fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
The Goth family
Since I'm stopping with fundiechurch a bit of info of each family about their future.
Alexander and Ayla now have 4 children, Abby, Alex and the twins Asher and Ashton. They will announce another pregnancy in about a half year when the twins are close to 2 years old.
They will have plenty more children after that. Ayla is only 25 years old and has many fertile years left.
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alexgoths · 2 years
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❝ 8 giselle icons (disenchanted) ❞ by alexgoths — find them here
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thegaybachelorsims · 3 years
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Cassandra & Alex Goth Makeover
for @gingerbeardmansim “SimTherapy”
When my friend @gingerbeardmansim asked me if I wanted to create a client for his SimTherapy story, I immediately thought of the Goth siblings.
Now adults, their mother is still missing and their father is married to Dina Caliente, who is almost their ages. Now, Cassandra struggles with commitment, and Alex has an addictive personality. What two better patients for psychotherapy, Huh?
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Hope you like them @gingerbeardmansim I will be looking forward to see what you do with them!
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gothsimcat · 11 years
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
Churchsims bulletin
Year 18
Edition 23
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The Goth family has been blessed by the Lord. They are expecting twins. Let's pray for Alexander, Ayla, Abby and Alex while preparing for the arrival of their children and siblings.
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The Elderberry family has also been blessed by the Lord. They are also expecting twins. Not a first for their family, big sister Ella and big brother Ekram are also twins. Let's pray for Rohan&Faith to prepare their twins and Elisa for the arrival of their siblings.
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The Gavin Rogers family has been blessed by the Lord with another pregnancy. It will be their second child. They already have daughter Sabine. Let's pray for Anna and her unborn child.
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The three friends, Anna, Ayla and Faith are very excited to be pregnant together.
Changes since last edition:
Born: Matthew to Solomon&Hannah Eaten
Born: Shiloh to Kylian&Samantha Freeman
Born: Hailey to Max&Grace Villareal
Married: Daniel Freeman and Johanna Clarkson
turned 18: Josiah Freeman
Children: 65 (-1,+3)
Adults: 43 (-1,+1)
Total: 108 (-1,+3)
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fundiesimsfamily · 1 year
Visiting Ayla
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Ayla Goth: Hi, Belle!
Belle Rogers: Hi! Good to see you again. How have you been doing?
Ayla: I'm great. Loving live with two toddlers
Belle: Yeah, I heart you already have two children!
Ayla: Yeah, Alexander and I got a bit of a headstart before marriage. But we shouldn't talk about that.
Belle: haha, you go, girl. You shouldn't feel ashamed for that, whatever mom and dad tell you
Ayla: Well, it's not really how things should go
Belle: Ayla, you are a wonderful woman and don't let something like that change how you see yourself
Ayla: Thank you, Belle
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Belle: They sure can play nicely with eachother
Ayla: Yes, they are sweet toddlers. I love it like this
Belle: Don't get a third too fast, Ayla
Ayla: Well, I don't think I would mind at this point to get pregnant again.
Belle: no?
Ayla: No, live is good this way
Belle: I remember you always wanting to play outside.
Ayla: Yeah, I still take them out reguarly. Live is better outside
Belle: haha, I see you haven't changed a bit
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fundiesimsfamily · 2 years
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We feel so blessed with the birth of a healthy baby boy, Alex. Big sister Abby is doting on him every minute she can. Praise the Lord for all he gives. Alexander&Ayla Goth, Abby
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Baby Eaten #7 is on the way! We are thrilled to expand our family once again. The children can't stop talking about their new brother or sister. Solomon&Hannah Eaten, Sebastian, Sienna, Daley, Harold, Dianna, Henry
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Eight years and now it is just referred to as...The Incident, because of Ulysses’ I desire to become realm master, or LORD of WITCHES as he called it.  He came back in the body of his own brother, Antoni Rocha, a prince of Selvadorada, and a powerful witch. Then after the War of the Witches, he returned in the body of his very own son, Neville Rocha, it was Neville’s body that came to the graduation party for me, and Joseph that to begin his plan to seat me as the realm master, then destroy me, and take the throne for himself.
The council met, and discussed how to finally defeat this monster, that seemed to live on in the bodies of those he had taken.
SIMON- “He controls their bodies, so we know his spirit is stronger than any witch, we have ever encountered.  We will have to look into the dark magics to conquer him, that is the only way.”
MILA- “I agree, Simon, this magic he uses is black magics, and the only way to defeat it is to use it against him.”
ALEX- “Tiberius and Joseph, should in no way be involved in this, especially Tiberius, as he is a descendant of this evil magic, and it could be dangerous to him.”
TIBERIUS- “But me being of his blood may be the only thing that can destroy it, Grandfather!! “
MILA- “No!  Ty. I agree with Alex, we can not take that chance.  He could kill you, then take your body, along with your gifts and powers, and he would be indestructible and we would have no way to defeat him then.”
TIBERIUS- “Mother, he can not kill me!! and grandmother said----
ALEX- “Ty, you are his ultimate goal.  He knows about you, and knows you are immortal, if he can control you and take over---”
TIBERIUS- “I will not let him, Grandfather!”
SIMON- “I am sorry Tiberius, but it was your grandmother that lead him back here and allowed him to return to her coven, even though she knew of the dangers. And he very well, could kill you. We do not know just what powers he possess”
MICHAEL- “I know a way we can end this.”
ELIAS- “No Michael, I will not allow it.  We do not know the effects of what it will do to you.”
MICHAEL- “It is the only way to stop him, father.  When Simon researched it, he linked it back to the old Rocha clan. It was created by them centuries ago, and now that it has all of the elements in place, it is the only thing we have to take him out.”
MILA- “When you wore it before, Michael, it almost destroyed you, your spirit and your gifts.”
SIMON- “We do not know what the effects would have if we used this on Ulysses, being created by his ancestors, it very well could act as energy, and make him even stronger. I have to agree with your fathers Michael, we can not allow you to use that ring.”
TIBERIUS- “Then let me!!”
Elias, Simon, Mila and Alex in unison--- “NO!”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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TIBERIUS- “Do we know how these hybrids came about, and how are they multiplying?”
ALEX- “The witches that do not die from the bite of the vampire, instead turn. Their power becomes intensified, and they are lethal..”
TIBERIUS- “But they are not immortal.”
ALEX- “No, they can be killed, but—-
TIBERIUS- “No, I don’t care about anything else. If they are not immortal, they can be destroyed, and we must act quickly.”
CRISTINE- “But many are our own people that have been turned.”
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TIBERIUS- “Then we must find a way to remove the vampiric curse from their bloodstream. Surely you have found something in my great uncles records in regards to this. Hell he was doing this 20 years ago when he was under the control of—-”
ALEX- “We have been working on an antidote, but to date we have not been successful. However, a few of us think that the ring that Michael obtained may hold the answer.”
TIBERIUS- “Then use it!”
CRISTINE- “Master Boedell, we all know what this ring can do to a normal witch if used, and worn over a period of time.”
TIBERIUS- “I am not a normal witch!”
ALEX- “That is why I have brought you here, Tiberius. You said yourself that you are not governed by the same laws as we are.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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So there it was. The real reason for my invitation. Alex knew what I knew about the ring. He knew that it would not affect me as it would a non hybrid witch. My powers were stronger than the curses placed upon it.  He knew that if he would allow Joseph to take over as the master of the Realm that the ring would have to be used, and it would eventually destroy everything good about him. He didn’t want to risk his precious Joseph. Again, wanting to use whatever he could to save the realm, the witches.  By not allowing Joseph to use the ring, Joseph would not be breaking the laws that govern them. Using your powers for personal gain.
I on the other hand was not just a witch, but a vampire. A vampire with no morales, or at least in his mind.
CRISTINE- “I must go Master, I need to return to San Myshuno. Please let me know the decision of the council.”
ALEX- “Of course, but until then, no word to anyone in regards to this meeting or our conversation.”
After she walked out, I looked at my grandfather.  I read his thoughts. He knew what he was about to do would cause chaos throughout the realm, by allowing me to return.  And not just to return, but to take the role of their leader. I also knew that he wasn’t sure if he could trust me. He feared me. But he feared these vampires even more if they were to get this ring.
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TIBERIUS- “You have no reason to trust me, grandfather.  I have never given a reason, as I have defied you and my own coven.  But I knew when Michael took that ring from the vault what the outcome would be.  It nearly killed my mother. I warned him. But he did not heed my warning, because his love for my mother exceeded his fears. You are right not to trust me, but there is no reason to fear me. There is no one else throughout this entire realm that can stop this, but me.  How ironic, that the one that was cast aside is now being called upon to save those that turned against me. Again, I have no intention to take revenge on that, but I will destroy this danger facing us, but you know the conditions.”
ALEX- “Yes, and that is what I fear, not you my son. After this attack is stopped and destroyed, what comes after is what I fear.”
TIBERIUS- “My place here is destined, Grandfather. My role here has been foretold for centuries now. Regardless of your fears it will happen one way or another, you know that.”
ALEX- “Yes, Tiberius, I do, and I would much rather it come to fruition by word of the council than by force.”
TIBERIUS- “Then give me the ring.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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As she began to speak, I noticed right away she did not acknowledge me as she was starting to speak.  She was directing her conversation towards, Alex.  I now knew how she was keeping me from reading her mind.
CRISTINE: “Master Goth, I am not sure----
ALEX- “It is fine, Cristine, Tiberius is here on my invitation, he can assist us.”
CRISTINE- “It has gotten worse, Master Goth since I reported to you last week. There is a tribe of vampires that are seeking us out, one by one and----
TIBERIUS- “Seriously??  You brought me here to help with a little vampire uprising? This has been going on for ions. I really don’t think this is cause for---
Finally Cristine looked me directly in the eye, and as she did, I could read her. Everything came at me fast and furiously. Her memories, and her fears.
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CRISTINE- “They are not normal vampires. Master Boedell. They are—
TIBERIUS- “Hybrids…but not like myself.”
CRISTINE- “No, not like yourself, they feed, but only witch blood to gain their abilities. Once they take the witches blood, the witches powers are depleted, their bodies begin to deteriorate and some have died.”
I turned to my grandfather…
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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Not even an hour later, Alex gets a knock on his door…
ALEX- “Come on in, it’s open…
Lena Goth enters and walks slowly towards Alex.
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LENA- “Master Goth…”
ALEX- “What is it Lena, are you okay?  You seem upset.”
LENA- “Did I see him?”
ALEX- “See who dear?”
LENA- “Tiberius, I thought I saw him earlier down in the lobby is he here?”
ALEX- “Yes, Lena, Ty was here. I called him to come here----
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LENA- “But why!??  Why now after all this time? Is he still here, I want to talk to him.”
ALEX- “I’m sorry Lena, but he left. He went to see Elias. It may very well be the last time he is able to see him alive, and I thought it important that he talked with him.”
LENA- “So that is why you called him home, is that why he was here?”
ALEX- “Yes, dear. What other reason would I have to bring him here?”
LENA- “Did he say anything, I mean did he ask about me?”
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ALEX- “No, Lena, he didn’t mention anything other than wanting to see his grandfather. Darling, I know you still have a place in your heart for him, but you are engaged to Declan now. Tiberius could not give you what you want, Lena, you know that.”
LENA- “I just need closure, Uncle Alex. I mean he left without saying anything to me, other than that note that just said goodbye...Is he coming back??...I mean here?  Is he coming back to the realm?”
ALEX- “I am afraid not, Lena. I am sorry.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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TIBERIUS- “Yes, of course I do. You know that Joseph does not have what it takes.  I could have told you that before I was banished.  I know the future, Grandfather. I know the outcome if he were to lead this realm.  But everything is in place already. The ceremonies begin in two days. The council has voted...unanimously. And why would I even want it?”
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ALEX- “You would not have come if you didn’t want it Tiberius.
TIBERIUS- “Touche, grandfather.”
ALEX- “It is more than Joseph not being ready, Ty. Many things are happening within our covens. I have invited someone to join our meeting.
As he said this, a young, beautiful woman, probably about my age, sashayed into the office. She walked with grace, and confidence, and right away, I realized she was a very powerful witch.  I could not read her mind, and I could read anyone’s mind.
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ALEX- “Stop trying, Tiberius, it is of no use.  You can not read her,there is a powerful spell placed upon the walls here so that magics can not be used unless she allows it. I would like you to meet, Crisitne Jones. She is the current coven master of San Myshuno. And a distant relative through the Jones lineage. Go ahead, Cristine, explain what is happening in San Myshuno.”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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When he arrived I stood to greet him….
ALEX- “No, Please stay seated, no reason to stand, son. You look well, Tiberius, my how you've grown.”
TIBERIUS- “Yes, but I will no longer grow or age, as I have reached that point now.  You look well too Grandfather, and how is Grandfather Elias?”
ALEX- “Doing well, he has good days and bad days, but lately he is doing much better. He has asked to see you before you return.  He will be here for Joseph’s ascension ceremony.”
TIBERIUS- “I would love to see him. So, you have called me here, and have made me wait, and even made sure that Joseph met me at the front.  So what is it that you want Grandfather?”
ALEX- “I know you already know, Tiberius. Your powers in mind reading are unprecedented. Do not play me a fool. As well as your ability of mind persuasion and compulsion, but rest assured, none of those things will work within these walls.  So you tell me, why did I summon you here, Tiberius?”
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ALEX- “You know the answer to that as well, Tiberius.”
TIBERIUS- “I see you have put out all the stops to welcome me home, grandfather. Yes, I know why you have brought me here. You want to right the wrongs, make amends. Clear your conscience per se. But your requests has limits, doesn’t it?”
ALEX- “Of course it does, Ty, there are laws.”
TIBERIUS- “Laws in which govern witches, yes, I know those laws, all too well. I was raised by them.”
ALEX- “But unfortunately, you didn’t follow them.”
TIBERIUS- “That is because, I am not JUST a witch, grandfather. I am not bound by those laws. And quite honestly, how have they worked out for you?  Once again, the witches are hiding and scurrying like mice when lights come on after hiding in the darkness.  No longer accepted by the human society. Forced to practice their gifts in cellars and in sealed underground fortresses.”
ALEX- “That was not because of our laws, Tiberius, we live like this because of your inability to follow those laws.  And you know it.”
TIBERIUS- “Ah, so it all falls back on me, does it? Then why have you summoned me here to put me, your rebel grandchild in the most powerful position within the realm?”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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ALEX- “If I am not mistaken that ring is called the Navratna Ring, meaning nine gems. This ring is a combination of 9 strong and powerful gemstones.  We know that each gemstone has a power and property, for example Moon Stone is used to control anger, yellow sapphire is for prosperity, money etc, so a combination of 9 stones makes the ring very strong and powerful....However, each of the gemstones must be energized to work effectively.  Once all nine gems are “activated” this ring will do almost anything for the wearer. It will protect you from any type of accidents, problem and at the same time can even change your destiny. It can make you stronger and more powerful, as well as the gifts that you were born with. It can attract others to you and they will listen to you, as well as become infatuated by you, almost to the point of obsession. Black Magics will have no effect on you and if anyone tries to harm you or hurt those that you love they can be punished...or destroyed.”
MICHAEL- “So it really wasn’t me or my powers that destroyed Rupert?”
ALEX- “Well, yes and no. You had this power, but in very limited and weaker form, the ring intensified that power apparently. So when Rupert attacked Mila, it automatically was “energized” and destroyed that thing that was attacking the one you love.”
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MICHAEL- “Then GET IT OFF ME!!  I don’t want it.  And how in the hell did Jules’s brother get this ring??”
ALEX- “In order to get it off, I am going to have to do some research.  It is going to take a spell to remove it from you. How he got it, is a mystery. From what i recall when i read of this ring, it is ancient and was created by a witch in the days after the witch trials in Europesims. At that time it only had three gemstones, and over time other gemstones were added, and then it was lost. No one knowing where it was.  That isn’t an issue now, we have it.  Once I can remove it from your finger, then we can secure it at the Alexandria house so that no one can gain access to it.”
MICHAEL- “So what do I do until we can get it off?  And is it the cause of why I am feeling the way that I am?”
ALEX- “Yes, very likely the reason. It intensifies your emotions as well as your powers. What we can do is try and decrease your own innate abilities, which in turn would decrease the power the ring has on them. Simon is the only one that I know that would be able to cast that spell without doing harm to you or your true gifts.”
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MICHAEL- “Well it certainly sounds like a trip to Alexandria is my my future...and soon!”
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thegaybachelorsims · 5 years
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ALEX- “So this all started after the events in Strangerville, right?”
MICHAEL- “Almost instantaneously with the destruction of that vampire. I can’t explain it.”
ALEX- “Well, even though Rupert Sheffield was an evil vampire, and dead, it was as if he was a living being.  Anytime one takes the life of another there are feelings of guilt and remorse. Those are to be expected. And it is our nature as witches to NOT take life. But you have to remember Michael you saved the lives of who knows how many other witches and humans, if he would have been able to get away from you.  Not to mention what he could have done to all of you in that room. You saved your sister’s life as well as Dante and the other young man that was in there with you.”
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MICHAEL- “Trust me I get all that, I have thought that through a hundred or more times, the what if’s...what if I hadn’t got there in time, or what if I hadn’t destroyed him.  Then the thought of this power at my disposal haunts me.”
ALEX- “Michael?  Where did you get that ring?”
MICHAEL- “What this thing?”
ALEX- “Yeah, where did you get that?”
MICHAEL- “Jules’ brother gave it to me.”
ALEX- “When?”
MICHAEL- “Right before I left to find Mila and the rest of them in that lab, why? It’s just an old piece of costume jewelry that he gave me, thinking it was magical. I kind of liked it and just kept it on.”
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ALEX- “That isn’t just some old junk yard ring, Michael, can you let me see it?”
MICHAEL- “Sure….
He goes to take it off, and is unable to remove it from his finger. He tries and tries, but can’t move it past his knuckle.
MICHAEL- “I don’t understand...It isn’t too small for me, it should come right off. What is this Dad?”
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