#Orthopaedic Clinic
lotus-orthopaedic · 11 days
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kmnuhospitals · 6 months
Best Orthopaedic Hospital| KM NU Hospitals, Ambur
With state of the art facilities, KM NU hospitals provides a variety of orthopaedic treatment including advanced and major procedures like joint replacement and spine surgeries. The patient gets the benefit of personalized care and guidance throughout their treatment by our orthopaedic expert and his team.
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bjcsportsorthopaedic · 6 months
The Bone & Joint Centre is an orthopaedic clinic in Singapore
The Bone & Joint Centre is an orthopaedic clinic in Singapore that offers diagnostic services, and both surgical and non-surgical treatments for knee, foot and ankle injury and other sports-related injuries. To book an appointment, contact orthopaedic surgeon Dr Kevin Koo at 9898 7781 today.
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robinsnest2111 · 2 months
my entire body hurts so bad, literally knives stabbing every inch of me bad, ibuprofen my beloved please do your job 😭
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unitedhospital · 6 months
What are the Different Types and Treatments of Arthritis?
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Leading a beautiful life doesn’t come without challenges. Our body goes through a lot of stress and grind in the process and there comes a stage when it needs more attention and care than ever before.
The Best Orthopedic Doctor in Bangalore at United Hospital explains that the wear and tear, our body is subjected to, leads to pain in the ankles and knees. Sometimes, it can get pretty hard to walk!
Are we welcoming Arthritis in this case?! Well, in the worst case, unfortunately, we may be. However, experts indicate that there is no need to panic. With rapid advancements in medical science, there is not just hope, but more confidence that we can defeat Arthritis.
It is all about being aware of what Arthritis exactly is and taking precautions at the right time that could be the best beginning to arrive at a successful solution.
Understanding Arthritis?
Experts at United Hospital, a dedicated Orthopedic Centre in Bangalore focusing on Arthritis care, explain that Arthritis is a medical condition involving swelling and tenderness of one or more joints. It may worsen with age and is a prevalent cause of discomfort among senior citizens
Types of Arthritis
Arthritis can affect individuals of any age, but the elderly are more vulnerable.
Some of the common forms of Arthritis are:
Osteoarthritis - It is a condition that affects joints in your Hands, Knees, Hips and Spine.
Psoriatic Arthritis - This a condition that develops in people due to a very challenging skin disease called Psoriasis.
Reactive Arthritis – This causes joint pain and swelling triggered by an infection in prominent parts of your body — most often your intestines, genitals or urinary tract.
Rheumatoid Arthritis – This is a chronic inflammatory disorder which can affect more than just joints including premier organs like lungs, heart, eyes and blood vessels.
Some of the other conditions faced notably by the elderly include Ankylosing Spondylitis.
Symptoms of Arthritis
The most common signs and symptoms of arthritis involve the joints. Hence, it is important to seek an expert opinion if you observe one or more of the following symptoms:
Pain in the joints.
Stiffness felt in the joints.
Swelling observed in or around the joints.
Redness observed in the joints.
Difficulty in moving.
Treatment for Arthritis
Arthritis, if untreated, can be a really painful thing to handle. However, what really matters is the right type of medical attention at the right time and from the right source. Your treatment is based on how severe is your condition and can include:
Depending upon the type of Arthritis diagnosed, your medications may include:
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
Creams and Ointments.
Physical therapies and exercises.
Surgical Interventions
In case you do not get any relief from the above medications your doctor might recommend surgical interventions to bring you back to your routine lifestyles in quick time. Some of the types of surgeries performed include,
Joint Repairs
Joint Replacements
Joint fusions
Let’s say Goodbye to Arthritis forever and welcome a painless life. For many of us, life may begin at 40, but so does Arthritis! Hence, if you are wondering as to, “Which is the Best Orthopaedic Clinic near me to treat Arthritis”? feel free to connect with United Hospital.
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eezalignphysio · 8 months
Best Orthopaedic physiotherapy in Gurgaon | EEZ ALIGN
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Understanding Orthopaedic Physiotherapy
Orthopaedic physiotherapy is a specialized branch focused on treating musculoskeletal conditions, such as joint and muscle problems. If you're experiencing pain, stiffness, or recovering from surgery, physiotherapy can play a crucial role in your healing journey.
Our skilled orthopaedic physiotherapists in Gurgaon employ a personalized approach, tailoring exercises to your specific needs. From targeted strength training to flexibility exercises, the goal is to enhance your mobility and reduce discomfort. Techniques like manual therapy and joint mobilization are often used to alleviate pain and improve joint function.
Education is a key component—learning about your condition empowers you to actively participate in your recovery. Whether you're rehabilitating after surgery, managing chronic pain, or preventing injuries, orthopaedic physiotherapy promotes overall well-being and functional independence. Trust our dedicated team to guide you towards a healthier, more mobile life. 💪 #OrthoPhysio #RecoveryJourney #MusculoskeletalHealth
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thephysiostudio · 1 day
Weekend Warrior Woes? 4 Orthopaedic Injuries Every Athlete Should Know
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As someone who loves staying active, I understand the thrill and excitement of hitting the gym, running trails, or participating in weekend sports. But with this passion comes the risk of orthopaedic conditions that can sideline even the most dedicated athletes. Let me walk you through four common sports injuries treated by orthopaedic specialists and how you can avoid or manage them.
Sprains and Strains: When Ligaments and Muscles Can't Keep Up
Sprains and strains are incredibly common among weekend warriors like myself. Sprains occur when ligaments, the tissues connecting bones, are overstretched or torn. Strains, on the other hand, involve muscles or tendons. The pain can range from mild discomfort to severe agony, depending on the injury's extent.
Prevention: Always warm up before activities. Simple stretching can prepare your muscles and ligaments for the exertion ahead.
Management: If you experience a sprain or strain, rest is crucial. Applying ice can reduce swelling, and elevating the injured area helps with recovery. Physiotherapy clinics in Singapore offer specialized treatments that can accelerate healing and get you back to your routine.
Tendonitis: The Overuse Injury That Won't Quit
Tendonitis is another frequent complaint. This orthopaedic condition arises when tendons become inflamed due to repetitive motions. I’ve seen it happen often with activities like tennis, golf, or even long-distance running.
Prevention: Vary your workouts to avoid repetitive strain on the same tendons. Incorporating strength training can also bolster your tendons.
Management: Early intervention is key. Rest the affected area, and consider physiotherapy to address the underlying issues. A physiotherapy clinic Singapore can tailor a program specific to your needs, ensuring you heal correctly and minimize the risk of recurrence.
Meniscus Tears: The Knee Injury You Didn't See Coming
A sudden twist or turn during a game can lead to a meniscus tear, one of the more severe orthopaedic conditions. The meniscus is a cartilage cushion in your knee that can tear when subjected to abrupt stress.
Prevention: Strengthen your leg muscles to support your knees better. Exercises that enhance flexibility and balance can also help.
Management: If you suspect a meniscus tear, consult an orthopaedic specialist immediately. Treatments range from physiotherapy to surgery, depending on the tear's severity. Many common sports injuries treated by orthopaedic specialists include tailored rehabilitation plans to restore knee function.
Stress Fractures: The Silent Saboteurs of Bone Health
Stress fractures are tiny cracks in the bone caused by repetitive force, often from overuse. These fractures are sneaky and can develop gradually, causing persistent pain that worsens with activity.
Prevention: Gradually increase the intensity of your workouts to give your bones time to adapt. Ensure your diet includes adequate calcium and vitamin D for bone health.
Management: Rest is non-negotiable for stress fractures. Weight-bearing activities should be avoided until fully healed. Visiting a physiotherapy clinic in Singapore can provide you with a comprehensive treatment plan, including exercises to strengthen surrounding muscles and prevent future fractures.
Orthopaedic conditions are part and parcel of an active lifestyle, but they don’t have to keep you on the sidelines. By understanding these common sports injuries treated by orthopaedic specialists and taking proactive steps, you can enjoy your favourite activities while minimizing the risk of injury. Remember, if an injury does occur, seeking prompt treatment from a physiotherapy clinic in Singapore can make all the difference in your recovery and long-term health.
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softzenia · 2 days
Role of an Orthopedic Doctor: How to Find the Best Doctors?
Ortho specialist in Ghaziabad play a crucial role in the healthcare system, specializing in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of musculoskeletal disorders. These medical professionals focus on conditions affecting bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons, and nerves, impacting patients’ mobility and overall quality of life. Diagnosis and Assessment: Orthopedic doctor in Ghaziabad are…
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360footcare · 7 days
Toronto’s Best Foot Care Solutions for a Pain-free Life
360 Foot Care is dedicated to providing exceptional foot care services and solutions that prioritize your comfort, health, and well-being. As a leading foot care clinic in Toronto, we specialize in offering a comprehensive range of services tailored to address a variety of foot-related issues and concerns. Whether you're seeking expert treatment for a specific condition, looking for orthopaedic shoes in Toronto to support your feet, or in need of specialized care such as plantar fasciitis treatment or compression stockings, 360 Foot Care is your trusted partner for all your foot care needs.
At our foot care clinic in Toronto, our experienced team of professionals is committed to delivering personalized care and effective treatments to help you maintain healthy and pain-free feet. We understand the importance of proper foot care in overall wellness and mobility, which is why we focus on providing customized solutions that address your unique concerns and promote long-term foot health.
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Your Trusted Partner for Personalized Foot Care in Toronto
For those in search of orthopaedic shoes in Toronto designed for both comfort and style, 360 Foot Care offers a curated selection of footwear options that cater to individuals with specific foot conditions or those simply looking for supportive and well-fitting shoes. Our orthopaedic shoes combine quality craftsmanship with ergonomic designs to provide the support, cushioning, and stability needed to alleviate discomfort and promote proper foot alignment.
If you're dealing with plantar fasciitis, a common foot condition characterized by heel pain and inflammation, seeking timely and expert treatment is essential to alleviate symptoms and prevent further complications. At 360 Foot Care, our plantar fasciitis treatment in Toronto focuses on addressing the root causes of the condition, relieving pain, and restoring function to help you regain mobility and comfort in your daily activities.
In addition to specialized treatments, 360 Foot Care also offers a range of compression stockings in Toronto designed to improve circulation, reduce swelling, and provide support for tired and achy legs. Whether you're managing a medical condition that requires compression therapy or simply looking for comfortable and effective leg support, our compression stockings are crafted to enhance your comfort and well-being.
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orthocure · 8 days
Discover Top Orthopaedic Clinics in Gurgaon
Searching for the best orthopaedic care in Gurgaon? Look no further than Orthocure, one of the best 10 orthopaedic clinic in Gurgaon. Orthocure offers comprehensive and personalized treatment for all your orthopaedic needs. Our expert team of orthopaedic specialists is dedicated to providing exceptional care to help you regain mobility and live pain-free. Visit our website to learn more about our services: https://orthocure.co.in/ 
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jointpaindoctor · 1 month
How to Prevent and Treat Runner's Knee
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For avid runners and athletes, staying injury-free is crucial to maintaining peak performance. One common injury that can sideline even the most dedicated runners is runner’s knee, also known as patellofemoral pain syndrome. As a leading Orthopedic Doctor in Chandigarh, Dr. Manu Mengi offers expert advice on preventing and treating this condition to keep you on track.
Understanding Runner’s Knee
Runner’s knee is characterized by pain around the kneecap, often due to overuse, misalignment, or muscular imbalances. Symptoms include a dull, aching pain, particularly when running, squatting, or climbing stairs. If untreated, it can lead to more severe issues and prolonged downtime.
Prevention Tips
Strengthen Your Muscles — Strong quadriceps and hip muscles help stabilize the knee. Incorporate exercises like squats, lunges, and leg presses into your routine. Visiting an Ortho Clinic in Chandigarh for professional guidance can ensure you’re performing these exercises correctly.
Improve Your Running Technique — Proper running form reduces stress on your knees. Focus on landing softly and keeping your knees slightly bent. Consult a Knee Specialist in Chandigarh to evaluate and correct your running technique.
Wear Appropriate Footwear — Shoes that offer good support and cushioning can prevent knee injuries. Replace your running shoes every 300–500 miles to maintain optimal support.
Gradual Increase in Activity — Avoid sudden increases in your running intensity or mileage. Follow the 10% rule: increase your weekly mileage by no more than 10% to avoid overloading your knees.
Cross-Training — Incorporate low-impact activities such as swimming or cycling to reduce repetitive stress on your knees while maintaining cardiovascular fitness.
Stretch Regularly — Tight muscles can contribute to a runner’s knee. Stretch your hamstrings, calves, and IT bands regularly to maintain flexibility. Orthopedic Clinics in Chandigarh often offer physiotherapy services to help with proper stretching techniques.
Treatment Strategies
Rest and Ice — Give your knee a break and apply ice to reduce inflammation and pain. Rest is crucial for recovery. Dr. Manu Mengi, one of the Best Orthopedic Doctors in Chandigarh, advises icing the knee for 15–20 minutes several times a day.
Physical Therapy — A tailored physical therapy program can address muscle imbalances and improve knee function. The Best Orthopedician in Chandigarh can create a rehab plan that includes specific exercises to strengthen weak muscles and improve flexibility.
Orthotic Devices — Custom orthotics or knee braces can provide additional support and alleviate pain. Consult with an Ortho Doctor in Chandigarh to determine if orthotics are appropriate for you.
Pain Relievers — Over-the-counter pain medications like ibuprofen can help manage pain and inflammation. Always follow the advice of a healthcare professional before taking any medication.
Gradual Return to Activity — Once the pain subsides, gradually return to your running routine. Start with low-impact activities and slowly increase intensity. An Orthopedic Doctor in Chandigarh can guide you on the safest way to resume running.
Preventing and treating a runner’s knee requires a comprehensive approach that includes strength training, proper technique, and professional care. As the Best Ortho Doctor in Chandigarh, Dr. Manu Mengi and his team at the Ortho Clinic in Chandigarh are dedicated to helping runners stay healthy and active. If you experience knee pain or need personalized advice, don’t hesitate to visit an Orthopedic Clinic in Chandigarh to get back on your feet and continue your running journey pain-free.
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rajmangalhospital · 1 month
Understanding the Most Common Sports Injuries Causes, Prevention, and Treatment
Best orthopedic clinic near me
Participating in sports offers numerous physical and mental health benefits, but it’s not without risks. Whether you’re a seasoned athlete or a weekend warrior, sports injuries can happen to anyone, anywhere, and at any time. 
Let’s delve deeper into some of the most prevalent sports injuries, their root causes, how to prevent them, and the best ways to treat them for a swift recovery.
Digging Deeper into Common Sports Injuries:
Sprains and Strains:
Causes: These injuries often occur due to sudden movements, overextension, or impact that stretch or tear ligaments (sprains) or muscles and tendons (strains). Best orthopedic clinic near me
Prevention: Incorporating dynamic warm-up routines, practicing proper technique, and gradually increasing intensity can help prevent sprains and strains.
Treatment: Resting the injured area, applying ice packs, wearing compression bandages, and undergoing physical therapy are typical treatments for sprains and strains. Best orthopedic clinic near me
Causes: Fractures can result from high-impact collisions, falls, or repetitive stress on bones.
Prevention: Wearing appropriate protective gear, such as helmets, padding, and guards, and ensuring proper playing surfaces can reduce the risk of fractures. Best orthopedic clinic near me
Treatment: Immobilization with casts or braces, surgical intervention if necessary, and rehabilitation exercises aid in the healing process for fractured bones.
Causes: Concussions stem from head trauma, commonly occurring in contact sports like football, soccer, and basketball.
Prevention: Emphasizing safe play, enforcing rules against head-to-head contact, and using protective headgear can minimize the risk of concussions. Best orthopedic clinic near me
Treatment: Immediate rest, cognitive and physical rest, and gradual return-to-play protocols overseen by medical professionals are crucial for concussion management.
Causes: Overuse or repetitive movements can lead to inflammation of tendons, resulting in tendonitis.
Prevention: Incorporating cross-training, varying workout routines, and listening to the body’s signals can help prevent tendonitis.
Treatment: Rest, ice therapy, anti-inflammatory medications, and physical therapy aid in relieving pain and restoring function for tendonitis. Best orthopedic clinic near me
Causes: Dislocations occur when the bones in a joint are forced out of their normal alignment.
Prevention: Strengthening muscles around joints, practicing proper technique, and using protective gear can reduce the likelihood of dislocations. Best orthopedic clinic near me
Treatment: Prompt medical attention for joint relocation, followed by immobilization, rehabilitation exercises, and preventive measures to avoid recurrence.
Proactive Prevention Strategies:
Education and Awareness: Educate athletes, coaches, and parents about the signs, symptoms, and prevention of common sports injuries.
Conditioning Programs: Implement comprehensive strength and conditioning programs tailored to specific sports to improve overall fitness and reduce injury risk.
Regular Health Assessments: Conduct pre-participation screenings and periodic health evaluations to identify risk factors and address underlying issues. Best orthopedic clinic near me
Safe Playing Environments: Ensure playing surfaces are well-maintained, free of hazards, and conducive to safe athletic participation.
Nutrition and Hydration: Emphasize proper nutrition, hydration, and recovery practices to support optimal performance and injury prevention. Best orthopedic clinic near me
Effective Treatment Approaches:
Multidisciplinary Care: Collaborate with a team of healthcare professionals, including physicians, physical therapists, and athletic trainers, to tailor treatment plans to individual needs.
Patient-Centered Rehabilitation: Focus on patient education, empowerment, and active participation in the rehabilitation process to facilitate a faster and more sustainable recovery. Best orthopedic clinic near me
Progressive Return-to-Play Protocols: Gradually reintroduce athletes to sports activities while monitoring their physical and cognitive function to prevent re-injury.
Psychosocial Support: Address the emotional and psychological aspects of injury rehabilitation through counseling, support groups, and mental health resources. Best orthopedic clinic near me
Long-Term Injury Prevention: Implement injury surveillance systems, conduct ongoing research, and advocate for policy changes to promote a culture of safety and injury prevention in sports.
While sports injuries are an inevitable aspect of athletic participation, they are not insurmountable obstacles. By understanding the causes, implementing proactive prevention strategies, and adopting evidence-based treatment approaches, athletes can minimize their risk of injury and maximize their potential for long-term success and enjoyment in sports. Best orthopedic clinic near me
Remember, injury prevention is a shared responsibility that requires commitment, collaboration, and ongoing education from athletes, coaches, healthcare providers, and sports organizations alike. Together, we can create safer and healthier sporting environments for athletes of all ages and abilities to thrive. Orthopaedic doctor in Baner
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orthovisionclinic · 1 month
Enhancing Orthopedic and Ophthalmic Care: The Role of OrthoVision Clinic
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In the bustling city of Noida, where healthcare standards are continually evolving, finding the best orthopedic doctor in Noida or the top-notch eye specialist can be a paramount concern for many. The quest for reliable medical professionals, particularly in orthopedics and ophthalmology, is a journey that demands meticulous research and informed decision-making.
Amidst this search for excellence, OrthoVision Clinic emerges as a beacon of hope, offering comprehensive solutions in both orthopedic and ophthalmic care. Let’s delve into how OrthoVision Clinic is revolutionizing healthcare in Noida and beyond, catering to the needs of those seeking the best orthopedic doctor in Noida and the finest eye specialist services.
OrthoVision Clinic: Redefining Orthopedic Excellence
For individuals grappling with orthopedic concerns, OrthoVision Clinic stands as a symbol of unparalleled expertise and compassionate care. Whether it’s addressing musculoskeletal injuries, joint pain, or orthopedic surgeries, OrthoVision Clinic’s team of specialists is committed to delivering optimal outcomes. As the best orthopedic hospital in Noida, their dedication to patient-centric care ensures a seamless healing journey for every individual.
In the realm of orthopedics, OrthoVision Clinic takes pride in being the orthopedic clinic in Noida that offers a diverse range of services, from conservative treatments to advanced surgical interventions. Patients seeking the best ortho doctor near them can rely on OrthoVision Clinic’s state-of-the-art facilities and highly skilled orthopedic surgeons.
Empowering Visionary Healthcare: Ophthalmic Expertise At OrthoVision Clinic
In the realm of ophthalmology, OrthoVision Clinic shines as a center of excellence, catering to the visual needs of individuals with precision and care. Recognized as the best eye hospital in Noida, OrthoVision Clinic boasts a team of eminent eye specialists dedicated to preserving and enhancing vision.
Whether it’s routine eye exams, complex eye surgeries, or specialized treatments such as cataract surgery, OrthoVision Clinic’s commitment to excellence ensures optimal visual outcomes for every patient. As the best eye specialist doctor in Noida, their reputation precedes them, drawing individuals from across the Delhi NCR region seeking unparalleled eye care.
Navigating Healthcare Excellence: Accessing OrthoVision Clinic
Convenience and accessibility are integral facets of healthcare delivery, and OrthoVision Clinic excels in both aspects. Located strategically in Noida, OrthoVision Clinic serves as a haven for individuals seeking the best knee doctor in Delhi or the top-rated orthopedic doctor in Noida.
Moreover, for those prioritizing eye health, OrthoVision Clinic’s proximity and reputation as the best eye specialist in Noida make it the go-to destination for comprehensive eye care solutions.
In conclusion, OrthoVision Clinic stands as a testament to excellence in both orthopedic and ophthalmic care, offering a synergistic blend of expertise, compassion, and innovation. Whether you’re in search of the best orthopedic doctor in Noida or the finest eye specialist near you, OrthoVision Clinic remains steadfast in its commitment to transforming lives through visionary healthcare.
For those navigating the complexities of healthcare decisions, OrthoVision Clinic emerges as not just a medical facility but a beacon of hope, guiding individuals towards a healthier, more vibrant future.
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jtsmedicalcentre · 3 months
JTS (Jumeirah Terrace Speciality) Medical Centre is Dubai’s #1 multi-specialty Medical Centre located in Jumeirah, offering comprehensive outpatient specialist medical & dental services.
The founding doctors are Dr. Suresh Puri, Dr. Abhay Dandawate, Dr. Marlon O. Pereira, and Dr. Mathews J. Alapatt. We have team of specialists and now offers and more than 30 specialists on board.
Watch & Subscribe us for more updates!
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nirvanaclinic · 3 months
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