#So I will remain nameless
serafisolaris 2 months
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heyjude19-writing 6 months
I miss remain nameless draco and hermione :( how are they?
aww anon this is so sweet. I think about them every day, and I like to think they are thriving. Most days they are happy, and if they aren't happy they're content, and if they can't find contentment then they at least take comfort in the security and stability of their love.
I do have more little stories planned for them soon, promise 馃榿
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in an effort to defeat the evil banana overlords who keep buying bananas and not eating them (because bananas are gross and bad) i have cut up the bananas that were about to go bad and stuck them in the dehydrator with some cinnamon sugar
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theflyingfeeling 4 months
a very random rant in the tags lol
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kaus-quietis 2 years
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enough for a lifetime
#bsd fyodor#bsd#bungou stray dogs#bsd fyodor dostoyevsky#bsd fyodor dostoevsky#bungou stray dogs fyodor#bsd fanart#fanart#unsolved and endless#watercolour#what I've written there is a quote from F.M. Dostoyevsky's 'White Nights' (1848)- a work I learnt to love more and more in time#one of the first manifestations of pure selfless love in his writings - and I mean TRULY selfless in a way so shock!ng at first reading#contemplating it over time I understood the intention better and I can't help but love Dostoyevsky's dreamers#by that I mean his intellectual dreamer type of characters and following them through their plotline makes one's heart b!eed constantly#especially if you yourself resonate with the type#the original quote has different punctuation - 'A whole moment of bliss! Isn't that enough for an entire human life?..'#more like the b!essed type of happiness as well as 'a whole minute of happiness' remaining true to the plot itself too actually#(seriously I can't forget that one specific scene implying 'the whole minute' itself Iamheartbroken)#after a long time the nameless dreamer became very dear to me.. he leaves me in wonder and melancholy... and suffering#for an early writing 'White Nights' already hints at the psychological and spiritual deep-dives of much later works#so do all early works featuring dreamers I'd argue - 'The landlady' 'A faint heart' 'Netochka Nezvanova'... well 'Poor Folk' too#where Gogol's dreamer artist from 'Nevsky Prospekt' failed - Dostoyevsky's nameless dreamer from 'White Nights' overcame & survived#these tags are rather distracting from the fanart itself.. but are words necessary?... for...#*continues inact!vity per!od*
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ghouljams 11 months
Ghoul dearest it has been approximately far too many business days since I鈥檝e sung your praises. Your work is amazing and I hope you have a fantastic vacation!
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馃ズ馃槶 thank you Maelstrom! I love you!!! I read all your comments(and stalk your blog) and you give me so much life!!
I'm going to enjoy my vacation and hopefully come back with so many ideas that I will gift wrap for you in my best words. I already feel itchy being away from my computer so it's probably good I've undone my cuffs and escaped my desk...
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sir-yeehaw-paws 1 year
When I tell you the MajiMako farewell scene hits like a freight train I TELL YOU.
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nettlestingsoup 5 months
i resolved one of my [fix this] notes on the red thread au and immediately had to create another; for the first time in my life, writing without any kind of plan is coming back to bite me
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malikselfindulgence 7 months
Swk's every attempt to be civil is thwarted immediately by sheer terrible luck it's not just the bouqet . He offers a snack in greeting and it just so happens to be strawberry and Blaze [who is allergic, and assumes this is common knowledge for some reason] thinks he's trying to poison him . He tries to hand him something he'd caught Blaze staring at in passing and this chained armor piece just so happens to be silver and Blaze [who is a wolf, and silver weakens him, which he also assumes to be common knowledge] thinks he's very badly trying to cheat out of their next fight . He tries to give him some old journal he'd shown interest in and Blaze hisses and swk thinks if this guy ever attempted to say anything pleasant in his entire fucking life he'd keel over and die on the spot
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azer0 11 months
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remaking old ocs :3
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old ver
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eikotheblue 2 years
Callout post
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sock-puppet-dinosaur 10 months
Usually I'm a big fan of 'creepy crawlies' but there's one type of bug that I have a phobia of (hyperventilating, shaking, the whole nine yards) and they won't stop showing up in my house!!! Like logically I know they're not malicious and just minding their own business, but come ON, why do there have to be so many of them? They're on the ceiling! They're in my kitchen! They're in my fUCKING CROCS
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beesarthur 3 months
The X-Files, 2:1: Little Green Men
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What is the plot? The x-files project has been suspended, and Mulder and Scully have been reassigned: we see Mulder listening to a wire tap that is mostly some guys talking about lap dances and Scully being philosophical while teaching autopsy technique at the FBI Academy. Mulder is thinking about the Voyager space probes, though, and about his sister. There is a surprisingly camp flashback scene to the evening of his sister's disappearance. Mulder is tipped off by a senator who supports his work (and dares to call him Fox) that there has been UFO activity detected near a radio telescope in Puerto Rico that's part of a now-defunct project searching for extraterrestrial radio signals. Scully has to do (and dodge) a variety of espionage techniques to follow him there, but she does. They escape the military UFO clean-up team, but Jorge, who was at the telescope site when Mulder got there, does not escape the aliens.
What does this episode suggest about Mulder and Scully's relationship with each other? Mulder is so afraid of being followed that he won't talk to Scully at work. She has to leave him a signal to meet her under the cover of darkness in the parking garage at the Watergate. This episode really ratchets up the overtness of how much they care about and trust each other. She is desperate to know that he's ok. Later, she's the only one he can believe now. When Mulder goes back to his boring wiretap assignment at the end of the episode, Scully gives his hand a squeeze and gets up to go just as a the lap dance talk starts again.
Where are the aliens? in Mulder's living room in 1974!!! and in the jungle in Puerto Rico in 1994!!
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duck-era-lexi 1 year
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it鈥檚 5 am and i haven鈥檛 slept and this fucking made me burst out laughing
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newvegasceo 8 months
can i pleaseee ask about anicria's cat? you state it looks dangerously close to a displacer beast - is the cat supernatural or is it just a normal cat that's giant? how did anicria get the cat? how old is the cat? all the cat lore, please!!!
You know how the Ilmater cloister is right next to the Circus of the Last Days in Baldur's Gate? When Anicria was just starting her apprenticeship and journey as a cleric of Ilmater, the circus had a grand reopening. Anicria, as devoted to her religion as she was then, she was also a very young child with infinite love for animals.
The circus just happened to have in its possesion a litter of kittens enchanted to look like cat-displacer beast hybrids (extremely furry but still panther-like) since they couldn't afford the displacer beast maintenance (plus those are quite a handful to manage).
One evening, Anicria snuck out to check out the circus through the cloister's gates when a small furry creature scurried towards her (there was a lot of pspspsps involved if we're being honest). One of the kittens escaped its cage and got confused, scared and lost because of the crowds visiting the circus that night. Anicria instantly decided to keep the strange kitten (to everyone's horror as something strange happened to the enchantment and the cat started rapidly growing in size, surpassing an average dog in size but not fully growing to be displacer beast-sized).
No one actually knows what that cat is or isn't. Anicria thinks it's just a regular massive cat (in mother's eyes their children are always normal and beautiful no matter what). A curious wizard once took a look at the strange cat and deduced that it is in fact enchanted, but whether it's a displacer beast turned into a cat or a cat turned displacer was too difficult to determine.
So, no one really knows. I do, though. It was a displacer beast cub enchanted to look like a kitten but due to the spell failing/becoming corrupted the beast cub started to morph into a half-cat creature which gave it a maine coon look (big, fluffy, 4 legs) but retained its displacer features (massive in size, dark fur). Anicria still has no clue her "cat" can blink from one place to the next and still has no idea how many objects in her possession get.... displaced (like her bed teleporting to the rooftop when she told her cat to sleep on the ground one time). And it's all the rascal's doing. And she's too oblivious to notice anything wrong with her wittle baby, so... :)
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anabsolutemyth 1 year
So excited for the fic you have planned!! For motivation, look at this! We were all so focused on Taemin's waist tattoo making a full debut in Advice that we totally missed the rather obvious OTHER tattoo peeking from the opposite side of his body over his ribs! What is it??? I need to know 馃槶馃槶馃槶
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Every time I manage to forget about Taemin in that outfit, he comes crawling back somehow lol
Taemin + tattoo talk is plenty good motivation, not gonna lie. Unfortunately though...
That one over his ribs is almost certainly just part of the Advice makeup which, by the way, was inconsistent as all hell 馃槀 It moved around so much (even within the MV) and then even more for the live stages. Who needs continuity these days?
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Anyhoo, you can see in this frame that other than the eye/diamond scenario, there's nothing else there (the teeny tiny nip notwithstanding).
Below is from one of the live stages and you've got the same design with the eye/diamonds, just wrapped a bit further round. Alas, no real tattoo here 馃槙
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Could you imagine Taemin with something similar to this tattoo of Ten's though?
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It's always reminded me of Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs who, if we're being honest, was pretty sexy in a kinda creepy serial-killer way. So aye, Taemin with a nice, bold titty tat would be grand.
Fingers crossed he comes back from his enlistment with a new addition or five 馃槀
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