
Power wise they shot themselves in the foot with Georgios and had to construct a "oh i promise he's normally stronger than this you just have to summon him in the right place haha" excuse, and then of course conveniently didnt summon him when the story went to said right place.
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Never thought i'd be one of those gurlies that sees a man covered in blood and find it hot
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kikaruuni · 2 months
Fate Grand Order material VII [Digital]part 7
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goldenwitchmami · 5 months
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Crypters & Servants
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