#Sixknight turned good the second time he appeared
baebeyza · 3 years
If Zone had a proper anime, would it have had another six-changer who goes from evil to good???
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baebeyza · 4 years
Lemme just talk about characters I have lots of feels for - Sixshot edition
So this is mostly for characters who are not in much stuff and/or don’t get much fandom love either, but I love them and wanna talk about what potential they have ~ And because I have such feels for many characters, I’ll just go with just my sweetie Sixshot today :D
So SAY GO! ~
Sixshot has 40 seconds of screentime in the G1 cartoon and that’s pretty much it with his appearances in the american transformers shows. (yes he’s in IDW, I’ll get back to that)
But the japanese G1 continuity had plans for this guy, and DAMN, did I love them!
And I gotta talk a bit about his character first - he’s a killing machine, a one robot army. And that’s it. That’s how other people see him and it’s what he himself sees him as.
But that isn’t to say he’s without depth. Him being only seen as a ruthless, yet loyal killing machine is part of his story in the Headmasters cartoon.
Galvatron, despite being in good terms with him, only saw his as a loyal killing machine who would do anything for him, even sacrifise his own body for Galvatron’s advances. But what does Sixshot do? Betray Galvatron which led to Galvatron’s death by ice water.
So that shows us that Sixshot is not in fact just a loyal goon who does whatever he’s told, he does have his own agency and will not just let himself be treated like a mindless goon either. 
And the last four episodes show us even more about Sixshot:
First off, he and Megazarak have some tension which leads to Sixshot being stranded on a foreign planet and Megazarak leaving him behind, saying “wanted to dispose of him anyway.”
And when Daniel, my boi, got stranded on the same planet, we see that Sixshot really isn’t the ruthless killer he’s always made out to be, because he does not harm Danny.
In fact he saves him from the stone creatures of the planet!
So this is what he does when he has no orders from higher up’s to do bad stuff. He basically does every evil thing he’s told, because he’s loyal to his bosses like that, but his actual character isn’t ruthless.
There is a saying that one’s true colours only shine when they are alone or think they are alone - Sixshot is alone in this episode, no other decepticon is with him and like that he makes his own decisions, and his decision is to save and care for this one human boy.
And this is really what intrigues me about this character - he’s seen as one thing only, a killing machine, when in reality that’s not at all what he is.
But he has the abilities for mass destruction and that’s what he’s used as, and he doesn’t mind it for the most part.
Sure he went against Galvs when he wanted to sacrifise him and he actually said fuck you to Megazarak when that guy was being a dick to him, but he didn’t seem to mind the destruction the had caused for them, because he too saw himself as nothing but a weapon either.
And this kind of view of Sixshot exists in IDW1 as well btw - the way Megatron talks about him in #Devastation suggests as much. 
And while I didn’t read all the issues with Sixshot in it, I did read what happens in them and here I am disappointed that they didn’t take a similiar approach to his character like Headmasters did.
I mean “form doesnt dictate function” would have fit so damn well with him! 
The story you can write with Sixshot, the one Headmasters implied, is one of self-actualisation.
A character who is used for his powers for things he doesn’t actually desire to do, but does it anway, because that’s what he believes his function to be, not realising that it doesn’t have to be this way.
Someone who can have a journey that makes him come to the conclusion: “Wait a minute, I don’t wanna do all this destruction and my bosses don’t care about me, they just want me for their own gain!”
I guess that’s what they did in Transformers Legends, make him be friends with Daniel, leaving the decepticons, helping Star Saber, bring back the friends of Chromedome he killed and using a new identity as Greatshot to become a full on autobot. (PS: Greatshot appears in Victory, but if the writers of that show actually thought of him as a version of Sixshot is debatable)
 I did like Greatshot a lot, gotta say ~
So in a way the story I’d like to see with Sixshot has been done, but not a lot of people know about it, and damn, I would love to see this kind of story again, with more time invested in it (remember, most of this was just in the last 4 episodes of headmasters and Victory never said that Sixshot is Greatshot. Also he draws moe manga in Legends so I am not sure how serious those can be)
But you know, I guess there is one last thing about Sixshot I’d love to see:
Quickswitch is a character who appeared in commercials back in the day and was stated to be Sixshot’s son who joined the autobots and FFS WHY ISN’T THERE ANYTHING ABOUT THAT?
Quickswitch appears in almost nothing and while his japanese counterpart, Sixknight, was a nice character in Masterforce, he has no connection to Sixshot/Greatshot whatsoever.
Like COME ON, you have a evil dad with good boy son, you can make a story out of that!
Even more, you have evil dad who has some really good potential to turn good, because that’s what happened already!
Make it work with his son dammit! 
Like I dunno, maybe Quickswitch never let himself be used as a killing machine and joins the autobots before any decepticons has a chance to manipulate him.    Maybe he hates his father at first for being a killing machine, but realises that Sixshot just didn’t realise himself yet that he has can choose to not act as a weapon of mass destruction.
Instead of Danny making Sixshot realise that he does care for others, it could be his own son. A son he had repressed feelings for.
Ajshadksj so much oppurtunity for some great father/son drama, BUT nothing is there! >:(
What the fuck Hasbro and Takara, are yall afraid to explain how robots can have kids or what?
PS: I am planning to make this a series and talk about more characters I’d love to see more off or would love to see a specific story about. And I did something similiar with Cyclonus and Galvatron before, you can read it here ~ I’ll just tag it with fave character ranting :D ~
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