#So I'll just do it manually! Make it harder for myself! Lol
sysig · 2 years
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Alright, speed drawing time
#DDoodles#Doodles#I'm actually just about to take a break but believe me - once my blood sugar level is back up it will again be Speed Drawing Time#Today's warmup! I haven't been posting my warmups lately 'cause they've been turning into their own projects lol#I'll post 'em in November it's fine#Anyway my goal is to get today and tomorrow's Requestobers done ASAP because I've added ummmmmm#Probably a solid couple hours onto tomorrow's lol#It's nothing particularly impressive lol I wish that it was it's just time-consuming tedium#And I don't know how to do it other than by hand so I'm doing it by hand lol#I mean I /guess/ I could /try/ to plonk it into a program that's capable of what I want and then go from there but like#That'd Still be an extra couple of hours just to figure out how to do that and then get it to do exactly what I want anyway lol#So I'll just do it manually! Make it harder for myself! Lol#At least I know how to do it manually - I can do almost anything given enough time and passion >:3c#Mostly I just need the assets in place - it'll take a jif'n'a half#Or it WOULD if my tablet would stop DYING on me!#The lights are on but nobody's home!#I can't tell if it's the cord or the ports or the tablet itself - I've had it for almost ten years so it's no spring chicken#I know the port is loose and this laptop has seen better days too lol#But still! I need it to hold out!#I could use my Gaomon but I'm still getting used to it :| Okay no that's a lie I haven't been practicing I'm avoiding it uou#It stopped displaying on my main screen and only displays on the tablet screen itself despite me not having changed any settings >:0#Technology just needs to chill and do only what I ask it to and stop making weird decisions without my input#Anyway! I'm gonna go eat sugar
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arcanegifs · 20 days
On Gifmaking:
So season 2's coming soon, and I wanna reflect on making gifs ever since I came back to Tumblr. I can't believe it's been 2 years of making gifs for this show!!!!! Look at how large my folder is lmao
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And those are JUST gifs lol
Anyways, over time, my style has changed, especially how I color edit Arcane gifs. I kind of strayed away from a stylized filter color into just something that looks a lot more "natural" and works with the original scene.
Initially, I thought I'd save time, but I ended up not using my old arcane preset PSDs and resulted to coloring almost every scene manually. So in the end, it takes even longer to make them HAHAHA. It takes around an hour and a half for me to make a 10 gif set, basically. It also helps that I have a photography background, so coloring/editing is a lot simpler for me.
Here's a lil before and after of a dark scene (hiiiii viiiiiii <3)
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Arcane is a REALLY dark show, but it goes for most of TV shows. Many of them are darker and harder to bring up the lights to make stuff look nice as gifs. Some people don't like to color their gifs, and that's okay. I personally just like color edited gifs more.
I've started learning how to upscale scenes myself, so that I have a better resolution and leeway to make things look "HD" more.
If you're wondering why my stuff look so "crisp", it's a combination of the scene's lighting, my sharpening settings on Photoshop and knowing how to upscale everything into 4k resolution. Of course, doing this needs an extremely beefy pc, which I am very lucky to own one.
Here's another before and after of a nicely lit scene. These are much, MUCH easier to do than all the darkly lit scenes because of shadows and lighting (caitlyn kiramman truly the rizzler <3)
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I've been very lucky to be able to essentially take a nice, long break for like a month doing nothing after being so damn busy for the last year and a half, so it's nice that I was able to make a ton of gifs and be chronically online for a short while LMAO.
It's been so fun! But it's time to go back to reality lmao. I closed reqs for a bit because I was just so swamped with them the last few days, and I wanted to gif scenes that I like this time. I've done like 2 weeks worth of gifs. And you will see Vi a lot bc she's on my mind a lot heehee 🥰what can I say, she's such a babe <3
Here's a lil sneak peek, just look at herrrrrrr 🥰🥰🥰 and yeah, 4k upscaled resolution really helps making these tight crops, it's why i never went back to 1080p lol. It's how I’m able to make zoomed in gifs look decent (like the kirammountains gifset lol)
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Thank you so much for all the support, likes, reblogs, and the nice tags you guys give. Yes, I can see and read all of them (both the nice and nasty ones lmao). If you have nothing good to say about the characters or my editing style, or anything related to the edit, please I beg you, just write a separate text post about it <3 If you have nothing nice to say, don't say it in my edits.
Lastly, thank you to the people who share my stuff outside the site and credit the blog and link them back here. I see you and appreciate you <3 You guys don't know how much I appreciate shoutouts and link backs, because people stealing my gifs is something that I've dealt with after making them for like a decade.
Tumblr is sadly not what it used to be in the 2013-2015 era. There’s definitely less activity as time goes by, so I appreciate all the people who credit and link back to this sideblog. Unfortunately, there’s more people who just repost them and it gets wayyy much more traction in other soc med sites. Yeah, ofc I get a lil jealous, but eh what can you do 😞 can’t really stop em.
I also don’t like putting watermarks because it personally looks tacky to me, but I understand why other people do it.
Anyways, if you reached at the end of this lil rambling of mine, thank you! I sadly might be busy during November because that's usually busy season, but I'll try to make time for making gifs of Season 2! Thank you and enjoy your stay on this lil sideblog :)
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Rambling, food + body things
I'm making granola, probably way too much of it, it's so high cal that I don't even want to look at the numbers haha but it's gonna be like power food to get me through the day, I'll eat it with plain yogurt, it'll be fine 😅
I'm nervous about going back to work, heavy manual labor in the Texas heat, I haven't built a stage since April, I'm gonna be so out of shape strength-wise, I've been good about walking regularly but I haven't really been carrying heavy things lately, and I've gotten used to mild temps so it's gonna be hard to transition back to heat in the 90s... Good news is I'm 10 lbs skinnier, I got some new shorts for work today that aren't as short as the other ones so maybe the guys won't be looking at my butt all day, hopefully if I can manage to drive 8h each for the next 3 days I can get to Texas a day early so I can get used to the heat and buy groceries.
We're supposed to have a full size fridge and a kitchenette in the hotel room so I'm gonna be able to get actual food and not just eat out every day, I'm thinking yogurt+granola for breakfast, salad and veggies and whatever veg protein catering is serving for lunch, banana for an afternoon snack, and then easy protein foods for dinner like cottage cheese, lentil soups, etc.
Would love to be 105 or under the next time I step on a scale but I also have to prioritize health + body functions above that right now, but if I can at least maintain weight and energy levels that's fine ?? I guess ?? Idk I technically hit my goal weight for the year and I have a history of immediately gaining once the ultimate goal is reached so I'm just gonna see how it goes, don't overthink it, drink electrolytes and eat protein and don't eat crazy junk food -> actually I'm rewriting that sentence bc the new ultimate goal for this year is officially 103 so the plan is to maintain if I must but continue on my journey at the first opportunity :)
thinking about how confident I feel when I'm skinny, being cute and dancing everywhere and existing comfortably in my body; just casually looking skinny in every scenario and photo, taking goofy pics and looking cute instead of awkward; sitting on things and not worrying if my thighs look fat, wearing a crop top and not worrying about bloating after a meal, doing tasks at work in awkward positions but looking cute and fit while doing it, not constantly adjusting my clothes all the time bc everything just sits better;
working at hula, making a good first impression on the art team there, working on cool projects and using my creative/technical skills, learning new things but looking cute rather than clueless; and then show days, wearing cute outfits, swimming in the river, being cold at night and bundling up in cozy clothes, dancing with strangers, floating around like a mysterious woodland creature, confidence to make new friends and explore past my comfort zone
going out in rave clothes for show days in orlando, dancing and cuddling with L and feeling extra tiny next to him, also just seeing him again I know he's gonna pick me up and swirl me around lol would be nice to feel so tiny while that happens :) I finally got myself a set of real earplugs (last time he gave me his and then dragged me to a techno show hahaha) so I feel ready to go out and actually participate this time; also working with the art team over there, they were really snooty last year but it'd be cool to come in all skinny and confident and helpful this year and just radiate good vibes over them;
I gotta start trying a little harder with my work outfits this year, sometimes they look kinda grungy or like dad working in the yard vibes, but I'm trying to elevate my look just a lil bit and being skinny is definitely going to help. Less sweat, smaller thighs/legs, stronger + more visible muscles, looking better in short shorts and crop tops even though I've still been wearing them this whole time lol, big tshirts and longer shorts also look better; wearing bright colors and patterns and tie dye, all of it looks better when you're skinny;
My face looks so much cuter when I'm thinner; skinny hands and wrists on the steering wheel; muscles actually visible in my legs and arms and abs; bones ofc but they kind of get in the way at work, my hipbones are gonna be so bruised after one day; but cheekbones, collarbones, wrist bones, shin bones, shoulder bones, spine... Actually my spine also gets bruised when we have a long standby and I lean up against something hard for too long.
You get the idea. I know I've been saying how skinny I feel like basically since I started losing again which is funny but it's nice to be under 110 officially, it's like a whole new level of skinny :) can we lose another 5 lbs in the next 4-5 weeks?? Maybe, there's gonna be a lot of exercise, hot weather, no one paying attention to what I'm eating or wanting to share food with me, skinny roommate so I can't just snack all night without feeling weird... Could work out!
(God and then I'm going from TX to Florida and I actually can't wait to be so skinny and weigh myself on the stupid giant scales at Publix lmfao that's gonna be so fun)
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lanatusnebula · 4 months
Alt take on AI (plus bonus ramble)
AI sucks ass.
So with that being established, there's one site I do think about using sometimes. "This Person Does Not Exist", right. FUNNY STORY about that one.
Normally, like 10 or so years ago, I used to use a tumblr site called "humanae" to reference real faces to practice drawing humans. It helped a lot because there were a lot of different ethnicity and people that had deformations and variations etc- just generally a very educational site from an artistic point of view. Naturally I think the site was getting traffic by a number of other artists or something behind the scenes happened and it went full paywall. Just links to paid stuff. I think it was some sort of photography project that showed off the diversity of mankind and now they wanted money for it.
And I'm cheap. Real cheap. Dangerously cheap. I'm broke and I know I'll be that way until I get a better occupation. So I didn't pay, thus, I didn't get to use their resource. Fair enough.
But in the end it got harder to find faces to draw from because things I used search engines to find ended up being heavily edited to hide blemishes to the point of being noticeable. It was getting difficult to draw *people* and just generally became a resource I didn't look up for a long while. Like... what.. 8 years?
I used to play with the This Person Does Not Exist generator a lot when it was younger of a program thing, and had hilarious glitches that made eldritch monsters. Now that it has blown up, I think the thing can actually be a great reference too? Maybe some of the humans aren't quite as human as a real human would be, but there's enough diversity for me to use it to practice drawing faces of random ethnicity and ages. I just thought I'd ramble about that.
I know AI is stealing stuff and art websites are getting good deals and are being payed to let them take our shit. And honestly I think we're getting to a point where the financial benefits to the sites to betray artists outweighs the amount of distress the artists express. ANd there are individuals that manually steal art from artists on 1-on-1 conversations in order to train machines. I don't think it's a battle we can truly win.
I did like the approach some artists had to just either clean up AI art or use it as a stepping stone to improving their own art.
If anything, I'm settling. I've been in denial for so long. It's either I stay obscure with my poor skill level, or I improve and become noticeable enough for someone to jack my art style. There's no winning. I wanted to stop drawing overall due to the hopeless outlook I had on life. But I do know there are some things AI can't draw quite yet. (fucking megaman characters outside of classic for one LOL) And some people really do like the "handmade" side of art - just as they do for crafts. I obviously don't make enough to create a stable financial income off of my art, and I do feel like quitting and putting my all into a 9-to-5 job is the smarter route.
But I don't know. It's like an addiction. I like creating fanart that doesn't already exist, something that doesn't feed into mainstream because it's too obscure or weird. "Become the change you want to see" type of practice, except it's just for selfish reasons. Nothing noble - just self-indulgence. LIke wanting to make Grey and Reg eating pizza in a Rainforest Cafe. I could do it with enough dedication, and it'd be the first of its kind. And I think the novelty of doing like "-insert game-'s first fanart" or first r34 is freaking hilarious. It's stupid and it's fun.
If I gotta jack someone's AI and use it as a reference, I might. Most of the styles that I see AI stealing aren't quite the kinds of art styles I'd use myself. Painted animes and westernized furry stuff. I'm kind of in this weird space with a lot of other obscure artists where the art style doesn't really have a word or a clear leaning into any specific genre. I'm not trying to say "my art is super duper unique and i'm not like the other girls" - it's just that I don't know what to call it.
But then again I haven't exactly posted what my style looks like. I'm just doing style mimicry. It's not much better than an AI, some of the stuff I'm making - I still copy someone else's art style (Toru Nakayama is my bitch of choice I guess??????? and I do a poor job at it when I attempt LOL)
I forgot why Iwas here.
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ichirostitties · 5 years
I'LL BE ONE OF THE FIRST ASKS!! WELCOME FRIEND! (This is Mod Ramuda from Marble Texture Imagines!) Do you mind doing some fluffy headcanons for Fling Posse and Doppo waking up with their S/O in the morning? Like Routines, etc. It can be scenarios or headcanons or whatever is easiest for you! Thank you so much and have fun!!!! 💛💙💛💙💛💙
-man imagine waking up next to ratmuda wouldn’t that be the wackiest time (u wake up to owo right in ur face)
-ok but he’s probably really clingy so you’d probably wake up and find that he’s lying half on top of you. either that or he’s just hugging you from behind because he wants to feel like you’re his if you get what i mean. ramuda is possessive ok
-you probably wouldn’t be able to move until he wakes up because he’s just that clingy and whiny (dw tho if you actually annoyed him fr he wouldn’t have let you sleep in the bed in the first place)
-sometimes you wake up and he’s already been up for a while, either way you still wake up to “hewwo hewwo onee-san ya ya ya minna genki ii ne ii ne”. Ramuda is still high-energy in the morning I think.
-if you have to get up to go somewhere he’d maybe let you go but you’d have to ask really nicely
-if he wants to have sexy times ur going to have sexy times that’s just how it is but i wont go into any detail this is a Christian ask
-he eats candy 4 breakfast (ok but for real are his teeth ok??) no ok so i think he’d love to make breakfast with you. he acts really cutesy 99% of the time so it’d probably be a lot of fun!! Ramuda’s a fun dude who’d still call you onee-san even after you’ve married him.
-usually though you guys probably just do your own thing food-wise (aka you have something normal like toast and he has 60 donuts or something) and just chill out. I think Ramuda is the kind of person who needs to trust someone before he even lets them get remotely closer than just a one-off date like everyone else and um. u moved in with him so i guess he trusts u now for the most part. you can probably talk to him about anything and he’d go with it.
-he’s really affectionate as usual so he’s probably really touchy and u get lollipop breath in ur face cause he wont stop smooching u sometimes (if he can reach). but do u smooch him back?? absolutely
-overall Ramuda doesn’t actually enjoy the company of others as much as he seems to, so I think he’d really appreciate just being able to spend the morning doing meaningless things with someone. He’s actually genuinely sweet when it’s someone he loves, even if he just plays it off as him being his normal self
-he’s babey!!
-damn where would u guys even wake up. wild.
-In all seriousness Dice would simultaneously the best and worst person to wake up to (at your place definitely because he’s lost his poor babey). He’s so affectionate he’s probably clinging to you in some way (maybe a little too tightly but you probably don’t mind. he’s a cutie)
-well it’s either that or he’s completely sprawled out and has taken All of the blanket and his arm is across your chest or something and is probably snoring or sleep-talking (IT’S CANON THAT HE DOES BOTH AND IT’S THE CUTEST THING EVERB I LOVE DAISU). so you may wake up to that or because of that. honestly it’s probably not a big deal since you’ve been with him for this long lol
-uh oh i can feel my dice love coming out ughgjhjhjgjghasd oh no here it goes
-dice 100% wants to go back to sleep once he’s up (”I WAS DREAMING I GOT TRIPLE 7s BABE U GOTTA LET ME GO BACK TO SLEEP”) and you probably just go with it cause he’s r eally cute + u get to hug him for longer so i really don’t see any negatives
-unless you’ve gotta be somewhere then uhh gl!! you’ll have to drag yourself from his grip if you’ve woken up with him holding you and if not you’ll have to manually move each Dice Body Part that is currently laying across you so you can actually move (and you’d probably have to leave just as he’s waking up/he probably hasn’t woken up yet. but if he was up he’d give u the biggest hug ever before thanking you endlessly that you let him stay with you)
-but if you didn’t have to go anywhere it’d be a really relaxing and chill time! Dice isn’t really used to having a place to stay so he’d be SO grateful like aww,,babey ;( 
-he eats so MUCH and isn’t past pouring cereal and milk on toast or something outrageous like that. hopefully you don’t mind him eating so much! he swears he’ll pay you back (and he will for sure). except he says it with his mouth stuffed full of food so you may have to ask him to repeat himself (or you can just make fun of him if you want. he has the best reactions)
-dice is probably itching to head down to the slot machines (esp after his dream lmao) but he’d be content to stay with you for the morning because he usually doesn’t head out this early anyway!! and he loves spending time with you
-if u play mobile gacha games u guys go through the morning login bonuses together aw how romantic
-every morning with dice would be something different cause he’s just an unpredictable guy honestly, like I don’t think you guys would have a set routine. he’d have some wacky dream to tell you about every morning and you just sit there and listen and nod because 9 times out of 10 they make no sense but you go with it because It’s Dice
-he’s so cute please love him he takes all my uwus
-Gentaro is almost always up before you, he strikes me as an early morning person, so you would almost never wake up to him. He’s not used to affection so if you did wake up next to him and hug him or something he’d probably get really tense and wake up immediately. you could possibly get him to go back to sleep but for Gentaro it seems like once he’s up, he’s up
-not in a creepy way or anything, but Gentaro really likes to watch you sleep cause you look so relaxed and peaceful, and it puts him at ease. he takes half a minute or so to appreciate your sleeping face before he gets up for real. He doesn’t realise that sometimes you’re awake when he does this and you are 100% aware of it. but it’s okay you think he’s cute
-he’s probably sitting at the table drinking tea or something. When you get up he probably just smiles at you while you wake up. I’d like to think this is part of the routine, he smiles to acknowledge your presence while you wake up properly and it just sort of happens every morning
-mornings with Gentaro are usually really quiet. Neither of you feel the need to say much, so there’s a fair amount of comfortable silence and it’s really nice. Even if you have a bad sleep, Gentaro will always be waiting at the table with his cup of tea (and some for you if you like it :0) 
-I think he’d like to tell you stories to wake up, especially if you’re stressed! Honestly he’d put so much effort into making you feel loved, but only in ways that aren’t immediately noticeable because he still isn’t used to intimacy and he probably still gets embarrassed even now ow i hurt myself thinking about gentaro’s past ok i’ll stop
-he really enjoys your company no matter what you’re doing, but I think what Gentaro enjoys most about mornings is that you guys just get to talk. He finds you so interesting to speak to (he himself is super interesting?? he knows so much) and he loves learning about you. Early morning and late at night is probably the prime time for you guys to just talk, so that’s what he looks forward to the most. Gentaro is so sappy he’s secretly a big romantic what a softie
-THIS POOR MAN he really really doesn’t wanna get up :^( since he works all weekdays, this would unfortunately be the most common way to spend mornings with him
-his alarm goes off and he just knows he hasn’t had enough sleep, and he wakes up next to you he wants to leave even less, but he has to (the devil works hard but doppo kannonzaka works harder)
-most mornings he wakes up before you, but you’re usually up before he leaves, just in time to wish him the best before he leaves (please give him the biggest hug ever he really deserves all the love). He doesn’t have time to make himself breakfast most likely, so he just has coffee or whatever and leaves. He feels really guilty for not being able to get anything ready for you though :^(
-if you get up before him you could make him breakfast!! He’d really appreciate it and probably apologise for making you do that, but you can assure him it was all of your own will. He would probably be close to tears he’s so happy to have someone like you aww
-on his days off Doppo sleeps like a brick, so you’d almost always wake up before him and he’s definitely tangled up with you cause he really really enjoys your warmth
-he doesn’t wanna get up, so mornings where he doesn’t have work are s o lazy. You just lie in bed with him while he sleeps, but if you really want to get up he’d probably whine and pull you back. It would be an endless struggle and honestly who can say no to him (just look at him..uwu!!!)
-by the time you get up it isn’t the morning anymore. Doppo probably gets anxious about it being another few hours closer to him having to go to work again but he has you there to reassure him that it’s okay, and find something calming for you guys to do for the rest of the day. 
-please love doppo he deserves a big rest!!! i love him so much i want to give him all my support ;( he’s so soft
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