gingerbeardmansim · 3 years
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I was tagged by @helloavocadooo THANK YOU!!
I had a lot of fun with this one!!  Maybe I will do another one with my SimSelf Save!
I tag @grimsae ; @thelastairsimblr : @seawhims : @stargazer-sims; @simsjerry  and @zosa95 Plus ANYONE that has not already done it, or wants to do it again!!
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thegaybachelorsims · 3 years
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Cassandra & Alex Goth Makeover
for @gingerbeardmansim “SimTherapy”
When my friend @gingerbeardmansim asked me if I wanted to create a client for his SimTherapy story, I immediately thought of the Goth siblings.
Now adults, their mother is still missing and their father is married to Dina Caliente, who is almost their ages. Now, Cassandra struggles with commitment, and Alex has an addictive personality. What two better patients for psychotherapy, Huh?
private download
Hope you like them @gingerbeardmansim I will be looking forward to see what you do with them!
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gingerbeardmansim · 3 years
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SEBASTIAN- “Honestly, I do not what you see in him---”
ADRIEL- “Don’t go there Sebastian, now what is your real reason for coming here?”
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SEBASTIAN- “Addie, I mean Adriel truly I came here for a loan, but there was another reason. I need a loan as my father died and he had no money or life insurance and I want to give him a small funeral, but I do not have the funds.”
ADRIEL- “Sebastian, in all the years I lived with you not once did I ever see your father, you had no relationship with him.”
SEBASTIAN- “No, not as an adult, but as a child we were close. It’s not much, just a few thousand simoleons, and I will pay you back I promise.
ADRIEL- “Fine, I can help with that, but what is the other reason?”
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SEBASTIAN- “Oh Adriel, thank you so much, I will pay you pay as soon as I can I Prom--”
ADRIEL- “The other reason Sebastian? Why else are you here?”
SEBASTIAN- “Well losing my father, I realized all the time I missed with him due to our disagreements, and I don’t want that to happen with you. I care about you and still think of you. We could at least be friends and maybe in time we could start over?”
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ADRIEL- “Say What? Gurl are you fucking crazy??? I think maybe losing your father has done something else to your head. There is no damn way under the watcher’s green earth I would even consider that. Friends, no thank you. And starting over? You have totally lost your mind. Do you realize what I went through, Sebastian. No you don’t because you didn’t care.  I will give you a loan, and once it is paid back, I want you out of my life COMPLETELY, Sebastian.
This is the conclusion of this round of Simtherapy until next time. Also, I will be taking a just a little break until I start my short story “Heir of Secrets” for the month of October. 
I will still be hanging around, just need to get the story ready and take care of some IRL things! So STAY TUNED!!
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gingerbeardmansim · 3 years
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SOFIA- “Addie, lower your voice and get rid of that sarcastic tone and talk to me like I am your mother.”
ADRIEL- “Fine, Mother. Why would you invite Sebastian for dinner? You do know I am seeing David.”
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SOFIA- “What does that have to do with Sebastian coming to dinner. He was a member of our family for eight years, Addie. He said he wanted to talk to you, so after I go to Annie’s for the bridge game tonight, you two can talk and maybe work things out.”
ADRIEL- “You do know why we broke up, right mother? He was fucking around on me.”
SOFIA- “Adriel James!! Do not use that kind of language in my–”
ADRIEL- “MY HOUSE, this is my house mother. I have nothing to talk to Sebastian about. If you miss him so much, why not just call him and go out to dinner with him. Why invite him here!!??
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SOFIA- “He is coming for dinner, Addie. You two need to talk, as it seems you have some unresolved issues, as you psychologists like to say. So make sure your clients are gone by 5:00. You understand? And we are having his favorite.”
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ADRIEL- (Under my breath)”I hate vegetable dumplings! (Looking at my father's urn) Dad how the hell did you live with her for over 35 years????”
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gingerbeardmansim · 3 years
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LANCE- “So there! You have it. My criminal history! All out for you to psychoanalyze. I do not see how this is relevant to what is going on now, or over the past few years. Why is this important to my mental well-being. I did my time. I am a good man now, I would never do something like that now!”
He became more and more agitated with each word and finally he stood up. I thought he was going to walk out but he kept talking.
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LANCE- “I just do not understand why people would not give me that opportunity to prove myself. Instead I have had to take menial jobs just to try and make a difference in my family. I should be the breadwinner, I am the man. Not Dhalia and my daughter should be able to go to college and not have to worry about getting a job to help pay her tuition, because her father can’t keep a job more than a few months or at the most a couple years!!”
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ADRIEL- “Precisely why I think this is important to your well-being, Lance. Please have a seat, take a sip of water.”
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gingerbeardmansim · 3 years
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My mother moved in with me after my father died back about five years ago. I did it for her, as she was lonely and mother has to take care of someone to be able to get through the day. I really didn’t realize how much she HAS to care of a person...
SOFIA- “Now, who in their right mind would call on someone this early in the morning? OH!!! SEBASTAIN! Good Morning stranger!”
SEBASTIAN- “Hello Ms. Cleary.”
SOFIA- “Sebastian, you know I hate that, now what are to call me?”
SEBASTIAN- “Sorry, Miss Sofia, I was just wondering if Adriel is available?”
SOFIA- “In mind, no, and neither in body. He is in the shower right now. So where have you been dear? I have missed our afternoon chats.”
SEBASTIAN- “Adriel did tell you that we are not seeing one another anymore, right?”
SOFIA- “Of course he did, Addie tells me almost everything, but that was months ago, and it was you two that  broke up, I didn’t. Come on in have some coffee and I going to make some eggs and toast you can join us for breakfast.”
SEBASTAIN- “I don’t think Adriel would care for that, Miss Sofia.”
SOFIA- “Hogwash, who cares what Addie cares for?”
SEBASTIAN- “It’s fine, Miss Sofia, I should have called first, I just needed to talk to him about something.
SOFIA- “Fine then, how about I tell Addie you were here and that you are coming for dinner and I will make your favorite, how about that?”
SEBASTIAN- “Miss Sofia, I really don’t---
SOFIA- “Sebastian Santos, you were part of this family for eight years, and Wilson loved you like his own son. You are coming for dinner tonight and that’s that! You and Addie can talk after dinner as I have a bridge game tonight. I don’t want to hear all that nonsense anyway. You hear me?”
SEBASTAIN- “Yes mam, as long as Adriel---”
SOFIA- “He will be fine with it, trust me. You know what time dinner is ready, so you better be here, Sebastian!”
SEBASTAIN- “Okay Miss Sofia, I will be here promptly at five-thirty.”
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SOFIA- “See you always remembered what time dinner was serve, unlike Addie.”
SEBASTAIN- “Good bye, Miss Sofia, I will see you then.”
SOFIA- “I always loved that boy. Good boy. I will never understand my son and his issues with commitment.
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gingerbeardmansim · 3 years
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Mom was taking forever at the door with who ever it was so I went to see what the delay was and low and behold it was David!!
ADRIEL- “David? What?-- Mother did you---?”
SOFIA- “Had nothing to do with me, but I couldn’t have planned it better if it was my idea. Sorry Addie, I am off to my bridge game.”
DAVID- “Adriel, what is up? We had a dinner appointment, is something wrong?”
ADRIEL- “Shit,.... yeah, I am sorry David, come in and I will tell you everything.”
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ADRIEL- “Sorry my mother threw a wrench into my plans tonight, and in all the confusion I forgot that we had plans.”
DAVID- “Oh, I see, it’s all good, so are you ready now?”
ADRIEL- “I have already eaten, and someone in here.”
DAVID- “Oh, Okay, I see. I guess we can do it tomorrow evening then?”
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gingerbeardmansim · 3 years
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ADRIEL- “You okay now?”
LANCE- Yes, sorry I guess you were right. My past mistake really does still effect me. I just don’t want to continue to feel this way.”
ADRIEL- “You don’t have to, and Lance what you have been doing for your family, even if you don’t think has been enough, is remarkable and shows you are truly a good man and great husband and father.”
LANCE- “You think so?”
ADRIEL- “I know so. I do not know your wife, but is she wasn’t happy with who you are or thought otherwise, she would have said something, or left.”
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LANCE- “I know Dhalia loves me, I have never doubted that, ever. And my daughter does too, and she respects me as her father and she is a good girl.”
ADRIEL- “Lance what you have, with your family is better than any amount of money you could give them. You are valid, and you matter, never doubt that. And I think this job interview may turn out to be your best move yet. Positive, you have the skills. There will be someone out that that will look beyond your past mistakes and see the value you can bring.”
LANCE- “Dr., I feel like a dark cloud is being removed, thank you for making me see how all that was holding me back. Like I was still in jail.”
ADRIEL- “Emotionally you are, but we will continue to wok on that, Okay? Now today’s session is up, but I am looking forward to good new next week about today’s job interview!”
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LANCE- “Thanks again doctor, I think today is going to be a great day!, So same time next week?”
ADRIEL- “Yes, most definitely.”
As Lance left, I knew he was no on the right path, but I knew in a few hours, I was going to need to face my personal emotional prison with Sebastian, and how would David take it, knowing my ex was coming to my house for dinner. Should I tell him???
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gingerbeardmansim · 3 years
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Simtherapy ~ Coming Soon
Meet Dr. Adriel Cleary, a clinical psychologist from Oasis Springs. He works from his home office and has many clients throughout Sim County. Most of his clients have weekly sessions. Some others, with certain issues may come twice a week. He is well-liked and has become one of the most renowned psychologist in the county and even the state.
Here, you will meet his clients. Some are townies, some are NPC’s, some are Sims that others have shared, and some are well known Sims. You will see them as they meet each week with Dr. Cleary. But, you will also get to know the story of the doctor himself. With all that you will get the inside story of “SIMTHERAPY”
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gingerbeardmansim · 3 years
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The first few minutes after we sat down to eat was silent and awkward, but just as I thought my mother had realized her error by inviting Sebastian---
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SOFIA- “So Sebastian, Addie said you were, well being unfaithful to him is the reason that the two of you separated. Have you realized the error of your ways, son?”
ADRIEL- “Sebastian, do not feel obligated to answer that question.”
SEBASTIAN- “Miss Sophia, that is all in the past, and we all make mistakes, but I am afraid Adriel and I are not able to reconcile. We both made bad decisions, and the trust has been broken.”
ADRIEL- “Apparently not enough if you are hear asking for money.”
SOFIA- “Money!? Is that why you are here, Sebastian? Why didn’t you say so this morning? You know that---
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ADRIEL- “MOTHER, Damn it!!  NO! This is between Sebastian and I, Please do not get involved in something that is none of you business.”
SOFIA- “How can you say it is none of my business, your father over there and I love Sebastian. He was like a son to us. If he needs my help I am going to---
SEBASTIAN- “Miss Sofia, Adriel is right, this is between him and I, and I could never accept your money, mam.”
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SOFIA- (She begins crying) “Oh, my, now I feel abandoned. You don’t want to take my help, that is just terrible. I thought we were family...”
ADRIEL- “Good Lawd, mother! Please this is NOT about you!”
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gingerbeardmansim · 3 years
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ADRIEL- “It isn’t like that, Sebastian came here, looking for money, and my mother invited him for dinner. In all the confusion, I forgot our dinner plans, I am really sorry David.”
SEBASTIAN- “Yeah, there are some vegetable dumplings left over, I am sure Miss Sofia wouldn’t ----
ADRIEL- “Sebastian, stop talking please. Would you please just go to the living room and wait until I am finished here.”
Sebastian finally went to the living room and I was able to explain a little better to David.
ADRIEL- “It just upset me that my mother invited him for dinner without talking to me first, and she of course had dinner as soon as I finished with my last client. I am really sorry David.”
DAVID- “Adriel, it is fine, no excuses are needed. I completely understand. Go take care of Sebastian and his problem, then call me and we can go out for dessert.”
ADRIEL- “I would LOVE that!”
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DAVID- “As would I! So call me!”
He grabbed me and nuzzled my neck, then turned to go.
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DAVID- “Dessert is on you though!”
ADRIEL- “Not a problem, that is the least I can do. I will call as soon as he leaves.”
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gingerbeardmansim · 3 years
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DAVID- “So you were saying your mother thre a wrench into our plans? How’s that?”
ADRIEL- “Well, earlier this morning while I was in the shower, someone came here asking for me and mother answered the door.”
DAVID- “Okay, who was it? And how did that change your plans for tonight with me?” And you have known since this morning and didn’t text or call me to let me know? That is not like you Adriel. What is really going on?”
ADRIEL- “Unbeknownst to me, she invited them to have dinner here, with her and I tonight.”
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As I was just getting to the part where that someone was Sebastian he comes to the entryway from the dining room...
SEBASTIAN- “Hey David! How have you been? So I hear you and Adriel are “talking”?
DAVID- “So I take it this is the someone your mother invited for dinner?”
ADRIEL- “Uh, yeah... Sorry”
DAVID- “Now I see why this kind of threw a wrench into our plans. I will let you go and work this wrench out, Adriel. Call me.”
ADRIEL- “No, please don’t go, not yet, I can explain.”
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gingerbeardmansim · 3 years
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SEBASTIAN- “Miss Sofia it is fine. I will be fine. It’s not that I do not appreciate you and I am thankful you still consider me part of the family, but I just couldn’t”
SOFIA- “I understand, I suppose Sebastian. But I do need to go, my bridge game starts soon.”
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ADRIEL- “Go ahead mother, I will take care of this mess here, and take care of the dishes.”
SOFIA- (under her breath) ”Sebastian, if Addie doesn't help you, call me. (in her regular voice) Addie, let me help you with those.”
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ADRIEL- “I heard what you said to him, Mom. Please do not get involved in this.”
SOFIA- “Addie, I am already involved, and I think I can do what I want, I am a grown ass woman!”
ADRIEL- “Please tell me that you didn't invite someone else to dinner.”
SOFIA- “Of course not. I will answer the door on my way out. You take care of Sebastian.”
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gingerbeardmansim · 3 years
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ADRIEL- Insomnia? And now you are also suffering from ED, Correct?”
LANCE- “Yes.:
ADRIEL- “So, Lance, how does all this make you feel?”
LANCE- “Feel? I feel hopeless. Not sure how much more I can deal with.”
ADRIEL- “I understand, but our time is up for today, So I will see you again next week, and we need to think about the underlying issues.”
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LANCE- “Underlying issues? Not sure what you are getting at Dr.”
ADRIEL- “Like I said we can discuss that next week.
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ADRIEL- “Now this guy has some issues! Next week should be interesting!”
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gingerbeardmansim · 3 years
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After the bombshell that my mother dropped on me at breakfast, I had a hard time concentrating on my clients. Lance was the first of the day, and I knew this was going to be a difficult session with him. I tried to stay focused, but when he arrived I starting thinking about how David would react knowing Sebastian was going to come over for dinner. 
LANCE- “So Dr. Cleary I wanted to thank you for your job board out in the lobby. I found a job opportunity and called them and I have an appointment today with them for an interview.”
ADRIEL- “That is great Lance, so may I ask who the interview is with?”
LANCE- “Landgraab Industries, they are looking for a master fabricator and to teach others the skills of fabricating. I really think this may be the job for me! 
ADRIEL- “That does sound promising, but, what about your freelancing? You going to give that up if you were to get this job?”
LANCE- “Not at first, but if it becomes a full time job, then I will probably have to do that.”
ADRIEL- “So, how does that make you feel, Lance?”
LANCE- “You enjoy asking that question, don’t you? Honestly, I don’t know how I feel about it. I guess I will know once I have the interview. You said something at the last session about talking about underlying issues, what did you mean by that?”
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ADRIEL- “Your time in jail. I think we need to discuss it. I mean I do not want to force you to, but I think some of your issues may stem from that. What did you do time for?”
LANCE- “Credit Card fraud and embezzlement. I wound up serving only 4 years, and of course restitution.”
I literally felt my jaw start to drop open. I assumed it was something petty, I had no idea it was a felony.
ADRIEL- “So you did all this when, I mean how long ago?”
LANCE- “Before I married. I was an accountant, and my employer was a pretty large company in San Myshuno. I fudged the books, and started taking money from the company credit card for my own use. Of course I was caught, and over a period of eight months, I stole over 34,000 simoleons. My wife, she wasn’t my wife at the time, was a public defender and she took my case. That is how we met.”
ADRIEL- “I see, so this was several years ago, and since then you never have been able to get the kind of job making the money you could as an accountant?”
LANCE- “Exactly! No one wants a felon working for them, no matter how long it has been!”
I could tell he was becoming agitated, and I wanted him to go on, but I certainly didn’t want him upset.
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gingerbeardmansim · 3 years
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Adriel ~ “My name is Adriel Cleary. I am thirty-five years old and have lived in Oasis Springs my entire life, save for my years at the university. I came back to Oasis Springs, to start my private Psychology Practice. You ask why? I say Why not. As we begin this journey, you will meet my clients, through their sessions with me. Some have more severe issues than others, but they are all the same. They need help coping and conquering the things that keep them from being at their full potential. 
My first client is Lance Coleman. ( created by @thelastairsimblr​ ). Lance is a thirty-seven year old male, married to his wife, Dhalia for almost twenty years or so. He is also a father to their daughter, Shauna who is seventeen. Lance suffers from some medical issues that the doctors can not seem to figure out, but it is more than that, as we will see. He came to me by recommendation of his family medical doctor. Dr. Wilson Henry.
Lance Coleman ~ “Past Mistakes”
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ADRIEL - “Mr. Coleman? I am ready for you.  You can come in now.
LANCE- “Thank you Dr. Cleary. The bulletin board here, you let people post job openings I see?
ADRIEL - Yes. Many people are always looking for that perfect job, you know. So I share opportunities. So, Are you ready, then?”
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ADRIEL- “It is good to meet you Mr. Coleman. Care if I call you Lance?”
LANCE- “Not at all, that is my name.”
ADRIEL- “I read the chart Dr. Henry sent over. It seems that you have been having several issues that he, nor his colleagues have been able to diagnose. So can you share some of these medical problems, Lance? You can have a seat, wherever you may wish.”
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LANCE - “I was expecting a lounge chair, I will just take a seat on the sofa. I started having these severe headaches. It’s been, well, about fifteen years ago now, when I started getting them. At first, I thought it was just the stress of being a new father with a toddler. She was certainly a handful back then. Still can be now if the truth be told. But, the headaches became so severe I could not function sometimes, for days. Of course due to this I was unable to keep a job, which just added to the problem.
ADRIEL- “So what do you do for a living, Lance, or at that time, what did you do?”
LANCE- “Then, I was working in a convenience store, as an assistant manager. I mostly ordered the inventory, you know food stuffs, sodas what have you. Nothing real difficult, but of course easily replaced. I understand why they let me go, but it certainly made it difficult to find another job. I have a criminal record, you know.”
ADRIEL- “No, I did not know that. They do not divulge that information in your medical file. So, tell me about that.”
LANCE- “It was a long time ago, before I married. I don’t think it’s relevant to all this, and I try to not think about it now. You understand.”
ADRIEL- “Sure, yes. But everything can become relevant if we allow it to be, but, we can come back to that maybe later then. So after the headaches and losing your job with the convenience store, what then??
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