#they were villain/hero before but they couldnt make it work
crimeboys · 3 months
alroight so this google doc is called spider, it's my spiderinnit fic. i've definitely talked about it before but it starts out basically like. tommy is this 16 year old highschooler living in a shit apartment with his best friend/brother wilbur who works at a newspaper. tommy's best friend tubbo works as a sort of scientist/intern at phil and techno's corporation thang that is funded by dream. tubbo is working on some spider venom bullshit to cure various life threatening diseases except every animal who's been injected with the venom erm... dies. horribly. badly. and then tommy finds the spiders and goes omggg spiders hiw epic. and gets bit. badly. so tubbo thinks he is going to fucking die. but he actually gets epic instead.
and so i've always thought that if tommy ever became a superhero he would tell tubbo and wilbur IMMEDIATELY. like he just couldnt help himself. so basically either the day they think tommy's dying or the day after (havent decided yet) wilbur knows.
and it's basically just like. tommy being a superhero!! having fun!! fighting crime and saving people!! wilbur still makes him go to school even though he's fucking cool as shit and can swing from rooftop to rooftop but Whatever.
i've also always had the hc that if tommy and wilbur were in a superhero situation and tommy got the powers, this would do Bad Things to wilbur bc he needs to be the specialest guy in the world. so basically what happens is that like.
okay i forgot to describe the spiders. so at the beginning of the story there are two, cat and mellohi. tommy is bitten by cat and keeps him as a little pal at he and wilbur's apartment. mellohi is still with tubbo at the lab, and wilbur starts like. breaking in and basically injecting himself with . milked spider venom. except wilbur doesnt know how to do all that, he doesnt know that when you milk a spider vomit comes out, so the powers are like. duller and he has to get a fix fairly often.
but basically he starts to pretend to be a hero known as the general who like. is a mentor figure to tommy. who btw TOMMY DOES NOT KNOW WILBUR IS DOING ALL OF THIS. wilbur's being insane all on his own. but wilbur also is?? not a fucking superhero he's newer to this than tommy so his mentoring is erm. not great but tommy thinks he's the coolest ever bc it's fuckin tommy and wilbur.
but yeah there are a few other major players in the story. there's pandas aka sapnap who is a hero and is supposed to be against vigilantes but fucks with tommy's vibe so they're friends. and there's the angel of death and the blade who are like vigilantes bordering villain. also wilbur's coworker quackity who becomes high ace later on. also dream who is mostly a background player in part one but becomes a whole lot more important in part two. also ranboo does something i dont fucking know.
the story is kind of uhhh. a mess. it's also one of the very few fics i've written where the crimeboys dynamic is a l'manburg dynamic rather than a post-pogtopia dynamic. so it's a bit. difficult for me to actually write LMAO. i've written a good chunk of chapter one though bc i just fucking love writing tommy be silly as shit.
this fic has a few parts but ive only really fleshed out the first part but this is basically how the first part ends.
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and yeah. that's sort of a small rundown on the spiderinnit fic.
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sandeoki · 2 years
His to protect pt. 2
summary: Y/N a hero, loved and respected by all. Seonghwa a villain, feared and frowned upon by all. both have been enemies ever since they can remember but what happens if Y/N appears at Seonghwa's doorstep at the middle of the night, all bloody and bruised?
t.w: swearing, mentions of death, violence, slight yandere vibes, rude!hwa, sassy!hwa, mention of blood etc.
< pt. 3 >
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she was tired, her lungs were on fire and her feet were numb. her pace was getting slower and the people following her were getting faster. they were catching up. she couldn't run anymore.
she wanted to give up, to stop, take a breath and to rest. but she doubted the people following her would allow her to take a 'time out' and alas, she was right.
just as her pace slowed due to exhaustion, a large hand roughly pulled her shoulder, making her face a man clad in a black coat and pants. he looked like an agent straight out of a science fiction novel.
Y/n didnt have much time to judge his appearence before she was harshly pushed again. her back hit the stone wall and she realized just how doomed she was.
she was trapped between the stone wall and the man who looked as if he was about to kill her. she had nowhere to hide, nowhere to run off to. she had no escape.
tears starting rolling down her cheeks as she saw the man take a knife out of his pocket. just as she went to shout, her mouth were covered by the man's dirty hand. it made her shudder with fear and disgust.
all she could do was watch in fear as he bought the knife down to kill her, waiting for the pain to come. just as the knife was about to rip her apart, a bright light filled her vision.
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she felt a striking pain fill her head as she sat up with a gasp. she looked around the unfamiliar surrounding. she was in a room, but it wasnt hers.
the room was well decorated and organized. the walls were a mixture of shades of beige, cream and white while the floor was carpeted. it certainly looked like it belonged to some kind of royalty.
she was laying on a king sized bed in the middle of the room, all tucked up and warm. she was still in her dirty and bloody hero costume but her wounds had been bandaged.
she tried to get up but failed, it was as if her legs had forgotten how to work. after a few minutes which seemed like an eternity to her, she managed to stand. just to stumble over thin air. right as she was about to break her nose, a gentle hand caught her.
"i thought you were better than this, you gremlin. falling over nothing? really? tch, shouldn't have underestimated your clumsiness" a voice all to familiar to her teased.
she pulled herself out of the the arms of her captor or well savior and straightened up. "why am i here?"
Seonghwa couldn't help but roll his eyes. "i dont know, you tell me? what the hell were you doing at my front door at 3 in the morning, looking as if you just escaped death?"
Y/n stiffened, she couldnt tell him how she ended up like this. she knew he could find many ways to use that information against her. telling him would be a dumb move.
"what's it to you?" she grumbled out with her jaw clenched and anger visible on her face. "stop right there princess, if it hadn't been me, you would have been dead by now. dont you dare get smart with me. you know i dont like brats, little hero"
"as if i care about your liking. why am i here? why am i still alive? aren't we like, i dont know, enemies? shouldn't you have like, you know, killed me..?"
"calm down tiger, we may be enemies but i'm not a monster. i would never try to harm you when i know you cant fight back. now if you are done with your interrogation, i have some questions for you too. and you know how much i hate dishonesty, so you better answer them properly."
the 'otherwise' was left unsaid but y/n got the hint. all she could do was nod her head like an obedient child. "are your wounds still hurting?"
her head snapped up, she was expecting him to ask something like 'why she was being chased' or 'what information was she hiding'. this was a shock to her.
"uhh no...?"
"are you telling me or asking me?"
"why does it matter anyways?" she snapped. it was after she saw his glare that she realized how big of a hole she had dug for herself.
"lister here and listen well, you puny hero. if you think you can run that cute little mouth of yours around me, then think again. if i want to know how you are feeling, you will tell me how you are feeling, understood?"
all she could do was nod as tears filled her eyes. the same hand which had stopped her fall now came to rest under her chin as he sighed.
"shush now, i didnt mean to be so harsh, calm down little dove. save those preety tears for some other occasion, hmm? clean up while i make some soup for you, why dont you? and after you are done, you are going to tell me who did this to you so that i can track that bastard down and crush his neck myself."
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vawilcox · 1 year
Can I get an angst to fluff scenario where the reader some how snaps at Tamaki?
Sure thing!
As requested a Tamaki x Reader angst to fluff.
You stood angrily in the messy kitchen, arms crossed and left foot tapping repeatedly in agitation. The messy counter tops and dishes piled in the sink were driving you to the brink of losing your cool for the first time in your newly wed marriage to Amajiki Tamaki.
You stood staring at the mess still wearing your business suit and with the large purse you'd always take on business trips with you slung over your right shoulder. You were gone for a week, and from the state of the house, it had been about that long since the house had been cleaned last. How could one man make such a mess alone on the house for seven days?
You knew he was busy with his hero work but you were busy with your job as an accountant as well and you still managed to clean up after yourself AND your husband for the past three months. You were pissed. You never used to even think twice about the cleaning, you just did what needed to be done, but having him here by himself making such a mess while you were out there working hard to help setup a new branch in a city six hours away made you realize for the first time that you were the only one doing all the cleaning so far.
This. meant. war. Turning around, you walk back out the door, lock it, and call a taxi to take you to a hotel your company frequently uses.
-Two hours later-
Tamaki worked hard again today at work. He hated being around all the people, but what was worse was all the attention he got from people who saw his quirk for the first time. He liked to use the tentacles from eating octopus and squid to help wrangle in the villains, but sometimes a bystander would comment on it being gross, one even made a crude comment about him being a hentai because of it... That hurt. The only woman he'd ever been with was the love of his life, his wife, his precious one.
Thinking about her took the sting away from the pain of the insults and disgust from others, as well as calming the incessant pounding of his chest whenever he had to be around others. Other people... terrified him. But not his precious wife. She was all that was good in this world. For her, he could do anything, deal with anything. And he smiled lightly to himself on the train home, all while hiding his face beneath his hood. He knew she would be home today, and he couldnt wait.
The rest of the trip home was a blur of discomfort and pent up tension. Like a mantra Tamaki just kept reminding himself of the day it was- the day his love would come home from her business trip. The longest they had been apart since they had met over a year ago.
His smile widened as he neared the door to their home, and it was a full on toothy grin when he opened the door, expecting to see the love of his life waiting there for him eagerly.. but she was gone. The smile instantly died, but he looked around for you. The house was untouched since the last time that he came home, he hadnt had a lot of time to be home, only 2-3 hours a day to eat and sleep before his job called for him again. He missed you so much that he busied himself with work to distract him from the loneliness. He had been doing so much overtime every day blended in with the other and all he did when he got home was eat something quick and sleep.
But today was supposed to be different. He didnt take the extra shift today he had been taking, some days he would be working triple shifts, some days he'd be stuck doing an extra and a half.. but today he asked to come home as soon as possible. You were no where. The house literally was untouched.
He immediately pulled out his phone and called your number. No answer. After leaving a voice mail, he instantly started to text you, asking if you were okay and where you were. No answer. He started to have a full blown panic attack, grabbed out some old leftovers from the fridge to slam down so he could use them with his quirk and ran for the door. *Ding* the notification went off on your phone, a whole 3 minutes after your text. This wasnt normal for you two. Both of you always responding within a matter of seconds to each other since before the engagement. "I'm staying at a hotel until you can clean your mess up. Slob. 😤"
Tamakis heart froze as he read your text. He closed the door he just slung open, about to desperately search high and low for you. Opened the tiny shoe closet, walked in, and closed the door. Huddled into a ball Tamaki cried himself to sleep. The pent up exhaustion and the build up for you coming home all hit him like a freight train. He slept stone cold for 15 hours.
-3 hours after the fight-
You sat in your bed angry for maybe 15 minutes after you sent that angry text. Then you started to think about what you knew of your Tama and realized you were overly harsh to him. You texted him almost right away after you pulled your head out of your bottom but it was no use. He wasnt responding. Text after text you sent, he didnt reply. You started to panic. Quickly checking out of the hotel, you took a taxi home, it was faster, though more expensive, than the bus or the train. Getting home you worriedly looked at the phone again, nothing. Not even a sign that he had read your text.
Anxiety hit you for the first time in your life to the level that you knew your love had to deal with on a daily basis. You could barely breathe. You thought of all the worse case scenarios and your anxiety continued to spiral out of control. You finally arrived outside of your home, you practically flung the cash at the driver as you dashed out of the taxi and ran to the door to your house. Going inside you saw nothing. He was gone. The house was still a mess, but you didnt even care at this point... He even opened the fridge and never closed it this time... for a brief moment agitation struck you. Seriously!?- you thought. Then you stopped yourself. You realized that he was not in a normal frame of mind, and that it was your harsh words that must have been a dagger to his already fragile heart.
You called for him, but he didnt come. You took a walk in the neighborhood around your home, looking for him, calling for him, texting him, calling his phone. Nothing. He was just gone. You worriedly called his agency, they said that he hadnt contacted them since he clocked out, and that he said he would be taking an extra long time off so he could spend it with you. But he was gone.
Going home you brokenheartedly berated yourself. Mascara dripping down your face as you clung to the phone desparately with one hand, and tidied up the house with the second. Every 30 seconds or so you looked down at your phone, willing him to text or call you back. Sending another apology and a desperate plea for him to reach out to you. Within an hour the house was spotless. But he still hadnt gotten ahold of you. Grabbing a gallon of icecream and a spoon, you sat on the couch and put your favorite rom-com on. It didnt help. Mascara was all down your neck at this point I must look like a monster out of a horror movie by now you thought to yourself.
You spent the next 11 hours on that couch. Eating half the gallon and being too lethargic from the wave of depression and anxiety to even put the icecream away, you set the last half of the gallon on the coffee table. Not even caring that it would melt. Somewhere in the second half of the movie, you fell asleep, dreaming of your precious Tama leaving you for another woman because of how cruel you were.
A gentle touch and a familiar voice woke you. Opening your eyes with a start, you saw your Tama there. Red eyes brimming with tears as he looked down at you. He muttered something you didnt understand. Still groggy from your sleep but so excited to see him you mutter "Huh?" His lips start to quiver and his voice is shaky. "I'm s-sorry babe. I-I.. didnt mean to leave such a me-" You pounce on him before he can finish his statement. Clinging to him like you were drowning and he was a live persever and your own chance at survival. "Dont say it. Dont you dare say sorry, you dummy. It was my fault. I'm so sorry baby. It was my fault. I am so sorry I got mad at you." You plead for his forgiveness. "No, bunny, its my fault. I am so sorry I left such a mess. I wasnt home a lot while you were gone. I was too miserable to be in this empty house without you. Next time, I will make sure its clean for you when you get home." Tama states with a heart-wrenching determination. "What do you mean next time you stupid octopus. I'm never leaving you again."
You both spend the next three hours in each others arms. Whispering assurances to the other, crying, kissing, and something a little more private at the end. Your day ends with you both entwined breathlessly in each others arms, all of your needs met, all insecurities swept away with the pure affection and love you have for each other.
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thealmightyemprex · 3 months
Universal Monster watch through thoughts part 2
Onto 5 more monster movies
A few notes:I have been watching the behind the scenes documentaries that go with certain movies and this is the first batch with no documentaries .ALso with Daughter of DRacula we exit phase one of the Universal monsters ,as in studio history I belive this is where the LEamlies (Those who founded Universal) were I believe forced out and Horror films were put on the back burner due to the Hays code ....Till a theater owner did a very sucessful triple bill of Dracula,Frankenstein and Son of Kong ,which got Universal seeing dollar signs and brought beack the monsters with Son of Frankenstein
6.Werewolf of London 1935
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First film I fully dont like.Like its one of the first werewolf movies Jack Pierces makeup ,which is more man then wolf is good and theres some amusing drunk old ladies ......But other then that and unless you are a hardcore werewolf fanatic,I think this film is skipable .I dont like the main characvter or actor ,Henry Hull ,and the key to a good Werewolf story is I gotta care about the main character,and while it has cool ideas it does ntohing with them.Also the villain is played by Warner Oland ,a Swedish actor known for playing mostly Asian characters ,including here .....Skip this movie
7.Draculas Daughter (1936)
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So this is an example of a film I saw once before,didnt think much of .....And on this watch I really enjoyed it .The opening scene is dumb with Van Helsing getting arrested and honestly as much as I love Edward Van Sloan ,I wouldve preferred if he wasnt in the movie .Other then that its a good movie,and for Queer horror fans I think its a must watch ,Zaleskas queer subtext is palpable ,ESPECIALLY in the scene with Lili the model .I like the humor in the film mostly (Im noticing more a trend to humor ),Sandor is one of my favorite characters so far cause he is the ultimate buzzkill and personification of gloom , but what makes the film really is Zaleska played to perfection by Gloria Holden ,she really brings the tragedy and pathos so she isnt just a villain .Also earliest vampire film I can think of to treat vamparism like addiction,with Sandor the utimate enabler .Also ummm I didnt realize this but I couldnt shake the feeling while watching that the hero Jeffrey looked villanious ....And turns out Its Otto Kruger who I had just seen in Hitchcocks Saboteur where he plays a villain (Also was Dr Livsey in Tresaure Island with Wallace Beery ).Anyway good movie,hidden gem reccomend
8.Son of Frankenstein (1939)
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...So yeah the first 3 Frankenstein movies (The Karloff trilogy as I call it ) are all amazing ,its soooooo hard to pick a favorite.I have heard people who say its the best of the three and others who say its the weakest,but honestly like the first two it is still a masterpiece .It is sadly the first one where the monster becomes a bit of a prop,he is the least interesting character in the film but he still has great moments in the film to showcase how great Karloff is (His wail of Anguish upon finding Ygor dead ,his one friend ,is HEARTBREAKINGLY AMAZING ).Honestly what makes the film is the cast which might be the best ensamble of any of these movies .Lionel Atwil is so good as the one armed Inspector Krogh who plays off Basil Rathbone beautifully .Basil Rathbone gives possibly one of his best performances as the titular character and the dart scene is some of the best actor Ive seen from him .The scene stealer in EASILLY his best performance ever is Bela Lugosi as Ygor ,he is so creepy and is played to perfection by Lugosi .I am tempted to say he is tied with Pretorious as my favorite villain of the series .The movie looks beautiful,its got a good final set piece and you get to see some amazing actors work off each other.Another CLASSIC in my oppinion.Also Bambi is in it .And with that we leave the 30's and enter the 40's
9.The Invisible Man Returns (1940)
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Another solid one ,love the wronged man trying to prove his innocence plot while trying not to lose his mind ,I think thats a fun angle .Im not a huge fan of Sir Cedric Hardwicke ,but I love his performance here as the main villain not playing it villainous but rather desperate which leads to villainy .I also really like the inspector here who is a fun foil .The stand out of the movie is its lead a very green Vincent Price in his first time being the lead in a horror film ,I think his manerisms when bandaged are good and he has a strong voice though he hasnt developed his signature affectation yet so he sounds alittle diffrent though the signature "Price voice" slips in a few scenes .My favorite scene is when he is menacing Alan Napier (AKA Alfred brom 60's Batman TV show ) and the film has a great finale .Also the effects were OScar nominated and RIGHTLY so,they look good for being over 80 years old.Must see for both Universal fans and Vincent Price fans
10.The Mummys Hand (!940)
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....Sooooooo,I have seen this one before,but this time around I mostly had it on in the background as I made lunch ,and thus have very little to say .I kind of like that the two main characters are goofy ,fun knowing the mummys actor Tom Tyler was in westerns (Including John Fords Stagecoach) but also is the first live action actor to play a comic book hero ,Captain Marvel and Geroge Zucco is creepy....I dunno,I got nothing both times Ive watched this I just thought it was OK
Ranking so far
10.Werewolf of London
9.Mummys Hand
7.Dracula's Daughter
5.Invisible Man Returns
4.Invisble Man
3.Son of Frankenstein
1.Bride of Frankenstein
To be Continued
@ariel-seagull-wings @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @piterelizabethdevries @the-blue-fairie @princesssarisa @countesspetofi @amalthea9 @barbossas-wench
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omegasmileyface · 1 year
ok i think its a good thing that sky high never got a sequel because they said what they wanted to say and explored their fun plot and setting in that movie and if they made a sequel it would be pulling at strings and a useless cashgrab and we would all have wished they would just let the fiest movie's closure rest. BUT. if i were in charge of a sky high sequel heres what it would be like
plot centers around the superhero community's weird thing where they feel more kinship with villains than civillians
thus, it starts with there being some serious schoolyard fight (maybe even... outside school hours?) between the protags and speed+lash, who are still sort of... majoring in villainy. protags get in trouble with administration for fighting, and theyre like "??? im sorry, these guys were being EVIL. you know. like VILLAINS." and the school is like What they do with their education is not up for us to judge. distrust sows.
will is dragged to a "party" (its like a bbq or something) that some of his parents' colleages are holding bc of like. a big. win. in superheroing. idk. anyway so there are a bunch of superhero families there in their civilian identities. will (and any friends that might have come) start talking to this other kid at the party
they ask why they havent seen her at school, and she says she doesnt go. why not? she scoffs and says that she would just be tossed aside in every class. protags tell her that the school is working (slowly... but working) on the sidekick/hero division thing. she says shed get tossed aside anyway. "why? whats your power? i promise you can make use out of any—" she doesnt have any powers.
oh! well. still. Ron Wilson didnt have any powers "yeah and he became a bus driver. i know Ron Wilson. hes a family friend. he shuttles superpowered kids around twice a day for minimum wage. even if you have an "in" in the community, if you dont have powers, youre just there to clean up ater people that do."
will thinks about it for a bit. he realizes he was sort of pushed aside before his powers developed... but it doesnt sink in and he pushes back (tells her he agrees but doesnt) because he was just so happy to get his powers. that couldnt be unfounded! and... and superheroes only step up because they have the power to make a difference. she should feel lucky that she doesnt have that responsibility attached to her life. she can go off and do whatever she wants without feeling bad about wasting power.
anyway laila gets radicalized again by this obviously. she is, in fact, now so against this division that she quits sky high and transfers to a civilian school to protest. she and will try to keep dating, but it really doesnt work with all that tension and they break up halfway through the movie.
the school laila transferred to is also the other girl's. lets call her toni. laila is really annoying to toni. whenever theyre away from observers, shes trying to use her powers to "help" toni, and other such annoying ally behavior. eventually, toni agrees to do a little interview on her experience with the super community if laila will leave her alone. laila agrees.
meanwhile, the rest of the friend group are having their own adventure discovering just how... ok the super community is with villains. obviously its not. like. ACCEPTED, thats why warren was so ostracized. but yknow. one day someone asks in mad science class if dr medulla is evil and he doesnt have a good answer. someone asks if lash and speed should be allowed to be the villains every time in save the citizen, and boomer says he cant force them to make their team choice. etc
laila goes in to interview toni at her house, in the process realizing that one of her dads— who was at that big superhero barbeque and whatnot— is a known supervillain. she panicks and awkwardly leaves the house trying to hide her discovery, and rushes to tell will
will doesnt know what to do with this. he attempts to subtly ask his mom, and gets an answer like "yeah, i dont get it. [sigh] but if he doesnt hurt anybody out of costume, and the others want him around... what am i gonna do about it?" he does the same with his dad, who says like "oh jimmy! yeah he was pretty cool in high school. definitely a rebel. i dont know why he got into the villain game, but its not my spot to judge him! just to stop him by force and send him to jail when its relevant."
will freaks out. this is all very strange. obviously there are problems with villainy, otherwise superheroes wouldnt exist! right? ...is toni going to become a villain? i mean, she hates the hero school system so much now, is she going to fight it when shes older?
ok im getting tired so im gonna fast forward through the rest and its gonna be all bones no meat. lets go
something happens to will that seriously injures him, and he thinks its toni's fault somehow. even as he recovers, it leaves him with a permanent disability that his powers dont help with. he considers himself useless again
laila and toni end up creating some kind of vigilante non-superpowered hero force, who swoop in to save the day alongside the powered heroes at the end of the movie
the protagonists discover that the super community doesnt differentiate between villains (fighting for the greater good but against heroes and/or the law) and villains (actually doing evil things) because hero licenses (which are a thing now ive decided) and villain classifications are given based on breaking the law
additionally, supervillainy, within certain ethical bounds (yknow if nobodys getting killed or anything) is sort of considered... a sport. half of major league superheroing is... recreational. like sparring.
but! and you'll never get this! non-supers described as villains get punished WAY WORSE than supers described as villains (again, within certain ethical boundaries)
laila plans to transfer back to sky high to encourage them to start a mandatory ethics course
whatever big fight scene ends off the movie, it has "villains" who have a sense of ethics fighting alongside less-legalist heroes, against actually evil villains and legalist "heroes". the villain-type students from the first movie (penny etc.), who still go to sky high, are fighting alongside the real villains until the end when they figure the whole thing out and decide to switch
will ends uo at the center of the Big Fight bc of course he does. he tries to fight Main Enemy (still havent decided at all who this is) on his own, for pride reasons and to prove that his new disability doesnt define him. but it does cause him to fail, and he gets ready to like. die in battle or something idk i never went to superhero school. but his friends save him, and he realizes that just because he cant shoulder as much weight as he used to doesnt mean he cant help in certain ways, and that even when he CANT help he doesnt have friends who are willing to fight for him and whatnot
its a disability metaphor. did you get that part? bc i believe the first movie was a disability metaphor.... except that the thesis was "simply stop being disabled" so im changing that.
also for legalism and police corruption. that too. there are two metaphors. :)
in the epilogue we learn that sky high is working to start providing course plans for students with no powers, and several adults in the community have become activists fighting for... i guess to make it so superheroes' and villains' intentions arent seen as an extension of lawfulness? idk this parts harder to solve. still
as for little details that arent plot-relevant:
theres strong subtext that ethan, magenta, and zach are all dating and thats fun
warren and magenta have joined a civilian poetry club that they go to after school
theres a student who exclusively refers to will as "billy"
there are NO REFERENCES TO MARVEL. i dont CARE if theyre both owned by disney. im keepin em SEPARATE. no cameos or easter eggs. you can have the incredibles playing on a tv somewhere but thats THIN ICE
there is however an astro boy reference :)
ron wilson bus driver reappearances. he refuses to take relevance in the plot hes just there. and big now.
i just think itd be funny if one of the characters had a Real Gun. i havent decided who or why
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fipindustries · 1 year
btw finished full metal alchemist
yeah, i mean there isnt much i can say that hasnt been said before, it IS a really good fucking anime, probably one of the best.
there were like maybe one or two stumbles right at the very end where it was a bit frustrating that no matter everything the heroes tried the bad guys plan just worked like it was supposed to without a hitch, but on the other hand everything the heroes did during the show contributed to the bad guy being defeated after they won, so thats cool.
the other little problem is that a lot of the solutions the heroes pulled depended a lot on cool alchemic tricks and loopholes which i wasnt able to entirely follow, the magic system of this world is not hard enough for me to feel like the manuevers they did made total sense, like ok, sure, i guess alchemy can do that, i supposed it was never explicitly said that it couldnt. im just not super comfortable with a story when incredibly important and pivotal moments hinge entirely on what can be done within a system that hasnt been thoroughly and rigidly defined. it skirts suspiciously close, narrative wise, to pulling things out of your ass.
maybe ive just been spoiled by sanderson, i dunno.
regardless. this is a beautiful story, filled to brims with the most endearing, lovable ensemble cast of characters ever put to screen. they are all beautiful special babies, even the villains, even the secondary and tertiary characters. there is such a palpable love for humanity in this story and its shown in the lovingly empathetic and humane way that every single character, no matter how righteous or how vile, is shown. this feels like the work of a kind loving god who just wants to gush about their creations. this is a mom proud of her babies. yes, even the naughty ones can be endearing.
(i want to make a quick aside to say this is, bar none, the platinum standard for a female cast, this show has women the likes of which you havent seen before, SPECIALLY in anime, there is no woman who isnt a queen here, who isnt serving cunt 24/7, who isnt sliving, like contrapoints would say. top notch ladies, incomparable, perfection, it cant be done better than this, dont even try, cheffs kiss)
its super engaging how the plot never stops moving forwards, how everyone is sharing information with everyone else immediatly, how there are no plot contraivances, everything flows so organically. it feels both loose and tight. its emotional and profound and thrilling and touching and epic.
im sad that i didnt get to see this sooner, i feel that this would have hit me so much harder at a more impresionable age, maybe before worm or unsong or terra ignota, when i wasnt used to coming across masterpieces that attempted things like this at this scale, this well excecuted.
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pwnyta · 2 years
I can't speak for POC but this latest MHA chapter feels, gross??? It feels like it's taking some stuff from the Black Lives Matter protests, but also turning it super violent and horrible
And suddenly bringing up some kind of massacre that we've never heard of before (then again, Japan does work hard to cover up all it's bad stuff)
But hey, Shouji face reveal!
Id be more excited for Shoujis face reveal if it was somehow different from he reference sheet weve already seen. Cuz like... we already knew what he looked like under the mask so its not MUCH of a reveal.
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Glad were all on the same level!
Exactly. If Hori was going to use something like this in the story he should have either never had mutant characters to the sorta-core cast like Shouji Kouda and Toko or even Ectoplasm and Cementoss, or he should have brought it up with them earlier on. As it is its pretty clear that he brought this up to try an make Spinner seem more sympathetic specifically. He does this way too much.
Its not Togas fault shes like this her Quirk makes her like this (we'll ignore all the characters that also have scary Quirks that youd think might influence their personality (cough cough Tokoyami whose Quirk is literally sentient))
Spinner has been discriminated against his whole life for being a mutant (please ignore all the other mutant characters weve had in the story before this was brought up that have never dealt with this kind of thing)
Shinso was discriminated for his villainous like Quirk thats why he couldnt be in the hero course or whatever (Please ignore the other characters with villainous Quirks that have no problems or even someone like Kouda whos arguably got the same Quirk but worse suited for Heroics because he lives in the city so at best he can control like small birds and rats so how did Kouda pass but he couldnt? WHO KNOWS.)
Stain talks about the corruption of hero society and now weve had it shoved down our throats... the fact weve never seen any heroes do anything particularly bad... except Endeavor who IS TOTALLY DIFFERENT PERSON NOW NO SERIOUSLY HES A PRETTY COOL GUY NOW LETS JUST LET IT GO who the fuck is Shoto? ...weve in fact seen heroes even 'selfish heroes who are hero-ing for the wrong reasons' fight tooth and nail to protect innocent people and the Hero Commission... ??? like?? Who the fuck were they? We have no idea they did some shady stuff right? ???? WHO?
I just... Its so dumb.
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stars-in-our-skies · 2 years
rant warning-- so thinking about it again, that whole “hawks killed twice & everyone hates him” thing (but also, the ENTIRE war) still makes me mad but not even because he killed twice in specific. i dont care that he killed a villain. I just want to know why society cared that he killed a villain. it was him or twice, the fuck did you want him to do? die? you’ll sleep better at night, in your evacuation shelter, knowing the number 2 hero is fucking dead? if the point was “bluh all might made people feel safe and now theyre stupid :(” oh so it’s all mights fault? the hell do you want him to do about it, NOT save people? that’s kinda in the job description of a PRO HERO. why are you mad that villains are dead. do they think the villains just... disappear? would you rather the villains NOT die? because only a few days later those same villains that were apprehended got released from fucking prison. you know, nearly ALL of the villains that caused the war? Oh that’s soooo much better. i feel much better knowing that we didn’t kill any of the villains that would later be released from prison! So that was pointless.
and then they have the gall to blame THE HEROES for the destruction THE VILLAINS CAUSED. Like i’m no hero apologist (quite the opposite, i think criticizing the way hero society works is correct) but why are we blaming them for something they didnt do? Is it because they didnt prevent it? Mount lady couldnt stop him and she was his size. I would like to see the civilians try to apprehend a GIANT FUCKING MONSTER. If we should be mad at anyone we should be mad at the 20-something highschoolers that couldnt stop him -- but logically, society doesnt even know that they were there, so I get that. better question: how do the children sleep at night knowing THEY caused mass destruction by not stopping machia first? Why didn’t momo just create a bomb? She made an entire fucking canon before, she can surely make a hand grenade, right? It doesn’t even have to be something destructive, there were so many options, why a sedative? She’s one of the smartest people in her group to the point of being temporarily the leader, and that’s the best she can do? Even so how did NOBODY, out of a group of 20-something kids, have the aim to get the sedative in his mouth the first time? God i hate those kids. And i’m reading my hero academia! I’m supposed to like them! Let alone the fact that we barely see the kids these days. what’s the point of having them there if they barely do anything? If you’re going to have a series focused on kids essentially enrolling in the equivalent of military school, at least have them do actual things that the school teaches them? Or at LEAST let them be in the spotlight, not the fifty thousand heroes that teach them? But I digress before i blow an artery. -_-
I love this series but there’s not a single part of that whole arc that made sense. it was a while ago at this point and i still dont get why this was written this way & literally everything afterwards hinges upon it. It’s so stupid. gahhhhh
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gr1evance · 1 year
1 and 4 for Strudel!!! 5, 6, and 8 for STARB!!!
for strudel:
1. What kind of person is your OC in a crisis? Are they calm and collected? Do they panic? Or are they chronically the cause?
oh in a crisis he will.. be one of the first to freak out about it. but not really in a loud way he tends to withdraw and just kind of want to hide for days on end. and it kind of eats him up inside because his whole thing is wanting to Be The Hero but. he cant really handle much anymore. especially considering the crisis hes currently in is VERY very life threatening i dont think anyone can handle it. but yeah he goes quiet or hides though on rare occassions he can push through enough to be a steadying force. but then he needs to go hide afterwards
4. Does your OC have a failed friendship or relationship they still think about? What happened? Is it an unresolved regret or is there a chance for reconciliation?
you could probably consider his relationship to patty to be that. they were still hero and villain enemies when the show got cancelled and they never really had a chance to resolve any of that. he always wanted to though even though they were trying to destroy the city because he just wanted to give them a chance since it seemed like no one ever had. but the show got cancelled before he could and now hes real and theyre not. he definitely still thinks about it a lot even though theres nothing he can do anymore
for starb:
5. Does your OC have a signature weapon and/or attack? How long did they train to master it?
one of his powers is being able to make these like big stars that he can throw to knock people back or use like a shield and i consider that his signature power probably. it took him.. a very very long time to get control of his powers so he could do stuff like that instead of Just Exploding
6. Does your OC know magic? Were they born with magical ability or did they train to acquire it? What is their favorite type of magic? Least favorite?
uuhhh well i wouldnt say Magic but he comes from like. superheroes world where most ppl have powers. he was born with his powers though theyre like. entirely emotion based and consist of like i mentioned above those stars he can summon they vary in sizes and when his powers are under control theyre generally glowing light yellow and rounded so they dont actually hurt people. but when he gets too emotional (any very strong emotion including positive ones) his powers get more dangerous and his stars specifically get a dull gray/white and are sharp and dangerous. when hes excited or just happy little cosmetic stars can like appear and float down around him. he also has slow falling which again he can only use when hes emotionally calm and healing which works by him like. again being calm but he has to wish to heal the person like wishing on a star its cute. and finally when his emotions are. extremely strong he does risk just straight up exploding, it doesnt injure him but it Is just an explosion to the area around him. he likes that he can help people with his powers now but ultimately hes kind of resentful of them and afraid of himself for all the harm he did in the past that was just an accident bc he couldnt control it. it very much haunts him
8. What was your OC's most embarrassing moment? Does it still bother them or are they able to shrug it off?
oh god.. im not sure honestly. i dont know if id count his past like. destruction and manslaughter as Embarrassing as much as traumatizing. i dont think he tends to get embarrassed too often? okay actually no i lied i think the entire time he was at scelestic after they kidnapped him and he met tesla (his husband) was the most embarrassing for him bc it was. really really gay. but he would never regret meeting his husband
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baebeyza · 3 years
If Zone had a proper anime, would it have had another six-changer who goes from evil to good???
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mumscarian · 2 years
i promised yall that id tell you about my superhero au, so here it is! thanks to all the anons who reminded me abt it, i 100% would not have remembered otherwise. Anyways, take this, and hopefully ill even write it one day lol.
Scar's the hero, Grian's the vigilante, Mumbo's the villain
they are all HORRIBLE at their jobs
You know that one vine by ProZD about the villain who kept accidentally doing good things? that's mumbo. real doofenshmirtz-esque guy.
scar is so clumsy that he practically does mumbo's job for him. he tries to save a cat in a tree and ends up burning the tree down somehow
grian technically can't be bad at his job, seeing as he is a chaotic neutral in his situation. he's charismatic and often gets the better of scar and mumbo, but is very oblivious when it comes to citizen stuff.
there are a few rules to the meta of this au, which are laws of the universe-- unless its really funny or angsty, and in that case: laws were meant to be broken
1. whatever mumbo and scar do, either it is cancelled out by themselves, the other, or grian puts a stop to it. (example situation: the tree scar accidentally sets on fire (mentioned above) is extinguished by mumbo's evil freeze ray, which he was using to try to kill scar. grian was the one who put the cat in the tree in the first place.) 2. Grian, in roadrunner fashion, always gets the upperhand in the end, though there are times when it seems like either the law or mumbo have truly caught him, just for the ✨drama✨ 3. Grian can make anything work, as long as its sticking to the bit. a true looney tunes man. he has the power of the Absurd on his side.
Grian's superpower is his wings, which he can summon at will
Mumbo's is shapeshifting. i dont exactly know what kind of shapeshifting yet, but i did have a cool idea that if he didn't carefully maintain his form, bits of him start flaking away until he's just Void with a mustache tacked on (the mustache never leaves LOL but he does wear a mask as a villain)
Scar desperately hides his superpower, and just uses his outstanding charisma to avoid the question. (he can turn into a cat <3)
As citizens, they are all Very Normal and Not Suspicious At All! Except for grian. lord help that man, he wouldn't know secrecy if it shat on his shoes. It should be an open secret by now, but through a series of comical yet confusing events, his identity is still a secret to the public. for now.
Speaking of Grian, he works at a coffee shop, because I'm in love with cliches. Mumbo is an redstone engineer, and scar is a landscaper. Grian wants to be an architect, but he had to drop out of college for a couple of years. He's taking it online this year tho!
they all know each other, but mumbo's the only one suspicious of anyone's identities
grian and scar, disguised in their hero gear, routinely flirt with each other's and mumbo's civilian identities. mumbo can't because a villain cant exactly flirt with civilians without them throwing a brick at them LOL
the flirting has No Effect on mumbo (besides him being suspicious ig) until he figures out their real identities and the realization that oh my god grian and scar are flirting with me kicks in and he gets incredibly flustered.
i mentioned before that the whole "villain goes to hero's house all broken and battered saying 'i didn't know where else to go'" and that definitely happens. at one point. i dont know where or when but it definitely happens once the story reaches a more serious and less cartoony point. ill make it happen. i dont have much of an actual plot in mind, if you couldnt tell. haha.
thats all i have baiii
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creweemmaeec11 · 3 years
Sleep Paralysis Pt 3
You guys adore this snippet so, hope I did the third part justice ♡
First part Second Part
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The villain looked up when they finally heard the sound of the heros feet padding across the roof. They were meeting to exchange notes about the supervillain they were working together to take down. Despite the fact they had arranged to meet up at 6, the villain had shown up ten minutes early, assuming the hero would already be there like usual.
This time though, the hero wasn't ten minutes early, they were ten minutes *late*.
"Being tardy isn't normal for you," the villain stated crossing their arms. They had other plans, they didn't have time to be here all night.
"Yeah I know I'm sorry,"
"What... the heck happened to you?" The villain replied in confusion, taken back by the sight infront of them.
"What do u mean? I was just late. Can't we-"
"No." The other said flatly, taking a few steps closer, "What happened to *you*," they clarified, "you look like you just woke up from a two year nap that was six feet below,"
"I wish," the hero huffed under their breath, before realizing what they'd said and slapped a hand over their mouth, "I mean-"
Truely, the hero really did look like hell. Hair disheveled and posture slumped while dark bags hung under their eyes.
"Spit it out, hero,"
"It doesn't matter, I-"
The hero in question faltered, deflating at the commanding tone.
"I just haven't slept much, or, ya know, at all,"
"At *all!?*"
"When was the last time you slept?" The villain asked sternly.
The hero didn't reply for a moment, looking at the criminal in front of them stubbornly, but the villain just continued waiting, crossing their arms.
Finally they caved, "three nights ago..."
"I'm too scared!" The hero cried defensively before fully realizing what they were admitting. In their sleep deprived state, they just kept rambling.
"This whole supervillain thing has been stressing me out and stress makes it worse and the last time was so bad and it's-"
They were cut off by the villian giving a deep, prolonged, resigning sigh, watching as they pulled out their phone.
"Wh-what, what are you doing?" The hero asked uncertainly.
"Taking the rest of the night off,"
"What? Why?"
The villain smirked, slipping their phone back into their pocket, "So I can chase away all the monsters while you sleep. Now go,"
The hero immediately lit up bright red, "w-what?" They sputtered in confusion, "why- why would you-?"
"Because the state your in is breaking my non existent heart, now move!" They exclaimed, making a shooing motion with their hands.
It was weird, being invited in through the front door of the heros house, instead of climbing through the window.
"C-can I get you anything, like something to eat before...." they trailed off, blushing more.
The villain couldnt help but smirk, which only made the hero grow even redder as they glanced away.
"Go get in your PJ's u idiot," the villain instructed, but their tone was soft and playful, fond even.
The hero nodded before all but fleeing into their bedroom.
Now that they were alone, it stuck the villain, suddenly, just what they were doing.
They couldn't bring themselves to mind.
A few hours later, the villain was in the hero's bed with said hero curled into their side, head resting on their stomach.
The criminal was sat back at an angle, still wide awake, unlike the hero next to them, who had gone out like a light the second they cuddled into the villain.
They were idly stroking through the others hair while trying to look through the hero's notes on supervillain. Operative word being "tried". Every couple minutes, their gaze would fall back to the hero next to them, and a stupid smile would force it's way out onto their face.
What was this hero of theirs doing to them?
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lurking96 · 3 years
What is your opinion about the Bakugou vs Uraraka fight in the sports festival. I really don't understand the praise this fight gets. This seems to be the fight where narrative shifts when it comes to Bakugou's character and literally feels shoehorned by the author to make Bakugou be painted as a feminist and a missunderstood characrter and hype him so much and to me it feels like it is downplaying Uraraka's merits and her resolve and making the fight all about Bakugou. I also feel the way Bakugou's respects for Uraraka is hyped by the author in the Ultra books/archives to me seems to downplay the level of respect Izuku had for her before the fight/during the fight/even after the fight. imo Izuku's respect for Uraraka as a fighter and as a person is way bigger than what Bakugou has for her.
Bakugou tells Uraraka to quit , Considering Bakugou's stats like being good in close combat, good reflex and good reaction and great in air mobility, he had many options to easily win the fight. We even see that in his fight with Izuku where he uses his explosions to move in the air easily. Yet here all he did was just stand there, went overboard with his explosions on her and was dragging the fight to hurt and destroy her instead of using the options to simply win like using his combat skills to push or thow her out of the ring.
When Pros question hiss way of fighting , Aizawa berates the pros and declares that Bakugou saw her strength and is keeping her at bay. the way the fight potrayed and Aizawa's declaration doesn't make any sense. We don't even see any inner thoughts or monologue from Bakugou about this to prove that. I feel the pros were in the right to question the way Bakugou fought. Uraraka comes up with a good plan on her own and Bakugou uses a huge explosion out of nowhere and comes out unscathed and finally decides to move his butt to attack her. Also notice here he says "time to get serious" meaning he never was serious all this time and he never saw her strength which again contradicts Aizawa's declaration.
Even after the fight he asks izuku if ihe gave her the plan which again is disrespect towards Uraraka. Its only after his ted talk with Izuku he comes to know that It was Uraraka's own strategy. And then the whole "what part of her was frail" comment doesn't seem that much convincing to me.
Uraraka VS. Bakugou. In my opinion it was very shoehorned in. We got some fake feminist reading of Bakugou out of it which is just not true. I think the fight shows something else than might have been. More under the cut as i ranted a bit.
We are very much aware that before UA Izuku didnt have any friend. Your bully is not your “Friend”. He was not popular and people weren’t around him. Bakugou also kinda acts like he owns Izuku. He can’t fathom a world where the nerd isn’t under his thumb. Part of Abuse is to isolate their victim. Call them crazy towards others. Cut them off from former friends and family. While Izukus quirklessness has stopped him from getting friends Bakugou might also have acted towards it. Might have beaten up people that got close to him or gave them warnings. It paints the fight in a different light. Uraraka was the first friend he got. Bakugou saw this and he probably did not want this. He could have beaten her quicker. But he wanted to set an example. Midoriya was watching from the first row. He couldnt stop the fight. It was a beatdown to show what happens if he befriends people. It also did not help that Bakugou saw Uraraka as an Izuku proxy. He did believe after all that the plan she used was all Izukus doing. To him he had also a free chance to beat Izuku up with this fight. This fight and how Aizawa talks is again an example of Horis “Tell don’t show”. We are told differently to what we see happens. Aizawa gets used as this logical, rational teacher which words must be true. The Pro heroes that complain are us the audience. Basically the scene saying. “Bakugou is doing great. Don’t insult him.” It makes things feel empty however. They lack substance. If we hear other characters tell how much bakugou changed but in the scenes he is still acts his old self. It just makes what they tell us be lies. It is not good writing. A waste of panels really. Around the sports festival we see the narrative shift. Bakugou gets more prominent. Gets less painted as bad by the narrative. Even though he does say and act pretty much similar to before. But characters start to pull excuses for him out of thin air. Back to the fight. Bakugou basically pulls out a bigger explosion without his support gear and just destroys Urarakas thought out plan. She used her smarts while bakugou just used a bigger explosion out of nothing. Here is the thing. We can debate long on how she would have won or that even if her plan worked she wouldnt have won. If hori wanted her to win he could have written it without much plothole. But here is the thing. She should have won and it should have been made clear that she did it by herself. This would have actually started character developement. Bakugou would have lost to someone he doesn’t see as a threat. Loose to someone without a more fighting type quirk than his.Basically a dark horse type victory. He might have slowly started to realise that he is not the best. That just because someone has a non fight quirk doesnt make them weak. Him getting booed by the audience might add to it too. People seeing him as villain. The whole kidnapping later on might work into it. Might make him look at why people believe him to be one. He might still have been a main target. Might have thrown a big tantrum after the fight that still makes the LOV notice him. Overall it might have been a start to develope him into a better character unlike the lip service of character change we got now.
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thealmightyemprex · 2 years
So Turns out Jaws is really good guys
SO I am revisting Spielbergs early diecting work ,at least his theatrically released work ,already reviewed Duel (TV Movie but it got a theatrical release ) and Sugarland Express,and now we are getting to the big one:Jaws
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In this 1975 film ,a shark is going around eating people near Amity Island ,and it is up to Police Chief ,Martin Brody (Roy Scheider ) ,Oceanographer ,Matt Hooper (Richard Dreyfus ) and professional Shark killer Quint (Robert Shaw ) to hunt down and slay the beast
Sooooooo....I saw the firs half hour of this film at about 8 or 9 and it scared me .Now while other movies that scared me I ended up loving,there are a select few ,where my brain interperted it as"I dont like this"(Namely this and Spirited AWay ).NOw I have revisited the film a few times since I was a teen,but while I could tell it was good ,I couldnt love it ......Now on my third full watch I can say....This is a darn good movie that I do like
Its a very important film in American cinema as it takes elements from films before it like 20000 Leagues Under the Sea,Seven Samurai,Creature from the Black Lagoon and the Birds,and combines them into a mixture.....That has ended up being the blue print for nearly 50 years of big blockbuster features
If I were to say what genre the film belonged to it is somewher between an action thriller ....And a monster horror film .In truth the film is very scary ,with some great jump scares (Including one of the scariest in cinema I feel ) ,a brilliant use of suspense(HElped by Johhn Williams amazing score ) and a premise that is inherently horrifying as unlike many other movie monsters,Sharks are real terrifying apex predators (THough in reality ,Shark attcks are less common then you think ) and despite seeing the film before..........I still was spooked watching
One thing I love about the film is how distinct the first half and second half is .The first hour we have a bunch of characters ,the shark basically going into human territory ,and the towns people reaction to the events......Which leads to a very isolated second hour,with only three characters stuck at sea with this beast ,and basically our heroes are in the sharks territory
I like the various characters who makeup the town .Of the supporting cast the two most important are Lorrianne Gary as Ellen Brody and Muarry Hamilton as the Mayor. Lorriane Gary does an excellent job but of the supporting characters the most memorable is Muarry Hammilton as the Mayor.The Mayor isnt a villain (Unlike copy cat characters,he does have humanity ) but his shortsighted pursuit of profit and keeping a sense of normalcy make him a strikingly realistic and honestly sadly relevent antagonist.Hamilton does a great job and I find it amusing this character has become kind of a shorthand for stubborn politicians who ignore something dangerous
I adore all threeof our main characters ,Roy Scheider makes for a good every man hero ,Richard Dreyfus is fun as the brainy guy ,and Robert Shaw makes for a perfect wild card .ACting wise Robert Shaw might be my favorite part of the film ,but that might be cause he is the most entertaining ,with his sea shanty singing ,his great intro and having a monologue that is so damn good I was so damn invested in it .What I really love is how the three play off each other ,both when they are at eachothers throats but also when they are bonding .My favorite scene in the whole film is when theyve had a couple of drinks....And they just start singing this song together ,its just a nice moment I like
But this is a monster movie,I gotta talk aboout the monster Nicknamed Bruce (AFter Spielbergs lawyer ) the shark was mechanical .....and infamous forthe fact it malfunctionesd....A lot.This led to Spielberg using the shark as little as possible,and you mostly see it near the end .I think this was a blessing in disguise cause when you actually see the thing it makes iit even scarier.I also think Bruce looks really good ,like I know the prop was a pain,but it actually looks ver convincing to me .It also is just an effective villain in that it plays ona very primal fear,the beast that is just out to get ya
OVerall its a pretty damn good movie
@ariel-seagull-wings @angelixgutz @amalthea9 @the-blue-fairie @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @goodanswerfoxmonster @princesssarisa @filmcityworld1
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xgummibearx · 3 years
Hit with a quirk! Hawkes X (F) Reader
(Been taking my time to write here and there, thank you so much for your patience and allowing me to take a short break from this series! For context since I haven't updated in a while; the pro heroes awere hit with a quirk that turned them into children and the reader is UA's adolescent quirk development specialist. she works with children regularly and has been called to help monitor the heroes until the quirk wears off. Hint: all of the fics I am writing for this series connect. Enjoy!)
(X)= your name
warnings: none
(I've never written or even read anything for Hawkes or Endeavor before but!...I'll try! I'm actually going to be loosely basing Keigo as a kid off my own little brother, I feel he would have been similar lol)
"Hey man lighten up, you're a walking lava lamp! that shouldn't be hard for ya big guy." Hawkes was hovering at Endeavour's eye level, wearing a smirk as he crossed his arms. Endeavour growled, glaring at the stubborn bird brained hero. "Hey what can I say it was a good burn." He added with a snicker. Endeavor swatted at Hawkes as if he were nothing more than a pesky mosquito. His phone was ringing.
"Silence!" He snapped, "The agency is calling." He answered gruffly; "what is the meaning of this? I am working on a case!"
"About that sir!" A voice nervously responded, "we were just informed that Eraserhead and Present Mic disappeared while in pursuit of a lead? Regarding that villain you were pursuing..." Endeavor growled;
"Do I look like a street patroller?! Just get a hold of Fatgum; tell him, and stop wasting my time we're professionals!" He grumbled under his breath; "since when did we come to a time where pro heroes needed babysitters?" His receptionist quietly explained;
"That's the problem sir...Fatgum as well as his intern were the first ones on the scene; but...they disappeared as well, and never made a report." Endeavor froze; what was this? The league? All for One? He narrowed his eyes.
"I see...the situation is alot more serious than I thought, thank you for notifying me. Ensure that the rest of our units continue as normal but have them on standby if things get out of hand."
"yes sir..." Endeavor hung up.
"Come on Hawkes..." He grumbled. "We have work to do."
Hawkes was flying high above the air, they were nearing Aizawa and Hizashi's last known location when he heard a loud shout. Keigo stopped, doing a double take. "HEY!" He looked down to see what looked like a group of kids being chased by some wierd looking guy in a purple cloak.
"Pick on someone your own size you psycho!" He shouted, swooping down and kicking the assailant square in the chest. He was knocked back into some garbage cans, making one of the boys cheer.
"Good hit mister!" Hawkes turned with a grin.
"Thanks, don't you worry I'll make sure you get home..." He froze, his eyes wide as he got a good look at the kids. One of the boys was chubby, wih a familiar wide grin. "...Fatgum?..." The kid with shaggy black hair that looked an awful lot like Aizawa suddenly screamed, pointing over Hawkes shoulder.
"HEY LOOK OUT!" The villain suddenly appearing and grabbing Keigo, not to mention Aizawa's shout startled poor Hizashi and he screamed loudly; bringing Keigo and the villain to their knees. In fear, the boy quickly turned and ran.
"Hey, wait!" Keigo tried to stand but the figure in the purple cloak hovered overhead with his boot planted on Hawke's back.
"Come on!" Taishiro quickly lead the others away after Hizashi, "we have to help him!" Hawkes couldnt move as he reached towards the kids.
"Dammit wait!" He froze as he felt a hand on his head.
"Nice try hero!" The last thing Hawkes saw was a cloud of smoke.
Keigo was aching all over when he opened his eyes, his tiny body picked up like a ragdoll as the villain lifted him by the scruff of his shirt. The rest of the events were a blur, a huge man that looked like a walking roman candle burst in and punched the villain but as he was picked up, the second that Keigo had touched the man's arm he too was surrounded by smoke.
The next thing Keigo knew, he was sitting in a waiting room with a group of other kids. All of them tired, one kid with particularly shaggy black hair was passed out on the tile floor snoring loudly.
"We made arrangements for Taishiro and Hizashi already; do you think you could handle Takami?"  (X) shrugged.
"Sure, but if he gives me shit when this thing wears off I'm blaming you!" She chuckled, shaking her head. Nezu laughed, walking alongside her to the waiting room.
"Takami?..." (X) called, glancing around the waiting room. Her eyes fell on a kid with small bright red wings wearing a familiar dazed look. Nezu walked Keigo over, explaining that she was going to look after him for a couple days. The small eight year old boy looked right up at (X) with a deadpan expression.
"So I'm staying with that old lady?" (X) narrowed her eyes, even as a child he had a sharp tongue.
"Keep that up and I'll make you take a bath when we get back home." The boy immediately shut his mouth, remaining quiet until they got home. Keigo was very unimpressed upon arrival as he found himself coaxed into getting a bath anyway. Afterwards as he lay in bed with a sweater that was much too big for him  however, even he had to admit he felt much better.
"I want chicken nuggets!" The boy declared, his feet on the table and his pitiful wings proudly outstretched. (X) rolled her eyes, he had come barreling into her room at 6am begging to be fed. "I'M STARVING!" He had insisted. She glared at him.
"No." Keigo scrunched his face up and crossed his as he crossed his arms.
"Yes!" He snapped.
"I said no." (X) sighed.
"Well...I said yes!" She smirked.
"That doesn't change anything! You can't have chicken nuggets for breakfast, you're not supposed to have your feet on the table so get them off, and get some manners while you're at it.." (X) grumbled, standing up to the sound of the coffee pot announcing a fresh brew of the nectar of the gods. (X) sipped her coffee slowly, mostly black but with a tiny dash of creme.
"I wanna try some!" Keigo hopped off the table, bouncing at her feet.
"Definitely not, now I am going to wash my face and then I'll make us some eggs okay?" Keigo nodded.
"Okay, eggs are good..." He watched (X) leave then slowly turned to the coffee pot.
(X) returned to find an empty mug left on the ground, a half empty coffee pot and Keigo laughing uncontrollably in the next room. She gasped, he was hanging upside down from the ceiling fan. "KEIGO!?" (X) shouted, running to detatch him. As she got closer Keigo's feathers got caught on the pull switch of the fan and before they knew it he was spinning uncontrollably, was flung off through the air against a wall.
The rest of the morning was no better, he was running around nonstop, even flying indoors and sending things sailing. The school owed her a new set of dishes to put it simply.
Eventually (X) admitted defeat, taking Keigo to the nearby park to blow off some steam. "This kid is going to be the death of me..." (X) moaned, leaning back as exhaustion washed over her. She found herself dozing off, her eyes growing heavy snd before she knew it (X) was asleep. It like it had only been seconds when she was woken to the sound of thunder. There was a very light drizzle but it would definitely get heavier.
Everyone else in the park had left, Keigo was standing on the bench beside her. He was attempting to use his tiny wings as an umbrella. "You look tired...can we go home?" (X) smiled, laughing softly.
"Well aren't you sweet. Okay."
Warm clothes, hot bowls of beef stew, and plenty of  cartoons made for the perfect evening. By the end of their third film they had both fallen asleep on the couch, the tiny boy curled up beside (X) with her arms sleepily wrapped around him.
It was still the middle of the  night when Keigo woke and was back to normal. It was unexpected, considering him suddenly being full size left him with no room on the couch and he loudly crashed to thw floor.
"mm...Takami?..." (X) mumbled, sitting up slowly. She looked at the floor to see Keigo, staring back up her. He could feel his face burning, the memories of the day flooding in.
"uhm...for what it's worth?...I don't actually think you're an old lady..." He mumbled slowly.
(X) smirked, shaking your head. "Come here you idiot..." Keigo curled back up on the couch with her. "So, you're not going to give me shit?" Keigo chuckled, she could feel his voice vibrate as he slowly pulled her into an embrace. His nose and mouth softly nuzzled into the top of her head.
"Maybe I'll wait a couple days first." (X) giggled, her face pressed into his chest.
"Maybe we should go on a coffee date."
Keigo laughed, "oh fuck off!"
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dickiesbirb · 4 years
what bothers me so much about damian being presented as a villain is that he already was one. and his arc is one of my favourite things ever.
he was raised to become the head of the demon. he already was a killer. and sure, while he was just a kid, he still wasnt likeable for the people around him or even the readers. when damian and dick started working together they needed to work on their bond so much. they couldnt stand each other at first.
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batman and robin (2009)
it took some real time and work to get to where they were (back before dick seemed indifferent to damian, but we’ll get into that in a moment). but finally damian accepted and even respected dick as batman, even began to like him and enjoyed working with him
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and after so much work, after receiving love and support from dick, alfred and other heroes he finally became one. he stopped killing and became a good person. and sending him on the killing path again is just regressing his character development.
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robin: son of batman (2015)
he went through a lot. he learned from his past. he was able to reconnect with his emotions (on, you know, a bat level) and trust others. he moved forward. he built amazing relationships with fellow heros and allowed himself to be vulnerable again, to be a child again (to some extent).
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batman (2016)
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batgirl (2009) (god bless stephanie brown)
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nightwing (2016)
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bruce too was part of the journey, but more as an absent figure, an abstract idea than a father (bc he was dead or misplaced in time or whatever, this isnt about him). he was what made damian come to gotham in the first place, but people like dick, alfred or steph were the one who made him stay.
and i think its why this pisses my off so much:
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detective comics (2016)
i dont understand how the people who were damian’s safety net, who helped him become robin are so indifferent. dick went through his own shit but i feel like one of the first person he would reach out to would be dami. and he didnt even think about him (its just. ooc).
so yes, dc’s treatment of damian is just sad. the boy tried so hard to be better, so hard to be more than an assassin. to be robin. to be a child again, to be allowed to laugh and play. HE IS A CHILD. even after everything, he still is a 13 year old child. damian went through a lot in the latest issues: his best friend got aged up, he lost dick, lost alfred and in some way lost bruce to grief too and it certainly left a mark on him. To some point i can understand that he got lost. but if dc actually pursues in making a villain out of damian, they’re ignoring all the shit this strong boy has gone through. let his family catch him. let him heal. i want to see damian who at the end of the day chooses good over bad, who after a rough path becomes a hero instead of a villain.
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