#Static plays FO4
ruby-static · 7 months
And this. This is why you're my favorite toaster, Nick.
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shatinn · 3 months
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Fallout 4 - Enclave science outpost (settlement) little bit still wip
(god nearly done)
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zydrateacademy · 8 months
Current Activities in Gaming #228
So there is in fact an extra enemies mod for Starfield, and the game's much harder. I haven't even bothered playing on "very hard" yet, just "hard". With leveled enemies and such, the game has some actual level of challenge now. I just got really tired of seeing level 5's and 10's. I don't feel like a pro stealth sniper at all when I can basically sneeze on most enemies without a problem. Stealth sniping is still kind of viable but mostly in the outdoor sections of encounters. Enemies will impotently fire in my general direction but if I'm far enough away they have trouble actually finding me. Interiors are much more difficult, but I imagine once I drop having a follower and utilizing void form more I can lose them as well.
Ultimately, I've barely died in this game at all until installing that mod and I'm okay with this. I have to actually rethink certain encounters and hallways and that's exciting.
Now my FO4 game I made super hard but I also had a modern firearms mod which has pretty crazy damage scaling. Enemies can kill me quickly but I can kill them just as fast. It's different in Starfield while I'm still dealing with vanilla weaponry, enemies are semi-spongey (I can usually 2-3 tap basic enemies but boss/veteran enemies with multiple health bars take a while to deal with) so enemies can kill me quickly but I can't in turn do the same to them. So now I'm outnumbered and outdamage'd, but again it just forces me to rethink encounters and I'm spamming my starborn abilities a lot more than I did before. Finally putting those essences to use when before I'd be collecting dozens. They're a real resource now.
So, so many of my problems with the game were fixed just by adding more enemies. As I knew it would, and usually does in Bethesda games. Stealth is a lot more fickle as usual but as long as my ranged capabilities stay to par, it's fine.
I also had to get a mod that allowed me to continually craft and upgrade the quality of my guns to keep them competitive. But the values are still fairly vanilla, it's not OP 2-shots-you're-dead like Modern Firearms, but it helps with the scaling issue of enemies staying at my level but my Beowulf being stuck at 200 damage for every NG+. As usual, mods fix everything.
I said in the comments of one of my previous posts that I'd report back to how I feel about Ryujin. I did it again and void form basically makes the more annoying bits of that final quest fairly trivial. I had much less problems and glitches with it the second time around. Seems odd to design a whole faction questline around the powers, which you can technically do before you discover them. I'll have to do a self-imposed challenge some day without void form but the problem is... I've already walked that road. It sucked ass. That said I only used it on the one or two problem spots from before, I still just classically sneaked through most of it, but it's still a bit beyond me how they expect me to do that last stretch to grab that prototype (schematics) without void form because there's shit all over that room and some of the guards don't patrol. I know we're supposed to use manipulation but that only works half the time because the interfacing with it is super fucky.
Interestingly I've discovered something else. I bought it a while back before I had computer upgrades because I just wanted it available, but was worried. Most screenshots make the game look like dogshit, but none of them really did it justice. There's weather conditions that can mute the colors but most towns and areas have their own palette, so it's not a homogeneous blur of grey and white as you play. I found places like Neon and Gregarin(sp?) to be fairly vibrant in its own right, while New Atlantis can seem a bit muted in comparison. Overall it's not too terrible looking game as you play it, but looking at static screenshots could give that impression.
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Currently my main save file is on her +3. First was the normal, second playthrough I was making some different choices while recording it for youtube. Third was the speedrun MQ skip to see what it was like and how much exactly it skips. Turns out Sarah will literally just hand you like half of the artifacts (like seven of them or so, in truth) after a certain point because you just tell Constellation where they are. I had her as a follower even and she just had them on hand which was pretty funny. You have to gather the first five yourself but as one quest, not as a chain. Anyway the whole MQ can be done in about an hour, not counting the temple runaround for power upgrades and I also didn't do much prepwork. Basically ran around with a decent semi-auto Kodama I picked up from Constellation's basement and burned through it.
My current "fourth" playthrough is my "whatever I feel like doing". I have spent many many hours just doing surveying and was almost getting ASMR tingles from it. I say in my youtube recording that planet surveying is very much a "mood" thing and not something you should really go out and do on purpose, just something to vibe with. That said it can be fairly decent early-game experience or something to go do to eke out an extra level or two if you feel like you absolutely need something before you can progress. I understand how and why people might find it boring, but nothing about it is required.
I might honestly do a lot of surveying on a total new game, which I might have to do once mod tools come out and everything gets updated to a proper structure. I fear I might also have to reinstall and just burn-delete everything I have right now. But it's fine because I know the flow of the game better, now.
One point of order though, I've done both Ryujin and UC multiple times and it seems the factions aren't terribly rewarding on their own. Ryujin only gives this decent stealth outfit that gives 25% to your stealth which is decent, but you lose everything in Unity so everything factions reward is temporary. UC pays fairly well but their best reward comes from their very first quest. Complete it and you get access to one of the best ballistic ship weapons in the game. I don't know what else they give other than decent chunks of credits every now and then.
At some point soonish I'll actually try out the Crimson Fleet and Freestar Rangers. Gonna go google their rewards.
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Thank you for the ask!! For sole survivor Nora Navarre:
💢 ANGER answered here!
👻 GHOST - do they believe in ghosts? what are their “ghostly experiences”, if any?
Nora emphatically does not believe in ghosts, psychics, or the supernatural. A few of her companions, notably Nick and Deacon, point out that there's plenty of stuff out in the Commonwealth that's arguably weirder than ghosts and it would be silly to discount that sort of thing wholesale and--frankly--arbitrarily, but she's stubborn.
Meeting the Fog Mother is... quite an experience for her.
💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep?
Nora suffers from insomnia and struggles with sleeping restfully and regularly. She listens to the radio turned down low, or tuned to static for white noise. When her husband was still alive, he would rub her back to help her sleep. (Later, Nick does the same thing.)
💐 BOUQUET - create a bouqet for them! what do those flowers mean? are any of the flowers their particular favourite?
Daffodil, calla lily, moonflower, zinnia, forget-me-nots, sunflower, and morning glory.
Daffodils for spring and new beginnings, calla lillies for life (and death), moonflowers for the night/darkness (the safest time for a Railroad agent to operate), and zinnias and forget-me-nots for remembering absent loved ones. Sunflowers are too big for a bouquet, but they remove harmful pollutants and radiation from soil by absorbing it through their roots, and of course resemble the sun. Morning glories because she likes them; they're her favorite of the bunch. She grew them along the fence behind her home in Sanctuary.
🌙 MOON - what is your oc’s greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it?
More than anything, Nora wants Shaun back. She is willing to go very, very far to that end--and tells herself that no matter what, she'll be satisfied if she can find the truth.
☀️ SUN - are they a morning person? what is the first thing they do in the morning?
Nora's dead to the world until her first cup of coffee or tea in the morning, but brushing and rebraiding her hair is her first priority.
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
Actually, when I first started playing FO4, I played as the male sole survivor, and so I thought of Nora originally as a background character who was only relevant as far as he knew her. Then I got like 20 hours in, realized how many other characters had dead wives, and went "okay, I'm playing the lady character now."
So the first thing I decided was her appearance. I had an idea of what she looked like before but didn't draw her until I switched protagonists. She's changed a little since my initial drawings of her back in late 2020, but the angular features, long hair, dark skin, and freckles are the same. Compare and contrast:
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It's cool to see how she's changed over the last two and a half years (and how my art has improved--I think it's more consistent and less rigid).
As far as inspiration, I pulled some of her personality--the toughness and determination combined with a love of dressing up and looking nice--from stories my grandmother told me of her grandmother.
🍼 BABY BOTTLE - what are their thoughts on children?
Before having Shaun, Nora was ambivalent about children. She's always been good with them, as a lot of the responsibility for her two younger sisters fell on her when she was a teenager. But she didn't want any of her own.
After Shaun, and while she's searching for him, she dotes on children she meets in her travels, especially Duncan MacCready. She would like to do the same for Nat Wright, but Nat doesn't let her.
✏️ PENCIL - is there a particular quote / lyric that you associate with them?
Quote: "A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity. It dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path." --Agatha Christie, The Last Seance
Lyric: "Illuminate my way with bricks of yellow / a painted road to follow fallen hallows / and through the forest haunted / I sojourn forward dauntless for I know / I've no place like a home." --Dirt Poor Robins, "Wax Cylinder Sonata"
🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum?
When she first wakes up in the Commonwealth, she's in a situation where she can't help but trust complete strangers (Preston, Danse, Piper, and Nick), because there is no way she'd be able to navigate this new and unfamiliar world on her own. On the other hand--this is a new and unfamiliar world, and she has zero context for anything. She's completely out of her element, and doesn't want to trust because of that. So she's quite conflicted for a while.
After she gets her bearings, she doesn't trust easily, but she is willing, and willing to give people second chances as well, depending on the circumstances.
Nora would never intentionally/willingly betray a friend or loved one, though if given an ultimatum she may try to deceive the one giving it to her into thinking she's going along with it. (In my fic, this is basically what happens with the Railroad and Institute--Nora convinces the Directorate to let the Railroad and Brotherhood fight it out instead of getting the Institute involved in a direct conflict. It doesn't go the way she plans.)
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returnn-of-the-mac · 4 years
how do companions react to ss trying to teach them to throw it back and twerk? (luv ur writing btw💖)
Thank you! 😊 I hope you enjoy this one!
FO4 Companions React: Sole Twerking
It was a beautiful evening at the Castle. The crows were cawing, the sun was setting over the horizon, and...the sound of static from the radio tour filled the air?
Curious, [companion] and the other Minutemen made their way over to the courtyard. There, they saw Sole standing there, a mischievous smile plastered on their face.
“Ready to learn the art of dance?”
Cait: Dancin’s for ninnies.
MacCready: [annoyed] Do I have to?
X6-88: No.
Ada: I will try my best, [sir/ma’am]. My mechanical body has limited movement capabilities.
Piper: I mean...okay. I guess?
Nick: [excited] Dancing truly is a lost art...so what are we going to do? The tango? The Charleston?
Codsworth: I do apologize, [sir/mum], but in case you have failed to notice, I am a spherical robot with no appendages.
Preston: Sure! Sounds like fun.
Strong: Strong no can dance!
Deacon: Yeah! Bring it on!
Hancock: Yeahhh, just a sec [huffs some het] Yep, now I’m good.
Danse: Negative...[annoyed]Assuming I even have a choice.
Longfellow: I can’t. I’m er...sick. [fake coughs]
Gage: Ehh...I’m not so sure boss. Might hurt our image.
Curie: Wow! Really!? Zure!
Sole, ignoring their companion’s response, started up the music.
Collipark, Bubba Sparxxx!
Sole backed up and began twerking on their companion.
Booty, booty, booty, booty, rockin' everywhere
Booty, booty, booty, booty, rockin' everywhere
Booty, booty, booty, booty, rockin' everywhere
Rockin' everywhere, rockin' everywhere
Cait: [raising eyebrow, smirking] But I reckon I could get into this kinda dancin [starts grinding Sole] FFFUCKK YEHH!
MacCready: Wh-what are you doing? [blushing; whispering in a nervous singsong voice] Look at all these peeeeeoplee.
X6-88: [stiff as a board; expressionless] ...
Ada: [stiffly bending knees joints up and down; trying to mimic Sole’s movements] This command is called “spongy knees.” I just thought you would like to know that.
Piper: This isn’t dancing [teasingly pushes Sole away, but Sole comes right on back] [smirking; secretly enjoying it] You’re so damn stubborn sometimes. Fine. I’ll play your nasty little game [starts twerking with Sole]
Nick: [disgusted] What is this garbage!? I supposed decency is dead.
Codsworth: Oh! [irritated] This is not what I had in mind.
Preston: [blushing furiously] General, this is extremely inappropriate! Please stop!
Strong: [confused] Human have butt worms? Need help itch?
Deacon: [twerking and singing along] Get it ripe, get it right, hit it tight!
Hancock: [grinding on Sole] Oh fuckkk what a banger.
Danse: [Blushing furiously] Soldier! Decorum prohibits this kind of blatant lechery. It is entirely against the Brotherhood’s Standards of Conduct!
Longfellow: Ya really think I can do this shit sober?
Gage: Oh? Are we just doin squats now? Yeah, I can get behind that [starts doing squats] Yer gona wanna squat lower than that, boss.
Curie:[confused] Why are you rubbing your buttocks against my mons pubis, [Madame/Monsieur?] I zought we were going to be danzing!
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lesvegas · 3 years
oblivion anon here, sorry we can't kiss because i'm too busy making the shitty green fallout better.
one thing i will compliment is that the art direction and the atmosphere, like holy shit it's so good where was this in fallout 4? also the annoying battle music in 4 doesn't exist here and thank god for that i was so tired of it
another thing, plan "wave around a dead body to block projectiles" still works in this like in oblivion so jank combat is still a tactic i can use and it fits in with the "yeah the vault dweller is kinda fucked up" lore
oh and the copy i got had codes for mothership zeta, broken steel, and the vr one with the bootleg brotherhood and like, i don't really wanna do mothership zeta because it kinda just doesn't fit with the atmosphere and lore i'm making with the weird wasteland but the alien signal thing with mostly static and random weird noises fits so i'm gonna disconnect that from the dlc and make some new lore:
sometimes radios will start playing a strange station randomly. it's distorted and strange. mostly static but some people have said they can faintly hear words in there, sometimes a sentence, sometimes a name, sometimes their own name, and sometimes numbers. and sometimes it's much more clear. turning the radio off doesn't stop it. and it happens more commonly near the edges of the mist... or near the wanderer...
the art direction and atmosphere is the one thing literally everyone can agree fo3 did right and i think id hate fo4 a little less if it had even half of that
also holy shit you can do that with bodies???????
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letmebegaytodd · 5 years
we all talk about fucking up our games with mods but do u have any mod recs or mods you can't play without for fnv or fo4? :O
DO i?? (yes) 
These are all going to be mods for fo4 since i rarely if ever mod fnv
This isn’t a complete list, especially since I have fo4 on three different systems so the mods vary, but generally i use these ones pretty religiously:
Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) - a must if you want to download modified armor and weapons. basically a foundation mod because a lot of other mods use it and also it’s great
Armorsmith Extended - also a must. requires AWKCR to work but you were going to download that anyway. it does like 16 different things. 
OCDecorator - Static Loot - this is one of the greatest mods of all time. if you’re like me and you have to decorate your settlements or you’ll literally die then get this
SnapBeds - do you want actual usable bunkbeds? rhetorical question. this mod is a lifesaver for smaller living areas
Sanctuary Hot Springs Settlement and Home - out of all the player settlement/home mods, this one is my favorite. 
Traits and More Perks - includes traits from fnv and new perks
The Danse Dilemma - I’ve recommended this mod 8 billion times and i’m going to do it again! Basically it includes cut content from the game, enabling you to more fully help Danse during Blind Betrayal, and challenge Maxson in order to decide a new Elder. 
The Mercenary - Pack - because you gotta look cool in the post-apocalypse
Clothing Of The Commonwealth - I have a weakness for clothing mods. you know this.
Fallout 4 Seasons - essentially an overhaul mod that gives the Wasteland a season of your choice. Spring and Summer are my favorites
True Storms - Wasteland Edition - STORMS, BITCH
Commonwealth Cuts - KS Hairdos - this hair mod is like, the most extensive one i’ve ever seen. bless
Color Map 4K 2K with Magazines Bobbleheads and Armor Locations - do you have a perpetual hard-on for finding collectibles? of course you do. download this mod
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Hey so I was wondering what mods you use for your settlement? I just got FO4 and I’ve not played it in years so I’m confused atm
Hey Anon! I have all the building-related DLC from the Creation Club (except the newest one Shroud Manor) so I use that stuff a lot because it’s neat, but aside from ‘official’ content I use these mods:
First of all, get Place Everywhere. I resisted getting it for the longest time because I’m paranoid and I was convinced it was going to do something bad. I’m an idiot, don’t be like me. It’s been amazing. It does what it says, lets you place everything everywhere inside your settlement. Just be careful you don’t lose your stuff in the floor because you can, indeed, place items inside some of the static floors. And ceilings. And walls. Don’t ask how I know. 
CREAtive Clutter ~ If you get ONE mod for settlement building, I would recommend this one. It sticks with the aesthetic of the game and lets you use furniture/decorations featured in the game but not in the vanilla build system. It adds a really good variety of things- furniture, crafting tables, resources (flowers!), posters, lights, etc. etc. etc. I never experienced drops in performance when I was just using this mod to help decorate my settlements.
Old World’s Containers and Decoration ~ This adds a ton of vanilla decorations and containers that you cant normally use in build mode - there are SO MANY things, my favorite being the Lone Wanderer motorcycle you can use for decoration. This one is definitely a close second to CREAtive Clutter IMO.
Do It Your-Shelf ~ Is in the same vein as CREAtive Clutter, but just for shelves. It does come with some nifty shelves and a TON of decorations to put on them.
Gruffydd’s Signs and Posters AND Signs of the Times ~ adds a BUNCH of signs and posters, words don’t justify how fun this one is. They’re two different mods both by Gruffydd, Check ‘em both out.
OCDecorator ~ lets you take ANY item in the game you can carry and drop and turn it into a place-able item that can’t be knocked around. 
Ponds with Placeable Water ~ It makes ponds! They’re really cool! One caveat to this one is when you try to place the BIG waters, you’ll take rads from them as they spawn around you. Sometimes I have to use the console command to remove the water rads spell. So just be aware of that!
Choo Choo Ch’Boogie ~ LETS YOU MAKE BOATS! This is how I made my Minutemen Navy. Also: trains, planes and automobiles.
Build All The Beds ~ Adds some vanilla beds not available to build as well as children’s beds!
Children Chairs ~ I got this one SPECIFICALLY because I was really sad that the only place Shaun ever sat was on the ground by the workshop in Sanctuary ;___; so now your settlement children can sit!
Snappy Housekit ~ I want to recommend this one but with a big warning - after I installed this one it causes a pretty solid 5-10 freeze every time I go into build mode. I may have more CTDs in settlements where I’ve used it to remove things that should not have been able to be removed (strictly building with it seems to be OK). I once had to load a previous save because I messed up Hangman’s Alley so bad with it because it lets you remove a bunch of the building walls there. So just… be careful with it. For me, it’s been worth the risk! There are AMAZING things you can build with it. You can use so many of architecture styles you see around the city. There’s wallpaper. There’s lights that don’t need to be powered. There’s SO MUCH (which is probably why it makes my game lag honestly). If you’re looking for something to enhance your structure-building experience not just decorations, this is it. The optional Snappy Scrap download lets you GET RID OF THE GARBAGE in your settlements! 
Hope that’s helpful! Happy building! 
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nukaworld · 7 years
What are, in your opinion/experience, the essential mode for FO4? Stuff like unofficial patches, texture replacers, weapon balances; anything really. I picked up both FO4 and the season pass on sale, so DLC requirements aren't a worry.
Honestly I am probably not the best person to ask but I will tell you my setup. I am running my Fallout on:
Intel Core i3-3220 3.30Gz
nvidia GeForce GTX 950
And it runs the base game without mods pretty smoothly at recommended ultra with constant 60 fps. Even though I need to upgrade my CPU, it seems its running pretty okay. 
First don’t get the official texture pack, it slows down your game for no reason and it sucks. And I don’t have gameplay or weapon mods or any overhaul of the UI because I got used to it and I really don’t mind it that much, I am playing on Normal - Hard depending on my mood and I handle it pretty well with weapons and the UI so I never had issues. 
Anyway for recommended mods I suggest the following:
Must have general mods - like you gotta get these these are a must have:
Fallout 4 Script Extender 
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch
Optimized Vanilla Textures
Achievement Enabler - enables achievements since Todd turned them off if you mod. 
A Highly Recommended by me mods:
Everyone’s Best Friend (have Dogmeat and another companion)
Preston no longer giving you settlement quests and instead the Radio does
Looks Menu (helps you make your character easier in the character creator by having them labeled on the side instead of you picking from the face itself)
My Highly Recommended Settlement building mods if you are into that (I am an architecture student so this was the thing I invested most in I am sorry!)
Scrap Everything
Snappy HouseKit
Repair the Castle Walls 
Repaired Sanctuary Roofs 
(Bonus) Other mods I use for cosmetic enhancement mostly that might cause problems with your game or drop your DPS. 
NAC - Natural and Atmospheric Commonwealth - imo this is a great all in one mod, it serves as both a weather mod and an ENB though sometimes places are a bit dark so you have to play around in the settings but once you set it up to your liking its great. Will cause a slight FPS drop so only take this if you have a high end machine (it drops my FPS to like 40 in the middle of Boston :/)
Nuka-World Glory - restores Nuka-World without all the trash so it looks nice but everything is still broken and old so it doesn’t break lore much. However I highly suggest taking this if you don’t side with the raiders after you finish Nuka-World.
Repairable Sanctuary - repairs Sanctuary (not completely its still kind of post-apocalyptic)
Real HD Face Textures 2k - prettier faces! 
OCDecorator - if you are into settlement building like me, it turns scrap and consumable items into static items so you can decorate the space and they wont randomly fall or jiggle or have Nick fucking Valentine walk right through your table and knock three hours of hard work down
Faction Housing Overhaul - The Castle - General’s Quarters - a player home at the castle, it’s very pretty.
We Are The Minutemen - just if you side with the Minutemen like me, its a nice mod.
Do it Yourshelf - again if you are into decorating this is a good mod for shelves.
Armors and Weapons Keyword Community Resources - lets you craft armor and weapons for EVERY other mod.
Armorsmith Extended - All DLCs - lets you craft armor that you can layer over each other (Like I put the Goggles over the beanie hat!) 
I hope this helps, if there is anything else you need please ask away! Note: Cause of these mods in the (Bonus) category I am having huge FPS drops in Far Harbor and my game straight up freezes for few seconds and sometimes runs on 15 FPS, so mod carefully. 
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spiffycow · 8 years
So you want to play FO4 with Mods...
...But you don’t know where to start or what to get. That’s what this post is for!
Below is a categorized list of mods I currently use in my game With Links.
Note that my playstyle is to prefer the game to remain mostly the same, a little more difficult, closer to the survival style, with everything maintaining immersion, & loaded up on settlement options. If this sounds like you, then please view below the cut!
Happy gaming!
Realize that with mods enabled, you will not be able to earn achievements. There is a mod workaround for this, but in the spirit of the devs intending you to earn said achievements with a vanilla character, I’ll not be including it in my list. If continuing to earn achievements is important to you, create a new character or a new save file and keep them separate.
First you will want to navigate to your Documents/MyGames/Fallout 4 and open Fallout4Custom.ini. At the bottom, add these lines EXACTLY, then save and close.
[Archive] bInvalidateOlderFiles=1 sResourceDataDirsFinal= 
Download ENBoost and extract the files inside WrapperVersion into your Fallout 4 game folder. Run Enblocal.ini and set ForceVideoMemorySize=true. Save and close. If you have a video card with more than 4gigs of VRAM, adjust the VideoMemorySizeMb to reflect that number (4096, 8192, 16384, etc.)
Next, visit the NexusMods site, create an account, and click “Install NMM” at the top of the page. Once it’s finished downloading, run the installer and then the program. When it’s scanning for games, make sure to verify Fallout 4 and hit Finish. Select Fallout 4 and hit OK.
Note: If it asks you Do you want to auto-create categories, I always hit No, but you do you. It’s a purely organisational preference. I like to create my own categories, as you will discover further in the post~
As previously mentioned, I like to organize my mods a little differently than default. If you choose to do this as well, your newly downloaded mods will be under the “Unassigned” category.
Tier 1: Essentials
This category is basically mods that are either required for other mods or mods so great and wonderful that I would never really consider playing without them.
Adjustable UI Volume Sliders
Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource
Full Dialogue Interface
Improved Map with Visible Roads
Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch
Valdacil’s Item Sorting
Tier 2: Visual Enhancements
Enhanced Blood Textures
EoW - Pre-War Books Retexture
Interiors Enhanced
True Nights (for True Storms with ENB)
True Storms - Wasteland Edition
WET - Water Enhancement Textures
Tier 3: Settlements
Basement Living - Bunker and Basement Player Homes
Better Settlers
Craftable Turret Stands
Crafting Workbenches
Creative Clutter
Do It Yourshelf
Homemaker - Expanded Settlements
Increased Build Limit Enhanced
Laundry Day
Longer Power Lines
Manufacturing Extended
No More Floating Razorgrain
NorthlandDiggers Resources
OCDecorator - Static Loot
Salvage Beacons
Settlement Attacks Beyond
Sim Settlements
Snappable Junk Fences
Spring Cleaning
The Fridge
Thematic and Practical
Videos of the Wasteland
Tier 4: Followers
Danse GTFO Power Armor
Dogmeat’s Backpack
Everyone’s Best Friend
K-9 Harness
More Smarter Companions
Tier 5: Character & Cosmetics
Armorsmith Extended
Commonwealth Cuts - KS Hairdos - ApachiiSkyHair
Eyewear and Mask Retexture
Holstered Weapons by Azar
LooksMenu Customization Compendium
Lots More Facial Hair
Lots More Female Hairstyles
Lots More Male Hairstyles
Lowered Weapons
Wearable Backpacks and Pouches
Tier 6: QoL & Immersion
Beantown Interiors Project
Better Mod Descriptions
Brahmin Troughs
Immersive Drumlin Diner
Immersive Fast Travel
Immersive Vendors
More Where That Came From - Diamond City Radio Edition
Old Saint Nick’s Christmas Radio
Old World Radio - Boston
Super Mutant Redux
Swinging Animated Meat Bags
Targeting HUD and Betty Mentats Enhanced
Targeting Sensors on Recon Scopes
We Are The Minutemen
Once you’re finished downloading, go through the list and install them. Be sure to pay attention to each mod’s instructions as they will tell you what conflicts they have with other mods and what patches to install, as well as what  files should overwrite others.
Once all mods are installed, download and install LOOT then sort and apply to optimize your load order.
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ruby-static · 7 months
This little dialogue is everything to me-
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ruby-static · 6 months
Having a normal one out in the Commonwealth.
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ruby-static · 7 months
Nick just gets progressively done with Vincent's bullshit- and really? Can't blame him. This dude's sass kills me.
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ruby-static · 11 months
Started a new game of Fallout 4 recently and
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Found a pretty neat toaster in this vault. Keeps talking like a 40s noir detective though.
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ruby-static · 10 months
Walk into a place, and near immediately see some dude get stabbed by a walking raisin. Now that's what I call a good sign.
Ft. a look at my Sole Survivor in-game.
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