#Smoke is EXTREMELY aggressive towards dimensional visitors. ESPECIALLY Suns and Moons
churchydraws · 1 year
thinking about an AU of the Unwanted Siblings AU where Smoke, Mist, and Rose get the Star. Smoke is the one who gets it, the three ran off after it was confirmed Violet was gone, and by the time Sun and Moon get to the theater Smoke is holding it to his chest with Mist and Rose clinging behind him. He screams out that he wishes he and his brothers were safe and happy and didn't have to dig in the garbage for fuel and batteries and hide in abandoned buildings just to survive and that he wishes Sun and Moon are gone. Star activates, knocks out Smoke, Mist, and Rose, and they wake up in a grassy field. Mist comments that it's pretty but that he wishes that they had a nice place to stay dry and warm and safe, and the Star responds by creating a little cabin. The other two are excited, but Smoke puts two and two together and goes "hell no my brothers deserve better then this, they deserve a mansion or a castle, they deserve the best" so the Star turns it into a big ol castle. They start to make the castle all home-y, and as time goes on people start to come by and settle near the castle. they view the three as gods, though they mostly keep to themselves for a long time due to paranoia of being hurt or betrayed even though they can defend themselves using the Star. But and some point Mist embraces the idea and does his best to help the people as best he can, and Smoke and Red follows suit. They aren't really kings, more like guardians. if something fucks with the castle and city they have to deal with the three Lords.
as for Sun and Moon and Lilac? they might be dead, they might not be. haven't decided yet (they're probably alive but far away from the three Lords).
also castle and city! I imagine it looks like a mix of Shimmerene and the Imperial City
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