#Skaven OC
geckoodles · 2 years
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Would you give Imiiq a hug? Comm for @xaallo / @heliinx !
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maeneiii · 1 year
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modern day Nomikh, still as angry as ever
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thana-topsy · 6 months
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Khemor and Urag having a scholarly debate!
Khemor is an orc scholar and the LDB, and he is the lovely brainchild of @kookaburra1701
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glowfangarts · 1 month
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A few months ago I thought I would make an Warlock Engineer Considering that was my first time attempting to put any detail into something mechanical im proud of this one So, meet Skady!
..It was a while before I realized I was giving my rats dewclaws.
Check out my Deviantart as well! https://www.deviantart.com/glowfang12
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hyenamiloska · 5 months
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undlark · 3 months
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My character Kreenom from a 40k campaign. A psyker who wrote fanfiction that turned out to be premonitions. She was a silly character who tumbled into becoming a rat. c: And other sketches of things, including friend's character You can find me on Bsky here
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indagold-orchid · 10 days
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I got into skavens for some reason. Bonus mutant rat dog.
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fereinsm · 9 months
A lil’ gift for @skykain and their Skaven gals (modern versions) with the ‘Music Band’ thingy once again XD This time feature with one of their heavy metal & rock band called the “Rodents” with its members. Note that icons below belong to SkyKain ;)
I also updated the Vermintide band version quite a while ago, and I wanna reupload it here as well. For the rest of the details, please click the links below these pics to access my DeviantArt site.
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groggygrimalkin · 7 months
Working on my Skaven character so here's a rough sketch of her while I figure out more stuff
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She's like 8 ft tall and likes to bite the heads off of man-things that yip in her ear.
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kookaburra1701 · 5 months
Khemor gro-Skaven
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(Portrait by @thana-topsy, full version here)
Race: Osh Ornim (Iron Orc) Sex: Male Birthdate (given): 1st Morningstar, 4E 161 (40 years old in 4E 201) Birthdate (actual): Unknown Birthplace: somewhere in the Dragontail Mountains. Places of Residence: Skaven, Hammerfell > Water's Edge, Cyrodiil > Windhelm, Skyrim
Former factions: College of Whispers Current factions: Stormcloaks, Thane of Windhelm and the Pale
Khemor’s story will be told in my Homeric Orcs Series.
Early life in Hammerfell
The Iron Orc who would eventually be known as Khemor gro-Skaven was barely five years old when he was stricken with Rockjoint. ("Common in little orc children." --Murbul) Although he survived the disease, it left one of his legs atrophied and partially paralyzed. His clan, a particularly brutal group of Osh Ornim, intended to abandon him in Dragonstar in Craglorn as they did not want to waste the resources of the stronghold raising a permanently disabled child.
Whether it was fate, the hand of the gods, or just coincidence, Khemir at-Arlimahera, a wizard from a prominent Crown family in Skaven was traveling through the area and encountered the abandoned child before any harm befell him. The wizard sensed Khemor had a deep well of magicka and even though he was completely untrained he was manipulating the ebb and flow of ambient magicka in the world.
From Nostos, Khemor's central fic, set after the Main Quest and conclusion of the Civil War:
“My master was a once-in-ten-generations intellect when it came to the ebb and flow of magicka, delving into the secrets of the arcane, and uncovering the mysteries of Oblivion. But he was at a loss when it came to choosing a name for an Orsimer foundling.”
Khemir brought Khemor up as his apprentice: while Skaven was more magically inclined than most places in Hammerfell, Khemir's studies focused on various forms of Mysticism that intersected with Necromancy. Thus Khemor learned to be very circumspect and discreet from an early age.
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Because of the reputation of Iron Orcs as particularly brutal and unintelligent, Khemor views his heritage with a deep sense of shame, and was brought up almost completely divorced from larger Orc culture, even more so than most "city Orcs" as he lacks any connections to anyone living in a stronghold. Most non-Orcs or people who are not from the Dragontail mountains do not pick up on the indicators of his heritage, and most who do clock him are too polite to mention it.
However, he does have a particular fondness for unusual rocks and minerals, and picks up pretty ones whenever he finds them. He also prefers to use un-faceted Soul Gems.
The Great War came to Skaven in 4E 173 when Khemor was twelve years old:
In Hammerfell, Imperial fortunes took a turn for the better. In early 4E 173, a Forebear army from Sentinel broke the siege of Hegathe (a Crown city), leading to the reconciliation of the two factions. Despite this, Lady Arannelya's main army succeeded in crossing the Alik'r Desert. The Imperial Legions under General Decianus met them outside Skaven in a bloody and indecisive clash. Decianus withdrew and left Arannelya in possession of Skaven, but the Aldmeri were too weakened to continue their advance.
--Legate Justianus Quintius, The Great War
Despite "only" lasting two years, the Empire's abandonment of Hammerfell and subsequent Thalmor occupation of Skaven was very formative for Khemor. Both he and his master were able to weather the occupation, but it took a toll on both of them. Khemor especially was not able to recieve chiurgeons' services for his leg during that critical time, which meant that his leg was unable to make a complete recovery like they had hoped, and so he’s used a cane to walk for his entire life.
From Katabasis, the story that details Calder the housecarl's adventures alongside Khemor during Skyrim's MQ:
Khemor sighed. “To say that I was ‘in’ [The Great War] would be a grave misstatement. I was only a child. Rather, the war came to Skaven. I was living there when the…order for the Legions to abandon Hammerfell was given.” A look of immense sadness passed over Khemor’s face. “Many of the Legion, mostly Nords and native sons of Hammerfell, refused to abandon Skaven, and deserted to continue protecting us. It was futile, of course. They were overrun and the Dominion occupied the city for two years.” He looked again at Calder and said quietly, “I am well-acquainted with the cruelties the Thalmor visit upon the populace of the places where they have control.”
While Khemir's social position and influence protected their household somewhat during the occupation, it was not easy, and Khemir's health never truly recovered. Before he died in 4E 187, he helped Khemor secure a position in the College of Whispers in Cyrodiil, despite neither of them being particularly inclined towards the Empire. In appreciation for his loyal service to and care of Khemir during the final, ailing years of his life, Khemir's family gave Khemor several of his former master's magical heirlooms before he left for his new life in Cyrodiil.
One of Khemir's grandnieces currently runs the family estate, and she and Khemor are on friendly terms and communicate somewhat regularly.
Life in River's Edge
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(Portrait by @thana-topsy, full version here.)
With his command of languages, he was able to perfect his chosen sub-field of necromancy: spirit-calling and speaking with the dead. After all, what is the use of summoning the shade of a long-dead person to answer your questions if you won't be able to understand each other? This ability led to Khemor rising quickly through the ranks of the College of Whispers, and his calm and pleasant demeanor meant he was often chosen to lead delegations to advise the Elder Council or other political entities in Cyrodiil.
It was because of this role that in the year 4E 201, when word came to the leaders of the College of Whispers that the Synod and the Thalmor were scheming to gain influence with the College of Winterhold in Skyrim, Khemor was chosen to travel to the far, frozen north of the Empire and attempt to establish a line of communication Archmage Savos Aren.
Because of the unstable political situation in Skyrim, once he was through the Pale Pass Khemor changed his Legion escort for one comprised solely of Fighters Guild mercenaries. His entourage left Helgen for Riften on the 14th of Last Seed, 4E 201. Khemor noted the unusual number of Legion soldiers stationed at such a small outpost, but thought nothing of it.
When the escort arrived in Riften, they learned of Ulfric's capture and escape and hear the first rumors of dragons returning. However, it isn't until a dragon is sighted flying over Lake Honrich into the Jerall Mountains that Khemor takes the reports seriously. For safety, a larger group of travelers gathered in Riften to travel to Windhelm, leading to a significant delay of Khemor's itinerary. During this time, he composes what will end up being his last piece of correspondence to his superiors in the College of Whispers, detailing what he has heard about the return of the dragons to Skyrim before the ad-hoc caravan sets out for Kynesgrove…
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samthekitnix · 1 month
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atdoop · 10 months
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i made a skaven girl. she smells bad
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plaguerenamon · 11 months
Have some rats, some skavens, and masks
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thana-topsy · 8 months
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My good friend @kookaburra1701 ‘s gorgeous and awesome OC that I have very quickly become smitten with. Khemor 🙈💚
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glowfangarts · 19 days
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I have no FUCKING idea how I ended up here but uuuh Not complaining.
Have a hot greyseer.
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teratophallia · 8 months
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Happy Halloween from Murmorri and friends! Crummissioned by my friend Frikerf on twitter <3
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