#Sir- it's barely been a day or two since your first approval dialogue
ruby-static · 7 months
This little dialogue is everything to me-
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ahgaseda · 5 years
enough | three
even if everyone else leaves me, you’re enough for me, you’re my only one, stand by me forever, only you, just you...
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summary : to survive as a single woman in the big city, you resort to letting rich men pay for your company, but never anticipated that your first client would be the boy you once loved, Jinyoung.
warnings : strong profanity, explicit dialogue, references to prostitution, mentions of gang activity, graphic sexual content, potentially triggering elements involving mental health, panic attacks, etc.
miniseries chapters : one / two / three / four / five / six / seven
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Frustration was the understatement of the year.
After Jinyoung kissed you, he avoided you for the remainder of the evening. You were left to wallow in hurt and self-pity. Being faced with how badly you had damaged him, frankly had wounded you as it rightly should have.
His driver, a chatty trouble maker named Yugyeom, who towered over you and flashed a hundred-watt smile, but you learned very quickly he would be a great source of comfort given his willingness to gossip endlessly about his boss.
As the car drove into the night, Yugyeom kindly asked how your evening had been.
“He wouldn’t have sex with me,” you lamented, hoping for a laugh and relieved when you earned one.
After an amused chuckle, Yugyeom told you, “He may be a ruthless asshole, but he’s still a gentleman.”
“Yeah, but… you know what he’s paying me for,” you trailed unsurely, wondering how much you could divulge with this new acquaintance.
Yugyeom shrugged, clearly unbothered by your current “profession,” and gabbed, “The boss isn’t a rabbit. In fact, he’s rarely horny.”
Skeptical, you frowned and sighed, “Good to know.” Turning back to the window, you watched the city around you blur into one cohesive whirlwind of color and activity.
“Well, that’s what happens to guys who are smitten with a girl they can’t have. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you?”
Biting your lip, you murmured, “No, I wouldn’t.”
Yugyeom chortled, “Yeah, if he finds that girl, then I retract my statement.”
Your brow furrowed and you abandoned the window in favor of his face. “Which statement?”
Yugyeom turned to you, taking his eyes off the road momentarily, and said, “About him not being a rabbit.”
You laughed aloud. If your memories of Jinyoung were any indication, his sex drive was through the roof. There were too many times you met up with him between classes to have a quickie and too many nights of parking in his rickety truck on some old back road with only the fireflies to see what sins you committed together.
A personal favorite you thought of often was the summer night he had filled the bed of the truck with blankets over a worn-out mattress. In the pitch black darkness of the moonless night, the two of you were a tangled mess of limbs as you fumbled around to get busy.
“Ouch,” he said, coming to a stop between your thighs.
On your back with your legs in the air alongside his hips, you held his face between your hands and asked frantically, “What? What happened? Did I hurt you?”
Jinyoung snorted and you wished you could see his face. You could barely make out his form above you in the darkness.
“How could you hurt me? You’re on the bottom,” he teased in his heavy dialect.
“I don’t know,” you exclaimed, embarrassed. “I’m new at this. You always say I’m tight. What if I break your dick?”
Jinyoung laughed hard and you grinned at the sound.
“Please, don’t ever break my dick. There wouldn’t be enough therapy in the world to help me recover from that,” Jinyoung retorted, stealing a kiss and accidentally bumping into your nose.
“Ow,” you squeaked, pinching your nose until the pain began to fade.
“I’m sorry!”
“Why did you say ‘ouch’ in the first place?” you asked with irritation.
Jinyoung winced and groaned, “I think a mosquito bit my ass.”
You giggled.
Snapping out of your memories as the car came to a rolling stop, you took in the sight of your new home. The vertical condominium was wedged between a row of identical copies, all neutrally shaded with stark black gates and railings.
Yugyeom pressed a button on a small hob before handing the device to you. The garage door began to open and he maneuvered the car slowly inside.
“Here are your keys,” said the chauffeur after he unlocked the door for you, handing the key ring to your outstretched fingers. “I bid you adieu.”
You bowed in gratitude and replied, “Thank you, sir.”
The house was too big for your liking; much too generous for a single person to live in. The main living space was almost larger than your entire apartment. As you meandered through the new residence, you smiled when you took note of your personal items stationed throughout.
While with Jinyoung at his penthouse, the movers had transported all of your belongings in a matter of hours. At first, you thought this would infuriate you - strangers putting their hands on all of your things. Then, you remembered you didn’t actually own much.
Stepping into a small room adjacent to the bedroom, you couldn’t fight a broad smile when you surveyed the office space. Your textbooks were stacked neatly and your school supplies were no exception. Sitting on the rolling chair, you did a few turns before releasing a deep sigh and closing your eyes.
Maybe this overgrown house wasn’t so bad after all.
For the next two days, you settled in, making the place feel more like a home and less of a work perk. You brightened the rooms with color and light, taking pride in the place that Jinyoung was essentially lending to you.
But you constantly checked your phone, wondering why he hadn’t called or even texted. You resorted to drowning yourself in homework and exam prep, hoping to distract yourself from the endless thoughts of Jinyoung and his dumb, handsome face.
Even as you sat in class, the monotony of your physics professor faded into static, pushed away by memories of Jinyoung and his adorable laugh. How many years had it been since you heard him laugh? You grimaced. Jinyoung at that conference table looked hard and severe, like he hadn’t laughed in years.
That saddened you; the idea Jinyoung had been living a life without love or laughter. To keep the tears from your eyes, you focused on thermodynamics and forbid Jinyoung from your mind.
On the third afternoon, you finally got the call you had been anticipating.
Briefly, you stared at the phone and counted the seconds in your head, knowing he would despise having to sit through a few rings. “Yes, my lord?” you finally answered.
Jinyoung droned while he chewed his lunch, “Yugyeom is gonna bring you here. Be ready in 15.”
Feeling he was already about to hang up, you yelled, “I’ll need more time.”
Indignant, Jinyoung grumbled, swallowing whatever was in his mouth and asking, “What the hell for?”
“To shave my legs,” you deadpanned.
There was a pause, followed by a stern, “Don’t bother.”
Then, he hung up.
Frowning at the phone, you proceeded to spend an hour preparing yourself for the visit to Jinyoung’s penthouse. Whether or not you were actually going to have sex with him, you adorned yourself as if it were an ever-present possibility.
This game of his had hopelessly reeled you in.
Yugyeom arrived to get you in a sleek black car and you found him a comfortable place to sit in the grandiose living area. When you told him the fifteen minutes allotted would not suffice, he whipped out his phone and offered to keep himself busy whilst you took your sweet time.
Yugyeom was easily becoming your favorite person, especially when he commented at what a good job you had done breathing life back into the abandoned condo. The two of you gabbed about abstract art and the mint colored record player on your nearby table. Yugyeom was passionate about music and recommended an entire list of vinyls for you to give your ear to. He seemed to jump on board your plan to keep Jinyoung and his almighty ass waiting even longer.
Over an hour later, you stood in the cold, glass box that took you to the heights of the residential tower. Your freshly-shaved legs did not tolerate the chill well and you suddenly wished you had opted for pants instead of the high-waisted shorts.
But hell, your outfit was on point. The v-neck shirt was tucked into your navy blue bottoms and your favorite push-up bra was here to work, leaving little to the imagination where your cleavage was concerned. You had gone up a cup size leaving home, and you damn sure wanted Jinyoung to notice. But to avoid looking too blatant with your bare legs and perky breasts on display, you wore a crisp blazer over the ensemble; vaguely casual.
“Alright, I’m here,” you announced as you walked into the penthouse apartment. “Let’s do this.”
Perched in the kitchen, Jinyoung continued to eat his apple leisurely, raking the knife over a chunk before taking another bite. He leaned back against the sink, ankles crossed in a pair of tight-fitting jeans.
For the brief seconds you passed in front of him, Jinyoung did a full head-to-toe scan of your presence, lingering over every curve of your form and resisting the urge to nod his approval. With the trail of delicate, fruity scents following you, Jinyoung surmised you must have just come from a long, hot shower.
Unbuttoning your blazer, you propped your forearms on the counter directly next to him, sticking your ass into the air and glancing over your shoulder. Drumming your nails on the surface, you whined, “I’ll have you know I’ve had a very stressful day.”
Rolling his eyes, Jinyoung sighed, “I never would have guessed.”
Though he stood at your side, he felt miles away. You sashayed your hips a little, inevitably drawing his attention once more, and murmured coyly, “I’ve heard rage sex can help with that.”
“So can a nap.”
You grumbled at another battle lost, standing up straight and stealing the apple from his hand. After taking a loud bite, you murmured, “The boy I knew couldn’t keep his hands off of me.”
Without missing a beat, Jinyoung snatched the fruit back from your grasp and chuffed, “The girl I knew would never have traded her body for money.”
You nearly choked.
Jinyoung cut another piece of the apple and forced it into your parted mouth, saying, “You shouldn’t bite into an apple. It’s bad for your teeth.”
You watched him saunter away, noting the broad expanse of his shoulders and the way his dress shirt hugged every line and angle. Once upon a time, you knew how it felt to sink your fingers into his back, to anchor yourself to him in every way possible as he took you to the heights of ecstasy.
You also knew how it felt to let him hold you, to comfort you when you needed his love most. Jinyoung was no stranger to you waking up in the middle of the night screaming, doused in sweat as your dreams turned dark and violent. There were too many things you had seen in your lifetime and your mind could never forget them no matter how hard you tried.
Jinyoung was just another frightened kid, no different from you, but he knew what to say and what to do. You would rest your head in the bend of his arm, your smaller frame tucked to his body as he rocked you back and forth. He would murmur the most delicate of words until you drifted back to sleep.
The memories of how passionate Jinyoung could be with you, how mindlessly in love you had once been with each other, brought a fresh surge of frustration into your chest and the sensation radiated through your body to the point you felt heat behind your cheeks.
Vexed by his dismissals, you trudged toward the door, drawing his confused attention momentarily as you shouted, “I’m going with Yugyeom to get food!”
The sound of the door slamming ricocheted through the apartment. Jinyoung stood rooted in place, watching where you had just stormed out, and nonchalantly took one last bite from his apple before tossing the core into the trash bin.
God, you drove him crazy. He loved you to the point of madness. Everything you did was both certifiably adorable and yet absolutely infuriating in his eyes. This little game he played with you was the highlight of his life at the moment. He was finally reunited with a sense of peace now that he could see you again, but he had no intention of giving you absolution any time soon.
You plopped into the passenger seat, greeting a surprised Yugyeom as he had been playing on his phone. You took the mobile from him and proceeded to finish his round of Candy Crush, asking him to take you to the nearest convenience store for snacks.
“You were barely in there for two seconds,” Yugyeom said, revving up the engine.
You groaned and explained, “We argued already. He annoys me.”
Yugyeom chortled.
“Your phone is ringing,” you told him a moment later, seeing Jinyoung’s photo on the screen. “It’s the asshat.”
“Answer it then,” Yugyeom smarted, focused on the busy street he turned onto.
You did as told and chirped, “Yugyeom’s phone.”
Surprised to hear your voice on his driver’s line, Jinyoung said, “You didn’t take a guard with you.”
You rolled your eyes and whined, “I’m just going to buy snacks. How much trouble could I possibly get into?”
“What’s he complaining about?” Yugyeom asked with a laugh.
Hoping Jinyoung would notice the difference, you drastically softened your tone when speaking to Yugyeom, “We didn’t bring a babysitter.”
“Mr. Muscles is in the back,” Yugyeom replied.
“What?” you exclaimed, turning around.
Sure enough, Jackson the burly security guard was resting atop the seat, an arm tucked behind his head with his eyes closed. Though after hearing Yugyeom, he lifted a hand and waved his fingers to let you know he was well aware of the situation.
You giggled and quipped, “Unbelievable.”
“Alright then,” Jinyoung sighed, satisfied you had enough escorts for a measly trip.
“Why are you even worried about me?” you asked spitefully, grateful for the distance between you and Jinyoung at the moment. “I’m sure I’m easily replaceable.”
“I’m not having an argument with you over the phone,” Jinyoung replied calmly. “Though you sure are a lot braver whenever you’re on one.”
You scoffed, but had no rebuttal. It was true. After a nervous pause, you stammered, “Want anything from the store?”
Jinyoung barked, “Yeah, three or four bottles of soju. I’ll need them if you’re planning on staying longer than five minutes this time.”
“You bastard,” you fired back. “I offered you my ass on a silver platter and you would rather talk about apples.”
Yugyeom and Jackson both made noises of amusement, though the latter still kept his eyes closed in an attempt to catch a nap.
There was absolutely no fluctuation in Jinyoung’s voice when he grumbled, “Yeah, because nothing turns a guy on like his girl flopping onto the kitchen counter.”
Bristling with fury, you snapped, “How would I know what turns a guy on? It’s been years since I slept with you.”
“Me?” Jinyoung questioned.
Jinyoung shifted his weight, drifting into his bedroom, and asked, “I’m the last person you slept with?”
Immediately, you realized what you had said and fell rather spectacularly into a panic. “I’m gonna hang up now.”
Jinyoung countered in a low threat, “Don’t you fucking dare.”
You pulled the phone from your ear and stared at the screen, biting your lip as adrenaline rose in your chest. After a few tense seconds, you pressed the phone back to your cheek and whispered, “Yes.”
Jinyoung was clearly off balance after your confession, because his tone was tender and soft when he spoke, “No one else has touched you?”
Pinching your lips together, you wrestled with what to say. Had he assumed you had moved on from him? That you had gotten into bed with other men in an attempt to forget about him?
Firmly, you replied, “No.”
It was true. You had found and lost love with Jinyoung. You knew you wouldn’t find it with anyone else - you would only find it where you had left it.
Now, it was Jinyoung’s turn to be silent. After a moment, he murmured, “I didn’t know that.”
Why did he sound skeptical? Did he think you were lying to please him?
Wrath reared its ugly head again and you snapped, “Oh, I’m sorry I’m not a massive slut. Does this lower my street value?”
Jinyoung snarled, “Careful...”
“Wait, it should raise my worth, right? I’m sorry…” you trailed with a hollow chuckle to hide your wounded pride. “I’m not up to speed on prostitution practices.”
Running out of patience, Jinyoung hissed your name.
Squeezing the phone, you shouted into the receiver with loathing, “The last girl you paid to fuck you, should I call her for some advice?”
“Oh, shit,” Yugyeom suddenly exclaimed, slamming the breaks as a car darted out in front of him.
You screamed when the vehicles collided and inadvertently dropped the phone onto the floor between your feet. While you lurched forward from the impact, your taut safety belt shoved you back into the seat. Fortunately, you and your companions were unscathed.
“Real nice, Yugyeom,” Jackson chastised, opening his door and stepping out to survey the damage.
“Don’t get out,” Yugyeom told you as you reached for your handle.
You nodded, watching the man in the opposing vehicle storm up to the car you were in and slam both of his hands on the hood. Jackson approached him, speaking diplomatically, but the other man was shouting, motioning between the two of them.
“I wanna go back now,” you spoke shakily, eyes on the drama unfolding.
When his polite manners didn’t do the trick, Jackson braced his hands on the man’s chest and shoved him away, warning him to settle down or there would be consequences. After handing the stranger a few bills from the wad of cash in his pocket, both parties returned to their vehicles amicably.
“What are you paying him for?” Yugyeom exclaimed with discontent as Jackson slid back into the car. “We had the right of way!”
“Just go before the police show up,” Jackson ordered, reaching into his back pocket with a groan when his phone began to ring. He patiently answered, “Yeah, boss? No, we’re fine. She’s fine. It was a tiny collision. She does? No, she seems alright to me.”
“I’m right here,” you grumbled, glancing over your shoulder. The concept of Jinyoung being worried about you warmed your icy heart for a moment, but you were still too annoyed to let the gesture soften you.
“I will keep an eye on it,” Jackson whispered, then hung up.
“He told you about my history with car accidents, did he?”
Jackson relaxed back into his seat, like nothing had happened, and said, “He just told me to watch out for the signs, that’s all.”
“I’m fine,” you asserted. “My reaction is totally normal.”
“Really?” Jackson persisted. “Because my hands stopped shaking already. How about yours?”
You glanced down at your lap and saw your quivering fingers, immediately folding your arms and gazing out the window.
Stepping into the penthouse after a short return drive, you came face-to-face with a livid Jinyoung. Before he could utter a word, you sassed, “You won’t get rid of me that easily.”
He narrowed his eyes in reproach. “That’s not funny.”
Putting your hands on your hips, you dodged him and sang in a taunt, “It’s a shame you’ve lost your sense of humor, among other things.”
Jinyoung’s sharp tongue was not to be underestimated and he was quick to retort, “Yeah, it must be out there fucking what’s left of your dignity.”
You scowled, enraged.
Jinyoung planted his feet, crossed his arms over his chest, and asked sternly, “Why haven’t you been with anyone else?”
A ripple of nerves shot through you and you deflected, “Are we really gonna have this conversation now?”
Jinyoung would never admit it, but he was overcome with feelings toward you. You had stayed faithful to him. Even though you left him, you had made no attempts to replace him. Every fiber of his being was drawn to you, desperate to have you in his arms.
“Why not?” Jinyoung finally pressed, advancing toward you.
Folding your arms, you stuck out your hip and tapped your foot. “Have you been with anyone else?”
Jinyoung wagged his finger. “I asked you first.”
“No, Jinyoung,” you admitted with a heavy sigh, abandoning any ideas about lying to him. “I haven’t been with anyone since you. I’m not capable of trusting another person that much.”
Harshening his expression, Jinyoung sneered, “Trust is a funny thing, isn’t it?”
You bristled, reading his tone.
“I’m suddenly reminded of how much I trusted you until the day you jumped in that truck and ran away from me.”
You threw up your hands, assuming he was back to the game, back to his desire to punish you. Exhausted, you choked, “I wasn’t doing it to get away from you.”
Jinyoung scoffed, “Really?”
“Don’t talk to me like you fucking know me,” you yelled, drifting toward his room for much needed solitude.
Jinyoung’s gaze narrowed, fire coursing through his veins when he hissed, “I’m the only one that knows you.”
With a roll of your eyes, you stomped to his bedroom and slammed the door behind you. Plopping down on his bed, you fell to your back and focused on calming your racing heart. Because arguing with Jinyoung didn’t scare you - it excited you.
When you were with Jinyoung, the two of you got into fiery debates rather often. Both of you were reckless with your emotions, quick to indulge your tempers given the right situations pushed the right buttons. You and Jinyoung were adept at flinging sharp words and insults, but you never felt fear or emotional injury from your sparring with him. Jinyoung was the boy who held your heart. You knew he would never break it.
At least, not until you broke his.
Voices drew your attention a few minutes later. Jinyoung had made no attempts to engage further with you and you were slightly disappointed. Meanwhile, you had been grappling with the spikes of adrenaline still holding your attention.
It amazed you how little compassion your own brain had for your emotional well-being. Whether it be a small collision or even a fake car accident in a film, seeing either would bring back every visceral detail of the day you learned how dangerous your home had become.
The van had slammed into your truck, totalling it with ease. Your head hit the window and a concussion nearly faded your vision to black. Before you slipped into unconsciousness, your body alerted you to more impending danger - of men dragging you from the wreckage with no intention of rescuing you.
Jinyoung would never understand your hatred for the gangs. Not unless he had been through what you had endured that day.
Snapping from your dark thoughts, you opened the door and stepped toward the living area. You needed to see Jinyoung, needed him to anchor you back to reality. No matter the hurt and pain between you and him, he was the uncontested safest place in the world.
“Jinyoung,” you called unsurely, voice shaking as the conflict grew louder.
In your three days of being one of Jinyoung’s “employees,” you had only met Bambam once and all you knew about him was his handling of Jinyoung’s business relationships. He seemed to be the orchestrater, the man with his hands in every cookie jar.
At the moment, Bambam was shouting, visibly enraged. Even though his anger was not remotely directed at you, your instinct was to cower into the corner to make yourself a smaller target. As you paced backwards slightly, head down in submission, Jinyoung clocked a weathered glance at your movements.
While Bambam continued to rant, you thought of your mother - the way she screamed at you and her voice would carry through the house, ricocheting from every surface to the point you thought you were surrounded. At the memory, your breathing began to shallow and you stared at the floor.
“Stop raising your voice,” Jinyoung warned his friend, but his eyes were fixated on you.
Oblivious, Bambam persisted, “I’m sorry, but this is the biggest screw up since…”
Jinyoung cut him off to snarl in reproach, “Shut up.”
You remembered the way you had screamed when those men tore you from the car and the sound flooded all of your senses until you truly believed you were back in that same place all over again. The memories were snowballing, piling one after the other until you were buried under an avalanche of trauma.
“Jinyoung,” called Jackson worriedly, having finally noticed you.
“I know,” Jinyoung answered as he made his way over to you, grabbing your arms and guiding you to the floor. “Sit. Sit.”
To everyone in the room, you looked like a startled animal, eyes wide and chest heaving for breath. Following Jinyoung’s instructions, you wouldn’t call what you did sitting, per se. You more or less collapsed to the ground; your legs folding under you like a lawn chair.
Frantic, Yugyeom asked, “What’s wrong with her?”
Jinyoung pushed some of your hair out of your face and answered, “She’s having a panic attack.”
“Because of me?” Bambam blinked.
Yugyeom was quick to scold, “No, you idiot. You’re just the cherry on top of a milkshake from hell.”
Clenching his jaw, Jackson turned to Bambam and added, “There was a little incident earlier.”
At the phrase, your mind gave you rapid glimpses of the car accident and your chest tightened all the more. Many pairs of eyes were on you now and your brain warned they were systematically draining all of the oxygen out of the room, robbing you of much-needed air.
“No, no, don’t look at them. Look at me,” Jinyoung demanded, cupping your face. “I’m the only one that matters. I’m the only one here.”
You wanted desperately to wrangle your breathing back to normal. You screamed at yourself in your mind that you were overreacting, that you were spiraling out of control for no rational reason.
“Everybody, get out,” Jinyoung ordered under his breath, careful not to shout in your presence as he seethed before you.
Shuddering, you choked in an attempt to gulp in more air.
Jinyoung gripped you, gentle but secure, and ordered, “Hey, hold my arms and close your eyes. Focus on breathing.”
You winched your eyes shut and imagined waves lapping on some distant shore. Even in your mind, the place you tried to seek was dark with storm clouds, the ground quaking when thunder boomed overhead.
“That’s it. Just relax. I’m right here with you.”
His voice seemed muffled by the rushing of blood in your ears. Your skull pounded, oversaturated with survival responses.
Jinyoung watched your face, relieved to see you were settling down in response to his words. Once upon a time, he was adept at saving you from yourself. Shushing your whimpers softly, he sighed, “I won’t let anything happen to you. You’re safe, baby. You’re safe with me.”
The panic gave you one last spike of terror, a final attempt of claiming you. You hyperventilated in response, shaking at a fresh onslaught of adrenaline, but it was subdued and losing its power.
Jinyoung brushed his thumb through the tear rolling down your cheek and said, “Breathe.”
His voice echoed in your head, drowning out everything else.
“You’re doing great.”
You relaxed, breathing steadily.
Jinyoung angled his body, pressing two fingers to your wrist and seeking out your pulse. Satisfied at the speed, he ordered, “Open your eyes now.”
Your eyes cracked open slowly, tears escaping your lashes and streaming down your face. Meeting his penchant stare, you rasped, “Jinyoung?”
“Not now, sweetheart. Just focus on you,” he calmed. “We have plenty of time to talk.”
Composing yourself, you took a deep inhale and released the air. Feeling marginally better, you joked, “This day fucking blows.”
Jinyoung chortled briefly. “I know.”
Letting your hands slide from his arms, you began, “I’m sorry about what I said earlier. I got carried away.”
Jinyoung fervently shook his head. “Don’t apologize.”
Both of you got to your feet, the room thick with tension of a different kind. A smile forced its way to your lips as you had caught a glimpse of the old Jinyoung - the boy who loved you more than himself and never failed to drive away your nightmares.
Calling his name, you reached out for him and stammered, “Can we… just stop being angry with each other?”
Jinyoung exhaled, morose. Giving your hand a squeeze before letting go, he explained, “You’re angry with me. I’m angry with you. Time will fix that.”
You watched him escape into his adjacent bedroom and you followed without any doubts.
For minutes that passed much too quickly, you had been safe and sound in Jinyoung’s arms. Even now, every aspect of his body language was open and inviting. If you wanted to rush back into his embrace, you had no doubt you would be welcome to do so.
Noticing you had shadowed him into the bedroom, Jinyoung studied you and asked, “You good?”
“I’m fine,” you assured him with a nod. “I promise.”
“Alright, then,” he replied, turning to leave. Your presence was suffocating him. He had too many desires toward you at the moment and he didn’t want to act on them yet. This was a slow burn - a power play he had to win in the end.
You sat on the edge of his bed, looking down at your hands and relieved to see they were no longer shaking. Rubbing your fingers together, you watched Jinyoung pilfer his pocket for a cell phone, dialing a number.
“Stay here and take it easy. I’m going to send everyone home,” he told you passively, striding out of the room before you could answer.
You nodded your understanding and listened to his footsteps fade away. Resisting a smile, you glanced around the room and mulled over the silly boy you loved. He was already trying to repair his harsh exterior, forcing any buffer he could to keep you from seeing he was still the soft, kind Jinyoung you knew.
Your overwhelming desire at the moment was to kiss him - to press your lips to every inch of his face and neck until he wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed you with the fire and passion you knew he possessed.
A moment later, Jinyoung returned to the bedroom, relieved to see you hadn’t moved. Giving you a look over, the two of you merely studied each other, neither uttering a word. Where did you both stand in this relationship now?
Jinyoung could see the affection in your eyes. He had soothed your fear and rage in one moment of tenderness and vulnerability. He wanted nothing more than to hold you, to cradle you in his arms and let you fall asleep under his watchful gaze. For the past four years, he had been denied your warmth, parted from the feeling of your skin against his. Meanwhile, his heart - which he had started to believe was long gone - ached in his chest, twisting with need at the sight of you before him.
When Jinyoung shifted his weight, you knew he was a split-second away from finding a reason to crash on the couch; to put some distance between the two of you in order to hold on to his need to punish you. Longing to keep him close, you called, “Can I ask you for something?”
“Mm-hm,” he hummed, eyebrows raised with curiosity.
Your eyes were alight with hope as you posed the request, “Let me sleep in here tonight.”
And there it was. Mulling through indecision, Jinyoung decided he could lose a battle or two if it meant he would still win the war. After what happened over the course of the day, there was no way he could deny you any longer.
Ultimately, Jinyoung shrugged, feigning indifference, and he surrendered. “Fine.”
Blushing, you quipped to ease the tension, “I won’t make any moves on you, I swear.”
“Take off your jacket,” Jinyoung countered lowly, without missing a beat.
“Okay,” you replied, slipping out of the blazer as your brow stitched. “Why?”
Jinyoung salivated at the sight of your body in the tight outfit. He wanted to bury his face in your full breasts and grab handfuls of your plump ass, but managed to keep his composure for the time being.
Judging by the emotionless look on his face, you had absolutely no idea of the dirty thoughts racing through his mind. Jinyoung was momentarily daydreaming of all the many, many times he had taken pleasure from your body and given you back more in return.
Jinyoung began rolling up his sleeves, like he had a job to do that would undoubtedly require him getting his hands dirty, and replied, “I will give you a taste of what you want.”
Confused, you weren’t entirely up to speed yet with his shift in disposition and you searched his expression for an answer. “And what is that?” you questioned innocently.
“Put your hair up.”
You cocked your head, curious.
“Put your hair in a ponytail,” Jinyoung spoke slowly, almost patronizingly, when you failed to obey and pointed at the crown of your head.
With a roll of your eyes at what he could be playing at, you did as told and pulled a tie from your wrist to restrain your hair.
Jinyoung approached you, nose-to-nose, and surprised you when he reached around your head and grabbed the ponytail in his fist. You groaned at the sharp, forceful contact and braced your hands on his chest.
“Strip,” Jinyoung ordered, nipping at your lips.
Eyes widening, you could hardly believe your ears and you complied with his demand as if it were your body’s natural reflex. Jinyoung kept a solid hold on your hair and kissed you with abandon, smiling against your mouth when he felt you trying to shuffle out of your shorts.
Jinyoung cupped your jaw as he slipped his tongue along your bottom lip, teasing you for entrance. Rather than give in, you leaned into him and shoved your tongue into his mouth, stumbling as your shorts landed around your ankles. Jinyoung chuckled at your mindless urgency and the sound registered in your chest, causing you to smile while you played with his tongue.
His hand fell from your cheek, landing on your clothed breast and palming at the mound before grabbing the hem of your shirt and yanking it to the side to expose your bra. When you heard the material rip slightly, you broke from his mouth to gasp, but in the next instant, his palm was on your waist and stroking up your bare stomach.
The heat of his touch traveled up to your head and clouded your thoughts. You could hear and feel every harsh thump of your racing pulse in your ears. Your heart was clenching in your chest, celebrating at the taste of victory. Jinyoung was touching you. He was kissing you with the fervor of someone that had never stopped loving you.
Impatient, Jinyoung released you just long enough to spin you around, facing you away from him. You called his name, heat fogging your mind even more from the rush of arousal of his rough grip on you. Jinyoung guided you to his dresser, pushing you into it with the insistence of a man starved for the feel of your body beneath his.
Your hands collided and fumbled with his as both of you made it your mission to get you out of all your clothes. When you reached behind yourself to fiddle with his zipper, Jinyoung grasped your wrist and brought it to the dresser, pinning you there.
Jinyoung was completely clothed when he pressed to your back. It was symbolic - you were naked and wholly vulnerable, but he was guarded and concealed.
Bracing yourself on the dresser, you closed your eyes and hummed with pleasure, shivering at the feel of his warm, roaming hands on your body. His palms skimmed and traced every expanse of your bare skin, touching you with the seasoned experience of a boy who once knew every inch of you intimately.
Jinyoung groaned at how soft you felt against his fingertips. You hadn’t changed at all. He could see every shaky breath you took and thrived off of the effect he had on you. Sensing you were desperate for his touch, Jinyoung kissed beneath your ear and coiled his arms around your naked waist like a noose.
“I want you to know something,” Jinyoung murmured, tonguing a path up the side of your neck while he tangled a fist in your ponytail. “But first, don’t utter a word.”
You nodded your understanding and submitted to his dominance, purring when his hand lowered between your legs.
“I’ve fucked many women since you left me,” he sneered in a low whisper. “None of them could fill the emptiness you left behind.”
A rancid taste took root in your mouth as the revelation weighed heavily on your heart. Other women had slept with your man. There were whores out there that knew how it felt to have him inside them. You clenched your jaw and checked your anger, because unadulterated rage was beginning to boil in your chest.
Smirking at the way you stiffened against him, Jinyoung teased his fingers beneath your lower lips, chuckling devilishly when he felt the dampness and warmth of your flesh. He coated his digits in your arousal, playfully teasing your entrance until your hips jerked forward involuntarily toward his hand.
Feeling you getting riled up, Jinyoung chose to growl in your ear, “I closed my eyes every time, imagining you on top of me, but I knew better. They weren’t as warm as you. They weren’t as tight as you. They didn’t make those sounds I know you make.”
You wanted to be aroused by this. You would have preferred his words to fuel your ego, but you were too busy being absolutely infuriated. The territorial streak you possessed flared and you quickly pushed on the dresser in an attempt to loosen his hold on you.
Jinyoung chuckled, releasing his grip on your hair to reaffirm his arms around your waist. “Where are you going, baby?” he teased against your neck.
Irritable, you growled, “You fucked other women?”
Jinyoung was thrilled to hear your envy and he squeezed your bare breast to annoy you some more. “Of course, I did,” he replied with a spiteful edge to his voice as he pushed his way into your entrance. “You weren’t around.”
You were momentarily distracted from being angry when his thumb rolled your clit and a tiny whimper left your lips. Jinyoung pumped his digits into your wet pussy, stroking your sweet spot with the pads of his fingers.
After a gasp at the feel of your walls stretching around his penetration, you clenched your jaw and spat, “You are the only person I have ever been with. You’re the only person I’ve ever fucking kissed, Jinyoung.”
Jinyoung snickered and sighed on your shoulder, “Are you jealous, sweetheart?”
“No,” you smarted bitterly. “How could I be jealous of what’s rightfully mine?”
Thrumming at your declaration, Jinyoung grinned with pride and whispered, “Would you feel better if I told you I just used them to get myself off? I never concerned myself with pleasuring them?”
That did little to mollify you and you told him as much. “You were still inside them.”
“I didn’t come in any of them. Couldn’t risk that.” His voice dropped to a whisper when he added, “I miss coming inside this gorgeous bitch though.”
You shivered at his words, biting your lip as you remembered the times Jinyoung would say the dirtiest, nastiest shit to turn you on. Meanwhile, your memories also reminded you how it felt to push Jinyoung over the edge, to feel him losing himself on top of you. With a wiggle of your ass against his crotch and the obvious erection trapped in his pants, you whined, “I’m still mad at you.”
Jinyoung crowded your back a little more aggressively, sinking his fingers into your warmth down to the base of his knuckles. Chuckling at the way your legs quivered and you struggled to keep balance, he teased, “Well, I suggest you get over that in the next two minutes.”
Squeezing the corners of the dresser, you cried, “What do you want from me?”
“Right now, I just want you to relax,” Jinyoung crooned, stroking his free hand across your breasts and toying with your hard nipples. “I really wanna watch you come.”
“Mm,” you moaned, bidding yourself to ignore how angry he made you and focus more on his fleeting desire to pleasure you.
Jinyoung sank his teeth into the base of your neck and tongued at the crimson mark forming. Inhaling the scent of your hair, he growled, “You always looked so beautiful when you came for me.”
Listening to your pussy squelching around his fingers, you panted, “Jinyoung, I’m wet enough. Take me.”
“Who are you telling?” he chided, his fingers moving at an even faster pace. “I’m the one with a hand between your legs.”
“Jinyoung,” you moaned, desperate.
Jinyoung rolled your clit with this thumb and groaned in the back of his throat at the feel of your arousal dripping down his hand. “Tell me what you want,” he sighed.
“I want...” you stammered, releasing little noises every time his digits plunged into your core, stroking your walls good and rough.
You knew what you were about to say. You had passed beyond want and settled into need. Winching your eyes closed and sinking your teeth into your lip, you imagined how it would feel to make love to him after all these years; to feel yourself one with him again.
You craved it on a primal level, mouth watering at the mere thought.
When you failed to answer, Jinyoung seemed to read your steamy thoughts and released a shaky, aroused breath on your neck, rumbling, “Tell me.”
“You inside me,” you confessed without hesitation.
God, he wanted that. Your pussy was warm and welcoming around his fingers. He knew your cunt would clamp down on his cock in a vice grip.
His hips stuttered, smacking into your bare ass from behind in a seeking thrust. His body wanted nothing more than to go on autopilot. Feeling your naked skin and your undeniable heat pushed him to the height of his tolerance.
But Jinyoung was well in control of his priorities and pitilessly reminded, “I am inside you.”
Rolling your eyes with annoyance, you whimpered, “That’s not what I...”
With a vengeance, Jinyoung shoved his fingers deep inside your walls to match his words, “You want my cock?”
“Yes,” you cried out, moving your hips to match the speed of his hand.
Hunger gripped his voice as he continued, “You want this thick cock to fill you up?”
“Yes,” you shouted, grasping the corners of the dresser until your knuckles began to ache.
Blinking in surprise, you exclaimed, “What?”
“I said no.”
Frustrated, you bounced your hips, driving to meet his fingers and simultaneously ensuring your ass coaxed against the bulge in his jeans. Though you weren’t clueless as far as this power struggle between you and your ex-boyfriend was concerned, you asked, “Why?”
“You know why.”
The moment those words left his mouth, Jinyoung bore down on you, wedging you underneath him with no way of escape. You howled his name and pleaded for mercy when his hand picked up speed, drilling against your sweet spot while his thumb rubbed your clit borderline viciously.
The orgasm slammed into you, consuming you - mind and body. You moaned at the top of your lungs, the sound abruptly cutting off as you shook in his arms. Your back curved against his body and you pushed at his hand frantically when the stimulation became more than you could bear.
“Oh, god,” you sobbed, fluttering limply onto the dresser and burying your face between your arms. Jinyoung was still ever so slightly sinking his fingers in and out of your heat, coaxing the aftershocks out of you while he rutted his clothed cock along your ass.
“Good girl,” he snarled almost inaudibly, fighting a grin at how hard you had climaxed from his fingers alone. You were extremely sensitive, which led him to believe this was the first orgasm you had experienced in quite a while. And he wasn’t wrong.
Jinyoung kept his body draped over yours and grabbed you by the throat. His lips were wet with saliva as he blazed a trail up the side of your neck before whispering, “I would love nothing more than to fuck the shit out of you. To stretch you open with my cock and fill you with cum like you want, but I won’t. Not until you beg me and not a moment before you admit you were wrong for leaving me the way you did.”
Tears pricked your eyes from the ministrations of his thumb rolling your engorged bundle of nerves, but were spurned even further by his words. You merely lay there with his body overtop yours, feeling the cold of the dresser against your breasts, and wishing to all the heavens he would just take you.
But more than anything, you wanted him to forgive you.
Jinyoung withdrew his hand and wiped your juices off on his jeans carelessly before opening the drawer at your side and finding a roomy shirt for you to wear.
“I’m back to being mad at you,” you hissed after finally lifting yourself from the dresser.
Jinyoung said nothing, though he gave you a stern, unaffected look before pulling the sweater over your head. You lifted your arms into the air and allowed him to dress you. Then, you shuffled to his bed.
You were disappointed but obviously not surprised when he didn’t join you. Noting an outline of the hard dick in his jeans, you watched him step toward the bathroom and considered pressing your ear to the door to listen to him relieve himself.
“By the way, I lied,” Jinyoung said as he stood in the open doorway.
Shifting under the blankets, you asked with indifference, “About what?”
Jinyoung settled his gaze on you, licking his lips at the sight of you sated and comfortable in his bed, and confessed, “I haven’t touched any women since you. I don’t have anything to give to another person. You took it all.”
Then, he closed the bathroom door behind him and left you to your solitary thoughts, missing the sight of the victorious smile that claimed your swollen lips.
← previous chapter | next chapter →
a/n : this story was previously Lacuna on my old blog, minheoney. I’m really excited to finally finish it! This fic was my baby for so long and I’m ridiculously happy to give it a new home :)
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Hey there, beautiful! If you enjoyed this, please leave a like or reblog or follow me! Or maybe buy me a coffee so I can keep writing? Or check out my masterlist here for more stories! Thanks for reading :) - Katya
This work is fictional and for entertainment purposes only, but is licensed and protected under a creative commons attribution-noncommercial-noderivatives 4.0 international license. Any instances of plagiarism will be dealt with accordingly. Do not re-post or translate without my permission.
{ copyright 2018-2020 © ahgaseda // all rights reserved }
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makeste · 5 years
BnHA Chapter 239: We’re Fucked
Previously on BnHA: Actually it’s been two weeks, so I barely even remember. Let me just... take another... Ah, right. So Tomura brought it up a notch to Goth Level x20 and destroyed all of his Surplus Hands in a fit of independence, and Re-Destro was like “!!!” and then turned himself into a giant robot as a counter-flex. Meanwhile Gigantomachia continued to smash shit and also defeated Orange Leaf because lord knows Dabi was never actually going to get around to it. Compress called Ujiko and was all “hey can you please stop your guy because I’m afraid he’s going to smash us once he’s done smashing everything else,” but Ujiko was all, “listen if Shigaraki dies then he dies!!” But I’m pretty sure Shigaraki isn’t actually going to die. Re-Destro, though? He might be dead. Guess we’ll find out.
Today on BnHA: Nope, Re-Destro isn’t dead. So it goes like this: Tomura, who is now incredibly hot by the way, annihilates the entire fucking town leaving only bits of rubble, basically. Everyone is all, “LOOK AT THIS ARE YOU FUCKING SEEING THIS HOLY SHIT” and basically just watching in awe. Re-Destro chops off his own fucking feet so as not to be disintegrated himself, something which everyone is way too fucking calm about tbh. And in the aftermath Tomura stands there all “lol I won,” and RD is like, “yeah you sure did,” and I was expecting Tomura to be all “well anyways, [kill]” but instead RD is like, “HERE’S THE KEYS TO YOUR NEW ARMY” and Tomura is “HEY COOL” and SOMEHOW THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER AND WORSE ALL AT THE SAME TIME. Heh. Anyways where’s that comic with the dog in the house that’s on fire. That about sums it all up.
(All comments are my unspoiled reactions from my initial readthrough of the chapter. I did a quick edit for grammar and clarity immediately afterward, but aside from that there are no changes, and even that was a rush job since I was late in reading the chapter this week. I basically have not edited this at all lulz.)
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sounds like someone is about to get the official Gigantomachia Seal of Approval at long last! sure did take this boy a while to get accredited, but he kept at it! there’s a lesson there, folks. if at first you don’t succeed, stop sleeping for two months and then power-hallucinate your way to success
so we’re opening with Hanabata and his van! I sure hope this mofo is about to die, because mofos need to start dying already. I’ve loved this arc and we’ve had some really great times, but I never did have much patience for this particular point of any given arc. side villains need to know when to die. respect for Kizuki, at least she had the right idea
on the other hand we are being gifted with some pretty fun panels, such as this
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wah, his shoes. heh
oh my god
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did he slam into the van when it hit the brakes to avoid Tomura’s Destruction Radius. ouch
so he’s narrating about how some crazy shit is going down over where Tomura is. and that “our story was at a standstill, but now...”
listen, that “but now” had better mean that you’re about to de-standstill and wrap things up
-- holy shit
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I’m not -- Tomura, what!?! you’re hot?! is it just me?? am I fucking losing it?? what the fuck. can you seriously just cut off anyone’s fingers and they’ll magically grow 40x hotter!? somebody count Aizawa’s fingers for me
shit. this isn’t even my normal aesthetic! Tomura you’re crossing genre barriers here. I can’t speak for everyone, but I deeply suspect that you’re appealing very widely right now
the moral of this story is, eyeliner. that’s it. that’s the moral
in other news, Twice shouting “hang in there, Giran!” speaks for all of us, I think, and he had better get a medal for being VIP of this fucking arc. and Giran, it’s good to get some exercise
so who is this monologuing now?
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is this a flashback to All for One? or RD getting all philosophical as the countdown inches ever closer to his doom?
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like, this could seriously go either way here. huh. full disclosure, I’m doing my best to speedread here since this recap is late, so I’m not taking much time to think real deeply or try and process every little thing this week
now RD is going “guh!” and failing to get with the times
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yeah dude, we established this already. Tomura is doing a lot of things he shouldn’t fucking be able to do. because he’s awakening. you’re the one who fucking said it just last chapter. quit being so damn shocked
lol now he’s thinking “if I can just get out of range...” ha, good luck. does he even have a fucking range now
omfg. you guys
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being on the villains’ team for an arc is so much fun. so nice to be able to shamelessly appreciate the senseless destruction
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okay, not quite as hot now. but from the right angle, though. damn
anyways. he cray. we get it lol
now he’s shouting “I’ll break you to pieces!” all gleefully and, like. destroying the entire town, it looks like. possibly
okay but seriously I think he really is. he really fucking is, you guys
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I’m simultaneously grinning at how badass it is and thinking in the back of my mind about how our actual heroes are so!! fucked!! once this arc is over and done with sob
like, hey Tomura, what was your overall goal again? destroy the entire world? oh, yes, right. and what exactly is stopping you, again? literally nothing but a handful of sixteen-year-old heroes in training? whom I’m deeply attached to? yes, that’s surely going to end well
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we’re so. goddamn. fucked
also, when did RD transform back into his little guy form? why do I suddenly almost feel sorry for him. well maybe not sorry so much as I feel pity. though once again, weekly reminder that he invited them himself, and they probably would never have clashed had he not decided to start shit for absolutely no fucking reason
let this be a lesson to all other villains! if you’re still thinking the League is an easy mark now that AFO is ~out of the picture~, let Overhaul and Re-Destro serve as examples of what happens when you underestimate the new boy in charge
and when I think of it that way, it makes me want to warn Tomura not to get too cocky and make the same fucking mistake. AFO and All Might may not have much in common, but one thing they do share is a knack for choosing worthy successors. though I still think that in AFO’s case, “placeholder” would be a more accurate word
anyway so where were we. -- oh yes
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I wonder how many pages do we need of Tomura cheerfully decimating shit and RD watching in terror. this is a manga-only complaint though, just to be clear. in the anime? this shit is going to be fucking amazing. Tomura cackling maniacally while the world crumbles to pieces around him. metal af
by the way I love how RD has gone pants-only now that he’s back in his Bruce Banner form
I really shouldn’t be complaining that this chapter is going by so quickly, given that I’m trying to race through it, but literally the next two pages are just more of the same shit
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town: destroyed. RD status: defeated and pants-only. plots advanced in the last three pages: none that I can actually see
oh shit. wait
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what the -- holy --
okay lol. nevermind. here I thought that was Tomura’s foot on the previous page. and I didn’t notice RD’s feet had been chopped off on account of I thought the BLOODY STUMPS OF HIS FEET were his shoes, I guess. despite the manga establishing multiple times that he was only wearing pants. I only pointed it out specifically twice myself. wowwww
just. I’m running on four hours’ sleep here but feeling pretty all right considering, so I thought I was doing pretty good, but I GUESS NOT lol. one of these days I’ll learn that if a giant two-page spread appears to be a waste, it’s far more likely that I’ve just completely failed to see some very obvious thing of critical importance
anyways. ohhhhh yesssss
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[raises hand] me! I know!! it was him calling you up out of the blue and being all “hey come here I want to start a whole battle”!!
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god I’m living for this. the brief swell of pity is gone as quickly as it arose lol. finish him off boiiiii
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jesus. I would be impressed by their loyalty, except that none of them have given a fuck about the 100,000 hapless redshirts who’ve died fighting for them, so it seems pretty damn hypocritical for them to care so much about this one fucking guy. especially when his stupid plan singlehandedly destroyed everything your organization has spent their entire lives working for. in, like, an hour
anyway, Tomura is back to being hot again guys
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motherfucker is fully aware of just how much everything is lining up his way right now. finally his childlike self-assuredness actually has some sort of basis in fact. you are exactly as badass as you think you are, sir. must be nice. you enjoy this; you deserve some nice things just this once before everything goes to shit again after this arc
holy shit, even Hanabata’s quirk is failing in the wake of that see-you-in-hell grin
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I’m telling you dude, you should have been driving the other way. not that there’s any point now. enjoy your final seconds on this earth
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“meaningless casualties” lmao that is the most pompous variation on “DON’T YOU GET IT, WE’RE ABOUT TO FUCKING DIE” I’ve ever heard
wow, so wait, is RD trying to beg for their lives now??
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that’s a surprisingly classy move. unfortunately I’m fairly sure Tomura is going to show you exactly as much mercy as you were prepared to show him just a few minutes earlier. well maybe a little more mercy, since you were going to take your sweet time and he’ll probably end things quickly in comparison
anyway so now RD is having an internal dialogue with his dead great-grandpa about how Tomura turned out to be the living embodiment of everything they were fighting for
and actually, he’s not wrong when you think about it. which just goes to show you how deeply flawed their philosophy really was. there’s a hugely important distinction between “freedom to be who you are” and “freedom to do whatever the fuck you want, including hurting and oppressing others”
anyway, so in the end he didn’t ask for mercy. “I picked a fight with you and lost. if you mean to kill me, then get it over with.” well I guess that is still classy in its own way though
also, Machia is staring at Tomura and seeing this
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which is an awesome visual, and I love that Horikoshi went with that instead of more internal monologuing. nothing else even needs to be said
-- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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yooooooooooo. oh shit
I did not see that coming. should have, probably. there was a lot of buildup to it in hindsight. Tomura and the gang started out the arc flat-out broke, and now at the end of things they acquire a company with precisely the resources they need. manpower, cash, and technological innovations. oh shit. oh shit
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oh my god the look on Ujiko’s face. this worked out better than he ever could have hoped
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pausing it here because I did in fact laugh and I love it. [pats]
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this boy has a 5/5 intelligence score in the character databook. he’s a genius. nothing gets past him. his reflexes are too fast
aaaaaand that’s the end of the chapter. well, then. to reiterate: we are well and truly fucked y’all
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space-helen · 5 years
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Words: 2,146 Pairing: Captain Pike x Reader
A/N: This was written from a request, I have no idea how I feel about how it all turned out though. I’ m aware I suck at dialogue and hope it will improve with time. Requests are still open I hope you enjoy.  Request: Anon - Hey, I just wanted to say I really enjoy your writing, and reading your Captain Pike is so soothing. 💕  I have a request for a fic about maybe claustrophobia or fear of the dark, or even both at the same time! And Chris helping the reader through. I keep thinking of the reader trying not to freak out and keep up the appearance of being totally chill: "Kinda funny, huh? I put myself in a confined space, travelling through a vast expanse of darkness, doesn't seem so smart when I say it out loud." _______________
It was early. You'd woken up not even an hour ago needing as much sleep as you could get after yesterday. You'd had enough time to quickly get dressed and grab breakfast.
Lost in thought you absentmindedly let your legs carry you to the turbo lift entering upon the opening of the doors. As the doors closed you heard a man clear his throat, pulling you out of your own head. “ Good morning Lieutenant Y/L/N”
You lifted your head and gazed at the man stood next to you, it was the captain. You felt heat run to your face in embarrassment “Good morning Sir, I’m so sorry I didn’t realise it was you. I was lost in my own head for a second.” you stuttered. Did you seriously just ignore your captain as you got into the turbo lift? Wow, what a great way to start the day.
“No need to apologise it happens to the best of us, don't worry about it.” The man said as he tucked his hands behind him.
You turned to smile as the captain when the turbo lift stuttered which was accompanied with the lights flashing on and off before a second later it froze all together with the lights shutting off completely. The captain took a step towards the intercom and pressed the button as you began to slowly panic on the inside. The only light illuminating the lift was the small green light above the intercom and that was barely enough.
“Pike to Bridge.” The man got no response “Pike to Engineering” Again no response. He pressed his forehead against the wall “Just my luck” he whispered “Pike to Bridge”
There was a pause. The panic bubbling up inside of you, you could feel yourself slowly getting warmer and warmer. The air feeling thicker around you. You tried not to think about the size of the lift but the darkness was making it hard. You heard the man move away from the intercom when a voice suddenly broke through “Captain Pike this is Saru. Turbo lift 1 seems to be down and facing some technical issues. Engineering will be working on it as soon as they can. Is there anyone else in the lift with you?” The man questioned
“Thank you, Mr Saru. Lieutenant Y/L/N is currently in the turbo lift with me. Is there a current ET for the turbo lift being repaired.” The man replied.
“No Sir, Not currently. But Engineering did say it wouldn't be a quick fix.”
The man sighed before pressing the button again to reply “Thank you, Mr Saru. We'll sit tight until its fixed. You have the bridge.” he moved and took a seat next to the wall.
You froze. It wouldn't be a quick fix. You took a deep breath in. Great, you'd have to spend an unknown length of time in your worst nightmare.
“Looks like we're going to be here a while Lieutenant.” You laughed, trying to hide your internal pain.
“Please Captain, if it's not inappropriate, call me Y/N. I think Lieutenant is far too formal for the situation we're currently in” you'd hoped he'd agree since it'd comfort you more right now than being called Lieutenant or Y/L/N. The space you were in was seeming to get smaller and smaller by the second, the captains movements, no matter how small were audible to you, everything was heightened.
The man laughed and rested his head back on the wall “Not inappropriate at all as long as you're comfortable, and please call me Christopher.”
You smiled but it wasn't as if he could actually see it, took a deep breath and closed your eyes. Hoping the tight feeling would go away.
Pike relaxed for a moment before he realised you were still unmoved from the centre of the lift “Y/N, are you ok? Why don't you sit down”
You opened your eyes to be greeted by the darkness of the lift again and felt the panic bubble up “Christopher” you paused  “I really don't feel too good.”
The man was on his feet and next to you within seconds with a hand on your shoulder “What's wrong Y/N talk to me?”
Although the turbo lift was in darkness you felt your vision spotting and yourself wobble as you brought your hand to your temple “I think I need to sit.”
“Ok, let's sit.” He guided you backwards and as your back hit the wall your legs gave out from beneath you and you let your body slide to the floor. You brought your legs towards your chest and curled up into a ball placing your head on your legs and tucked it inwards and this is when your breathing became faster and shallower.
“What’s wrong Y/N?” the man gently placed his hand on your back and rubbed it soothingly. “Breathe with me. In” he waited for a couple of seconds. “And out” he kept repeating this for a while as you uncurled your body and sat tall against the turbolift wall and mirrored the man's breathing. “That’s it” You could hear the approval in his voice.
You let out a deep sigh. “I’m scared of the dark.” You whispered before letting out a small laugh “and I’m very claustrophobic.” The man turned to you and placed his hand comfortably on your leg. "Kinda funny, huh? I put myself in a confined space, travelling through a vast expanse of darkness, doesn't seem so smart when I say it out loud."
The man lightly squeezed your leg and let out a soft laugh. “We all put ourselves in awkward positions but we do it because we love what we do. I’ve been in very scary situations … some life-threatening.” He took a steadying breath “But I'm still here because I couldn't see myself doing anything else.”
You nodded “you can say that again. Before the war happened I was put on a couple of away missions that nearly ended badly but I'm still here to fight another day.”
You rested your head back on the cold metal “I still hate being in here right now though.”
The captain removed his hand from your leg, you'd forgotten that it was even there, but now it was gone you missed the warmth and comfort of it. He stood and moved towards the intercom “Pike to Bridge.” He spoke before swiftly getting a reply.
“Mr Saru to Pike. How many we help?”
“Any updates on our situation?”
“Not currently they're still trying to get it in working order and running diagnostics”
The man sighed “could you request that they try and get the light back on in here as soon as possible” the man spoke, knowing that if he got the lights working you'd be less on edge about the situation.
There was a long pause “They're working on it now Captain. Lights should be back up shortly”
“Thank you, Mr Saru, Pike out.” The man spoke clearly before sitting back down beside you.
You smiled and placed your hand on the man's leg just like he did yours earlier “Thank you, Christopher”
He placed his hand on top of yours and wrapped it within his own. “It's ok. Now let's sit back and be as relaxed as we can be. I don't want to make you feel worse but I think we're going to be here a while longer since they haven't even finished running the diagnostic on the lift.”
You nodded and squeezed the captains hand “It's ok, at least I have you here”
The man laughed lightly and loosened his grip on your hand yet didn't let go altogether. You yawned and brought your free hand up to your mouth. “Sorry” you spoke through a second yawn. Tears pricking at your eyes from them.
“No need to be sorry. Having a panic attack can wear you out. Nap if you want too we have plenty of time. I'll wake you up if there are any updates I promise.”
You nodded before resting your head backwards. You tuned into the humming of the discovery at first before you listened to the breathing of the man next to you. His calm rhythmic breathing helped guide you into slumber.
Christopher sat in silence not wanting to wake you, he knew you were asleep by the calmness and pattern of your breathing, he rested his head against the wall much as you had done. The man was stuck in his own head brooding, he could smell the delightful smell that he could only imagine was your perfume. He froze when he felt a gentle weight on his shoulder, it took him a second to realise what was happening before he knew the weight was your head. As he turned his head towards you the lights came on in the lift, he could finally see you properly again, he looked at your hair and scanned the beautiful features on your face, you’d caught his eye on the bridge before, not because of your features or your beauty but because of your intelligence and personality. He wanted to get to know you more, yet was never brave enough to ask, afraid that it would be seen as inappropriate. He hoped that maybe this was fate bringing the two of you together.
The silence in your head was soon replaced by the sound of level breathing, followed by the strong soothing smell of cologne. You slowly opened your eyes and were greeted by the unexpected blinding light. You blinked a couple of times to adjust to it before realising your head was resting on something… someone. In horror, you sat upright. “Morning. Sleep Well?” Christopher laughed.
You gave a tired laugh back. “Yeah wasn't too bad. Pillow was a bit uncomfortable though.”
The man placed a hand to his chest in mock shock “I'm sorry the pillow was not up to your standard.”
“I'm sorry I used you as a pillow”
The man waved his hand “No apologies necessary”
You nodded “When did the lights come back on”
“Not long ago, if they've got power to the lights it shouldn't be long until the rest is fixed”
You stretched the muscles in your legs and back before standing. “Good, I can't wait to get out of here.” You paused and realised what you'd said “Not because of the company or anything though. The company in here is great.” You turned around quickly embarrassed. How could you have made that any worse?
“I could say the same myself”
You turned and gave the man a smile. “So Christopher, since we're going to be here a while and I told you about two of my fears tell me some facts.” You sat in front of the man.
The man looked up at you and gave you a lopsided smirk “Alright, I can’t argue with that. You've been in my ready room correct?”  you nodded in response. “well did you notice anything?”
You shook your head “To be honest I'm normally on edge about being in there so don't really have time to take in my surroundings.”
The man raised an eyebrow “why are you on edge?”
Your heart skipped a beat, you couldn't tell him that it was because from the day he walked onto the ship you fell in love with his personality and charisma, his looks were just an extra added bonus. “It doesn't matter.”
He made a noise of understanding and continued “well I really like horses. I used to have a couple growing up, still have one back at home. There's a couple of things in my ready room and quarters which will prove it but I won't ruin it, you can look next time you're in there.”
“Well, how do I know you're not messing with me and won't go and put some things in there now?” You teased, crossing your arms over your chest.
The man smiled a gorgeous contagious smile “Would I ever mess with you?”
“No I guess not, I trust you.” And with that, you heard the shuddering of the lift before it lifted slowly. Then it continued at its normal speed. “Well looks like our time in here's nearly up”
Christopher slowly stood as you climbed up, he offered you a hand and you accepted his help since your foot felt a little numb from being sat down for so long.
“I hope our time together doesn't have to finish here though?” The man questioned, “would you like to get lunch with me later?”
A smile crept to your lips, to say you didn't want this would be a lie “that would be nice.”
As the doors opened to admit you to the bridge you looked at each other and smiled one last time before walking your separate ways for now.
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