#Simon perrikov x reader
experimentfae 11 months
Simon petrikov
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Coming soon
One shots:
Coming soon
Simon petrikov as you鈥檙e boyfriend
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frogspond200 1 year
饾殘饾殜饾殫饾殟饾殠饾殯饾殠 饾殏饾殥饾殩饾殬饾殫 饾櫩饾殠饾殱饾殯饾殥饾殧饾殬v 饾櫨饾殫饾殠-饾殰饾殤饾殬饾殱
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Requested by: Anon
Ask: Can we get a yandere Simon Petrikov one-shot please? (It can be any scenario you want it to be, l'm not picky):))
Warning: general yandere behavior
Date: 9/4/2023
Our story begins in the Land of Ooo, where Simon Petrikov, once a kind and gentle archaeologist, is now consumed by the Ice King's madness. He spends his days collecting trinkets and artifacts, desperately searching for a way to regain his sanity.
Upon laying eyes on the reader, Simon is immediately captivated by their presence. The reader's appearance, demeanor, and even voice remind him of a time long gone, the 2000s when life was seemingly more straightforward and ordinary. As the story progresses, Simon's obsession with the reader intensifies, bordering on dangerous infatuation.
"They're perfect" Simon whispers under his breath. He begins to feel a strong compulsion to do whatever it takes to make the reader his own. He starts to devise a plan to make them his, no matter the cost. He knows he must act fast before someone else takes them away.
"Excuse me!" Simon catches up with them, waving his hands in the air. "I-I'm Simon" He pants catching his breath. "Simon Petrikov, you look... nostalgic to me...I-In a good way!" He chuckles. He looks good, even handsome with his dark brown messy hair. Simon looks friendly and kind, with a warm, inviting smile. He has a soft, gentle face, and his eyes sparkle with kindness...
His demeanor was warm and inviting, and his voice was gentle and soothing. He gave off a comforting aura, and it was easy to tell he was a kind and caring person so you introduced yourself back. "I'm Y/n"
"y/n..." He whispered under his tongue. It tasted like sweet natural honey in his mouth... It was clear that he was taken aback by your presence. His eyes sparkled with admiration and a hint of surprise. There was no way you would never notice his true obsession with you. He nervously shifted his gaze away, as if he was afraid of revealing too much.
His cheeks were tinted with a faint hue of pink, a sure sign that he was blushing. His lips curved into a shy smile, and he muttered a soft 'yes'. That he finally found someone like him...who couldn't wrap their heads around this fucked up reality, and he wanted to keep it that way.
He wanted to keep them safe, and he wanted to keep them close. He wanted to protect them, and he wanted to make sure they were happy. He wanted to keep this moment between them forever. And he was going to. No. Matter. What. Even if he has to keep them, even if he has to kill them. He was going to do whatever it took to make sure they were safe and happy. He was going to make sure that nothing would ever tear them apart. He was determined to make this a reality.
You were woken up around 3 a.m., and your body was craving something to drink, so you got up and went to your kitchen in your PJ shorts and an oversized shirt you bought for no reason except that it was bigger than you. You opened the fridge and saw a bottle of water placed there some time ago. It was still cold and you gulped it down in one go. You felt like someone's eyes were on you, making you tense.
Then there was a knock at your door, opening it you saw Simon who looked like he hadn't had any sleep, he was sweating, his hair more messy than usual, he was fidgeting with his finger, he mumbled "I'm sorry for what I'm about to do y/n" you tilted your head. He threw something at you. You can't remember what, you just remember seeing stars before everything turned black.
You slowly gain consciousness, rubbing your head and groaning. You ran your head over your neck, no chains or collars...Then your wrist, nothing...you glided your hands down your body...clothes still on. No bounds, cuts, or bruises. "I'm not that curl dear..." You snapped your head towards the voice, moving away. You couldn't see him due to the lack of light in the room but you could hear him. He stepped closer...
The more you moved back, a hand came into your vision. It brushed a messy strand out of your face. "Are you alright?" it asked calmly. A face came into your vision. You didn't wanna look at it. You had an idea of who it was but you didn't want to admit it was him. He would never do a thing like this. Right? You looked down at the white sheets around your body. "Why?" you asked. Your voice wasn't loud or pissed. It was weak and heartbroken.
You heard a sigh come out of his mouth. He didn't say anything. He just grabbed your hand and squeezed it gently. You knew he was trying to tell you that everything was going to be alright, even though you both knew he just fucked up your relationship with each other. You felt a wave of emotions sweep over you and all you wanted to do was cry, another cry escaped his lips and he sat on the bed, bringing you closer to him, even when you tried hitting his chest and pushing you away he kept you against his chest, running his finger through your hair whispering things like "It's gonna be ok" and "I did all of this for you"
You continued to cry and he held you until you had no more tears left. He kissed your forehead and let you go, looking into your eyes with love and understanding. He wiped away your tears. A smile crept onto his face. It wasn't a possessive one.
He took your hand and slowly pulled you towards him. He hugged you tightly and whispered, "It's going to be alright, dear鈥ou're safe here with me. and with me alone." He kissed your lips gently. His lips felt warm and loving, like a comforting blanket of security and safety. His touch was gentle and reassuring, urging you to relax and take some much-needed comfort...
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experimentfae 11 months
Fionna Campbell
Simon petrikov
Winter king
Finn Mertens
Princess bubblegum
Marshall Lee
Gary prince
Farmworld Finn
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