#Skoda Vision
cafedeotocom · 1 year
Skoda Elektrikli Mobilitede İddialı
Skoda, 2026 yılına kadar dört tamamen yeni elektrikli araç ve Enyaq ailesinden iki yenilenmiş model sunmaya hazırlanıyor.
Skoda, 2026 yılına kadar dört tamamen yeni elektrikli araç ve Enyaq ailesinden iki yenilenmiş model sunmaya hazırlanıyor. 2027 yılına kadar e-mobiliteye 5.6 milyar Euro yatırım yapacak olan Škoda, farklı segmentlerde ürünler sunarak her beklentiye uygun modeller geliştirecek. Küçük elektrikli SUV segmentine “Small“ BEV kod adı ile girecek olan Çek marka, Elroq ismi verilen modelle de kompakt SUV…
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automediamk · 2 years
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Skoda Vision 7S е најава за најголемиот од трите нови електрични модели
Концептот Skoda Vision 7S го прикажува најголемите од трите нови електрични модели што чешката марка планира да ги пушти во продажба до 2026 година. Кросоверот со седум седишта прикажува нов дизајн и нови препознатливи обележја на марката, со коишто Skoda сака да се издвојува подобро од конкурентите, како и од останатите модели што ги нуди […]
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en-wheelz-me · 1 year
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manualwheel · 2 years
Skoda Vision 7s
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Skoda showed a new style with the Vision 7S crossover and announced the following Kodiaq and Superb
The electric prototype of the Skoda Vision 7S does not just hint at what the flagship "green" crossover of the brand will be: it is also a demonstration of a new corporate identity.
The large SUV debuted in the status of a concept, but the company has already announced that it will transform into a production model. As for the new design, one of the main features will be optics, and Skoda can also borrow a “chip” from a Chinese automaker. The electric prototype of the Skoda Vision 7S does not just hint at what the flagship “green” crossover of the brand will be: it is also a…
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otomobilkolik · 2 years
Skoda yeni marka kimliğini Vision 7S ile tanıttı
Skoda yeni marka kimliğini Vision 7S ile tanıttı
Skoda, yeni tasarım dili, yeni logo ve kapsamlı kurumsal kimlik güncellemesini görkemli bir tanıtımla gerçekleştirdi. SKODA VISION 7S konsept çalışması, tamamen yeni bir elektrikli otomobilin özel ön izlemesini sunuyor. Skoda 2026 yılında üç yeni model tanıtacak. Skoda, önümüzdeki beş yıl içinde e-mobiliteye 5,6 milyar Euro ve dijitalleşmeye 700 milyon Euro daha yatırım yapacak. Skoda Vision…
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Skoda donne de nouvelles informations sur la Vision 7S
La marque  Škoda taquine ses fans avec de nouvelles images de son concept-car Vision 7S. Le constructeur tchèque dévoile davantage l’intérieur de son automobile. 
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Crédit photo : MilanMottl de Pixabay
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elisysd · 10 months
1. Guess my childhood is over
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Chapter soundtrack: Older - Alec Benjamin
She will miss her room. That’s what Julia thought as she was finishing packing. Today was her last day in her childhood bedroom before leaving to pursue her dreams. A few months ago, she finally achieved one of her biggest life goals. Well, at least she was one step closer to it. After a lot of interviews and tests she had gotten a job as a junior engineer for the F1 team Skoda. It was a team from the back of the grid, with almost no budget even though they were helped by Ferrari, especially with the engine. But still, she was so damn proud of herself. All those years of sacrifice finally paid off. She would work on the tracks with the team for the whole season. It was a one-year contract for now, but they had made it clear that if they were happy with her, they would gladly keep her. She was excited and she couldn’t wait to start. From a very young age she had always been passionate about how cars were working, how they could be improved to be faster. And that’s what she was about to do. With enthusiasm, she locked her big suitcase and put it in the corner so her dad could bring it downstairs later.
Stepping out of her room, she was welcomed by happy barks and a fluffy Australian Shepperd. Bailey was the family dog that Charles got them almost ten years ago. Even if originally, Bailey was a dog for her little brother Louis, she had quickly taken a liking for Julia and at some point, she became more like her dog than her brother’s. Not that he minded, he didn’t care much about her.
“Hey my girl! Let’s go eat. Come on.”
The dog began to turn around her, wiggling her tail.
“I’ll be playing with you later, I promise.”
Bailey barked again and Julia rushed downstairs. Her mom was in the kitchen, finishing to prepare the lunch as her dad was reading his notebooks and taking notes. She took the plates that were on the kitchen island to put them on the table and on her way, she took the opportunity to kiss her dad’s cheek, taking him by surprise.
“Ready for the season, princess?” Charles Leclerc asked his daughter.
“I can’t wait to be the one who will bring the ideas to upgrade the Skoda and make it faster than your Ferrari!”
“Don’t think I’ll make it easy for you. We worked hard on the car and I have the feeling we will be very competitive this year!”
“More competitive than Lamborghini?” asked Julia to tease her father.
“We hope so.”
A few years ago, Charles had taken the job of Team Principal of the Scuderia. Julia remembered how they came to their door one day, practically begging her dad to work with them. She was nineteen at the time and had only started her college degree, but she remembered how her dad hesitated a lot before finally agreeing. He didn’t want to leave his family behind again, knowing that it was what had almost cost him his marriage a few years prior. But her mother had insisted, saying that he would regret it if he were saying no. It took time to bring back Ferrari at the top. Three years. Three years of hard work of intense recruiting and negotiations but they finally managed to become vice-champions in the constructor’s championship twice in a row, behind Lamborghini. Not where they wanted to be of course, and Charles was hoping that this year, they would finally be on top.
“Ju? Can you go tell your brother that lunch is almost ready?” told her Lyanna, making Julia stood up and go to her brother bedroom.
She knocked on Louis’ door but heard nothing. Slowly and softly, she opened it to see him lying on his bed, reading a comic book, his headphones securely put on his ears. She stood in front of him so she would be in his field of vision before waving and taking away his comic book.
“Lunch is ready.”
He nodded and stood up before leaving the room closely followed by his sister. When seeing his kids back, Charles smiled and put away his notebook as Lyanna was coming with a plate for Louis where she had separated the vegetables by colours and size. Louis also took a little bag of potato crisps and made sure to make two sides: one where the crisps were full and one where they were not. It was always like that he always had to separate everything before eating or it was triggering him. No one was paying attention anymore to his little quirks that Julia found endearing.
“What were you doing, Louis?” carefully asked Charles.
“Yeah? And what are you reading.”
“A comic book about Spiderman that mom bought me, yesterday.”
Julia was seeing that her father was struggling to find ways to make him talk. For as long as she could remember the relationship between her father and her little brother had always been weird, often uncomfortable. Not from Louis’ side, but from Charles’. He never knew what to say or how to say things.
“Do you have any fun facts about him to tell us?” asked Julia, knowing very well that her brother was a mine of information when he loved something.
“Oh yes. Did you know there is an alternate version of Spider-Man where Peter is an anthropomorphic pig. His name is Spider-ham.”
“No way! That’s so cool!” exclaimed Julia.
“How did you learn that?” said Charles.
“I don’t remember.”
Charles sighed. It was not today, again, that he would achieve a more than two sentences conversation with his only son. He looked down on his plate as Julia saw her mom scooting closer to him and put a hand on his thigh.
Louis didn’t talk much during the lunch, not that he talked a lot anyway but usually, when Julia was giving him the opportunity to talk about things he loved, whether it was Marvel, animals (insects in general) or music, he was unstoppable. But not today. He ate in silence, with his noise cancelling headphones that he didn’t put away and when his plate was empty, he left the room to go back to his bedroom.
“I’m going to see him.” Julia stood up as well and followed him. When she finally caught up to him, he was already back on his bed and with his book. “Louis… talk to me.” she pleaded him.
“You’re leaving me.” he said as a matter of fact, but Julia could hear an ounce of sadness in his tone.
“You know that I have too…”
“You always promised me you would be there for me.”
“And I’m not backing down on that. You know that if I could bring you in my suitcase to have you with me I would.”
“You will be all over the world. You won’t have as much time for me as you have now. You will have new friends and you will forget about me.”
“That’s not true. I will call you every day. And you can text me whenever you need someone to talk to or to help you with your homework.”
“I don’t need help with my homework.”
And Julia knew it was true. Her brother was a little genius. A little genius that her parents didn’t want to put to school, preferring to have him studying at home. Julia sometimes felt guilty about that. She didn’t have the most amazing school years, being bullied because of her last name. People always liked to reject her or to use her in order to have access to privileged places. It was something she didn’t like to think about as it was always bringing back bad memories.
Sometimes, the insults, the pulled hair and the nasty remarks were coming back haunting her. If she had a hard time trusting people, it definitely came from that time of her life. She still remembered vividly the pain it caused her when her first boyfriend, when she was fifteen, played her and made her believe he loved her only to find out later that it was just in order to meet her dad. It had been a hard pill to swallow and since then she had been careful around men. She never really had a boyfriend since that time. Of course, she had a couple flings and one night stands, but it was never serious. She didn’t let anything be serious. Her only focus was her career and her dream to work one day alongside her dad at Ferrari.
Her parents didn’t want Louis to go through what she had gone through and had decided to let him be homeschooled. They knew how cruel people could be and since he had been diagnosed with autism, it was less frightening to keep him sheltered. Julia was not always sure it was the best idea. Louis would have to face, sooner or later, the world and how cruel it could be.
She looked at her little brother and couldn’t help but feel guilty. He would be alone. Sure, he had their mom, but Julia was the only one Louis would willingly confide in. She was his pillar. And Julia was scared that without her here, he would crumble. She tried to think that it was not as different as when she was away for college. But still, she was coming back home whenever she could, and she was in Switzerland so not far away from home. Now, she would be all around the world, with messed up time zones.
“Are you hating me for leaving you?” she asked seating on his bed.
“I’m not angry to see you leave, just sad, I guess. You are the only one who understands me here.”
“You know that’s not true; you have mom too. And Bailey. You will take good care of her for me, right?”
“Mom is mom. It’s not the same. And I’ll take care of Bailey. Australian Shepards need a lot of attention. So, I will try to play with her twice a day for an hour.”
“Thank you, Louis. Can I hug you?”
“Did you wash your hands before?” he asked seriously as Julia rolled her eyes.
She stood up and went to the bathroom before coming back showing him her clean hands.
“Done. Can I have my hug now?” she insisted.
Louis went to her and threw his arms around her clumsily. He hated social contacts. He could barely tolerate his mother’s kisses. But Julia was not the same, she was his favourite human being.
“I love you. Always. Whether I’m three meters away from you or on another continent, I love you.”
He sighed and she felt him nod. He pulled away from her and put back his headphones, letting Julia know that he didn’t want to talk anymore. She left his room to face her dad that had probably heard their conversation. He was not trying to be subtle about it.
“I wish I was as good as you with him.” he told her.
“You’re trying, dad. That’s what matters the most.”
“That’s what your mom said as well.”
“Well, listen to us then.”
“Like your uncle Arthur would say, Leclerc’s women know best.”
“And he is absolutely right.”
Charles threw an arm around his daughter shoulders and kissed the side of her head. They soon joined Lyanna in the living room who is petting an enthusiastic Bailey.
“So, how are you feeling about everything?” asked her mother.
“It’s strange. It’s a mix between excitement, nervousness, and fear of failing.”
“It’s normal things to feel, princess. I was the same.”
“It’s going to feel weird to have you both away…” confessed Lyanna.
“I’ll take care of her, Lya.”
“Oh no! Please don’t embarrass me!” groaned Julia.
“That is basically my job as your father. That and scaring boys away from you.”
Lyanna and Julia both rolled their eyes making Charles laughed. It was always amusing to him to see that his daughter had similar if not identical expressions to his wife.
“And about Ethan… how do you feel about that?” asked Charles.
Ethan was Julia worst enemy since kindergarten. They never got along, nor did they really try to. Fortunately for her, as Ethan started to get really good with karting and later made his way into F3, then F2 to end up finally in F1 three years ago, in Maserati, a midfield team affiliated to Lamborghini, the new name of Red Bull, she didn’t have to see him or interact with him more than necessary.
“I’m not going to work for him or with him for what matters, so I won’t see him much. And as long as he is not acting like a dick, everything should be fine.”
“I hope so. You are both adults now, surely you can act like civilized people.”
“I know I can. The question is, can he?”
“Julia… He is not that bad you know. He is a bit of an idiot sometimes, but who wouldn’t be considering how he grew up.”
“Dad, I know that you like him. For unbeknownst reasons. But using his childhood as a way to excuse his behaviour is just not it. I think Louis and I are the perfect examples of growing up privileged but not being pretentious assholes. You and mom did a pretty good job raising us to be humble and hardworking people.”
“Julia, he is not that bad. He is actually a very focused driver, always asking questions, always wanting to learn. always trying to get better. It’s admirable. He is going to get big.”
“That’s just a facade, dad! That’s a mask he puts on to make people like him. Why can’t you see that? Don’t you remember how ruthless he was with me? Like the one time he stuck gum in my ponytail and mom had to bring me to grandma so she could cut my hair? Or the one where we had this school trip and he just decided that it would be funny to hide my lunchbox somewhere and I couldn’t eat. And I have tons of other examples!”
“Now you are being dramatic.”
“I’m not! I know exactly who he is deep inside. He is rotten. It’s crazy that you can’t see that!”
Her parents smiled at her. They were used to it by now and were not taking it seriously anymore. It was a rivalry that was lasting for more than twenty years now. With an angry gesture Julia left the room. She had a few things to check before being sure that she would not forget anything.
In her room, she took her time to print every corner of where she grew up in her mind. She looked around and went through the mess she accumulated over the years. Her eyes found a vision board, made when she was 12. She smiled when she saw written in bright red capital letters, in the centre of the board, almost taking up all the space “WORKING FOR FERRARI”, and next to it between parentheses with her adult writing “with dad”. In the box under the board, she found pictures of her, her mother and her father, on racetracks, when she was young, before Louis’ birth. She found her favourite one from Le Mans where her dad participated along with Max. It was a bittersweet day, she had to spend it with Ethan, but seeing her dad accomplishing one of his dreams was a wonderful experience to witness. One they shared just the two of us. She folded the picture and put it in her purse.
As she was sitting on her bed caught up in her memories, she didn’t hear her mother coming and taking place next to her.
“I remember this picture. It was maybe your third or four Monaco Grand Prix. You were five years old, something like that. Your eyes were glued to the cars, nothing could make you look elsewhere.”
“Yep, that’s sound like me.” smiled Julia.
“I don’t tell you this enough but, I’m proud of you. I know how far you’ve come, and I know how hard your worked to be able to be where you are today. I’ve never doubted you. Not once second. You have the stubbornness of your dad.”
“Dad would argue and tell you that it comes from you.”
“Your dad is an idiot.”
Julia laughed.
“I wanted to give you this. So, you have something from home when you miss us. Whenever you feel blue, you just have to hold onto it, and it will be like I’m right by your side.”
Lyanna took out of her pocket a black velvet box. When Julia opened it she found a red bracelet with a little horse on it. It seemed old and the iron was slightly rusty. Beside the horse, there was a movie clap next to the Monegasque flag. Two wedding rings circled around each other and two baby socks, one pink and one blue were completing the bracelet. Julia recognised it and knew the importance it held for her parents; it was a perpetual reminder of their story. Julia put it around her wrist and hugged her mom.
“I promise I’ll never take it off and I’ll take care of it.”
“I have no doubt you will. I want you to add things to it. It is yours now, Julia. It is your story to write. But no matter what, your dad and I will be by your side. Forever and always.”
The next morning, she was boarding the private jet that was bringing her to Bahrain for the pre-tests and her first GP. She would stay on the side for starter, just the time for her to adjust, and then progressively she would get tasked on specific things to look at on the car.
“I know that being Ferrari team principal comes with some perks, but it always shocks me. It shouldn’t, but it does.” she said, moving awkwardly in the alley of the plane.
“Technically, it’s supposed to be for Ferrari team members. And since you are working with Skoda, you shouldn’t be here. It’s a favour, I give you Julia.” joked her dad.
“If you want to get into technicalities, Skoda uses your engines so… we are allies.”
“There are no such things as allies in F1, princess.”
She sat opposite to her father and looked outside the window. It would not be long before they took off. A few hours later, as they were both bored to death, Julia looked at her father pensively, biting her lips as if she wanted to say something but didn’t dare to, something her dad caught.
“What is going on in this little head of yours?”
“Can I ask you something?” she asked with hesitation.
“Anything. You know that Ju.”
“Why don’t you want me to work with you?”
He put down his notebooks and crosses his arms against his chest. He took his time to answer her.
“I’m not going to teach you how F1 is a make-or-break kind of world. You know that. I don’t want to people to think that you are where you are only because you are my daughter. They will look down on you. I want you to prove them wrong. And you can’t prove them wrong if you are already with me. You are talented Ju, you have an eye for details, you are smart. I want you to show them that you are a fighter and that you deserve to be there. I would love to have you working with me, it would be a dream. But before, show them all what you are made of.”
“And what if I fail?” “I’ll have your back. I’ll always be there if you need me. For whatever reasons. But you are my daughter, you are a Leclerc, and we don’t give up when things go rough, we fight with all we have until the end.  And that’s what you’ll do.”
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Author's note: And let me introduce you to miss Julia and her family that you already know!! I love her, she is amazing and you have seen nothing yet hehehe. I hope you caught the little Cruel Summer reference that was there.... 👀 let me know in the comments.
I can't wait to read your thoughts about it, so don't hesitate to leave a comment or an ask, as well as reblogging and leaving a like. It helps a lot for the story to find its audience. I also have a taglist for this story, so if you want to be added so you never miss a chapter, let me know.
@herondalism @aundercover @musingsbyshreya @karmabyfernando @reengard @mycenterfold @smoooothoperator
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frenchcurious · 2 years
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Concept Skoda VISION 7S.100 % électriques en production d'ici à 2026. - source Motorlegend.
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francklegall · 1 year
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rushikesh-d · 23 days
Railway Passenger Coaches Market To Witness the Highest Growth Globally in Coming Years
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The report begins with an overview of the Railway Passenger Coaches Market and presents throughout its development. It provides a comprehensive analysis of all regional and key player segments providing closer insights into current market conditions and future market opportunities, along with drivers, trend segments, consumer behavior, price factors, and market performance and estimates. Forecast market information, SWOT analysis, Railway Passenger Coaches Market scenario, and feasibility study are the important aspects analyzed in this report.
The Railway Passenger Coaches Market is experiencing robust growth driven by the expanding globally. The Railway Passenger Coaches Market is poised for substantial growth as manufacturers across various industries embrace automation to enhance productivity, quality, and agility in their production processes. Railway Passenger Coaches Market leverage robotics, machine vision, and advanced control technologies to streamline assembly tasks, reduce labor costs, and minimize errors. With increasing demand for customized products, shorter product lifecycles, and labor shortages, there is a growing need for flexible and scalable automation solutions. As technology advances and automation becomes more accessible, the adoption of automated assembly systems is expected to accelerate, driving market growth and innovation in manufacturing.
The global railway passenger coaches market size was valued at USD 15.94 billion in 2022. The market is projected to grow from USD 16.48 billion in 2023 to USD 21.98 billion by 2030, exhibiting a CAGR of 4.2% during the forecast period.
Get Sample PDF Report: https://www.fortunebusinessinsights.com/enquiry/request-sample-pdf/107542
Key Strategies
Key strategies in the Railway Passenger Coaches Market revolve around optimizing production efficiency, quality, and flexibility. Integration of advanced robotics and machine vision technologies streamlines assembly processes, reducing cycle times and error rates. Customization options cater to diverse product requirements and manufacturing environments, ensuring solution scalability and adaptability. Collaboration with industry partners and automation experts fosters innovation and addresses evolving customer needs and market trends. Moreover, investment in employee training and skill development facilitates seamless integration and operation of Railway Passenger Coaches Market. By prioritizing these strategies, manufacturers can enhance competitiveness, accelerate time-to-market, and drive sustainable growth in the Railway Passenger Coaches Market.
Major Railway Passenger Coaches Market Manufacturers covered in the market report include:
Alstom (France)
CRRC Sifang Co., Ltd.(China)
Stadler Rail AG (Switzerland)
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. (Taiwan)
Siemens AG (Germany)
Hitachi (U.K.)
SKODA TRANSPORTATION a.s. (Czech Republic)
TALGO (Spain)
Jupiter Wagons Limited (India)
Transmashholding (TMH) (Russia)
One of the key trends in this market is the increasing demand for energy-efficient and environment-friendly railway coaches. Governments and railway operators worldwide are implementing measures to lessen their carbon footprint and encourage sustainable transportation, driving the need for more efficient and eco-friendly rail vehicles.
Trends Analysis
The Railway Passenger Coaches Market is experiencing rapid expansion fueled by the manufacturing industry's pursuit of efficiency and productivity gains. Key trends include the adoption of collaborative robotics and advanced automation technologies to streamline assembly processes and reduce labor costs. With the rise of Industry 4.0 initiatives, manufacturers are investing in flexible and scalable Railway Passenger Coaches Market capable of handling diverse product portfolios. Moreover, advancements in machine vision and AI-driven quality control are enhancing production throughput and ensuring product consistency. The emphasis on sustainability and lean manufacturing principles is driving innovation in energy-efficient and eco-friendly Railway Passenger Coaches Market Solutions.
Regions Included in this Railway Passenger Coaches Market Report are as follows:
North America [U.S., Canada, Mexico]
Europe [Germany, UK, France, Italy, Rest of Europe]
Asia-Pacific [China, India, Japan, South Korea, Southeast Asia, Australia, Rest of Asia Pacific]
South America [Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America]
Middle East & Africa [GCC, North Africa, South Africa, Rest of the Middle East and Africa]
Significant Features that are under offering and key highlights of the reports:
- Detailed overview of the Railway Passenger Coaches Market.
- Changing the Railway Passenger Coaches Market dynamics of the industry.
- In-depth market segmentation by Type, Application, etc.
- Historical, current, and projected Railway Passenger Coaches Market size in terms of volume and value.
- Recent industry trends and developments.
- Competitive landscape of the Railway Passenger Coaches Market.
- Strategies of key players and product offerings.
- Potential and niche segments/regions exhibiting promising growth.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
► What is the current market scenario?
► What was the historical demand scenario, and forecast outlook from 2024 to 2030?
► What are the key market dynamics influencing growth in the Global Railway Passenger Coaches Market?
► Who are the prominent players in the Global Railway Passenger Coaches Market?
► What is the consumer perspective in the Global Railway Passenger Coaches Market?
► What are the key demand-side and supply-side trends in the Global Railway Passenger Coaches Market?
► What are the largest and the fastest-growing geographies?
► Which segment dominated and which segment is expected to grow fastest?
► What was the COVID-19 impact on the Global Railway Passenger Coaches Market?
Table Of Contents:
1 Market Overview
1.1 Railway Passenger Coaches Market Introduction
1.2 Market Analysis by Type
1.3 Market Analysis by Applications
1.4 Market Analysis by Regions
1.4.1 North America (United States, Canada and Mexico) United States Market States and Outlook Canada Market States and Outlook Mexico Market States and Outlook 
1.4.2 Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy) Germany Market States and Outlook France Market States and Outlook UK Market States and Outlook Russia Market States and Outlook Italy Market States and Outlook 
1.4.3 Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia) China Market States and Outlook Japan Market States and Outlook Korea Market States and Outlook India Market States and Outlook Southeast Asia Market States and Outlook 
1.4.4 South America, Middle East and Africa Brazil Market States and Outlook Egypt Market States and Outlook Saudi Arabia Market States and Outlook South Africa Market States and Outlook 
1.5 Market Dynamics
1.5.1 Market Opportunities
1.5.2 Market Risk
1.5.3 Market Driving Force
2 Manufacturers Profiles
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cafedeotocom · 2 years
SKODA Vision GT Konsept
SKODA, 1957 yılına ait efsanevi ŠKODA 1100 OHC Coupe modelini yeniden yorumlayarak bir konsept olarak tasarladı.
SKODA, 1957 yılına ait efsanevi ŠKODA 1100 OHC Coupe modelini yeniden yorumlayarak bir konsept olarak tasarladı. VISION GT ismi verilen model bilgisayar ortamında yapıldı ve markanın tam elektrikli yarış aracı vizyonunu ortaya koydu. ŠKODA 1100 OHC’den ilham alınarak tasarlanan VISION GT’de dijital çağın sürdürülebilirlik ve duygusal tasarım anlayışına yer verildi. Daha önce 130 RS, FELICIA ve…
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votivecandleholder · 1 month
Otro camino hacia el mundo de los videojuegos
New Post has been published on https://testercar.com/otro-camino-hacia-el-mundo-de-los-videojuegos
Otro camino hacia el mundo de los videojuegos
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Los videojuegos de la saga Gran Turismo son reconocidos por su relación con el mundo automotriz. El⁣ Skoda Vision​ Gran Turismo es el último prototipo ⁣colaborativo para el juego, con un diseño inspirado en el icónico 1100 OHC​ Spider de 1957, ahora con elementos futuristas y tecnología avanzada.
Puesta en escena ​del⁤ Skoda Vision ⁢Gran Turismo en el juego de PlayStation.
El Skoda Vision Gran Turismo rememora sus raíces en competición, destacando por su diseño Modern Solid y componentes aerodinámicos activos. Con un peso de solo‍ 1.300 ⁣kg y una potencia de 1.087 CV, este modelo eléctrico ofrece un rendimiento espectacular en el mundo ⁢virtual. Además, ⁣su‍ cockpit​ minimalista y⁤ centrado en el piloto completan la experiencia de conducción en el ​juego.
Experiencia de conducción futurista con el Skoda Vision Gran Turismo.
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en-wheelz-me · 1 year
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mikeshouts · 2 months
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Skoda Vision Gran Turismo For Gran Turismo 7 PlayStation Racing Simulation: It’s Bold Vision!
Lovely! 😍
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daily-revs · 2 months
Skoda Vision Gran Turismo Concept | Škoda Debuts In The Gran Turismo 7 !
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