#Sinine Aratus
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National Corps attended Etnofutur III conference in Tallinn (Conference Report)
February 23, National Corps took part in the Etnofutur III conference in Tallinn, which is for the third year in a row hosted by the youth organization of Estonian People's Conservative Party (EKRE), Blue Awakening (Sinine Äratus).
Under the skillfull leadership of Ruuben Kaalep, Tartu City Council member and the head of EKRE's Foreign Affairs office, it has become a rare point of attraction for renowned speakers from all over the world.
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Traditionally, the strong emphasis has been laid on the conceptual synergy of the nationalist speakers of the Intermarium region. Once again, representatives of Sinine Äratus confirmed their substantive philosophical background which earned them international fame.
Ruuben Kaalep guarded the listeners through the existential journey paralleled with the new dawn in the fate of Europe, not forgetting to mention Martin Heidegger's diagnosis of the origins of decline, when identification with acts of thinking replaced openness to Being. Fedor Stomakhin presented a captivating piece on the strategies to neutralize and take the advantage of the leftist tendency in the established democratic procedures and the global marketing system. Co-written with another member of Sinine Äratus, Remi Sebastian Kits, it was their yet another profound contribution to the development of the conception of ethnofuturism.
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Success of Sinine Äratus is proven by the fact that another regular participant of Etnofutur conferences and a big enthusiast of Intermarium from Lithuania, Tomas Skorupskis, relaunched the youth wing of the Lithuanian Nationalist Union as the new ethnofuturist organization named Kryptis. Feb. 15-16, representative of National Corps Eugene Vriadnyk attended the Prabudimas conference and the massive torchlight march in honor of Lithuania's independence which were organized by Kryptis.
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Olena Semenyaka, international secretary of National Corps and coordinator of the Intermarium Support Group, also continued elaborating the titular for this conference cycle conception in a speech entitled "Middle Europe in the Age of Caesarism and the Purpose of Ethnofuturism."
The brightest example of ethnofuturism as a combination of the policy of protecting ethno-cultural identities ​​with innovative technologies, in her opinion, is the Azov Movement, which has long transcended the narrow party format. Dozens of social projects, educational programs, highly professional military structures, that's how should look like an all-Ukrainian patriotic movement of the 21st century which is well-prepared for the hybrid challenges of our time.
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Having illustrated Oswald Spengler's concept of caesarism (the final period of the historic cycle of the West which began with the first world war) by the modern phenomenon of right-wing populism accompanied by military might, Olena Semenyaka presented Intermarium as the space where Old Europe can return to life again entering a new cultural and civilizational turn. Besides, she highlighted Ernst Jünger's philosophy of history efficiently incorporating, and neutralizing, the aforementioned left-leaning world-historical tendency.
Apart from developing the concept of ethnofuturism, which has strategic significance for the establishment of a regional union, National Corps came to Tallinn also in order to support a friendly organization on the eve of the parliamentary election in which EKRE will take part this weekend. According to exit polls, EKRE can count on 20 percent of electoral sympathies.
However, Estonia is not only a vanguard of the Baltic ethnofuturist studies. As a member of the Finno-Ugric ethnolinguistical family, Estonians are well-known for friendly ties with the Finns and the Hungarians, which makes their role in the consolidation of the Intermarium cooperation especially important.
Not incidentally, Etnofutur III conference was opened by MP Balazs Szabo representing quite famous in the international field Hungarian party Jobbik. Still, not everyone knows that Jobbik took a slightly different political course, and, currently, this is the biggest opposition party in Hungary. The reason is simple but valid enough to push Jobbik towards the temporary tactical alliance with the leftists: Balazs Szabo described Victor Orban's regime as the epitome of corruption and the right-populist illusion of real changes.
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During and after the conference, Olena Semenyaka discussed with the Hungarian delegation the ways to neutralize the interethnic conflict in Transcarpathia, as well as to promote the natural for the region Intermarium union in Hungary.
On the eve of the Awakening conference in Finland, a long-anticipated agreement about the promotion of the Intermarium union was also reached with the Finnish conference participants. Timo Hännikäinen, a remarkable Finnish intellectual, publisher, editor-in-chief of the online magazine "Sarastus," leaved no doubts about the historical and cultural affinity between Ukraine and Finland in his inspiring speech at Etnofutur III conference in Tallinn, which laid a special emphasis on Carl Schmitt's concept of the political resting on the existential division between "us" and "them."
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Currently, Ukrainian Intermarium Support Group plans in-depth familiarizing of the Finnish audience with the geopolitical project of Intermarium jointly with the youth organization of The Finns Party and the Finnish identitarian organization Suomen Sisu.
Froði Midjord (The Faroe Islands / Sweden), host of the Guide to Kulchur podcast and the founder of Scandza Forum, which, among others, will be attended by Olena Semenyaka in the end of March, brilliantly showed the absurdity of the unconscious hope of some activists on the Right to invoke sympathy of the political enemies by victimizing themselves and proving how good their real intentions are. The summary of his speech may be found here: https://www.counter-currents.com/2019/02/the-will-to-politics/
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But Sinine Äratus is also well-known for their close ties with the Anglophone world and the American Alt-Right. Last year, it was represented by famous Scottish videoblogger Millennial Woes. This year, American "heavy artillery," Jared Taylor and Greg Johnson, carried away the audience by their flawless speeches, the former diagnosing the multicultural disorder of the Western sociocultural psyche, and the latter complementing it with quite a cheering reflection about the rise of national populism in the United States and Europe. Cheering for the nationalists and identitarians all over the world, upsetting for the globalists: at that very time, Greg Johnson's "Manifesto of White Nationalism" was banned from Amazon.
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The conference was attended by more than 100 guests from Estonia and other European and American countries. The biggest interest to the project of Intermarium was naturally demonstrated by the representatives of the region's countries. However, Olena Semenyaka also had an fruitful conversation with the youth organization of the Italian party Lega, which, since recently, has been paying a growing attention to the political trends of Central and Eastern Europe and is preparing to form a powerful coalition in the European Parliament.
Having participated in organized by EKRE more than 10,000-strong torchlight march in honor of Estonia's independence across the beautiful medieval streets of Tallinn together with Latvian, Swedish, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Finnish, American, English and Canadian conference participants, Olena Semenyaka completed an intense and productive visit to Estonia by recording several video interviews for the Finnish and American media, as well as invited EKRE and the Etnofutur conference participants to the Fourth Conference of the Intermarium Support Group.
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