#So Nikolai tries to get more creative; it is a bit of a cat and mouse chase game.
bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
What does Nikolia think of Grem's housemate Mothgo? (@sallychaosaura)
Greetings Anon ^^
I like to think, that for a while Nikolai was not aware that Mothgo even existed, it's kind of the humorous scenario were it was just, never brought up before and Grem thought Nikolai just knew, and then Nikolai one day discovers Mothgo carrying a few light-bulbs with Nikolai letting out a startled shout.
After that first encounter, with Grem and Mothgo explaining everything to Nikolai, I can see him going along, very well with her, he would be polite and is glad that she is around and values her as a great friend.
The only time I can see Nikolai being a bit grumpy, is when he needs a light-bulb, and they are all gone and he has to go/drive to a shop to buy more. However he is not mad or angry at Mothgo, but rather that he has to get to the store.
Yours sincerely
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andorerso · 5 years
writing meme
tagged by @cats-and-metersticks thank you!! :)
Author Name: I guess I’m using wintersend an ao3 if that’s the question... I don’t have like a pen name or anything
Fandoms You Write For: right now mostly just Rogue One/Rebelcaptain, but I did write some fics for Zoya & Nikolai from King of Scars (and I plan to write another one soon) and I also wrote one for Catra & Adora from She-Ra (and I’m also very very slowly working on another one for them too) 
Where You Post: here on tumblr (tagged my fics) and on ao3
Most Popular One-Shot: apparently it’s one of my silliest fics when Cassian overhears Jyn saying that she wants to give him a blowjob.... yep. it has both the most kudos and comments from all my oneshots so I guess it has to be this one. But on tumblr, this one has the most notes though. It’s really short and fluffy so I’m not surprised. 
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: well to be fair, I don’t write a lot of multichapters so it’s definitely imaginary homelands. besides that, I have an unfinished one from almost two years ago, a drabbles collection (does that even count), and a very very short 3 chapters one that is still missing its last chapter. so yeah, it’s not surprising that it would be imaginary homelands, it’s definitely the best one imo
Favorite Story You Wrote: I never thought about it but if I have to choose, I think it’s either imaginary homelands, because ex-relationships is one of my favorite tropes and I always wanted to write one and I’m really happy with how it turned out, or my Secret Santa fic from last year because one of my favorite things that I ever wrote is still Jyn stealing a cake for Cassian, or actually the Supernatural AU because idk, that one was just a lot of fun to write. It’s not my usual writing style and it was great to experiment and I like how it turned out.
Story You Were Nervous to Post: I was the most nervous for the very first one. I think firsts are always so nerve-wrecking. I haven’t reread this one since then so I don’t even know how I feel about it, I mean it’s been almost two years and it was my first time writing Jyn and Cassian so I might not even like how I wrote them in it anymore. But it did actually get a lot of positive response which helped a lot to motivate me to continue writing them.
How Do You Choose Your Titles: song lyrics or poetry lines. all in small caps because I like the aesthetic of it. When I first started out writing fics, I actually tried to come up with titles on my own and it did not work. They were all cringey and horrible so at least song lyrics is aesthetic. My creativity is exhausted by writing the story itself :(
Do You Outline: I did not use to until recently and if it’s something short, I still don’t. But for longer oneshots, and definitely for multichapters I do. I couldn’t have written imaginary homelands without an outline.
Complete: 28 for Rebelcaptain. Overall, for every fandom since I started writing, 114... which is. I did not realize I have written 114 fics, that’s crazy.
In-Progress: hmmm let’s see....
part 3 of the bodyguard au (pt 1 and pt 2)
a vampire au for Halloween (also a sequel to my already existing short vampire au)
angst / hurt-comfort for a prompt
wrong number au
chapter 3 for perseverance
fake married au
plus some stuff I have for other fandoms
I haven’t been working on any of these lately except the Halloween one, which is likely not going to be ready for Halloween because school. But once I’m done with my thesis, I can’t wait to pick these up again.
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started:
more stuff for the Supernatural au... idk what yet, but I definitely want to do more for it
I have a billion other ideas but since I already have too many WIPs I don’t want to start anything else until I finish some of them
that being said, I’ll probably be doing the Secret Santa exchange too so something for that definitely
Do You Accept Prompts: sometimes... it’s just that I’m usually very slow with prompts and I don’t want to keep people waiting. But it can be fun from time to time.
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: sadly none of them really excite me right now, I’m way too exhausted and nervous about my thesis. but hopefully my inspiration and excitement will be back once I’m done with this shit and can relax a bit
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elains · 7 years
oc’s asks who??? ✨ Tell us about Ragnar & Aleksei (easy mode for now 👀)
Answer under the cut because otherwise it’d get too big ♥
Full Name:Aleksei Konstantin Mihlsartt das Voynartion. Aleksei and Konstantin are bothtraditional names from Loriath; Konstantin in particular pays homage to afamous ancestor, Konstantin the Wolf. Mihlsartt and das Voynartion are hisfamily names, the former being his mother’s and the later his father’s.
Gender and Sexuality:Male, Heterosexual.
Ethnicity/Species:Caucasian, with some Elven Blood on his mother’s side and a distant trace of divineblood on his father’s.
Birthplaceand Birthdate: 12th March in the City of Harnov, the Kingdom ofLoriath’s ancient capital.
GuiltyPleasures: Aleksei enjoys reading poetry. A lot. He could quotemany an author on the spot.
Phobias:Not really terrified or afraid of anything. Aleksei was trained to be an elitewarrior from his childhood, and things that would frighten most people arenothing special to him. He may have a bit of a problem with traps since they werethe bane of his trainings.
What TheyWould Be Famous For: The guy who fell in love with a girlfrom a rival family and who was willing to put an age old feud to rest just soshe could be happy. If putting a (hopefully not temporary) end to the intenseanimosity between the das Voynartion and the Aelroth isn’t enough, then his ownnatural talent as one of the most promising warriors of Loriath’s newgeneration and the Crown Prince’s best friend.
What TheyWould Get Arrested For: Fighting in a bar due to an argumentGavriel started and then conveniently stepped aside, because his best friendcan’t fight hand to hand to hand to save his life, and under Lord Nikolai’sorders for placing a spell on his daughter (Which is just him being a desperatefather).
OC You ShipThem With: ALETHEA AELROTH. They’re probably my favourite ship!He fell in love with her when they were young, but due to the bad blood betweentheir families, he couldn’t just talk to her, couldn’t be her friend.Fascinated as he was, Aleksei deliberately annoyed and teased her just to havean excuse to talk to Thea, to have her attention on him. Seduction was toocheap a way to conquer Alethea, she deserved better, and even if he stopped theteasing when he realised the hopelessness of his situation, Aleksei neverstopped loving her. He’s stumped that she eventually fell in love with him too,and still doesn’t quite believe it. Alek is surprised that his family reactedand adapted much better than he ever expected to the “The Heir is in love withan Aelroth” ordeal.
OC MostLikely To Murder Them: Nikolai and Cygnus Aelroth, thefather and brother of Alethea. He’d already be in danger if he were anyoneelse, but as the heir to the das Voynartion, his predicament is even worse.Truth be told, Aleksei is more scared of Callidora’s wrath than anyone else’s.
FavoriteMovie/Book Genre: He doesn’t really have a favouritegenre, being able to enjoy the worst horror and the fluffiest romances. If I’dto say anything, I’d say the epic adventures across fantastical lands and worlds.
LeastFavorite Movie/Book Cliche: Doesn’t like the portrayal of therich and popular, mostly because Aleksei is one of them and knows that peopleare much more complex than what the books and movies show. Well, sure, thereare some people who are rotten, but it hits a bit close to home and his ownfriends. He also detests the hero who gets strong and talented quickly. No,even with natural talent it takes years of practice to get to that level ofskill. He would know.
Talentsand/or Powers: Alek is a warrior trained from childhood, whichwas absolutely expected of the heir of the das Voynartion, but he was lucky (orunlucky) to have a mother whose family also subscribed to the “Training fromHell” philosophy. As such, he’s deadly with almost any weapon in hand, andaided by his Super-velocity is credible threat. His black hair also marks arare power in his bloodline: Fear. Alek can induce fear in people or take itaway, as well as construct images straight from nightmares.
Why SomeoneMight Love Them: He’s one of the goods ones, not a VirtuousCinnamon Roll by any means, but a young man whose heart is in the right place.Aleksei is charismatic, easy going and loyal,  someone who will be there for his friends ifthey need him and call them out if they do something wrong— though he’d neverrat them out. He’s courteous and polite when in conversation and would rathernot get into pointless fights. Alek has a good sense of humour and laughseasily and truly.
Why SomeoneMight Hate Them: Aleksei is cocky and, more often than not,manipulative, knowing the effect his good looks and title have on people andusing it to his advantage. He is ruthless and underhanded when feelingthreatened, which can lead to rather unfortunate mistakes andmisunderstandings. While not one of the meanest ones, Alek doesn’t intervenes either,unless he thinks it’s too much for himself. And since connections wouldguarantee him and his friends free passes out of almost any situation, peopledo have reason to dislike and even hate him.
How TheyChange: Much of it is due to Aleteha’s influence, his desireto do right by her. Aleksei stops trying to be manipulative when he doesn’treally need to be, and to stand up even against what he deep down knows iswrong, or at least not the way it should be.
Why You LoveThem: Aleksei charmed me from the very beginning because Ican imagine him, with all his flaws and qualities, his loyalty to his bestfriend and because his willingness to bury centuries of bad blood for a girlhe’s loved since forever.
Full Name:Ragnar Gawain Verselien Nightmare Artwaltz. Ragnar is a common name within hismother’s family, as well as a reminder of their home on Earth. Verselien andArtwaltz are his mother Lyzz’s family names, and Nightmare his father’s.
Gender andSexuality: Male, Bisexual.
Birthplaceand Birthdate: 30th August, the City of Castra Aersa, theKingdom of Ekalyon.
GuiltyPleasures: Playing with his sister’s cats when she’s notaround.
Phobias:Ever since she stabbed his hand many years ago, Ragnar is terrified of his elder sister Yevgeniya. He took her threat to killhim if he tried to mess with her again quite seriously.
What TheyWould Be Famous For: Pulling a big prank on some fancy,important party (Perhaps a Royal Ball, should Toire allow it), thus causing alot of chaos in the process.
What TheyWould Get Arrested For: Blowing something up he shouldn’thave or accidentally harming people with his actions.
OC You ShipThem With: Blair Larrystein. Ragnar doesn’t care for what peoplebelieve she’s missing, to him Blair is perfect the way she is. He is jealous ofher, and this being Blair, she loves to provoke him. They’ve such a fun butlovely dynamic!
OC MostLikely To Murder Them: Yevgeniya Artwaltz, his oldersister, for messing with her and her stuff. Yeva has no patience whatsoever forRagnar’s pranks and schemes and doesn’t appreciate when they’re aimed at her.She’s violent, Ragnar knows it and decided he doesn’t want to try his luck.
FavoriteMovie/Book Genre: Horror! Delights himself inpredicting what and when and how things will go wrong, finding the despairingsituations the characters are in quite funny and wild.
LeastFavorite Movie/Book Cliche: The Pure Incorruptible Hero, or anyhero who is firmly on the white side of morality, or the lawful. BORING.
Talentsand/or Powers: Like most members of the House of Artwaltz,Ragnar has the Umbrakinesis power, being able to control shadows as he wishes.He also has a familiar like his father, a gargoyle named Czernobog, whoseagility, endurance and wildfire breath makes it a good ally to have in thefield.
Why SomeoneMight Love Them: Ragnar is intelligent and creative, being ableto come up with new ideas and ways out of a situation easily. He’s witty and funny,able to lighten any mood if he so wishes. Mysterious and adventurous, but overallnice to any person.
Why SomeoneMight Hate Them: … However, most of the time Ragnar wants tospread chaos and mayhem and have a good laugh. He lives for it, and nicenessmay just be a means to an end. He’s not particularly careful, or thinks aboutthe repercussions of his actions, how they’ll hurt whomever he targets. He’smore interested in discovering if he can achieve whatever he set out to do andget away with it. Ragnar isn’t really sorry for using people to a certain goal,since he thinks he’s doing nothing bad, nor does he rarely intend to screw themover later.
How TheyChange: There’s more to life than pranks, and if he trulywishes to be someone who can stand by Blair’s side and aid Victoire, there arethings which needs to change. Ragnar learns what is the meaning responsibilityand of consequences, and how his “innocent” pranks can cause people harm.
Why You LoveThem: My Dark Marauder! Honestly, Ragnar is such a funcharacter, one of the few of mine whose Chaotic alignment shines through AND ILOVE IT. He’s loyal like a dog, perhaps a bit insane and at the same timeclever, and I love him.
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luthorao3 · 3 years
Okay, so I’m breaking these up otherwise I can see myself going on forever and the ask being massive (plus I’ve only written down three so far and knowing me I’ll get derailed by something else so I want to send in something before that happens as it'll probably take a bit to get me back on track).
I’m taking some creative license with these (also a few things might go against canon history of the characters as I haven’t read all the QOT routes), but here’s my initial ideas/HCs for a Creature-AU Poppy:
Vivienne is a succubus. She feeds off of sexual desire and has a natural instinct with what buttons to push with what people, something she takes full advantage of as the Poppy’s seductress. She does not have the same instinct when it comes to romantic feelings, however, so succubus-Vivienne’s flight-reaction to MC is even more evident because she does not know how to deal and she does not know how to figure out what MC wants romantically like she can with sex. She also has very strong opinions on how some succubus are shown in the media, or even just what the myths have got wrong.
For Nikolai I tried to think of something more mainstream, but I got the idea into my head of him being a cat-sith and the idea won’t leave, so that’s sticking (for context, the exact version I’m thinking of is a witch who can transform into a cat nine times but on the last time is forever stuck as a cat – people think it’s where the myth of a cat’s nine lives comes from). I imagine that his bloodline had some magic in their blood and it just so happened that Nikolai was that specific brand of witch. I imagine he has only turned into a cat a couple of times. Once when he discovered it, and second shortly after his family’s deaths where he transformed in fear, grabbed Elizabeth and escaped.
Jett is a wyvern, capable of taking human form (I’m going on the basis that most creatures are capable of appearing fully human to blend in – let’s say it’s a shapeshifting thing). Wyverns are the cousins of dragons, with two main differences: they have two legs instead of four, and wyverns aren’t able to breath fire like dragons do. The fire-thing is often used by dragons to look down on wyverns, so Jett was constantly experimenting with fire and how to make stuff explode because he can make fire if he wants to damn it.
your MIND.
every day evil succubusses try to seduce me into writing erotic literature of them every day 😖
nikolai as a cat im YELLING that’s PERFECT oh my goodness. i’ve never heard of cat-sith before but my GOD. that’s the dream, isn’t it?
adore jett as a wyvern!!! making his own fire!!!!!!!
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