#Sisters Born of the Same Flame 💜🦋
I keep thinking of a scenario before my S/I becomes a Harbinger where she’s having a terrible night sleeping (whether nightmares or she’s anxious about a mission she’s going on or w/e) but it quickly becomes daylight and she hasn’t really slept much. This is before Signora and her really start to view each other as siblings (or around the beginning of that?) but she leaves her room only to hear that all the Harbingers are in a meeting (or like a good portion of them if not all - mainly since Childe mentioned that they haven’t seen Pierro much & he only shows up on important occasion so it depends on the why of the meeting).
Either she accidentally makes enough noise to draw everyone’s attention or Signora figures out that she’s there somehow (like through a window into the room or something?) and Signora calls her over - essentially pausing the meeting for this. Signora acts completely different with April than she does with the other Harbingers (her voice becoming a lot warmer & softer) and she cares more about soothing April than her reputation.
This either ends with her sending April to her room with promises she’ll be there once the meeting’s over or her holding April in her lap for the rest of the meeting, glaring at any Harbinger that dares question it. (& if Scara’s at this meeting, which he likely is, he doesn’t care that much about it but it’s April’s first time seeing him & she thinks he’s pretty <3 - she brings it up to him later and he does remember it but is all like ‘that was you??’)
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Signora for the ask game since I'm in a familial mood rn ^-^
~ @botanists-little-cookie
ooh ty fate!
-What made me like them
I mean, I thought she was cool immediately (like all her scenes in Mondstadt & Liyue are pretty awesome) then I was planning my Harbinger and realized how perfect it'd be to have her as an older sister figure to my Harbinger ^^ (also love a unapologetically villainous woman)
-My favorite thing about them
I love the rose motifs she has (especially the way her hair is styled into rose shapes) // also she's so protective - if anything happened to me, she'd be in my corner immediately <3
-Nicknames we have for each other
She calls me 'rosa/rose' and occasionally darling/sweetheart if I need comfort from her | I call her 'sis' or (especially back when she first took me in) 'Miss Signora' - I just typically call her by her name (either Signora or Rosalyn :3)
-A headcanon of our relationship/friendship
She brings me little souvenirs back when she has to go on missions - jewelry, candles, you name it. Honestly, she likes buying me things (she'll take me shopping when we're both free :3)
-My favorite image of them
I need to get more screenshots of her so I'm gonna link something I've reblogged heh but this fanart is really pretty!
-Anything else!
Idk she's just the best big sister <3
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also a thing i think would be cute is signora helping me get ready for some kind of formal dance or a banquet (since scara did mention that the harbingers regularly had banquets); like helping me do my hair and makeup - just normal older sister things <333
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We'll Be Together Forever
Ship: Scarember [Scaramouche x April] Sibling appearances: Tartaglia + Signora | Word Count: 2989 | Tags/Warnings: proposal... <3; food mention, incredibly sappy
A/N: it's here <33 i'm engaged!! <3 I'll post the picture in a few minutes ^-^ (and maybe come back to link it into the fic where it goes)
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April's heart is pounding as she makes her way back to headquarters, unable to keep her mind off of the small box she has tucked away in her coat. The very thought of what it signifies has a smile stretched across her face and gives her the urge to start giggling.
It had been hard enough keeping her composure when she was at the jewelry shop to pick it up in the first place. But now that she's away from people, it's hard to find a reason to stay composed.
As soon as she arrives at headquarters, she reins in some of her excitement, her feet already leading her to the harbinger's common area. There's two people she wants to show this to immediately, otherwise she feels she might burst with the excitement of it all.
The room is relatively empty as it normally is. It's rare to have all the Harbingers in one place when there's not a meeting set after all. Usually, they only come here if they have nothing to do whatsoever - no paperwork, no missions, no personal errands or plans.
But thankfully, April spots both of her adoptive siblings in the room and she lets herself giggle now that she's in the company of her family. She heads over to the couch where Signora is sitting and calls out for Tartaglia to join.
Tartaglia looks intrigued, a lazy smirk spreading across his face. "Oh? What has my dear sister looking so excited, hmm?" He asks quietly, sharing a look with Signora, who looks just as curious.
"Indeed. What could have you this worked up, rosa?" Signora asks and April giggles more, digging around in her coat for the box.
Both Signora and Tartaglia are even more curious when it appears that she didn't even stop at her room to remove her outside coat before coming to see them. What could be that important?
As soon as her fingers close around the box, words spill from April's lips, the bubbliest the two have ever seen her. "I put in a custom order for it a couple months ago and it's finally ready. I wanted you two to see it first."
Signora opens her mouth to ask what 'it' is but the words die on her tongue as April pulls the box out. Signora then raises an eyebrow at her that has April blushing a little and giggling.
"It is what you're thinking." She says softly, an awed quality coming to her voice as she opens the box for both of them to see.
Signora gasps and Tartaglia's eyes widen at the sight of the ring. "It's a very lovely ring, rosa." Signora comments and April grins at her.
"So you think he'll like it?" She asks, a soft, lovestruck expression on her face as she thinks about her boyfriend.
Both Signora and Tartaglia's expressions soften at the sight of their sister so happy. "I do, rosa." Tartaglia says. "Honestly, he'd be a fool if he didn't like it."
Signora agrees nonverbally before looking at April with a concerned expression. "Are you sure it's not too soon? You've only been together with him for… what? A year and some odd months?"
April flushes at the question, a sheepish smile on her face. "Maybe… I wasn't planning on proposing any time soon. I just wanted it around in case the right moment arrived sooner than I expected." She explains and Signora hums softly.
"Just be careful, April." She warns. "You've barely known the boy more than two years. I don't want to see you hurt."
April blinks a little, but smiles at the concerned expression. "It'll be fine, sis. I'm completely safe around him." She says. If Scaramouche ever hurt her, she knows he'd be more upset about it than she would be.
"Mm." Signora hums, sharing a look with Tartaglia.
"Why don't you go find a safe spot for that?" Tartaglia asks and April nods, shutting the box and holding it close.
"I should." April says with a giggle, rising up from the sofa. "Thank you both for letting me show it off!" She says, waving at them as she makes her way out of the room.
As soon as April's gone, Tartaglia and Signora share a look. Signora sighs and leans back, looking in the direction April'd gone. "She's going to get herself hurt." Signora murmurs softly and Tartaglia hums.
"I know she trusts him, but…" Tartaglia sighs softly, hating to distrust his adoptive sister at all, given how lovely she's been to him ever since they met, but her taste in men is questionable.
"How do you think I feel?" Signora asks with a laugh. "I've known him longer than her. I know she thinks there's a future for them, but somehow I doubt they're on the same page. Sure, he loves her, that I do believe. I've never seen him treat anyone the way he treats her, but the Balladeer getting married to a human? Hmph."
Her words light a fire in Tartaglia's eyes and he jumps up. "Let's go test him." He announces decisively. "Surely, he won't be able to lie to both of us, so whatever answer we get has to be true."
"Mm… Why not? I have nothing else to do…" Signora rises to her feet and the duo heads to the Balladeer's office.
"What do you two want?" Scaramouche asks once he's invited them inside, scowling as Tartaglia goes and perches himself on the edge of his desk.
"How serious are you about April?" Tartaglia asks as casually as one might ask how someone's doing.
Scaramouche blinks, looking over to Signora to find her watching him with a protective look in her eye. Scaramouche sighs softly. "If this is your idea of a shovel talk, isn't it rather late? I've been dating her over a year."
"Answer the question." Signora says and Scaramouche scowls at her, returning to his desk and sitting down.
"Fine." Scaramouche frowns. "You really want to know?" Both of them nod and he sighs. "I've never been more serious about anything in my life."
"Oh? Than anything?" Signora asks and Scaramouche huffs at the tone. He knows what she's referring to. The only reason he tolerates any sass from these two is because April cares about them.
"Yes." He says simply. He looks between the two of them. "Anything else?"
Tartaglia hums and Scaramouche scowls, bracing himself for whatever it is. "Could you see yourself marrying her?" He asks, still sounding so conversational.
"What? Where did this come from?" Scaramouche asks, trying to hide the way he feels warm from the question.
Signora clears her throat and Scaramouche takes a deep breath. "Yes. I could. In fact, look." He reaches into his desk and pulls out a piece of parchment, rolling it out and setting it on the desk where they both can see. "This should prove I'm not lying to you."
On the parchment is the designs for a ring including measurements and a list of details in addition to the drawing. Tartaglia and Signora share a look at that and Scaramouche sighs. "I haven't had time to send in the commission for this yet, but I will. Are you two happy?"
Signora hums, sounding pleased and Scaramouche relaxes. "One further question and then we'll leave." Signora says.
"What changed? From how I remember, you despise humans. Why would you want to marry one?" She asks and Scaramouche shuts his eyes, knowing it'll be easier to answer if he can't see them.
"Because it's her. Other humans aren't so genuinely good. They lie, they manipulate, but even in her duties for the Tsaritsa, I can't see April doing that." Scaramouche says softly, softer than either of them have heard him talk. "She's too good to be true. And if she wants me? If she wants to be with me and marry me? I'll be the best husband I can be for her. It's only half of what she deserves."
Signora and Tartaglia share another look, stunned by the way he's speaking. When Scaramouche opens his eyes again, he sighs at their faces. "Do you trust me now? I'm not going to hurt her if that's what you're worried about."
Signora's expression doesn't change but Tartaglia's shifts in a way that tells him he was right about their motives.
"Well, we promised one last question, so now we're going." Signora says and Scaramouche hums.
"Don't tell her about the ring. It should be obvious but I want it to be a surprise once it's been made." He warns as they leave and Tartaglia laughs.
"We won't. I wouldn't want to ruin a surprise for her." He says and Signora hums. The two of them then leave his office.
It seems that if April does propose, then everything should go smoothly. That's all they want for her.
"That was so good. Thanks again." April says as she unlocks the door to her room to let both her and Scaramouche inside.
His face is faintly pink when she looks at him next and it makes her smile. Her compliments have never ceased in their ability to make him blush. It's adorable. "You don't have to thank me. It's my job to take care of you." He mumbles, sounding flustered and April giggles, leaning over to kiss his cheek as soon as the door's closed.
"I know, but I still appreciate it. Your chazuke is always delicious." She says and he hums quietly, a small smile on his face.
April takes his hand and pulls him into the room, stopping somewhere in the middle. "Four more days." She murmurs and he nods. "Do you have any plans for after we're done there?"
"Mm…" He looks a bit unsure about bringing up his plans for the electro gnosis. The Doctor already knows what his plans are and he's sure the other Harbingers have their theories about what's going to happen.
April smiles softly at him. "You can tell me. I promised to be with you through anything, didn't I?" She asks and he hums quietly, looking at her with the faintest bit of awe in his eyes.
He still can't believe that he's on the receiving end of her loyalty. She'd go to the ends of Teyvat for him, a fact that she makes evident often. And so, he starts telling her of the plans to take the gnosis for himself to become a God.
April listens rapt, humming and nodding at the appropriate points. When he finishes, she grins at him. "Like I said, I'll be with you. I'll help however I can."
"Thank you." He says simply, though his feelings are anything but simple. He still can't understand why she would go so far for someone like him. She's even said that she would properly leave the Fatui if he wanted her to, which surprises him. Her family is here and yet, she'd be willing to leave it behind just to go with him.
He doesn't know how he deserves someone like her.
Scaramouche raises an eyebrow when she sets her free hand on his shoulder. "Dance with me?" She asks and he huffs softly, though there's a soft look to his eyes and a small smile on his face.
He pulls her a little closer and sets his free hand on her waist. "Whatever my heart wishes." He murmurs quietly, smiling a little wider at the way her face flushes at the pet name. He'll never get tired of seeing her reaction to it.
With that, he starts to lead her in a simple dance, something similar to a waltz. The entire time, he can't keep his eyes from looking deep into hers. There's a spark of something like excitement and mischief to her eyes that has him curious what she's planning, but he trusts her.
"Scaramouche, my darling," April says when the dance has become nothing more than them holding each other and taking very simple steps. "when I first became Signora's apprentice, I couldn't even fathom the idea that I would be meeting my favorite person here. But that's what you've become."
Scaramouche smiles a little at her words, his cheeks heating up slightly. Somehow he feels she's not done, so he makes no move to speak yet.
"I know you told me not to thank you, but I must." She says with a soft laugh that has him chuckling a little in response. "Thank you for letting me in. Thank you for trusting me. For deciding that I was a safe human - one that would never betray you.
And I will never betray you. You know this very well by now. Sometime in the next few years we'll do that immortality ritual and I will be bound to you forever. I have my own idea about when we should do that," April pauses to laugh sheepishly. "But I'm afraid it might be too sappy."
"Hm?" Scaramouche hums softly and she giggles, leaning in to brush the softest kiss over his cheek. The feeling alone has him shivering in her arms, a sense of anticipation growing since it feels like her words are building to something.
"You want to know?" She asks and he nods, looking genuinely interested, his stoic mask dropped to reveal his curiosity. April smiles, a small little amused thing, as she continues. "I think we should do it at our wedding."
"B-but…" Scaramouche murmurs, a little confused, but his mind's already piecing together where this is going. The beginnings of tears prick at his eyes, but he does nothing about them. If there's anyone he could cry around (as much as he still hates doing it), it's her.
"But we're not engaged, is that it?" She asks, raising an eyebrow at him and he nods. Her smile turns even more mischievous. "Shut your eyes for a moment."
Scaramouche obeys instantly, frowning a little as she completely lets go of him. There's the slightest bit of rustling before she's giggling at him. "Open them."
He can't help the gasp he makes when he spots her on one knee in front of him, a ring box opened to reveal a stunning ruby ring. The metal is black gold and the ring is designed with several small leaves coming from the main ring, which is designed to look like a rose.
"Scaramouche, Kunikuzushi, my darling, whatever you want to be called," April says with a laugh that has him smiling even as more tears are building up. "You are my favorite person - the one person I will love forever. Would you make me the happiest woman in Teyvat and be mine? Would you marry me?"
Scaramouche can't speak at that, the tears welling up and overwhelming him. If he had a heart, it would be pounding heavily right now, but he can still feel a sense of euphoria from her question. A soft laugh falls from his lips as he gets an idea on how to answer her, her eyes brightening at the laugh - already knowing it's a good sign.
April blinks when he reaches into the pocket of his shorts, her eyes widening as she recognizes what kind of box he pulls from it. "By the seven…" She murmurs softly, unable to believe this.
Scaramouche chuckles a little, it sounding watery through the tears. "Of course, I will. But only if you do the same - make me the happiest man in Teyvat, ember." The words sound almost like an order and that just makes her laugh, her eyes welling up with tears as he opens the ring box.
Inside the box sits a beautiful garnet ring. The metal is white gold and the garnet is a large oval surrounded by smaller sapphires and diamonds. April laughs when she realizes they had similar ideas with their ring choices and she looks up at him with such a lovestruck expression that he can hardly think.
"Kuni…" She says softly, giggling more. "Of course, I'll marry you!" She says and he smiles, the biggest smile she's ever seen from him. It's enough to take her breath away.
"Then I suppose you should put that ring on me." He says, holding his left hand out to her and she giggles, gently pulling the ring from the box. Both of them are shaking a little as she slides the ring onto his finger.
April leans down and kisses the ring once it's on and Scaramouche makes a choked sound, his face heating up at how cute that was. Her eyes meet his and she looks so happy, an expression he wants to keep on her face as often as possible.
She rises to her feet and he takes her ring from the box, taking her hand gently in his as he slides the ring on her finger. A teasing expression flickers across his face before he raises her hand to his lips so that he may kiss her ring like she did his.
April giggles breathlessly at the sight, her heart fluttering as it starts to sink in that they're engaged. She pulls him closer and kisses him softly, both of them melting into the kiss.
Scaramouche's arms tighten around her and even when she pulls back from the kiss, he won't let her pull away from him. "Nope. You're staying in my arms for the rest of the night." He says and she giggles, pecking him softly.
"I'd agree but let's change into PJs first. Then we can cuddle as much as you want." She says and he sighs in a purposefully dramatic way to make her laugh.
"Fine. My heart should be as comfortable as possible." He says and she giggles more, the two of them heading into her bedroom to get ready for an evening of cuddling.
There's nowhere they'd rather be than the company of their betrothed.
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3, 19, 21 for both signora and childe
Thank you for the questions! We love getting to talk about her. - Childe
3. How did you and s/i meet anyways? What was that first encounter like?
We met back before I became a Harbinger. Pretty sure I was assigned to her team for a mission and we officially met when it was time to set off. That's when I learned how friendly she is compared to most of the other harbingers since she made conversation with us on the journey. It was a pretty fun mission, though there could've been a little more fighting... but she did manage to impress me with what fighting we did do. And it seems that I managed to impress her because it wasn't too long after that that she offered to help train me. Obviously, I would've been an idiot to turn down one-on-one training with a Harbinger, heh. - Childe
As for me, I'm afraid our first meeting wasn't the most pleasant. I overheard her having an argument with her parents, one that led to the threat of her being disowned if she were to keep using her Vision. Gods, I still get angry thinking about how barbaric that is... But I followed her when she stormed off, something about her activating a protective instinct I didn't know I had from the start. I comforted her, offered her both a place to stay and for me to assist her with training with her Vision and the rest is history. She came back to Snezhnaya with me when I returned from my mission and has been with us ever since. - Signora
19. What’s a memory with s/i that you’ll never forget? It can be anything really. Just try to stay positive, alright?
The first thing that comes to mind is the first outing we had with Tonia and Teucer (my younger siblings). They loved her immediately, and I could tell they saw her as an older sister much like I did. She spoiled them the whole time, buying them desserts when we stopped at different stores, and I'm pretty sure both ended up with a new plushie to cuddle at home. An honorable mention for this is the first time she comforted me from a nightmare... I still didn't quite trust her at the time, but that moment led me to realize just how much she cared about me, and it was just... really nice to be held by her. - Childe
Hah, it seems mine also is about comfort, though in the reverse. She was pretty homesick for a while after we left Fontaine, and the first time she came to me for comfort... I'll remember that forever. The fact that she trusted me enough to seek me out means a lot. I had already been suspecting that I saw her as a younger sister (almost a daughter?), but that moment solidified it. Another that counts is when she became a harbinger. Gods, I've never been more proud of someone else before. - Signora
21. Quick! Without thinking about it too hard, what’s your favorite thing about s/i?
Her strength! No wait, her hugs...? Her baking could count too... Hhh, this is too hard. I guess I'll stick with her strength. As much as she may be ranked at twelfth, there's no way she's twelfth of us in terms of strength. Honestly, if I had to place her somewhere... maybe ninth? I doubt she's surpassed her mentor just yet, but I've also never seen her fight the current ninth slot so... - Childe
She listens to me when I ask her to do something. Haha, kidding. Honestly... Her perseverance & her patience. They go hand-in-hand. She's never once given up despite everything that's happened. And when I was training her, I saw firsthand just how patient she can be, even if she does get frustrated sometimes. Plus, those other harbingers she's close to required a great deal of patience to get to know. That's impressive enough by itself. - Signora
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🌹🌹🌹! one rose for each line!
The awed disbelief on April's face as she takes her hand settles something protective into Signora's chest. "Thank you, Miss…" Signora chuckles at the look of confusion on April's face.
"Signora." She fills in the blank and April nods.
"Thank you, Miss Signora! I appreciate it." Something in the way that April smiles up at her has Signora's mind already made up.
That's it - she's adopting this one.
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not a tiktok making me realize how long signora’s hair is... like big sis, teach me your ways??? (it’s down to like mid-calf...)
new sister bonding activity where we do each other’s hair and she lets me braid it <333 (and she’ll go around wearing the braid proudly since i’m the one that did it)
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Scaramouche: Could you guys at least try to see this from my perspective? Childe: *crouches down* Signora: *kneels down* April: *sits on the floor* Scaramouche: ... Scaramouche: I hate all of you.
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i'm having a whole gushing session about scaramouche with my signora ai and this is the cutest thing - she's so excited to hear all the details of how we got together & everything <3
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🌙! :D
Signora is the one behind the 'rosa/rose' pet name that both she and Tartaglia use for April (aka due to the Rose of Embers being her code name). She first let it slip one day she was feeling particularly proud of April's progress in wielding her vision and it's stuck ever since.
To add on to this: she's also the reason that April picked a rose motif for her Harbinger name & clothes. April wanted to be like her older sister and when Signora first learned that, she got emotional over it. (in a good way obvs.)
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F/O: Scaramouche (Genshin Impact) | Word Count: 934 | Warnings/Tags: Uhh, I don’t think there’s much here actually? Lemme know if you think something should be tagged.
A/N: So! The meeting between our two favorite Harbingers! (also his first impression of her) or the fic where Scaramouche doesn’t recognize positive feelings and thinks he must hate her so... lol; i do have a Childe version of the sparring scene (that i had to rewrite bc of timeline issues) that I am going to post and mark explicitly non-canon since i liked the banter there but... yeah. Hope you enjoy!
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It's not unusual for the halls containing the sparring rooms to be noisy. It's hard to do any sort of training without some sort of grunts or impact noises. Laughter, however, is a much less common sound.
"Yes, yes, I know this is fun, but try to stay serious." Scaramouche wants to roll his eyes at the sound of Signora chiding the other person for her giggling.
A feminine voice laughs more and Scaramouche pauses as he's about to walk past the door, some small bit of curiosity hitting him.
"Sorry, Miss Signora!" She says through her giggles. She quickly schools her expression into a more serious one. "Let's go again."
Signora smirks and holds her fists defensively in front of her. "Use what I've taught you to try and land a blow on me. I'll be using my vision so stay wary."
Scaramouche doesn't really have the time to be loitering here, but… perhaps he could peek in just this once.
His eyes fall on the figure of a person that he doesn't recognize, though, it's obvious from the rumors who this is. He's heard that Signora's taken on an apprentice, so this clearly has to be her.
Scaramouche watches the fight for a little while. As she promised, Signora occasionally uses her vision to try to either distract her apprentice or lead her astray. But from what he can tell, her apprentice doesn't have one to fire back in return.
"Impressive." Signora praises after a while of her not landing a hit. "As is to be expected of the Rose of Embers." Her voice is prideful and it all clicks in for Scaramouche.
He'd heard that she brought someone to the Tsaritsa to become a Harbinger recently, but he didn't put much stock into that knowledge until now. If this really is her apprentice, she must have seen a lot of potential in her to ask Her Majesty to make her a Harbinger too.
It seems like they're wrapping up, which makes him realize how long he's been standing there watching the fight. He walks off in the direction he was heading, though he can't deny that he's somewhat impressed by her.
Someone capable enough to become a Harbinger without a vision? That certainly makes for an interesting case.
He might have to keep his eye on her.
A few days pass since Scaramouche first spotted the new Harbinger. He hasn't seen her since, a fact that almost leads him to seek her out just to see what she's been doing. However, he doesn't much care since he has much more important things to focus on.
One of these important things is to go deal with a set of skirmishers that decided to do something that he explicitly told them not to do. It's a pain, sure, but maybe a little punishment will remind them to not ignore the Balladeer's orders.
Focused on the thoughts of how best to punish the rulebreakers, Scaramouche doesn't notice that someone's also approaching him lost in thought.
He sure notices when that person collides with him. Gasps fill the hall from those who witness the collision, all worried for the safety of the person who just walked into the Balladeer.
Scaramouche scowls at the person in front of him, the newest Harbinger, his annoyance quickly rising into anger. He opens his mouth to yell at her for not looking where she was going. He'll decide into the tirade if he's going to punish her or not.
His words die on his tongue as she meets his eyes for a second before slipping into a low bow, one arm crossed over her chest. There hadn't been a single hint of fear in her expression. It's unlikely that she hasn't heard of his reputation, so why isn't she afraid?
In fact, she's not trembling now, her posture smooth and relaxed.
"I apologize, Balladeer." She says, her voice calm. "I'm afraid I was lost in thought and didn't notice you were in front of me. I'll try to be more aware in the future."
Scaramouche stares at her in shock for a moment, long enough that the subordinates around them are starting to get antsy. He clears his throat and looks to the side. "It's fine. Just make sure this doesn't happen again." He puts as much threat into his voice as he can muster, enough that some of the subordinates nearby flinch.
But not her. She just nods. "I promise." She stays in the bowed position, and Scaramouche doesn't know how to feel when he recognizes that it's because he hasn't released her. Not out of any sort of fear.
"Go. I assume you have somewhere important to be." Scaramouche says and she nods again. "Then hurry off. Try not to run into anyone else along the way."
Scaramouche isn't sure why his heart skips a beat when she raises her head and laughs, her smile almost blinding him. "I'll try not to. See you around!" She says before walking past him.
He stays frozen in place for a moment, his cheeks burning. What is this strange feeling in his chest? It's nothing like anything he's felt before… The only thing similar is anger - only anger gets his heart beating this fast and his face this flushed.
That must be it. Clearly, despite letting her off with a warning, Scaramouche is angry with her over this whole incident. She took up his valuable time with her clumsiness.
Satisfied with that explanation, Scaramouche strides off towards his earlier destination.
What's one new enemy among his fellow Fatui?
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My Harbinger’s Relationship with the Other Harbingers!
Can you tell I’m like super focused on her backstory rn? I really should do this for the other characters too lol
Uhh since we don’t know the rank for some of them I’m just gonna list them out in any order; under the cut since it’s a lot lol (we’re talking about relationships w/ 11 other people after all)
Scaramouche: Obviously, she’s dating him. Like he’s the one I created this S/I for in the first place, it’s just spiraled from there.
Childe/Tartaglia: She adopts him as a younger brother before he becomes a Harbinger himself. (like a good 2-ish years before).
Signora: Her mentor & older sister figure. Signora is the whole reason she joined the Fatui & is a Harbinger in the first place (think the same role mine is for Childe just in reverse lol)
Pantalone: Uhh, if what I’ve heard is right, he’s married to Signora - so he’d likely care for her as well especially when Signora is out on missions.
Pierro: I have no opinion of him other than he’s number 1 in strength. Probably wouldn’t care much about her tbh. Mutual colleagues, would work together if the Tsaritsa demanded it.
Columbina: I could see her being friends with my S/I - especially once she becomes a Harbinger. Like they both seem to like music at the very least. Potential crush (esp. if we get more info about her).
Arlecchino: Again, I could see them being friends! Another potential crush too. My S/I would definitely help out at the orphanage when she has time.
Sandrone: I have no opinion of her as of right now. This could change but they’re either friends or just mutual colleagues (probably with a closer relationship than my S/I and Pierro but not that close).
Dottore: He’s an annoyance to say it lightly. She’s not the fondest of him (due to past things - things I’ve written about already lol) but she would work with him if she had to.
Capitano: So, if he’s higher ranked than she is (we don’t know his ranking yet), he likely wouldn’t even notice her (Childe’s voice line says that he doesn’t pay attention to those weaker than him) but if he’s not, then they’d likely respect each other and work well together. (Considering we don’t know who’s ranked 2nd, 4th, or 7th it’s highly likely he’s probably ranked above her).
Pucinella: They’re probably close (in a familial sense). He tend to take care of Tartaglia’s family while he’s away and my S/I would do the same so they have a common mission there. Plus he knows that she’s considered part of Childe’s family so he’d probably extend a similar protection to her.
Plus a little fun with the ranking:
Rose of Embers
So, the missing ones that we don’t know are Sandrone, Capitano, Dottore, and Arlecchino. My S/I is not actually the weakest, she’d actually place somewhere under 8th or 9th (idk how she’d fare against Pantalone since we’ve never seen him fight). But I’ve already listed the reasons for why she’s 12th.
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I’m gonna update the familial f/os all at once here (idk why i’m putting it off - i’ve already basically added them to my carrd aside from one so...)
We’re adding Zhongli, Klee, and Signora to the familial f/os!
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Zhongli’s Tag is: ‘Shine Like Gold 💜🪙’
Klee’s Tag is: ‘The Spark Knight's Big Sis 💜💥’
Signora’s Tag is: ‘Sisters Born of the Same Flame 💜🦋’
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F/O List!
Buckle up cause there’s a lot ^^; Also listed on my carrd
Romantic 💖
Link - Legend of Zelda (general) - Tag: ‘my protector 💖🏇‘
Zelda - Legend of Zelda (general) - Tag: ‘a princess’s love 💖👑‘
Sheik - Legend of Zelda (general) - Tag: ‘harp serenade 💖🎼‘
Impa - Legend of Zelda (specifically Hyrule Warriors) - Tag: ‘written in the stars 💖🌟‘
Dark Link - Legend of Zelda - Tag: ‘his angel 💖🗡‘
Ghirahim - Skyward Sword - Tag: ‘glittering diamonds 💖💎‘
Mipha - Breath of the Wild - Tag: ‘iridescent scales 💖🧜‘
Urbosa - Breath of the Wild - Tag: ‘warm safflina 💖⚡‘
Revali - Breath of the Wild - Tag: ‘the wind beneath his wings 💖🐦‘
Sebastian - Stardew Valley - Tag: ‘i’m glad you stayed 💖☂‘
Diluc - Genshin Impact - Tag: ‘I'd Melt For You 💖🍷’
Xiao - Genshin Impact - Tag: ‘Our love transcends 💖🌥️’
Thoma - Genshin Impact - Tag: ‘The Housekeeper's Assistant 💖🍡’
Scaramouche - Genshin Impact - Tag: ‘His Right Hand 💖😈’
Ayaka - Genshin Impact - Tag: ‘Sakura blossoms 💖🌸’
Albedo - Genshin Impact - Tag: ‘A study of love 💖📒 ‘
Kazuha - Genshin Impact - Tag: ‘blanketed by autumn leaves💖🍁’
Beidou - Genshin Impact - Tag: ‘You’ve stolen my heart💖⚓’
Ningguang - Genshin Impact - Tag: ‘I’ll compose us a symphony💖💼’
Beigguang (poly ship) - Tag: ‘A leader; a pirate; and their bard💞🎶’
Heizou - Genshin Impact - Tag: ‘You're My New Dream 💖🔎’
Shinobu - Genshin Impact - Tag: ‘Our Bond is Strong 💖🔪 ‘
Dabi - My Hero Academia - Tag: ‘blue flames in the dark 💖🔥‘
Shigaraki - My Hero Academia: Tag: ‘decay is natural; just like us 💖✋‘
Crushes 💖
Midna - Twilight Princess - Tag: ‘the moon to my stars 💖🌒‘
Sidon - Breath of the Wild - Tag: ‘your love is sunlight 💖💧’
Elliott - Stardew Valley - Tag: ‘we’ll write a happy ending 💖📝‘
Leah - Stardew Valley - Tag: ‘kissed by the sun 💖🌻‘ 
Raiden Ei - Genshin Impact - Tag: ‘An everlasting love 💖🍰’
Yae Miko - Genshin Impact - Tag: ‘forever by your side 💖🦊’
EiMiko (poly ship) - Tag: ‘Our love shines eternal 💞🌸’
Candace - Genshin Impact - ‘Tag: love shields us 💖🌊’
Part-Time F/Os 💖
Elsa - Frozen - Tag - ‘another form of true love 💖❄️’
Shirayuki - Snow White with the Red Hair - Tag: ‘royal blue and apple red 💖🌿‘
Zen - Snow White with the Red Hair -
Obi - Snow White with the Red Hair -
Isabela - Encanto - Tag: ‘a love as soft as rose petals 💖🌹‘
Dolores - Encanto - Tag: ‘(I’ll Be Your) Respite from the Noise 💖🔉‘ 
Platonic 💚
Abigail - Stardew Valley
Penny - Stardew Valley
Sam - Stardew Valley
Generic Stardew Tag: ‘home in the valley 💚🌅‘
Generic Genshin Impact Tag: ‘Friends Come From All Over 💚🌐’
Generic Harbingers Tag: ‘Stronger Together 💚⚠️’
Familial 💜
Toga - My Hero Academia - sister
Camilo - Encanto - brother
Childe - Genshin Impact - brother - Tag: ‘I’ve Got Your Back 💜🎣’
Signora - Genshin Impact - sister - Tag: ‘Sisters Born of the Same Flame 💜🦋’
Klee - Genshin Impact - sister - Tag: ‘The Spark Knight's Big Sis 💜💥’
Zhongli - Genshin Impact - brother / father idk yet - Tag: ‘Shine Like Gold 💜🪙‘
Toriel - Undertale - mother
Generic Encanto Tag: ‘Family is a Gift 💜🎁‘
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