#Singapore Orthopaedic
bjcsportsorthopaedic · 6 months
The Bone & Joint Centre is an orthopaedic clinic in Singapore
The Bone & Joint Centre is an orthopaedic clinic in Singapore that offers diagnostic services, and both surgical and non-surgical treatments for knee, foot and ankle injury and other sports-related injuries. To book an appointment, contact orthopaedic surgeon Dr Kevin Koo at 9898 7781 today.
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beecroft · 3 months
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Orthopedic veterinary surgeons in Singapore specializing in fracture repair, TPLO surgery, spinal surgery, hip replacement, and orthopedic procedures for dogs and cats.
Web Page: https://beecroft.com.sg/beecroftsg/project-two-3amwl
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axisortho · 2 months
Orthopaedic Surgeon Singapore
Finding Your Fit: Tips For Choosing An Orthopaedic Surgeon In Singapore
When it comes to orthopaedic care, choosing the right Orthopaedic surgeon Singapore is crucial for ensuring optimal treatment outcomes.
In Singapore, a hub for medical excellence, the abundance of orthopaedic surgeons can make the selection process overwhelming. However, with careful consideration and the right approach, finding the perfect fit for your orthopaedic needs is achievable.
Assess Qualifications And Credentials:
The first step in selecting an orthopaedic surgeon is to thoroughly evaluate their qualifications and credentials.
Look for surgeons who are board-certified and have undergone training in orthopaedic surgery.
Additionally, consider their specialization and experience in treating specific conditions such as sports injuries, joint replacements, or spine disorders.
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Research Hospital Affiliations:
The hospital where an orthopaedic surgeon practices can significantly impact the quality of care you receive.
Research the affiliations of potential surgeons and consider hospitals with reputable orthopaedic departments and state-of-the-art facilities.
A hospital with advanced technology and a multidisciplinary approach to orthopaedic care can enhance your treatment experience.
Seek Recommendations:
Seeking recommendations from trusted sources, such as primary care physicians, friends, or family members who have undergone orthopaedic procedures, can provide valuable insights into the reputation and competence of surgeons.
Personal referrals can help narrow down your options and guide you towards surgeons who have a track record of delivering exceptional care.
Evaluate Communication And Bedside Manner:
Effective communication between patients and surgeons is essential for establishing trust and ensuring a positive treatment experience.
During consultations, pay attention to the surgeon's communication style, willingness to answer questions, and ability to explain treatment options clearly and understandably.
Additionally, consider their bedside manner and whether they demonstrate empathy and compassion towards their patients.
Consider Surgical Approaches And Techniques:
Orthopaedic surgery encompasses a wide range of procedures, each requiring specific skills and techniques.
When choosing a surgeon, inquire about their preferred surgical approach and techniques for treating your condition.
Additionally, ask about their experience with minimally invasive procedures, which can offer advantages such as shorter recovery times and reduced post-operative pain.
Review Patient Satisfaction And Outcomes:
Reviewing patient satisfaction surveys and outcomes data can provide valuable insights into the quality of care provided by orthopaedic surgeons.
Look for surgeons with high patient satisfaction ratings and favourable outcomes for the procedures you require.
Online reviews and testimonials from previous patients can also offer valuable perspectives on the surgeon's competence and bedside manner.
Consider Accessibility And Convenience:
Accessibility and convenience are important factors to consider when choosing an orthopaedic surgeon.
Evaluate factors such as the location of the surgeon's practice, appointment availability, and ease of scheduling follow-up visits. Choosing a surgeon who is conveniently located and offers flexible appointment times can streamline your treatment process and reduce logistical challenges.
Finding the right orthopaedic surgeon in Singapore requires careful consideration of qualifications, hospital affiliations, patient recommendations, communication skills, surgical techniques, patient satisfaction, and accessibility.
By following these tips and conducting thorough research, you can select a surgeon who meets your needs and provides the highest care for your orthopaedic condition.
Remember, finding your fit is essential for achieving the best possible outcomes and restoring your quality of life.
Check out our website to get more information about Knee Specialist Singapore!
Find us on Google Maps ( Singapore Orthopaedic & Sports Injury Specialists Axis )
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The Role of Sports Orthopaedics in Singapore Enhancing Athletic Performance 2024
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Sports orthopaedics is a specialised branch of medicine focused on preventing, diagnosing, and treating musculoskeletal injuries in athletes. Its importance lies in preventing injuries, accurately diagnosing and treating them, facilitating rehabilitation, and optimising athletic performance. Sports Orthopaedic Clinic Doctor  in this field also provide specialised expertise tailored to the unique demands of different sports. Let’s delve deeper into the roles of sports orthopaedics in athletic performance in this article.
Diagnosing and Treating Sports Injuries
Sports orthopaedics ensures a multidisciplinary approach, combining diagnostic precision with a tailored treatment plan, whether surgical or non-surgical, to facilitate optimal recovery and a return to peak athletic performance.
Diagnosing Injuries in Sports
Sports orthopaedics plays a crucial role in the accurate diagnosis of injuries, employing various methods to identify and understand the nature and extent of the musculoskeletal problem:
Clinical Evaluation: Orthopaedic specialists conduct thorough physical examinations, assessing range of motion, joint stability, and signs of inflammation.
Imaging Techniques: Diagnostic tools such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans help visualise internal structures, revealing fractures, soft tissue injuries, or joint abnormalities.
Functional Assessments: Sports orthopaedics often involves functional assessments, evaluating how injuries impact an athlete's performance and daily activities.
Treatment Options
Upon diagnosis, sports orthopaedics offers a range of treatment options tailored to the specific injury and the athlete's needs:
Non-Surgical Interventions:
Physical Therapy: Targeted exercises and rehabilitation programs to strengthen muscles, improve flexibility, and enhance overall function.
Medications: Pain management and anti-inflammatory medications may be prescribed to alleviate symptoms.
Bracing and Splinting: Supports to stabilise joints and promote healing, especially in cases of sprains or strains.
Surgical Interventions:
Arthroscopy: Minimally invasive procedures using a small camera to visualise and treat joint issues.
Fracture Repair: Surgical alignment and fixation of broken bones for optimal healing.
Tendon or Ligament Repair/Reconstruction: Surgical procedures to mend or reconstruct damaged tendons or ligaments.
Regenerative Medicine:
Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) Therapy: Injection of concentrated platelets to stimulate healing.
Stem Cell Therapy: Use of stem cells to promote tissue regeneration.
Rehabilitation Programs:
Post-Surgical Rehab: Comprehensive rehabilitation plans post-surgery to restore functionality and prevent re-injury.
Conservative Management: Continued physical therapy and monitoring for non-surgical cases.
Providing Rehabilitation Protocols
Rehabilitation in sports orthopaedics is a dynamic process, evolving as the athlete progresses through different stages of recovery. It involves close collaboration between athletes, physiotherapists, and orthopaedic professionals to ensure a comprehensive and effective rehabilitation journey.
Rehabilitation stands as a cornerstone in sports orthopaedics, holding importance in the comprehensive care of athletes recovering from musculoskeletal injuries. Key reasons include:
Restoring Functionality: Rehabilitation aims to restore an athlete's functional capacity, ensuring a return to pre-injury levels of strength, flexibility, and coordination.
Preventing Re-injury: Rigorous rehabilitation helps address underlying issues, reducing the risk of recurrence and preventing the development of chronic conditions.
Enhancing Healing: Targeted exercises and therapies promote optimal tissue healing, minimising scar tissue and promoting proper alignment.
Psychological Well-being: Rehabilitation provides a structured path to recovery, boosting an athlete's confidence, mental resilience, and overall well-being.
Individualised Approach: Tailored rehabilitation programs consider the specific injury, the athlete's sport, and their unique physiological characteristics for optimal outcomes.
Recommending Preventive Strategies for Athletes
In sports orthopaedics, an emphasis on preventive strategies ensures that athletes can perform at their best while minimising the risk of musculoskeletal injuries. By integrating these tips into their training routines, athletes can proactively safeguard their orthopaedic health and longevity in their chosen sports.
Specialists in this field of orthopaedics typically offer tips for athletes to prevent orthopaedic injuries. These recommendations typically encompass the following:
Muscle Strengthening: Incorporating targeted strength training into routines helps build muscular support around joints, reducing the risk of injuries.
Flexibility Training: Improved flexibility enhances joint range of motion, reducing the likelihood of muscle strains and ligament injuries.
Core Stability: A strong core provides a stable foundation for movements, preventing excessive stress on the spine and reducing the risk of back injuries.
Progressive Training: Gradual progression in intensity and duration of workouts allows the body to adapt, minimising the risk of overuse injuries associated with sudden increases in training load.
Proper Technique: Learning and practising proper technique in sports activities is crucial for preventing acute injuries resulting from incorrect movements.
Rest and Recovery: Adequate rest between training sessions allows the body to recover, preventing fatigue-related injuries. Quality sleep plays a vital role in overall recovery.
Orthopaedic Surgeon's Role in Athlete Care
Selecting the right surgeon and fostering collaborative relationships between athletes and orthopaedic professionals are vital steps toward ensuring optimal care, successful treatment outcomes, and the continued well-being of athletes in their chosen sports.
The relationship between athletes and orthopaedic professionals is a dynamic collaboration that plays a crucial role in achieving optimal outcomes:
Injury Prevention Education: Orthopaedic professionals educate athletes on injury prevention strategies, providing guidance on proper warm-ups, conditioning, and training techniques.
Early Intervention: Timely consultation with orthopaedic professionals allows for early intervention when minor issues arise, preventing them from escalating into more severe injuries.
Individualised Treatment Plans: Orthopaedic surgeons work closely with athletes to create personalised treatment plans, considering the specific demands of their sport and the nature of the injury.
Rehabilitation Guidance: Orthopaedic professionals collaborate with physical therapists to design comprehensive rehabilitation programs, ensuring a seamless transition from surgery to recovery.
Return-to-Play Decision: Orthopaedic surgeons play a key role in assessing an athlete's readiness to return to competition, considering factors such as healing progress, functional capabilities, and risk of re-injury.
Key Takeaways
Sports orthopaedics enhances athletic performance by preventing injuries through risk identification, providing timely diagnosis, and offering tailored treatment plans. Rehabilitation programs aid optimal recovery, restoring strength and functionality. 
Furthermore, this field optimises biomechanics, stability, and individualised care, collaborating closely with athletes. Sports orthopaedics also plays a crucial role in determining when athletes can safely return to competition, ensuring peak performance with minimised injury risk.
Prioritising orthopaedic health is key for athletes aiming at sustained success. Strong musculoskeletal health, achieved through preventive measures and collaborative care with Axis Orthopaedic Doctor Singapore professionals, minimises setbacks. Regular check-ups and adherence to rehabilitation programs contribute to a resilient physical condition, enhancing immediate and prolonged athletic performance. Committing to orthopaedic well-being empowers athletes to consistently push their limits with confidence and endurance.
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healthandmedicalblog · 5 months
Considerations to Make When Selecting a Singaporean Orthopedic Surgeon
What is the job of an orthopedic surgeon in Singapore?
Licensed clinical experts with training in clinical, careful, and practical treatments for protecting, evaluating, and recovering the functionality of limits, spine, and related designs work as licensed clinical professionals in orthopaedic clinic Singapore and other muscle specialists. Put simply, muscular specialists spend a great deal of time studying the bones, joints, tendons, muscles, ligaments, and nerves in addition to the external muscle anatomy.
The human body contains 206 bones, therefore general muscle health training is naturally complex. Because of the field's breakthroughs, ongoing changes in instruments, materials, and equipment, as well as the demand for individualized treatment, experts are becoming more specialized. Subspecialties within muscular surgery can be further subdivided.
What separates a muscle specialist from a subject matter expert?
Since there isn't much that separates these occupations from one another, this is a frequently asked subject. The best specialist to see when you have a problem with your external muscles is the question.
Patients may find that uncaring orthopaedists or specialists are a suitable place to start in the absence of a fair analysis. The rationale is that some muscle illnesses cannot be adequately addressed, even in the absence of a therapy. Regardless, in the event that a patient's medical treatment becomes important, orthopaedists—or professionals with muscle training—can refer patients to muscle specialists or remember them for the patient's care plan.
Muscle specialists use careless methods, minimally invasive technique, or PC-assisted medications to gather and grow cells for ligament repair. However, even while physical experts have the potential to accomplish all of that in addition to working, it doesn't always follow that they would. They will continuously use individual contrasts in their technique.
Muscle experts are commonly referred to simply as muscular specialists. Given that individuals often undergo muscle medical treatments, this is natural. Mention that not all muscle experts are muscle specialists and that some are muscle subject matter experts. It's analogous to saying that not all writers, screenwriters, or comedy journalists are writers; everyone has their own area of expertise.
3. What benefit will you receive from moving toward a muscle subspecialist?
If you need to resolve a specific issue, choosing an orthopaedist to treat a particular body area or disease is a wise move. You may anticipate that they are extremely knowledgeable and dedicated in their chosen field. The training has been improved as a result of significant method and equipment changes, including microsurgery and joint replacements. Additionally, this is beneficial in complex and potentially risky circumstances. A fundamental tenet, especially when a medical treatment is involved, is subspecialization.
Subspecialists are also more likely to be involved in research that develops new methods or finds ways to improve on currently available medications. They therefore have strong resources at their disposal, which is advantageous, especially when a muscle problem goes along with intriguing introductions.
4. What qualities should a muscle specialist have?
Select an orthopedist who has completed an authorized partnership in a subspecialty related to your ailment or suspected case in addition to the required board-confirmed training and degrees. After residency, a partnership is a period of preparation. It aids physicians in developing their subspecialty and become top experts within a certain field of medicine. For instance, a muscle expert who successfully completes a collaboration in sophisticated surgical operations in the hip and knee might be regarded as a specialist from this angle. It suggests that these experts have a higher level of expertise, knowledge, and skill, all of which would be to your comfort and security in the long run.
The authentic web-based profile of a doctor will often contain accreditation information, including affiliations. If not, you may usually ask for it during a face-to-face interview.
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The Bone & Joint Centre Is An Orthopaedic Clinic
The Bone & Joint Centre is an orthopaedic clinic in Singapore that offers diagnostic services, and both surgical and non-surgical treatments for knee, foot and ankle injury and other sports-related injuries. To book an appointment, contact orthopaedic surgeon Dr Kevin Koo at 9898 7781 today.
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sbfsportshand · 1 year
An orthopedic surgeon is a medical doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating injuries, diseases, and disorders of the musculoskeletal system, including bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons. The best orthopaedic surgeon in Singapore uses medical, surgical, and rehabilitation methods to help their patients regain function and relieve pain.
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contentswap · 2 years
Meniscus surgery is a procedure doctors recommend to eliminate or repair a torn meniscus, a little cartilage piece in your knees.
For more: https://www.hipkneeortho.com.sg/
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orthohandpartners · 2 years
Knee Replacement, otherwise called knee arthroplasty, is a surgery to supplant the weight-bearing surfaces of the knee joint to ease torment and incapacity, most normally offered when joint agony isn't decreased by moderate sources and furthermore for other knee infections like rheumatoid joint pain and psoriatic joint pain.
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Global Healthcare Cloud Picture Archiving and Communications System Market, By Application (Cardiology, Orthopaedics, Ophthalmology, Oncology, Veterinary Medicine, Computed Tomography, Ultrasound, MRI, C-Arms, Digital Radiography, Nuclear Imaging, and Computed Radiography), Components (Services, Software, and Hardware), End Users (Hospitals, Clinic Imaging, Dental Practices, Imaging Centres, Diagnostic Centres, Research and Academic Institutes, Ambulatory Surgical Centres and Others), Country (U.S., Canada, Mexico, Germany, Italy, U.K., France, Spain, Netherland, Belgium, Switzerland, Turkey, Russia, Rest of Europe, Japan, China, India, South Korea, Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, Rest of Asia- Pacific, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of South America, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Israel, Rest of Middle East and Africa) Industry Trends and Forecast to 2029
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beecroft · 9 months
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zhaoneurology · 8 days
How to Choose an MRI Specialist and Scan Centre in Singapore
Choosing the right MRI specialist and scan centre is crucial for obtaining accurate diagnostics and ensuring a comfortable experience. In Singapore, the availability of advanced medical facilities and qualified professionals makes it possible to receive high-quality care. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting an MRI specialist and scan centre.         
1. Qualifications and Expertise of the MRI Specialist
The qualifications and expertise of the MRI specialist play a significant role in ensuring accurate diagnoses. Look for specialists who have undergone extensive training in radiology and have a track record of working with MRI technology. Check if the specialist is accredited by recognized medical boards and has additional certifications in MRI imaging. Specialists with a background in specific areas of medicine, such as neurology or orthopaedics, can provide more tailored insights based on their expertise.
2. Technology and Equipment
The quality of the MRI scan largely depends on the technology and equipment used by the scan center. Opt for centers that utilize state-of-the-art MRI machines, such as 1.5 Tesla or 3 Tesla scanners, which provide higher resolution images and more detailed information. Advanced equipment can detect abnormalities more accurately and facilitate better treatment planning. Additionally, some centers may offer specialized MRI techniques, like functional MRI (fMRI) or cardiac MRI, which can be beneficial for specific medical conditions.
3. Safety and Comfort
MRI scans can be intimidating for some patients, especially those with claustrophobia. It is essential to choose a scan center that prioritizes patient comfort and safety. Look for centers that offer open MRI machines, which are less confining than traditional closed MRI machines. Additionally, inquire about the availability of sedation options for patients who experience severe anxiety. The center should also adhere to stringent safety protocols to protect patients from unnecessary exposure to magnetic fields.
4. Accessibility and Convenience
Consider the location and accessibility of the MRI scan centre. Ideally, the centre should be easily accessible by public transport or have ample parking facilities. Check the center's operating hours and availability of appointments to ensure they can accommodate your schedule. Some centers may offer flexible hours, including evenings and weekends, which can be convenient for working individuals.
5. Reviews and Recommendations
Patient reviews and recommendations can provide valuable insights into the quality of service offered by the MRI specialist and scan centre. Look for testimonials from patients who have undergone MRI scans at the centre. Positive reviews often highlight factors such as the professionalism of the staff, the cleanliness of the facilities, and the overall patient experience. You can also ask for recommendations from your primary care physician or specialists who may have referred you for the MRI scan.
6. Cost and Insurance Coverage
MRI scans can be expensive, so it is important to consider the cost and available payment options. Compare prices between different scan centres and inquire about any additional fees that may apply. Check if the center accepts your health insurance and if the procedure is covered under your plan. Some centers may offer payment plans or financial assistance for patients without insurance.
7. Turnaround Time for Results
The turnaround time for MRI results can vary between centres. Choose a scan centre that provides timely results, especially if you require urgent medical attention. Inquire about the process for receiving and reviewing the results, and whether the specialist will discuss the findings with you in detail. Prompt and clear communication of results is essential for effective treatment planning.
8. Follow-up Care and Support
After the MRI scan, follow-up care and support are crucial for addressing any concerns and planning further treatment. Select a scan centre that offers comprehensive follow-up services, including consultations with the MRI specialist to discuss the results and next steps. The centre should provide detailed reports that can be shared with your primary care physician or other specialists involved in your care.
Selecting the right MRI specialist and scan centre in Singapore requires careful consideration of several factors, including the qualifications of the specialist, the technology and equipment used, patient safety and comfort, accessibility, reviews, cost, turnaround time, and follow-up care. By evaluating these aspects, you can ensure that you receive high-quality diagnostic imaging and the best possible care for your medical needs.
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Sports Orthopaedic Specialist Singapore
Axis Orthopaedic Centre is headed by experienced orthopaedic specialist in Singapore, Dr Seng Chusheng. The clinic aims to help patients maintain or regain their mobility through the treatment of orthopaedic conditions affecting the knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, spine, hand and wrist, and foot and ankle.
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healthandmedicalblog · 7 months
For a Painless & Safe Surgery, Speak with the Novena Sports Orthopaedic Surgeon
Experts employ practice-based recovery as a tool to further promote advancement during the recuperation cycle, correct muscle unequal qualities, and remodel trustworthiness. Competitors often employ sports execution redesign firms to assist them in preparing for the upcoming season or contest.
Sports solid health providers like Dr. HC Chang's non-intrusive therapy, sports restoration, and sports execution enhancement companies help competitors recuperate and go back to their game faster.
What does Novena call a Strong Games Specialist?
Novena Sports Solid Specialists are the leading authorities on sports drugs. They are experts in sports injuries, recuperation, and robust health. Due to their extensive experience with sports medications, competent competitors turn to these experts.
A novena sports solid expert offers a wide range of treatments that combine traditional and innovative methods. They provide highly customized care and therapy for athletes, top competitors, top-performing military personnel, and other exceptional individuals.
A games strong specialist is a specialist who focuses on the prominent confirmation and the leading body of sports injuries. Spine surgery and sports prescription, including injury and contamination recovery, are often the areas of focus for this type of trained authority. In this way, they have the unique ability to treat injuries to the elbow, wrist, hip, knee, or lower leg in addition to shoulder agony.
A thorough understanding of Novena Sports Strong Specialist's System and Organizations
A strong games specialist from Novena plays out the more multifaceted prescriptions. For the various treatments offered, the workplace has a staff of specialists.
The novena sports solid specialist offers the principal treatments for the different sorts of wounds. Whether they occurred during a donning activity or while working, it invests critical energy in treating your injuries. The procedure is straightforward and accommodating for you at offices in Singapore that give top notch equipment and data.
Sports solid specialists are pursued in Singapore in light of the extension in sports commitment. The meds and organizations these specialists give include;
- A huge joint procedure
- Fix and arthroscopy
- Patellofemoral arthroplasty (replacement of the patella)
- Hip replacement operation (overriding hip joint)
- Replantation operation for terrible foot or lower leg injury
- Wounds achieved by sports, including pressure breaks, hamstring strains, ligament hurt, etc.
What advantages do orthopaedic specialist in singapore offer?
Singapore has a sizable young people and enables a working way of life. To stay fit, people in many cases start participating in practices including swimming, long distance races, hopping, cycling, and running. Concerning sports medicine wounds, maxilofacial and spine specialists are well known.
Exactly when there has been a disaster or there is a persevering condition, the primary person to see is consistently a Solid Master in SINGAPORE. Thus, they could offer thought without causing patients to hold on hours for a gathering with a specialist.
What Are My Decisions for Finding the Best Specialist for Me?
Picking the best specialist is maybe the most basic decision you will make in your life. Picking a specialist can be a test. You really want to ensure that you are getting the best thought for your necessities and that the specialist has the essential experience to have the choice to give you fitting treatment.
Picking a specialist for yourself is certainly not a decision that should be made casually. Before choosing a particular contender, it is urged that you carefully ponder your decisions, focus on specialists, take a gander at their assessments, and gain references from sidekicks and relatives.
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The Bone & Joint Centre in Singapore
The Bone & Joint Centre is an orthopaedic clinic in Singapore that offers diagnostic services, and both surgical and non-surgical treatments for knee, foot and ankle injury and other sports-related injuries. To book an appointment, contact orthopaedic surgeon Dr Kevin Koo at 9898 7781 today.
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sbfsportshand · 2 years
Musculoskeletal conditions and pain can affect people at any time and at any age, due to which you can face problems in playing or enjoying life.
The best orthopaedic surgeon in Singapore has treatment options that help people to lead happier and more productive lives.
They are devoted to the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of disorders of the bones, joints, ligaments, tendons, and muscles.
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