#US Mist (Lunar)
churchydraws · 1 year
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Smoke time :) he's very tired but he cares for his baby brother so much
Smoke's main rays are basically the default model for a Daycare Attendant since he never got the chance to get custom ones in Unwanted Siblings. Same reason he doesn't have the smaller thin rays. His colors are a much more dull orange compared to Blaze.
Mist is a slate grey-blue color since he didn't get the chance to even customize his colors cuz Smoke wanted to get him and himself the hell out of the bunker as soon as possible.
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hexora · 10 months
15 Grimoire Page Ideas That Aren't Basic
Chronomancy Correspondences:
Explore the connection between time and magic, including auspicious moments for spellcasting, planetary hours, and lunar phases.
Echoes of Enchantment:
Discuss the use of echoes and resonance in magical workings, tapping into the vibrational frequencies of words, symbols, and intentions.
Liminal Spaces Invocation:
Explore the magical potency of liminal spaces—thresholds, crossroads, and in-between places—and how to invoke their energies.
Numinous Nectar Elixirs:
Detail the creation of magical elixirs using rare and ethereal substances, discussing their uses in rituals and ceremonies.
Quantum Sigilcraft:
Delve into the intersection of quantum physics and sigil magic, exploring the idea that consciousness can influence reality at a fundamental level.
Astral Alphabets:
Introduce lesser-known alphabets or symbolic systems used in astral travel and communication with otherworldly entities.
Dreamweaving Spells:
Discuss the art of crafting spells that are specifically designed to be cast within the dream realm, influencing waking reality.
Candle Color Alchemy:
Explore the magical properties of less common candle colors and their associations with specific intentions, emotions, and energies.
Chthonic Charms:
Focus on charms and talismans specifically attuned to underworld energies and deities, connecting with the mysteries of the subterranean realms.
Technomancy Scripts:
Examine the use of coding languages, digital symbols, and technology-based sigils in modern magical practice.
Quantum Familiars:
Explore the idea of spirit companions that exist beyond the constraints of time and space, bridging the gap between the metaphysical and quantum realms.
Sacred Geometry of Sound:
Investigate the use of sound frequencies and sacred geometry in combination, exploring how they can enhance magical rituals and spellcasting.
Ephemeral Elementals:
Discuss the existence and interaction with elementals that are tied to fleeting or ephemeral elements, such as mist, shadows, or reflections.
Psychotronic Crystals:
Explore the use of crystals not only for their physical properties but also for their alleged ability to interact with psychic and spiritual energies.
Aetheric Anatomy Cleansing:
Detail practices for cleansing and balancing the aetheric body, exploring lesser-known energy centers and channels.
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So Long London - Full Lyric Analysis
My Gaylor/Kaylor interpretation at a glance: Taylor uses the bearding narrative of her breakup with Joe as an allegory to talk about her reluctant decision to “break up” with her fans/kill off her public persona in the process of coming out. 
The Joe bearding narrative was likely created for this very purpose - an "ex" who didn't allow her to "bejeweled" (be her whole self), who she tried to make it work with, tried to change herself for, before realizing she couldn't keep sacrificing her wellbeing, mental and otherwise. Read through this lens, this song is devastating, so prepare yourselves emotionally, maybe have tissues on hand.
I interpret a number of the "break up" songs on this album (almost all of them) as being about her reaching the end of her rope with being in the closet and trying to slowly change her fan's attitude towards her queerness. So many of these songs imply that she has hit her breaking point, and the metaphor of a failing romantic relationship is the perfect vehicle to express this shift.
I believe this precedent exists in her work, and for this particular chapter, was established with "You're losing me".
This is also one of a few songs on the album that conceptualize her fame (as obtained with her public, hetero persona) as a place. In this song, that place is represented by London (hence, "so long, London"). In Florida!!! she may be running away to Florida from this place, (after she comes out and needs to escape the backlash). In "I hate it here", she dreams of escaping this place, and imagines two other locales within the lore of her songs - "secret gardens", a probable parallel to Betty's garden and the "garden gates" in Cruel Summer, as well as the "lunar valleys" referencing the galactic landscape established in Down Bad.
Lets get into it!
Verse 1
“Saw in my mind fairy lights in the mist/kept calm and carried the weight of the rift/pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away/my spine split from carrying us up the hill/wet through my clothes, wary bones caught the chill/stopped trying to make him laugh/stopped trying to drill the safe”
In this first verse, Taylor introduces the idea of her fans being like a partner who isn’t present in the relationship, and more importantly, a partner that is ultimately rejecting her true self. 
“Fairy lights in the mist” - Taylor has used daylight/light images to represent the end of her closeting/her coming out for at least 5 years. Here she sees small pinpricks of light amongst darkness and the classic metaphor for hiding/confusion, etc - mist. She is saying that in the past she had hope, she saw a possible path forward to coming out while also keeping all of her fans.
“Kept calm and carried the weight of rift/pulled him in tighter each time he was drifting away” - Taylor reflects on her years of hoping that she could slowly introduce her fans the idea that she is not straight, then come out with minimal rupture in her relationship with her fans. She tried to keep the faith and looked past a lot of bad behavior on the part of some of her fans, convinced that she could make them see her and that their love for her would extend past their need for her being the persona they have grown attached to.
“Stopped trying to make him laugh/stopped trying to drill the safe” - ultimately, she gave up, having been rejected too many times - ignored when she clearly signaled her gayness and the masses of her fans just refused to acknowledge it. Beyond refusing to acknowledge it, they bullied those that did see it, demonstrating to her how reviling they found the idea that she might be queer. “Drill the safe” is a metaphor for trying to force something that will never happen, she is realizing she needs to let go of something that isn’t for her.
“How much sad did you think I had/did you think I had in me/oh the tragedy/so long London/ you’ll find someone” 
Taylor now must ask her fans, how long did you expect me to sacrifice my own happiness while you continue to ignore my pleas for you to see me? 
“You’ll find someone” = you’ll find another idol/para social relationship to obsess over, identify with, etc. This is a reference to Dear Reader, when she sang “you should find another guiding light.” In that song, Taylor warned fans that she is not who they think she is ("you wouldn't take my word for it if you knew who was talking"), that the idea they have of her life is constructed, and strongly lamented her life choices, essentially telling fans they shouldn't look to her for life advice, because she is lonely and miserable. Here, the reference not only underscores the idea that they don't know her, but also that she is making the choice for them to "find someone" else, because she is choosing to come out of hiding, and in so doing, is also choosing to leave behind the misery that made her write Dear Reader in the first place.
Verse 2
“Didn’t opt in to be your odd man out/I founded the club she’s heard great things about/ I left all I knew/you left me in the house by the heath/I stopped cpr after all it’s no use/the spirit was gone, we would never come to/ and I’m pissed off you let me give you all that youth for free.”
I made a post about the "Heath" reference that you can read here. Please note the reblog of it that I added an addendum to about the Heath being a park in London. Heath was a doctor that practiced conversion therapy, meaning that her fans "left her at home" with someone trying to change her. By ignoring her signaling, they told her they didn't want the real her, which kept her in the closet, and I fear kept her more vulnerable to those who may have tried to manipulate her into trying to change herself, or deny her true self even behind closed doors.
"I stopped cpr after all its no use/the spirit was gone we would never come to" - again Taylor is using the of a failed romantic relationship to express her lost hope in salvaging the corners of her kingdom that ultimately won't accept her when she comes out. This is also an example of the frequent gothic/death related imagery Taylor uses on this album, a theme consistent with the idea that something is ending, that she is killing off her public persona.
"and I'm pissed off that you let me give you all that youth for free" Taylor has spent so many years choosing her fans and her current carrer path over the full expression of her life and happiness. Again, she had hope that the people who have given her endless validation and effusive praise for years would accept her for who she is. She is realizing that the love between her and at least some of her fans was conditional, and given what we know of how much her fans have meant to her over the course of her career, this was likely a devastating wake up call that took years for her to accept - undoubtedly a huge factor in her seemingly delaying her coming out so many times.
"So long London/Stitches undone/two graves, one gun/I’ll find someone”
Taylor has said her fans are her longest relationship; the imagery in this song reflects the idea that this is a break up with someone she has tried with over and over again. So she undoes the “stitches” that link her to them. This line references her song Glitch on Midnights, “fasten myself to you with a stitch” symbolizing being bonded with a romantic partner (which represent a portion of her fans in this song).
"Two graves one gun" is likely a reference to burying her public persona self, and the second grave could represent her fans (a parallel to the "cheating husband" in "Florida!!!"?) or it could be a shrouded suicidal thought - the second grave being her private persona - both selves being killed off. This lyric is one of my favorites in this song but I don't have a strong conviction on who the second grave is, I'm very open to others' thoughts...
“And you say I abandoned the ship/but I was going down with it/my white knuckle dying grip/holding tight to your quiet resentment/and my friends said it isn't right to be scared/every day of a love affair/every breath feels like rarest air/ when you're not sure if he wants to be there/So how much sad did you think I had, did you think I had in me/How much tragedy/Just how low did you think I'd go/Before I'd self implode/before I had to go be free"
"And you say I abandoned the ship...white knuckle dying grip" Taylor emphasizes her wish for things to be different with this lyric, clinging to her ship as it sinks. We all saw her try to right the ship, she's finally choosing to let go and swim to safety (a nautical parrallel to the manuscript's "my trip to your shores"?).
“My friends said it isn’t right to be scared everyday of a love affair…if you’re not sure he wants to be there”
Similar to when someone is in a bad romantic relationship, i imagine her friends expressed their concern that her relationship with her fans is unhealthy. Although many of her friends are high achievers themselves, Taylor’s success is in another league (monster on the hill) and they would likely have expressed their hope that she can slow down and accept a slightly less monumental career in the interest of her mental health. 
“How much sad did you think I had/did you think I had in me/Just how low did you think I’d go?” “before I self implode/before I have yo go be free”
Taylor imagines arguing with her fans in the throes of the break up, and in this passage it becomes clear that she is convinced they know the truth but are refusing to acknowledge it. That they allowed her to keep faking her straight persona for their sake. That she was a woman pushed to her limits by a partner (fans) who knew they were running her ragged, a partner that didn’t in fact love her, but loved what she could do for them.
 So she asks them, how long did you think I could keep doing this before it broke me? How long did you think I would go along with this, be willing to sacrifice for you? how much would she fake/take the money to keep up the straight persona?
“You swore that you loved me but where were the clues?/I died on the altar waiting for the proof/ you sacrificed us to the gods of your bluest days”
The para social relationship is again a perfect match for the metaphor of a partner that uses you but doesn’t meet you in relationship as a full person. The praise puts you on an altar, but their actions don’t reflect the effusive words. “Bluest days” is a red herring to match the bearding narrative/fan rumor that Joe’s mental health affected their relationship, but also could be interpreted as the fans overlooking her truth in the interest of relying on the idea that their favorite pop star has the same boy problems that they do, their "bluest days" were the days they were torn up over a relationship or an unrequited love and needed her break up anthems, and they wouldn't have the same effect if they knew (and weren't in denial) that the songs are about women (or now about them, ironically).
Last Verse/Outro
“I’m just getting color back into my face/im just mad as hell cause I loved this place/for so long London/had a good run/moment of war son/but I’m not the one”
The first line here parallels the language in “you’re losing me”, which uses the metaphor of a relationship literally dying (“i can’t find a pulse”, etc). In this song she is leaving the relationship to save herself, and in leaving she is recovering her health, hence getting the color back in her face after being pale when sick and near death.
“This place” or London, is a stand in for the world, the Swiftverse that she created for and with her fans. It had been her life’s work, her source of pride, self worth, her legacy, but now she must leave, because it was built in large part around a self she created to make herself palatable to the fans she amassed. She can’t be that person anymore, and maybe in some ways “this place” doesn’t even really feel like hers. This parallels Florida!!!, "your home's really a town you're just a guest in/so you work your life away/just to pay for a timeshare down in Destin". She is just a guest in the musical world of the brand of Taylor Swift that she spent her whole life building ("the story isn't mine anymore")
To close, she repeats the main lines of the chorus,
“So long London/Stitches undone/two graves, one gun/you’ll find someone” 
This repetition drives home the finality of this decision - her exit, her killing her public persona, her detaching herself from those that don't see and support her, and her reassuring herself that those people will find someone else to worship, and someone else to see themselves in, and her realization and relief that they aren't her responsibility anymore.
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soft-girl-musings · 9 months
Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps - CHAPTER 1 (Strangers In The Night)
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Noir!Jake Lockley x WOC Lounge Singer!Reader
written in collaboration with + header by @mrs-lockley
chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 4 chapter 5
cross-posted to ao3
tags: late 1940s Noir AU, Reader is WOC coded but with no physical description besides being slightly taller than Jake while wearing heels, no use of Y/N
wc: 2,222
fic summary: Of all the gin joints in all the world, Jake Lockley walks into yours. Unfortunately for him, it's not quite the start of a beautiful friendship.
A/N: can't believe this is the product of covid-induced hcs and thots between me and @mrs-lockley, thank you so much for encouraging this buddy (also @lunar-ghoulie if i had a nickel for each time you've sent an ask/dm about a WIP and it ended up being where i put all my energy, i'd have two nickels. which isn't a lot but it's hilarious that it's happened twice).
On nights like tonight, Jake Lockley regrets his choice of profession.
It’s a dreary November evening, darkening by the second as the New York streets grow damp and cold. The wise had decided not to venture out; the blindsided rush across slick pavement to whatever shelter they can find. The desperate stay on the clock and curse their luck.
He should know by now that when a client says they’ll be “just a minute,” it’s a boldfaced lie: even if they have every intention of being efficient, he’s been stranded on the curb more times than he can count.
So he keeps the meter running. He’s seen the duds his regular client has on each week; the man could afford to fork over a few extra bucks. Might even build character.
The steady rhythm of the rain had been fine at first, but after half an hour parked beneath the neon sign of The Paper Moon– hat, coat and gloves doing nothing to ward off the chill creeping into his cab– every raindrop taunts him in his isolation.
To hell with this.
He shuts off the engine, pops his collar, and braces himself before stepping out onto the street. The rain falls fast and hard, so he rushes toward the brick exterior of The Paper Moon. He’s never been inside, but the glowing crescent of the sign had piqued his interest the first time he’d dropped his client here. He may as well see what all the fuss is about.
The doorman– a tall, dapperly dressed unit with a neutral grimace– casts a wary look his way. Jake ducks into the alley beside the building. Guess it’s exclusive.
Through the rain he spots a side door with a meagerly covered stoop, upon which is hunched a smaller, yet equally well-dressed figure. The young man’s tawny complexion pops against the emerald green of his just-too-big blazer, mist gathering in the dark brown waves slicked back from his creased brow. He grips a cigarette between clenched teeth, stuttering curses around it as he strikes a flimsy matchbook to no avail.
“¿Necesitas un fuego?”
At his offer, Jake is met by startled, impossibly wide brown eyes. The shock turns to glee as his face breaks into a toothy smile.
“Sí– sí sería genial, señor.” He makes room on the stoop, his dimpled cheeks betraying his youth. Jake pulls out a lighter and deftly lights the end of his cigarette, earning another dimpled grin after a few christening puffs. “Muchísimas gracias.” 
“No hay problema.” 
He lights one of his own, the smoke mixing with the fog of his breath as he holds out his free hand. “Jake.”
“Mauricio.” His newfound companion grips his hand and shakes vigorously. 
They sit in silence for a few moments, their subtle exhalations and the slowing rain the only sounds between them.
The mood is disrupted by shouting from the other side of the door, followed by clattering and the unmistakable sound of someone falling. The door behind them flies open and a lanky, dark skinned man in a matching green blazer pokes his head outside.
“You’d better get your tail in here, Maurie. She’s in one of her moods tonight.” 
“Rats, alright,” he groans, taking one last drag of his cigarette before stamping it out with his heel. Mauricio straightens his blazer and pushes a hand through his hair. He pauses at the door and looks back at Jake. 
“Do you wanna come inside, dry off for a spell? We put on a mean show,” he swears. The kid's face isn't one Jake imagines people say “no” to very often.
“...Yeah, alright. Thanks.”
“Great! There’s a couple of tables toward the back that should still be free, you can sneak in there no problem.” Mauricio holds the door open a bit wider for Jake to step through. “If anyone gives you any trouble, just tell ‘em you’re with me.” With a wink and another winning smile, he darts off to follow the other blazer.
Jake finds his spot easily enough, taking in the atmosphere as he weaves between tables and patrons. So this is The Paper Moon.
The building’s drab exterior is deceptive: inside is a small lounge, bustling with activity and humming with life. Richly draped walls envelop the space, with ornate lamps and soft candlelight radiating from every table. The room looks as warm as it feels, a welcome relief from Jake’s prior solitude. 
He takes off his soaked coat and loosens his tie. Across the room Jake sees his client– a cold, calculating Mr. Wesley– who gives a curt nod, as if granting his permission to take a load off (for now).
He orders a drink from a slightly bewildered waiter and continues to survey the space. People of all shapes and sizes occupy tables and barstools, with the chatter of at least three languages creating a dizzying buzz around him. The crowd dies down when stage lights flash on at the far end of the room.
Out marches the band: the guy who'd clambered to the back door sits at the piano, cracking his knuckles before playing a few notes on the keys; an older man with a similar complexion props an upright bass in position, riffing along with the scattered piano melody; an impressively mustachioed fellow polishes the mouthpiece of his trumpet; Mauricio settles in behind a set of drums, waving a stick in the air when he spots Jake.
As warm as he's gotten after coming inside, the temperature seems to skyrocket as the click of heels and the shimmer of the last band member crossing the stage sends his heartbeat right into his throat. In walks– no, floats – a vision, evening gown the same color as the richly painted lips that curl into a smile as easily as breathing. Something Jake seems to have forgotten how to do.
He can’t take his eyes off you.
There’s something in the air tonight.
Maybe it’s the smoke lingering on Mauricio’s jacket (you’ve told him time and time again how smoking before a show irritates you; he must have snuck a pack backstage), or maybe the weather has you out of sorts. Whatever it is, you’re one false step away from losing your cool. Which, of course, cannot happen. Not onstage.
As the band warms up, you take one last look in your compact mirror, blot your lipstick, and take a deep breath. It’s showtime.
The moment you step onstage, you turn on the charm. Nothing can touch you up here. Not when there’s music to play, a band to lead. A night to make unforgettable.
You approach the microphone and smile. “Hello again, darlings. Did you miss us while we were away?”
Applause and cheers echo back to you from the audience. There’s a distinct two-toned whistle that rises above the noise, but you don’t think anything of it.
Not until you scan the crowd and see something– someone – that doesn’t belong.
Lounging at the previously unoccupied back table is a man you’ve never seen before. Which wouldn’t be a problem if you didn’t know the face and name of everyone who enters your club.
His eyes stay trained on you as you nod to the band to begin. One outlier a bad night will not make– you’ll deal with him later. For now, you let the caress of the opening notes ease the new tension in your body, and you start to sing.
With six shows a week, one would think the routine would become tedious. Quite the opposite: any night you play the same standards with the band is bound to be a good night. The chemistry between you and your boys is perfect– even on an off night like tonight, you still manage to follow each other and make the same hour of music sound brand new.
You lead one song, then another, completely in your own world. Of course, the constant cheers and occasional audience participation don’t hurt. But just when you hit your stride and forget your troubles, that whistle rings out above the noise.
The stranger's on the edge of his seat, rapt attention never leaving the stage. Seems innocent enough, but you’re still on high alert.
The set comes to a close, ending with a vibrant flourish. The band improvises a steady beat as you take a sip of water, then smile once more into the microphone.
“Oh, stop. Really…. well, alright, you can keep going,” you croon at the crowd as they cheer louder. 
You gesture to the band. “Let’s give a big round of applause to The Jays, what do you say?”
“On piano we have the dazzling Jackie Thomas,” you call out as he trills a fancy melody a little louder than the rest. “Followed by this absolute Adonis on the bass, Benny Hayes,” you add as the smooth licks of his instrument sound out a reply.
“Let’s hear it for Leo Castellón and his magnificent mustache on the trumpet,” you tease as he blasts out a tune. “And our baby bird on drums, Mauricio Farrés!” You raise your voice as the youth bangs out a closing rhythm. 
“And as always, I’m Ms. Songbird. We hope you’ll join us again soon, my doves. Goodnight!”
The band plays themselves out as you descend downstage to the front of the room. Time for the next act.
You know how to work a crowd both on and offstage; hospitality is as much a part of the gig as the music. Tonight’s a full house, but you take your time gliding past each table, front to back. Does everyone have their preferred drink? How’s the food? Was the music to their liking? All questions you ask with genuine interest, but you know the answer: everything is perfect.
"Hey, little songbird," a voice calls above the noise.
Everything except him.
You've been avoiding the back table for a while, trying to collect your thoughts before confronting him. No time like the present, I suppose.  
You turn to see the outlier standing by the table he’d commandeered, a shimmering bundle of rhinestones dangling from his hand. The glint of a grin catches the low light the same way your traitorous earring does.
You touch your ear and your face grows hot. “Where did you–”
“Fell off as you floated by the last few tables, angel.” 
Your heels tap out a warning as you approach. Toe-to-toe, with the added height of your shoes, you practically tower over him. Your brow furrows as you size him up: too forward to have something to hide, too laissez-faire to be up to any obvious trouble. All the same, you don't trust him.
You look him up and down; he does the same. "You're not very tall, are you?" More of a challenge than a question as you reach for the rhinestones in his hand.
Leaning back against the table, jewelry dangling just out of reach, his sly smile grows. "Well, miss, I tried to be."
"Right." You snatch the earring back before he says anything else. "I see you also tried to be discreet, and that didn't go so well for you, did it Chuck?"
"Actually, it's–"
“–club policy to check your coat at the door. Something our hostess would have insisted upon, meaning you– ” you emphasize as you lean in, fingertips pressed to the tabletop by his side, "–slipped in under the wire." You search his face for anything to betray his intentions. "Now how did you manage that?”
The stranger lowers himself into his seat, hands raised in surrender. "A little backstage access, courtesy of your drummer there." He nods toward the stage: you catch a glimpse of Mauricio clumsily ducking back behind the curtain. You'll scold him later.
His gaze shifts across the room. “See that fella over there– the one who looks like it'd kill him to smile? I’m just waiting to drive him home, like I do every week.” He grins again, that same look in his eyes. A look that sets you on edge. “Just a humble cab driver, miss– nothing up my sleeves.” 
“Didn't know cabbies could be so exclusive,” you say, still eyeing him. James Wesley has been a regular for a few weeks, but you've never met his driver.
“With what he tips? Doll, I'd do damn near anything he asked.” The stranger chuckles, sipping his drink.
You know what he means: the wait staff has noted a major uptick in gratuities since Mr. Wesley has started frequenting the lounge. 
“Very well,” you offer stiffly. It all checks out, but you get the feeling there's something he's not telling you. “I hope everything is to your liking.” 
You turn to leave, but he takes your hand before you can go far.
“Oh believe me, it is… Ms. Songbird. ” A wink and a smile play on his lips as he swiftly presses them to your knuckles, letting go just as fast. You storm away before giving the satisfaction of showing how flustered you are. 
“Mr. Manalo,” you beckon a waiter as he passes. He stands at attention. You gesture to the table you’d just left, not bothering to look and see if his eyes are still on you.
“Watch out for this one, will you? I get the feeling he isn’t just here for the music.”
A/N: !!!! every story i write becomes my new favorite, but Noir!Jake has carved a pretty special spot in my heart this autumn. so excited to share more of him with y'all!
as always, thank you for reading :)
addtl tag list: @fandxmslxt69 @shadystarlightgentlemen @casa-boiardi (lmk if you'd like to be added to/removed from this wee tag list)
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pxnsneverland · 5 months
Something Immortal | Biker!Austin Butler x OC (part 5)
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Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13
plot summary: In the gritty underbelly of a city ruled by werewolf biker gangs, Austin Butler reigned supreme as the ruthless leader of his pack. A man of unwavering ferocity, he lied, killed, and stole without remorse, living by a code of violence that defined his kind. Yet, even Austin harbored a secret weakness – his childhood friend Bonnie Barlow, the one woman he had loved in silence for years. Bonnie's father had once been part of Austin's gang, but after his death, she fled the treacherous world of the werewolves, unable to stomach the endless cycle of crime and brutality. For five years, she remained a fugitive from her own nature, until a fateful night when her life took an irreversible turn. Freshly released from a two-year prison stint, Austin returned to his pack, reveling in the debauchery of their den. But his revelry was cut short by a frantic call from Bonnie, pleading for his aid. Rushing to her side, he uncovered a grim truth – in a desperate act of self-defense against her abusive boyfriend, Bonnie had taken a life, awakening the dormant werewolf within her. As the next full moon loomed, she would undergo her first agonizing transformation, a fate she had always dreaded. Defying the pack's ruthless code, Austin sheltered Bonnie, guiding her through the excruciating metamorphosis that tore through her body each lunar cycle. In the depths of her torment, their bond rekindled, blossoming into a love they had long suppressed. Nights of shared laughter and reminiscence gave way to stolen moments of tenderness, their connection deepening with every passing moon. Yet, their newfound bliss was a fragile thing, forever threatened by the harsh realities that governed their world. For Bonnie was branded a deserter, her very existence a betrayal in the eyes of the pack. If Austin's treachery was uncovered, retribution would be swift and merciless.
pairings: biker!austin butler x oc
word count: 2116
warnings/notes: little steamy :)
Chapter 5: Unveiling Shadows
Jerry's fingers drummed an erratic rhythm on the worn bar top, creating a staccato beat that echoed through the dimly lit bar. An unsettling feeling clung to him like the mist that crept in with the evening tide, shrouding the city in a cloak of mystery and intrigue. There was something off about Austin, something hidden beneath the carefully constructed veneer of normalcy, and it gnawed at Jerry's insides.
"Something ain't right," Jerry muttered under his breath, his gut instincts screaming at him to pay attention to this nagging doubt. It felt like a splinter under his skin, impossible to ignore or shake off.
He needed someone who could see through the fog, someone cunning and unburdened by ties of close friendship. Victor "Viper" Sanchez came to mind—a man whose nickname forewarned his lethal bite. Viper was a shadow among their gang, always lurking on the outskirts, observing and waiting for his moment to strike out for a better position.
Jerry made his way over to Victor, who as usual, was lingering in the shadows of the bar. He was halfway through his second pint of beer but still appeared razor-sharp and alert. When Jerry approached, Victor looked up at him with a sly grin.
"Talk to me," Victor's voice slithered like a serpent, smooth and expectant.
"Viper, I need your eyes on someone. Discreetly," Jerry stated bluntly, wasting no time on pleasantries.
"Got a mouse scurrying in your pantry, huh?" Victor chuckled, but there was no amusement behind it. "Who's the target?"
"Austin," Jerry replied, tightening his grip on his own bottle of beer. "There's something he's not telling us."
"Intriguing." The word rolled off Victor's tongue like a predator sizing up its prey. "And what's in it for me?"
"Find out what he's hiding, and you move up. You have my word on that," Jerry offered, knowing all too well the currency of ambition among their kind.
A brief pause, then, "Consider it done. I'll sniff out whatever secrets he's burying."
"Good," Jerry responded with a curt nod. Victor was a serpent, but for now, he was Jerry's serpent. Until they knew what lurked behind Austin's carefully constructed walls, this alliance was necessary.
Austin led Bonnie through the thickening woods, his footsteps barely making a sound against the undergrowth. The air was crisp and filled with the rich scent of pine and damp earth, the moonlight casting a silvery glow through the tangle of branches overhead. He carried a worn backpack on his shoulder, packed tightly with all the necessary items for Bonnie's transformation that was to come.
"Are you sure this is going to work?" Bonnie's voice trembled as she glanced at the darkening sky. With each step, she could feel the pull of the moon, like an insistent tide against her senses.
"Bonnie," Austin said, slowing his pace and turning to face her, "I've done this more times than I can count. We're going to be fine."
His hand found hers, warm and comforting.
She managed to nod, but her breaths were shallow and choppy with anxiety. The inner beast within her was restless, pacing like a caged animal awaiting its release.
As they walked, Austin began recounting memories from their childhood, his voice a soothing melody that contrasted the wildness stirring within her. "Remember when we built that fort out of fallen branches? You insisted it was our secret base, impervious to all attacks."
A faint smile crossed Bonnie's lips. "And Jerry tried to barge in, and you stood at the entrance like some kind of pint-sized warrior king."
"Nobody breached Fort Bonnie while I was on watch," Austin said with a hint of playful pride. He squeezed her hand gently. "Just like nobody is getting past me tonight. You have my word."
The memories washed over Bonnie like a warm wave, each one a testament to the bond they shared. There had been scraped knees, stolen cookies, whispered secrets beneath the stars. And now, as night descended upon them, Bonnie realized something crucial: Austin had always been her shield, her unwavering guardian against the chaos of the world—and of herself.
"Thank you," she whispered, feeling the weight of her own vulnerability and the depth of his loyalty. "For everything."
"Always, Bonnie," he said simply, his gaze never leaving hers. "We'll face the moon together."
As they approached the old bomb shelter, a remnant from a bygone era, fear and gratitude warred within Bonnie. But as they stepped into its shadow, built to withstand disasters of a very different kind, she felt a surge of courage. No matter what the night would bring, she wouldn't face it alone. Austin stood by her side, just as he always had, ready to weather any storm.
Austin's muscles strained as he pushed open the heavy door of the shelter, its creaking groan echoing through the empty room. The only light came from a single lantern, casting flickering shadows over the stark concrete walls. The room was barren except for the cold metal hooks that protruded like statues, waiting to fulfill their duty.
"Here," Austin said, his voice low and urgent as he picked up one of the chains lying in the corner. "We need to do this now before the moon rises any higher."
Bonnie's heart fluttered in her chest, torn between a primal yearning for freedom and a deep-seated dread of what was to come. She held out her arm to him, feeling the cold metal of the shackle clamp around her wrist with an eerie finality.
"I still remember my first transformation," Austin whispered as he secured another shackle around her other wrist. "I was so scared, didn't know what to expect. But my father was there, just like I'm here for you. Although I won’t be yelling at you to suck it up."
Their eyes met, and Bonnie saw a reflection of their shared past in Austin's gaze—the pain, the struggle, but also the unspoken bond they had always shared. "It's hard, chaining up your own kin knowing what they're about to endure. But it's necessary for our safety. First transformations are always the hardest."
As Bonnie listened to his voice, filled with understanding and compassion, she felt a pang of guilt twist in her gut. It had been five years since she left without a word, abandoning not just her family but also her identity and heritage.
"Austin," she began hesitantly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm sorry—for leaving, for not explaining why. I thought I was protecting myself from... this." She gestured helplessly towards the chains that now bound her. “I couldn’t face it. I knew what my father did. I had heard the stories of the blood and the murders and the news reports of animal attacks. I never wanted to become like that, but Dad always said I wouldn’t be able to control it once I turned.” She looked down at her hands, suddenly feeling small and vulnerable.
"I thought if I just ran away...I could escape it all. Go somewhere where no one knew me, where there were no gangs or werewolves."
Austin finished securing the last shackle and stood up, facing her with a mix of hurt and forgiveness in his expression. It was a tapestry woven together with threads of time and affection.
"Bonnie, when you left, it felt like a piece of me was torn away. It hurt, a lot." He reached out, brushing a stray lock of hair from her face with gentle fingers. "But deep down, I knew you had your reasons." His voice was soft and filled with understanding. "And I would have waited for you. Another 20 years if that's what it took."
In the cold shelter, bound by chains, Bonnie felt an unexpected warmth bloom in her chest. No matter how far she had run or how long she had been gone, the bond between her and Austin remained unbreakable. It was a love that transcended distance and time—patient, enduring, and unconditional. And in that moment, she realized that nothing could ever sever what they truly meant to each other.
Austin's piercing blue eyes locked with Bonnie's, the intensity of their gaze igniting a fire deep within both of them. In that moment, it was as if all the air had been sucked out of the room, leaving behind only the raw and unspoken desires that charged the atmosphere between them.
"Bonnie," his voice rumbled with a passion that sent shivers down her spine, "I have something to tell you. Something I've known for a long time, but never had the courage to say." His words hung in the air, heavy and tangible.
His words hung in the air like a tangible force, electrifying and intoxicating at once. As she looked up at him, she couldn't help but feel both excited and apprehensive about what he was about to say.
And then he spoke those four words that changed everything: "You are my mate."
The weight of those words hit her like a bolt of lightning, awakening something primal inside her that she never knew existed. Mate. It echoed in her mind until it was all she could hear. Mates had a bond that was so strong and so rare there were few wolves alive who even believed it existed. Memories flooded her mind—moments shared beneath starry skies, stolen touches and secret glances, the unbreakable bond between them that she had always felt but never fully understood.
"I think...I think I've always known," she stammered, her heart racing with newfound understanding and aching with lost time. “I think I felt it even before I left. All this time, I never forgot the pain of leaving you behind."
Her words seemed to unlock something within Austin as well, for he moved closer until there was barely any space between them. His fingers traced her face delicately before tangling in her hair, pulling her into a passionate embrace.
Their lips met in a frenzy of pent-up longing and desire, each touch setting off sparks that spread throughout their bodies like wildfire. All around them ceased to exist—the coldness of the shelter, the impending transformation, the dangers of giving in to their urges during this heightened time—all of it faded away as they surrendered themselves to each other.
Hands roamed freely over familiar yet somehow new territory, rediscovering every inch of skin with a renewed sense of wonder and pleasure. Their kiss became a dance fueled by the pull of the full moon and their undeniable bond, two souls finally coming together as one.
But as their passion reached its peak, a nagging thought broke through their haze of desire. With great effort, Austin tore himself away from her, both of them gasping for air as they clung to each other.
"Bonnie, we can't..." His voice was filled with equal parts longing and restraint. "Not now. It's too dangerous with the moon rising." He had to go meet with the pack for their monthly hunt. The wolf in him urged him to keep going, to claim her, to mark every part of her body and make sure everyone understood who she belonged to. Fighting it was even harder with the full moon.
She nodded in understanding, even though every fiber of her being protested against the idea of leaving things unfinished. But for those few fleeting moments, they had found pure bliss amidst the chaos and uncertainty of their situation. And that was enough for now.
The distant howl, carried on the wailing wind, sent shivers down Bonnie's spine. She held onto Austin's warmth, his touch imprinting itself onto her skin as he slowly untangled himself from her embrace.
"I'll return as soon as I can," he promised, his eyes speaking volumes beyond his words.
With a final look that spoke of longing and regret, he departed from the room. The door creaked shut behind him, the sound echoing through the empty space along with the deafening click of the lock. Bonnie was left alone with only the flickering lantern for company.
Taking a deep breath to steady herself, she braced against the cold metal shackles that bound her. Fear and anticipation battled inside her as she waited for the inevitable transformation. The first change was always the most brutal - when you lost control of your senses and body to the primal beast within. Closing her eyes, Bonnie prepared herself for the excruciating pain and the terrifying loss of self. And then it came, like a searing fire from the depths of hell, ripping through every fiber of her being until she couldn't contain her screams any longer.
Stay tuned for part 6!! Click HERE to view!
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danika-redgrave124 · 24 days
Winx Yuu's Transformations 1
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Basic Transformation
When Yuu transforms, they reaches up towards the sky, and the stars seem to respond, showering them in stardust. Their wings unfurl on a burst of celestial light, and their outfit materializes from the shifting patterns of the night sky. Finally, they draws in a deep breath, and the constellations on their wings, their outfit glows brightly, competing their Transformation with a serene, yet powerful pose.
Special Transformations
Lunar Eclipse Form
Trigger: During a lunar eclipse or when Yuu needs a significant boost in power.
Sequence: As the moon darkens, Yuu raises their hands, and the eclipse causes an intense shimmering eclipse aura to surround them. Their wings expand, taking on a darker, more dramatic appearance with intricate patterns resembling eclipse shadows.
Appearance: Their outfit transforms into a more elaborate gown with deep blue and black hues, resembling the night sky during an eclipse. The gown is adorned with crescent moon and eclipse motifs. Their wings become more intricate, with shadowy, crescent-shaped patterns and a luminous edge.
Yuu is still training with this form and uses it during her mediation and moon bathing.
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Stellar Aurora Form
Trigger: When Yuu taps into the full power of their celestial magic, often during important battles or moments of high emotions.
Sequence: Yuu holds their arms out, and a brilliant Aurora borealis effect envelops them, shifting colors from green to purple to pink. The Aurora flows around them, creating a mesmerizing and vibrant display as their transformation completes.
Appearance: Their outfit becomes a dazzling array of shifting colors and light patterns, mirroring the Auroras in the sky. Their wings sparkle with dynamic, multicolored constellations that seems to move and shift. The effect creates a radiant aura around them, enhancing their presence.
Yuu awoken this form during Jamil's Overblot, but it was weaken due to the rigorous activities and being in the desert with bright sunlight. They got better at training with it, more so used it as a way to comfort their friends during Overblot battles.
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Dreamweaver Form
Trigger: When Yuu enters the dream realm or needs to use their dream-based powers.
Sequence: Yuu closes their eyes and a soft, dreamy most surrounds them. As they open their eyes, the mist forms into their Transformation, with dream-like imagery and soft pastel colors.
Appearance: Their dress turns into a flowing gown made of soft, pastel shades with dream-like patterns and ethereal light. Their wings resemble delicate, translucent dream catchers, adorned with soft glows and wispy, shimmering trails. This form enhances their dreamwalking abilities and provides a soothing, calming aura.
This form was mainly used for Yuu's crafting dreamcatchers. This form becomes more prominent during Malleus's Overblot and when they and the rest need to dreamwalk to the next person's dream.
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@alexglitches I'm working on Yuu's other Transformations like Charmix and the others, but figured Astral Dream Fairy Yuu would have a basic transformation and special Transformations.
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dyemelikeasunset · 6 months
during my daily dommor brainrot i was wondering what mor and dom would be in ocean of cycles. i guessed a myr artist for mor and a dryad/nomad mage for dom?
(edit: idk why tumblr messed up my formatting and won't fix it on desktop no matter how many times i try. Anyway sorry this ended up being a longer post than I wanted 😓)
I haven't touched Ocean of Cycles in a minute cause I'm admittedly stuck on a lot of things, but I did reimagine Dom and Mor as denizens of the Four Realms recently and you were close!
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Mor would be a Kobold cleric/bard, and Domi would be a Dryad battlemage (Whisper would be Mor's familiar, an animal I'm designing for the Southern Realm called a Bast Jackal!)
world building things under the readmore
Mor uses Lunar Air magic to summon rain clouds, and probably has quite a few healing and support spells
Dangling off Mor's hip is a family heirloom, unique to Kobolds, that is made of bones. These heirlooms are passed down from generation to generation, extracted from dead elders who have essentially willed their bones to specific descendants. They give Kobolds a very unusual ability to be roused from death. Each resurrection will dissolve a bone
Dom uses Solar Air magic to make her body immaterial, like a shadowy mist. She can use it to evade attacks, or sneak through spaces.
Following her around is an Air Sprite, a being of pure mana that is more commonly found in the East realm. Dryads are known to tame sprites of their same element, but with a different subelement, and the magic synergy between Sprite and mortal gives the dryad access to new spells. Dom's sprite uses lightning magic, and helps her attack her enemies and also give Dom the ability to enchant her weapon and armor
The very loose story revolves around them having a chance meeting, and Dom realizing that Morgan's magic is perfectly tuned to hers to make what's known as an Elemental Celestial-- a form that combines two people's elemental magic together for unfathomable power. Mor gets swept up in the world of the occult, as Dom tries to protect her from dark mages who seek to abuse their joint power
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linda-ravstar · 2 months
A conversation between Ranni the Witch and Saint Trina. Pre DLC, canon-ish timeline. Only dialogue.
“Dost thou forgive me, then?”
“Why is he not here to talk to me if he is so interested?”
“He knows not that I am here… Yet.”
“Wilt thou do what I ask?”
“What is there for me? Why would I want to help him?”
“Thou owest him.”
“Do I…?”
“Thou dost. Hast thou forgotten?”
“Art thou collecting?”
“No, I am asking.”
“I thought the Lunar Princess of Caria kept her word.”
“Hm. Thou art just like him. Mayhap less subtle.”
“… And it could help thee.”
“How so?”
“If thou dost what I asked… mayhap the one to whom thou givest my gift shall help thee. They shall be chosen. They shall be strong. They shan’t give up. They could be useful to thy efforts.”
“And why would Miq… Why wouldst thou, Saint of Dreams, want to help me, the one thou dost not forgive?”
“I desire not to help thee. I wish to aid him. I wish to stop him.”
“And only a chosen Tarnished wouldst do it? The one called to be Elden Lord?”
“The one with the strength to be Elden Lord.”
“A Tarnished lord is said to be fated to kill us all. Well, those of us who can be killed.”
“Perhaps. Perhaps that shall happen.”
“So thou wishest to die.”
“There are worse things.”
“… Thou dost look tired. Is… Is he alright?”
“He is… not.”
“Ha. Hath he finally realized that any change cannot happen in this world by only hurting himself? Sacrifices must be made. No path is clean. No hands shall be free of blood and tears."
“Like thine?”
“Yes, like mine. I do not deny it.”
“… If it were so simple as to hurt himself, or die, or suffer… This world would have already changed, princess. If the peace we seek could be bought with only our blood, thou wouldst have thy cup overflowing with it long ago. But as thou saidst, it’s not so simple.”
“Mine age shall be different. No more chains of gold around these lands. No more fingers crawling in the fates of us all. No more sons or daughters called to bear the sins of their mother.”
“… Princess.”
“If thou art victorious, someday… In thy new world… Wilt thou remember Malenia? … Godwyn?”
“Not everything can be undone. There are forces that are part of this world, only emboldened by death bound and the stagnation of life. I shall give them the freedom from the gold, the cold guidance of the dark moon. I shall keep mine own memories, mine sins and loves. But what it is cannot cease to be.”
“… I understand.”
“He would have supported thee, thou knowest?”
“He would have knelt before thee and wished to see thy age of stars embrace this world. We would have our corner of the world, our small kingdom of downtrodden and outcasts. He would have been happy to see thee reign and spend his life amidst inventions and wonders. Even if his curse would have remained. …But only if thou couldst have saved those he loved.”
“I shall mourn both of your deaths. I fear… I fear thou wilt lose more than thy lives in this misted path. Marika did.”
“Perhaps. Canst thou blame us?”
“I know not.”
“Please think of my ask.”
“I shall. Go in peace. Tell Miquella… if thou canst… that I always admired his heart. If anyone could have done it, ‘twas him. And if anyone can save him, I’m sure ‘tis thee. ...Give my love to noble Torrent as well. His path will surely be a long one before sweeter rasins can reach his nose."
“I shall share thy blessing with him. And... I shall take thy words within mine heart, Lady Ranni. I hope thou findest peace in thy dreams. I hope thou findest solace from thy sins.... Thou mayest wake up now.”
“Goodbye, Trina.”
“Goodbye… sister.”
... Or, "Why would Ranni have the Spirit Calling Bell".
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bookished · 3 months
( a collection of starters. adjust phrasing as necessary.) feel free to make edits to better suit your muse, but please don’t edit or add on to the original post 💛 if you like, please consider supporting me through tips
"Every time she sings, it starts to rain. It's like her voice is connected to the weather."
"He says he can paint portals to other worlds. Do you think it's true, or just a clever illusion?"
"The bookstore at the corner seems to change its layout every time you visit. Yesterday, I found a room full of floating books."
"There's a garden in the heart of the city that never wilts, no matter the season. It's like a piece of eternal spring."
"I saw a cat with eyes that glowed like stars last night. It seemed to be watching over the neighborhood."
"They say a white deer appears in the forest during the winter solstice, granting wishes to those who are pure of heart."
"Every year on the same day, the town is covered in a mist that makes everyone forget their worries. Have you felt its magic?"
"At dusk, the lake glows with an ethereal light, and sometimes, you can see figures dancing on the water."
"The clock tower chimes thirteen times every full moon. No one knows why, but it feels like a call to something."
"Sometimes, the wind carries the scent of flowers that don't grow anywhere nearby. It's like a breath from another world."
"The old man at the pier claims he can talk to fish. Yesterday, he told me about a conversation he had with a whale."
"She has a way of making flowers bloom with just a touch. I wonder what other secrets she holds."
"I found an old pocket watch that, when wound backward, shows moments from the past. What should we look for?"
"There's a room in the old mansion where time stands still. People say those who enter never age."
"Legend has it that the mountain holds a sleeping giant. During thunderstorms, you can hear its heart beating."
"There's a story about a hidden city beneath the waves, visible only during the lunar eclipse. Shall we go searching?"
"I bought this music box at a flea market, and every time it plays, I see glimpses of a different life."
"This old key doesn’t seem to fit any lock I've tried. I wonder if it’s meant to open something magical."
"Whenever she draws something, it comes to life for a brief moment. I've seen it with my own eyes."
"He claims to dream of future events. Last night, he dreamed of you."
"I found a trail in the woods that wasn't there before. It led me to a place that felt like a dream."
"There's a bridge in the village that, when crossed at twilight, takes you to another realm."
"She whispered to me that the stars are actually spirits watching over us. I believe her."
"The old lighthouse keeper says the light guides lost souls home. What if he's right?"
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herballwitch · 2 months
Home Cleansing 101
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Hello, My name is Alva Tauri! I am an herbalist, spirit worker, tarot and oracle reader, and lunar and herbal witch dedicated to closing the education gap when it comes to herbalism and witch practices!
As today we are in the midst of the Waxing Gibbous moon cycle, where cleansing your space is extremely important, I thought i'd discuss some ways that I like to cleanse my home before doing rituals or just for a quick refresh!
NOTE: as I always say before these posts, these methods I will be discussing are simply methods that work for me. If you do not wish to use these methods that is okay! please do your research before committing to any decisions! thank you
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"What is cleansing?"
cleansing is the act of ridding something of previous energies (more often than not this refers specifically to negative energies, though that is not always the case). cleansing refreshes your space or objects energetically. 
"When should I cleanse my home?"
I believe answering this question is a great start to understanding home cleansing. When you decide to cleanse your home is going to be entirely up to you, as it is your space and you will have a better understanding then anyone as to when it may need cleansed. However, on a base level, most witches agree that your home should be cleansed when you first move in, when introducing new items to your altar or new tools to your craft, and before rituals, spells, or spirit work. As a lunar witch, I also cleanse my home during the Waxing Gibbous, the Full Moon, and the Waning Gibbous. However, whether or not you choose to abide by that is up to you!
"How do I cleanse my home?"
this is a fantastic question! there are a multitude of methods for cleansing your home - some that anyone with no recourses can do, and others that do involve a bit more work and product. as per usual with my blog, we will be discussing methods that new witches can do as well as methods that those of us who may have more materials can do! let's break down some steps you can take to cleanse your space:
methods that involve no supplies: (perfect for new or closeted witches)
open a window: this one, I believe, is actually one of the most affective methods on this list. opening your window and letting fresh air in to clear out the stale air from your space can do wonders! it gives space for positive energy to enter and negative energy to exit. (perfect for wind/air magic as well)
let sunlight into your space: the sun is a cleansing force that can do wonders for your room. if you are able, let some sunlight into your space. (perfect for fire magic as well)
visualization: cleansing an object or a space can be as simple as visualization, at times. simply close your eyes and imagine a white mist coming over your room or the items you are cleansing. imagine this mist completely covering the item/space and melting away all the energy on/in it. take a deep breath and then imagine the mist slowly disappearing, taking the energy with it.
run your item over water: if you are cleansing an item and not a space or room feel free to take that item (as long as it is safe to do so (I.E. you wouldn't want to do this with a tarot deck as it would ruin the cards)) and run that item under water. feel free to use the visualization method that we discussed above while doing this. simply imagine water instead of mist. (perfect for water magic)
let your item rest overnight in the moonlight: if it is a specific item you are wanting to cleanse, put it out in the moonlight overnight. this works best during a full moon, though it is not 100% necessary for it to work. (perfect for moon magic)
actually clean your home: getting out a dust rag and a broom can do so much! dedicate your cleaning to your Gods, deities, or spirits and to the cleansing of your items or space spiritually and get to cleaning! I usually do this before I start, as I find a clean space means a cleansed space.
make and/or recharge your sigils: this is a great moment to make some sigils to protect your home. and if you already have done this step, this is a great time to recharge those sigils! (check out my spells and sigils page (linked here) for more information on that)
methods that involve minimal supplies:
make a cleansing spray: find my recipe for this spell here! this is a perfect beginner spell and does wonders to your space when cleansing!
burn herbs, incense, or a candle: burning cleansing herbs like rosemary, lavender, sage or even incense or a candle and walking from room to room to disperse the smoke can cleanse a space quickly and safely. this is another method I take every single time I want to cleanse a space. (for incense and for candles I recommend blowing the flame out after a moment and using the smoke to cleanse the space.)
ring a bell or use a sound bowl: sound can cleanse your space! get a bell or use a sound bowl in or around the space or object you are wanting to cleanse. it can be as simple as ringing a bell over your tarot deck or altar tools. In some cultures, bells are even symbols of good luck.
leave a dish of flower water in your room: this is as simple as it sounds - if you have any sort of flower water (rose water, for example) you can leave a bowl of this out overnight to cleanse your space. it is tradition to add alcohol to this water, however it is not necessary if you do not have any or cannot attain any. you can also choose to do this method with hot water so that the steam can cleanse your space as well. if you do not have any flower water and need to make your own, check out this post here.
place your item in a bowl of salt and earth: if it is an item and not a room you are wanting to cleanse, you can make a bowl filled with dirt and salt and bury your item in that to cleanse overnight. if these items are not available to you, you can actually bury your item outside in the dirt as well
now, cleansing you home can get more complex than this. there are a plethora of spells out there that involve more supplies and are more time consuming. if you feel that your space is not properly cleansed enough, feel free to do some research on this or ask me for more information! however, nine times out of ten, I do not feel the need to do any sort of magic that is more complex than what is listed above. remember, when it comes to cleansing your space your intentions are more powerful than anything your spells will have to offer. be intentional with all you do when cleansing.
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That's all for home cleansing! I hope that you found this helpful in your spiritual journey and I hope that you are able to apply this information to your practice.
if you have any questions regarding anything discussed here or anything you feel that I have missed, please send an ask to my ask box! I appreciate all comments and questions and would be more than happy to go into more detail about spirit work!
For more information on my practice, witchcraft, herbalism, spirit work, and divination please check out the guide on my page (linked here)! Everything I have ever posted can be found there!
I wish you all a blessed day filled with peace, endless wealth, and eternal health! Until the next time we meet!
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churchydraws · 1 year
thinking about an AU of the Unwanted Siblings AU where Smoke, Mist, and Rose get the Star. Smoke is the one who gets it, the three ran off after it was confirmed Violet was gone, and by the time Sun and Moon get to the theater Smoke is holding it to his chest with Mist and Rose clinging behind him. He screams out that he wishes he and his brothers were safe and happy and didn't have to dig in the garbage for fuel and batteries and hide in abandoned buildings just to survive and that he wishes Sun and Moon are gone. Star activates, knocks out Smoke, Mist, and Rose, and they wake up in a grassy field. Mist comments that it's pretty but that he wishes that they had a nice place to stay dry and warm and safe, and the Star responds by creating a little cabin. The other two are excited, but Smoke puts two and two together and goes "hell no my brothers deserve better then this, they deserve a mansion or a castle, they deserve the best" so the Star turns it into a big ol castle. They start to make the castle all home-y, and as time goes on people start to come by and settle near the castle. they view the three as gods, though they mostly keep to themselves for a long time due to paranoia of being hurt or betrayed even though they can defend themselves using the Star. But and some point Mist embraces the idea and does his best to help the people as best he can, and Smoke and Red follows suit. They aren't really kings, more like guardians. if something fucks with the castle and city they have to deal with the three Lords.
as for Sun and Moon and Lilac? they might be dead, they might not be. haven't decided yet (they're probably alive but far away from the three Lords).
also castle and city! I imagine it looks like a mix of Shimmerene and the Imperial City
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hahskeleton · 3 months
spoilers for tsams, tlaes, and mgafs (mostly me being happy)
BUT he has to leaaaaavvveee nooooo he said that we will probably never see him again and it made me saddd *violently cries of joy and sadness at the same time*
Also also when earth was telling Lunar and Sun about how her and Eclipse were friends, ack ack ack Sun’s little “I don’t think you can befriend a guy like that…”
I’m glad Lunar doesn’t hate Eclipse anymore and that maybe Eclipse will leave knowing he had at least one friend TvT
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Silent Hearts // [Part II]
Pairing | Cowbell x reader
Word count | 3.1k
⚠️ Warnings | ANGST UNHOLY MOLY IT'S STRAIGHT ANGST, canon divergence, f!reader, Cowbell is Cowbell, Sister Imperator is really mean. CW for ghoul abuse, blood, violence, psycho cowbell
Chapter Summary: Felix struggles with processing what happened after meeting you. He makes a meeting with Secondo to find some answers. Escorted by Omega, a big part of his past is revealed.
A/N: Okay so please note Cowbell does go through some shit in this one. There is a scene that may be uncomfortable to read, dealing with violence and abuse. Please don't read if it makes you uncomfortable, there won't be any more after this. Feel free to skip over it or wait for the next part!! Take care of yourselves! xoxo
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Felix still couldn’t wrap his head around everything that happened a couple days ago. It was eating at his every thought, like a parasite trying to speak to him in a language he didn’t understand. Meeting you, the way your heart beat in silence, it tirelessly ran laps around his mind. As soon as the sun granted him a new day, he immediately made an appointment to meet with Secondo. A desperate attempt to find some answers. 
He wasn’t allowed into the Abbey anymore for various reasons, but that’s not to say he was never allowed back in. Of course there were exceptions if he was seriously ill or injured. Sister Imperator was a mean woman but she was never cruel. 
Ask him, however? He’d say otherwise.
He was reluctantly granted an audience following the afternoon mass to speak with the former Papa. Secondo was the closest to the dark one and most educated on ghouls, sometimes he knew more about them than they did. Diligently keeping up on the newest teachings, blessings and dark creations. If anyone was going to be able to give Bell some sort of explanation about what was happening, or some guidance, it was him. He also happened to be one of the only people in the Ministry that would still talk to him.
It wasn’t that he couldn’t so much as even feel your heartbeat. Everything about you was causing him so much grief. It was how your scent brushed under his nose as it got caught in the wind. How it was exactly his favourite combination of grapefruit and vanilla. It was easy for him to pass it off as being more than mere coincidence. It wasn’t tickling his brain the way perfume or mist would. The scent that filled his senses was simply just… you.
The way his breath hitched when you stood close to him and effortlessly took him off guard. The way his mind went eerily quiet in your presence. He simply couldn't get enough, and that scared him.
He had been around a number of humans before he was cast out. Everyone wanting a shot at taming his unsettling character and ultimately failing (with the exception of Special, but he was half ghoul anyway). It always ended up the same: he was the resident weirdo. Constantly needing to prove that, despite his mental and physical disabilities, he was not weak or to be discarded. He was just as much of a ghoul as the rest of them despite his differences.
With you it was different. 
There wasn’t a challenge. You didn’t question whether he was worthy, or competent. You didn’t look at him like a caged feral animal, or quake in fear and run. You simply spoke to him as an equal. The two of you absolutely weren’t in any sense equals, but it was this strange feeling that he had never experienced. You were the first person who didn’t make him feel the need to prove he was anything more than what he was.
He was used to his brain not firing right at times, but you were making it do something else entirely. He’d admit on bad days he could be a little out of control. At the beginning, any given lunar event would cause his brain to short-circuit. Some Siblings wondered if he was secretly a werewolf, the way his demeanor drastically changed to be a more feral version of himself.
He would never forget the day it was completely out of control, and prayed you would never find out that side of him existed.
10 Years Ago
He ran through the halls carrying a lifeless Ivy in his arms trying to make it to the infirmary in time. The little Earth ghoul’s blood staining his face as his tears left clean streaks down his cheeks.
Bell had never seen Omega - the normally calm, level-headed Quint - seething in so much anger. It was clearly the last straw. 
It– he had gone too far this time.
“What the fuck happened, Felix?” Omega snarled, immediately taking the small ghoul from his shaky blood soaked arms and placing Ivy on the infirmary bed to assess the damage.
“I..I don’t–” “Don’t hit me with that bullshit! Just look! Look what you’ve done!”
Once Ivy was stable, Omega immediately banished him and snapped the pack bond into pieces, never to be rebuilt. Once those bonds were broken it was irreparable, and they both knew it. Any ghoul from now on would know he wasn’t to be trusted. 
He was sent off with an angry wave. His former packmate’s words were like a freshly seared brand on his soul…
‘You don’t belong here. You don’t belong anywhere.’
It was the first time he felt truly lost.
He ran out of the infirmary in a panic, not sure what else to do. Only to be caught by Alpha and River before even making it around the corner. He was drugged up and dragged to Sister Imperator's office in seconds, all at her request. 
For her “safety”.
Once they pulled his stumbling body into her office, he was dropped. Immediately falling onto his knees as his legs gave out. He pulled his head upwards to meet her stone cold glare from his place on the floor. Only halfway conscious as he looked to her with a pleading gaze, Ivy’s blood still coating his face. 
She gave Alpha and River a curt nod before they left, the door shutting behind them. 
His fate was hanging in the balance. This was the moment he knew everything was about to change, and the look on her face told him all he needed to know: his sentence had been decided long before he even made it through the door.
“I’m sorry, Sister! I wasn’t in control, I didn’t– I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” He pleaded, watery eyes desperately attempting to chip away at the solid steel behind hers.
“Rules are rules.” She stated. “They’re black and white, not grey. And they’re certainly not open for interpretation.”
“I know! I know.” He whispered, wiping at the tears rolling down his face. Ivy’s blood smeared over his shaking hands as he stared in horror. “I need h-help.”
She tutted as she stalked around him like a lioness circling her prey. “There’s nothing we can offer you now besides a choice.” Her voice was calm yet laced with poison, each word left its mark. “Disowned and disgraced, there’s no place left for you here. You must know that?”
His weakened state allowed her to push him further to the ground with ease. She scoffed at the sight of his claws pointlessly pawing at the hardwood floor. 
“You were once a great soldier, Felix. Look at you now. Pathetic.”
His sobs rattled down to his core as he let her do whatever she needed to. Desperately trying to breathe as his brain fought the urge to rip out her throat, but ultimately being forced to obey. The loyalty they all swore when they were summoned wrapped around his mind like an invisible chain.
He was happy his pack couldn’t see him now. At least there wasn’t an audience forced to hear his tortured screams. The harrowing sounds bounced off the walls as he cried out. His pleas falling on deaf ears and going unanswered. 
He laid beaten and bruised on the floor when she finally decided he learnt his lesson. The blood this time was his as it pooled beneath him.
“I think that’s enough for today.” She panted, returning to lean against the edge of her desk. She looked down at him like a wounded animal not worth saving. “What’s your choice?”
His body shook as he inhaled. Soft pained whines too high pitched for the human ear escaped with every breath he took. 
“Very well. You know the conditions of your release. You are no longer allowed in this establishment unless you are as close to death's door as you are now. Even then, you will not enter without strict permission from one of the senior most Clergy, to which you will be escorted at all times. Break these rules, and next time you won't be given the privilege of choice.”
If you’ve never backed a trained killer into a corner, you haven’t known true fear. She had never seen anything like this, no one had.
Clouded silver eyes shot open and immediately locked onto her from his place on the floor, his pupils were thin slits behind the haze which swirled like a tornado. His bones violently snapping back into place as he moved to stand. Numerous fangs extended and snapped as a deep snarl reverberated off the walls. The commotion caused Alpha and River to run in, moving to guard the Sister. Both mentally fighting between their loyalty to her, and the biological pull to turn against her at the sight of their kin’s unbridled rage.
His body creaked and groaned as he rolled his head back. His forked tongue tasting the mixture of blood coating his lips before he looked back at her with a new sinister grin.
“Tsk tsk,” his head tilted in amusement. “It’s cute how you think you’re in charge my dear. I’m not built like that, I'm afraid.” His chuckle crackled deep in his chest like thunder as he stalked closer. The two other ghouls attempting to take him down but only getting one step towards him before falling unconscious to the floor with a simple flick of his wrist.
 “Fun part about being part Air, is that your brain needs oxygen to function. Otherwise,” he now stood mere inches away. Her body betraying her look of confidence, shaking in fear at the sight of him towering over her, fangs bared. “Nighty, night.”
“There is something s-seriously wrong with you,” she managed to stutter out.
“Yes, yes there is. I tried to ignore it, suppress it. Pretend like I was like everyone else.” His long clawed finger dragged over the skin of her cheek, wiping at her tears before whispering into her ear.
 “Thank you… for setting me free.”
That was the last time he stepped foot in the Abbey. 
A lot of time had passed since then. He would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little bit nervous. Felix laughed when he got the letter informing him that Omega would be meeting him by the back gate to escort him inside; using probably the only ghoul powerful enough to take him down was a smart move on their part, to which he couldn’t help but applaud. 
As twisted as it sounds, he genuinely appreciated their fear. The fact that they were so afraid he would murder the very man who summoned him, they felt the need to send their strongest ghoul to babysit what he had planned to be a very civil chat.
As night fell, he got ready to appear before the Clergy. He made sure to hunt a few hours before so he was satisfied, leaving himself plenty of time to wash up. He dug through his things trying to find what he needed, his fingers brushing over a black duffle bag sat in the darkest corner of his makeshift den. His muscles tensed as he realized what it was, his expression turning sour as he moved to grab the fabric inside in his blackened claws.
“Hello again, old friend.”
The walk up the path to the back gate was unremarkable. His senses were on high alert, not knowing how this was going to go. He was prepared for anything. His pointed ears twitched, each crunch of gravel under his shoes becoming almost too bothersome; he thought about moving to tread over the grass to ease his ringing ears but Omega’s scent hit his nose.
“Always early, Omega.” He smirked, just about reaching the iron gate.
“No. I just know your games, Felix. The meeting isn’t for another half hour.”
“Can’t blame a guy for trying,” he shrugged. 
 He could feel Omega’s burning gaze studying his every move. “I see you kept your uniform.”
It was one of the conditions if he ever had to return to the Abbey: First, to be escorted at all times. Second, return only if death was imminent. Third, to be masked and dressed in full uniform. The Sister probably thought he would burn it the moment he left, ensuring he was never allowed back inside. 
But he kept it. Ignored it, no longer necessary being in the woods, yet it sat. Silently waiting for the day he took back his place within the Ministry.
When he put it back on, it almost caused him physical pain. All the disgusted looks and harsh words came back, feeling like they were stabbing him over and over. All he wanted to do was rip it off and tear it apart. However, this meeting was important. The thought of you was the only thing keeping him from destroying it the moment the material passed through his claws. The familiarity of everything bringing back memories almost as fresh as the day he lived them.
Suddenly his hands felt magnetic as they slammed together, an invisible force binding them to rest at his waist. Intrigued more than scared, he playfully attempted to pull them apart.
“Learnt some new tricks, Omega? Very nice,” Felix admitted with an approving nod, crossing through the gate. “So you can teach old dogs new tricks.”
That earned him a slap upside the head, to which Felix could only chuckle and crack his neck completely unbothered. Omega let out a low growl as he walked behind him. “You’re insufferable. Should have sent you back when she had the chance.”
It was Felix’s turn to growl, turning to snap his fangs at his former packmate. “Do it then. You can’t. You’d never get the permission, and even if you could you lack conviction. Pack leader, my ass.”
Omega’s claws extended and gripped painfully at his thighs. Taking deep breaths as he glared at the multi. “Why did you do it?”
Felix’s expression turned surprised, but still wanting to make sure he wasn’t falling for any of Omega’s tricks. “Do what?”
“Why did you do it? Imperator? Why did you let it get this far?” Omega’s voice echoed before he sighed somberly. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Felix stopped in his tracks just feet away from the doors leading to the Abbey’s west corridor. “Tell you what, huh? Tell you that she used our oath as an excuse to beat the shit out of me because she knew I couldn’t fight back? Tell you that I never wanted to be a burden so I ran out into the woods every time it demanded to be free so I wouldn’t hurt my own pack?” 
His voice hitched as all the feelings he suppressed flew to the surface.
“I tried to be good. I tried, but whatever was inside me was never satisfied. Always wanting more. More chaos, more blood. It was hungry and I was just in the way. It’s okay though. The old me is dead now. Poof, gone. It killed whatever was left of me and took over. And boy does it feel so much better. I should really thank the dear Sister. She created a monster.”
Omega’s ears fell as he listened. The ghoul he once thought of like a brother was gone, there was no doubt about that. This Felix was battle ready and dangerous. It wasn’t just his attitude, it was everything. The way his muscles started to strain against the old uniform, refined from years of hunting and surviving like a feral dog. The way he walked with such confidence yet always ready to fight. The way Omega noticed his ears flicking at even the slightest sound, working to protect him from harm because his eyes couldn’t.
“I could have helped you, we could have figured it out. We still can.”
Felix scoffed. “No, Omega. We can’t. You made damn sure of that when you disowned me and kicked me out. You knew that my soul would be marked for the rest of eternity yet you did it anyway.”
He knew that. He wasn’t born yesterday. While Felix had a lot of time to process what happened that day, so did Omega. He would never admit that the eerie silence that crept into the halls afterwards bothered him, badly. Bell’s fading scent slowly disappearing from the pack quarters, the lack of off-hand comments making him spit out his coffee, had all left its mark.
Felix was never a pack leader so he wouldn’t have known, but while his soul was wounded, so was Omega’s. It was like Felix’s piece of the puzzle was missing and none of the newer ghouls fit quite right.
Omega opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. There wasn’t anything to say, the damage had been done long ago.
“Let’s just get this over with so I can take this shit off.”
They walked in tense silence to Secondo’s office. Omega knocked gently on the door before hearing their former Papa granting entrance.
Secondo sat behind his desk, still in his papal robes from the sermon he just gave as he looked suspiciously at the ghouls entering his office. Giving Omega a kind nod as the ghoul moved to stand guard at the side, leaving Felix to stand in-front of him.
Secondo’s eyes squinted as he looked over the ghoul, not able to see much with the uniform and mask obscuring his face.
“What happened? Cat got your tail?”
Felix’s head tilted in confusion. “No?”
The older man hummed. “Thought a wild bear might’ve bit it off or something. I can’t imagine why else you’d be standing in my office. When I got your summons, I was quite surprised.”
“I was hoping you’d be able to help me with something.”
“Spit it out, I don’t have all day.”
“I met this girl, a human girl.” Felix started. “I think she’s one of the Sisters. Anyway–”
He explained everything that happened. Everything he felt, what was going through his head. The odd way you made him feel. Secondo and Omega listened intently, grateful they gave him the moment to freely speak. As he went on, he realized how ridiculous it all sounded.
“Nevermind, forget it. It’s probably stupid.”
“It’s not.” Secondo spoke. “There are many things in this life that we cannot understand. There are so many unexplainable reasons for why this and not that. I think Omega and I can explain…”
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sunshinesmebdy · 8 months
Moon in Libra: Charm Your Way to Business Balance and Financial Harmony
Ah, Libra! The sign of the scales, the diplomat, the master of aesthetics. When the Moon dances through this air sign, prepare for a potent blend of grace, diplomacy, and a quest for equilibrium in all aspects of life, including your business and finances. So, buckle up, entrepreneurs and financiers, because under Libra’s moonlit skies, we’re about to waltz our way to success.
Business Benefits:
Collaboration Charisma: Libra’s Moon makes you a collaboration pro. Charm investors, negotiate win-win deals, and foster partnerships that feel less like contracts and more like cosmically ordained alliances. Think “power couple,” not “solopreneur.”
Forget the lone wolf; under Libra’s Moon, you’re a celestial Casanova ready to charm the socks off potential partners. Investors swoon at your pitches, negotiations become elegant waltzes, and collaborations blossom like cosmically ordained power couples. Ditch the cutthroat deals; Libra favors win-win scenarios, forging partnerships that feel less like contracts and more like destiny dancing to the rhythm of shared success. So, put on your collaboration crown, unleash your diplomatic charm, and watch your business reach new heights, hand-in-hand with your perfectly matched entrepreneurial dream team.
Branding Brilliance: Channel your inner Venus and unleash your branding magic. Craft a visually stunning image that reflects your values and resonates with your ideal clientele. Remember, first impressions matter, and under Libra’s influence, you’ll make them swoon.
Unleash your inner Venus under the Libra Moon and watch your brand shimmer like a celestial runway. Craft visuals that are as captivating as a sunset, as balanced as a perfectly poised scale, and as unique as your soul. Think sleek fonts that dance with your message, color palettes that reflect your values, and imagery that speaks directly to your ideal client’s desires. Remember, first impressions are like love at first sight — under Libra’s influence, you’ll make them swoon, leaving them mesmerized and ready to say “I do” to your brand.
Conflict Calming: Tensions arise? No sweat! Libra’s Moon equips you with the grace of a celestial mediator. Navigate disagreements with diplomacy, find common ground through active listening, and watch disputes dissolve like mist under a morning sun.
Tensions simmering? Fear not, for under Libra’s Moon, you become a diplomat extraordinaire! Navigate disagreements with the finesse of a cosmic ballerina, your words as soothing as moonlit waves. Practice the art of active listening, transforming clashing cymbals into harmonious chimes. With each empathetic utterance, you’ll find common ground, watch anger melt like morning mist, and leave everyone feeling like winners bathed in the warm glow of Libra’s celestial peace treaty.
Customer Care Captivation: Turn customer service into an art form. Anticipate their needs, personalize your interactions, and make them feel like the VIPs they truly are. Libra’s Moon helps you build lasting loyalty through genuine connection, not just empty platitudes.
Forget customer service scripts; under Libra’s Moon, you’re a maestro of client captivation! Anticipate their needs like a cosmic concierge, weave personalized interactions that sparkle like moonlit threads, and treat them like the VIPs they are. Forget hollow platitudes, embrace genuine connection. Build loyalty through empathy, not empty promises, and watch your customers become not just patrons, but raving fans, drawn back by the irresistible charm of your authentically Libra-ian customer service magic.
Financial Fortunes:
Balanced Budgets: Libra craves harmony, and that extends to your finances. Use this lunar phase to re-evaluate your budget, seeking that sweet spot where income and expenses dance in perfect equilibrium. No more feast-or-famine cycles!
Ditch the financial rollercoaster; under Libra’s Moon, it’s time to tango with budget balance! Reimagine your finances as a celestial equilibrium, where income and expenses pirouette in perfect harmony. Libra craves fairness, so dissect your spending with a cosmic accountant’s eye, trim unnecessary frills, and adjust income streams like tuning the strings of a financial harp. Watch the feast-or-famine cycles fade like a forgotten melody, replaced by a serene symphony of sustainable, balanced budgeting. Breathe easy, entrepreneurs, for financial harmony awaits under Libra’s moonlit scales.
Debt Diplomacy: Stuck in a financial tango with debt? Don’t despair! Libra’s Moon empowers you to negotiate like a pro. Renegotiate terms, seek repayment plans that feel fair, and find creative solutions that leave everyone feeling like winners.
Debt may feel like a tango with quicksand, but Libra’s lunar embrace gives you the agility to sway in your favor. Renegotiate with charm, seek balanced repayment plans, and unleash your creative flair. Remember, a tango takes two, and finding solutions that leave everyone feeling triumphant keeps the music dancing. So, shed the shackles of despair, channel Libra’s grace, and dance your way out of debt with a win-win flourish.
Investments with Ethics: Ditch the get-rich-quick schemes and embrace ethical investing under Libra’s discerning gaze. Research companies that align with your values, prioritize sustainability, and seek long-term stability over short-term gains. Feel good about where your money goes, and watch your portfolio blossom with purpose.
Ditch the financial rollercoaster, entrepreneurs! Under Libra’s celestial sway, your budget transforms into a graceful tango, income and expenses spinning in perfect equilibrium. This lunar tango craves fairness, so grab your cosmic abacus and dissect your spending with an eagle eye. Prune away unnecessary frills, adjust income streams like tuning a celestial harp, and watch the feast-or-famine cycles fade like a forgotten waltz. In their place, a serene symphony of sustainable balance rises, leaving you breathing easy and waltzing hand-in-hand with financial harmony under Libra’s glimmering scales.
Unexpected Collaborations: Keep your eyes peeled for unexpected partnerships that can boost your financial fortunes. Collaborate on projects that leverage your combined strengths, share resources strategically, and witness your income climb as you rise together like the celestial tides.
Keep your cosmic radar pinging, entrepreneurs, for under Libra’s moonlit sky, unexpected partnerships shimmer like hidden treasure. These aren’t random alliances; they’re divinely orchestrated duets where your strengths merge with complementary brilliance. Think yin and yang, moon and stars, two businesses rising like the celestial tides on a wave of shared resources and strategic synergy. Collaborate on projects that ignite your mutual passions, where your combined expertise paints a masterpiece across the financial canvas. Witness your income climb as you rise together, hand-in-hand, a testament to the power of Libra’s moonlit matchmaking magic.
Bonus Tip: Embrace the beauty of Libra! Surround yourself with art, music, and inspiring spaces. Treat yourself to a new outfit that reflects your brand, and remember, sometimes, a little self-care is the best investment you can make.
So, there you have it! The Moon in Libra is your invitation to charm your way to business success, find financial balance, and collaborate your way to prosperity. Remember, success is a beautiful duet, not a solo act. So, find your perfect business partner, raise a glass (or a latte) to financial harmony, and let Libra’s moonlit waltz guide you to a fulfilling and abundant future.
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writing-for-life · 4 months
Alloha, my Goddess of Sandman Knowledge! I hope you are well and enjoying the weekend! Yesterday I (and maybe other Sandman fans ) learned from Neil that Death didn't have her iconic eye swirl until Season of Mists - and it seems true ... I have that Death compilation book and there's a mix of her with and without that swirl and I wonder if YOU have any theories about that. Does it come along with our Dream "issue" (then why did she enter the family meeting with it or was not marked with the swirl at the beginning of Overture) or what is the deeper meaning? Thank you in advance - can't wait for your answer!
Hello friend, thanks for sliding into my inbox 🖤
Controversial opinion: While the symbolism of the Eye of Horus/Ra (more about that in a sec) is most definitely not random, just like the symbolism of the Ankh, I think when and if she wears it actually is. It’s a goth fashion choice ^jk
[That’s why I always inwardly laugh when people get their knickers in a twist about Kirby not wearing it in S1, because a) Death didn’t have one in the comics in The Sound of her Wings and b) I firmly believe it’s a just a choice. She can take it or leave it. She didn’t need “gothed up more” because Kirby literally wore what she wore in The Sound of her Wings: A black tank and black trousers.]
There’s certainly a trend that she doesn’t have it the further back we go chronologically, but even that is just a trend.
The Heart of a Star (earliest in the timeline, ~3-4billion years ago:
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First Vortex (we don’t know when exactly, but it’s after The Heart of a Star and “aeons ago”):
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And I guess for both of the above it could also be argued that they are clearly before ancient Egypt and wouldn’t have any cultural reference either. She wears the ankh in both though, so we can almost immediately scrap that thought again. But let’s just roll with it from app. 3,000 BC onwards…
Roundabout 900/800 BC (Orpheus’ Wedding/the aftermath):
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And you can’t even say she only wears it when “the topic” comes up, because then she’d probably also wear it in the first one above.
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And to those who say she’s been consistently wearing it since 1990/SoM—nope. This is Brief Lives 1992:
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So I think it’s rather random, and I personally don’t put too much stock in it other than thinking she puts it on when she feels like it. Or rather: When the artist thinks of it.
As for the symbolism:
It actually matters if you wear it on your left eye (Horus) or on your right (Ra), or both. They both used to be called Eye of Horus very far back in Egyptian history but eventually became distinct.
The Eye of Horus (left) has strong links to funeral rites (there’s a whole story about Horus offering his eye to Osiris to protect/sustain him in the afterlife). That’s why I always think it should have been on her other eye in The Kindly Ones and The Wake (she wears it on her right in both), but that’s just me being a hairsplitter, and you could find reasons for both if you wanted to.
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It makes sense for Hob I guess (bottom row second), so maybe they didn’t want to create the illusion of continuity errors 🤣 How cool would it have been though if Zulli had shown a transition from left eye (afterlife) to both eyes like Talbot in Song of Orpheus(afterlife/life) to right eye (life)?
The Eye of Ra (right) is generally also about giving and sustaining life, but not so much the afterlife. It has much stronger symbolic ties to life on earth. It also has stronger ties to the feminine, and despite being called “Eye of Ra”, it is often also linked to goddesses like Wedjat (both eyes are also called “wedjat eye”), Bast or Hathor.
If you wear it on both, there’s a lot to be said about balance (male/female, moon/sun etc). They used to be called Horus’ lunar (left) and solar (right) eye, for example.
So I guess you could put a lot of stock in the fact that she often wears it on her right eye (more tied to life on earth), but also on her left (more tied to death), or even on both, and find meaning in that. And that she actually wears the Eye of Ra (life and the feminine) more often than the Eye of Horus (but not exclusively).
But mostly, I feel it’s just random and the choice of whoever draws her 🤣
@klarahimmeltheendless ask answered
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help-an-alter · 1 month
Could we get some names please ^^
For a grey fox, general carnivorous predator vibes, they use He/She/Themself and Fox/Greys/Leaf
But they need a name now
hey anon, here are some names! we hope they can help them choose a name :)
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names: silas, ophelia, daciana, alaric, argent (from grey fox’s scientific name), darwin, lyca/lycan, foxglove, kit, todd, scarlet, redd, azeria, sterling, heather, ash(er), silver, sage, flint, sylvie, aspen, cianna, sable, shade/shady, cole/coal, mavis, charcoal, raven, sabine, mist(y), seraphina, lune, lunar, lunaris, maverick, roman, dex, slade, alex/alexander, ferris, fenrir, sawyer, fergus(on), monarch
- (blurry) crows
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