#Sinbad told them to take a break and do what young people do
whalehouse1 · 2 years
I know Magi is over and blah blah blah, but I will always stand by that I believe Yamuraiha does so god dang much work around Sindria that she needs to just be given, as Katya and Trixie call it, the dick of death. I mean so much so she is not capable of thought for at least an hour after it is done and over with. And also the fact we got screwed over that Dunya died because 1) I ship it hard and 2) even without the shipping aspect of it, think of how interesting that relationship would have been.
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briamichellewrites · 1 year
2003. Sixteen years old. Where did the time go? Brian, formerly known as Bria was a beautiful young man. He got a double nostril piercing on the right side that complimented his septum piercing. The piercings were small and looked better than Mike or Brad thought they would. They didn’t understand why he would want to pierce his beautiful face but it wasn’t their body. The great thing about piercings was that they weren’t permanent and could be taken out.
Mike and the band were home after going on tour to promote their second album, Meteora. They were taking a break before starting their third album. Brad was also taking a break after lending his voice to an animated movie, Sinbad: Legend of the Seven Seas. After dating for a year, Mike moved in with them. It took a month for him and Brian to get comfortable living together.
He learned quickly how he was allowed to smoke cigarettes and drink alcohol, both underage. But it wasn’t his house or rules. Since he couldn’t buy cigarettes, Brad had to lend them to him. They came to the agreement that he would smoke out by the pool because it was away from the house. Yeah, he admitted he spoiled him. He had no idea how to be a father and he didn’t always make the right choices. Mike helped him understand that he needed to set rules with him.
Together, they came up with rules he would follow. No smoking inside. He had to clean his room and take out the garbage every day. When he was driving, he would have his cell phone off to limit distractions. He would not drive if he was tired. If he was sexually active, he wanted him to go on birth control. The only thing he and Mike wanted was to be treated with respect.
Brad also wanted to know where he was, so he didn’t worry. He agreed to those terms. They both thanked him. They were simple rules and easy to remember. He passed her driver’s test and got his license. Brad could not believe his little boy was sixteen already. His ADHD had calmed down and he wasn’t as hyperactive. He was also able to focus more, though he did need help remembering things because he tended to be absent-minded.
He no longer dreamed of pirate aliens but of the future. Mike kept his promise to him. After a successful audition, he was signed to Machine Shop Records, a label under the parent company, Warner Music. He wanted to be an experimental pop artist and mix genres, like how Linkin Park mixed rap and rock. Though, he didn’t think he had the voice for either rock or rap.
He and Big Bad Brad Delson could do that. Brian was thinking about mixing country music with something but she didn’t know what. Maybe they could bring back the sound of the sixties. He was thinking about Janis Joplin and the Grateful Dead.
“The kind of trippy stuff without using LSD or acid.”
“‘Trippy stuff’ Gotcha”, Brad repeated amused.
“Isn’t that the sixties? A bunch of people on drugs?”
“Yeah. Pretty much.”
Mike laughed. He and Brad had a little family together. Brian still called him by his first name, which he didn’t have a problem with. He learned that Chester, his best friend had a crush on him after being told by Dave. Even though he was married with a baby, he still dreamed of being with him. He thanked him for letting him know. Dave reminded him to let him down gently since he was very sensitive toward rejection. He promised he would.
Brad wasn’t jealous about another man having a crush on him. He was very attractive, both in personality and looks. That made him laugh because he could say the same about him. The following day, he invited Chester to hang out with him while Brad and Brian were gone. When he came over, he asked him about what Dave had said. He wanted to ask him in private, so he didn’t feel ganged up on.
He appreciated that and yeah, he was in love with him. Maybe that was an exaggeration but that was the only word he could come up with. He was jealous of his relationship with Brad because he wanted that happiness with his wife. At the same time, he wanted to be Brad because he had him. How long has he been feeling this way? It was during their last tour. He didn’t know what happened but he wanted to kiss him. But he didn’t want to touch him without his permission.
That’s why he was avoiding him? Yeah, he couldn’t tell him because he didn’t want to lose him as a best friend. He also didn’t want to ruin his relationship because he would beat himself up for that. No, Brad didn’t have a problem with him having a crush on him.
“Thank you for telling me this and I’m sorry for not noticing you. I love you and that will never change. I need you as my best friend. Can I do anything for you?”
“I just needed you to listen to me and acknowledge what I was saying. Thank you.”
“Of course. Whatever you’re going through, I will always be here.”
He loved him too. They hugged each other right before Brian walked in. He had cut his hair to a messy bob and shaved underneath. It looked so cool. They wanted a better look, so he came over to them. Since he was twelve, he had been experimenting with his gender after learning the differences between boys and girls. Sometimes he was a boy, sometimes he was a girl and sometimes he was both. He realized he identified more with boys.
When he developed at thirteen, he hated his body because he didn’t want to look like a girl. Brad took him to a pediatric psychiatrist, who evaluated him for gender dysphoria. He was determined not to have it since he didn’t meet all the criteria for a diagnosis. Brad was recommended to let him play around with his gender identity while supporting him.
To help him become okay with his body, he started going to therapy sessions. That helped him a lot with becoming comfortable with the body he had and helping him express his emotions. The therapist helped them understand how Brian felt more comfortable using he/him. They could do that. Was he changing his name? They could call him Bri or Brian. Okay. It took some getting used to but eventually they were comfortable calling him Brian. Brian Thomas Pitt.
Was he going to transition? No, because he didn’t want to change his body only to regret it in the future. That was a great idea because transitioning was expensive and uncomfortable. He also wasn’t going to change his identity until he was eighteen. That gave him time to decide whether his identity was permanent or not. They thought he had chosen a great name.
It was very similar to Bria, just one letter different. That made it very easy to remember. Brian. Even if he changed his mind when he got older, they would still take his name and pronouns seriously. Would he date women, men or both. Men. He wasn’t attracted to women and he felt more comfortable around men. Okay. This was their family. Brad and Mike were talking about getting engaged and adopting children internationally and nationally.
Mike wanted to be a father and raise children with his boyfriend. Brian gave them the go ahead to adopt. He would love having a little brother or sister. It was something they were seriously thinking and talking about. Two years.
They were going to meet each other’s families by having them over for dinner sometime. As he was thinking about that, Bradford asked him what he wanted for lunch. He laughed because he had been caught daydreaming again. Earth to Michael! He gave him his order before sitting back in his chair and looking around. Brad made a joke about him and Brian being murders for eating meat. Brian replied it was tasty, tasty murder. Mike laughed again.
@zoeykaytesmom @feelingsofaithless @alina-dixon @fiickle-nia @boricuacherry-blog
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ponds-of-ink · 3 years
A new character approaches... And, no, it’s not Sinbad yet. We'll get to him soon, though. Anyway, back to the Spooky AU! 🕸
When the pair arrived at the Inn, they were both surprised to see a young gentleman talking with the innkeeper. “I’m telling you, sir, Sinbad is the one paying for my room,” the former insisted. “I have not stolen anything, apart from your daughter’s heart.”
“Who is this man?” Maximillian asked, hoping Danglars’ expression implied more than surprise. 
“Andrea of the Cavalcantis,” Danglars answered breathlessly, removing his hat and placing it on the hat rack. “Charmer of women, lover of fine taste, and a danger to all who cross paths with him.”
“Methinks you know him personally?”
“‘Personally’ is a far-fetched statement,” laughed the man named Andrea, turning to face his new visitors. “We’ve only known each other by quick encounters and mere reputations. Danglars here is known for guiding poor souls through this wretched hive, if not for his crimes back in Paris. What were they again? Robbing charities or some other petty business?”
Danglars remained silent. The scars of long ago became more visible on his reddened face. He sat down in a nearby chair and put a hand to his clouded brow. Maximillian, surprised but not distraught, took this as an obvious sign of affirmation. “We’re both here to see a man named Sinbad,” the soldier resumed, returning his attention to their mission. “I take it you’ve also come by a strange letter?”
“Yes, as a matter of fact,” Andrea smiled haughtily. “And in my home language too. Very well written for a foreigner, I must admit.”
“A foreigner?”
“I could tell by some of the expressions he used. A native speaker should be able to tell when one is homebred and one isn’t. Otherwise, you could end up with a robbed house in the dead of night. ...Not that I’ve had any real experience in the matter, but you know what I mean.”
Maximillian nodded, but with some distrust. Nevertheless, he pursued with his questions. “How did you even come to know Sinbad?” he asked the noble.
“Well, that’s a long story,” Andrea replied, a quiver breaking through his casual tone. “What I can say is, in short, he heard of me when I was just becoming notorious and we chatted under the cover of night. He wanted information about connections he knew I could get to, so he paid me to find them. ‘The remnants of the past,’ he called them. My term for them was ‘lost causes’, in one way or another. Still, he paid me handsomely for my services and I was rich as well as happy.”
“May I ask who these people were?” Danglars interrupted, a scowl present on his face.
“Of course, but only a few,” Andrea responded coolly. “Caderousse was certainly on that list, since we spent some time as partners in crime. He told me everything, even about some man named Edmond Dantes. Both of you were mentioned too, albeit in varying degrees of respect.” He paused once he saw the astonished look on his younger listener’s face. “No, that scoundrel isn’t ghost,” the noble sniggered. “This was a few months before his... untimely incident. Rest assured, those three raccoons carry on his legacy beautifully.”
Before any further discussion could be made, a figure dressed in basic servant’s attire knocked on the innkeeper’s desk. All three men turned to see this newcomer, somber and foreboding. “Your host will see you now,” the stranger said, stepping aside to show a flight of stairs. “Danglars, shun your greed. Morrell, do not hesitate to ask anything. Cavalcanti, refrain from attacking your follow guests. You will get your nourishment soon.”
Maximillian stared at Andrea, then at Danglars. “Is our new friend a—?”
Danglars nodded somberly. “Be glad he prefers animals and red wine,” he said in a low voice, using Andrea’s bolting up the staircase to his advantage. “Otherwise, we’d be next.”
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iimuchakk · 4 years
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Seven seas babies AU - The Journey
Hinahoho’s babies xxx
The five little beans and their father are so excited to go back to Sindria to see Kikiriku and the other’s it’s not even funny
If it wasn’t for all the commotion Hinahoho could of sworn he saw Ahanu smile...
Catori is already getting together her favorite clothes and weapons, whilst Aponi’s already packed
She’s desperate to get a tan
poor babies so pale
Of course Bodaway and Badzill are super duper excited!
People back in Sindria aren't use to their pranks and mischief
they’re pretty sure big bro Ja’far will appreciate the break from work to deal with them
unless he decides the break from work grants him permission to break their necks
wouldn’t be surprising
Turns out, Hinahoho didn’t realize how hard it was going to be keeping himself and five children all together on one ship despite its gigantic size
“Give me back my hair brush Catori!” 
“No Aponi this is mine!”
Too much drama for the poor Imuchakk man!
The twin boys are no better
Every second he looks away he has a new note attached to his back
At least Ahanu is being calm at least
Actually, where is Ahanu?
He’s pretty sure if Rurumu was alive they’d be to scared to pull this crap
How long is the journey over seas again?
A few months?
oh great.
how fun.
Meanwhile, Kikiriku just drinks all the alcohol he can get his hands on
Knowing family time is not always fun time
but annoying time
Ja’far’s babies xxx
Rabi has never looked so hyperactive
and that’s bad
because he is usually hyperactive anyways
has only ever met Hinahoho’s family once when they were very young
not including Kikiriku, who he is rather close with
and that’s about it
Ja’far is just as excited but shows it in smaller doses 
he’s told Rabi a bit about his old friends
though most of Rabi’s information comes from uncle sin and Drakon, who are less busy then his dad
Ja’far has to actually organize everyone's arrivals and their journeys through letter’s and magic circles, so it’s no surprise he’s tired
“No need to threat dad. I’m sure some magic trick’s will cheer you up!”
They don’t
they really don’t Rabi
So Rabi moves on
Trying to decide what color looks best on him since he’s pretty sure ginger hair is hard to match with
decide’s to go with pink, he feels it brings out his eyes
Sinbad applaud’s him on his extravagant choice
Kikiriku, Spyro and Sadiq don’t want to break his little heart and tell him he looks terrible so they just...smile(?)
Ja’far and wife-co decide an awkward thumbs up is probably best in this situation
At least the other’s arriving are all excepting...
Sinbad’s babies xxx
Does not care
Sadiq has no interest with meeting these people
From the stories he’s been hearing they’re all
tiny, flat chested
over grown
cocky, big headed
spineless, overly religious
boring, emotionless
crazy wizard people!
He already has enough of that with Rabi
boi needs no more of that craziness in his life
Sinbad’s been trying to get him excited
offering him Sharrkan’s guidance as a sword fighting teacher because -
“Your foot work really need’s work. Perhaps when you learn to control yourself better in battle, you can be as good as me~?”
g l a r e
nothing else really changes
goes about his day as usual
mentally curses the fact his dad is more clingy then usual
spends a lot of him time in the garden hiding in the bushes whilst everyone else’s happily awaits the arrival of the others
angrily chews on some near by leaves
Where’s Spyro when you need him?
Drakon’s babies xxx
Is really scared about meeting everyone
His parents speak really fondly of the old generals, and he’s worried his appearance might scare them
Tries to find something nice to wear that hide’s most of him away whilst still looking approachable
Saher laughs at him
points to Drakon
“If they can put up with his face then your looks will be easy to cope with.”
“Jee thanks mom.”
If you couldn’t tell that was sarcastic
Spyro also wants to show of a little
just a little...
and decides to make the training ground look nice and civilized so he can invite someone back to spar with
wants to show everyone he’s strong
since it’s the only quality he really like’s about himself
Is dragged to Rabi’s room to watch the boy practically cat walk his outfits
“Yes Rabi you look beautiful. CanIPleaseLeave?”
Can’t find Sadiq anywhere and is very worried
Until Kikiriku tell’s him he saw him chewing on plants that he’s fine
Spartos babies xxx
Very casual journey
wifu stays at home to keep everything in order
Spartos is practically pining after her as soon as the boat leaves the harbor
Elizabeth and Junior have never been more ashamed of their father’s pathetic display of sniveling affection. 
He’s smitten.
“Why is he so insistent about wanting to hold her...?”
“Because Liz, he was a virgin so long before he met her it probably feels weird to know he’s going to have to wait at least a year before any more shenanigans.”
Whole way there is basically cheering up Spartos instead of enjoying the journey to Sindria
Elizabeth will sing for her father from time to time and brings him food, and Spartos appreciates that she tries
Junior’s attempts are less subtle...
Tries to get his dad to do stupid thing’s to get his mind off his mother like:
A: Will dad appreciate rain dancing on a boat? Possibly causing a storm
B: Fishing in shark infested waters?
C: Drowning themselves so they don’t have to deal with his whining?
Junior is very excited to meet the people in his dad’s past life
really wants to spar with someone
oh please say someone wants to spar
Elizabeth is less excited, more curious then anything.
Shes desperate to meet the king of Sindria
Not for him himself, but rather his jewelry
Masrur’s babies xxx
Wives Razol and Rehema decided they don’t want to go
For them it’s basically a holiday
Masrur has the kids with him for a month or two whilst they get to do whatever they like?
See you Masrur
Have fun~
Sadi’s only ever met Ja’far and Sinbad
likes them a lot
would appreciate it if they would arm wrestle with her
how else would she prove shes better?
Very keen to show off
In-fact Masrur want’s her too
Something about showing two people swords and magic suck compared to the fanalis race? Whatever that means.
Angelou kind of just shrugs
He’s a lot like his dad after all
You think meeting some strangers is gonna excite him? Nah
Poor Angelou just wants to rest
Knows it’s basically going to be him baby sitting Ruby
His little sister is defiantly going to be trying to prove herself?
Ever seen a fanalis punch someone in the face?!
Ever had a fanalis punch you in the face?!
Stand still!!
Masrur should probably warn the generals about her...
And Dominic. Well Dominic’s just worried
Dosent want to let his father down
He’s in touch with his feminine side
Nervous that the generals will make fun of Masrur for it
Thinking of ways to make himself seem more manly
Sharrkans babies xxx
There is no easy way to put this
Ozymandias is a little brat
On the ship he’s constantly crying
Defiantly not a sea baby
It’s okay though
Sharrkan just loves listening to crying babies when HES TRYING TO SLEEP ITS GREAT HONESTLY HES SO NOT DYING INSIDE
Always checking constantly to make sure Ozymandias isn’t sick
He remembers when his mother grew ill and Ozymandias’ mother
He can’t let that happen
Every time he walks into a room his son throws a toy snake at him
9/10 it hits him in the face
He loves his son really...
In-fact, ever since he’s had Ozymandias he’s been compeltly ignoring women
Actually now that he thinks about it he wasn’t had...you know what in a long time
Has it changed!?
Is he even doing it right!?
Que baby crying
Yamraiha’s babies xxx
Dosent want to travel through a magic circle incase she hurts the baby in her belly
Boat ride it is
Ever been stuck on a month boat ride with a pregnant woman?
If she’s craving a food that isn’t there, someone is about to have a broken neck
Can’t get comfortable in any position and the rocking of the boat just makes her morning sickness worst
Accidentally threw up on someone’s shoes...
Lays in bed thinking about possible baby names but can’t come up with any she likes so proceeds to cry into her pillow.
Looks fat in everything
The generals are going to think she looks fat
Sharrkan is 100% going to laugh at her being fat
Que power nap
This trip better be worth it...
Pisti’s babies xxx
Tir is ready for take off
Pisti has already decked him out in feathers galore and won’t he stop trying to climb up on every single bird he sees
She can’t help but laugh at him
He’s such a bundle of energy
No trouble at all
Okay maybe a bit of trouble
But nothing auntie Pisti can’t solve right!
Pisti decides to fly over to Sindria because why not? It’s a lot quicker
To stop Tir from falling off she makes a harness that she straps around the chest of the bird so Tir is facing her the whole time
The whole way there he’s just gargling at her and poking her boobs
Then he cries when he realises how small they are
Debates if it’s even worth drinking in sindria because Tir is a full time job
Pisti? Not drinking?
She joins in with Tir’s cries
It’s a painful journey with a peacock coloured Tir alright...
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threadofdestiny · 4 years
The opportunities we may take
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(The picture was a comission i ordered from a friend. Check her out -> Fantasiamin_art on instagram)
Sinbad x OC
Soulmate AU
Part 9
Oh, beloved Sindria
---Kingdom of Sindria, Harbor---
Salome looked attentively over the sandstone-colored harbor as the ship was maneuvered under the hole in the cliffs, that surrounds the whole island. Unlike in Dalmasca, however, the interior of the island did not seem to end in another valley, but in the form of an ascending mountain on which a huge city was built. Above at the top of said mountain, the castle of Sindria was majestically enthroned, which she had already seen from the sea from afar. Several houses standing close to each other were spread out on the slope of the hill and it seemed that many buildings had already added more floors to accommodate the increasing population.
With a racing heart, Salome leaned against the railing and tried to grasp all the details at once, but no matter where she looked, it seemed like she was discovering a new and interesting facet every time. On the left and right of the banks, some fields stretched in the distance, which were cultivated by hardworking farmers. With the king's huge ship, they crossed paths with fishermen who drove their small boats back ashore and smaller ships on which the navy conducted their patrols. Beaming with joy, people stopped their tasks to wave when they recognized the king's Vessel, which was sailing past them. Sinbad, who stood next to her, returned the gesture of his subjects and smiled contentedly. He was completely in his element as he stood there with a proudly swollen chest against the wood of his ship and looked down at the people who were cheering him on. There was a lot of activity on the docks. People who were doing their daily work, freighting goods or checking the logistics could be seen on every corner.
Even before the ship had begun to enter the harbor, fanfares sounded from afar, which made the people aware that their king had returned.
Guardsmen in the colors of Sindria lined up on the widest of the stone-build jetties, keeping the curious and delighted in habitants of the island at a distance as the ship slowly docked. The people cheered with bliss and waved to their king to euphorically welcome him. Yamraiha, Masrur, Ja'far and Sharrkan gathered around Sinbad, who was still smiling next to Salome. With heads raised high, they smiled down at the people at the harbor as they flanked their king and remained silent. With a hint of awe, Salome's attention went to Sinbad again, hoping to see what made people love this man with every fiber of their souls. At the sight of his soft look and the joyful inhabitants of Sindria, her heart contracted painfully for a brief moment. That was what this man had worked for all these years. Here in front of her the perfect proof unfolded that the Rukh had been right. He had built this place with the help of his companions to create a place where people could live in peace. It was fascinating how various the traits of the different people who resided on the island looked like, a clear proof that this country has become a new home for all these people, no matter where they originally come from.
So many rukh fluttered around Sinbad and these lands as she had only known from Solomon's temple before. It was a sight that calmed her immensely as it was one of the few things that made her feel more familiar in this unknown situation. With a mild smile on her lips, Salome watched the little golden birds gather around her frame to greet her warmly. Excitedly they circled the young woman's body before changing their trajectory to fly around the man next to her as well. Sinbad's and Salome's eyes met as she watched some of the rukh fly past his face and she was surprised to find that his attention had already been on her. Several seconds they looked at each other, without saying a word. Uncomfortably touched by the attention, Salome tried to take a few steps back, knowing that an unbelievable number of people could watch the two of them look deep into each other's eyes for a few moments. Before the young woman could slide between Masrur and Ja'far, Sinbad's hand shot out to stop her.
"Stay by my side, please.", he asked gently, placing his hand on her back, turning her around to the crowds and pointing forward.
"I would like to introduce the rest of my generals to you right away!" Added Sinbad after he also turned back to the front. He didn't seem to care that half of Sindria could see how familiar they were with each other, despite the fact that they had only known each other for a few days. While some dockers started to place the plank to let the people off the ship, four imposing people lined up in the middle of the square to greet their king with a salute.
Sinbad had already told her about his remaining generals a few days ago, so it was easy for her to distinguish them from one another without having seen them beforehand. Just as Sinbad had said, one of them was a huge blue-haired man with a headband in his hair. He also wore blue clothes that reminded her of the attire of the northern tribalmembers. Judging by his looks, this had to be Hinahoho from the cold north. Beside him was an equally tall man who looked more like a lizard or a dragon than a human. Immediately Salome thought of her brother and remembered what Malik had explained to her about assimilation. Drakon, Sinbad had called him with a certain warmth in his voice a few days ago. According to the King's statement, this man was one of his oldest friends and came from the same homeland as himself. A young, blonde girl sat on the shoulders of the dragon-man, who jumped down gracefully, before standing up in front of them. In addition to the two people described above, she looked almost like a small child. Salome was certain that this had to be Pisti, the youngest daughter of the Queen of Artemyra and also the youngest member of the generals. Despite the imposing shapes of the other three members, the last of the eight generals actually fascinated her the most. It was a red-haired young man, probably under 20, with red chin-length hair, whose bangs covered one of his eyes. But it was his appearance that captivated her so much, because he was wrapped in silver armor, the high-quality metal of which she knew was only mined in a certain place. Involuntarily, Salome's fingers wandered to the eight-pointed amulet, which was resting openly on her chest. The metal from which the piece of jewelry was made also came from that place and so it was of course not the first time that she saw a knight from Sasan. As withdrawn as the people of Sasan were, they had cultivated an intimate friendship with Dalmasca long before she even saw the light of day for the first time. Because of their two strong religious foundations, both cultures have always met each other with the greatest respect in the past and had shared their knowledge and goods to a certain extent. It was said that long ago, they have shared the same beliefs, maybe even shared the same roots but over time both cultures evolved individually. Salome had been very young when she first caught sight of the Knight King, Darius Leoxes, when he was negotiating with the high priests about their continuing friendship. This young man reminded Salome of the king of Sasan and she was dismayed to find that the knight's sight made her feel a little wistful, but she tried not to show it.
"The knight from Sasan ... Spartos was his name, right?" Asked the young woman and looked at Sinbad questioningly. The latter nodded and cocked his head before answering: "Yes, that's right. Why do you ask?"
"Just because... it's a little strange to see an emissary from Sasan. I met the last one a few years ago. Knowing how long it has actually been... Well!", Salome explained carefully, shrugging helplessly.
It felt strange to leave the ship next to the king, while Salome felt several looks at Sinbad and herself. She couldn't help but hear the whispers of people speculating who the young woman was at their king's side. Some claimed that she had to be a princess from a distant country who would now serve as another vassal under their king. Others laughed at it and reminded their interlocutors that Sinbad was a womanizer and that she was probably just one of his affairs. Maybe she was the newest member of his harem? But only she, Sinbad, his generals and her brother knew that none of this was true. She herself didn't know what exactly to do next to him, only that time would reveal it at some point. Nevertheless, the speculations made her extremely uncomfortable and it did not help that Sinbad led her to his other generals, as if it were natural that his hand should rest on her shoulder blades. Suddenly the gesture felt incredibly intimate, despite the fact that he had done this very often in the past few days and she had never minded it before. On the contrary, she had often initiated physical contact by putting a hand on his arm, or something similar. But she had to keep in mind that this man was a king and not a long lost friend whom she had finally found again. If she took it seriously, they didn't even know each other well enough, and yet the connection they shared suggested that it doesn't matter at all. The incredulous looks with which the unknown generals looked at her made Salome feel even more insecure. It was like they were facing a ghost, and even if she could understand their reactions, it didn't make her situation any easier. Shyly, she raised her eyes and slowly let them roam over each individual, being careful not to look the Sasan knight in the eye, knowing that this would violate Sasan's rites, her being a woman and all. Drakon, the man who looked like a lizard, was the first to catch himself and let his gaze wander to Sinbad, step in front of him and then fell into a low bow.
"Welcome, my king! We are glad that you came back safely!" He announced, breaking the silence with a surprisingly cultivated voice.
"Ah, Drakon! My friends! It's nice to be home again. I hope there wasn't too much of a problem in my absence?" Sinbad greeted his friends and slapped Drakon on the shoulder with a brotherly clap. A mild smile spread on the dragon-man's features before he shook his head and cleared his throat: "Not in the least, my king!" Drakon replied calmly before his eyes shifted discreetly to Salome. Nodding contentedly, Sinbad followed the man's gaze as his hand moved from her shoulder blades to her upper arm to pull her a little closer to his side. Clearing his throat as well, Sinbad pointed with his free hand at the young woman, who looked up at Drakon with wide eyes. "May I introduce you to Salome and her brother Malik? Salome, Malik, that is Drakon, Hinahoho, Pisti and Spartos.", the king introduced the two parties to each other as if they weren't being watched by countless people. Malik had stood behind Salome on the left and bowed his head respectfully, while Salome gave a slight curtsy and lowered her head in greeting.
"I-It is a pleasure to finally meet you!", Salome appreciated formerly as she smiled shyly at his remaining generals.
It was Pisti who moved next and looked at Salome with wide eyes. "Wow, you look the same as in the moving pictures of this blue thingy!" The young girl said in surprise as she looked up at the young woman. The young general approached Salome without shame and reached out to poke her arm on which Sinbad's hand rested.
"Looks like you're real this time, eh? But you don't look older at all." Pisti stated grinning before her eyes swung to Salome's brother. Pisti's expression slowly changed from curious to excited as she examined the man closely. Before anyone could react, the young girl started and jumped towards Malik. "Oh my God! Are those things on your back, wings? Can you fly with them? I love to fly! I want wings too! Are they real?", the girl squeaked and tried to grab Malik's wings, who took a lunge to the side and skilfully avoided her.
"Oi, stop that!" Malik grumbled, while he dodged her again before suddenly an arm wrapped around Pistis middle, as she was jerked over Hinahoho's shoulder, to stop her shenanigans.
"Let me down, Hina!" The girl whined as she kicked her legs and drummed her little fists on the back of his thick neck. The tall man didn't seem to be impressed, however, and gave the two newcomers a warm smile as he rubbed the back of his head with his free hand. "Nice to meet you, Miss Salome, Mr. Malik," he nodded before turning to Sinbad, who watched this scene with a fond expression on his face."My king there are carriages ready. How about moving this conversation to the castle?" "Ah, yes perfect. Come on, Salome, you're driving with me. The faster we are in the castle, the faster I can show you around." Sinbad replied enthusiastically and started to pull Salome to the carriages. Reluctantly, she glanced at Malik, who shrugged unobtrusively before she turned back to the king.
"Shouldn't Malik and I first see to find a place in an inn?" Asked the young woman uncertainly, almost tripping over her own feet when Sinbad suddenly stopped. Confused, he lowered his head towards the young woman and raised his eyebrows.
"An inn? How so?"
She let her gaze wander around nervously, to find that the generals looked curiously at her, as well. Clearing her throat, she shrugged helplessly and looked again at her brother, who stood silently beside her and crossed his arms over his chest. Well, he was not a great help at all.
"We need a place to stay, don't we?"
She was surprised to find that Sinbad's hand on her upper arm stiffened somewhat before he reluctantly releasing it, only to reach for her hand and smile at her brightly. "Of course you and your brother will live with me and the generals in the castle.", he replied matter of factually. Speechless, Salome raised her hand to her lips and started to shake her head in denial. "But ... we can't accept that!"
Sinbad, however, also shook his head: "I insist!", he replied before heading back towards the carriages, pulling Salome behind him and turning to Ja'far, who was following them: "Ja'far, as soon as we are back in the castle, I want you to have the two best available rooms in the Purple Leo Tower prepared." Salome watched uncertainly as surprise appeared on most of the faces of the generals. Ja'far, however, just nodded and seemed to be planning what he'll need to do, when they finally arrived at the castle.
The whole trip to the castle, Salome had looked out of the window curiously in order to get even more impressions of Sindria, ignoring the feeling to cause inconvenience. If she hadn't been so tired from the adventurous journey, she would have asked to explore the streets of Sindria on foot. This was something Sinbad had probably been able to read from her facial expression, because he had offered her in the middle of the trip that he would like to take her on a tour around his city within the next few days. He told her about the bazaar and the different districts as he went through the places he wanted to show her first. It was nice to see how enthusiastic this man was when it came to the country he ruled.
Sinbad and his generals had withdrew for the time being after showing Malik and her which rooms they would move into. They had planned to hold a short meeting to bring each other up to date, so she had been told that she should rest a little until dinner was ready. She would be picked up, the maid had promised, but the longer Salome had stayed in her pompous chambers, the more uneasy the silence had made her until she had finally fled out of her new room. In search of a place to get some fresh air, she had started walking back to the guards, who had been posted at the ground of the tower to ask for an exit. Relieved that she was given further help, she followed the man's descriptions and luckily found herself now at the entrance to one of the gardens. Taking a deep breath, Salome took slowly one step after another until her sandailed feet touched the grass. In silence, she let her surroundings take hold of her by letting her gaze wander over the flora of the small garden. The various flowers, bushes and trees were adapted to the somewhat warmer climate of Sindria, but she recognized some plants that she had also grown in Dalmasca. With a slightly calmer breathing, she strolled past the bushes and flower beds, running her fingers over the taller plants, to let them tickle the flesh of her tips. A bit further away, under one of the tall trees stood a big rock that seemed to be a memorial stone on closer inspection. It was standing on a paved surface that had been covered with various colorful plants, to decorate the ground. A stone bench stood a few meters in front of the structure. Upon closer inspection, this little garden looked far more private than she liked and she couldn't help wondering whether she was even authorized to enter this place. But why would have the guards otherwise described her the way to the nearest of the gardens if this place had been of limits for her. Rejecting the thought, Salome stepped closer to the memorial stone and began to read the names that had been engraved on it. Only then did she notice that some rukh flew around the structure and seemed to caress it gently.
"Vittel ...
Mahad ...
Mystras ...
Rurumu ...
Serendine", she had read aloud some of the names, which adorned the smooth surface of the high-quality stone in artistic writing. A feeling of melancholy overwhelmed her as she watched as the rukh followed the rhythm of her voice. It was like she should have known these people in another life. As if she had a chance to count all these people among her as acquaintances if she would have taken the oppurtunity in the past. Sadly, Salome sat down on the stone bench and silently imagined what kind of people they had been, whose names were immortalized on this structure. Unconsciously, the young woman glided her fingers around the bracelet in which her Djinn, Alexander, was resting. Reluctantly, she bit her lower lip before silently speaking to the Rukh:" Would you tell me something about those people?", she asked in a whisper. The golden birds reacted immediately and began to mingle with those who followed her around, before they readily shared their knowledge with her. She listened for a few moments until she suddenly heard heavy footsteps behind her. "Ahh, there you are. Sin and your brother were very upset when they didn't found you in your chambers!"
Startled, Salome whirled around and got up hastily to move away from the memorial stone.
"I'm sorry ... I didn't want to be curious and be a burden to you!", Salome apologized, as if she had been caught stealing the last cookie from the can. Ashamed, she looked up at the rough-looking man from the northern tribes, who had put on a surprisingly soft look on his face. "You didn't do anything wrong. Calm down, Miss Salome." Hinahoho replied soothingly as he got closer to the young woman. He peered from her to the artful structure before settling nonchalantly on the bench. Witha deep sigh, he stretched out his long, muscular legs before resting his arms on his knees.
"The stone is engraved with the names of those who once gave their lives in the struggle to create a peaceful Sindria.", said the man in a smoky voice, without Salome asking him about it. The young woman silently listened to the huge man, who was circled by some of the Rukh. He didn't seem to notice them, which indicated, that he wasn't some sort of magician. 
"My wife ... was one of them, you know?" he added, his eyes gaining a sad glow before he laughed a little humorlessly. "I don't know why I told you that now. Actually I normally don't talk about it.", he muttered, eyebrows drawn together as he rubbed his neck awkwardly and took a careful look in her direction. Swallowing, she looked back as she clasped her hands over her chest.
Salome murmured her name hesitantly before closing her eyes and listening to what the Rukh whispered in her ear. She didn't notice how Hinahoho's eyes widened when she said the name if his deceased wife.
"She knows that you still mourn today and it hurts her a lot..." Salome began to say carefully. Her heart was racing, maybe out of fear that she was going to make him angry, but she couldn't help but follow the  rukh's request.
"I-if she could, she'd hit you on the head for continuing to live in the past. Like hitting you with a... ehm well, a Rurumu-chop...? knocking some sense into that... head of yours." She recited quietly and blushed as she tried to ignore how Hinahoho inhaled sharply. Squinting her eyes even more tightly, Salome did not notice how Alexander's vessel lit up on her wrist, while the Rukh began to fly wildly around her, as if to confirm her statement.
"She... says that she loves you very much, but she has been part of the flow for a few years now and she asks you to keep your eyes on the future without regret's!" She continued to recite while tears rose into her eyes, that squeezed through her narrowed eyelids. Salome didn't know, why she was starting to cry, but the words that tumbled out of her, made her unbelievably sad. Was it her own sadness? Or was it the feeling that the rukh conveyed to her? Startled, she opened her turquoise eyes, when two huge callused hands gently closed around hers. With wide pupils, she looked at the Tribesman kneeling in front of her.
"Is that what the Rukh are whispering to you? Is she here with us?" He asked incredulously. Sinbad must have informed his generals of her abilities, because Hinahoho looked excited but seemed not to be surprised. Judging his heartbreaking look, he believed her words, wanting to know what Rurumu wants to tell him.
Salome nodded cautiously as she bit her lip.
"She is ... very proud of you. How excellent you are at bringing up your children...Always watching that they are showing their good manners. How you helped to build this place that you have all dreamed of building ...How you manage to stick together and give each other strength.", she whispered, watching compassionately as the rough-looking man's golden eyes became glazed with unshed tears. Sadly, she looked away, toward the entrance to the garden. The kings adviser stood there next to Sinbad, staring at her with a fixed look. If she didn't saw his lower lip trembling slightly, she would have thought that Ja'far would've want to blame her for saying something like that. But his own eyes glazed somewhat after he heard her following words.
"She is so incredibly proud of how much you all grew and for never giving up! Actually they all are... They... will allways be here beeing a part of the flow, that watched over their beloved sindria and their familys"
All three man looked at Salome in awe, keeping their silence as the rukh fluttered around her in love.
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watanabes-cum-dump · 4 years
Meant for you chapter 7) Welcome to Reim
”Cheif Rametoto, I the warrior Hinahoho am grateful for your presence” Hinahoho said. 
Hina, Sinbad, Amaris and a woman who’s name was apparently Rurumu, knelt in front of an old weathered man, Rametoto, cheif of Imcakk. Hina stood, “We are here to ask for your permission, will you allow us, Hinahoho and Rurumu to get married? And leave the Imchakk clan?”
’Hina, choose your words more carefully’ Amaris thought. ‘You do not talk to a girl’s dad like that’
“Answer this question, warrior Hinahoho, what are you able to provide for my daughter? Wealth? Power? Status? My daughter has been cultured to be a warrior, she’s wanted nothing else her entire life. She has everything you can think of. So, I ask again; what can you provide to a person like her?” 
“At the moment, I am unable to provide her with anything” Hina replied. ‘Bad answer’ Amaris though with a wince. 
“Bastard! Who in their right mind would dare to insult the great cheif of Imchakk!? I’ll mangle you!” 
The cheif yelled, jumping down and swinging his staff just above Hinahoho’s shoulder. Amaris was surprised he didn’t even flinch, ‘Hina, you now have my respect’ Amaris thought, trembling from the sudden commotion.
”I am unable to provide anything for her in my current state” Hina said calmly. “That being said, we can work together to make our dreams come true” he said, turning to face Sinbad. 
“That is my master’s dream”
’Again, WHAT ABOUT ME!?’ Amaris mentally yelled. 
They were off, with an agreement with Imchakk. They would sell things from Imchakk, and make a name for themselves as great merchants. But, there was a downside to this...
”A dress!? You’ve got to be kidding me!” Amaris yelled as Rurumu held a white dress in front of her. Rurumu frowned slightly “You are a lady, you should dress and act like one” 
The white haired girl ran behind Sinbad “Sin-kun, protect me!” Amaris yelped, hiding behind Sinbad. 
“I don’t see a problem with this. You would look good in that. Plus, she’s right. We’re not street kids anymore” 
Sinbad was dressed in fine clothes, having changed out of the ones the Imchakk gave him. He looked good, more clean, but Amaris wasn’t digging her outfit options. Sinbad sighed, knowing he wouldn’t win if she decided to argue, he pushed her further into the room and shut the door  behind him “Have fun!” 
Amaris trembled as Rurumu cast her shadow over her. “Ummm...”
“It’s truly a pleasure to meet you. My name is Ja’far, and I’m what you would call a merchant. We’d be honoured if you could stock our products in your lovely store- What the hell am I saying!” Ja’far fumed. Amaris sighed beside him, “Don’t worry. Sometimes I wonder why I’m here too” she muttered. She was dressed in a simple but beautiful white dress held together by a rope, her hair was free of it’s ponytail and hanging by her shoulders, a gold circlet set off her white hair “I’ve had enough of this you old hag!” The boy yelled, slamming his fists in the table. 
Rurumu’s eye twitched “Old hag?”
Amaris and Sinbad jumped as Rurumu karate chopped the poor kid’s face. 
“How many times to I need to tell you; when addressing a mature lady, you address them and ‘miss’ or ‘madam’. We are now a part of Sinbad’s merchant crew, we have to act the part. The way we carry ourselves is the key to building strong and true trade relationships” the Imchakk women scolded.
A few minutes later....
”HOW DO YOU EXPECT TO AMOUNT TO ANYTHING IF YOU CAN’T EVEN READ!? YOU MUST ALSO LEARN CULTURE, GEOGRAPHY, AND OF COURSE MATHEMATICS!” Rurumu scolded. ‘I should have paid attention to my teacher’ Amaris thought, regretting not listening paying attention to her classes in the other world. But there was more hell to come. 
“Ja’far! Correct you’re posture!”
”Stay standing!” 
Soon enough, the three kids were on the ground exhausted. They saw Hina, Vittel, and Maho standing over them. “Hey how are you guys? Hanging in there?” Hina teased. “C’mon! You’ve got this!” Vittel encouraged. Amaris groaned while Ja’far grumbled about his headache. 
“Lunch time everyone!” Rurumu called. 
“I should have stayed in Parthevia...” Amaris groaned as Sin pulled her up. He patted her back with an apologetic smile. “Remember your manners now!” Rurumu said. Amaris saw the boys cringing, but she was used to this crap and just dug in. ‘Man this is good’ Amaris thought, taking a bite of the well cooked meat. 
An hour later, they were back to studying. It was just grammar and speech, Amaris was pretty good at it. Having spent most of her life in a world where everyone had the right to an education, she was a few leagues above the boys. “Hmm, Amaris dear, you sound like you know these things rather well” Rurumu said, checking her work. 
“Well, it’s not that hard really” she replied. 
“Indeed, for a noble, at least” Rurumu said, eying her almost suspiciously. 
“Yeah!” Sinbad piped up “I’ve always wondered why you’ve always been so smart, being able to write and read like that. But maybe you were a noble before we found you”
”Found her?” Rurumu repeated “I thought you two grew up in the slums together” Amaris sweat dropped nervously but Sin came to her rescue. 
“When we were eleven, we found Amaris passed out a little ways past the village. She had amnesia so we took her in” Sin explained. 
“Oh, well, I’m glad you’re starting to remember” Rurumu said, patting her head with her large hand. “And since you’re one step ahead of all my lessons, I won’t need to teach you anymore” 
“WHAT!?” Sinbad and Ja’far yelled. “Thank you!” Amaris exclaimed before heading off to tell Hina so he could assign her something to do. “No fair” Ja’far whined. 
Many nights passed and Amaris got to know everyone else better. She learned that Vittel was incredibly funny and that Maho was amazingly good at handling delicate things. And that Ja’far and her got sunburnt easily. Yep. (Haha I can’t relate since I have dark skip ;P) 
It was one faithful day when she saw the docks of Reim up ahead, Sinbad had climbed up onto the mast for a better view, she would have joined him but she couldn’t do shit in a dress. 
“All right, let’s get to business! There’s no time to waste so let’s go!” 
“Come one come all! Get you’re exclusive imported goods from Imchakk” Sinbad and Ja’far advertised while Amaris just hung back. A crowd of people gathered around to look at the goods. Most of the women over Sinbad, and most young men over Amaris. “Eh” Amaris sweat dropped nervously at her new admirers.
”What a beautiful girl” 
“Such fair skin” (I’ve been watching way too much Saiki k...) 
Over the crowd, Amaris could see Vittel with an amused look. “Help me!” She whisper yelled. Vittel shook his head and waved at her as he dealt with some customers. But, her saviours were the guards. “Break it up, break it up!” startled, the citizens cleared out. 
“You don’t have permission to set up shop here young man” one of the guards said. 
“Oh, I’m sorry sir” Sinbad replied “We’ll begin the appropriate procedure right away. Where do I go?” 
“You mean you don’t know anything about trading in Reim?” The first one said, the other sighed. “All universal transactions must go through the Reim union, which controls everything. Only the companies approved by the union are permitted to sell” the other one explained. 
“If there aren’t anymore questions then you can leave. That goes for all of you, move it!” The guard said. The people muttered as they walked away. A man in a blue cloak walked up and asked for the proprietor, Sinbad Of course answered him while Amaris helped clean up. “Yo Amaris! Box up everything we have! We have a deal!” Vittel yelled. 
A sac of silver coins clinked onto the ground “Please accept this. I hope to do business with you again” the mysterious man said, and with that, he boarded his carriage and left. But that night, they were in for a surprise. 
“What’s going on here? These are our products” 
“And look at the price! They’re five-no-times higher!” 
“We were duped!” 
“That jerk took advantage of us” Hina growled. 
“He must make his money by buying and reselling goods” Sinbad said. “That being said, he plays it safe and targets non union merchants like us”
”I see” Rurumu said sadly when they met up and told her what happened. 
“How much did we loose Sinbad?” Hina asked. (I’m too lazy to write Hinahoho ok?) 
“I don’t know” was the purple head’s reply. Amaris sighed, “So much for our effort” 
“Bottom line is we need to join the union in order to conduct business in Reim. There’s no point in arguing about the resale” Ja’far and Vittel looked down. “I agree. I underestimated the trading business” Vittel said. “We all did” Rurumu sighed “But this is the reality of our business” 
“When it comes to trade, we’re total amateurs” Hina said. 
“What are you saying!? Isn’t that the fun of being in this business!?” Everyone looked at Sinbad, shocked. 
“But that guy made us look like idiots!” Ja’far protested. 
“Look at the big picture! That’s why it’s fun” 
“I respect merchants. Is you ask me I think they’re the shrewdest people to ever live! The world is run by money, and merchants move money. They have a huge roll in this world. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration if I said that merchants move the world! Just think of it guys! We get to compete with people of that caliber! It’s nothing short of mind blowing!” 
Amaris felt the Rukh buzz in excitement, she didn’t know how but, it was a feeling. “I cannot believe you’re talking me into this again” Hina scoffed. “Our leader has spoken, and it is our duty to follow him!” 
“Sinbad, are you sure about this?” Rurumu, Hina, Ja’far, Vittel, Maho, and Amaris were in their boat. “Yeah. Head back to Imchakk as fast as you can and come back with new goods. Hopefully when you return I’ve settled things with the union” 
“Got it. We’re counting on you Sin” and they sailed off, leaving Sinbad on the docs. When they were about fifty yards away from the docs, Vittel grasped Amaris’ shoulders “Ok, spill  it. Do you have a crush on Sinbad?” 
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kyogre-blue · 5 years
Nanowrimo, day 15 (wc 1843)
Sinbad laughed, cheerful and light-hearted. “Madam, there are still two more courses! I haven’t even told you yet what we are offering!” 
The main course was the black elder moose meat, each of the small pieces full of flavor. A mouthwatering aroma rose from the plates as they were set onto the table. Surreptitiously, Alibaba finally released the small bit of magic keeping them warm. 
Amon was definitely going to un-choose him for this. 
“How is it?” Sinbad asked as Octavia carefully placed a piece into her mouth and chewed. It was a rhetorical question, and pressing for praise would have just appeared lacking in confidence. “Naturally, we would not consider something as simple as a few ingredients to be worth Madam’s time. To draw the interest of Madam’s esteemed customers and everyone in the city, more is needed.
“Ingredients, recipes and setting — we will provide all of it. Madam, let’s create a new sensation all through Napolia. How does that sound?” 
Finishing the last piece of the meat and taking a sip of her drink to wash it down, Madam Octavia smiled slightly. “You’ve certainly thought through it. Almost enough to make it seem like your original intent and not a fallback,” she said, aiming again at their weaknesses. “But such foreign ingredients, recipes and decorations — there is no guarantee they will be popular. My business is doing quite well. Why should I take a risk on this?” 
The main course was cleared away, and the desert was set in front of them. Abusing a djinn’s power again, it was a soft frozen treat with a flavor Alibaba still couldn’t understand but which made you want to take another bite to taste it again. 
Sinbad leaned forward. “Isn’t it better to gamble on taking the lead instead of just chasing after trends?” 
Alibaba, who had been moving back to his position in the background, winced. Not at the harsh sound of a desert dish being struck by a silver spoon, something that the well-cultured Madam Octavia had avoided the entire meal through, but at Sinbad’s misstep that prompted it. Even without looking, he could imagine how frigid the proprietess’s expression would be. 
Although he maintained his composure well, there was a faint twitch at the corner of Sinbad’s mouth, giving away his consternation as he realized the same thing. 
Originally, all of this had been just to drive up the value of their sale and improve their bargaining position. Whether or not they would be making it hadn’t really been in question. But if the madam flew into a rage, then… 
“Surely a businesswoman of Madam’s caliber is also aware of this,” Sinbad pressed on, recovering. “It is better to be an innovator than to simply ride the tide. It is because of Madam’s expertise and deep knowledge of the city and the people that it will be possible to seize the initiative, and everything we provide will naturally still rely on Madam’s alterations to create the best effect.” 
“Oh? Is that so…” she drew out. “So you’re counting on me?” But even so, her expression had thawed slightly. 
“Let’s say it will be a mutually beneficial partnership,” Sinbad said. 
The negotiations were back on track and, sharing a business smile, the two owners enjoyed their desert. And, as the meal came to a close, it was time for the real battle to begin. 
“Since you’re looking to enter the trading union, I’ll give you 1000 gold for the whole thing,” Madam Octavia said, naming the first price. 
There were many schools of thought about whether it was better to bid first or let the other party put out the first price. Was it better to seize the initiative and control the flow from the start, as Sinbad usually espoused? Or was it better to wait and observe, gaining as much information as possible based on what your opponent offers? 
In this case, Alibaba suspected that Madam Olivia had gone first just to avoid letting the young greenhorn in front of her put out a completely unacceptable figure. She wasn’t necessarily wrong. Sinbad and everyone in his group had a very skewed idea of how much anything was worth, if they had any idea at all. 
Using the trading union’s membership fee, the madam provided a working base they could understand. However, Alibaba knew that she was also completely scamming them. 
...But this was Sinbad’s matter, so it wasn’t his place to say. 
Sinbad laughed. “It’s very kind of Madam to consider our position, but the membership fee is no issue for us,” he said. “Since Madam will be taking on a risk and in hopes of future cooperation, we’ll be satisfied with about… ten times that amount.” 
“Young man, you are really quite brazen,” Madam Octavia commented. “Twice my offer, as a favor to a junior…” 
And thus, the battle had begun. 
In the end, Sinbad hadn’t wished to draw the negotiations out too long, so he had called it perhaps slightly prematurely. However, he seemed satisfied with the outcome. He had traded Rametoto from Valefor’s treasure, especially the magic tools Alibaba cautioned him against selling on the open market, and it had been done in bulk, so it was difficult to even tell whether they had made back the cost of the materials or how much they might have gained. 
To the untrained ear, the sheer number of coins involved sounded extremely impressive. They had been given bank notes, but if it had been actual coins, perhaps even Rurumu and Hinahoho would have found it difficult to carry. 
The atmosphere was unbreat as Sindria Trading Company’s representatives, plus one, headed back to their newly acquired headquarters. They had done well for themselves in their first business deal, and Madam Octavia had even written off the cost of their reservations as a gesture of good will. 
“So,” Sinbad said as the streets around them emptied, “how did I do?” 
He had been humming cheerily, and there was still a smile on his lips as he glanced at Alibaba. 
“Are you sure you want to hear it?” his friend wondered.
“I can handle it! How badly did she rip us off?” 
The others too turned to listen with interest. Alibaba could only sigh, tugging open the narrow collar of his borrowed shirt. “Well, first, you tried to strike at her weak spot because she’d been doing the same, right? But that kind of thing goes badly with people who have a strong pride. She was doing it to test you, a newcomer, and it was her right as a senior to be disdainful. But if you start shooting back, it’s just too disrespectful.” 
“Mm. I got that feeling,” Sinbad agreed, sighing and shrugging lightly. 
“Elders feel respect is their due, and some are not flexible about propriety,” Rurumu agreed. 
“Flirting with her would be even more disrespectful,” Alibaba added dryly. 
And that definitely something Sinbad had tried, before Alibaba forcefully made every lamp in the room flicker for a moment. He had been ready to kick him in the shin too, but that might have been too obvious and not fitting for the role of a servant he was playing. 
“You didn’t have to be like that. I was just going to compliment her!” Sinbad protested. “Who doesn’t love a compliment?” 
“And that’s why you were holding both her hands?” 
Sulkily, Sinbad waved away the troublesome topic. 
“Aside from that?” Alibaba went on. “It was pretty obvious you were just guessing on how much money to ask for. She just didn’t point it out because it was useful to her.” Unlike every other weakness, which she ruthlessly exposed to undercut them and their credibility. 
“What do you think would have been a good number?” Sinbad asked. 
Despite the criticisms, he didn’t show any sign of displeasure or wounded pride. His ability to always look forward and continue on his path was truly amazing. 
“I also don’t know,” Alibaba admitted. “I’ve never sold as a supplier for a restaurant, I don’t know the going price for rare ingredients, I don’t even know the usual prices at the Octavium. I doubt you could have found out all that in time for this meeting anyway. The bigger problem is that you set a one-off price for the entire set — ingredients, recipes, and decorations — without even discussing how much you’re providing. That she agreed without asking is a pretty clear idea that you’re underselling. She was willing to pay that much just for the idea.” 
Sinbad’s eyes slowly widened, and he slapped a hand to his forehead, grimacing. 
For him, the entirety of their perishable goods were a single matter to deal with quickly and with as few losses as possible. There was never a question of just selling part of it, so he didn’t think too much about how much there was. 
But for a restaurant, whether it was enough for twenty customers, one hundred, or thousands was a big matter. 
“Right. You didn’t mention how many fish you’re selling, or how large they are. Well, it would make more sense to discuss it in terms of how many dishes could be created,” Alibaba said. “You could have said, ‘We are providing enough for four thousand individual dishes. Let’s say five gold coins each, for a total of twenty thousand. Of course, since these are unique, limited quantity dishes, Madam will determine the final selling price to the public…’ Then add a separate bulk fee for the recipes and the decorations.” 
“Five gold coins for a dish?” Ja’far muttered. 
“If it really becomes a trend, the nobility will easily pay several times that,” Alibaba said. “It’s an unheard of, priceless experience. How much the final product sells for is entirely up to her skills as a businesswoman.” 
“How much do we have?” Sinbad wondered, his eyebrows furrowing in thought as he tried to think back to their cargo. “It can’t be that much?” 
“Did you see the size of the plates? A single fish would be several dozen dishes, at the very least. This is just an example though, I haven’t thought about the numbers,” Alibaba said. He smiled. “Even if you know the basic skills of trade, the details of a market are important too. That’s part of why breaking into a new market is so difficult even for powerful companies.” 
Groaning, Sinbad let his head loll bonelessly. “I underestimated the world of business too much,” he mumbled. 
“That’s right!” Alibaba laughed. “Don’t look down on merchants! ...Well, that aside, you did well controlling the negotiations. Keeping so calm and confident, especially when you don’t have all the cards, is amazing.” 
In fact, Sinbad had done exceptionally well for someone with no background in trade, or business, or restaurants for that matter. Within a few months, once he gained the experience necessary, he would doubtlessly become a terror on the market. 
“As expected of Sindria’s founder!” Alibaba praised. 
Sinbad grinned back. “Just watch,” he said, “this is just the beginning!” 
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Both pictures are for the same character. Read below @musesnotebook 
Yorgi Thursten - Yorgi is immortal and has ties to Jack, Sara, Vance, and Rhaegar. Originally serving as what amounts to an oracle to his people he began having dreams involving a “strange young woman from a different time” who would play a very important part in Vance’s life, which ultimately prompted the latter to kidnap her from the marketplace where she was with Sinbad and his crew following her teleportation by Loki and Ares. (Why they sent Sara there is anyone’s guess, I think they were looking to get her out of the way or it could have been just a random selection, but considering how many things she’s taken part in since that first trip, I’m guessing it was anything but). Yorgi is viewed with respect by most of the ship though treated carefully as he’s a little crazy. (If you were having dreams about the distant future (our time) back in the realm of the Vikings, you’d be crazy too.) Seeing how Vance begins treating Sara, as though she’s his personal sex slave and still having dreams of what she will eventually become even if he can’t really make much sense out of it, Yorgi starts to be kinder to her and eventually agrees to help Jack and Rhaegar get her off the ship and back to Sinbad’s care. I think he may also have told Sara how to find the portal that eventually takes her to Xena/Hercules in Greece. 
His deceit angers Vance though because what Yorgi is to their people he can’t outright kill the man. Instead, he finds ways of undermining Yorgi’s visions and turns the village against him, ultimately forcing him into exile on a small island near their main home. Not too long after he is first exiled, a young girl who was impregnated by the former leader of the tribe (ousted by another) is sent to the island as well. Yorgi begins to care for her and after the birth of her son, they get married. While it’s not recognized by their people because both of them are no longer, technically, a part of them, it’s enough for them. He also raises her son as his own, and they have two more children, another son, and a daughter. Over their years together Yorgi notices that he isn’t aging, unlike his wife and their children. Believing it to be some kind of curse, he tries communing with the gods in order to find out what is going on, all the while still having dreams about a very strange future. Yorgi ends up sending his children away and buries his wife when she passes on and ultimately feels as though he’s gone completely insane, attempting to barricade himself inside of his home lest he leads to anyone’s death aside from his own. The first son returns nearly 10 years later to find Yorgi still there, still trying to contact the gods and still completely unchanging. Seeing it as a gift from the gods rather than a curse, the young man has become the new leader of the tribe and suggests to his father that he leave rather than become stagnated there. 
He and Vance cross paths a few times, the first following what should have been Charles’ first death only to wake up and see Yorgi sitting beside him, grinning down at him. Angered and believing at first that his immortality has something to do with the old seer, Vance attacks him and during the fight, both of them are mortally injured but neither die. Unable to rationalize it, they break from one another with Charles intent to track down the “little bitch”, now blaming his inability to die on Sara. Yorgi does tell him there may be something to that but leaves Vance with a rather ominous warning that he should always be careful of how he speaks. For his part, Yorgi carries on, simply looking for something to give meaning to his still being around. A lot of the time he actually spends resting, waking up every couple of centuries and traveling a bit, though he really has no rationale for why he continues to live. 
Around the 12th century, he makes another appearance. This time he’s a little less crazy, having found ways of getting around in the world, though he does still see things in his dreams, he’s taken to writing most of it down in scrolls and books he carries with him. Most of it means nothing at the current stage of life though he seems to have some knowledge about cars, the first world war and something that makes even the nightmares of napalm seem like child’s play (Serenity.) When he “decides to exist” in this century it is really only to seek out Jack and give him instructions on how to make an iron coffin with bolts in order to trap Vance and hold him beneath the sea for an “undetermined amount of time” or basically until he’s needed. If allowed to continue as he was going, Vance would have become one of the most dangerous men of that time and potentially could have killed Sara when he has her. Rather than telling Jack this, however, he tells him to seek out the village of Nottingham, he’ll find something dear to him there. He also has come into possession of a fragment of the crystal Sara has been seeking which he gives to Jack and tells him not to open it. He’ll know what it’s for, in time. Yorgi had been keeping the fragment inside of a locket Sara had when they first captured her when he found the crystal he stashed it inside the locket and held onto it until he found a way of getting it to her. He’s not sure why but he knows she needs it. 
Yorgi disappears throughout time, reappearing here and there when he wants to. He marries several times and starts several families before finally making his way to Nassau around 1650, during the years of piracy. He serves in Flint’s crew for a while before finally taking up residence in the city itself, though what exactly he’s doing there, I have no idea, though once again it involves Sara’s arrival. I think there’s something he’s supposed to tell her, but for the life of me, I don’t know what it is yet. Following the sacking of Nassau, Yorgi is taken prisoner by the British and taken to the Tower of London where he is locked in a cell, presumably to die there. He ends up being tortured there for years, the torture master seeming very interested in how he can be dismembered, disemboweled or potentially killed only to come back to life. Eventually, however, the man gets bored with him and leaves him handcuffed to a cell where he’s left to die. Yorgi is discovered there some 50 years later, emaciated but still alive and once again driven slightly mad by his visions. Once found and set free, he is cleaned up but as he is unaccustomed to his freedom and the harshness of the light he is placed in charge of the six ravens that live inside the tower. (He’s where the legend of the monarchy crumbling if the ravens should ever leave comes from, it doesn’t actually have any merit but was a joke he wanted to play on the people he was working for after being locked away in their dungeons and tortured for so many years.) 
Around the 17th century, he disappears again, wanting little to do with years that are going to follow and instead decides to return to Norway and his little island to sleep. His people are now nothing but history, though there are some records of the successors of his original family bringing peace to their people until the war finally overtook them all. The island where he was exiled has been shrouded by fog and is nearly impossible to get to without knowing exactly where it is, though he likes that just fine. The small house he and his first wife lived in still stands though it’s in ruins now. He doesn’t bother to fix it but rather builds himself a small tomb beneath it where he proceeds to lie down to sleep. He wakes up again in 1996 and decides that the 20th/21st centuries are where he should like to live. 
Throughout his many lives Yorgi, who chooses the name Jørgen Thursten, has saved fragments of his wealth, making quite a little treasure trove for himself in the process. He uses this to track down someone who can help set him up in the new years, providing him with a convincing back story, parents, a birth certificate and everything else he’ll need in order to make a life in the now. With this he takes the slow path, finding it somewhat amusing how wrong people have gotten history, and decides to get a degree in that as well as creative writing, though he opts to teach the first since he can’t very well publish the things he used to dream about. While his scrolls and journals still exist, he keeps them locked away so no one can see them, and for the most part, upon waking up in the 20th century he doesn’t seem to have visions of the future any longer. He still has the nightmares of Serenity though he doesn’t really count them as anything other than bad dreams these days. 
While in university for his teaching degree he gets married and after graduating, he takes a job at UCLA as a professor. From what he says he didn’t choose that school for any other reason than he liked the weather in California, and it’s the city his wife got a job in and was actually very surprised to see Vance was a professor there as well.
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sparots · 6 years
Drowning at Sea
Because I doubt Ohtera will ever give me this, I wrote a quick drabble about Sinbad having to bring the news of Mystras’ death
Title: Drowning at Sea
Summary: A broken Sinbad returns to Sasan to bring news he doesn't want to accept
Characters: Sinbad, Darius, Spartos
Words: 1508
Read at ao3
The years aren’t kind to him. Despite being 18 years old, Sinbad’s feet feel heavy walking up the mountain path. Last time he set foot here, he was still optimistic about the future. With only 16 years of experience, he had been sure that the world would bow down before his feet. Now, he realizes that isn’t true. He has lost too much and as much as he wants to accept it all, he can’t.
Watching the city of Vabel lay in front of him hurts. The mountain in the back still carries the hole he blew in to it two years ago, when he was on top of the world. The fog drifting between the valleys shows how isolated the country is. Sinbad wishes he didn’t have to come here, that news would spread on its own, but he doubts Sasan changes that quickly. There was only one representative of the Land of Purity there, now buried underneath the rumble of a country no more than a haunting memory.
Ja’far told him to write a letter to the knight king instead. It would spare him the effort and the pain to look Darius in the eye when he brings the news. Sinbad has to admit it was a tempting offer. His company needs him as every soul is broken down and mourning. But they are all back in Balbadd again and the trip up north isn’t long enough to skip out on. With Rametoto things are different. Hinahoho decides to skip out on the trip back to Immchakk, realizing his children, sister and friends need him more than his father-in-law. It is a set of two letters that moves to the far, freezing north. One by Hinahoho to his father, explaining his situation and a request to apologize to the head chief for him. The other one is by Sinbad and is just like Hinahoho’s an apology and a promise to show his respect once things have calmed down.
Sasan doesn’t seem to have changed much since he was last around. People he hasn’t met before still stare at him like he’s a monster. Except this time, he doesn’t feel the need to prove them wrong. He is a monster and he is the cause their new knight king is not coming home anymore. It is the knights that welcome him with open arms as an equal and it as an equal that he follows them up the small streets to the top of the city. He isn’t a king and he’s far from a god. He is a trader, a sailor lost on the waves of destiny and with every step, he feels his ship break apart, water waiting for him to finally give up.
He knows how to swim, but when he stands in the room where he once claimed a young knight from death, he drowns. Darius’ eyes are sad and Sinbad wishes the news has already come this far.
“Sinbad,” hearing his name being spoken is the last blow he needs. He bites his lip and averts his gaze as he’s bowing down on the floor in greeting, “seeing you here instead of my son doesn’t seem to be a good sign.”
Sinbad tries to find the words he has been reciting in his head the entire way. He closes his eyes, trying to find his apology back again. The silence already gives an answer on its own.
“He is not coming, is he?” Darius fills in.
Sinbad nods. “I’m sorry. I wasn’t able to be there in time.”
There is no room for surprise in the room. A single gasp is filtered out through the blood gushing in Sinbad’s ears as he waits for the fury he has unleashed on himself.
“The gods told us something bad would happen soon. To think it would hit my own son…” Darius lets out a sigh, but his tone hasn’t changed since the moment Sinbad stepped inside the castle. “Tell me what happened.”
Words flow easier when it’s just the two of them. Away from the eyes of the gods, the situation might be just as serious, but Sinbad knows what he’s doing again. He talks about the war, about how he himself brought an end to his happiness.
What is worse than being unable to find his own words, is that the knight king doesn’t seem affected by them in the slightest. It is as if any moment the words ‘he was going to die anyways’ or ‘he was reckless to begin with’ are going to fall soon, but they don’t. Neither of them agree that Mystras was living on borrowed time, that that one afternoon in the castle was supposed to end it all.
“When I arrived, it was already too late. He wasn’t human anymore and I don’t think he was conscious either. He fell down no more than a minute later. There was nothing I could do.”
“But he died doing what he thought was right.” Darius comments.
Sinbad nods softly. He had died protecting his country and his friends.
“I am glad he was able to see the world with you at least. He always sounded happy in his letters.”
Sinbad smiles, the image of his friend coming back to him. The laughter over a cup of wine, the sparring sessions in the late afternoon and the worries about his relationship. “He was.”
“He has kept the honor of the knights high. His death will be honored as any other knight’s. It is a heavy loss to the country, but we will move forward from this.”
Then why doesn’t it seem like the king is actually hurt by it? Sinbad, fighting back the sobs in the back of his throat, decides not to question it. In the end, he and Darius are on different levels. Sinbad may have been able to break mountains, he is no experienced king. The war he has fought is lost, and no doubt Darius, who has conquered land on his own, has felt this experience on his own.
“Though,” Darius says and for the first time his expressions softens to genuine sadness, “I wonder how he is going to take this.”
“Who do you mean?” Sinbad asks and with the glance of Darius towards the door, the answer stands right in front of him.
A child stands in the opening of the door. In his hands lance of wood, just like the last time Sinbad saw the boy. The name of the child is somewhere in the back of his head, but the hair color screams with a sense of familiarity. Mystras’ younger brother, the boy that didn’t want to be left alone by his role model.
“Spartos,” Darius frowns, “what are you doing here?”
“The older knights said that I had to go find you.” The boy says. Spartos, Sinbad realizes, how could he forget a name Mystras would never shut up about. When the boy sees him, there is a sparkle in his eyes. “Did brother come with you?”
Sinbad can’t find the energy to answer and he is glad he doesn’t have to. There is a strong hand on his shoulder, pulling him back up from the waves.
“Give us one moment, Spartos. Sinbad has to leave again soon, I’ll fill you in on details then.”
Spartos nods at his father’s words and that hopeful smile walks out of the door again.
“If you fear my son’s death means that our alliance is broken, you are mistaken. Sasan will still support you, as you are part of our knight order. However,” Darius’ grip tightens, fingers digging deep into his shoulder, “I do not have three sons for them to die within your so called freedom. Sasan will send its new diplomate when the time is there, but only when the other knights in your company see things have changed.”
It’s a solid warning and with nothing in his possession, his people too broken by war, he knows not to anger the knight king. He would lose the battle this time, his body broken so much by the aftereffects of Parthevia. His djinn won’t stay on his body for more than a few seconds before everything falls apart again. So he nods instead and takes his leave.
The dark sky above the mountains is filled with stars when he steps outside again. He doesn’t stay to wait for the next morning, when the first official announcement of the death of the prince is made public. But despite his fears of the people’s anger, his name isn’t cursed in the streets. People walk up to the castle to pay their respects and comfort the crying second son. They don’t ask how the young knight died, as it must have been the will of the gods. By the time Sinbad’s back in Balbadd, his mind made up to leave everything behind again, Sasan witnesses the stars falling down. For the gods are still alive and they mourn their child as he resides besides them.
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Unfortunate hiatus (very long post)
Hello darlings, I’d like to have a not-so-quick word. I know I’ve been very scarce with posting since last year, I’m very aware of it in fact, and while I’ve still managed to get a few MEP parts out and one pretty long video since then it hasn’t been nearly enough compared to have much I wanted/needed to have finished. The thing is, I burnt myself out trying to finish my TTWU audition on time, it was so bad I was losing major amounts of sleep, and the day it was due I was actually running on fumes and only getting some rest in the hours it was rendering before I had to run to work because it ended the exact hour I started. It was really bad, but I got in and I was so happy, but because the burnout had begun I wasn’t able to summon that same amount of drive to finish the first round and ended up falling into a very deep depression.
I loathed myself for working so hard to get in and then dropping out before I could finish that first entry when everyone else was working so incredibly hard around me and that spot could’ve gone to someone else, someone who could’ve told their own story, and that depression mixed in with the burnout to create the biggest blackhole of inspiration I have ever experienced in my years as an editor. So I stopped editing for a while, and became what I hated the most: a deadline-missing unresponsive unreliable MEP letdown. 
I joined so many MEPs before the rp started that I was left with no drive to finish the parts I had left, and I felt so embarassed and hypocritacal in not finishing anything that I feared going up to the hosts to explain why I wasn’t done. If I had no intention of finishing the part because I lost interest I ended up lying because I felt they had waited so long, I should just suck it up and give them their part anyway, and if I wanted to finish my inspiration to actually sit down and work was still gone so I had to keep asking for time. I was disgusted by myself for letting my reputation, at least how I saw it, fall because I was becoming that awful type of person who disappeared once the deadline came around, and I wanted so badly to finish everything but no matter how long I regained my strength or how inspired I became by those really awesome parts I was looking so forward to I just couldn’t bring myself to work for longer than an hour or so if I was lucky.
That was last year, and so many people are still waiting on me. There are for certain MEPs I want to leave because I just don’t care enough anymore, and ones I want to finish, and while my friends were telling me to put my own feelings first and just leave the MEPs, I never could. Well, now I have to.
Last week I was downloading the last movies I needed for a HUGE multiship video I’m doing for a friend (who’s also been waiting ages for this and I am so thankful for her patience) and while I was away from my laptop my drive holding all of my movies decided to crash. I plugged it back in and it popped up after about ten minutes of it being so frozen that even my laptop was freaking out, and it appeared to be fine, until I tried to play a video. It disappeared from my computer list and the drive itself started to make a horrid clicking noise, and after a second of panic I unplugged the drive and checked the internet for an answer on my phone seeing as my laptop was also acting very very bad. 
Naturally, the sound was even worse than I’d expected. According to the internet, it could mean there’s a piece inside the drive that’s out of place, and the clicking was it possibly ruining my data. That, or the drive is already dead. It’s been unplugged since then and tonight I was able to bring it in to get it sent off just like the last time my drive broke. This time, instead of just agreeing on the expensive price and sending it off, the woman behind the counter told me she can’t do a thing with it until I bring in a receipt for the drive. That, and $1600. Then it’d be sent off to I’m guessing Toronto to get checked out, where there’s a chance that my data couldn’t even be recovered.
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That was the last screenshot I took (back in January so there were tons more now) of how many movies I had and how much space I had left to show my friends when I told them I really had no more room. That’s just the movies, which I’ve bee collecting for a decade with almost all of my animation ones being in 1080p, with some rarer ones being my greatest pride of them all after years of searching. The rest of the stuff on that drive was my documents, including plans for videos and all my stories that I’ve been writing but not posting since gradeschool, all my pictures including ones of friends I no longer talk to, family, a lot of fanart I’ve collected, and gifts, all my music which is mostly on my laptop but there’s a good amount I deleted off here to make space, all of my downloads including my sister’s old videos that not even she has anymore, more gifts from friends that are no longer available online at all, videos I love and have been watching since 2006, and all my own videos that I’ve made since then as well. I have the vegas and AE files themselves on another drive to free up room and get it all in the same place, but my videos themselves I may’ve just lost. Completed ones, incomplete ones, random ones I made for myself, some animation projects I did for school, all the bits and pieces of old manips for really old projects, all of that might be gone now and after leaving the store knowing that it could be gone for good even if I had the money to send the drive off I spent the next hour or so crying alone in the car because of how frustrated I was.
I’ve heard the old ‘sometimes these things just happen, gotta move on’ spiel, I’ve heard it a lot over a ton of different subjects. But this was my past, 12 years of it, all collected into one place. If this stuff is gone I’ve lost so much that I’ve personally created and found joy in doing so, and I’ll never be able to recreate it or get it back. I find it impossible to just ‘move on’ from something like that, and it’s tearing at me so hard that I can feel my chest physically hurting.
So, now that this has happened, I’ve officially lost my inspiration. I’m taking a long break from editing now that I’ve lost so much of my material, and almost all of my non/disney collection, and will be withdrawing myself from most of the projects I’m in sans a few, which I will list in a bit. I have a mobile backup downstairs where I can get a good deal back, but most of those files are old and I don’t have the money or space to get a brand new drive to copy it onto and start my movies collection over again, nor do I have the energy. I have around 100 of those 753+ movies on my editing drive, and I still have all my shows, but that doesn’t really help a non/disney editor much if all she has is anime. 
I was hoping to open up my first rp contest this summer, so I could become more active with the community and make up for how little I participated in TTWU; I wanted so badly to be apart of the group, but I felt I didn’t deserve to speak to such awesome and talented people when I couldn’t give it my all, so I disappeared just like Jim and tried to let myself be forgotten. I wanted to make up for that with this new rp, and make more friends, but this had to hit me right as I was finalizing the details and now I just don’t have the energy to even think of starting it.
Things I’m leaving, I’ll message the hosts:
Girls Like Girls - Belle and Anya (halfway done, no masking)
Game of Survival - Helga and Tarzan (never started, lost inspiration)
Unhealthy Relationship - Gothel and Bernard (really lost inspiration)
Hit Me Baby - Tulio and Belle ft Louie and Jane (never started, unsure of deadline?)
Meteor Shower - Elsa and Peri (really wanted to do but never started)
Over the Sea - Jane and Pocahontas (cancelled I think?)
Body Electric x Control - JD and Rapunzel (never started, lost Heathers)
I Took a Pill in Ibiza - Hollina (never started)
Young Love - Miguel and Sinbad (never started)
Things I’m finishing (if the hosts still let me):
The Heart Wants What it Wants - Ariel and Lottie ft Eric (halfway done, no masking) 
Perfect Ruin - Aurora, Tulio, and Jim (almost done, haven’t lost anything) 
Gasavages - Phoebus and Dimitri/Peter (still fixing up to personal perfection) 
Gasavages - Mulan and Esmeralda (never started) 
Dirty Dancer - Felicie and Camille (halfway done, lost inspiration) 
Ghost Lights - Jane and Mulan ft Eris (gunna talk to host about it) 
Personal projects I need to finish:
That multiship video (only lost those final movies, have lower quality ones on mobile drive just in case, everything else is on editing drive)
All my collabs are on hold unless the other person wants to just cancel them considering what happened, granted I only have collabs with two people but still
All my requests are still written down and are doable but now I have to rely on what I have left and screenshot sites so that unnecessarily complicates making them
All my MEPs have no deadlines now seeing as I have parts in all of them and I’m obviously not going to be finishing them anytime soon, either way the deadlines all passed last year so it’s not like setting new deadlines will matter right now. I feel so bad about having to walk off of so many considering they’ve waited so long for me, but I don’t want to lie to anyone any longer and keep them waiting on me. I never wanted to be so unreliable but I ended up being a real shithead when it came to deadlines, so maybe I deserve this as karma. Either way, this blog probably won’t have many additions to it in the near future unless a miracle happens and I get my drive fixed, but I won’t be holding my breath. Maybe now I’ll get the chance to work more with Teen Titans again and do some anime videos, but that’ll only be after this sadness wears off.
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Figuring out Protagonists...we’ve got 6?
I imagine perhaps the best way (or one of the best ways at least) to go about a story focusing on the Fellowship of Eldritchicians would be to have protagonists and stuff who are joining it or new to it right? So we’ve got six...I suppose only one to three of them are really protagonists with the others being....d...I can’t remember how to spell it but it means secondary protagonists... First, we have Perdita Alunni (aka Pen). A Circus Foundling who loves to draw, throw knives(?), and magic. Has found herself able to turn her drawing pens into Dragons much to everyone’s confusion (and one particular person’s annoyance). She finds herself joining the FoE after a particular performance. She shows off her Pen Dragons for an Act...and that night her Parents are being informed she should totally go to this school where she’ll be able to apply herself, get a great education, and it’ll all be low cost. Perdita is eavesdropping and as she’s dropping said eves she hears how persuasive the woman saying all this is. She gets a peek and sees the ones explaining this are a Woman In Grey, a Tall Fellow in a Green Coat and Bowlers hat, and another man in a striped circusy coat, Top hat and a stupidly big fake mustache. Next we have Aled. I think I’ve mentioned him before? Faerie Prince, and the Eldest born son of Queen Titania and her Consort Oberon. He is off to join the FoE so he can learn how to potentially get his Father’s Shadow back, his father saying his Shadow was stolen years ago. Also convinced to join by his sometime Caretaker Rosemary, Corruptor of Words to the former Erl-King. Skilled swordsman (for his age), and trained in hunting with his Aunt Diana, Grandfather Alwin, and once got a try swinging Bertilak’s (spelling?) Green Ax. Enjoys word games. Somewhat Puckish...remembers Rei as a good friend. Rubedo Klein: A Young man (youngest of these six at about 16ish or so?). Joining the FoE because he was sent off by his...Father... like his older brothers before him (Midas, and Mercury Klein) his father Hermes T. Klein). Interested in Alchemy...and avoids getting cut or scratched at all costs. Acrasia Pendragon: Third born child of six to the Faerie Queen Gloriana and her Consort Arthur Pendragon(yes that one). Go to way of dealing with something is turning people into animals. Picked on had horrible rumors said about her due to being named after an alternative name of her Aunt Titania’s...convinced to join the FoE alongside her cousin Aled by the encouragement of her Maternal Grandfather The Former Erl-King, Her sometime Caretaker Rosemary, and a certain woman in Grey. Skilled with the aforementioned magic, Daggers ...also gone riding and hunting with her Aunt Diana, her Aunt Nicnevin, and her her Grandfather Alwin. Also got a chance along with her siblings and cousins to take a swing with Bertilak’s Green Ax. Remembers Rei fondly. I’ll make it known here...I’m not sure if Acrasia and Aled will try to keep their Royal background a secret or not? They might try...and fail miserably at it..or try, and be told how doing so isn’t at all necessary...or something. Omer Adams: third child of Cain (yes that one) and the Orc (?) Gerlinde. As such he’s a Half Orc. Grew up with Mr. E’s Phantasmagoria and Circus. His Mother a Contortionist. His Father, a longtime friend and occasional wrestling partner of Mr. E, working as the Circus’ Strongman and Breadmaker (because Mr. E insists his guests get their free bread to go with the Circus). Omer had a skill for helping his father with Baking while also helping Mr. E and Mr. Snuff with the maintenance of the Circus’ Clockwork musicians and Acrobats the Al-Jazari Acrobats. Omer ‘ran away’ from the Circus to join the FoE having visited several of the FoE’s Academies with Mr. E’s Circus on yearly Holiday break shows. Gets into a rivalry with Perdita when she’s never heard of Mr. E’s Phantasmagoria. Lastly we have Rei Arashi: A Human Orphan who was picked up by Kitsune, Eldritchician and Preternatural Intelligencer Tomomi Arashi (Or should it be Arashi Tomomi?). Tall, can See Ghosts. Has been meaning to join the FoE but it came down from the Arch Overseer herself that Rei could not do so until she was twenty (an annoyance to Rei because many Eldritchicians start a Young as 16...like with Rubedo). One point of interest is she and the two Faerie royals mentioned above know each other since on multiple occasions Tomomi would ask her other Intelligentcers to look after Rei when she couldn’t. On several occasions Rosemary was left taking care of Rei, and all the Children of the Faerie Royals (having also looked after the Faerie Queens when they were children as well)....has trained with using Daggers, and....I forget the name but it’s Chains with weights at both ends you can hide under huge sleeves. Trained in Ciphers and Codes on the rare days The Arch Overseer was stuck looking after Rei... remembers Aled and Acrasia well and fondly. Oh! Nearly forgot, she can See and hear Ghosts (when they’re not intentionally making themselves heard or seen), and is particularly interested in Ghosts, Spirits, and all manner of creature that Tomomi, Rosemary, and Alaire (who has invited Tomomi and Rei to many a campfire along with Alyss and Morgan)told her about. Is aware of when she’s followed by a Hidebehind...come to think of it..might just be an ESPer and stuff. So yeah. There’s those people. Protagonists..wooo! Or some protagonists and close supporting characters... They’ll all be going to Sinbad’s Eldritchician Academy rather than Morgan’s or Cosmin’s (although Cosmin’s might suit Acrasia more possibly I digress). Ask any questions you might have about these six or aspects mentioned here and I’ll try to answer (assuming it’s not like...spoilery) Make of this what you will. Al, the Chronographing Cottager.
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