#Simon idk how to explain him in one tag lol
chibishortdeath · 9 months
Uh ok catching tumblr up on some drawings I’ve posted elsewhere part whatever, I’ve got a lot of Simon’s Quest stuff to go through. This one is mostly a single sketchbook page I think, maybe one is from a different page, but yeah all made around the same time. Also lol idk how to post anything so I just kinda dump things into the same post I guess, hope that’s fine d(^^ ; ) I’m keeping all the serious ones to the same post tho
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This one has a really long explanation, but I just can’t think of it on the spot rn. I like it still tho :3
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Just some little doodles, some of these have a lot of scribbled ones around them cause I was struggling drawing him again at the time and couldn’t figure out why, turns out I was just drawing his hair the wrong direction lol
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Bro’s a little hysterical here, I don’t blame him, I imagine rotting alive would not be very good, hmmm I should rant about that sometime. I have too many ideas for curse’s effects and stuff hehehe >:3c
Speaking of:
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These are all attempts at depicting some effects of the curse. They’re cool I guess, but I think I need to work on my depiction of it a little bit more to get it to look more like rot rather than just wounds if that makes sense. It’s really hard to depict with just red gel pen tho, rot is really mostly a lot of colors and rounder patterns idk it’s hard to explain. I guess he’s like “nude” but it’s just Ken doll level detail for anatomy practice and so that the curse is visible.
Idk if I should like tag for something or put a nsfw or content warning on this????? I also don’t know if this is too long and I should cut it shorter or not uhhhh yeah
Idk uh anyway bye that’s it
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prince-simon · 2 years
17 Questions 17 People
Thank you for tagging me @purplehoodiesimon and @aro-of-artemis 💗
Nicknames: wyo is my nickname haha and then i guess just any variation of it - i've heard wyomi, wyonni, wyoming... the list is endless, mostly bc german people get fucking confused by my name and never make an effort lol
Zodiac: aquarius babyyy
Height: 160 cm
Hogwarts house: ravenclaw. but also. i hope you fucking d*e jkr
Last thing you googled: "911 show" bc i keep seeing gif sets on my dash and i got scared for characters i know nothing about lmaooo
Followers: 971 wow. this is crazy. but i also had this blog for way too long so that probably explains it - also prince simon, lots of new followers thanks to him ✨
Song stuck in my head: none right now
How much sleep: 11-ish hours? but to be fair i'm also sick so i'm mostly just sleeping (i say as if my ideal amount of sleep isn't 11 hours ahaha)
Lucky number: i don't think i have one?
Aesthetic: see i'd say my aesthetic is either a frat boi hoodies oversized tshirts kinda deal or flowery cute stuff
Dream job: i mean. being a writer. but more realistically, working with lgbt+ youth - which i'm working on to get there
Wearing: sweatpants and a hoodie
Favorite instrument: saxophone cause i play it. but also piano and guitar and honestly. just music. i love music
Favorite song: this is such a hard question aaahh i guess, right now, i need you by john vincent iii or maybe favourite boy by half moon run
Favorite author: oof. idk??? there's some brilliant authors in the yr fandom? lmao or maybe casey mcquiston?
Favorite animal noise: all the sounds my bf's cat marie makes aaahh i miss that lil fluff ball
Something random: i'm practicing singing alla ba ouff and om om och om igen with my dad on the piano (i'm not a singer by any means but it's fun lol. and he says i sound good but i think he's biased)
tagging (not quite 17 people lol): @moonofthenight @lazybug16 @thechamberofbooks @the-amber-fox @spookypotato @eyeofthedrgn @goldenwilmon
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birthdaysentiment · 3 years
I agree so much! I think Sander likes the show and indulges in Robbe making them watch it together but I think to him it’s just a nice show and once it’s done he doesn’t think about it anymore but I can imagine Robbe referencing it’s and thinking about it a lot more. I can imagine them laying on the sofa, Sander sitting against the arm rest and Robbe leaning with his back on his chest. I think they both have a soft spot of Wilhelm and think he’s a babie they want to protect
ahhh anon! oml... if you know how i feel, why would you do this to me! i agree with everything. i think sander likes the show (maybe a bit more than he lets on), but i think sander prefer more artsy and idk indie or alternative shows, where young royals is just a little too 'mainstream' for him. but sander really likes that it's in swedish, and it gets a lot of point for that! robbe... he loves the show so so much! not that it's his favorite show necessarily, but i think he follows the actors on instagram and maybe checks the tag too once in a while to see if there's any new details or edits to watch. robbe is definitely a romantic, i think he likes seeing people fall in love (especially two boys, because he can relate to that), and it just makes him feel things you know... and yeah robbe is a thinker and young royals made some kind of impression on him, that makes him attracted to it in a way, that he just can't quite explain... but idk lol hehehe
and yes! wilhelm is definitely someone they want to protect, and simon too! i think they talked about what happened to them, with the video etc., and how it would have made them feel if it was them, and yeah... just setting their situation in relation to their own
also, robbe leaning against sander.... his back to sander's chest is just the softest thing ever! they're probably continuing heir rewatch of it tonight, robbe's head is resting on sander's shoulder too, at an angle where he can place small kisses on sander's jaw and cheek when he feels like it. sander has one of his hands in robbe's curls, running his fingers through the slightly damn curls from their shower earlier in the evening. and sander can't help but lean down to place a kiss in robbe's curls, just (or not jus) so he can breath in the fresh sent of honey, sunflowers, robbe and just... home. and here they're just resting and relaxing after a long day of work and school, just enjoying being together, holding each other and just... become one. it's the most amazing feeling for the both of them, the thing they look forward to the most, to be together <333
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jui-imouto-chan · 6 years
Part 10 of the Mostly Human AU
Level Select:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
Getting through to the last of the suggestions from @manadrite ‘s most recent comment (as of posting this)! I love having suggestions, keep ‘em coming!
Connor isn’t one to get terribly scared. He actually gets a thrill from scary situations.
His sense of self-preservation is startlingly low, for a being granted with immeasurable intelligence. At least, that’s what Hank claims.
Furthermore, Connor loves Horror. From movies to novels to images, he loves things made to be scary.
- Connor may or may not have had a weird crush on Slenderman for like a week. 
Maybe it was the towering height and the lack of a face, or maybe it was the slim fitting suit that made the creature so appealing to him.
Okay maybe Connor has a suit kink.
When he sees Gavin in an officer’s clothing and finds the man slightly attractive, it’s clear that he just straight (pfft) up has a uniform kink.
Connor will take this newfound information to the  g r a v e.
Connor goes to see a horror movie with Hank and the twins, and he’s ecstatic. 
He puts all of the pieces together detective style to figure out how the protagonists are either gonna die or solve the problem while Collin and Conan grip their seats a bit too tight and while Hank mutters flaws about the movie under his breath.
“This scene does not include a lap dance.” 
“What was that?” 
By the end of the movie, Collin and Conan had migrated to partially hide behind Connor, and Connor points this out to them.
They lie and say they were getting sleepy, and were dozing off on his seat.
Connor goes with it with a knowing smirk and a wink, mischief twinkling in his eyes.
Connor goes missing one day.
They try to give him a call when he they don’t see him that morning, but they receive no answer.
Hank and the twins storm through the house, upturning furniture and looking under the beds, in the closets, outside. He’s nowhere to be found.
They call up all of his friends, but nobody knows where he is.
The DCPD gets at least fifteen calls all at once reporting Connor missing.
While everyone is freaking out, Connor is actually, in fact, not missing.
He is out for a walk, Sumo at the vet’s for a check up and grooming, and he spots an animal shelter/pet shop. 
There are dogs and cats in cages by the windows, and Connor gravitates towards them without thought to anything else.
He enters the shop and, after talking with the person behind the counter for ten minutes, is surrounded by animals, all vying for his attention.
He’d never seen a cat before this, and honestly, he now holds cats to the same regard as dogs. 
It’s his first time seeing a lot of animals, all of them immensely cute. He giggles when a rabbit nibbles on his pointer finger.
The employee who allowed this to happen is melting against the counter, everything is too much. Too cute. 
The employee pulls out a camera and records, knowing the manager would love to use this as an ad. 
Connor already gave his consent for any media that his interaction might appear in, so it’s all gucci, even though Connor’s too preoccupied with the animals to even realize he’s being recorded.
Connor is there for a few hours, all of the time considered blissful to the android.
The video was sent to the editor as soon as the employee got clips of Connor interacting with each and every one of the animals. 
It's edited impressively quickly, yet still professionally; the editor accredited it to “passion”. 
When the ad goes up on all of the shelter/shop ‘s social media, with Connor tagged in the photo, everything halts.
Connor finally registers that his phone, being sat on by two guinea pigs, is ringing.
He answers it, and is disappointed when he's told to return home immediately by Hank. Hank sounds angry, distressed, and relieved all at once.
The employee reassures him, telling him that he can return whenever he’d like.
There’s an issue when Connor is on his way home, however, as he gets attacked. 
A man tries to mug him with a knife to his throat, pushing him into an alleyway, and while Connor manages to push him away, he doesn’t anticipate the man having accomplices.
He gets a few surprise stab wounds that go into some biocomponents, but their timers are set to at least an hour before he shuts down.
He defeats his attackers and sends Hank his location, telling him that he needs emergency care needs to be taken to Kamski as soon as possible.
His systems kick him into sleep mode against a cold alley wall to preserve thirium, which leaks copiously from his many wounds.
Connor wakes up to the ceiling of Kamski’s “operating” room, vaguely wondering if the past few months had been the equivalent of a dream, if he had imagined all of the friends he’d made and all of the things he’d experienced.
The thought...saddens Connor.
Luckily, a few minutes after he awakens, he hears Hank’s gruff voice and a plethora of footsteps approaching the room he’s in.
Connor goes to sit up, but winces in pain. His movement brings up a prompt, asking if he’d like to interface with the android equivalent of an IV, though it contains a liquid that promotes self-reparation at the cost of his mental capabilities being lowered until his wounds are healed.
TL;DR, it’s the closest Connor can get to pain killing medication.
He accepts the interface and he suddenly feels...oddly happy?
Everything is moving around the slightest bit and Connor can’t help but smile. Everything was great and he was having fun, sitting on the table. 
He giggles drunkenly.
His wounds are slowly closing themselves, and he scoots to the edge of the table while humming an unknown tune. He smiles triumphantly once his knees finally hang over the edge, he kicks them and rocks his head side to side.
When everyone enters the room, he’s surrounded by people and get-well gifts and he’s just so happy. He really doesn’t think of the consequences of his actions.
So that’s exactly why he thanks them all with hugs and kisses, skin tingly and buzzing while his chest feels warm and full.
The members of Jericho are frozen when he gives them all kisses to the cheek, and then all of them simultaneously slap a hand onto their cheek and stare at each other with pink faces. Daniel and Simon both duck their heads while Josh pulls his hood over his face and rugs on the drawstrings. North is suddenly more occupied with poking Markus’ red cheeks and teasing him as he shakes.
Hank tries to fight him off, but eventually relents, ruffling his hair bashfully. Conan and Collin both turn their heads as he approaches their cheeks, leading to him kissing both of them on the lips, though he just laughs good naturedly when they both nod at each other and go to opposite sides of the room, ears red.
Ralph and the Jerrys are surprisingly shy when Connor kisses them, but Ralph gives him a kiss on the cheek back, while the Jerrys all rub their necks and look away with silly grins.
Luther and Kara let Alice take their share of kisses, and she presses a kiss to Connor’s nose.
Rupert tries to escape Connor, but the brunette grabs his sleeve and gives him a kiss to the temple. Rupert immediately tries to flee the room, and Connor waves. Rupert hesitates before waving back and running away.
Connor goes to give Gavin a kiss, too, but the detective shoves a homemade cupcake in his mouth before he can. He still manages to give the guy a hug, though.
Kamski approaches, by Connor’s hug and kiss for him are stolen by Chloe, who had just snapped out of her shock at seeing Connor surrounded by a goddamn harem.
She growls at everyone in the room, sans Alice, Hank, Kara, and Luther.
Kamski is kinda concerned?? People don’t growl like that, wtf.
Also, he’s kinda upset that she’s keeping him from getting affection from his own creation but he’s not about to let his head get ripped off today
Chloe says that there’s too many people in the room, it’s getting late, and that Connor should get some more rest so that he can recover completely.
She tries to sound pleasant, but she really just sounds threatening af
Once she’s sufficiently scared the fuck out of everyone there and gotten them to leave, she puts her hands on Connor’s shoulders and tries to explain that nobody is allowed to touch him bc he’s too precious and, “nobody deserves you. This world doesn’t deserve you. The G-Man in the sky doesn’t even deserve you u pure boi.”
He doesn’t remember a word of this in the morning, but Chloe doesn’t know that.
He goes home in Hank’s car, Sumo already back from the vet and now laying across his lap, and finds out that Conan and Collin are at registration for their next year of college 
(lol idk if thats something u have to go do at college, im 15 and clueless)
Next Level: College Care Packages and Birthday Parties (suggested by @supposedlymatureadult )
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I think I got carried away with the kissing but I just really wanted Connor to be overly affectionate. At least I didn’t go down the sexual route.
Leave suggestions in the notes or in my ask, along with any questions, comments, and anything else!
Side note: If you want to receive notice of this AU but not the other random things I post/reblog (don’t worry I‘m not offended if that’s the case), I’m marking them all with #Jui’s Mostly Human AU in the tags, so you can follow that instead if that’s preferable!
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blackmagistertd · 7 years
Would You Rather - TWD Edition
tagged by @ocegion @hatterized @genevievedarcygranger ty and ily all !!
Daryl or Rick – i like daryl well enough but rick is absolute fucking fave. my sweet oblivious murder boy.
Maggie or Beth – beth has always resonated with me. i couldn’t tell you why bc i don’t know, but there’s something about beth that reminds me of me, a lot. also she had a stupid shitty fuckin death but w/e
Michonne or Andrea – from what i can tell comic!andrea was a badass, BUT michonne holds my literal heart ? my heart and a katana
Dwight or Negan – god negan is fuckin fave too. self-confident bridging on over-confident, and then a redemption arc where instead of just instantly becoming good he actively has to work on himself as a person and puts effort into being better ? like. i’ve got a weakness for chars like that gfdjkghfdjkh
Glenn or Abraham – we didn’t deserve glenn he was so good. his development was a fave bc it’s... like my own... lol do y’all see a pattern
Abraham or Eugene – i just. i cannot stand eugene. it’s like.... all the bad parts of myself... in a person. idk i just cannot stand him
Eugene or Gabriel – gabriel is one of those fascinating characters to me. just bc he’s still balancing religion during all this shit happening, despite everything. that and i will never forget his talk with spencer GJDGHDJFH
Team Negan or Team Rick – i’m probably more likely to die under rick, but rick is a better person and he’s kinder. so as much as i love negan i gotta go rick.
Carl or Enid – he’s literally almost exactly like me? like, fuck, carl is one of those characters i see myself in, especially now, and i just. have a lot of respect for carl. he’s been through a lot you know
Ezekiel or Shiva - i love ezekiel ok but. but tiger. like thats uhhhh basically my only reasoning....... animals aren’t inherently bad !! she is a Good Tiger
Rosita or Sasha – sasha has always, always been fave. she did her best with the bullshit in the world and FUCK her ending makes me sad ;_; also rosita tends to rub me the wrong way bc she was the type of girl i fought with in school jkdhdfkjh
Aaron or Eric - i don’t.....,,, know much about eric so its kinda. moot point
Shiva or Lucille - two for two on shiva. again - tiger. i love aminals ok, thats my intended major for college so
Daryl’s crossbow or Rick’s Python – guns tend to . freak me out. even the fake ones make me uncomfortable. and also crossbows are fucking cool ok no matter who they belong to
Jesus or Ezekiel – i love my gay son
Carol or Ezekiel – carol & her development is fascinating to me? not just her development in the good way but like, her development even in the bad ways. struggling against her own mind is something i can appreciate, and she shouldn’t be cast aside bc she’s weak/useless/whatever when shes n o t
Simon or Dwight – uhhh i gotta go dwight here? because simon, despite being the Tired Friend, is . an asshole. i call him negan 2.0 for a reason, he’s like a negan without feelings. and without monologues
Glenn or Maggie – they’re a package deal bro, you can’t separate them :\
Michonne or Rick – michonne is just. god i cannot articulate how much i love her but i DO and im sorry rick but your warrior girlfriend is just so much more badass
Rick or Carl – i cant help but feel i’m snubbing rick on these FDHGDHF but again, carl is a character i really understand. like in s4 after the prison exploded, mom called him “bratty”, and i just ?? no, he’s a teenager that’s been through A LOT OF SHIT ?? trust me if an adult can barely function in those circumstances, a teenager has no chance
Hilltop, Kingdom, Alexandria, or The Saviours – i like comfortable living OTL friendly suburban neighborhood is just the place i should be
Gregory or Spencer – at least spencer wasn’t a coward lol. also i hate xander so jot that down
Morgan or Ezekiel – ughghghh this was a hard choice but i like morgan more i think ? he’s just. a fave.
Governor or Negan –GOD i don’t even have to make a choice. tv or comics, negan is just a better man and a better antagonist. (and, you know, not a rapist? he’d kill the gov on the spot LOL)
Governor or Shane – this is .... basically for same reasons as negan...... better man, better antagonist, not a fucking rapist. also not into whatever weird dead-incest shit the gov was into
Shane or Negan – GOD THIS ISNT FAIR i hate this one. worst question. idk shane is MUCH MORE INTERESTING to me as a character. he was a mentally ill man put under great stressors and he reacted, and while i’m not trying to jusitfy any of his actions, it would have been interesting to see how he grew and evolved throughout the series. there could have been redemption for him, eventually, i think.
Governor or Merle – can i pick neither ? like uhhhh tv wise, i have to go governor.... tv governor wasn’t as bad..... u almost feel sorry for tv governor. almost. idk abt comic!merle though, so based on tv, merle was a HUGE PIECE OF SHIT and im kinda really glad hes gone
im tagging uhhh @you-answer-to-me and anyone else who ? wants to?
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ladyloveandjustice · 6 years
The ship questions for Ace Attorney, with Nick/Miles for the pairing specific questions?
wow, that’s meaty! okay!
what is your absolute favorite ship? is it even a question? Nick/Miles.
what ship do you hate most?  I’m sure there are tons of terrible ones, but Nick/Maya is a…somewhat popular one that skeeves me. they are so much like siblings i cannot even fathom. also agreed about Ema/Nahyuta she does not deserve that. And Simon/Athena he’s like her big bro it’s weird.
explain why you ship Nick/Miles? It’s pretty hard to come outta Ace Attorney NOT shipping them, Nick literally changed his entire life path for Miles and Miles’ life was transformed by him and their ~passionate rivalry~ is a huge staple of the series and they’re also just a LOT OF FUN in the way they bounce off each other and know each other well, can get under each other’s skin yet are always there for each other when it counts, so petty yet so loving, flirting all the time, every other sentence is “WOW, MARRIEDS”.
how did you start shipping Nick/Miles? As soon as Miles showed up I knew this was probably gonna be a thing but ~unnecessary feelings~ cemented it.
is there a ship that you used to ship, but don’t anymore? Not really? 
what’s a ship you like that most people don’t? I dunno, pretty much most lady combos will appeal to me so there’s probs some.
what’s a ship you hate that most people like? if we’re talking the actual writers, Mia and Godot definitely counts.
what is the most underrated ship, in your opinion? idk!
what is the most overrated ship, in your opinion? idk, any of the pairings i don’t like lol.
do you prefer Nick/Miles as an otp, brotp, or notp? otp obvs they’ve got a tag and everything.
why do you think Nick/Miles is so popular? Pretty much all the things i’ve listed, their relationship is intense, lifechanging, passionate, a staple of the series, how could it NOT be popular.
rate Nick/Miles from 1-10 and explain why. 10. Ya got history, chemistry and improving each other as people as well as seeing them go from confused newbs to an old married couple.
what’s your favorite headcanon of Nick/Miles? There are a lot out there. For sads, that they fought over Phoenix giving up on being a lawyer during the hobo years. For happies, any “trucy’s two dads” bits and them yelling “OBJECTION” or arguing like they’re in court during daily life (the comic where nick does the handslam on top of Miles hands is so GOOD)
what’s your favorite canon moment of Nick/Miles? THAT’S TOUGH. I’ll go with “I’ll leave it in your capable hands, partner”. It’s adorable and kind of the culmination of their arc in the trilogy. BASICALLY WHERE THEY GET MARRIED.
favorite AU ideas for Nick/Miles? I like the mafia and the baker one and the Parent Trap one is fun too.
what’s a meme/quote that reminds you of [pairing]? Prozd’s “nice ASS-sessment of the case…goddammit” comes to mind NOT SURE IF THAT COUNTS SINCE HE TAGGED IT ACE ATTORNEY BUT.
What song(s) remind you of Nick/Miles? Conveniently, they are collected in a playlist.
What kind of dates do you think Nick/Miles would go on? COURTROOM DATES. Seriously though, I think their dates are pretty lowkey. Stuff like Trucy’s magic show. Dragging Nick to see the Steel Samurai stage show or whatever event (Maya comes a lot of the time). Nick making Miles watch romantic comedies and boring him out of his skull. Half the time Maya or someone will end up tagging along and it won’t even be a thing, they’ve settled into each other that much.Miles tried a fancy restaurant once, it was a disaster, so they don’t really do stuff like that. I know it’s supplementary canon Nick invited miles to a cherry blossom viewing so that might be a yearly tradition.
realistically, do you think Nick/Miles will ever be canon? why or why not? Almost definitely not. It’s a queer pairing after all, and capcom knows they can do fine just heavily hinting. But as nice as it’d be representation-wise and as happy as it would make me, it doesn’t really matter to me as much as others do for it to be ~official~ , it’s basically canon to me and it’s so accepted by most of the fandom it even FEELS official.
have you ever written fanfiction/drawn fanart of  Nick/Miles? would you consider it? wrote a short angsty fic. Would definitely do some more if/when I feel like it!
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