#cancer operations dogs and cats
beecroft · 6 months
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Orthopedic veterinary surgeons in Singapore specializing in fracture repair, TPLO surgery, spinal surgery, hip replacement, and orthopedic procedures for dogs and cats.
Web Page: https://beecroft.com.sg/beecroftsg/project-two-3amwl
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fangirleaconmigo · 9 months
Hey folks and friends! Guess who is kinda sort back? ME!
As you probably know from my downstream posts, my sister had a major health crisis and I moved her and her cats in with me and my dogs, and there was a major operation then chemo.
It has been a little over six months and I have been just...I don't know how to even describe my state of mind, especially during the weeks I actively thought she was dying. Just. I was fucked. Let's just say that.
But the good news is, she was declared cancer free last week (EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE) and we are trying to put our lives back together as a family, and I am trying to put my mental health back together.
A big part of my mental health is the act of nerdery. Book analysis. Writing. Creativity. It's a hugely important outlet for me.
So if you missed me or my writing at all, just know I missed being here even more.
To anyone who commented on my posts about her or sent me messages or asks, thank you so so so much for your kindness. It mattered to see that humanity and goodness still exists on the internet.
I'm gently wading back in.
I hope you are all well. And we will see if people are still interested in my witcher content. I went through the tag, and I don't know many of the creators now, and the folks I follow have seemed to mostly moved on to other fandoms.
So I'll be finding more folks to follow and boost (not to worry, I don't unfollow mutuals for leaving my fandom. We're buds now). But if you have any blogs to recommend lemme know.
See you around my friends! Oh, and I'm gonna start working through my asks and inbox tomorrow.
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tomcat-reusables · 3 months
Wes Anderson's kill count, a result of having too much time on my hands, spoiler: it's complicated.
Firstly, referencing the title, Wes Anderson himself has never killed anyone (at least I hope), but people sure do die in his films sometimes. The question is, exactly how many?
The Conditions -
This is a low estimate, meaning only characters who are confirmed to have died are counted. However, if a character is stated to have died and later been resuscitated, they will also be counted. Animal deaths will only be counted if the animal is a character or their death plays a role in the story (for example hunting, or a character eating meat does not count). I will only add to the kill count if I have an exact number, so saying for example, "a lot of people died" means zero for these purposes.
Bottle Rocket
No one died in this one.
Death toll: 0
Eloise Fischer - cancer - 47
Edward Appleby - drowning - age unknown
The Royal Tenenbaums
Helen Tenenbaum - unknown - 55
Rachel Tenenbaum - Plane crash - 35
Royal Tenenbaum - heart attack - 68
Buckley - Hit by car - age unknown
Mrs Sherman - stomach cancer - age unknown 
Death toll: 5
The Life Aquatic
Esteban Du Plantier - eaten by shark - age unknown
Ms Plimpton - overdose - age unknown 
Ned Plimpton - blood loss due to injuries in helicopter crash, likely impaled by helicopter parts - 30
Filipino pirate - bullet to neck - age unknown 
Alastair Hennessey's crew (at least 12 individuals) - cause of death unknown - ages differ
Pirates in hotel (at least 12 individuals) - explosion - ages differ
Death toll: 28
The Darjeeling Limited
Jimmy Whitman - hit by taxi - age unknown
Francis Whitman - motorcycle crash - 39-40
Child crossing river #3 - drowning - age unknown
“One of the sister’s brothers” - eaten by tiger - age unknown
Death toll: 4
Fantastic Mr Fox 
Rat - electrocution - age unknown
Fantastic mr Fox’s father - cause of death unknown - 7 ½ non fox years old 
Death toll: 2
Moonrise Kingdom:
Snoopy - shot by bow and arrow - age unknown 
Sam Shakusky’s mother - cause of death unknown - age unknown 
Sam Shakusky’s father - cause of death unknown - age unknown
Death Toll: 3
The Grand Budapest Hotel: 
Madame D-U-T - poisoned - 84
Jopling - pushed off cliff - age unknown
The author - cause of death unknown - age unknown 
Agatha - illness - age unknown
Agatha and Zero’s child - cause of death unknown - age unknown
M Gustave - shot - somewhere in his forties 
Kovacs - murdered by Jopling - age unknown
Serge X - murdered by Jopling - age unknown 
Headless girl - murdered by Jopling - age unknown 
Kovacs’s cat - murdered by Jopling - age unknown 
Death Toll: 10
Isle of Dogs
Dog in Spots’s kennel - starvation - age unknown
Dog referenced - hung by own leash - age unknown 
Professor Watanabe - poisoned - age unknown 
Atari’s mother - train crash- age unkown 
Atari’s father - train crash - age unknown 
Indigenous dog leader - cannibalised - age unknown
Death Toll: a shockingly low 6, because this operates off of confirmed deaths only. If speculated deaths were counted, Isle of Dogs would likely be the highest by far.
The French Dispatch:
Moses Rosenthaler victim #1 - murder - age unknown
Moses Rosethnaler victim #2 - murder - age unknown
Arthur Howitzer Junior - heart attack - 75
Zeferelli - Electrocuted - 19 
The 8.25 bodies pulled from the Blasé river each week, The French Dispatch definitely takes place over at least three months (evidenced by the riot storyline) , so we’ll multiply this by four and minus one for Zeffirelli, making it 98 - causes of death unknown - ages vary 
72 prisoners - riot - ages vary
6 members of The French Splatter School - riot - ages vary
2 men - shot by Clampette - ages unknown. 
Morisot - jumping from a building - age unknown
Police cadet/nanny - gunshot wound to head - age unknown
7 kidnappers - poisoning - ages vary 
Death toll: 201
Asteroid City
Mrs Steenbeck - illness - age unknown
Conrad Earp - car crash - 50 
Death toll: 2
So, without further ado, the lowest possible estimate of the overall kill count from all 11 of Wes Anderson's films is 253, and if you read all of this, I don't know whether to thank you or be concerned.
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topgunreacts · 1 year
Ayo! Greetings! I hope you are doing pretty well! I’m really sorry for asking this as I’m truly in dire need of help. My cat needs some immediate help for her surgery so I’m trying to raise some funds for her. If you have some spare time, please check it out the post that I have pinned for her, and if you feel it in your heart to help, please do us the favor by boosting the post or share it! Even if you cannot donate, spreading the word is definitely more than enough. Thank you for your kindness, and so sorry again for being this direct! <33
But how do I know? And shouldn’t I reblog it just in case? It’s a valid concern. Fortunately, there are a few quick steps anyone can take to assess the validity of a charity request. Because at the end of the day, spreading a just-in-case message can have real negative consequences as other people continue to spread the scam on a just-in-case basis.
A sense of urgency (sickness, eminent surgery, etc)
They ask you directly to give them something
Familiarity, such as calling you “dear” or “hun”
Comments turned off
New account with few if any posts
Direct messages that ask for privacy in the matter
Use of pets, children, irrelevant mention of demographics (please help a disabled queer single parent feed their sick cat, etc)
No response to requests for more information
Copy and paste message that gets sent to numerous people
Photos that do not match up with the origin as found through reverse image search
Lack of creativity: you receive a similarly or identically worded request from a random account
Melodramatic backstory--we rescued this cat from an alligator attack that almost took the cat's eye!
Donation account linked to a country at high risk for hosting scam operations
And others. These are not ironclad rules, nor do they always show up in every scam post. Maybe they ARE a disabled queer single parent who can't afford to feed their sick cat. But these elements are patterns you can look for in order to make an informed judgment call. There is at least one popular tumblr account here that will not post any donation links unless the asker fills out a form allowing the account holder to independently prove their identity and issue. If a person is truly desperate and actually needs help, they will fill out that form. Asking for more information is always a good idea, as is doing a reverse image search to see where else the photos might have been posted. Checking keywords on tumblr is also a good bet. Remember: posting lies is quick and easy. Providing proof is not. And that’s critical if money is involved.
Scammers suck. But some of them are very good at what they do. They are masters of using people’s guilt and empathy against them.
Let's dig deeper.
First, let's check out that melodramatic backstory. It's a doozy!
It was actually her Birthday yesterday….well her gotcha Birthday! We found her on our balcony 4 years ago after an awful noise was heard and I still don’t know if she jumped up scared from something or if she was thrown on there 😔 She wasn’t chipped. Vet said it looked like she hadn’t long had kittens and looked about 3 years old herself. Couldn’t find her owners, so she joined our family. (Oh I looked for kittens believe me) She is the sweetest girl we ever met. She even purrs when she sleeps 😻we so love her. We just very recently lost our cat Mimi. She had cancer sadly but we fought so hard to help her but in the end it won. We have an elderly dog called Billa who just two weeks ago turned 20!!!! Any day now we could lose her, she’s feeling her age 😔 I mention those two because it’s just too overwhelming and feels like Maggie is the only one I can help now. Upon an annual vet visit recently with Maggie….so I could get flea meds for her and her brother Milow that they were due to have…the vet found she had two masses….or tumors. One at the bottom of her back next to her tail (I don’t know how I didn’t see it before I’m so ashamed) and when she pressed on her stomach, my loving Maggie started growling which I can honestly say in the time we’ve had her she’s never done that. We did an X-ray and she found a mass in her stomach 😔 we also did a biopsy. This is just so unexpected and so overwhelming after losing Mimi and knowing we will be losing Billa soon…just can’t lose Maggie also. I hate being in this position. I really pay forward as much as I can. I’ve helped out a couple of women with bags and cases of food for the cat colony’s they feed. One woman with food who has a lot of fosters who needed help with food. I think it’s 3 different pet surgeries I’ve helped contribute to for their treatment. It sucks to be on this side now but I’m really praying somehow it might be my turn to get some help to help Maggie get her ct scan so they can figure out the surgery route to remove the tumor from her stomach. I wish I was in a better situation at this moment to not need any help. We’ve always been there to help our babies no matter what they’ve needed, you have to try at least to help them.. And we’ve been able to pay for it ourselves until now. Now I’m able to work here, it can help set us up for future pet issues….I mean, we do everything for these guys including going to work lol but I’ve literally only had my permanent status the last few days instead of visas and it’s all been on my hubby until now who has been amazing, but after paying for Mimi’s help and then end of life, my flight to and from England for my immigration and all those fees and just paying for everything on his own…there’s a lack of funds now. I just want Maggie to get some help and will somehow have to make this happen for her, so please if you have the means to, you can donate to my paypal which is linked down below
Come on, dude. At least be creative. Please make note of the highlights: dramatic injury, insistence (with evidence!) that the scammer is a Good Person Who Gives Back, Cancer Cat & Old Dog supporting characters, immigration drama regarding visas, sick cat had kittens that were never found, etc.
[speculation incoming] Also, laws regarding the importation of pet animals from other countries are strict, and always involve a vet visit. I doubt a vet would clear a cat with tumors to fly out of the country. Even if they did, the timeline here is weird. This vet clinic is in California. [speculation over]
Okay now let's look at these photos. (PSSST I instantly knew this person was a scammer because I've seen these exact x-rays and screenshots on other posts with different cat images. That's something else to look for. Scammers want to expend as little energy as possible in their hunt for your money.)
Where is the scam coming from?
Hovering over the Paypal link, I see the account is located in the Philippines, a country with a high risk of scam hosting. Red flags on red flags.
How to Reverse Image Search
Find a search engine that will let you search by image. This is Google Images on a Firefox browser on PC. Clicking the little camera gives me the option to upload, paste, or give the URL to a photo.
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This time, the photo search wasn't helpful. There were no identical matches that Google picked up right away. But I'm including how to do this anyway because it's good to know.
Search Tumblr
We all know tumblr search sucks, but after looking up "cat scam" in the search bar, I found Everything.
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Wait a minute.
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@kyra45 appears to have amassed some good resources for finding and documenting these scams.
Be aware, be smart, report scam accounts for spam, block them, and do not post donation links "just in case."
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So for those who've probably noticed that I'm going through the old FOP episodes.
Here's something else that I've noticed.
Vicky will be painted as a monster even when she's doing something that's in the right.
Like during Dog's Day Afternoon, Vicky is painted as the villain because she does the responsible pet owner thing of getting her pets de-sexed.
Even though the whole inciting incident of the episode is that Timmy wants to switch brains with Vicky's dog because Vicky treats her pets better than she treats him, or people in general really.
The only pet she really seems to treat poorly is Goldie her Goldfish, because she lost interest in him.
Also the show has the stereotype of animal becomes depressed after getting de-sexed. For this episode.
With all of Vicky's pets that have been de-sexed appearing either outright depressed or just anxious in the case of Chipper the Cat.
Even though research shows that animals aren't really emotionally attached to their reproductive organs the way humans are.
Like they're more likely to be traumatized by the process if you've got a shitty vet, or poor post operative care, than they are by the actual state of being de-sexed.
Not to mention we see Doidle (Vicky's dog) later on in the series, and he's not depressed at all. He's pissed at Timmy and hates his guts, but he's just as active as he was in his debut episode. He goes through a period of "depression" but in reality he's probably just healing from surgery, because he bounces back from that later on.
Chipper's attitude is more in line with a declawed cat than a de-sexed one, Goldie's de-sexing is just nonsensical and is just to make it seem like Vicky does this for fun.
While Ginny's de-sexing is similar, as I've never even heard of someone de-sexing a parrot outside of it being medically necessary. Like due to cancer, or some similar medical problem. Which those kinds of issues are actually quite common in birds. Hell most vets won't even do this kind of procedure on a bird without a medical need for it.
Same for rodents. The vast majority of people who keep pet rodents, don't get said rodents de-sexed, unless there's a medical problem, or they've decided to house the pet in a set up with a member of the opposite sex.
Not to mention, all of this would take money. Money out of the notoriously greedy and money hungry Vicky's pocket, unless she's somehow getting her parents to pay for her numerous animals care and vet bills.
Like why is this show roasting Vicky for being a shockingly responsible pet owner considering who she is as a person?
Not to mention going through the time and money it takes to get an animal de-sexed, especially animals that don't commonly get de-sexed, like a Hamster, Goldfish, and Parrot? Where in you'd have to pay extra, and seek out a vet willing to do so in the first place, meaning you're almost certainly looking for a specialist?
How is it that after going through all the time, and effort, and money, it would take to get all her animals de-sexed, is Vicky then suddenly ignoring her pets.
Like you have to pick one.
Either Vicky is the type of pet owner to go completely overboard and prefer her pets over people.
Or Vicky is an irresponsible pet owner who buys animals to entertain herself but doesn't take care of them properly once she gets board of them.
You can't have it both ways.
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dearinglovebot · 9 months
there's a common criticism of the jurassic world movies that goes like "trying to weaponize raptors is such a stupid idea. the military would never do that". but my main criticism of that particular plot, from a third worldist perspective, would actually be that it doesn't go far enough.
"it's a crazy idea to even suggest--" in the 1950s CIA operatives attempted psychological warfare on a filipino village by spreading rumors that aswang (vampire-esc creatures) were hunting down rebels. they'd kidnap rebels, create dual puncture wounds in the neck, drain the body of blood, and leave the body for the community to find. they've done crazier.
"it's a stupid idea--" so were most of the ways they plotted (or failed) to assassinate fidel castro. exploding shellfish he'd pick up while scuba diving, tuberculosis-causing-fungi in a scuba mask, exploding cigar, ballpoint pen with secret syringe full of poison, just exploding places, etc. like the vast majority of declassified programs would make you look crazy if you told someone about them, despite the evidence of them existing. in the 1960s they put a tiny microphone + radio transmitter in a cat and tried to use it to spy on the soviets. it was called "acoustic kitty".
"animals just aren't efficient--" drug sniffing dogs can have inaccuracy ranges from 1/3-½ of the time. studies have determined that they can pick up on their trainer's racism and target minorities without any illicit substances because the trainer suspects them to have them. there's also a long history of trying to use intelligent animals as spies (crows, ravens, dolphins, pigeons, dogs, etc). most of these aren't actually more efficient than drones in the end, but they still try it just to see if it would work.
"raptors wouldn't be effective against enemy tanks--" most of the people these raptors would be deployed against wouldn't actually have tanks. they'd be guerrilla fighters who rely on hit and run tactics. or if they do have tanks, they'd be relatively old ones from the soviet era without the same modern capabilities. the USA does not wage war (or, proxy war in most cases) with actual military nations. the better question would be how bullet resistant are their scales which has a scene answering it in the first movie (you'll be dead before you manage a hit).
"but raptors are wild animals that might hurt the troops--" the army gave their own troops cancer and denies many healthcare for it to this day. bases would have these things called "burn pits" where you burn all your trash including ones that produce toxic gas like plastic and electronics. toxic gas, as the name implies, can give you anything from asthma to cancer. yes, they knew it did that. yes, they still use them.
the question of "if" training raptors for war is a good idea or smart idea falls flat when we consider that based on historical context, neither of these things are necessarily required for military projects. if someone can think of it, they will try it. the better question to ask is "would the military believe they have something to gain from it?" because that is the only truly relevant one in this situation.
the answer is "yes". it would be a niche that has not been explored. whether or not the raptors specifically work in war would be irrelevant because part of military operation on animals is understanding if an animal is capable of collaboration. take acoustic cat: the mission was ultimately abandoned, but was considered a "win" because they realized the limitations of cats as tools of war. they were deemed incapable of long-term espionage ability due to trainability, but were not completely ruled out for future short term espionage ability, were a niche to arise.
when we apply all of this understanding to the world movies, we get a firmer grasp on why the semantics don't particularly matter as much as the intended message: "just because we can do things doesn't mean we should". which is in line with the themes of jurassic park as a film.
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smonk-wonk · 7 months
The continuous bombardment and the ongoing genocide pose a significant threat to their well-being. What pains me even more is that due to the lack of medications in Gaza, my Mom, who is a type 2 Diabetis patiant and was scheduled for an urgent eye surgery, have had no access to insulin or any medical care for the past 3 months. Some of my family members sought refuge in the southernmost part of Gaza (Rafah) in tents. However, my parents, and sisters have no alternative place to stay, forced to remain in the Nusierat refugee camp, which is now the subject of continuous severe bombardment since christmas started.” Am on my knees requesting for your donations. Please help where possible.
Jesus fucking Christ this is the worst one. You are about the 10th one of these I've gotten as of late. Brand new account (not even a few hours old!), in desperate need of my financial help without us ever interacting. Seems they often go for people who post/rb shit about Palestine. Always someone's kidneys failing or dog in need of surgery or mother with stage 8 cancer and I am their saving grace
Truly have you no shame? The attacks in Palestine are catastrophic, tens of thousands massacred. I know there are plenty more people running scams right now but have you seen that image of half of a little girl hanging from a wall? So many videos of people being killed, harassed, injured. Children with no skin left on their faces, people screaming over their loved ones bodies, people screaming covered in burns or being operated on without anesthesia. Kids bleeding out next to their legs. A cat so badly injured that all he can do is lie still on his side and cry in pain. Newborns in the ICU screaming and crying because they're dying and their bodies are shutting down slowly. And all you see is an opportunity to steal from people
Kys you stupid motherfucker
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I’m going to try and list the events of today - just so I don’t lose track.
Dawn. Barnum got us moving by 7:00 as usual. Maggie had a pee accident in the night, and the stench was horrible. Bri took Bernie and Maggie out, I took Murphy, and followed up with the Woodge.
Fed the cats and started a fire in the stove in the kitchen. Yeah…we ran out heating oil yesterday afternoon. Had a limited supply of wood and coal, but it began to take the chill off…
Maggie threw up.
And now it gets serious. I googled up pyometra a deadly infection which un-spayed female dogs can get post-heat. Yup. Bri called the vet and talked them into seeing her immediately.
He called the fuel oil company and begged for a delivery - then off he went with Maggie into town.
I continued cleaning and moving things back to the studio - my client guy is coming at 2:00 to pick up his paintings. I bake two loaves of cinnamon bread, and loaf of white bread for tomorrow mornings breakfast. Swill down a cup of coffee, and keep tidying up.
The belt on the dryer busted yesterday, leaving me with two loads of wet laundry which will continue to be wet and will soon begin to get moldy. Bri ordered a replacement part and we will look forward to taking the dryer apart (AGAIN) in about a weeks time.
I mix a bucket of green mold killer and have a go at the front step and walkway - it’s become ridiculously slippery and neither one of us wants to hit the ground hard. I scrub with a chunk of old broom, and leave it to do its thing…
Bri returns with some cat and dog food procured from the vets - but no Maggie. “Shes going to have surgery today. She’s infected and has to have a hysterectomy.”
Barnum had surgery four days ago to remove a cancerous mass in his belly. Now it’s Maggie’s turn.
I take Murphy out again, apply the xeroxed info onto the back of all the completed paintings, and keep tidying. Magda the vet calls to say that Maggie will be operated on this evening, and promises to call and let us know how things went.
The oil guy shows up, pumps €500 into the tank - and leaves. Bri goes out to jump start the boiler.
It doesn’t start. “I’m going to drive to Belleek and buy more wood and coal” - and so he does.
I find the boiler-guys phone number. He’ll be here in two hours.
My client shows up, we chat, drink coffee - he refuses my cinnamon bread, but likes Woodgie very much? We load his Mercedes with the paintings (he’s brought me another BIG one) - I tuck several of my pillows and blankets around the art to cushion them for the ride home.
He does not hand me money.
Which leaves John the boiler guy unpaid. He arrives, works his magic over the next hour - I wrap up a fat slice of cinnamon bread and tell him we will drop his money off at his house tommorrow.
I start making the dough for tonight’s pizza. A figure looms in the doorway - it’s Pat. “I’m just coming from a funeral in Kilty and had to stop as we were passing. Do you mind if I show some people your house?”
Pat is always welcome, I would say “drunk or sober” but somehow we never see “sober”
He rolls in. He is followed by four other people from the funeral - three of whom are smashed. The kind woman who IS sober apologizes for the drop-in, but it really doesn’t matter at this point. They are roaming around the house, tripping over dogs and enjoying Pats tour.
The funeral is for a young g man who “was shot” -?! There is confusion as to whether it was suicide? “In his side” - and yet nobody mentions murder. We offer our sincere condolences.
The tour comes to an end, they all roll outside again - and we bid them farewell- “safe home.”
It’s now 8:00. The pizza dough is rising, the dogs are passed out in front of the fire - and we still have not heard from the vet.
It’s been a day, and no mistake.
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tacticalhimbo · 8 months
tagged by the incredible and talented @carlosoliveiraa to fill this out; tysm! loved reading abt your girlies ♡
forgive any duplicate tags, but here's some no pressure tags: @vendettavalor (free meme for the rp blog babey!), @captastra , @alexxmason , @kourumi , @ollierachnid , @perpetuagf , and anybody else who wants to fill it out! tried to remember as many folk as i could-
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name: otsune tomo (westernized: tomo otsune)
nickname: the lone wanderer, that kid from vault 101, kid
gender: agender nonbinary
star sign: i could only go to 2035 with the site i use, so i just used that as their birth year. but theoretically, they'd be a cancer sun, scorpio moon, and virgo rising.
personality type: enfp (the campaigner). very friendly, energetic, creative and innovative. an absolute nerd (taking after their dad; but with their mother's gentle heart)
height: 5’2
orientation: pansexual
nationality/ethnicity: japanese-american. james (father) is japanese-american as well, and catherine (mother) was japanese.
favorite fruit: pears
favorite season: late summer/early autumn. not too hot, not too cold.
favorite scent: snow and pine. when they first experienced winter outside of the vault, they found it very... interesting. it wasn't really matching what the books in the vault had said, but it was still interesting to see how the coldness of the air changed the smell of the landscape. but when they went through the operation anchorage simulation? felt and smelt a true, proper winter? it was their favorite thing they'd experienced (even if muddled by the everything else).
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: they really enjoyed tea, though it's hard to come across in tact leaves (or even steepable bags) in the wasteland. harder yet to come across purified water, at least until after project purity is up. still, they miss the variable drink supply of the vault
average hours of sleep: somewhere between 4 and 7, though it depends really on what's going on. fresh out of the vault, they barely slept due to the stress of not knowing what was going on. even when simms gave them the key to the house in megaton, they were just. too stressed. the best sleep they had was honestly the two weeks they were out after project purity came online and knocked them out skdjdkdk.
dogs or cats: dogs. they haven't had the chance to meet a cat 😭 but even if they did, i imagine they'd be a dog person solely bc of dogmeat.
dream trip: i would say space but... they did that. and it was hell (shoutout mothership zeta; forever one of my top dlcs ever). they'd probably just like to go anywhere! there's a big world out there that they've been so sheltered from, and everything they've seen so far has been so fascinating.
number of blankets: in the vault, it was two. outside of the vault, it was one if they were lucky.
random fact: tomo has a ballpoint stick-and-poke tattoo that reads XXI : VI, the roman numerals for revelations 21:6. it's on their collarbone, above their heart, as a little homage to their mother.
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awsteb · 2 years
i haven't mentioned it til now bc i've been having a rough 24 hours and needing space to decompress after such a huge ending to a huge event in my life but we put scruffy (our dog of 13 years) to sleep yesterday. we had the vet come to the home and he was given a large dose of sedative and painkiller beforehand n i've never seen him so comfortable in the past 2 weeks. it was quick and quiet and easy and the whole family even jack (my cat) was there to say bye to him. the vet was very respectful and left as soon as she was finished so we could have some time with him. i helped my father dig his grave up on the hill next to our house so he could still see us through the window and buried him about an hour after his passing with his favourite toys and the blanket he slept on in my mother's room. it's been really rough on all of us but we can finally rest, especially scruffy, he was just in too much pain and there was nothing left to do about it apart from prolong the inevitable; he had a cancerous bone tumour that was compressing his spinal cord and paralysing his back half. there was an option to operate but the specialist clinic said it had been done multiple times but never with success so we opted to take his last few days into our own hands and make him as comfortable and cared for as possible. i'm so worn out
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camelcasebestcase · 2 years
Tagged by @drumlincountry, ok, let’s do this!
What are you currently reading? I’m always reading multiple things, but most actively ‘unto others’ by Elliot Sober and David Sloan Wilson
What’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this past year? I haven’t gone to the cinema in years, I think the last thing I saw in the cinema was Kingsman the Golden Circle in Oh God 2017. But I’m looking forward to seeing Dungeons and Dragons Honour Among Thieves in the cinema this year!
What do you usually wear? Depends on the weather really! As long as it’s cold enough for it it’s a lot of hand-knit sweaters. In summer it’s simple t-shirts or button ups, usually with floral patterns. In between a lot of long-sleeved button ups, preferably also patterned, with a thin sweater over them, depending. I’ll usually wear stompy boots, leather sneakers, or birkenstocks depending on weather, and a simple bomberjacket in summer or my brown long heavy wintercoat in winter. With my flat cap, of course, but not inside.
How tall are you? 5′10 or 1.78 if you are sensible
What’s your star sign? Do you share a birthday with a celebrity or historical event? I share a birthday with the massacre at Sebrenica during the Bosnian genocide, the reaction to which made it a turning point in that war (NATO got involved, which saved a lot of lives and tankies can stuff it). That makes me a cancer.
Do you go by your name or a nickname? I go by my name, I picked it so I might well use it no?
Did you grow up to be what you wanted to be as a child? Not really, child me wanted jobs that required me to be way less of a klutz than I am.
What’s something you’re good at vs. something you’re bad at? I’m very good at knitting and formal analytic thinking and very bad at understanding dishonesty of all kinds. Unless I can tell from factual evidence that someone is lying, I will most likely keep operating under the assumption that they are acting in good faith
Dog or Cats? Yes
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what's your favourite picture/favourite line/favourite etc. from something you created this past year? ‘“We caught some… spies, I think, your majesty. We’ll bring them downstairs for questioning. We don’t…. we don’t think they are dangerous.” The taller boys’ expression turned distinctly insulted at that.’ (a fic I’m still working on)
What's something you would like to create content for? I would enjoy making more decorations for my home
What’s something you’re currently obsessed with? Longform Dresden Files fanfic from 2013. Don’t ask.
What’s a hidden talent of yours? A lot of people need a surprisingly long time to figure out I have a sense of humour
Are you religious? Yeah
Are you in a relationship? Nope. Friends are good though, including those with benefits.
What’s something you wish to have at this moment? The ability to go to sleep directly after going to bed
Tagging @queerangelic @daisies-on-the-windowsill @takokotakopus @offthephones
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beecroft · 7 months
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Orthopedic veterinary surgeons in Singapore specializing in fracture repair, TPLO surgery, spinal surgery, hip replacement, and orthopedic procedures for dogs and cats.
Web Page: https://beecroft.com.sg/beecroftsg/project-two-3amwl
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govindtbrc · 5 months
Caring for Companions: Insights into the Veterinary Pain Management Market
Pets hold a special place in our hearts, becoming cherished members of the family. However, like humans, animals can experience pain due to various medical conditions, injuries, or surgical procedures. Veterinary pain management plays a crucial role in ensuring the health, comfort, and well-being of our furry companions. This article explores the significance of veterinary pain management, common pain management techniques, and the evolving landscape of the veterinary pain management market.
Pets, whether dogs, cats, or exotic animals, can experience pain from a variety of sources, including arthritis, dental problems, injuries, surgeries, and chronic diseases. Recognizing and alleviating pain in animals is essential not only for their comfort but also for their overall health and quality of life. Veterinary pain management aims to identify, assess, and manage pain in animals through a combination of pharmacological, non-pharmacological, and integrative approaches.
One of the primary goals of veterinary pain management is to relieve pain and discomfort in animals using safe and effective pain relief medications. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), opioids, and local anesthetics are commonly used pharmacological agents in veterinary medicine to manage pain and inflammation in animals. These medications help alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and improve mobility in animals suffering from conditions such as osteoarthritis, post-operative pain, and cancer-related pain.
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In addition to pharmacological interventions, veterinary pain management may also involve non-pharmacological approaches such as physical therapy, acupuncture, laser therapy, massage, and therapeutic exercises. These complementary therapies can help reduce pain, improve muscle strength and flexibility, and enhance the overall well-being of animals undergoing rehabilitation or palliative care.
Furthermore, advances in veterinary medicine have led to the development of innovative pain management techniques and modalities tailored to the specific needs of different animal species and medical conditions. Minimally invasive procedures such as nerve blocks, epidural anesthesia, and intra-articular injections are increasingly used in veterinary practice to provide targeted pain relief with minimal side effects and faster recovery times.
The veterinary pain management market serves a wide range of stakeholders, including veterinary clinics, animal hospitals, pet owners, and pharmaceutical companies, where products and services related to pain management are in demand. With the growing awareness of animal welfare and the increasing prevalence of chronic diseases and age-related conditions in pets, the demand for veterinary pain management solutions is expected to rise.
Moreover, the veterinary pain management market is driven by factors such as advancements in veterinary anesthesia and analgesia, increasing pet ownership and spending on veterinary care, and the growing emphasis on pain assessment and management guidelines in veterinary practice. Veterinarians and pet owners are increasingly recognizing the importance of proactive pain management in animals, leading to greater adoption of pain relief medications and therapies in veterinary medicine.
In conclusion, veterinary pain management plays a crucial role in ensuring the health, comfort, and quality of life of our beloved pets. By providing effective pain relief and supportive care, veterinary professionals can alleviate suffering, promote healing, and enhance the bond between pets and their owners. As the veterinary pain management market continues to evolve, there are opportunities for innovation, collaboration, and investment in research and development to improve pain management outcomes and standards of care for animals worldwide.
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brookston · 5 months
Holidays 4.11
Aliyah Day (Israel)
Barbershop Quartet Day
Battle of Rivas Anniversary Day (Costa Rica)
Buchenwald Liberation Day
Celebrate Teen Literature Day
Cigarettes are Hazardous to Your Health Day
Dandelion Day
Dina Ali Day
Dog Therapy Appreciation Day
Donkey Kong Day
8-Track Tape Day [also 9.15]
Ex-Muslim Day of Visibility
Festival of Unmediated Play
411 Day
Ghodejatra (Kathmandu Valley, Nepal)
Global Meetings industry Day
Global Youth Service Day begins (until 13th)
Good Deeds Day
International Day for Maternal Health & Rights
International Day of Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camps
International Louie Louie Day
Juan Santamaria Day (Costa Rica)
Kiss Your Best Friend Day
Laotian New Year
Liberation Day (Uganda)
Love My School Day Margaret River Pro (Australia)
M&M Crisis in Space Day
Milk Day
Most Boring Day
National Board Game Day
National Bone Cancer Day (Indonesia)
National Clean Up Your Pantry Day
National Day of the Sea (Italy)
National Hit Your Friends Day
National James Day
National Living Donor Day
National Marketing Operations Appreciation Day
National Pet Day
National Portfolio Day
National Safe Motherhood Day (India)
Romaine Lettuce Day (French Republic)
Safe Motherhood Day (India)
Submarine Day [also 3.17]
Take Action for Libraries Day
Teach Your Children To Save Day
World Breathing Day
World Parkinson's Disease Day
Write Your Memoirs Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cheese Fondue Day
King Gambrinus Day
National Poutine Day (Canada)
National Ranch Water Day
2nd Thursday in April
Global Remanufacturing Day [2nd Thursday]
World Civility Day [2nd Thursday]
Independence & Related Days
Quixotica (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Slitronia (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Uganda (Declared British Protectorate; 1894)
Festivals Beginning April 11, 2024
FIBO (Cologne, Germany) [thru 4.14]
French Quarter Festival (New Orleans, Louisiana) [thru 4.14]
Grand National (Liverpool, England) [thru 4.13]
The Joy of Sake (New York, New York)
London Coffee Festival (London, England) [thru 4.14]
The Masters Tournament (Augusta, Georgia) [thru 4.14]
Sandestin Wine Festival (Sandestin, Florida) [thru 4.14]
Sustainable One Dinner Series (Los Angeles, California)
Taste! (Chattanooga, Tennessee)
West Virginia Beef Expo (Weston, West Virginia) [thru 4.13]
Feast Days
Adélaïde Labille-Guiard (Artology)
Aequinoctium Vernum XI (Pagan)
Aid, Abbot in Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Anahit (Goddess of Love & Lunar Power; Ancient Armenia)
Annual $30 Donation Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Antipas of Pergamum (Greek Orthodox Church)
Aristarchus (Positivist; Saint)
Barsanuphius (Christian; Saint)
Bartholomeus Strobel (Artology)
Breadmaking Day for Diana (Ancient Rome)
Cashier Anal Sex Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Cheese Fondue Day (Pastafarian)
Gambrinus (Christian; Saint) [beer, brewers] *
Gemma Galgani (Christian; Saint)
Godeberta (Christian; Saint)
Guthlac of Crowland (or Croyland; Christian; Saint)
George Selwyn (Anglicanism)
James-Baptiste Isabey (Artology)
John Nash (Artology)
Leo the Great, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Maccai (Christian; Saint)
Myrtle Day (Everyday Wicca)
Nehelenia (Matron of Sea-Farers; Celtic Book of Days)
Paul Henry (Artology)
Phoebe Furchester-Fuzz (Muppetism)
Stanislaus of Szczepanów (Christian; Saint)
Terribly Sensible Day (Pastafarian)
Islamic Moveable Calendar Holidays
Eid al-Fitr celebrations continue (Islam)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fatal Day (Pagan) [8 of 24]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [15 of 32]
Prime Number Day: 101 [26 of 72]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors, by Piers Paul Read (True Story; 1974)
Anger Management (Film; 2003)
Archduke Trio, Piano Trio in B-flat Major, by Ludwig van Beethoven (Piano Trio; 1814)
The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, by Mordecai Richler (Novel; 1959)
Be-Bop-a-Lula, recorded by Gene Vincent (Song; 1956)
Cat Trouble (Heckle & Jeckle Cartoon; 1947)
Don’t Trust the B—— in Apartment 23 (TV Series; 2012)
Edens Zero (Anime TV Series; 2021)
Factotum, by Charles Bukowski (Novel; 1975)
Follow That Dream (Film; 1962)
For Your Eyes Only, by Ian Fleming (Short Stories; 1959) [James Bond #8]
From Me to You, by The Beatles (Song; 1963)
God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (Novel; 1965)
Grosse Point Blank (Film; 1997)
I’m a Big Shot Now (WB MM Cartoon; 1936)
Jailbird, by Kurt Vonnegut (Novel; 1980)
Josie and the Pussycats (Film; 2001)
Joey Street, by Frances Parkinson Keyes (Novel; 1951)
Making Good (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1932)
Marty (Film; 1955)
My Friend Irma (Radio Series; 1947)
The Nevers (TV Series; 2021)
Nick Carter, Master Detective (Radio Series; 1943)
Off Beat (Film; 1986)
Oops!… I Did It Again, by Britney Spears (Song; 2000)
The Pink Panther (Film; 1964)
Rio 2 (Animated Film; 2014)
Riscio (a.k.a. The Double Take), by Ian Fleming (James Bond Short Story; 1960)
The Salzburg Connection, by Helen MacInnes (Novel; 1969)
Singin’ in the Rain (Film; 1952)
St. Matthew Passion, by Johann Sebastian Bach (Oratorio; 1727)
Strangers in the Night, recorded by Frank Sinatra (Song; 1966)
Supersonic, by Oasis (Song; 1994)
This Note’s For You, by Neil Young (Album; 1988)
Thomas Harris (Writerism)
Tokyo Revengers (Anime TV Series; 2021)
The Wall, by Marlen Haushofer (Novel; 1963)
Witch Crafty (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1955)
Today’s Name Days
Hildebrand, Stanislaus (Austria)
Filip, Izak, Stana, Stanislav (Croatia)
Izabela (Czech Republic)
Leo (Denmark)
Hurme, Hurmi, Urmi (Estonia)
Minea, Minka, Verna (Finland)
Stanislas (France)
Hildebrand, Reiner, Stanislaus (Germany)
Antipas (Greece)
Leó, Szaniszló (Hungary)
Gemma, Isacco, Stanislao (Italy)
Hermanis, Ira, Irida, Vilmars (Latvia)
Daugailė, Leonas, Vykintas (Lithuania)
Ulf, Ylva (Norway)
Filip, Herman, Jaromir, Leon, Marek (Poland)
Antipa, Calinic, Farmutie (Romania)
Július (Slovakia)
Estanislao, Gema, Gemma, Isaac (Spain)
Ulf, Ylva (Sweden)
Yaromyr (Ukraine)
Alger, Algernon, Ari, Ariel, Arielle, Arion, Leo, Leon, Leonel, Leona, Leontine, Lionel (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 102 of 2024; 264 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 15 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Wu-Chen), Day 3 (Yi-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 3 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 2 Shawwal 1445
J Cal: 12 Cyan; Fryday [12 of 30]
Julian: 29 March 2024
Moon: 11%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 18 Archimedes (4th Month) [Eratosthenes]
Runic Half Month: Man (Human Being) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 24 of 92)
Week: 2nd Week of April
Zodiac: Aries (Day 22 of 31)
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 5 months
Holidays 4.11
Aliyah Day (Israel)
Barbershop Quartet Day
Battle of Rivas Anniversary Day (Costa Rica)
Buchenwald Liberation Day
Celebrate Teen Literature Day
Cigarettes are Hazardous to Your Health Day
Dandelion Day
Dina Ali Day
Dog Therapy Appreciation Day
Donkey Kong Day
8-Track Tape Day [also 9.15]
Ex-Muslim Day of Visibility
Festival of Unmediated Play
411 Day
Ghodejatra (Kathmandu Valley, Nepal)
Global Meetings industry Day
Global Youth Service Day begins (until 13th)
Good Deeds Day
International Day for Maternal Health & Rights
International Day of Liberation of Nazi Concentration Camps
International Louie Louie Day
Juan Santamaria Day (Costa Rica)
Kiss Your Best Friend Day
Laotian New Year
Liberation Day (Uganda)
Love My School Day Margaret River Pro (Australia)
M&M Crisis in Space Day
Milk Day
Most Boring Day
National Board Game Day
National Bone Cancer Day (Indonesia)
National Clean Up Your Pantry Day
National Day of the Sea (Italy)
National Hit Your Friends Day
National James Day
National Living Donor Day
National Marketing Operations Appreciation Day
National Pet Day
National Portfolio Day
National Safe Motherhood Day (India)
Romaine Lettuce Day (French Republic)
Safe Motherhood Day (India)
Submarine Day [also 3.17]
Take Action for Libraries Day
Teach Your Children To Save Day
World Breathing Day
World Parkinson's Disease Day
Write Your Memoirs Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Cheese Fondue Day
King Gambrinus Day
National Poutine Day (Canada)
National Ranch Water Day
2nd Thursday in April
Global Remanufacturing Day [2nd Thursday]
World Civility Day [2nd Thursday]
Independence & Related Days
Quixotica (Declared; 2017) [unrecognized]
Slitronia (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Uganda (Declared British Protectorate; 1894)
Festivals Beginning April 11, 2024
FIBO (Cologne, Germany) [thru 4.14]
French Quarter Festival (New Orleans, Louisiana) [thru 4.14]
Grand National (Liverpool, England) [thru 4.13]
The Joy of Sake (New York, New York)
London Coffee Festival (London, England) [thru 4.14]
The Masters Tournament (Augusta, Georgia) [thru 4.14]
Sandestin Wine Festival (Sandestin, Florida) [thru 4.14]
Sustainable One Dinner Series (Los Angeles, California)
Taste! (Chattanooga, Tennessee)
West Virginia Beef Expo (Weston, West Virginia) [thru 4.13]
Feast Days
Adélaïde Labille-Guiard (Artology)
Aequinoctium Vernum XI (Pagan)
Aid, Abbot in Ireland (Christian; Saint)
Anahit (Goddess of Love & Lunar Power; Ancient Armenia)
Annual $30 Donation Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Antipas of Pergamum (Greek Orthodox Church)
Aristarchus (Positivist; Saint)
Barsanuphius (Christian; Saint)
Bartholomeus Strobel (Artology)
Breadmaking Day for Diana (Ancient Rome)
Cashier Anal Sex Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Cheese Fondue Day (Pastafarian)
Gambrinus (Christian; Saint) [beer, brewers] *
Gemma Galgani (Christian; Saint)
Godeberta (Christian; Saint)
Guthlac of Crowland (or Croyland; Christian; Saint)
George Selwyn (Anglicanism)
James-Baptiste Isabey (Artology)
John Nash (Artology)
Leo the Great, Pope (Christian; Saint)
Maccai (Christian; Saint)
Myrtle Day (Everyday Wicca)
Nehelenia (Matron of Sea-Farers; Celtic Book of Days)
Paul Henry (Artology)
Phoebe Furchester-Fuzz (Muppetism)
Stanislaus of Szczepanów (Christian; Saint)
Terribly Sensible Day (Pastafarian)
Islamic Moveable Calendar Holidays
Eid al-Fitr celebrations continue (Islam)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Fatal Day (Pagan) [8 of 24]
Perilous Day (13th Century England) [15 of 32]
Prime Number Day: 101 [26 of 72]
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Alive: The Story of the Andes Survivors, by Piers Paul Read (True Story; 1974)
Anger Management (Film; 2003)
Archduke Trio, Piano Trio in B-flat Major, by Ludwig van Beethoven (Piano Trio; 1814)
The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz, by Mordecai Richler (Novel; 1959)
Be-Bop-a-Lula, recorded by Gene Vincent (Song; 1956)
Cat Trouble (Heckle & Jeckle Cartoon; 1947)
Don’t Trust the B—— in Apartment 23 (TV Series; 2012)
Edens Zero (Anime TV Series; 2021)
Factotum, by Charles Bukowski (Novel; 1975)
Follow That Dream (Film; 1962)
For Your Eyes Only, by Ian Fleming (Short Stories; 1959) [James Bond #8]
From Me to You, by The Beatles (Song; 1963)
God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, by Kurt Vonnegut Jr. (Novel; 1965)
Grosse Point Blank (Film; 1997)
I’m a Big Shot Now (WB MM Cartoon; 1936)
Jailbird, by Kurt Vonnegut (Novel; 1980)
Josie and the Pussycats (Film; 2001)
Joey Street, by Frances Parkinson Keyes (Novel; 1951)
Making Good (Oswald the Lucky Rabbit Cartoon; 1932)
Marty (Film; 1955)
My Friend Irma (Radio Series; 1947)
The Nevers (TV Series; 2021)
Nick Carter, Master Detective (Radio Series; 1943)
Off Beat (Film; 1986)
Oops!… I Did It Again, by Britney Spears (Song; 2000)
The Pink Panther (Film; 1964)
Rio 2 (Animated Film; 2014)
Riscio (a.k.a. The Double Take), by Ian Fleming (James Bond Short Story; 1960)
The Salzburg Connection, by Helen MacInnes (Novel; 1969)
Singin’ in the Rain (Film; 1952)
St. Matthew Passion, by Johann Sebastian Bach (Oratorio; 1727)
Strangers in the Night, recorded by Frank Sinatra (Song; 1966)
Supersonic, by Oasis (Song; 1994)
This Note’s For You, by Neil Young (Album; 1988)
Thomas Harris (Writerism)
Tokyo Revengers (Anime TV Series; 2021)
The Wall, by Marlen Haushofer (Novel; 1963)
Witch Crafty (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1955)
Today’s Name Days
Hildebrand, Stanislaus (Austria)
Filip, Izak, Stana, Stanislav (Croatia)
Izabela (Czech Republic)
Leo (Denmark)
Hurme, Hurmi, Urmi (Estonia)
Minea, Minka, Verna (Finland)
Stanislas (France)
Hildebrand, Reiner, Stanislaus (Germany)
Antipas (Greece)
Leó, Szaniszló (Hungary)
Gemma, Isacco, Stanislao (Italy)
Hermanis, Ira, Irida, Vilmars (Latvia)
Daugailė, Leonas, Vykintas (Lithuania)
Ulf, Ylva (Norway)
Filip, Herman, Jaromir, Leon, Marek (Poland)
Antipa, Calinic, Farmutie (Romania)
Július (Slovakia)
Estanislao, Gema, Gemma, Isaac (Spain)
Ulf, Ylva (Sweden)
Yaromyr (Ukraine)
Alger, Algernon, Ari, Ariel, Arielle, Arion, Leo, Leon, Leonel, Leona, Leontine, Lionel (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 102 of 2024; 264 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 15 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Fearn (Alder) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 3 (Wu-Chen), Day 3 (Yi-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 3 Nisan 5784
Islamic: 2 Shawwal 1445
J Cal: 12 Cyan; Fryday [12 of 30]
Julian: 29 March 2024
Moon: 11%: Waxing Crescent
Positivist: 18 Archimedes (4th Month) [Eratosthenes]
Runic Half Month: Man (Human Being) [Day 2 of 15]
Season: Spring (Day 24 of 92)
Week: 2nd Week of April
Zodiac: Aries (Day 22 of 31)
0 notes
petinsurancenewzealand · 10 months
Shielding Furry Friends: Understanding Pet Accident Coverage in Insurance
Our beloved furry friends are an integral part of our lives. They bring us joy, comfort, and unconditional love. As responsible pet owners, we must ensure their well-being and protect them from any unforeseen circumstances. This is where pet insurance comes into play. 
Pet insurance provides us with financial security and peace of mind in the face of accidents or illnesses that our pets may encounter. 
In this blog post, we will delve into pet insurance New Zealand, explicitly focusing on accident coverage and its importance in safeguarding our furry companions.
What is Pet Insurance?
Pet insurance, as the name suggests, is an insurance policy that covers the medical expenses of our pets. It operates similarly to our own health insurance policies. By paying a monthly or annual premium, we can ensure that our pets receive the necessary medical care when accidents or illnesses occur. Pet insurance can be a lifesaver in situations where the cost of treatment may otherwise be prohibitive. Additionally, it gives us peace of mind that we can provide the best care for our furry friends without worrying about the financial burden.
Types of Pet Insurance Coverage
Regarding pet insurance New Zealand, different types of coverage options are available. It is essential to understand these options to choose the one that best suits our pets' needs. The three main types of coverage are accident-only, illness, and comprehensive coverage.
Accident-only coverage is specifically designed to cover injuries resulting from accidents. This includes broken bones, cuts, and injuries caused by ingestion of foreign objects. Accident coverage benefits pets that are more active or prone to accidents, such as dogs who enjoy adventurous hikes or cats who explore high places.
Illness coverage, on the other hand, includes medical expenses for illnesses or diseases. This can range from common ailments like ear infections to more severe conditions such as cancer or diabetes. Illness coverage is crucial to ensure our pets receive the necessary medical care to combat these illnesses and improve their quality of life.
Comprehensive coverage combines accident and illness coverage, providing a holistic protection plan for our pets. This type of coverage is ideal for those who want a comprehensive safety net for any unforeseen circumstances. It provides coverage for accidents, injuries, and illnesses, giving us peace of mind knowing that our pets are protected in every situation.
Understanding Accident Coverage:
Accident coverage is an essential component of pet insurance. It protects our pets from the financial burden that may arise from unexpected accidents. Accidents can happen at any time, and the cost of emergency veterinary care can quickly add up. With accident coverage, we can rest assured that our pets will receive the necessary treatment without us having to worry about the expenses.
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Accident coverage typically includes injuries resulting from accidents such as broken bones, cuts, or ingestions. For example, if our dog were to break a leg while chasing a squirrel or if our cat were to ingest a foreign object and require surgery, accident coverage would come to the rescue. It covers veterinary fees, diagnostic tests, medications, and even surgical procedures.
However, it is essential to note that accident coverage may have certain exclusions or limitations. Common exclusions include pre-existing conditions, hereditary conditions, and cosmetic procedures. It is crucial to thoroughly read and understand the terms and conditions of the policy to ensure that we are aware of any limitations or exclusions.
Factors to Consider When Choosing Pet Insurance:
When selecting a pet insurance provider, there are several factors to consider to ensure we choose the best coverage for our pets. These factors include cost, deductibles, waiting periods, and reimbursement rates.
Cost is an important consideration when choosing pet insurance. We should evaluate our budget and find a policy that provides adequate coverage at an affordable price. It is also advisable to compare quotes from different providers to get an idea of the average cost in the market.
Deductibles are the amount we need to pay out of pocket before the insurance coverage kicks in. Higher deductibles generally result in lower monthly premiums, while lower deductibles come with higher premiums. When deciding on the deductible amount, we should consider our pets' medical history, age, and overall health.
Waiting periods are when we need to wait after purchasing the policy before making a claim. It is important to be aware of the waiting periods associated with different coverage options. Some policies may have shorter waiting periods for accident coverage than illness coverage. Understanding the waiting periods allows us to plan and ensure our pets are covered when they need it the most.
Reimbursement rates refer to the percentage of the veterinary expenses that the insurance provider will cover. It is essential to know the policy's reimbursement rate and choose one that provides a higher percentage of reimbursement. This ensures that we receive maximum coverage for our pets' medical expenses.
Pet insurance is a crucial investment in protecting our furry friends from unexpected accidents or illnesses. Understanding the different coverage options available allows us to choose the policy that best suits our pets' needs. Accident coverage plays a significant role in ensuring that our pets receive the necessary treatment without the financial burden. By considering factors such as cost, deductibles, waiting periods, and reimbursement rates, we can find affordable pet insurance New Zealand that provides comprehensive coverage. Let us prioritise our pets' well-being by securing the proper insurance protection they deserve. After all, our furry friends are not just pets; they are family.
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