#Sleepy's Ler!Sapnap Week
sleepy--anon · 6 months
Day 3: Bet
Prompts found here
Reblog first, like later please, reblogs do more
Dream and Sapnap sat lounging on their comfortable couch together after having a hearty meal just the two of them.
"Its been a while since just you and me hung out." Dream said fondly, propping his head up with his hand as he stared at his friend.
"Yeah, no British screaming and insults this time." Sapnap joked back, chest swelling with pride when Dream giggled at it. His hand that rested softly on Dream’s knee gave him an idea. Sapnap rubbed his thumb against his knee cap with a soft hum.
"Hey Dream?"
"I bet you can't keep your legs in my lap for three minutes." His tone turned playful as he gave Dream a lazily challenging look.
"My ADHD isn't that bad Sap, I took my meds today, you reminded me." Dream chuckled, slightly intrigued by where this was going.
"Who said anything about your ADHD being the reason you move~?" Dream felt a slight blush dust his cheeks as he tensed his legs.
"W-what's in it for me?"
"Well I originally had the idea of if you won I would do the cooking for the next week."
"Cooking and clean up! And throw in my laundry and you have a deal!" Dream stuck his hand out quick, watching Sapnap pretend to contemplate.
"Deal" Sapnap shook his hand firmly before sitting back setting the timer on his phone as Dream slowly rested his knees on Sapnap’s lap. He laid himself against the armrest and tried to relax, knowing that if he worked himself up on anticipation he wouldn't stand a chance.
"One hundred and eighty seconds Dreamy~ You ready~?" Sapnap showed the phone to Dream, giving him proof that it's only three minutes, Dream’s toes curled as he nodded, watching Sapnap set his phone down, flinching at his hand resting just above his knee.
"Alright Twitchy, here we go~" Sapnap started the timer with a soft ding, giving Dream a slight pat before dragging his nails down the outside of his thighs, watching Dream grip the couch cushions and twitch violently, breath shaking.
"Don't implode~" He teased, skittering his nails all over his shaking thighs. The thin pajama pants he wore did little to nothing to help.
"Shuhuhuhush" Dream's blush darkened by the second, his whole body shook as everything in him screamed to pull away.
"Thihihis is soho AAAHH!" Dream shrieked as Sapnap jellyfished both his knee caps at the same time.
"Oh I knew George wasn't the only one affected by this~" Sapnap repeated the action, watching Dream’s whole body jolt. Dream felt like lightning was shooting up his legs every time he did it. A minute had passed and clearly Sapnap was getting sick of playing nice, he grabbed his kneecap with one hand and his inner thigh with the other and squeezed, differing the pressures and always squeezing one after the other, never the same time. Dream threw his head back and all but cackled at the sensation. His legs drummed from their place on Sapnap’s lap, fighting the urge to pull them back. The adored look on Sapnap’s face accompanied by his lack of verbal teasing definitely wasn't helping.
"HOHOHOHOW MUHUHUHUHUCH LOHOHOHOHONGER!?" Dream whined, hugging himself through the tickles. Sapnap glided his nails up and down his shins, running them over his ankles, feeling him shiver as he looked over at his timer.
"Just slightly over fifty seconds." He answered honestly with a squeeze to his calf, chuckling at the squawk it pulled out of Dream.
'I can do this I can do this I can do this I CANT DO THIS" Dream's brain screamed at him as soon as Sapnap’s nails slid over the sides of his socked feet.
"NO!" He shrieked panicked, yanking his legs back.
"Awww Buddy, so close~ Twenty-five seconds left~" Dream pouted at him, flashing puppy eyes at him.
"Oh absolutely not, you do not get to do that mister are you serious~?" Sapnap crooned playfully, lunging at Dream giving him quick little sporadic tickles along his sides, belly, and ribs, staring fondly at his red, giggling face.
"OHOHOHOHOKAY! YOHOHOU WIHIHIHIHIN! IHIHI LOHOHOHOSE! STAHAHAP IHIHIHIHIT!" Sapnap soothed Dream softly, pressing gentle kisses around his face.
"No punishment Bud, that was enough of an award on my end. Thank you for letting me do that." Dream felt a surge of affection and quickly wrapped Sapnap up in a hug, pulling him down ontop of him like a weighted blanket.
"Yeah yeah, you're welcome..."
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covenofwives · 4 months
Two For the Effort of One
Sapnap has always been stronger, but he'd managed to hide it from Dream and George. A near fatal accident forces him to reveal it, but he's shocked and touched to realise his friends are more impressed than scared with his strength. Now he can show them what he can really do.
Thank you for your patience. This is another one of Sleep's Ler Sapnap week done. This is also a soft look into my new AU. Enjoy.
Sapnap was always aware he was stronger than Dream or George. He realised it when he was really young and on the same day, Sapnap4K started to train him about his strength and how to control it.
“We are strong. We use that strength to protect the ones we love. And save those who need it. To use your strength to dominate or take control of someone is the worst you can do.”
Those words stayed with Sapnap, and played in the back of his mind whenever he was with Dream and George. If they sparred, he would hold back. If they did weight training, he’d deliberately pick the lower sets. When they wrestled, he would let them win but only after they put up enough of a fight.
At first it was frustrating, especially when George would gloat about how much stronger he was getting over Sapnap, but eventually he learned to let it go. It didn’t matter if his friends knew how strong he was or not because he’d know. He learned to be okay with that.
There was no real plan to tell them about it because it never mattered. But in the heat of the moment he wasn’t really thinking of keeping secrets, he was just thinking of keeping them safe.
Despite their brothers absolute insistence on not going near the caves in the mountain, it just took a few dares from Dream and the three were off exploring. They swore to keep it a secret from the Gods as they explored deeper into the caves. Then the cave started rumbling, the cracks started climbing up the walls and the only thing keeping the Dream Team from being flattened into red mist was Sapnap holding up what felt like the weight of the entire fucking mountain on his back.
George gawked at Sapnap before Dream dragged him up to help dig them a way out. They were moving fast, which Sapnap was grateful for because he didn’t know how long he could hold this up for. He just had to make sure they two were safe enough in their dug out tunnel before he’d even think about letting go.
Luckily the thought never had to cross his mind as Dream had dug enough to reach sunlight, and then DreamXD appeared at the opening, and the three were quickly whisked out of harms way.
The mountain crumbled in the distance while the boys were being partly looked over and partly scolded by their older brothers. George seemed to be getting the worst of it. GeorgeHD was checking over every inch of him for injuries while his helper hands worried around him.
“Of all the dumb things you’ve ever done this is the worst! You could have been killed!” HD screeched.
“We’ll we’re not! We’re fine-Fucking! Stop!” George bat away at the hands crowding him.
Dream was getting a similar lecture, though it was quieter from XD. From the sight of Dream’s face he already realised he’d lead his friends into danger and the guilt would eat at him for a while.
Sapnap thought he’d get similar treatment but so far the only thing 4K had spoken to him about was to pull up his top so 4K could have a look at his back. His muscles hurt and he could feel the rips in his top so he knew his back was cut up or scraped. 4K ran his warm hands over the skin and there were a few spots Sapnap winced at.
“I’m going to take Sapnap to the Nether.” 4K spoke and the bickering and talks between the siblings silenced. “He needs healed.”
HD looked between Sapnap and 4K. “I could heal him.” He offered gently.
“Nah. It’s best he gets a lava bath.” 4K helped Sapnap stand. “We’ll be back tomorrow.”
It was a quick goodbye before the two Nether brothers were zipped away, appearing in 4K’s bastion.
“What’s wrong?” 4K asked immediately.
Away from the others, the worry that had been boiling in his chest just seemed to leak out. Sapnap’s eyes watered and he blinked furiously as he said. “They-They saw me. When I was holding up the mountain. They know my strength.”
4K helped take off Sapnap’s shirt and gave another look at his injuries. “That’s not a bad thing.”
“They’re scared of me. They looked at me like I was a freak!”
“They looked at you in awe because you saved them. If it wasn’t for your full strength, you would have died.” 4K raised Sapnap’s arms just slightly, and stopped when Sapnap yelped. “You’ve probably pulled a muscle. Or muscles. Let’s get you a bath.”
Sapnap did feel better after the bath. When he submerged himself in complete lava, the aches of his muscles and cuts faded away. He came out redressed in soft comfy clothes and 4K was waiting with soft blankets and cuddles.
“They absolutely expect me to lecture you, so just tell them I did, alright?” 4K pressed a kiss to Sapnap’s head. “You were brave and your strength saved your friends. You have no reason to hide or be ashamed of it.”
Sapnap fell asleep trying to keep those words in his mind, even though he dreaded the thought of seeing his friends the next day. He had begged 4K to just let him stay in the Nether and make up and excuse to the others, but that wasn’t going to happen. With soft encouragement, Sapnap and 4K returned to the Overworld, in the usual spot where the other two Gods and their siblings were waiting.
“You are all grounded!” HD announced as soon as Sapnap arrived. “You are not leaving our sight. For a week. A month!”
“Easy, HD.” XD put a hand over HD’s shoulder. “But, you three are super grounded.”
With some sweet talk and assurances, 4K managed to talk down the grounding from “not leave our sights” to “not leave the grove”. That was a fair compromise. Sapnap silently pleaded 4K to not go but his brother mouthed “you’ll be fine” and Sapnap was off with Dream and George.
The three wandered out to a small flower meadow. Sapnap had kept up the small hope that the two had forgotten, or they just wouldn’t ask any questions. But that hope was out the window when George immediately asked.
“How did you do that in the caves?”
Sapnap sighed slowly from his nose and swallowed back his frustration. “Do what?”
“Hold up an entire fucking mountain.” Dream responded. “That was… I don’t even know, that was beyond insane!”
“I got lucky.” Sapnap shrugged.
“That wasn’t luck, Sap, that was pure strength. When did you get that strong?”
The question Sapnap dreaded to hear, but Dream’s voice was calm and soft. Sapnap risked looking at them and saw they didn’t look at him like he was a freak or with fear. They were curious.
It was now or never, because Sapnap’s nerves wouldn’t let him get another shot. “I’ve always been that strong.”
Sapnap waited for looks of betrayal or something, but Dream and George just waited. So he continued. “I’m stronger than you guys. Like…a lot stronger. I realised years ago and 4K’s been helping train me so I don’t...let it be known.” He raised a hand, rubbing the back of his neck. “But when that cave collapsed I had to do something. I couldn’t let you both die!”
“Why did you hide it?” George asked in a surprisingly soft voice.
An uncomfortable lump formed in Sapnap’s throat which was hard to swallow. He only found his voice when Dream had asked: “Did 4K tell you to hide it?”
“No!” Sapnap quickly shook his head. “No! Never. He was always encouraging me to tell you guys. Or show you. I hid it because… I was scared you would be scared of me. You wouldn’t let me stay with you guys, or join you on stuff anymore.”
It was freeing and terrifying to admit it. Both parts a weight off his chest and a horrible crushing feeling on his shoulders.
“Well, that’s a dumb reason. Because there is no way we’d leave you over that.” George scoffed, in his own caring but trying not to way.
Even if the words were harsh, Sapnap felt like he could have cried right there.
“We wouldn’t leave you over that.” Dream said softly. “We’re brothers. We love you. Nothing you could say would make us leave you.”
Sapnap could have cried right there if his pride had let him. His eyes teared up a little but blinked them away.
“But now I wanna see what you really can do when we wrestle.”
Of course Dream would immediately think competitively. His soft smile was replaced with a challenging smirk.
Sapnap felt his own smile pull at his lips. “I mean… I could absolutely wreck you.”
“Prove it.”
Sapnap was more than willing to prove it. In fact he was giddy from the events and challenged both of them to wrestle him at the same time. Dream and George’s goading and confident smirks soon turned to frustration and bewilderment. They were both pinned.
“SAPNAP!” George screeched, followed close by Dream’s useless struggle.
It didn’t take long to get them pinned. Sapnap had Dream under him; he was on his side on Dream’s back with an arm wrapped around Dream’s front to keep his arms in close to his chest. George was grappled between his legs, with the brunette's arms pinned under Sapnap’s legs and stuck to George’s side.
George would scream and then try to move but all he could do was weakly pull and shuffle Sap’s legs a little. Dream was less vocal, but he huffed and groaned as he tried to free his arms and push or roll himself. Again he just moved Sapnap a little. And only because Sapnap let himself be moved.
He was honestly surprised just how easily he could take them both down. Of course he was careful of his strength and made sure he didn’t really hurt them, but even when being mindful they were down in less than 5 minutes.
“There’s no...nngh…way you’re this strong…!” Dream struggled under Sapnap.
“Well you’re the one caught.” Sapnap teased. “And not getting out. So either you like being pinned under me or I really am that strong.”
That lit a fire in Dream and he tried to shake his friend off to the same result. Sapnap wasn’t moving, although now he was giggling at Dream’s attempt. The blonde was absolutely adorable and Sapnap reached over with his free hand to lift up Dream’s hoodie.
Dream stopped struggling, only for a moment, to squeak and then he was kicking up a fuss again. His face started to blush as he babbled a mix of Sapnap’s name and “stop!”
“W-Whahat! What is hahappening?!” George tried to twist himself around and get a look. He could feel Dream’s struggling but not see anything.
Sapnap couldn’t help but snort with laughter, seeing a nervous smile take over Dream’s face to almost match his mask. “You’re not stopping me now either.” He pointed out as he pulled up the side of Dream’s hoodie to his ribs. Dream’s hips and about half of his sides were very much shown off since he was wearing his revealing manhunt outfit. No matter how much Dream swore it helped him, Sapnap didn’t believe it.
“Sahapnahahap! D-Dohon’t!” Dream tried to sound serious and intimidating, but his high giggles made it impossible.
“Just stop me.” Sapnap shrugged. “If I’m not that strong, just stop me.”
Sapnap hadn’t even touched Dream’s side, and still he could see Dream squirm and try to arch his side away.
“Tell you what,” Sapnap thought out loud as he placed his fingers over Dream’s sides. Dream yipped and tried to struggle again but it was useless. Sapnap wasn’t moving. “If you knock me off, I won’t tickle George after.”
“WHAT?!” George screeched and struggled almost as desperately as Dream. “You’re not ti-tihickling mehe!”
“Oh I am. Once I get Dream to tap out with his safe word, I very much am.”
“I-Ihi’m not tahapping out!”
“Not yet~”
Sapnap wasted no more time. He walked his fingers slowly down to Dream’s hips, and tickling over the bone and working his fingers up to just under Dream’s ribs. Even with the added panic to try and escape, Dream’s struggling still did nothing to push off Sapnap. His laughter came out in sputters at first, hopeless attempts to hold it back before he just couldn’t anymore.
“SAHAHAHAP!” Dream shouted between his peals of laughter. His legs kicked and tried to push off the ground but it got him nowhere. The fingers continued tickling up and down his defenceless, sensitive side.
Of course it wasn’t enough to get Dream begging for real mercy. Sapnap knew Dream’s tells. His near hysterical laughter now was from frustration that he couldn’t move, sending his nerves on edge. It wouldn’t take long to break him at all.
“Someone’s extra tick-tick-ticklish today.” Sapnap chuckled over the laughter. “George must not have been tickling you for a while cause you’re just so sensitive!”
“Sh-SHUT UP! Shuhuhut uhuhuhuhup!” Dream tried to growl but his threatening rumble was interrupted by squeaking giggles.
“S-Sahapnahap!” George squeaked. Sapnap gave a look down to the still trapped brunette. His face was almost as red as Dream’s, flushing down his neck and under his t-shirt. Sapnap was half tempted to jump him and start tickling George right there, but it would be so much sweeter if he could wait.
“Don’t worry Georgie, you’ll get your turn.” Sapnap cooed. “Once Dreamie here has had enough.”
“Noho you won’t!” George screamed and tried to escape again. Every time he got just a little bit of give, Sapnap tightened his legs and George would scream in frustration again.
“Just give in, Dreamie and it’s all over…” Sapnap cooed again, focusing back onto the still laughing man under him. He slowly let his fingers crawl down to Dream’s hips, letting them tickle there so his laughter calmed to squeaky giggles. “Just say that one little word and I’ll stop.”
“Dohon’t you DARE!” George warned. “Dream! If you do you’re going to regret it!”
“Nohohohohoho. No nohohoho…” Dream shook his head into the grass, hiding his giggling blushy face.
While it was absolutely fun to tear Dream apart with giggles, the more George squirmed and tried to escape the more Sapnap really wanted to take him down a peg.
Without slowing the tickling of his fingers, Sapnap moved them down to curve around Dream’s side and slip under his tummy. Like a dam wall breaking, Dream’s laughter suddenly poured out in hysterical waves. He could barely speak over his howls, but Sapnap heard one word loud and clear.
“There it is!”
Sapnap pulled back his hand on Dream’s stomach and the one around his front. He loosened his legs ever so slightly and pounced as soon as George tried to make a break for it.
“No! No! NO!” George screamed and tried his hardest to struggle but he was easily pulled back into Sapnap’s chest.
“Now George! It’s time to give Dream a rest!”
Dream had rolled on his side with the freedom given. His face was flushed and he was breathless. He curled up with his arms protectively around his tummy.
Sapnap had already decided they’d be cuddling afterwards, but he needed George to be just as melty and giggly first. He was already so worked up so it was expected as soon as Sapnap’s fingers touched his ribs, George was already laughing. His threats and pleas fighting to be heard over his uncontrollable hysteria.
To George’s credit he lasted longer than Dream, but by the time he’d screamed his safe word and Sapnap stopped he had fallen asleep. Somehow between the laughter and squeals, Dream had also fallen asleep in the grass and it was easy enough for Sapnap to shuffle him and George over to cuddle.
Sapnap didn’t sleep. He was too excited and his mind raced with worries. They accepted him for his strength now, but he’d still have to be mindful and careful. He’d have to adjust and figure out what exactly he could push his strength too without hurting them. But even as the worries loomed, they didn’t last long. The soft snoring surrounding Sapnap reminded him he wasn’t alone through it. He didn’t need to hide anymore.
His friends - his brothers - would always accept and love him.
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fluffallamaful · 5 months
concepts and rambles for fishster <33 🐟
@sleepy--anon ler!sapnap week
sapnap is playing some sort of video game with george in the room. george is winding him up and sap is constantly losing,, which leads to him becoming angy.
before either of them can register what is happening, sapnap’s mouse is flying across the room, and the hand that once controlled it is buried into george’s side. it quickly makes itself at home, kneading and pinching into the skin and mirroring the ravenous attack of his already-positioned left hand.
george’s reaction is delayed by a baffling second, during which both of his legs kick out, and a surprised shriek forms and climbs up his throat. a strangled yelp is what it is expelled as, and it is followed by a barrage of screeched questioning. his legs kick and push against sap’s thigh to propel himself away, and his hands are sent down to wring at the hungry fingers on his sides. the propelling fails and the fingers move up to squeeze at his ribs. george begins pleading, and the first resemblances of laughter make their way out too.
“SAHAhapnAhahPAP WHY!?”
sapnap can only laugh in response, for he too has only just come to terms with what’s happening. he isn’t able to explain it. he has no excuse for it. it’s just that right that second he really needed to tickle george. it was as though he had simply imploded. like what happens to stars when they die. the big bang. he’s like a big bang. if he were a star he’d probably be creating a universe right now, but instead he’s just forcing his good friend into hysterics.
he lets out a stream of giggles at the absurdity of his behaviour, but of course sapnap makes no move to stop. he needed a bit of a break from his game anyway, and this is entertaining enough :)
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awkwardtickleetoo · 5 months
Ler!Sapnap Week Day 5 - Tease/Ghost Tickles
hello everyone :D i am back with another (very very very late) fic for @sleepy--anon ‘s ler!sapnap week!!!! wooooo!!!
this is for day 5’s prompt which is teases/ghost tickles!! make sure you check out the original post here, and make sure you show sleepy your love and support for putting this week together in the first place!!!
this one isn’t too crazy or anything, but i experimented a little bit with the formatting in docs and then had to try something different here, and i’ve never done anything quite like this before so i think it’s pretty cool :D hope everyone enjoys!!
orange text is sapnap’s messages, green text is dream’s messages
lee!dream, ler!sapnap, 1.8k words
enjoy :)
Dream’s phone screen lit up from where it laid flat on his nightstand, catching his eye as he turned away from the mini fridge he’d walked across the room to grab a bottle of water from. He twisted the lid off the bottle, picking up the phone as he took a sip, seeing that the notification had been a text from Sapnap.
are you super crazy busy rn
Dream smiled, always endeared by Sapnap’s word choice, taking another sip before putting the bottle down and typing out a response.
not rly
i put all the video stuff in files but it’s too late to start editing so i’m just gonna do it tomorrow
Dream sat down on the edge of his bed, placing his phone on the pillow beside him and twisting to his left, then to his right, stretching his back. He watched a new text come in, followed by more typing bubbles.
i just had a really dumb stressful meeting and i’m fucking frustrated
not like mad i just feel like i have so much pent up energy
and i really wanna come tickle you
Dream felt his stomach flip as he read the words, cold water bottle resting against his thigh and sending a chill up his spine. His thumb hovered over the keyboard, and he blinked in disbelief at his phone screen as he read the message over and over again. After almost a full minute, he formed a response.
Very eloquent, if you ask him.
i want to tickle you
you should let me
Dream felt his stomach flip again, warmth spreading through his chest and nerves settling in his throat. He swallowed harshly, taking in a breath and drinking more of his water as he quickly tapped out another text.
to get the energy out
Dream stared at his phone, in complete disbelief and confusion at the words before him. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, unable to tell if it was from fear, anticipation, excitement, or embarrassment. He chuckled to himself, nerves sending electric shocks through his veins, making the tips of his fingers tingle as he shook the feeling out. He watched those three bubbles pop up again, and he pushed himself back further on his bed to sit cross-legged as a response came in.
you know you love it
i do not!
shut up!!
don’t lie
i’m sure you’re loving this too
i��m sure you’re already getting goosebumps
and you can feel the excitement already running through you
and the nerves too huh
oh i’m sure you already have those nervous giggles don’t you aww :((
Dream took in a deep breath, looking up at the ceiling above him and exhaling slowly. His chest felt tight, and he shook out his tingling hands before pressing his knuckles against his cheeks to check their temperature– to his dismay, they were already burning hot, though he could feel that before he even touched them. A surge of warmth quickly spread through his whole body, the tingles in his hands growing stronger with the quickly forming butterflies in his stomach.
yes cutie?
stop it
but i don’t wanna :(
Dream couldn’t help but chuckle at the response, always entertained by Sapnap’s form of teasing, biting his lip to stop more giggles from falling, a soft whine escaping instead.
you can’t just
god sap
you can’t do that
but it’s so funnnn to mess with you
and you’re so cute :((
shut UP oh my god
so can i please come tickle you??
pleeeease :(
Dream would be lying if he said he didn’t hesitate.
He scoffed, squirming where he sat, uncrossing his legs just to cross them the other way, rubbing his palm over his knee and pressing his fingertips into the material of his pajama pants. His toes curled underneath him, and he switched between sitting straight up and leaning over to look down at his phone screen.
shut up no you cannot
fuck off
dreamie :(
i know how to convince you :)
Dream watched in fear as the three bubbles disappeared, waiting approximately three seconds in stunned silence before he realized what that implied.
what are you doing
what does that mean what are you gonna do
sap please
whatever it is just
don’t do it
“Fuck…” He whispered to himself when he received no response, looking around anxiously, his entire body tense as he waited to hear the tell-tale sounds of footsteps approaching his bedroom door. He waited, and waited… and waited…
But they never came.
He glanced down at his phone, just as a new message came in.
A voice memo. It was a voice memo.
He was fucked.
i’m not listening to that
yes you are
play it <3
Dream whined again, breaking off into a groan as he shook his head and rubbed his palms against his thighs. He took in another breath, falling into the nervous giggles that Sapnap predicted so accurately, dropping his head into his hands and peeking through his fingers as he shakily pressed play. He squeezed his eyes shut, covering his face with his hand, lowering his phone volume and holding the speaker up close to his ear so he could hear.
“Alright, handsome, here’s how this is gonna work,” Sapnap’s voice played through the audio, nonchalant as he spoke, but his tone was still stern and matter of fact.
“Oh, god,” Dream groaned, curling in on himself more, biting his lip as he pulled his knees up to hide his face there instead.
“I’m gonna send you this, and then I’m gonna head up to your room, and by the time I get up there, I can promise you’ll be begging me to tickle you.”
“Oh my god…” Dream said with a gasp, covering his mouth with his hand, his entire body buzzing with anticipation, curling his toes against the sheets below him once more. His phone went silent, after a small chuckle from Sapnap came through, and he turned it around to see that the audio had ended. His hands shook as he went to type out another response, his fingers unsure of their own words.
this is stupid
i hate you
leave me alone
Just as he sent those, another voice memo came through, slightly longer this time. Dream whimpered, a pout spreading across his face against his own will, shaking his head and looking up at the ceiling above him. He could feel the tingling sensation spreading further through his body, through his chest and arms and legs, making it nearly impossible to bite his lip hard enough to hold in his giggles. He covered his face with his hands and threw his head back, trying to regulate his breathing enough to calm his nerves down.
Needless to say, it didn’t work very well.
no more
you can’t do this
listen to it dreamie
it’s okay
Dream groaned again, assuming the same hiding position as he hit play on the new voice memo.
“I’m sure you’re already feeling those ghost tickles too,” Sapnap teased through the audio, and Dream gasped and shook his head at how well Sapnap knew how he felt, curls swaying against his forehead. “I’m sure they’re swirling all around your tummy right now, that’s where they always get you most, huh?”
“St–“ Dream stuttered to himself, turning his head away from his phone as if Sapnap was already in the room with him, teasing him in person instead.
“Now, like I said before, I’m gonna come to your room, and– y’know what? I’ll actually be nice, because I really do just wanna wind down and get all cozy and giggly with you, and I know you love that stuff too–“
“Fuck,” Dream whispered as Sapnap spoke, feeling the warmth spread through his chest and across his face once again, the fluttery feeling in his tummy growing even stronger.
He had to admit, it did sound nice after all this.
“–so I won’t even make you ask… I am gonna tease you to no end still, though, but you knew that already,” Sapnap said with a small giggle, and Dream couldn’t help but giggle as well. “Anyway, hope you’re prepared, because by the time you’re done listening to this I’m probably already on my way.”
“Wh–!” Dream yelped, whipping his phone around to see the audio end, and he stared at his bedroom door for a few seconds in fear. He scoffed in fake offense, rolling his eyes and typing out a message.
you’re ridiculous
you know that, right?
Instead of a response, the top Dream’s phone screen lit up with Sapnap’s contact information, the photo of Sapnap and Patches he had set as his photo staring back at him.
Sapnap was calling him now.
He let it ring for a few seconds, tapping the banner to bring the call full screen, before hitting accept and slowly raising the phone to his ear.
“…Hello?” Dream began, voice quiet and nervous.
“Hey, sweetheart!” Sapnap said, voice overly chipper and enthusiastic. Dream swallowed against the lump in his throat when he heard a door close on the other end of the call. “How are you feeling?”
“Sapnap…” Dream mumbled, anxiously twirling the drawstring of his pajama pants around his pointer finger, looking off to the side to try to compose himself.
“What’s wrong, Dreamie?” Sapnap asked softly, as if he was speaking to a scared animal, and Dream would be lying if he said the tone didn’t help him relax, at least a tiny bit.
“You know…”
“Awww, honey,” Sapnap cooed, making Dream groan and cover his face with his free hand. “Are you nervous?”
“Mhm…” Dream nodded, even though no one was there to see it.
“Aw, Dream,” Sapnap cooed more, and Dream could practically hear the pout on his face, making him groan again. “It’ll be okay, you know I’ll be nice to you, right?”
“I do, but still,” Dream explained, switching his focus to picking at a thread on his comforter that had suddenly become the most interesting thing in the world.
“Yeah, I know, you’re just wound up, huh?”
“Mhm,” Dream replied without thinking, making Sapnap chuckle on the other end.
“It’s okay, Dream. You don’t have to wait much longer.
“Wh…” Dream began, looking up at his door as he heard the long awaited footsteps growing closer and closer. “Why– why do you say that?”
“Take a wild guess,” Sapnap replied, and before Dream had the chance to entertain the idea, there was a knock at his bedroom door, making him gasp and squeal and the pit in his stomach feel like it had dropped ten stories. He couldn’t hold in his giggles anymore, gripping his phone tighter as the door opened and Sapnap walked in, a thrilled smile on his face as he continued laughing along with Dream. “There’s my baby boy.”
“Noho, go away!” Dream shook his head, placing one hand over his stomach as he felt the ghost tickles running rampant over his skin. He watched as Sapnap smiled sweetly at him, ending their call and placing his phone in his pocket.
“Alright,” He began. “Let’s get started.”
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wishitweresummer · 6 months
Workout Jams (GeorgeNotFound x Sapnap)
Word count: 910
This is for @sleepy--anon ‘s Ler!Sapnap week! I know it’s delayed. I actually wrote it quite a while before the week had started and wasn’t sure what to do. I want to move back into regular posting, so here’s to kick that off!
Participate in the week here!!!
Day Two - Gym Day
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“You’ll like this one!”.
“I don’t like working out. I’m strong enough.”, George shook his head. Sapnap scoffed.
“We got a new machine! Just try it for a bit, dude.”.
“I’ll get too buff. Buff George.”, he smirked. Sapnap laughed and shoved him. George shoved him back fast. Instantly, they were grabbing and shoving at each other.
“Idiots!”, Dream yelled, just trying to get through the living room without catching an elbow from one of his roommates.
“Tell George to workout with me for just today!”.
“Tell Sapnap he’s being a baby and can workout by himself!”. Dream simply waved them off and headed into the kitchen, not acknowledging the argument at all.
Despite the dramatics, George giggled as he followed Sapnap into the gym. Sometimes, they fought just to fight.
George yawned obnoxiously, making Sapnap giggle as he dropped the weights back down.
“And your music sucks.”, George said quickly as he nudged the speaker with his foot. Sapnap scoffed and laughed. It was George’s playlist, and George probably knew that and said it anyway just to bug him.
Really, he deserved what was coming.
Sapnap slid out of the machine and gestured to it.
“It’s called a seated leg curl. Sit in it and put your thighs under this roll-y thing.”.
“Okay. But, only because you’re begging.”, George said as he climbed into the machine. It was a little awkward; him getting in wrong. Sapnap adjusted him with a little amused huff, making George scowl.
“Now lift it up with your legs.”, Sapnap said. George strained his entire body, but it wasn’t budging. The younger tsked at his struggle.
“Move. I’m getting out.”, George snapped, embarrassed he couldn’t move it an inch when Sapnap hadn’t had any trouble at all.
Sapnap smirked and stayed put.
“Try again, let me feel your muscle.”.
“No!”, George yelped as Sapnap grabbed his thigh and squeezed it. “Quit that!!”, he shouted before breaking down into laughter. He grabbed for Sapnap’s hand, but they both were shoved away. Sapnap used his free hand to grab one of George’s and hold it to his chest. With only one hand prying at Sapnap’s, he was screwed. A loud shriek flew from his lips before he dropped his head back and wailed with laughter. The machine jolted with his panicked moves, but he couldn’t squirm free. The spot Sapnap was targeting was particularly bad; directly above his knee. His entire leg was practically vibrating. It was torture. “Sapnap!”, he screamed.
“George, don’t scream like that!”, Sapnap laughed.
George hasn’t seen this attack coming in the slightest, and there was something about the spot and situation driving him completely crazy.
“DREAM!!!”, he screamed. As the cry for help started, Sapnap ducked down and turned the music louder. The bumping rap hopefully drowning out George’s noise. Sapnap chuckled at the bewildered look on George’s face, then moved his hand quickly up to attack his upper thigh instead. George squealed and thrashed helplessly.
“It’s just us, kitten.”.
“You’re an idiot!”, George yelled and bucked uselessly against the hold the machine had on him. “Please stop!!”, he whined through his desperate laughter.
“Oh, begging?”, Sapnap teased.
Sapnap was blocking George from twisting out of the machine. He jumped his hand up to suddenly tickle into George’s stomach. The boy burst into a flurry of embarrassingly high giggles.
“Getting a good ab workout?”, Sapnap smirked.
“I hate you!”, George shook his head through his giggling.
“Oh yeah?”, Sapnap narrowed his eyes before lifting up the hand he had been holding onto so he could tickle right into his armpit. George screamed and flopped in the machine loudly, almost moving the roller on top of his thighs.
“Get out! Get out!!”, he cried as he pried at Sapnap’s hand. Uncontrollable laughter poured from his lips as he sunk into the machine helplessly. “Fuck!!”.
The entire time he was being tickled, he was desperately trying to break free; exhausting himself. His laughter was bubbly as he bucked against the chair, Sapnap teasing at his ribs.
“Why!”, George squealed loudly as Sapnap found a bad rib.
“I want to help you get big and strong.”.
“Well I hate you!”. Sapnap shook his head and latched back onto his thigh, making George scream. He threw his head back and laughed hysterically, starting to tear up.
“The music is too-“, Dream voice boomed into the gym, but drifted off as he took in the scene he walked into.
“Dream! Help!”, George cried.
“What’s going on?”, Dream asked with a grin, walking into the gym to get a better look.
“We are working out George’s abs.”, Sapnap giggled, moving down quickly to lower the music. Then, he grabbed George’s hand again and dug back into his ticklish thigh muscles. George shrieked and bucked, exploding with laughter again at the unexpected grab.
“Help!!!”, George cried.
Dream grinned and put his hands on his hips.
“Sapnap, just make sure he doesn’t get hurt.”.
“I wouldn’t let Gogy get hurt!”.
“I know, I’m just saying.”. George screamed in frustration, his face growing warm as he was ignored. The squeezes attacking his thigh were maddening and there was nothing he could do. Dream and Sapnap talked over him like he wasn’t even there, but that devious hand was still playing with his thigh muscle.
“Great workout jams, by the way.”, Dream said as he knelt down to turn up the music. Then, he left them alone again.
“No!!”, George cried.
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mushiewrites · 6 months
happy easter if u celebrate, here’s a wip <3
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aninklingof · 2 years
A Little Bit of Tickles
Day 3 of @rxsahgrce ‘s Sapnap tickle week! Today’s prompt is age regression! Really hoping that writing this doesn’t make me slip 😅
Lee! Dream Ler! Sapnap (CC!)
Warnings: age regression ✨strictly platonic!✨
“Sappy….?” Dream’s unusually high pitched and slightly whiny voice asked from the doorway into Sapnap’s room.
He was on call with Karl and Quackity just messing around on the SMP server when he heard the older, turning to see him shyly looking at the ground. He could tell from the way Dream fiddled with his sleeves and shifted uncomfortably that something was bothering him.
“I’ll call you later guys, see ya.” Sapnap said to the two men over discord before leaving the call and closing Minecraft. “What’s up Dream?”
The blonde seemed to shrink in on himself slightly. “Am lil… an’ sad..”
The ravenhead softened immediately and stood from his office chair. “Let’s go to your room bud.”
It wasn’t often that Dream regressed, at least not noticeably. Sure he would stim or stutter during recordings sometimes, usually he’d be around the age of 7 or 8 when he did and would be able to mask it well enough that he just sounded hyper.
However on rare occasions the tall man would regress to around 4 years old, and most times when he did he’d feel guilty and upset about it. This was one of those times.
“What’s going on Dreamie?” Sapnap asked once the two of them had settled on Dream’s bed together.
“Was lonely… felt bad ‘bout bein’ small,” Dream admitted bashfully.
“Do you remember what we’ve said about feeling bad?”
“I shouldn’t feel bad cuz I did nothin’ wrong..?”
“That’s right bud, good job,” Sapnap praised gently, causing him to smile and hide his face behind sweater paws. “Naww, don’t hide that precious smile! C’mere Dreamie.”
Dream complied and crawled over the bed to lay in curled up the ravenhead’s lap. He gave the man a tight squeeze which he happily reciprocated.
“Hey buddy, can you look at my eyes?” Sapnap asked. Dream lifted his head and green eyes met hazel. “Do you want tickles to cheer you up?”
Dream squeaked and hid his slowly reddening face but nodded quickly. The younger man smiled fondly and lifted his friend’s hoodie to his lower ribs, exposing the paled freckled skin of his tummy.
“Soft or rough bud?”
“Soft please,” Dream muttered behind his hands, squirming in anticipation with excitement glittering in his eyes.
“Of course.” With that Sapnap began to trace gently around the blonde’s tummy, just grazing the skin with the pads of his fingertips.
“Ehehehehee! S-sahahappyyyy!” Dream squealed as giggles as pure as holy water poured from his lips.
Sapnap smiled. “Does it tickle buddy?”
Dream nodded enthusiastically. “Tihihihickles alohohohot!”
“That’s good, I was wondering why you were giggling so much!” The Texan wiggled his fingers on the man’s sides, his touch still featherlight. Despite this Dream still squealed loudly.
“Sahahahahappy!! Slohohohower plehehease!”
Sapnap obeyed and started his slow tracing once again, Dream falling back into breathy giggles. They continued like this for a few minutes, Dream giggling his heart out and Sapnap watching fondly.
Eventually Dream spoke up again. “Sahahahappy?”
“Yes pumpkin?” The ravenhead answered, slowing his fingers to a stop.
“Cahahan wehe lahahay dohown an’ yohou t-tihihickle my neheck..?”
“Of course.” Sapnap shifted they both laid on their sides, Dream curled up to his chest. His hands lifted and began to play with the hair at the nape of his neck, wiggling lightly down his shoulders, under his chin, over his cheeks, and back again.
Dream’s soft and sleepy giggles filled the room, slowly growing quieter until the man was sleeping soundly. Sapnap pressed a kiss to his forehead before he too drifted into a light slumber.
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kasey-writes-stuff · 2 years
I'm always down for lee!George and ler!Dream 😬
Careful cuddles leading to domestic bliss
It had been around a month or two since George had finally made it to America and since Dream has face revealed! They took the first few days to just calm down and settle into the house and then did the face reveal and posted the meet up vlog and after that went to twitchcon! After all that and a few meet ups with some friends they all decided to just take it slow and not do much for a few weeks apart from some streams. Sapnap was currently in his office playing and streaming valorant with punz as Dream and George sat cuddled on the couch.. It had taken a few weeks for them to get like this, George not being one to initiate contact and Dream being ever worried about crossing peoples boundaries..
It had started around the second week in the three of them were up til around two A.M. watching some anime sapnap had insisted on showing them when George had begun to grow tired as did Dream.. Dream noticed George beginning to doze off and lightly nudged him “Y-you um you can lay down on the couch if you want” George flinched softly at the nudge “hmm? O-oh um I…” Dream flushed softly “W-well I mean if if you’re not comfortable you don’t have to lay your head on me you could put your feet here instead or you you don’t have to lay down at all I mean it’s fine we can just have sapnap turn it off and we finish it tomorrow” George flushes softly as well glancing at dreams lap a yawn escapes him and he glances up at dream “I… no it’s fine I’m uh I’m fine with laying my head on your lap…” And so George ever so softly lays his head on dreams lap and at first he doesn’t even have his full weight on it but eventually he grows so sleepy it starts dropping more and more, Dream can’t help but be enamored by this moment he’s dreamed of simplistic moments like this with his two best friends for years and now it’s actually happening.. Before he’s fully registered what he’s doing as he gets back into the show slightly, one of his hands has found place in George’s hair as his other draps over his midsection… His hand lightly caresses through George’s hair getting out small knots as he does so, George flinches softly at first and dream quickly glances down and pulls his hand out “o-oh sorry sorry i um sorry I didn’t realize…” George waves him off softly “n-no s fine you can *yawn* keep going” Dream nods “o-okay” so they stay like that about twenty minutes before Dream himself as fallen asleep… Sapnap rolls his eyes softly shutting off the TV and grabbing a couple blankets he places one over George and one over dreams shoulders and needs to bed….
After that night Dream slowly began initiating touch with George more and more small head pats of teasing over his shortness compared to Dream, more hugs, simple moments of cuddling together but these times nearly zero hesitation and no need for either to ask to cuddle or lay on the other… Dream was in pure bliss such domestic moments were probably some of his favorite moments… So we fast forward back to the current domestic moment of bliss… Dream and George were cuddling as per usual watching some Disney movie Dream threw on mostly as background noise and they idly chatted about the plans for the next few weeks seeing as Karl, Foolish and Quackity were coming to stay.. “So basically just wanna do IRL streams during their visits?” George questions, Dream nods “Yea I figure it’ll be easiest and I figure Punz will come over as well so I just don’t think it’d be easy to find a what seven player game?” George nods “yea okay so what will we do?” Dream shrugs “I don’t know I figure maybe a Q&A, maybe get some fans to send in some truth or dares, it would be a mess but we could do a cooking stream” George laughs softly “seven people in the kitchen trying to cook?” Dream laughs softly as well “Yea I know it’s crazy but it would be funny” George nods “yea I guess the mess would be worth it” Dream nods “mhm so I guess that’s settled” George nods “I suppose so”
They go back to watching the movie this time more intently, so much so Dream begins tracing idle shapes on George’s side not realizing it until he notices George squirming and looks down at him curiously and then looks to his hand and notices what he’s doing… he smirks softly deciding to continue and see just how long until George stops him… He continues the simple shapes on his sides a few minutes with no complaint from George just squirms and hitches of breath but once Dream begins moving towards George’s ribs George freezes holding a breath and Dreams eyes widen before narrowing like a predator who’s about to capture their prey… He pauses his movements and George waits a few moments before letting out his breath and settling back down… That’s when Dream strikes!
He doesn’t start scribbling or squeezing though he doesn’t wanna do too much or take it too far too quick so he simply begins tracing George’s lowest rib bone but the reaction is instant! George squeaks and begins squirming fully and giggling! “Eek! Drehehahhammm whhihiyyy!” Dream laughs softly “well I started tracing your side not realizing at first what I was doing until I saw you squirming and so I just decided to see how long I could do it until you’d ask me to stop and you didn’t so I moved up and noticed you freeze so I waited for you to unfreeze before starting here, why? Well it’s just fun and cute, do you want me to stop?” George blushes brightly “yoourrhehehe suhuhcchh ahahnnn ihihoddihihioohohtt! B-buhuhuttt nohoho yooouuuu dohohonnttt hahavvehehehe tohoho stohoppp… Ohohonnllyyy behehecchahauhihussshehee yoourrrhehe hahahvvihihinngf fuhuhunn!” Dream rolls his eyes knowingly “sure George only because I’m having fun, can I up it to lightly scribbling or no?” George bites his lip softly on contemplation “ihihi ihihi guhueehehsss fohohohorrr ahha fehewww mihihinnuhttheehehsss b-buhuttt plehehasshehee stohohppp whehehnnn ihihi shahayy?” Dream nods firmly “of course George the second you utter the word stop I will!” George nods softly and so Dream wastes no time scribbling softly up George’s ribs!
George jumps squeaking again louder giggles pouring out “Eek! NahahHAHAHAHA DRHEhehehhahahammm!” Drema smirks “yes George? Hmm? What’s up does it…” he leans close to George’s ear “tickle?” George squeals not expecting dreams breathe on his ear or the feeling of his hair grazing it! He quickly brings his arm up rubbing his hand against his ear “EEP NAHAHA DOHOHNNTTT!” Dreams eyes widen in shock “okay I’m definitely going to keep that in mind for the future!” Dreams hand moves to George’s upper ribs and his giggles increase even more as does his squirming, the slow and gentle tickles have started to become almost maddening George debates asking for rougher quicker ones but his pride won’t allow it so instead he calls stop “AHAHA NAHA IDHIHTTT ohohkkahhayyy ohohokkkahhyyy stohohppp! PLEEHEAHAHSSEE!” And so true to his word Dream immediately stops, he switches to firmly rubbing his hand on George’s ribs to dispel the left over ghost tickles.. George takes in small breathes of air turning himself onto his back smiling dazily, Dream looks at him his fave flushed softly hismelf smilimg dazily as well… this will definitely have to become a normal thing and something he needs to explore more… Suddenly he’s pulled out of his thoughts by a poke to his side making him jump and look at George who’s smirking with eyes shining with mischief “So you’re ticklish too hmm?” Dreams blush turns bright red as he clears his throat “s-so um what do you think of the movie?” George rolls his eyes deciding he’ll do at least a small investigation into that later “it’s alright I guess for a movie about singing cats or whatever” Dream rolls his eyes as he scoffs “whatever I’m sure you just couldn’t fully appreciate it with all your giggling” George flushes and sits up and then stands up “so um you hungry I can go make us something” Dream laughs sitting up then standing up as well “oh no you’re not last time you tried to cook you forgot to turn the oven off and nearly burnt the house down! Come on I’ll make us something” he grabs George’s hand and so off to the kitchen they go, the movie lays abandoned but I have a feeling that it may become one they watch rather often…
The end
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switchwastaken · 3 years
Sleepy was sitting under a tree in an empty field. She was patching up other members clothes since she knew how to sew. However her ler mood was constantly shoving itself to the front of her brain. She stopped sewing Sapnap’s ripped hoodie to take a deep breath and stretch her fingers in attempt to push the mood back since she didn't want to bother anyone
Dream huffed softly. He was very bored and very unamused by the small lee mood he was in. Who let God decide this would happen today?
Deciding to ignore it, the speedrunner distracted himself by loping over to his friend, who he saw leaning against a tree and fixing up Sapnap’s torn hoodie. He plopped down on the grass next to her, thankful his mask was in the way to hide his slightly pink face.
“He’s finally getting you to fix it?” Dream hummed in amusement. “It’s been torn for weeks and he still wears it around. It’s so easy to poke at him through the rip.”
[ @sleepy--anon hello I am late I am so sorry ]
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sleepy--anon · 6 months
Day 5: Teases/Ghost tickles
Prompts found here
Reblog first, like later please, reblogs do more
Sapnap felt a little mischievous today, and who was the perfect target? A cute tall blonde that is very clearly in a lee mood. He had been messing with him all day, small brushes in passing, grabbing his sides to move behind him, little prodes that could be played off as accidental or innocent, squeezing his knee/thigh under the table, working the word tickle into almost every sentence, vague teases that would only be caught if you were really listening. Dream felt like he was tingling from the inside out. He woke up in a lee mood, it wasn't that bad, he could ignore it and go about his day, but Sapnap must've clocked it and made it his mission to make it worse. Dream laid, on his front, on his bed groaning flusteredly into his pillow. He could feel the heat radiating off his face as he attempted to rub the tingles away. He didn't even hear his door open and shut, so the sudden flip and pin was beyond startling.
"Hi Pretty~" Sapnap purred, taking in Dream’s flustered appearance, giving him a minute to register that it's just him and not an intruder. When he felt Dream relax he pressed a quick kiss to his glabella, immediately after, leaning down towards his flushed ear.
"Have you been daydreaming the tickles you know are coming from me...eventually~? Can you feel them Dream~?" Sapnap whispered breathily, feeling Dream squirm beneath him. He whimpered quietly, turning his head as far from him as he could.
"Can you feel my fingers fluttering along your way too ticklish tummy~? Or maybe you feel me squeezing your meaty thighs~ or perhaps you feel my nails on your feet~"
"StohohoOHOP tahahahalking!" Dream whined, trying to curl in on himself but only hitting his knees on Sapnap’s back. He could feel everything and then some. The feelings amplifing the longer he talked, like the vibrations of his voice were giving them power. Sapnap chuckled darkly in his ear, causing him to scrunch.
"Oh sweet boy~ when I stop talking, you start screaming~ so I think you probably want me to keep talking for a while~"
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sleepy--anon · 6 months
Day 7: Birthday
Prompts posted here
Reblog first, like later please, reblogs do more
The dream team laid comfortably on Dream’s king sized bed, binge watching the walking dead per Sapnap’s request. Today was his birthday after all. After his stream everyone pretty much dispersed so the boys cuddled up for a binge watch. Sapnap laid in the middle with George on his right and Dream on his left. They claim that it's more practical since he's a human heater but he knows they just love to cuddle and he's more open about it. A few tears had been shed over some character deaths, as was evident by the tear drops on Sapnap’s hoodie. Sapnap played with Dream’s hair and rubbed George’s back throughout their watch, nearly putting George to sleep. Sap changed his soothing rubs to walking his fingers up his back ribs, making it fair by slipping his hand down to skitter across Dream’s neck, jaw, and chin.
"StohohoOHOP whyhyhyhy??!!"
"I dihihihidn't dohohoho ahahahanythihihihing!"
"Because I felt like it~" Dream curled himself deeper into Sapnap’s chest but George reached back to grab his hand which earned him a light swat.
"Ah~ ah~ ah~ It's my birthday~ Therefore you have to let me do this~ yes~?" The question wasn't rhetorical, it was directed at both older boys who blushed dark and avoid each other's eyes.
"Yes~?" He asked a little louder, squeezing Dream's tummy and pinching George’s ribs and motivation.
"FIHIHIHNE FIHIHIHIHIHINE!" Sapnap flattened his hands, giving both boys a small break. He switched to light back tickles for Dream, loving the bubbly giggles they pulled and how cuddly they made him. He switched to tracing George’s unreasonably sensitive ears, watching him hide his face in his neck and giggle hysterically with little kicks. Unbeknownst to them, Sapnap had just distracted them from a really depressing segment.
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sleepy--anon · 6 months
Day 1: Antsy
Prompts found here
Reblog first, like later please, reblogs do more
Sapnap wasn't entirely sure why he was so jittery, he shook his hands out, jumped around, ran a lap around the back yard, nothing. That was until he felt an increasing ler mood brewing... he needed to get his hands on someone. He tapped his nails on the kitchen counter and bounced on the balls of his feet. The second Dream spotted the actions his eyes widened.
"Dream? What's wrong?" George stared at his nervous face bewildered.
"Ooohhh shit" Dream knew that body language and he had been dreading it. It's on a different day every year but sometime after birthday tickles Sap's body gets a thirst for revenge and it's not merciful at all. Dream saw him roll his neck and shoulders so he immediately took off, sprinting to his room and shutting the door, leaving George beyond confused in the living room. That was until he felt Sapnap’s arms around his little waist, lifting him off the ground.
"Looks like your knight in shining armor preferred to protect himself and offer you up for once~" George, who was still very confused, was sat on Sapnap’s lap on the couch, back to chest.
"What is happening?"
"I'm feeling reeeeal antsy and jittery right now Georgie~ And poor little Dreamy knows what it means when I get like this~ And he's been real careful about it because he knows if I get ahold of that scar it's over for him~" George finally caught on to what was happening, Sapnap felt his heart suddenly beat harder and faster against his ribcage.
"You'll let me go though right..? A-a-and go get Dream? He didn't lock his door, a-and I'll help you! I will!" George tried bargaining, he knew he wouldn't be able to squirm his way out of his grip. Sapnap tsked quietly, lightly pressing his fingertips into George’s ribs, hearing his harsh gasp as he tried to wiggle himself further back into Sap's chest and pry his fingers away. He yelped when he felt Sapnap rub his beard and mustache along his neck. He burst into high pitched giggles, scrunching up his neck and leaning to the side. Which only gave Sapnap the leverage to trap George face down on the couch, laying on top of the brit he began to make snarling sounds as he nibbled around his neck and part of his shoulders.
"StohohoOHOP! Yohohou're SOHOHO duhuhumb!" George shook his head frantically, trying to dislodge him. Letting out a god honest shriek when Sapnap blew a raspberry on the back of his neck while simultaneously kneading all ten fingers into his ribs.
"NOHOHOHOHOHO PLEHEHEHEASE! YOHOHOU CAHAHAHAN'T DOHOHOHO THIHIHIS! PLEHEHEHEASE STOHOHOHOP SAHAHAHAPNAHAHAHAP!" Dream could hear the frantic, desperate laughter from his room, it caused him to curl in on himself in his room. Feeling his tickle spots begin to tingle with ghost tickles as his face grew warmer. Would Sapnap be satisfied with just George? Or would he come looking for him after? Would Dream swallow his pride and go to him himself? He couldn't decide. On one hand the anticipation is driving him insane, but on the other he's not sure if he'd survive if Sapnap got his hands on him right now.
Oh~? Alright~" George knew he made a mistake as soon as Sapnap sat up straight on his lower back, no longer in the hug type trap. And instead found himself screaming hysterically as Sapnap scratched slow circles on that one set of back ribs.
"NOHOHOHOHOHO FUHUHUHUCK! PLEHEHEHEHEASE! I CAHAHAHAN'T DOHOHOHO IHIHIT! PLEHEHEHEHEASE GOHOHOHOD!" George banged his fists and feet against the couch, not being able to reach back and stop him himself.
"PLEHEHEEHEASE! REHEHEHEHED REHEHEHED! ANYTHIHIHNG JUHUHUST STOHOHOHOP!" George heaved a huge breath when all contact was gone. He was sweaty and soaked with tears. His body felt like it had sparks coming out of it. He jumped harshly at the hand on his back, quickly relaxing when it was just rubbing.
"You poor thing, I didn't even touch your thighs or your feet this time~ So I'm gonna go find Dream to satisfy the rest of this, you are more than welcome to join us when you feel better." And with that, Sapnap got up and snuck his way up the stairs, George at first thought he wasn’t serious as he wiped his face, but when he turned on his back he hear a loud shriek and immediate giggle filled begging. Should've locked the door.
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covenofwives · 5 months
Sleepovers Are Cool
Made for Sleepy's Ler!Sapnap week. Using day 6 soft/cuddles prompt.
Sleepsovers are a must for Sapnap and Sapnap4K. It's just a pain that Sapnap wakes up crushed under his brother's weight and has to persuade him to move.
Sorry this one took so long I just had to stare at it a while before posting.
Sleepovers were a common occurrence between the brothers Sapnap and Sapnap4K. It was something that helped mend their relationship but it also became a great comfort to Sapnap. It was an almost childlike feeling of safety to wake up in 4K’s arms.
However there was a downside to everything and this was included. While 4K’s arms were strong and warm and safe...there was also no escaping them.
Sapnap grunted under the weight of his brother, trying and failing to wiggle out from under him. He had awoken to the Nether God’s arms wrapped tightly around his waist. He failed to pry the arms off himself and 4K – very much awake and amusingly watching – decided to roll over on top of Sapnap.
“4K!” Sapnap huffed. He had managed to turn himself over on his back before being crushed under 4K’s weight. “Get off!”
“My teddy bear is being so unruly.” 4K sighed. “It’s job is to stay there, and keep quiet.”
“4K!” Sapnap snapped, but it was no use. 4K’s weight seemed to compress down on him, pushing him further into the mattress. He growled in frustration and tried in vain to push off 4K’s shoulders and out from under him. Even if he got a little bit of a give, 4K’s hands would latch onto his sides and pull him back down.
One of 4K’s fingers pushed in a little firmer, sending a ticklish tingle up through Sapnap’s skin. He caught the giggle in his throat but it sparked an idea for escape.
Faking a sigh of defeat, Sapnap wormed his arms back down to his sides. He could feel 4K keep himself ready to stop any other escape attempt, but when Sapnap did nothing he relaxed. He melted over Sapnap and hummed happily in his win. Perfectly unaware.
He had to be quick with his attack, so wasting no time Sapnap dug his fingers into 4K’s side. Mixing between kneading and pinching into the soft skin.
4K yelped and jumped as Sapnap had hoped. He used the small window of escape to slip out from under 4K. He managed to get his legs around 4K’s waist and used the surprise to flip 4K on his side. Then his fingers were free to skitter and tickle up and down his brother’s side.
“SahaHAHAP!” 4K yipped. He flung his elbow out to try and knock Sapnap off, but it was easily pushed up. His arm stretched over his head as Sapnap held it down and kneaded up and down his ribs.
“Where’s your rib?! Where is it?! The one that drives you mad!” Sapnap demanded while his fingers tickled up and down 4K’s ribs. He wasn’t really trying to find it with how erratic his tickling was. Instead he focused on 4K’s exposed armpits when his brother squealed over the spot, drilling his thumbs in.
“SAAAHAHAHAPNAHAHAP! F-FuhuHUHUCK!” He made a weak attempt to roll over, which Sapnap allowed. He straddled over 4K’s legs instead, and kneaded up over his hips. “Nohohot the hihihihihihips!”
“Don’t even give me that ‘not the hips’!” Sapnap mocked. “Should have just let me up.”
“Yohohohour uhuhup nohohow!” 4K tittered into the back of his hand, barking out a laugh when Sapnap tickled his fingers to 4K’s belly and kneaded on both sides of it. “OKAHAY! StohoHOHOP!”
The laughter faded as Sapnap sat back and pulled away his hands. 4K was left, giggling over the ghostly tickles fading from his tummy. “Ihit is far...fahar too early for tickles there...”
“If you wanted to be tickled, you could have just asked for them.” Sapnap pointed out.
4K gave a sheepish smile. “I wanted cuddles. The tickles were just an added bonus.”
“Uh-huh. So you’d be absolutely fine if I went out for my morning jog and you’d be left here with no tickles?”
The smile faded just slightly and Sapnap could see the fight behind his brother’s eyes. “Well… I mean it’s a little too early for a jog wouldn’t you think?”
Sapnap gave a snort before climbing off 4K’s legs. Before he looked too panicked, Sapnap scooted himself up to the top of the bed, and sat beside 4K.
“If I give you your tickles,” Sapnap offered, “then you gotta join me on my jog.”
It just took one moment and a flick of 4K’s tail before he said: “Deal.”
“Alright. Where do you want tickled?”
“Armpits.” 4K answered almost instantly, and threw his arms up over his head.
“You’re only getting tickled for another few minutes.” Sapnap said as he reached over to 4K’s exposed pit. One hand gave wispy soft tickles into the skin while the other was playing with a loose strand of 4K’s hair. “I want to get going.”
“Juhuhust a fehew minuhuhutes…” 4K giggly agreed while his tail flicked happily. “Thehen after the jog, y-yohohou gehet tihihickles.”
Sapnap sputtered and protested that wasn’t the agreement, but he kept up his soft soft tickling and his own tail twitched happily behind him to the promise.
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sleepy--anon · 6 months
Day 6: Soft/Cuddles
Not a huge fan of this one but whatever
Prompts found here
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It was no secret that Karl was a touchy person, his love language was touch, and Sapnap had become accustomed to Karl's constant touches and even reciprocated it, sometimes only to see him light up. They were currently cuddling on Karl's couch, lo-fi music playing softly in the background. Karl was laying between Sapnap’s legs, chest to chest, face in the crook of his neck. He hummed in satisfaction as Sapnap played with his hair and traced small patterns on his back.
"I feel so bad for not being here for you when you got into that accident..." Sapnap mumbled against his forehead, quickly following it with a small kiss.
"I told you not to worry about it man, I'm ok now, that's what matters." Karl pressed himself impossibly closer, giving Sapnap a squeeze. Sapnap slipped his hand under Karl's shirt, lightly wiggling his fingers around his back, occasionally skimming over his sides and ribs. Karl's giggles were definitely making him feel a lot better, that on top of him snuggling closer instead of squirming away, made his heart squeeze.
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sleepy--anon · 8 months
Ok y'all, so I've made the prompts for my Ler!Sapnap week. You don't need to participate ok? Don't push yourselves, I just think it would be a fun project for my birthday. Even if only one person participates I'll be ecstatic.
Anyway, here are the prompts I came up with! :)
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I'm really excited to see how this turns out, I've never done anything like this before, let's make my 20th memorable :D
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sleepy--anon · 6 months
Day 2: Gym
Prompts can be found here
Reblog first, like later please, reblogs do more
Sapnap rolled his shoulders after his set on bench press, wandering over to where Punz was getting ready to use the lat pull-down bar in their at home gym. George bailed on him last minute so Sap asked Punz to fill in for the day. He wiped the sweat off his face with the towel around his neck and resting his hands on his hips.
"What are you doing now?" Sapnap huffed, still catching his breath.
"What's it look like dumbass? I'm gonna use the damn lat pull-down bar." Punz replied, practically feeling Sapnap roll his eyes at his snarky reply.
"I was just asking, damn. You're so rude." He chuckled, jokingly jabbing two fingers into his back ribs, jumping back a bit when Punz yelped and slammed his arms down in response.
"Oh~ well this should be interesting~" Sapnap purred, squeezing himself on the seat behind Punz.
"I don't think I like that tone..." Punz’s voice shook with nerves as he pressed his arms tighter to himself.
"This your last thing right~? So let's make it fun~ A little challenge if you will~ Hands on the bar~ Come on~" Punz side eyed Sapnap before weighing his options. He slowly raised his arms to grip the bar like he normally would, shuffling a bit in anticipation.
"What are we doing..?"
"I want at least 10 reps of this~ All the way down~ Bar to chest~ No cheating~ I will only stop momentarily when you've completed a rep~" Before Punz could question what he meant by that he felt ten fingers in his exposed armpits, skittering around quickly.
"AAAAHHHH, WAHAHAHIT!" Punz’s arms came down immediately, falling backwards into Sap's chest, arms curling into his chest.
"You've got 10 reps still Punzy boy~ You better get on it~ I can do this aaaall day~" Punz’s legs bounced quickly, forcing his hands up to the bar after a few tries. Punz tugged the bar, realizing quickly how much harder it was to pull it down. He quickly forced the bar down to his chest, letting out a sigh of relief when Sapnap pulled back, opting to rub his back.
"9 more~ Back up, come on~"
"Do I have to? You’re making this so difficult" Punz whined, voice straining as he struggled to keep the bar at his chest.
"Yep, you do so let's get going~ The quicker you do these the quicker it's over~" Punz groaned, begrudgingly letting the bar back up. His muscles instantly relaxing before tensing all over again when Sapnap’s fingers walked down his ribcage. He yanked the bar down immediately, whining in relief when he stopped.
"8 more~ maybe if you go fast enough I won't be able to get my hands on you~" Punz let the bar back up, lolling his head back onto Sapnap’s shoulder, which he immediately took advantage of. Sapnap grabbed hold of his chin, rubbing his beard against his neck and ears, absolutely adoring the high pitched, childlike giggles they pulled. He let go with the bar with one hand, pushing at his face.
"You better puuuulll that bar down~" He purred into his ear. Watching him pull at least 3 reps before he could even fully react. He chuckled against his back, ignoring the extra reps he was trying to pull.
"You are so adorably ticklish bro, how your siblings aren't constantly tormenting you is beyond me." Punz whined, holding the bar down with all his strength when he noticed he had Sapnap’s full attention again.
"Last one Goldy Locks~ Let's go~" Punz stiffened when he felt Sapnap slip his hands into the junction of his hips and thighs. Punz’s breath stuttered in nerves.
"I don't wanna..." Punz whined, his arms beginning to shake.
"Last one Pretty Boy~ Come on~ Just get through it~" Sapnap’s voice was sweet, but Punz knew what was coming. As soon as the bar hit the top, Sapnap squeezed immediately, deep and quick. Punz immediately dropped his hands to pull Sapnap’s.
"Finish it~!" He encouraged, drilling his thumbs into the center, watching him shoot up to yank the bar down.
"There you go! Look at you!" He cooed, patting his back.
"What the fuck did you do to me...?" Punz slumped back into Sapnap’s chest, almost falling asleep.
"I worked you out bud, just wait until you learn about the massage gun we just got~"
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